#i will compensate you for your generous input by helping you or your children with high school or AP English courses
bloomingonionbitch · 1 year
(i'm going to blaze this post because teachers report to campus in 22 days and students return after we have five days of PD and prep).
Regardless of age, grade, subject, etc. would y'all mind sharing your perspectives on classroom environments and design?
I started at my current campus in February after the school cycled through three other teachers, and the room I inherited was mostly full of garbage (not hyperbole or sarcasm). I very much believe in co-creating spaces with students, but my prep period is at the tail-end of the day and once school starts it's like being launched on Disney's Hollywood Studios' "Rockin' Rollercoaster," except the ride lasts 180 days and there's no continuous soundtrack.
There also is a dominant teacher aesthetic that ranges from chevron everything to pastel bohemian to various interpretations of rainbow - it's great if you like that! But it can become expensive (purchasing materials or printing out decoration files online) or just straight up overwhelming.
Think back to your time in school - what made certain classrooms more inviting or easier to learn/focus in? Things to consider:
- Colors and patterns used in dècor
- Seating arrangements and options
- What was on the walls? Educational or inspirational content? Student work? Nothing at all? Your teacher's quirky obsession?
- What was your favorite room in school? Your least favorite? Why?
- Did the decorations or theme change throughout the year or stay the same?
- What do you wish you had in your classrooms growing up that you've come to appreciate or need now?
For context, I teach middle school media studies, which include journalism, yearbook, and a literary magazine. Class sizes of 20+. I teach in the desert and oh! My room doesn't have any windows!
***I can write grants and thrift, but I can't afford Loop earplugs for every kid, etc. Also - fire code (I know some folks really love the sky covers for fluorescent lights, but they're a fire hazard)!
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
About YZY leaving YMJ/JFM with her kids Post-WWX Arrival
Dear Dee, feel free to delete or ignore this or post it, whatever floats your boat. This just stuck in my head after those posts and I had to blurt it all to someone. Thanks for taking the time to read my word vomit.
So I had to do this instead of an ask because it got long and I wasn't sure how many asks it'd need or how short I could cut it down without losing parts of the argument. And then other things came up as I was writing and, well.  Well..... >_>;;;; 
But you know, after that post/ask you had about YZY fics saying 'Fuck U' to YMJ/JFM & leaving both with her kids, I had a sarcastic 'yeah right' attitude about it. Mainly due to a lot of negation emotions to such an abusive (and delusional) bitch, partly due to how she wouldn't do that since it doesn't seem to be something her sort of character would consider either because she'd think of it as 'losing' (losing what, IDK, it's why I consider her type of person crazy) or she legit wouldn't think about such a viable action.
But then later, in the shower, I seriously went 'Wait, she can't fucking do that' and it wouldn't be about how MXTX uses her as a part of the narrative but entirely about the/their culture in the novel; the actions that have and would be taken in response; and her entire toxic personality as well.
1) We already know that the sects and the cultivation world in general is sexist, elitist and so Capital T 'Traditional' to the point that it's starting to petrify and any deviancy from this is an exception rather than the norm. YZY might be a madame of a great sect (for what that's worth considering how shit of a madame she's been and the titles she's chosen for herself) but she's still a woman even with her high rank and the things she's personally accomplished.
Even if she was in her rights to leave a 'bad' marriage, she'd be the one who'd get scolded more instead of JFM by her natal family, her former husband's family and by their entire society at large even if she had a few singular supporters. Because That's Not How Things Are Done in their society and I do believe that such a thing was rare even when it was accepted method by the upper echelons. Especially since it would have to be done by more than YZY simply deciding that She Wants Out and just- goes and Gets Out. With no serious allegations that would allow her to divorce or separate from YMJ/JFM without the input from her family, JFM's family and, I think, possibly some measure of compensation as well. And no, having or bringing in a 'bastard child' is not a serious enough offence for such a humongous decision. I think something more along the lines of treason or crimes against multiple, high-ranking parties would be more along the lines. Maybe.
And even if she does this, she'd be considered 'Used Goods' (such a terrible comment) and there'd be no other good/proper marriage prospects for a divorced woman with children let alone a woman like YZY with her entire abrasive personality and attitude put off even easy-going JFM.
(If she'd been widowed then it'd be more forgiven but I consider that a Real Bad End since, IMO, it would lead to the sudden and inevitable decline of YMJ either via mass exodus of disciples and/or residents of LP; being merged with another sect due to it's unstable leadership; or create an internal political war 'cause I bet you anything that the YMJ Elders/relatives (if they have any) Would Not Want YZY in charge of YMJ when she's already proven herself such a shit betrothed let alone madame.)
2) Speaking of families, while YMJ/JFM/LP as a whole might be glad to see YZY's back, I don't think her natal sect, MSY, will be glad to see her come storming back after all the effort they put into getting that particular marriage alliance with YMJ. And if she brings her children with her? Oh man, oh boy- mother or not, that could be considered as kidnapping or line theft (is that a thing?) especially if YZY is also seriously considering divorce proceedings and raising them as Yu and not Jiang. That could give leave to, for anyone more unforgiving and maybe JFM if he's pushed enough, disown both JYL and JWY from the Jiangs through no fault of their own (though I'm sure YZY would make it so as well as blame JFM for her own decisions and mistakes).
Therefore, any inheritance or benefits they might gain for being legitimised children of a great sect are forfeited. JYL will likely lose that betrothal with JZX because JGS will drop it like a hot potato and JWY won't be a sect heir because YZY literally decided to remove that by deciding to raise JWY as a Yu, no matter their blood relation to JFM. They leave him, they leave YMJ and everything attached with it. Which is if YMJ/JFM doesn't demand MSY to give back their heir/ess and to punish YZY for her actions. Or send all three of them back for the appropriate reactions/decisions.
Their society would demand no less in reaction because, to them, it would seem like YZY had gone mad and JFM would look weak (or weaker) and imply that YMJ is vulnerable and exploitable if JFM doesn't do something in response to her actions. That's not even getting into what the other smaller sects may try to do in an attempt to curry favour with YMJ or what LLJ or QSW would try in order to destroy or diminish YMJ. And whether JFM chooses to demand his children back or not, it may not change the fact that this may give him reason enough to choose a nephew or niece to be the new sect heir especially if, even after getting rid of YZY's poisonous influence, JWY grows up to be his mother's child more than his father's or even his own person.
Either way, such a thing would bring great backlash on YZY, and MSY as well as the collateral. No one would want to give face to her or her children because it would bring up some very uncomfortable questions and scenarios to the other sects- specifically, what would happen if the female members of their clans/sets decided to follow the footsteps of YZY and leave with their children and heirs. Especially if they use it as an excuse to leave for their own comfort and whims and not some legitimate wrongs and dangers. That would create some more restrictions on women thanks to YZY
3) And lastly, if any one of those idiot YZY stans think that she'd ever give up the status of being a madame of a great sect they'd be as crazy or crazier than her. YZY is all about status and power and face. Specifically, her status, power and face and how people in her reach reflect her or 'insult' her. She is a selfish, terrible, abusive and toxic person and can only see people in regards to how they would benefit her and the elevation of her and in no other way. Especially her family. They cannot be their own person, they can only be an extension of her and gods forbid they go against her.
We can see this in how she treats the people she supposedly loves. JFM? Arguments day in, day out along with accusations and slander of cheating, having one(1) supposed 'bastard' and being 'in love' with CSSR. Which all seems sus as hell. And that's when she's actually there and not out 'night hunting'. Even her 'training' seems to border on unhelpful rather then helpful if my vague recollections of juniors fainting from exhaustion can be relied upon (please call me out if they're not or find proof).
JYL? Berated by not being 'strong' but not helped at all to be 'strong'. It doesn't help that YZY seems to believe in the same standards strength in their society- that is, of martial masculine strength which does not and should not apply to JYL who has been said to be sickly. Which means h should have been learning a different way of cultivation/fighting anyway.  If that was something she wanted and had been offered in the first place- which I doubt. That isn't even getting into her repeated generational trauma mess of a betrothal which was decided only by those 'sworn sisters', accepted by her as a way out of her terrible home life and puts her squarely within reach of JGS who we know to be a womaniser, rapist, predator and a possible ephebophile considering we don't know the exact age of his youngest 'conquest' or the age of MZY's mother when they met which could be anywhere from 14 to 21.
JWY? Gods, so much meta on him and his(non-) relationships with his parents that I don't think I can contribute more to it. It's been all said and done. Unless people want me to stir the pot by saying that, maybe, just maybe, YZY resents JWY as much as she 'loves' him.Either because he's her son and yet never manages to 'accomplish as much' as WWX or because he's a boy and therefore, more benefits and allowances than a girl/woman- more than anything that YZY ever got without either a fight or screaming at someone about. *shrug*
So, in conclusion to this sudden an unexpected essay that I wrote(I'm so sorry about that, I thought it would be shorter -.-;;;;), YZY leaving YMJ/JFM with her kids? Impossible. Not without some sort of personality transplant or a complete AU. She's too prideful, too bitter, too angry, too everything negative and little positive. She's a resentful product of the values and restraints of her society taken to the extreme negative with a willingness to inflict her pain on others to an abusive degree. But she's also too obsessed and reliant on those same values and restraints to keep up the image of her status. So her? Giving those up? You'd be more likely to see WRH as a doting grandfather than that.
Dee - All of this is true and yes YZY leaving YMJ is highly unlikely. While there will be consequences if she decides to leave, she does canonically lives separately from her husband. They seem to be in a situation where they are married but living separately, which was a common way to end a marriage (at least in spirit) back then. She essentially had all the perks of being Madam Jiang but fulfilled none of the responsibilities.
Afaik, her training the Jiang disciples is a donghua thing? I may be wrong but I recall she spent most of her time nighthunting.
As for taking her children along with her- that's completely impossible. At that point, children were the property of the father. She could leave but she would've never been allowed to take JC.
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mephistagain · 3 years
Everything, or Nothing At All
Hello good, sweet, kind, wonderful friends who follow Flawed by Design.
Here is an epilogue which will not appear in the actual story, but which I*gleefully embraced and ran, ran so far away*toyed with the idea of at one point a few months ago. 
If you’d prefer to wait for me to finish FbD prior to reading any spoilerish content, abort reading now.
John parked the warthog in the usual spot at the edge of the redwoods. He retrieved his pack, slung it over his shoulder, and hauled the camo tarp atop the vehicle so that it didn’t stand out like a sore thumb against the backdrop of the verdant mountainside. Then he turned and started into the forest. The trek generally took him two hours, and while the warthog could handle the terrain for part of the way, he preferred the solitude of travelling on foot. 
Briar had also complained on the one occasion he had driven closer that the approach had been about as inconspicuous as he was - which was evidently not very, he’d been given to understand. 
The hike gave him time to clear his head of the latest sim test results, the monotony of base life, and the lingering impotency of being involuntarily removed from active duty. He was still a highly functioning tactical asset, so while he understood the decision as it had been explained to him by Brass as a matter of PR, he didn’t like it. Linda didn’t either, but she never complained. Unsurprisingly, Fred and Kelly were transitioning from life in the field with the most ease. They were anticipating instructional appointments as an opportunity to guide and shape the next generation of Spartan-IVs. 
Not him.
Pausing, John examined the trunk of one of the towering trees - more specifically the scarred markings some animal’s claws had torn into its bark. She’d informed him when he’d last left that there was a cougar lurking in the area. He continued on, the familiar weight of the M6H2 strapped to his thigh precluding any concerns about crossing paths with the predator. The territorial scorings didn’t appear recent, sap had already wept over the abrasions and hardened, but he still recentred his focus. Which wasn’t easily done as he tallied up just how long it’d been since he’d last left base. 
An unfamiliar weight settled in his gut, but he knew it for what it was - guilt. Seven weeks was not inconsiderable. And while it hadn’t been his intention to avoid returning, neither had he sought rec time or leave in order to do so. Hadn’t even given it much thought between the day in, day out routine trials Blue team had been selected to participate in for the Gen3 MJOLNIR platform.
He now had to wonder if that had been subconsciously purposeful because of his conflicted feelings over the pregnancy. Briar had encouraged him to seek the input of Fred, Linda, and Kelly, and yet he’d not done that either. Not even when Fred had noted that he was behaving more introvertedly than was characteristic of him. The reason for that, at least, was logical. As Blue team’s leader, undermining the others’ confidence in him by requisitioning advice on a subject none of them were more likely to have experience with than he did was irrational. Fred and Kelly may be more sociable than he was, but he doubted they were concealing clandestine children out there in the systems somewhere. The thought nearly made him snort, in fact. 
The elevation increase and time elapsed since he’d set out from the warthog suggested he was better than halfway there now. 
Would she be displeased with him? He hadn’t gotten the sense his initial reaction had caused her to be so. If anything, she’d seemed as uncertain about the development as he’d been. She hadn’t questioned him when he’d prepared to head back to base earlier than planned. Just requested that he speak with his fellow Spartan-IIs. 
The issue stemmed from the fact John had never factored children into his future. He’d factored another few decades of service in. But not much beyond that. And now, here he was; forced into semi-retirement for all intents and purposes, and staring fatherhood down the barrel. What that even involved, he couldn’t begin to fathom. His memories of his own childhood were so watered down and repressed that it took a Herculean effort just to recall that he’d possessed one at some distant point in the past. He would have a duty to protect the child, that much was obvious. And provide for it - though with the healthy settlement he’d been saddled with as compensation from the UNSC, there should prove no barrier to that. 
What would life for a child born to two Spartans even look like? It had never been explicitly expressed, but there wasn’t a shadow of doubt in his mind they’d never been expected to produce offspring. And while the inquisition into Orion and the subsequent Spartan programs had clued up, and public perception had shifted dramatically in light of its innumerable findings, it still didn’t feel as though society was prepared for Spartans to fully re-integrate. At least, not IIs and IIIs. The IVs had been regular enlisted before being recruited into their program. They’d led normal lives. Had families. No so for his and Briar’s generation. Despite having been stationed there for six months now, Blue team still received a variety of conspicuous reactions from the base’s other personnel as they went about their assigned duties. He ignored them, but the relief of leaving it all behind when he drove past the last checkpoint and the wild landscape opened up before the warthog had been palpable. 
The fact he looked forward to Briar’s company wasn’t the enigmatic response it had initially presented as to him any longer. With her, he was just John. And whatever that entailed, she took in stride. No expectations. 
He smelled it before he saw it. The copper tang of blood hung heavy in the air as he approached the clearing the cottage occupied on the ridge. Through the foliage, tawny hide could be glimpsed. Brandishing his sidearm, he strained his honed senses for further signs of intrusion as he stalked in towards his quarry. Within twenty metres, John could detect the error in his assessment. The once-predator’s pelt hung from a make-shift frame of pliable branches, stretched out wide in a curious display of victory. So, she’d taken care of the cougar. Bypassing the trophy, he was returning the magnum to its holster when he noted the smear on the doorframe. Briar wasn’t as fastidiously tidy and organized as he was wont to be, but a bloody handprint seemed grisly even for her to disregard cleaning up. 
John glanced back to the hide. The dark stain from blood which had pooled beneath it seemed to indicate it’d been hung there for some time. Hours, probably. His attention returned to the smeared handprint. Was it possibly not the result of the animal’s blood, but her own? Had she been injured?
“Briar?” he called not without apprehension as he pushed through the door and inside. Crimson droplets led directly across the rustic floorboards towards the lav. His heart rate kicked up a notch. She hadn’t responded. Dropping the pack with a thud, he stepped over the trail as he strode to the open doorway. No light spilled out, so he wasn’t surprised not to find her within, but the open med kit, mess of bandaging supplies, and blood ringing the sink did alarm him more than he cared to admit. She’d treated herself for whatever wound she’d received, he reasoned with himself. Everything was likely fine. 
Noise outside pulled John away from the chaos which had been unleashed in the lav. He re-emerged from the cottage just as Briar was latching the door on the small tool shed he’d insisted they erect during his last visit, to remove the clutter of equipment from the limited space offered in the main living structure. 
She looked about as bewildered by his presence as he felt about the scene he’d witnessed upon arrival, but as usual, recovered first. “Could have used your help earlier,” she commented while wiping her dirty hands on her already soiled pants. A combination of blood and grime interrupted their dark green camo patterning. 
“With the cougar?” he surmised, having paused just outside the door.
“With burying it.”
That explained the mud, anyway. “Are you alright?” She appeared whole, but the med kit had been rummaged through for a purpose. Her black t-shirt revealed a few shallow lacerations on her arms, but none of them were bandaged.
Briar shrugged, or began to, though the motion was cut short by a grimace. “It got the jump on me, nothing serious.” She lingered by the shed, her gaze having shifted to the hide. “Should have driven it off a while ago.” It didn’t seem a conscious action, but one of her hands drifted briefly to her abdomen before falling back to her side.
It hit him with the sheer, unrestrained force of a NOVA. She’d been in danger - the child she carried, his child, had been in danger - and he hadn’t even known. No matter his uncertainty, the overwhelming and fierce instinct to protect that precious unborn life consumed him with an abruptness he’d never before experienced in his 48 years. He didn’t know what to expect from fatherhood, but the fear of having that opportunity snatched away by variables outside his control was perhaps the realest he’d ever known. 
She was eying him pensively as he closed the distance between them. Dark strands of hair had escaped her braid and smudges on her cheek and temple implied she’d probably been pushing the loose locks out of her eyes. He reached up to do so for her now after she’d unsuccessfully attempted to blow them out of her line of sight. 
“Are you going to tell me what you’re thinking, or should I stand here waiting like an idiot for you to say something for another ten minutes first?”
“I’m thinking that cougar chose its prey unwisely.” 
She rolled her eyes, but they then shot down to where his hand had come to rest over her stomach before she could reply. 
“And that I shouldn’t have waited so long to come back,” he supplied with regret. Not only did he now comprehend how cowardly it had been, even if it shamed him to ascribe such a trait to himself, it had nearly cost him more than he’d at first understood. 
Briar was regarding him with an unreadable expression. She hadn’t stepped back, but neither did she seem particularly welcoming of his proximity. What must she have thought of him as the weeks had stretched on in his absence? “I knew you would,” she said after some time. “Eventually.” It didn’t sound as though that certainty had reassured her much, it was more of a statement of fact.
“I didn’t speak to the others about it.” She deserved to know he’d disregarded her request along with leaving her out here alone without explanation.
“But I’m going to. When I go back.”
“It was just a suggestion-”
“What were the bandages for?” he cut her off, having already made up his mind on the matter. Blue team might not be able to offer parenting advice, but they would give him their honest assessment of the situation. And since the added responsibility could potentially affect his performance as team leader, they needed to be aware of that. 
Sighing, she turned around and lifted her shirt to reveal the gauze padding haphazardly taped to her back. Blood had already seeped through several wads, suggesting the wounds they covered were deeper than those on her arms. “I’m going to clean up the shitstorm in there, I just wanted to deal with that asshole before dark,” she said while shooting the pelt a miffed glare and dropping her shirt again. 
“So you decided to skin it.”
“Only after it tried to eat me.” 
John took her by the arm to gently propel her inside. Fortunately, she didn’t resist. In the lav, he again turned her so that she faced the opposite direction and pulled the t-shirt up and over her head, prompting her to lift her arms in the process. Then he began the painstaking process of peeling the medical tape off, doing so slowly so as not to aggravate the injuries beneath. 
All of this, Briar endured cooperatively in silence. Even when he applied the biogel, which he knew from plenty of personal experience, stung owing to its antiseptic component. Once he’d reapplied the bandaging in plush squares, he returned the supplies to the med kit and rinsed out the sink. 
She was still standing in the same spot, shirt held in one hand as she faced the shower unit. Her posture didn’t point towards being receptive to physical contact, so he leaned against the doorframe to give her some space.
“Listen, I’ve been thinking… if this isn’t something you want to go through with, I understand.”
The sudden remark set him on edge almost as swiftly as the cougar pelt had. “Explain,” he prompted her when no further information was offered. 
“Explain what - that neither one of us would have any clue how to raise a kid?” She was shaking her head and he knew without needing her to say more exactly where her doubts stemmed from. She’d confessed before to having no memory of her parents, and his own were vague impressions in the few flashbacks he’d experienced over the years.
“I want to try.”
When she turned around finally, she was frowning. “It’s not something you ‘try’, John. There are no trial runs. No sims. You can’t fuck it up, you don’t get to reset to alpha position.”
Jaw setting with determination, he pushed away from the doorway. “Then we don’t fail.” They’d been forged with a will to succeed at all costs as ingrained as the fundamental functions of breathing, eating, or sleeping. 
“And we’re going to base it off of what? How Mendez treated us? The other drill instructors? AIs?” Briar moved to bypass him, but he prevented her by blocking her path. It wasn’t difficult in the confined space. “I won’t be responsible for screwing some kid up as badly as we were.”
“Some kid?” John repeated, chest tightening at the description of the child even now developing in her womb. He searched her features for some sign she held no attachment whatsoever to the new life they’d inadvertently created. All he saw was diffidence and frustration. This time when she tried to squeeze past, he caged her in against the cabinet the sink was built into, an arm to either side to keep her there. “I see you,” he told her, voice even despite his own inner turmoil. He couldn’t pressure her into a role she wasn’t prepared to undertake. Even if he’d come to the conclusion it was what he wanted. One of the few things he’d ever wanted - not because it was a duty he’d been trained and groomed to carry out, but because it was one he desired the privilege of fulfilling.
Dropping her gaze, she balled up the shirt. Her shoulders rose and fell with shallow breaths, another indication of her state of agitation. 
It wasn’t something that came naturally to him, but he brought one hand up to cup her face nonetheless, offering her the comfort he perceived she required in that moment. He still recalled the light and foreign touch of her own fingers upon his cheek in ‘Vadam’s keep. It’d been the first time anyone other than Fred, Kelly, Sam, or Linda had laid a hand on him for a purpose other than addressing an injury, delivering punishment, or examining his MJOLNIR since he’d been conscripted into the Spartan program. She’d advised him not to analyze it, but that’d proven impossible when, from that moment forth, a steadily growing part of him he hadn’t previously known existed had craved that contact. Expressing that hadn’t been something he’d been aware of how to do, or even whether he should do. 
“What’s going on in there?” she asked quietly.
Chagrined to have lost focus, his brow furrowed. He ran his thumb over the dirt smudged across her cheekbone, but it didn’t remove the blemish. Neither did it diminish her appeal, however. “Thinking,” he answered. “About you.” About how much had changed for him in the time they’d known each other, none of it anything he could have ever predicted.
She was waiting for him to elaborate, he could tell.
“And about being something other than a Spartan.” Something more. Something he chose. “But only if it’s what you want.” 
Her lips grazed his palm as she turned her head. She pressed a kiss there. “I want you.” Rising up onto the balls of her feet, she gripped his shoulders, the t-shirt slipping to the floor. “I want everything. With you. And it scares me, John.” And he could see it in her eyes. That terror. The fear of daring to want something. 
Carefully drawing her in close with an arm around the small of her back, which hadn’t sustained any gouges, John held her gaze. “Someone told me being human can be like that.” He was expecting physical repercussions for the cheeky reminder, namely a punch, but gladly obliged when Briar instead tugged on his tags. Lowering his head, he released a pained grunt when her mouth only briefly met his before she captured his lower lip between her teeth. 
“Smartass,” she scolded him with relish and then kissed him - properly this time. 
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bnha-mcu-requests · 4 years
Prompt #13
A villain kidnaps the hero’s sidekick only to find out they have been badly mistreated; the villain decides to take them under their wing.
‘What an extraordinarily shitty end to a shitty day’ Shouto thought to himself as he sat, arms aching and wrists sore from the pressure of the cuffs.
‘It wasn’t really the cuffs though’, he mused, remembering the harsh ‘training’ he had undergone that morning. His nerves twinged at the reminder of the strain they had been under.
Another minute crept by and Shouto sighed again, shifting slightly to lean more comfortably against the wall, rough surface cutting into the barely healed bruises on his back. He winced slightly before leaning into the pain, relishing in the stimulation to his otherwise numb body.
Outside the door, he could make out muffled laughs and shouting, celebrations no doubt, after all, they had just ‘acquired’ a useful asset.
Shouto couldn’t help the snort, as if he could be anything more than a burden to these people, no matter how rough his treatment, he would not be betraying – The door slid open with quiet hiss and if it weren’t for the overwhelming silence that followed it, Shouto was sure he would have missed it.
Silhouetted in the light of the doorway was a ma – boy. His hair barely contained by the beanie stuffed on top, and short stature enhanced by the two taller figures flanking his sides, just outside the threshold. He stumbled as one of the figures shoved him in, teetering precariously on his toes before somehow regaining his balance and glaring at the blond assailant.
No words were exchanged, just a flash of too sharp teeth from the red head before the door slid shut again, leaving Shouto with a kid as his only company.
Seconds ticked by before the celebrations picked back up outside the door and Shouto allowed himself to breath again, drawing the attention of the boy unto himself. He couldn’t help the annoyance that growled beneath his skin at the recognition in the viridian eyes as they appraised him.
“Holy shit! You’re Shoto! You’re Endeavor’s sidekick, right? Oh my God that must – “
‘Here it comes,’ Shouto thought, preparing himself for the spout of hero worship he was about to hear.
“- suck balls dude he’s a dick, no offense”
Shouto couldn’t have stopped the shocked snort even if he had wanted to. He turned wide eyes onto the boy, noting the sympathy and disgust that danced across freckled cheeks, amusement hinted at in glowing eyes, clearly finding Shouto’s disbelief humorous.
“Wha-what? What did you say?”
The boy quickly brought his hands up as if to appease Shouto, waving them as he stammered out a response.
“Nothing bad on you, honest. It’s just, he’s not really a hero, is he? I mean, causing death and destruction in the name of justice seems more like a twisted version of his own morals, y’know? And not to mention the amount of damage he causes during his fights. I mean, I know that in this society, there is gonna be collateral damage, but honestly, who’s taxes does he think are paying to have them fixed? Also, I heard that he is real dicksnort when it comes to his kids, Kaacchan was telling me about how he basically uses them...” His rant quickly devolved into passionate mumbling as his distaste for the ‘hero’ made itself known.
A small thump from Shouto leaning his head back to take it all brought him back from wherever the boy’s mind had taken him.
“But that’s not to say anything bad about you Mr Shoto sir! I think you’re a real hero! I’ve seen you limiting how much damage he does using your ice! And the way you swoop in and help protect civilians that have the misfortune of being in the ‘splash zone’ is super cool!”
Shouto could not believe his ears. This boy, he got it. After years and years of waiting for someone to notice how unsuitable Endeavor was, it’s a boy trapped in the same predicament that he was, who finally saw the truth.
“Who are you?” he managed to mutter, throat aching, bringing his attention to the fact that it had been a few hours since he last drank anything, and due to the extremes in temperature he held, his body compensated it through a need for regular hydration, less he begin to suffer from heatstroke or hypothermia.
“My name is Izuku Midoriya. It’s nice to meet you Mr Shoto!” The boy grinned, his smile lighting up the room, and Shouto briefly wondered if it had anything to do with the boy’s quirk.
“Just Shouto, Midoriya, you don’t need to add Mister. You don’t look that much younger than me anyway”
“Oh! I’m not younger than you, we’re the same age. I know I don’t look it, I’m too short to be 18 huh?” Izuku responded, not looking offended in the slightest, as though it was a common occurrence for him to be mistaken for someone much younger. Shouto could see why.
The boy was short. Not ‘could be mistaken for a garden gnome’ short, but he clearly didn’t hold a candle to Shouto’s 6ft, even sat down, the height difference was obvious. He had fluffy hair that shone a deep green when the light from the overhead lamp caught it and his freckled cheeks only added to the young face.
Despite the small frame, Midoriya didn’t look frail or thin, he in fact looked quite built, muscled but not overly so, reminding Shouto of a swimmer or runner, his lithe body giving away the hidden strength under the somewhat too big black t-shirt that read ‘formal attire’ in big bold letters.
His eyes were glowing with intelligence beyond his appearance though and his smile seemed just a little too sharp to fit the childish look. ‘Not young then, he doesn’t look young, just…unburdened’
As though Izuku could hear his thoughts, his grin grew in size, almost blinding his cell mate.
“Would you like me to take your cuffs off Shouto?” he asked, fingers twitching in his lap, as though he couldn’t wait to reach up and fiddle with the metal strips. Shouto couldn’t help the lick of hope in his stomach despite knowing Midoriya would not be able to remove them, quirk suppressing cuffs were also invulnerable to quirks from the outside as well.
He nodded, even so, only just hiding the small smile that pleaded to be free when he saw excitement bubble in wide, green eyes. He prepared himself for the disappointment that would inevitably follow the realisation that Midoriya could no-
The cuffs loosened and fell to the ground with an audible clunk. Unprepared for the sudden release in pressure and the reappearance of his quirk flowing through his veins, Shouto slumped to the floor with an oomf.
He looked up at the boy who was now leaning over him, mischief present in his eyes, making him look remarkably like an imp. He smirked, and Shouto noticed a red hair grip slotted between his teeth before Midoriya slipped it back into the mess of his hair, burying under the beanie, that by some miracle, hadn’t slipped off.
“How?” Midoriya brought a long finger up to his nose, and still grinning, tapped it twice.
“So Shouto,” Midoriya grunted out as he made himself comfortable, sat crisscross from the Todoroki, “Why are you here?”
Shouto pulled himself up to lean against the wall again, rubbing his sore wrists, not noticing as Izuku’s eyes flickered down to them, noting the strain bruises littering the inside of his arm with a note of disapproval.
Shouto didn’t know how long he sat and talked with Izuku Midoriya, but it didn’t seem to matter. The boy was interested and knew how to carry on the conversation effortlessly, his charm and wit making it easy for Shouto to talk. He nodded where needed and inserted his input and opinions whenever Shouto said something that made him think.
Thinking back, Shouto tried to remember the last time he had talked for so long with someone, so easily. He came up blank.
By the end of his story, Midoriya’s less than sunny opinion on the flaming landfill had dropped dramatically and his eyes visibly darkened whenever he was brought up. Shouto again, dismissed it as part of the boy’s quirk, a point that had yet to come up in conversation, despite him adding his thoughts and advice on Shouto’s own.
“Midoriya – “
“Just Izuku, if you will Shouto,”
“Izuku, what is your quirk? I noticed that you haven’t mentioned it and it would be useful for me to know if we plan on getting out of here together,”
Shouto couldn’t understand the shocked look on the boy’s face, “Together?” he asked quietly, as though the notion of them both escaping hadn’t even crossed his mind.
“Of course, together”, Shouto frowned as the boy’s face split into another grin before he proudly proclaimed to the quiet room’ “I’m quirkless!”.
Shouto’s face fell as he realised what this meant. Izuku’s face immediately became more closed off as he noticed the change in expression, “Is that an issue?” he asked, voice cold.
The young Todoroki couldn’t help the shiver as he rushed to fix the misunderstanding, “Not at all Izuku! I was just disappointed in myself for not being able to protect you from this, as a hero it’s my job to help others and I feel that, as you have ended up here despite it being my job to protect you, that I have failed. I’m no better than my father.”
A small, gentle smile fixed itself onto the boy who now sat next to Shouto. “I think you’re a much better hero than your father Shouto Todoroki, but the question is, do you really want to be a hero?”
Shouto looked up at the boy, confusion swimming in mismatched eyes. Question, clear on his lips as Izuku’s smile widened into a grin.
“It is my opinion that modern day heroes are a sham, they are merely poor imitations of the comic book superheroes that children idolise in their youth. Too many focus on public opinion rather than public safety, so many rush to attend fan signings rather than help those that they pass on the street every day. Heroes are a publicity stunt that is slowly choking the younger generation of quirk users, those with ‘villainous quirks’ disowned and isolated while those with flashy, powerful quirks are encouraged to step on those ‘lesser’ than them to achieve their heroic status”
“But- “
“How do you think those people treat the quirkless Todoroki?”
Shouto flinched at the use of his last name, recalling all the times his father had cursed the quirkless, often referring to them as cannon fodder, liabilities and wastes of space.
“Exactly. I know what your father thinks of people like me, but I also know that you don’t follow his thought process Shouto. I know that you’re different and I want your help to show others that we are not useless and that we are not to be used as steppingstones. I want someone like you who knows first-hand that just because society deems you a hero, does not make you a good human being. So many people have forgotten that these things can be mutually exclusive.”
Shouto’s head was reeling with all this new information. Gone was the small boy that Shouto had spoken with before, here stood a confident young man, eyes aflame with conviction, and a knowing smile, as though he knew that Shouto would agree with him.
He couldn’t help the traitorous sliver of excitement at the thought of Endeavor finally being exposed as the fraud and monster that he truly was, and Shouto shakily nodded and took Midoriya’s extended hand, knowing full well he had just signed his soul over to the devil.
Well, it that devil was Izuku Midoriya, then Shouto didn’t think it would be so bad.
“Now, I think it’s about time we left this icky room Shoucchan”
Shouto blinked, surprised at the sudden appearance of the nickname. He could only watch with growing trepidation as Izuku walked over to the door and gave six sharp knocks to the thick metal. Immediately, all noise from the outside disappeared and Shouto took a step back when the door opened, revealing the same two figures who had thrown Izuku in, grinning at the boy, a certain foreign fondness in their eyes that try as he might, Shouto could not recognise.
They quickly parted to allow Izuku through and Shouto followed with his eyes as the boy stepped into the well-lit room outside, filled with other teens and young adults that all grinned at Izuku before turning to face Shouto who stood, uncertain, in the cell.
Izuku turned to face him, a happy smile splitting his face.
“Kaacchan, Eicchan, show Shoucchan out, we’ll be in contact soon, so keep and eye on your phone!”
He then disappeared into the sea of people that suddenly swamped him and Shouto could barely process what had happened before he found himself outside in a familiar alleyway.
Night had long since fallen but Shouto was unable to fall asleep, his brain trying desperately to make sense of what had happened that day. When he had arrived home, he had given his father some bullshit excuse about having to help out the police with a small case, unable to understand why he hadn’t told him what had really happened.
His phone buzzed on the bedside table and looking at the message, Shouto was reminded why. He lay back down onto the bed, smiling at the ceiling and drifted off, dreaming of the endeavor-less world that he was sure Izuku would usher in.
“Goodnight Shoucchan. I hope you sleep well. You’re first step towards a brighter future begins tomorrow – Izuku”
Signing his soul off to the devil indeed.
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Vote 2018: California Midterm Elections
Two years later, we’re back. I miss political blogging sometimes but adulthood only leaves room for so much.
Did a quick writeup of the local propositions (San Francisco) and state measures on the California ballot. Let me know your thoughts, and go vote! First, the local measures.
Prop A: Seawall Renovations.
Yes. Seems fairly straightforward to both fix and upgrade a 100-year-old seawall so that SF infrastructure doesn’t get owned by the inevitable catastrophic climate change (unless we seize the state and radically shift from a thing oriented society to a person and land oriented society including rapidly shifting away from carbon technologies and redefining efficiency as sustainability, but that’s neither here nor there). The detracting arguments seem fairly petty and unconvincing, saying that sea-facing businesses and residents should fix it themselves. I think it’s the government’s job to take care of large public projects and threats to public works, so going to disagree.
Prop B: Privacy Policy.
This one is tricky, but I’m saying Yes. It’s largely symbolic at this point, stating that privacy is important and setting timelines for coming up with concrete privacy guidelines. The major detracting arguments come from the Sunshine Ordinance on public records and concerns that SF officials could tamper and limit it. After doing some reading this concerns seem overblown. Many groups are already watching for it, officials seem to somewhat flout the ordinance already, and the City Attorney has stated he won’t sign off on anything of the sort. So I think for better or worse we’re ok, and I agree with putting plans in place for comprehensive policy on privacy.
Prop C: Taxing Big Businesses to fund Homeless Services.
Yes. This is the big one, and by far the most contentious. Detractors argue there is not adequate accountability or a plan to spend the 300 million this would bring in. That the plan for homelessness is already rife with mismanagement. I was pretty swayed at first, but I have strongly U-turned. For starters, the money is being used for definitive action. Additional shelter for 1k people, cutting to the root (or one of the roots) of the problem by helping over 7k households avoid homeless, and creating 4k supportive car homes. There will be a committee put in place to manage the money and make sure it’s being used adequately. There are big provisions for mental health services as well. I could go on about this one for a while, but anyone who lives in SF knows how bad the situation is, and I simply cannot say no to taxing large tech companies who have brought in an influx of well-paid tech workers - myself included - to take a dramatic swing at homelessness in SF. And no, tech companies are far from solely to blame for homeless in SF. It’s complicated, yes. But they can handle this tax on profits over 50 million, and I want to see the homeless situation get better. Strongly encourage a Yes vote.
Prop D: Cannabis Tax.
Yes, albeit tentatively. However, most other major cities tax their new cannabis industries and do not seem to have come to great harm. Furthermore, the cannabis industry pushed for it to be delayed - and it was, until 2021. This will give the new industry more time to settle. It would also be relatively simple for the Board of Supervisors to modify the tax rate if needed or lobbied for. Welcome to have my mind changed, but it seems alright to me. Prop E: Hotel Tax to the Arts. Yes. Kind of an odd one. Without increasing the tax on hotel rooms, this would allocate a set portion of that money to the arts instead of all of it going into a general fund. I’m going to say yes because art is important and I’m a huge fan of supporting arts initiatives. The only detracting args seem to come from people worried that other taxes will rise because of this money not going directly to the general fund. But I’m doubtful that this is enough money to cause a huge uproar in the general fund. I’m open to having my mind changed, but Yes for now.
Second, the state-wide measures. This is going to be fast and a little rough around the edges. Happy to hear differing opinions.
Prop 1: Bonds to fund housing assistance programs.
Yes. This authorizes $4 billion in bonds for affordable housing programs and veteran home owning programs. I’m for anything that helps to alleviate California’s lack of affordable housing. We need it, so let’s fund it and let’s build it.
Prop 2: Bonds to fund housing programs for individuals with mental illness.
Yes, absolutely. Mental health is real and there is a glut of homeless people suffering with mental conditions. Let’s back initiatives to get them the help they need.
Prop 3: Bonds to fund water projects.
This is a tricky one. It’s a lot of money to support very regional interests, but it’s also public infrastructure, which I’m generally in favor of supporting. The LA Times, which I follow and often trust, says no. The League of Pissed-off Voters says it was one of their most contentious but squeaks by on a yes. There isn’t a perfect answer because while some of the money is going towards pretty legitimate public projects, a good chunk is going to private projects and powerful farms. This seems weird to me. I’m torn, but going with No.
Prop 4: Funds for Children’s Hospitals.
This one’s also weird. Private children’s hospitals lobbied to get it on the ballot. It’s hard to vote against something like a children’s hospital but I have questions about its necessity, especially since tax money would be going to private orgs. I know some people who are voting No as it’s possibly a shady method of private hospitals loading up on money they could pony up themselves. Still, the LA Times and League SF both acknowledge the oddities but ultimately find it legitimate. So I’ll got with Yes.
Prop 5: Expand Prop 13 for Property Owners.
This one is way deeper than I can cover here. Long story short, it allows homeowners to transfer low property tax to other residences of greater value where they’d be paying more. Local communities would lose out on this property tax. Most sources seem to peg us it as another easy method for the rich to get richer and avoid paying their taxes. This one is definitely a No.
Prop 6: Repeal the Gas Tax.
Listen, I’m going to keep this short. The answer is No. Do not repeal the gas tax. There’s a massive backlog of needed road fix and improvement projects that the gas and vehicle tax helps fund. Vote No.
Prop 7: Permanent Daylight Savings.
Whatever. DST is outdated and frankly I think it can go. Yes.
Prop 8: Regulating Dialysis Clinic Charges.
So private for-profit dialysis clinics make a ton of money in profits, which is pretty mediocre. I’m all for providing a service and being compensated for it, but wild profits off others’ medical malaise leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This one is a deeply contentious one. Some say absolutely yes mostly because they’re annoyed with dialysis clinic profits (I agree but it seems a little petty and unfocused too). Others say this could drive out much-needed clinics and we should absolutely not. The problem is, I’m simply not sure what the cap would *do*, and the hardcore “yes” sources seem to very obviously avoid answering that. I’m going to say No, but of all the state and local measurements this is one I’m most receptive to further input.
Edit: In the course of writing this, I changed my mind to a tentative yes. If only because capping massive profits on healthcare seems important for turning America into the country it very much is not but could be.
Prop 10: End Restrictions on Rent Control.
This is the “Prop C” of the state measures. Likely the most contentious. I’m voting Yes. It’s a longer story but Costa-Hawkins has been a source of conflict since it was passed and limited enacting rent control. Prop 10 does not enact rent control, but it allows it to be a tool that local government can use to combat homelessness, displacement, and skyrocketing rent. Do your reading - there’s plenty of it on this one - but I’ll reiterate my Yes.
Prop 11: Requiring EMTs to remain on-call during work breaks.
Tentative no. I feel like there’s a lot more to this than even the few articles I’ve read has gotten across, but it seems weird for me for ambulance companies to use a ballot measure to win what effectively a labor dispute. Also, don’t call me on my lunch break.
Prop 12: More Space for Farm Animals.
Ugh. Yes. Increase the space that farm animals live in. I don’t love the fact that costs would go up slightly, but from a moral standpoint better conditions for animals I believe trumps it. Yes.
Phew. Cheers. Midterm elections here we come.
Edit: If you want to read more, my sources were mostly The LA Times, the SF Chronicle (though I take them with a lump of salt, as I strongly disagree with their "No" on Prop C), 48 Hills, a careful reading of the City and County of San Francisco Voter Information Pamphlet, and the SF League of Pissed-Off Voters.
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ingramchandler8 · 2 years
Must-Haves For Smartphone App
An Android GPS app, often called Android tracking-location apps, is a small program that is installed on any cellular using the Android Operating-system. This includes many of the new cellular such the Verizon DROID, HTC DROID Incredible, Nexus One, My Touch 3G, Motorola BackFlip, and many more. If you wish to travel regularly then the GPS feature of the Tattoo is generally useful that. This is the feature through which you could locate route yourself and can search for the important landmarks as sufficiently. On the other hand, digital compass feature is accessible in this smart device through which you'll want to get informed about the direction that you are. The G2 Android phone has wide 3.2 inches TFT capacitive touch screen with resolution of 320X480 pixels. 65K colors from the screen can make the images to look clear, bright and highly detailed. visual studio code latest version -Mobile G2 has multi-touch input method which assists make the use of one's phone easy and convenient. Other display features include accelerometer sensor for auto rotate and trackball. If, for instance, you're looking for an app that will allow a person keep with the many European soccer leagues, you might need to have at least some help before then downloading apps. If you go in blind, likelihood is you will download ten apps that sound like they would do the trick before uncover one that does half what you'd be want it to practice! visual studio crack product key 's just how it is. I just hope any time you keep performing finding apps that way, you are doing so with free apps- otherwise consume a lot of be out hundreds of dollars really quick. You are inclined to should wait for functions to come to Android. While Android is doing great to be a mobile phone, there short-term things are not on this platform for computer users yet. With Windows or even forms of Linux, these functions already can be found. With your Android netbook, realize that some still have to wait for things to be able to developed. Android phones aren't common yet, in fact there's a single thus far: The G1. This Google phone was published in later 2008 along with the only phone that props up the operating machine. Other android enabled phones end up being the slated for the future, however the G1 is the only one currently. And also the phone is relatively inexpensive at approximately 180 joints. Android GPS apps are presented in various ways. The entry-level apps are cheap and remain cosmetic. This means that if you'd like to track your children, they knows that may possibly being tracked. If you want the app to remain hidden within background, and check out to compensate a a lot more - somewhere in the of $50 to $150. For this price, realizing what's good get a great tech tracking app that seem straight out regarding your James Bond movie. Your choice of app would depend on whether well-built your kid(s) to be aware that they are being tracked. There is an addition of a pursuit manager on the Android. It's actually a little extraordinary hidden deep in the settings. The # 1 consideration is that you can now end the unwanted processes and apps that eat in the precious of internal memory. Another of the nice features is actually now apps can be installed on a micro Files too, thus relieving the user from the limited small internal storage of cell phone. The list of features is limitless only one thing covers the sure, fresh Android Froyo update has Android one step further. It has become a completely different product now, far much better it was firstly publicized.
0 notes
t-baba · 4 years
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The 30 CSS Selectors You Must Memorize
Learn CSS: The Complete Guide
We've built a complete guide to help you learn CSS, whether you're just getting started with the basics or you want to explore more advanced CSS.
CSS Selectors
So you learned the base id, class, and descendant selectors—and then called it a day? If so, you're missing out on an enormous level of flexibility. You owe it to yourself to commit these advanced CSS and CSS3 selectors to memory.
Basic Selectors
1. *
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
Let's knock the obvious ones out, for the beginners, before we move onto the more advanced selectors.
The star symbol will target every single element on the page. Many developers will use this trick to zero out the margins and padding. While this is certainly fine for quick tests, I'd advise you to never use this in production code. It adds too much weight on the browser, and is unnecessary.
The * can also be used with child selectors.
#container * { border: 1px solid black; }
This will target every single element that is a child of the #container div. Again, try not to use this technique very much, if ever.
2. #X
#container { width: 960px; margin: auto; }
Prefixing the hash symbol to a selector allows us to target by id. This is easily the most common usage, however be cautious when using id selectors.
Ask yourself: do I absolutely need to apply an id to this element in order to target it?
id selectors are rigid and don't allow for reuse. If possible, first try to use a tag name, one of the new HTML5 elements, or even a pseudo-class.
3. .X
.error { color: red; }
This is a class selector. The difference between ids and classes is that, with the latter, you can target multiple elements. Use classes when you want your styling to apply to a group of elements. Alternatively, use ids to find a needle-in-a-haystack, and style only that specific element.
4. X
a { color: red; } ul { margin-left: 0; }
What if you want to target all elements on a page, according to their type, rather than an id or classname? Keep it simple, and use a type selector. If you need to target all unordered lists, use ul {}.
Live Demo of Basic Selectors
Combinator Selectors
5. X Y
li a { text-decoration: none; }
The next most common selector is the descendant selector. When you need to be more specific with your selectors, you use these. For example, what if, rather than targeting allanchor tags, you only need to target the anchors which are within an unordered list? This is specifically when you'd use a descendant selector.
Pro-tip: If your selector looks like X Y Z A B.error, you're doing it wrong. Always ask yourself if it's absolutely necessary to apply all of that weight.
6. X + Y
ul + p { color: red; }
This is referred to as an adjacent selector. It will select only the element that is immediately preceded by the former element. In this case, only the first paragraph after each ul will have red text.
7. X > Y
div#container > ul { border: 1px solid black; }
The difference between the standard X Y and X > Y is that the latter will only select direct children. For example, consider the following markup.
<div id="container"> <ul> <li> List Item <ul> <li> Child </li> </ul> </li> <li> List Item </li> <li> List Item </li> <li> List Item </li> </ul> </div>
A selector of #container > ul will only target the uls which are direct children of the div with an id of container. It will not target, for instance, the ul that is a child of the first li.
For this reason, there are performance benefits in using the child combinator. In fact, it's recommended particularly when working with JavaScript-based CSS selector engines.
8. X ~ Y
ul ~ p { color: red; }
This sibling combinator is similar to X + Y, however, it's less strict. While an adjacent selector (ul + p) will only select the first element that is immediately preceded by the former selector, this one is more generalized. It will select, referring to our example above, any p elements, as long as they follow a ul.
Live Demo of Combinator Selectors
Attribute Selectors
9. X[title]
a[title] { color: green; }
Referred to as an attributes selector, in our example above, this will only select the anchor tags that have a title attribute. Anchor tags which do not will not receive this particular styling. But, what if you need to be more specific? Check out the next example!
10. X[href="foo"]
a[href="https://code.tutsplus.com"] { color: #83b348; /* Envato green */ }
The snippet above will style all anchor tags which link to https://code.tutsplus.com; they'll receive our branded green color. All other anchor tags will remain unaffected.
Note that we're wrapping the value in quotes. Remember to also do this when using a JavaScript CSS selector engine. When possible, always use CSS3 selectors over unofficial methods.
This works well, though, it's a bit rigid. What if the link does indeed direct to Envato Tuts+, but, maybe, the path is code.tutsplus.com rather than the full URL? In those cases we can use a bit of the regular expressions syntax.
11. X[href*="foo"]
a[href*="tutsplus"] { color: #83b348; /* Envato green */ }
There we go; that's what we need. The star designates that the proceeding value must appear somewhere in the attribute's value. That way, this covers tutsplus.com, code.tutsplus.com, and even webdesign.tutsplus.com.
Keep in mind that this is a broad statement. What if the anchor tag linked to some non-Envato site with the string tutsplus in the URL? When you need to be more specific, use ^ and $, to reference the beginning and end of a string, respectively.
12. X[href^="http"]
a[href^="http"] { background: url(path/to/external/icon.png) no-repeat; padding-left: 10px; }
Ever wonder how some websites are able to display a little icon next to the links which are external? I'm sure you've seen these before; they're nice reminders that the link will direct you to an entirely different website.
This is a cinch with the carat symbol. It's most commonly used in regular expressions to designate the beginning of a string. If we want to target all anchor tags that have a href which begins with http, we could use a selector similar to the snippet shown above.
Notice that we're not searching for https://; that's unnecessary, and doesn't account for the URLs that begin with https://.
Now, what if we wanted to instead style all anchors which link to, say, a photo? In those cases, let's search for the end of the string.
13. X[href$=".jpg"]
a[href$=".jpg"] { color: red; }
Again, we use a regular expressions symbol, $, to refer to the end of a string. In this case, we're searching for all anchors which link to an image—or at least a URL that ends with .jpg. Keep in mind that this won't capture GIF and PNG images.
14. X[data-*="foo"]
a[data-filetype="image"] { color: red; }
How do we compensate for all of the various image types? Well, we could create multiple selectors, such as:
a[href$=".jpg"], a[href$=".jpeg"], a[href$=".png"], a[href$=".gif"] { color: red; }
But, that's a pain, and is inefficient. Another possible solution is to use custom attributes. What if we added our own data-filetype attribute to each anchor that links to an image?
<a href="path/to/image.jpg" data-filetype="image"> Image Link </a>
Then, with that hook in place, we can use a standard attributes selector to target only those anchors.
a[data-filetype="image"] { color: red; }
15. X[foo~="bar"]
a[data-info~="external"] { color: red; } a[data-info~="image"] { border: 1px solid black; }
Here's a special one that'll impress your friends. Not too many people know about this trick. The tilde (~) symbol allows us to target an attribute which has a space-separated list of values.
Going along with our custom attribute from number fifteen, above, we could create a data-info attribute, which can receive a space-separated list of anything we need to make note of. In this case, we'll make note of external links and links to images—just for the example.
"<a href="path/to/image.jpg" data-info="external image"> Click Me, Fool </a>
With that markup in place, now we can target any tags that have either of those values, by using the ~ attributes selector trick.
/* Target data-info attr that contains the value "external" */ a[data-info~="external"] { color: red; } /* And which contain the value "image" */ a[data-info~="image"] { border: 1px solid black; }
Pretty nifty, huh?
Live Demo of Attribute Selectors
Pseudo Selectors
16. X:visited and X:link
a:link { color: red; } a:visited { color: purple; }
We use the :link pseudo-class to target all anchors tags which have yet to be clicked on.
Alternatively, we also have the :visited pseudo class, which, as you'd expect, allows us to apply specific styling to only the anchor tags on the page which have been clicked on, or "visited".
17. X:checked
input[type=radio]:checked { border: 1px solid black; }
This pseudo class will only target a user interface element that has been checked—like a radio button, or checkbox. It's as simple as that.
18. X:after
The before and after pseudo classes are great. Every day, it seems, people are finding new and creative ways to use them effectively. They simply generate content around the selected element.
Many were first introduced to these classes when they encountered the clear-fix hack.
.clearfix:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; font-size: 0; height: 0; } .clearfix { *display: inline-block; _height: 1%; }
This hack uses the :after pseudo class to append a space after the element, and then clear it. It's an excellent trick to have in your tool bag, particularly in the cases when the overflow: hidden; method isn't possible.
For another creative use of this, refer to my quick tip on creating shadows.
According to the CSS3 Selectors specification, you should technically use the pseudo element syntax of two colons ::. However, to remain compatible, the user-agent will accept a single colon usage as well. 
19. X:hover
div:hover { background: #e3e3e3; }
Oh come on. You know this one. The official term for this is "user action pseudo class". It sounds confusing, but it really isn't. Want to apply specific styling when a user hovers over an element? This will get the job done!
Keep in mind that older version of Internet Explorer don't respond when the :hover pseudo class is applied to anything other than an anchor tag.
You'll most often use this selector when applying, for example, a border-bottom to anchor tags, when hovered over.
a:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid black; }
Pro-tip: border-bottom: 1px solid black; looks better than text-decoration: underline;.
20. X:not(selector)
div:not(#container) { color: blue; }
The negation pseudo class is particularly helpful. Let's say I want to select all divs, except for the one which has an id of container. The snippet above will handle that task perfectly.
Or, if I wanted to select every single element (not advised) except for paragraph tags, we could do:
*:not(p) { color: green; }
21. X::pseudoElement
p::first-line { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; }
We can use pseudo elements (designated by ::) to style fragments of an element, such as the first line, or the first letter. Keep in mind that these must be applied to block-level elements in order to take effect.
A pseudo-element is composed of two colons: ::
Target the First Letter of a Paragraph
p::first-letter { float: left; font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; font-family: cursive; padding-right: 2px; }
This snippet is an abstraction that will find all paragraphs on the page, and then sub-target only the first letter of that element.
This is most often used to create newspaper-like styling for the first letter of an article.
Target the First Line of a Paragraph
p::first-line { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; }
Similarly, the ::first-line pseudo element will, as expected, style the first line of the element only.
"For compatibility with existing style sheets, user agents must also accept the previous one-colon notation for pseudo-elements introduced in CSS levels 1 and 2 (namely, :first-line, :first-letter, :before and :after). This compatibility is not allowed for the new pseudo-elements introduced in this specification."—W3C Selectors Specs
Live Demo of Pseudo Selectors
Nth Child and Type Selectors
22. X:nth-child(n)
li:nth-child(3) { color: red; }
Remember the days when we had no way to target specific elements in a stack? The nth-child pseudo class solves that!
Please note that nth-child accepts an integer as a parameter, however, this is not zero-based. If you wish to target the second list item, use li:nth-child(2).
We can even use this to select a variable set of children. For example, we could do li:nth-child(4n) to select every fourth list item.
23. X:nth-last-child(n)
li:nth-last-child(2) { color: red; }
What if you had a huge list of items in a ul, and only needed to access, say, the third to the last item? Rather than doing li:nth-child(397), you could instead use the nth-last-child pseudo class.
This technique works almost identically from number sixteen above, however, the difference is that it begins at the end of the collection, and works its way back.
24. X:nth-of-type(n)
ul:nth-of-type(3) { border: 1px solid black; }
There will be times when, rather than selecting a child, you instead need to select according to the type of element.
Imagine markup that contains five unordered lists. If you wanted to style only the third ul, and didn't have a unique id to hook into, you could use the nth-of-type(n) pseudo class. In the snippet above, only the third ul will have a border around it.
25. X:nth-last-of-type(n)
ul:nth-last-of-type(3) { border: 1px solid black; }
And yes, to remain consistent, we can also use nth-last-of-type to begin at the end of the selectors list, and work our way back to target the desired element.
26. X:first-child
ul li:first-child { border-top: none; }
This structural pseudo class allows us to target only the first child of the element's parent. You'll often use this to remove borders from the first and last list items.
For example, let's say you have a list of rows, and each one has a border-top and a border-bottom. Well, with that arrangement, the first and last item in that set will look a bit odd.
Many designers apply classes of first and last to compensate for this. Instead, you can use these pseudo classes.
27. X:last-child
ul > li:last-child { color: green; }
The opposite of first-child, last-child will target the last item of the element's parent.
last-child Selector Example
Let's build a simple example to demonstrate one possible use of these classes. We'll create a styled list item.
<ul> <li> List Item </li> <li> List Item </li> <li> List Item </li> </ul>
For the markup, there's nothing special: just a simple list.
Here's the CSS:
ul { width: 200px; background: #292929; color: white; list-style: none; padding-left: 0; } li { padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid #3c3c3c; }
This styling will set a background, remove the browser default padding on the ul, and apply borders to each li to provide a bit of depth.
To add depth to your lists, apply a border-bottom to each li that is a shade or two darker than the li's background color. Next, apply a border-top which is a couple shades lighter.
The only problem, as shown in the image above, is that a border will be applied to the very top and bottom of the unordered list - which looks odd. Let's use the :first-child and :last-child pseudo classes to fix this.
li:first-child { border-top: none; } li:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
There we go; that fixes it!
28. X:only-child
div p:only-child { color: red; }
Truthfully, you probably won't find yourself using the only-child pseudo class too often. Nonetheless, it's available, should you need it.
It allows you to target elements which are the only child of its parent. For example, referencing the snippet above, only the paragraph that is the only child of the div will be colored, red.
Let's assume the following markup.
<div><p> My paragraph here. </p></div> <div> <p> Two paragraphs total. </p> <p> Two paragraphs total. </p> </div>
In this case, the second div's paragraphs will not be targeted; only the first div. As soon as you apply more than one child to an element, the only-child pseudo class ceases to take effect.
29. X:only-of-type
li:only-of-type { font-weight: bold; }
This structural pseudo class can be used in some clever ways. It will target elements that do not have any siblings within its parent container. As an example, let's target all uls, which have only a single list item.
First, ask yourself how you would accomplish this task? You could do ul li, but, this would target all list items. The only solution is to use only-of-type.
ul > li:only-of-type { font-weight: bold; }
30. X:first-of-type
The first-of-type pseudo class allows you to select the first siblings of its type.
A Test
To better understand this, let's have a test. Copy the following mark-up into your code editor:
<div> <p> My paragraph here. </p> <ul> <li> List Item 1 </li> <li> List Item 2 </li> </ul> <ul> <li> List Item 3 </li> <li> List Item 4 </li> </ul> </div>
Now, without reading further, try to figure out how to target only "List Item 2". When you've figured it out (or given up), read on.
Solution 1
There are a variety of ways to solve this test. We'll review a handful of them. Let's begin by using first-of-type.
ul:first-of-type > li:nth-child(2) { font-weight: bold; }
This snippet essentially says, to find the first unordered list on the page, then find only the immediate children, which are list items. Next, filter that down to only the second list item in that set.
Solution 2
Another option is to use the adjacent selector.
p + ul li:last-child { font-weight: bold; }
In this scenario, we find the ul that immediately proceeds the p tag, and then find the very last child of the element.
Solution 3
We can be as obnoxious or as playful as we want with these selectors.
ul:first-of-type li:nth-last-child(1) { font-weight: bold; }
This time, we grab the first ul on the page, and then find the very first list item, but starting from the bottom! 
Live Demo of Nth Child and Type Selectors
If you're compensating for older browsers, like Internet Explorer 6, you still need to be careful when using these newer selectors. But, please don't let that deter you from learning these. You'd be doing a huge disservice to yourself. Be sure to refer here for a browser-compatibility list. Alternatively, you can use Dean Edward's excellent IE9.js script to bring support for these selectors to older browsers.
Secondly, when working with JavaScript libraries, like the popular jQuery, always try to use these native CSS3 selectors over the library's custom methods/selectors, when possible. It'll make your code faster, as the selector engine can use the browser's native parsing, rather than its own.
It’s great that you’re spending time learning web design fundamentals, but if you need a quick solution, one of our ready-to-use CSS templates might be a good option. We also have a few premium CSS items for you to consider.
12 Elegant CSS Pricing Tables for Your Latest Web Project
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18 Best Bootstrap 4 Plugins
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by Jeffrey Way via Envato Tuts+ Code https://ift.tt/3cugNpH
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hendrikwaehner-blog · 5 years
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I have always loved castles and history, but I was not expecting to see a castle in the middle of Toronto! However, Casa Loma (the “house on the hill”) was a joy to visit, an amazing place which had so much to see, we couldn’t even fit all of it in one day. I would highly recommend it to anyone, as it is beautiful, and it has a remarkable story behind it.
The castle – North America’s only “full sized castle” as it describes itself – is, as it name suggests,  situated on top of a hill with five acres of land around it. It is one of Toronto’s top tourist attractions, but that shouldn’t put you off. There’s a reason why it’s so popular.
Casa Loma was built in 1911 by Sir Henry Pellatt (who was of Scottish ancestry) and became the largest private residence in all of Canada. It took 300 men nearly two three years to complete (at a cost of an incredible $3.5m – back then!) We would highly recommend starting your visit by going downstairs and watching the documentary about the life of Sir Henry as it puts everything in context and is really interesting.
The views were gorgeous
Sir Henry was truly a remarkable, talented man. He became a successful stockbroker, as well as a successful middle distance runner, and proud military man, and travelled widely. He was also extremely modern and, having realised that supplying electricity could be extremely profitable, he founded the Toronto Electric Light Company in 1883. His company had a monopoly on the city’s street lights by the time Sir Henry was 30.
He also invested in the Canadian Pacific Railroad and made a fortune, and in 1902, he and his partners were awarded the rights to build the first Canadian hydro-generating plant at Niagara Falls. We saw this when we went to Niagara Falls, and it is quite a building! Sir Henry was knighted in 1905 for his military service (there is a Queen’s Own Rifles museum at Casa Loma) and started his plans for Casa Loma after that. He had, at that time, a fortune of $17m (over $400m in today’s money). But the magic did not continue.
Henry Pellatt’s bedroom at Casa Loma
The house went over budget and the Pellatts went into debt. This was not helped at all by the Toronto government who decided that private companies should not be able to own electricity. They took over the company – astonishingly, with no compensation offered. The same thing happened with the Niagara power generator, while the First World War made everything worse. Sir Henry’s business decisions no longer seemed lucky. The company went into bankruptcy and he had to sell off his possessions – for a small percentage of its cost (there’s a newspaper report of this in one of the rooms).
Casa Loma is now owned by the city and it’s stunning. The film is eye-opening, and after you’ve watched it, you have a number of options. You can explore downstairs, or outside (definitely go out at some point, as the views of Toronto are wonderful). Before or after the film, make sure you do take a look at the video (on loop) which shows the huge number of films which have featured Casa Loma, from X Men to Chicago. But don’t restrict your visit to the basement area! There are also so many rooms inside, with wonderful furnishings.
The shower was pretty modern for the early 20th century!
We spent a number of hours here, following the self-guided audio tour and so going up secret staircases and seeing servants quarters and family quarters. We admired at the modernity of Pellat’s bathroom (a shower with six taps coming out was a marvel back then) and the decor. The old telephones were fun, while the conservatory was utterly beautiful. Imagine entertaining there!
The beautiful roof of the conservatory at Casa Loma
We also queued up to go to the top of the tower, and although this took 20 minutes or so, I’d recommend it (though perhaps not if you have small children or walking issues as you go up a cramped staircase). The views from the battlements were great here too.
We didn’t make it to the tunnel, which connects Casa Loma to the stables and carriage house. It shows an exhibit of Toronto’s “Dark Side”, from Prohibition to The Great Toronto Fire. I wish we were nearer to go back and see it, but it’s rather far from London…
Overall, I loved the house and came away having thoroughly enjoyed myself, learnt a lot and felt sorry for Sir Henry Pellatt, and particularly how his fortune – and dreams – ended. We all had a great time and I would thoroughly recommend a visit.
Casa Loma is open from 9.30 to 5.30pm every day. It costs 24 CAD per adult, 20 CAD for 14-17 year olds and 15 CAD for ages 4-13. However, we went there via our CityPASS which enabled us to jump the queue entirely!
Disclosure: We were fortunate enough to be given a CityPASS to try out when we were in Toronto. This meant we got free entry into a number of attractions and, as importantly, that we skipped the queue! We genuinely thought the CityPASS was fantastic as it gave you freedom to do what you wanted, when you wanted – but the company had no input into our decisions of what to do, or what we wrote in this post. If you book your CityPASS online, it’s cheaper – 55 dollars per adult and 37 per child.
Read about our trip to Toronto in full, and all the other great things we did there.
The post A visit to majestic Casa Loma – a castle in Toronto appeared first on Family Travel Times.
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tigaero-blog-blog · 5 years
Assessment 3
For this assessment, I decided to create a product that will encourage Australians to get active and eat healthy. With this product, I am tackling the issue of obesity and my goal is to raise awareness and change attitudes towards this growing concern.  
Generating Ideas
This app would allow users to record their steps using their smartphone, these steps would be translated into a currency which they can then spend on prizes such as gift cards, appliances, holidays and vehicles.
This event would be similar to the city to surf. It would be a community based event that teaches the community about the importance of healthy eating and exercise. There would also be a charity element involved.
Creating an add campaign through the use of flyers and posters would spread awareness throughout the community and provide people with a tangible piece that they can hold onto and share with loved ones and friends.
I have decided to combine the Event and the App idea to create a month long event that enables users to download the App and receive currency relevant to the amount of steps they have taken within the particular month. With this currency they will be able to purchase incentives. On every Saturday within the month there will be “Carnival Days”. These carnival days consist of planned running events at a specific location. Users will be able to input a unique code into their app and receive double points for participating in these carnivals. This encourages people to get involved with a community of like minded people who are also standing up against obesity.
I have also decided to create a smart watch app as many people would rather exercise with a smart watch as it is far less bulky then a mobile.
After creating prototypes I decided to gather 5 participants and ask them to complete four tasks using my prototypes. 
Recruitment Plan:
Total number of recruits - 5
Time needed per test - 15 minutes
Testing venue - Billy Blue College, Ultimo
Tools Required - Mobile for voice record and laptop for visual recording.
Date of testing - 30/11/2018
Expected Profiles - I am expecting to get a narrow range of people in terms of age, 20-30, who are students and are interested in exercising and health, and a mix of both Male and Female.
S1 - Registration and Discovery:
“I been busy exercising and have accumulated enough points to claim a reward. In order to do so, I must first create an account.”
Task pass criteria
Locates the register 2019 or user icon button
Taps on register to complete.
Is able to identity new points information display.
After exploring the homepage, users will notice that there is a register button located at the bottom of the page, they will click this and complete the registration process. After this, they will be directed back to the homepage where they will notice, the new points tab located at the top of the page, which was not there before they had created the account.
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S2 - Changing Mailing Address
“After creating registering I have decided that I would like to change my the address that my rewards are sent to.”
Task pass criteria
Taps on the user profile icon
Locates the change address tab.
Hypothesis : 
Using knowledge from past experiences, users will recognize the user icon as the link that allows you to customize your profile. They will click this link and be directed to the page where they can change their mailing address.
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S3 - Purchasing A Reward
“I have decided that I would like to spend my points on a new Apple Watch. Where do I go to do this?”
Task pass criteria
Taps the hamburger icon and selects rewards.
Uses the scroll to explore the page.
Locates and selects Apple Watch
Hypothesis :
Users will locate the rewards tab in the hamburger menu and use the link to navigate to the rewards page. From here they will scroll down the page until they find the Apple Watch then click on the purchase button.
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S4 - Multi channel Usability
“After receiving my new Apple Watch, I have downloaded the new Run 4 Less app which I now want to explore.”
Task pass criteria
Swipes left or selects button.
Users will notice the buttons at the bottom of the page and use them to navigate to the next screen.
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Tested Participants
Initially, I was planning on completing my entire testing at the college. However I decided that it was best for me to conduct my tests in more of a controlled environment such at my house or the participants house. This resulted in me being a lot more comfortable and a smoother test process, which in turn also enabled the participant to be more relaxed, giving me better results.
20-30 - 1
30-40 - 1
40-50 - 2
50+ - 1
My pass criteria will be judged with
Participant 1
Gender - Female
Age - 22
Occupation - IT
Scenario 1
Task 1 - Successful
Task 2 - Successful
Task 3 - Successful
Scenario 2
Task 1 - Successful
Task 2 - Successful
Scenario 3
Task 1 - Helped
Task 2 - Helped
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 4
Task 1 -  Successful
Participant 2
Gender: Female
Age: 39
Occupation: IT
Scenario 1
Task 1 - Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Unsuccessful
Scenario 2
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Scenario 3
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 - Helped
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 4
Task 1 - Helped
Participant 3
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Occupation: Accountant
Scenario 1
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 2
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Scenario 3
Task 1 - Helped
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 4
Task 1 - Helped
Before continuing with my user research, I decided to recall my prototype in order to address some of the common frustrations that my first three participants had in common.
I added a swipe functionality to my watch prototype. I found that most of my participants were attempting to swipe the prototype rather than using the provided buttons.
I also added a white background to where the points were located as the text was getting lost in the background.
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Participant 4
Gender: Female
Age: 55
Occupation: Admin
Scenario 1
Task 1 - Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Unsuccessful
Scenario 2
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Scenario 3
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 4
Task 1 -  Successful
Participant 5
Gender: Male
Age: 52
Occupation: Navy Officer
Scenario 1
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 2
Task 1 -  Successful
Task 2 -  Successful
Scenario 3
Task 1 - Helped
Task 2 -  Successful
Task 3 -  Successful
Scenario 4
Task 1 -  Successful
Through my initial survey it is clear that obesity is approaching crisis levels in Australia, and if nothing is done to change attitudes and to motivate people to get active, there will be many health related deaths and issues which could be easily preventable. The main issue being that the children of the current generation will carry on the same attitudes about physical wellbeing as their parents, creating a cycle of poor health decisions. Therefore, my solution to this social problem is targeting the current generation of society, in order to educate them so that they may carry down this knowledge.
Physical health is neglected by many people who have a busy lifestyle, as fast food is a cheap way to fill your stomach. As a result many people are having fast food daily, then also not have the time to compensate with exercise. My goal is to motivate Australian’s to get active and educate them on the importance of physical health.
In order to come up with a viable solution for this problem, I first had to ideate a range of solutions, I then honed in on the two ideas that I felt were most appropriate for my goal, and combined them together to create my outcome.
I created an exercising festival that uses a smartphone app and a watch app as a digital front, which are used to give the user information, record their steps and allow them to spend points on prizes for their work. These prizes include items such as gift cards, appliances, vehicles and holidays.
In order to refine the apps layout and information architecture, I conducted user research creating scenarios with a prototype I created using Axure. I tested 5 users and these are the main findings that I gathered.
Although I was not able to gather the type of participants I was initially wanting to test. This exercise still allowed me to identify multiple defects within my prototype.
After recalling my app and improving it, I found that the tasks that my participants were having trouble with became less problematic and the user research process became much smoother.
I still believe the new information displayed in task one was a little difficult to spot which was evident through the failure rate of the task after the recall.
During task 3, many of the users would try to go straight to the categories in order to find what they were seeking, rather then using the scroll first. This shows that I needed to implement the categories functionality.
When I asked my participants what they thought that this homepage was for, none of them mentioned anything to do with rewards. I saw this to be a problem because it showed me that my main incentive for users to participate was not immediately recognizable.
However, it was still evident that my app required further work in order to make it as user friendly as possible.
From my findings I made the following changes to my app in order to produce a final release.
- Added background to points tab so that it is more easily identified.
- Added the categories functionality to rewards page.
- Implemented swiping functionality to watch app.
- Implemented a register tab to the hamburger menu.
- Users can now click on the points to link them to the rewards page.
- Rewards advertisement on homepage
By refining this app to my users expectations, I have made it as usable as possible. Usability is extremely important because just like exercise itself, if it is too inconvenient, users will just give up and spend their time doing something else. Through the use of user testing and incentives, I have created an app and event that will encourage Australians to get active and change their attitudes towards their own well being. These new attitudes will be passed down through the generations and reduce the frequency of health related problems Australians are commonly facing in the present.
Final Production Screenshots
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Registration Page
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Profile Edit Page
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Rewards Page
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Smart Watch 
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0 notes
vifemme · 7 years
The Lady of The East Prologue
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Hey, guys. I love Game of Thrones (who doesn’t), and I wanted to write a story that was a little more interactive and strays from the original plot a little. So, here is my prologue where I have set up an interesting situation, to say the least. I want your help to write the rest of the story. So send in your pitch as to how Nyra’s story will unfold (e.g. events of trauma, love interests, family reveals), and I will write the story with your input. Thanks!
A story of love, loss, and the rise to power.
Song Recommendation: Adiemus - Karl Jenkins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX__4aHwYzM
A daughter was born of Robert Baratheon and a woman he had come to be very fond of. That night, the breeze carried a chill through the open window. The girl would have been very lucky to have been born into such a regal family, if it weren’t for the fact that her parents were not wed at the time of her birth, thus making her an illegitimate child.
Her mother wished to keep her, but her father knew the torment that would come to the girl if she stayed. They had only one choice to give her a chance at a better life: send her off and hope she marries rich. Her parents would come to regret ever letting her out of their sight, as she would grow to flourish among the most powerful women in the Seven Kingdoms.
Nyra Arnaeros was raised by the man she believed to be her godfather, Illyrio Mopatis. She had been told from a young age that her parents had died in a tragic accident, leaving her in Illyrio’s care. She lived a pampered lifestyle, handmaids surrounding her to answer her every beckon call. Though Nyra was told many a time that she need only ask and she could have the moon, she kept her head out of the clouds with her feet planted firmly on the ground. Reminding herself daily the realities of the world she lived in.
Nyra had grown accustomed to the deafening silence of the large palace she called home. She didn’t notice her longing for human interaction until well into her teen years. At 17, she began asking Illyrio if she could visit the markets, or simply walk the streets of Pentos. He would always demand she stay in the palace, as it was too dangerous for her to roam alone.
To fill her days, Nyra took to the library in the castle. Tales of brave knights and beautiful princesses consumed her every thought. Once she had run out of fantastical stories to read, she took an interest in the history of the Seven Kingdoms. The Dothraki, who worshipped the horse and fought fiercer than any army. The Knights Watch, made up of men of a predetermined fate. The White Walkers, who came from far north of the wall when the long winter rolled in.
Nyra was considered well-versed by the people who encountered her on a daily basis. The handmaids who tended to her, given no education other than the fables their parents would tell them, considered her a goddess of knowledge. She who could see across oceans and predict battles to come. Really, Nyra was just highly intuitive and spent time examining the world around her, whereas many others were quick to jump to illogical conclusions.
When she was 18 years old her dream of having a family finally came true. Two children, of 20 and 15, were rushed into the castle in great need of sanctuary. The last living Targaryens, Viserys and Daenerys, taken from their home across the sea in King’s Landing to be hidden away in Pentos for safe keeping. Nyra had heard of the Targaryens, The Mad King Aerys, and dragons alike; of course, she never imagined she would live alongside them.
Soon, she do far more than simply share quarters with the Targaryens. Nyra became very close with the white haired siblings; closer than she had felt to anyone before. As Daenerys grew closer to 16, Nyra was tasked with teaching her the ways of the world and the history she had been so sheltered from. Nyra grew close with the young Dany, taking her on as the sister she had always wanted.
Not to say she wasn’t close with Viserys as well, but their relationship was much more complicated. Nyra had always been stubborn and stuck in her ways, always ready to pick a fight if necessary. Viserys had not taken lightly to being constantly challenged by a girl he hardly knew, much less the fact that, to his sister, this girl had completely eclipsed him. He was jealous and frustrated, but also found himself intrigued by the effect that Nyra’s disposition had on him.
Though she would so often point out his imperfections and correct him when he was wrong, Viserys didn’t felt the urge to physically hurt her. He would simply argue with Nyra until he felt he couldn’t take it, stomping off to one of the empty hallways of the castle to stew in his feelings in silence. Though she often felt Viserys was an imbecile who deserved to be put in his place, Nyra never felt threatened by him, and it boiled his blood that she should be so unbothered by his harsh words.
Through their constant butting of heads, Nyra would unknowingly be fuelling Viserys’ fascination in her. The concept of being so grated by another’s presence, and yet feeling drawn to continue to seek them out perhaps was caused by his strong urge to conquer anything he felt posed a challenge to his quest for power. Despite their differences, Viserys grew to develop strong feelings for Nyra. An addiction to the flaming passion that would fill the air with a heavy heat when the other was around.
Viserys had only ever felt love for his sister Daenerys, and Nyra, her godfather. The two hadn’t ever been given the chance to understand the concept of romance, they were both lonely children who had never been taught the difference between love and obsession. Never had Viserys felt so strongly for a person in his life. He hated her, worried for her, and wanted to feel the silky kiss of her skin pressed against him all at once. These strong urges made him feel the need to avoid her like the plague, in fear that he would no longer be able to control himself around her, so that’s what he did.
Nyra noticed Viserys’ general absence and attempted to confront him, but was always met with another stone wall and the cool breeze blowing the satin curtains like waves in the empty rooms. After growing tired of his childish behaviour, Nyra no longer bought into his act and chose to no longer pursue his company, trusting that his ever present need to pick a fight would eventually bring him crawling back. Viserys felt the sudden absence of her shadow trailing behind him and grew spiteful, assuming that she had lost any and all interest in him.
After weeks of spitefully dancing around each other, Nyra and Viserys would clash once again, all of the pent up frustrations harboured for the other finally exploding into thick, poisonous cloud of rage. The two screamed and wept until twilight one night, teeth bared and no manner of obscenities off-limits. After a long night of emotionally butchering each other, Nyra felt weaker and more alone than she had ever felt. Her emotional strain morphing to take on the form of physical exhaustion.
When Nyra finally collapsed, the Targaryen boy’s arms instinctually wrapped around her. He held her gently, as if she would shatter should he allow himelf to use the firm hand he so often did with others. Tears fell from Viserys’ face to hers as he explained how he had wanted make her feel as much pain as he had felt in her absence. Nyra simply held him, unable to develop a proper thought in her confusion over the boy’s sudden, drastic change of tone.
After that night, the two continued to fight, as it was in their blood to do so. However, when their arguments would finally come to a head, Nyra often found herself back in Viserys’ arms as he profusely apologized to her just as he had that first night. Any notions she had previously had about the boy were suddenly muddled, and she was left questioning his intentions time and time again. As this pattern continued, and Nyra grew more unsettled by her own feelings of pity for Viserys, choosing to instead agree to disagree became easier. Nyra would become fond of choosing the path of less resistance when it came to Viserys, as his constant emotional flip-flopping left her feeling worn down and unsure of herself.
Nyra’s dwindling self confidence would continue to rot as the cycle continued, the only thing keeping her from drowning in doubt being the mindless praise and worship Viserys would mutter to her as he tried to compensate for his own biting insults. She would become completely dependent on his breath tickling her neck as he whispered tearfully in her ear, and the weight of his arms clutching her to him as he stroked her hair. Finally, Nyra’s addiction to Viserys would come to match his for her. The two would never take the time to truly consider what exactly they were feeling for the other, the back and forth of exhaustive fights and eventual retraction being intense and all encompassing, but they still said ‘I love you’ just the same.
Perhaps if Nyra had grown up alongside a mother, she would’ve been able to see that her relationship with Viserys was only hurting her more. But she hadn’t, so she continued to fall madly in love with him, or so she thought. Viserys showed affection in a far different way, one could only describe it as manic infatuation. Despite his best efforts to outwardly project an air of cool-headedness, from anyone other than Nyra’s perspective, the relationship appeared very one-sided.
Nyra finally felt a part of a family alongside the Targaryens. She was invested ‘till death. So, when she heard of Viserys’ plans to take back the Iron Throne in his family’s name, she was prepared to do anything to help. Though she worried for Dany’s well being among the Dothraki she was to be sold to, she knew that the ends justified the means, and Dany would one day live in luxury among family and friends.
Nyra and Viserys were to be married after King’s Landing had been taken for the Targaryens. The ceremony of a new era, a new King alongside his Queen. Nyra wished to marry sooner, in Illyrio’s home, with only the two of them and the light of the moon, but Viserys wouldn’t have this. He insisted their wedding be seen be hundreds, as a true Targaryen, he would never settle for less than greatness. Nyra chose simply to cooperate, as she knew she couldn’t change his mind.
The Targaryens had often only married within their own bloodline, thus, if Viserys hadn’t taken such an eye for Nyra, it most likely would’ve been Daenerys marrying him. Viserys was a nobleman, brought up with the beliefs that anything he should want, he need only take. When Nyra showed resilience and fought against him with a fiery passion, Viserys took it as a challenge to have her as his own.
From then on, Nyra stayed by Viserys’ side heeding his every wish as he negotiated with man after man, chasing his throne. She stayed quiet, however unnatural it felt, and watched from afar. As she grew closer to taking her place as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, a fire grew inside of her. A thirst that could only be quenched by power and the spilled blood of her enemies. Nyra was a born a leader, and a leader she will remain.
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number06fan · 4 years
NYC Whiplash Injury Attorney
Do you have whiplash because you were involved in a car accident in New York City? Contact Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. for immediate assistance. Our experienced NYC whiplash injury lawyers will explain your rights and help you determine the best strategy for recovering compensation. We’ll do everything we can to recover maximum damages on your behalf.
Our NYC law firm offers a free consultation, so don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule yours today.
Why Should I Call Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. If I Have Whiplash?
Whiplash is one of the most common car accident-related injuries. Even mild cases can cause a lot of pain and make your life really difficult. If someone else is at least partly responsible for the traffic accident that caused your whiplash injury, they should be held accountable. That’s where the NYC personal injury lawyers at Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. can help. 
For more than 40 years, the legal team at Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. has been standing up for accident victims across the city. Between us, we have 200 years of combined experience handling cases like yours. We know that at-fault parties and insurance companies won’t just agree to hand over a check for all of your damages. We’re prepared to do whatever it takes to make them pay. Our tenacious approach and dedication to clients like you are why we’ve been able to recover more than $1 Billion in awards.
When you call Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. for help with your personal injury case, we will:
Investigate the circumstances of the accident that caused your whiplash injury
Establish causation and fault
Seek damages from all liable parties
Bring in experts to help us build a solid evidence-backed case
Negotiate with insurers on your behalf, and
Have our skilled NYC trial lawyers represent you in court, if need be.
We know that whiplash can really interfere with your life. It can take a while to get back on your feet. That’s why we’ll handle all aspects of your whiplash injury case. You focus on your physical recovery while we focus on the financial one. Give us a call today to learn more.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a neck injury that’s most commonly associated with rear-end car accidents. It happens when you experience a forceful trauma that causes your neck to whip back and forth (or side to side) rapidly. As a result of this rapid movement, the neck overextends beyond its typical range of motion. This overextension often results in pain and limited mobility.
How Common is Whiplash? Who is Most Vulnerable?
Every year, there are roughly 3 million reported cases of whiplash in the United States. That’s about 342 whiplash injuries an hour.
Interestingly, women are about 5 times more likely to suffer a whiplash injury than men. Children are also more likely to suffer whiplash than adults. Experts believe that women and children are more vulnerable to whiplash injuries because their necks are smaller than adult males.
Individuals with pre-existing injuries or health conditions are also more susceptible to whiplash injuries if they’re involved in an accident. The risk is even higher for adults between the ages of 30 and 50.
What Causes Whiplash?
Car accidents – particularly rear-end crashes – are considered to be one of the leading causes of whiplash injuries. That’s particularly true in cities like New York, where rear-end collisions are quite common. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be in a high-speed auto accident to suffer whiplash. In fact, crashes where the vehicle(s) are going no more than 5 or 10 MPH can create enough force to cause whiplash.
Motor vehicle accidents aren’t the only reason people suffer from whiplash. Other traumatic events, including assaults and accidents while playing sports such as football or basketball can also cause whiplash.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Whiplash?
Common signs and symptoms of whiplash include:
Neck pain
Stiff neck
Limited mobility in the neck, shoulders, or arms
Weakness in the arms
Jaw pain
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and
Always seek medical attention after a car accident in NYC. Prompt medical care can help to ensure that your injuries are diagnosed and limit the potential complications.
Can Whiplash Symptoms Be Delayed? 
Yes. In fact, many times, symptoms of whiplash don’t appear for weeks or months after an accident. That’s why it’s critical to make note of any unusual health issues and identify irregular pain in the months after a crash. Just because the symptoms don’t manifest right away doesn’t mean that you cannot be compensated for your injury. However, the length of time between the accident and the identification of your injury can make getting money more challenging. 
How Long Does Whiplash Last?
It depends on how severe the injury is. However, generally speaking, it takes about 17 weeks for the neck to stabilize and re-strengthen after a traumatic event. Symptoms can stick around for even longer. One study found that individuals who sustained a severe whiplash injury, meaning that they experienced a significant limitation in neck mobility, three-quarters were still symptomatic one year after their accident.
For those who sustain more moderate whiplash injuries, the symptoms can often disappear within a few weeks.
How is Whiplash Treated?
Doctors will diagnose whiplash by conducting a physical exam and, in some cases, relying on an imaging test such as an X-ray or MRI. Once you’ve been diagnosed with whiplash, the treatment protocol will ultimately depend on how severe your injury is.
However, commonly used courses of treatment include:
Application of heat or cold to the neck
Prescription or OTC medications, including pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants
Exercise and physical therapy
Restricting the neck’s range of motion using a foam collar
Chiropractic care, and
Massage therapy.
A doctor may suggest some or a combination of several of these treatments.
What is My Whiplash Injury Worth After a NYC Car Accident?
As with all injuries, the value is tied to severity. The more serious the injury, the more it’s probably worth. That’s because a more severe injury is likely to cause more pain and be more of a disruption in your life. 
With a minor whiplash injury, you might not have to miss a day at work. If your injury is more severe, meaning that it limits your ability to move, you might have to stay home for a while and seek more intensive medical care.
Many factors will be relevant when assessing what your whiplash injury case is worth. At Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C., we’ll bring in professionals to help us establish a likely value. With expert input, we can identify which damages you may be entitled to receive and how much you should be paid to compensate for each.  
We’ll pursue any damages available under the law. Damages commonly awarded to whiplash victims in New York include money for:
Present and future medical expenses
Lost wages and income
Reduced earning capacity
Pain and suffering
Emotional distress and trauma
Loss of enjoyment of life
Property damage, and more.
We’ll work hard to hold negligent parties accountable and secure the compensation you deserve. All you have to do is give our NYC law offices a call to schedule a free case assessment today.
How Long Do I Have to File a Whiplash Injury Lawsuit?
First, it’s important to understand that New York has no-fault insurance rules. This means that, if your whiplash injury is the result of a car accident, you’ll have to seek benefits from your insurance provider first, regardless of fault. If the cost of your whiplash injury exceeds what your insurer will pay, you can then seek additional compensation from a negligent party and/or their insurance company.
If you find yourself in this situation, you’ll have a limited amount of time to act. For insurance claims, you’ll have to notify insurance companies as soon as you can after an accident. Then, you’ll have to file a formal claim for benefits. How long you’ll have to do that depends on the insurance company. They make the rules. Generally speaking, companies require you to submit a claim within a “reasonable” amount of time after an accident.
When you decide to file a lawsuit, your claim must be filed within three years of the date of your accident. However, the clock won’t begin to run until you’ve identified your injury. So, if your whiplash isn’t obvious until three months after your car accident, that’s when the statute of limitations will begin to run. 
You will lose the right to demand and receive compensation if you don’t file your claim on time. For that reason, it is always best to make sure that you entrust your case to a qualified NYC car accident lawyer. 
Call Our NYC Whiplash Injury Attorneys For Help Now
Whiplash might not be a catastrophic injury, but it can have catastrophic consequences that affect many aspects of your life. If someone else is responsible for your whiplash injury, our NYC personal injury attorneys will fight to hold them accountable. We represent clients in and around New York City, including the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Westchester.
Give our team a call today to schedule a free, no-obligation case assessment and learn more.
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taylormcdonaldcds3 · 5 years
Final Insights
After facilitating the concept testing and user testing session I began synthesising the output from the participants and generated three following insights.
INSIGHT 01: The favourite games of the children involved was Charades. All 11 children interviewed selected fun, cool and creative as a words to describe their experience with the three games. 
In contrast the favourite games of the parents were How Might You Feel if. 5 of the 7 adults interviewed selected educational and relevant to reflect their experience playing the game. 4 out of the 7 adults made the point that each game had value and learning opportunities that other games did not.
“I like charades, it’s heaps of fun” “I think my daughter really enjoyed the charades, but the How Might you feel if game gives me an opportunity to discuss how she might feel in different scenarios.”
INSIGHT 02: Children wanted non-human cartoon illustrations showing the different emotions.
“I don’t like the girl, it’d be cool if they were monsters” “Make them a cartoony”
INSIGHT 03: 5 of the adult participants suggested that perhaps the emotions should be colour coded to represent positive/neutral/negative emotions. They suggested that this method of colour coding could help remove any biases children may feel about certain emotions.
“What if you colour the character of a softer emotion like, I don’t know ‘kind’ as pink, and then boys immediately associate that with being a girl emotion? And then think it’s not ok to experience that emotion, because that’s a girl emotion? It’s just something to consider.”
INSIGHT 04: If scenarios are insensitive to a child’s family background, home-life or fears, the game runs the risk of alienating the child resulting in them becoming withdrawn from the game.
“If you assume about someone’s homelife and they get asked one of those questions they’ll likely become disengaged. So be careful.”
“Make sure your questions aren’t instilling fears in children that they don’t have yet.”
“What if one child loves swimming in the ocean and another child says they’d be terrified. If I probe into this the child who is scared might say it’s because of Sharks and this comment could affect the attitude and feeling of the child or children who love swimming in the ocean.
I will review the questions to reflect the feedback given. Changing specific terminology such as mother/father to a family member. I’ll also remove any questions that could potentially create fears that children did not have before.
After facilitating co-creation sessions with the children, I’ll be using a hybrid of their illustrations to create whimsical creatures to display the emotions. I think what the children have done is ingenious, they’ve removed the opportunity for children to experience biases towards different emotions based upon the characters gender and race.
I’ll test whether colour coding the emotions to represent positive/neutral/negative is effective.
The user testing sessions were extremely successful. I struggled with getting parents to agree to their children being filmed or having their audio recorded, and I can understand their concerns given the circumstances. I assume that when user testing whilst working for a company, it’s unlikely that Testers will be able to decided whether they are filmed or not if they provided with compensation. In addition to this I underestimated how much the children would enjoy the games and struggled to finish games as the children wanted to continue playing. In hindsight I should have included an alarm and briefed the children at the beginning saying “I’m going to set a timer, and as soon as it’s finished we need to freeze and stop! Does that sound good?” In addition to this I think that I should have allowed for longer game sessions - so instead of 5-10 minutes, I should have made each game session 15-20 minutes. One thing that I believed I did well was adapting to the responses of the participants.
Example: When Norma began discussing the categorisation of the emotions into Positive/Neutral/Negative, I asked her to sort them into the three piles that she discussed. This continued on when other parents/teachers made similar suggestions. 
Lastly I did not make any amendments to my prototype during user testing as I wanted to ensure that all participants had the same experience. By doing this I ensure that iterations are based off of the input of all participants, and that I can rank the priority of changes by frequency of occurrence and participant response. 
0 notes
mikepepi · 5 years
Best Vocal Processor
New Post has been published on http://comm-fab.com/best-vocal-processor/
Best Vocal Processor
The 5 Best Vocal Processors For 2020
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TC Helicon VoiceTone Harmony-G XT
1. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
Best Amazon Offers
TC-Helicon makes a stompbox for vocalists called the Mic Mechanic, and people love it for what it does to their voices. I can’t say this has identical electronics inside, but the left half of the box is basically the same thing. Everyone’s voice sounds better just through the tone controls and pitch correction. I photograph and video a lot of local bands who play through bar sound systems that often leave something to be desired. It’s common for a perfectly good singer to go flat due to a bad stage mix, and the pitch correction in this should help with a lot of that. The reverb is better than most mixer boards and bar PAs–plus you can adjust it yourself. Or switch it to Delay if the bar’s reverb is good. If you never use the harmonies, this is still a great device to insert into your system.
Of course, the harmonizers are a great addition to most acts. I find people overuse both the level of the effect and the time they use it, so here’s my advice if you’re new to this. Don’t try to sound like CSN unless you’re doing a CSN song. Re-program the presets and keep it simple. Most rock songs only need one backing vocal, 1/3 up, and only on the chorus or a single line (for emphasis) in the verse. If you keep the volume of the effect down around 10:00-11:00, it blends better and is more convincing. My foot is too stupid to remember which button to use, so my presets only use the left button to switch the effects from A to B; the right button stays on all the time. My “A” pattern is either straight voice or doubled voice; the B pattern has the harmonies, one voice or two, I need for that type of song. If I try to get more complicated than that, I have to remember which footbutton to push and when I’m already busy singing, connecting with the audience and trying to keep the bass player in line, it’s more than I can handle. Keep it simple, don’t overuse the harmonies and you’ll love this thing.
Some News
Performance and Use 
This unit is amazing! I use this to add multi-harmony vocal tracks to my GarageBand recordings and it works fantastic!! I use my Yamaha piano as my input (instead of a guitar like the demos) and it works awesome. It sounds like me tracked 3 times. If I use my normal voice, I get my normal tone. If I use my falsetto voice, it reproduces very well and you can hear the difference of tone so it gives me lots of creative options. It’s very responsive to my input chord changes. Even if you don’t use the harmonies, the basic vocal processing is great. It boosts your signal and gives us a nice rich tone for recording. I highly recommend the Helicon!!
Natural play guitar-controlled harmony algorithm stacks up to 2 more voices from our flagship processor
Listens to guitar and Voice to create the correct harmony parts
6 reverb/delay combinations for vocal and Guitar input
10 presets, each with a/B options
Usb for software updates, tips, and preset management using the included voice support app
I have a Yamaha electronic piano and it picked up the chords from the piano sound and Fender Rhodes sound just fine. I was surprised that it seemed to find nice harmonies when I was playing Maj7th and 9th chords. One thing to note: The “guitar” input is a mono unbalanced input. So if your piano has a stereo output, it will come out mono after it goes out the “Thru”. So, if you have any kind of mixer, like a Mackie 12-channel, send a mono output from your piano to the TC-Helicon through an Aux send and your piano will stay in stereo.
I use the VoiceTone with an acoustic run direct so the only sound going in the unit is from the guitar. I don’t think you’ll have feedback issues as much as your harmonies may be effected from other sounds from the stage entering the mics. Good hypercardioid mics may help with this however if you are the only sound source than it may not be an issue.
There is a position on the guitar mix knob, just above the “auto” mix setting that mutes the guitar and allows for just vocals to come though.
Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000
2. Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000 High-Performance 3D Multi-Engine Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
Get even more mind-expanding power for your keyboard, bass, guitar or vocals with the VIRTUALIZER PRO 3D FX2000 Effects Processor. This amazing rack unit has 71 incredible new algorithms, including true studio-grade stereo and 3D effects that will add a head-spinning new dimension to your sound, both live and in the studio. The FX2000 employs BEHRINGER RSM (Real Sound Modeling) technology to simulate acoustic environments with stunning accuracy. Effects options include powerful modulation, amp simulation, distortion and special effects, as well as effective dynamic and psychoacoustics processing. Performance is further enhanced through user-addressable high and low EQ and wave-adaptive VIRTUAL ROOM reverb algorithms.
Reverbs Delays
Because it is one of the most desired effects, the FX2000 provides 12 different reverb programs, so you always have the ideal reverb for your live performance or studio needs.
Reverbs include:
Specialty reverbs include:
REVERB – reverb is synthetically turned off after a predetermined amount of time
REVERSE REVERB – reverb envelope is reversed – it slowly gets louder
Delays include:
STEREO DELAY – delay is processed across the entire stereo image
TAPE ECHO – simulates classic tape echo devices, pre-dating the advent of digital delays
PING PONG – delay signal is “bounced” from left to right at an adjustable tempo
Much More than Just Reverb and Delay
The FX2000 has some of the best-sounding reverb and delay programs, but that’s not all. It also provides excellent modulation effects (such as chorus, flanger and phaser), including special variations like musical pitch shifter, tremolo and even a rotary speaker simulation.
Modulation and Pitch Shifter FX:
STEREO FLANGER (originally generated by playing back two synchronized “reel to reel” tape recorders with a finger rubbing on the flange of one of the take-up reels)
VINTAGE FLANGER simulates a guitar fl anger stomp box
JET STREAM FLANGER sounds like a classic analog flanger
STEREO CHORUS (combines a slightly detuned signal with the original)
ANALOG CHORUS simulates a guitar chorus stomp box
VINTAGE CHORUS imitates a classic analog studio chorus
ULTRA CHORUS creates the sound of an eight person chorus
STEREO PHASER (combines a second, phaseshifted signal to the original)
VINTAGE PHASER represents a guitar phaser stomp box
DUAL PHASER processes the left and right channels separately
ROTARY (simulation of the rotating speakers typically used on an organ) – Slow or Fast
PITCH SHIFTER (changes the pitch of the original signal) – can be used to create harmonies with the original signal or replace it entirely with the altered pitch. Choices include stereo, two and three vocal pitch shifter
VIBRATO – the peak frequency of the tone is periodically and uniformly changed (quickly or slowly)
TREMOLO (common vintage guitar amplifier effect) – a fast or slow periodic variation in volume
AUTO PANNING – signal is automatically sent from one side of the stereo image to the other, either once or multiple times
Dynamic FX:
COMPRESSOR – reduces the dynamic range of the signal, maintains consistent signal level and thus avoids distortion associated with excessive input levels
EXPANDER – effectively broadens the dynamic range of source signals while reducing background noise
GATED REVERB – helps reduce background clutter by turning reverb off below a predetermined threshold level. Particularly effective on drum mics and vocals
ANA. KOMPR/LIM. – similar to COMPRESSOR but with Limiting functionality
ULTRAMIZER – analyses incoming signal and automatically applies compression across two independent frequency bands
DENOISER – eliminates or reduces noise and other interference
DE-ESSER – reduces or removes sibilance (Ssss sound) from signal
WAVE DESIGNER – allows you to influence the envelope by adjusting Attack and Release of the signal
Psychoacoustic FX:
EXCITER – adds artificially generated overtones to the original signal, increasing presence and perceived loudness without significant increase in signal level
ENHANCER – functions much like a dynamic pitch equalizer
ULTRA BASS – sub-harmonic processor combined with bass exciter and limiter
STEREO IMAGER – divides the signal into middle and side signals, allowing individual signals to be amplif ed when desired and placed on the stereo image
ULTRA WIDE – creates a broader stereo image
BINAURALIZER – also creates a broader stereo image and compensates for crosstalk between both speakers
Filter/EQ FX:
AUTO FILTER – influences the frequency response of a signal. Two filters are included: low pass allows low frequencies to pass and suppresses high frequency content; high pass does the exact opposite
LFO FILTER – Controls the rate of oscillation effects
PARAMETRIC EQ – allows you to control the bandwidth, frequency and amplitude of a signal
GRAPHIC EQ – the sound spectrum is divided into eight (8) adjacent frequency bands, which can be cut or boosted, bandwidth is predetermined
Distortion FX and Amp Simulations
The FX2000 is also equipped with distortion, amplifier and speaker simulation including VOCAL DISTORTION, TUBE DISTORTION, GUITAR AMP, TRI FUZZ, SPEAKER SIMULATION, RING MODULATOR and LO-FI.
Special FX:
VINYLIZER – adds clicks and/or noise to the signal, reminiscent of old vinyl records and tape machines
SAMPLER – allows you to record and playback up to five (5) seconds of program material
VOCODER – allows the input signal to modulate another signal (usually a synthesizer sound), creating the familiar “talking synthesizer” effect
VOICE CANCELER – removes mono vocal parts from stereo recordings for “instant Karaoke”
RESONATOR – simulates and oscillating system that amplifies a specific frequency
Our FX Combinations Go to 11
Sometimes you want to add a little (or a lot) of color to your reverb and delay patches. The FX2000 allows you to layer modulation effects like chorus, flanger, pitch or tremolo with your reverb or delay selections.
FX Combinations include:
Chorus Reverb
Flanger Reverb
Leslie Reverb
Pitch Reverb
Delay Reverb
Tremolo Reverb
Phaser Reverb
Chorus Delay
Flanger Delay
Pitch Delay
Tremolo Delay
Enhanced User Editability
Logical grouping of parameters, along with the combination of encoders, buttons, LEDs and an easily readable LED display, make operating the FX2000 a breeze. You are free to edit up to seven parameters per preset, and then save them for future use in the 100 provided memory locations.
With its extremely powerful processing capability and versatile array of features, the FX2000 will become the busiest tool in your audio arsenal. Stop by your BEHRINGER dealer today and find out why more professional sound engineers are turning to the FX2000 as their primary FX processor – both in the studio and on the road.
Performance and Use 
I have had the Behringer FX2000 3D for many days now. I have played with it for many hours each day after work and on the weekends. I’ve used every single setting there is for all the effects. I figured out all the menu options pretty quickly, mostly without reading the manual. It’s pretty easy to use for this type of effects box. It’s so jam packed with effects and options. I love it.
The quality of the build is fantastic. I love the rubbery slip free feel of the knobs and I like the solid feel of the switches. It has durable metal housing also. It’s built like a tank. I have had zero problems with this unit. There are no software glitches. Everything works perfects and reliably 100% of the time.
The sound quality is really good for most of the effects. The pitch shift effect is the main exception to this (see below).
I found the reverb and echo effects to be of very good quality. They sound realistic. There are quite enough options to keep me happy. I was able to get that cosmic mind blowing reverb some people seek, especially in the trance scene, by setting the reverb controls just right for the cathedral reverb effect.
Other than the digital artifacts present in the pitch shift effect (see below), I found no noticeable noise for any effects except when using the distortion effects turned up pretty high (which is normal for a distortion unit). I love the distortion on this unit. There are tons of options allowing me to get just the right distortion style for a particular sound I’m looking for. The distortion effects are very good quality. Noise is only present when they are over used, just as is the case with real analog audio distortion units. I found the digital distortion to emulate analog distortion very well in many settings.
One effect that surprised me was the sampler, which is not really an “effect”. It supports looping and overdubbing, which is quite handy when messing around live because it’s so easy to use. It can also play in reverse, and at 1/2 the speed in either direction. While I do have digital recording equipment that can also do this, it’s simpler and quicker to use the FX2000 for creating basic audio loops. I found that I use it quite a bit for this purpose.
There’s 1 additional multi-effect chain present in the distortion section called Vocal Distortion which is distortion + delay + flanger. This is a pretty useful multi-effects combination.
Two other surprises are the Auto Panning and Tremolo effects when used with the Saw Down waveform option in conjunction with the Auto Modulation setting turned up all the way. This produces a rapid banjo-like strumming sound which increases in speed as the input volume level increases. Used with a synthesizer, this can produce a very interesting effect.
Each effect has up to 6 controls that can be changed, and some control settings produce very dramatic changes in the effect. For example, the basic echo effect’s control settings are a bit complex, more complex than most echo effects I’ve used in the past. It takes some getting used to. I would be very disappointed if it wasn’t as complex as it is though. There are other simpler to use, less feature rich effects boxes out there, and for the less technically inclined they might be a bit overwhelmed by the many options available in the FX2000. But for people that love tweaking effects to get the exact combination they are looking for, this is a great effects unit.
Some of the sound effects available are not obvious at first, and require tweaking to get them to be very useful musically. For example, the rapid banjo strumming effect requires going into the Tremolo effect’s menu options and selecting the Saw Down waveform and turning up the Auto Modulation setting, producing a pretty awesome sound that’s totally unlike a typical tremolo effect.
This unit is GREAT as an addition to any synthesizer. It’s got some really good effects that none of my synthesizers have built in. I can get some pretty amazing mind blowing sounds from this unit when used in conjunction with my synthesizers. I highly recommend this to anyone using synthesizers who’s familiar with tweaking complex effects, filters, LFOs, etc. This unit is almost like a super effects synthesizer without the oscillators and keyboard.
I am VERY SATISFIED with this purchase. The FX2000 is truly a Swiss army knife effects box. It does a ton of things not found on other effects boxes. It does most of them very well and most of the effects sound realistic. The distortion alone is worth the price of this unit. But if you’re looking for very realistic pitch shifting effect, you are better off buying units solely devoted to pitch shifting, and expect to pay MORE for that affect alone. A realistic sounding pitch shifter alone will cost about 5-10 times as much as this unit costs. Live real time pitch shifting requires a very high level of processing power in order to sound realistic.
UPDATE AFTER OVER 4 YEARS OF USE: After owning this and using it several days a week regularly for over 4 years now, I haven’t had a single issue with it. It works as well as the day I purchased it. All the knobs and buttons are all still in great condition. This is a really well made quality device, built like a tank. Highly recommended!
71 breathtaking new algorithms – true RSM (Real Sound Modeling) stereo and 3D effects
Wave-adaptive virtual Room reverb algorithms for natural reverb and delay
Awesome modulation, dynamic, psychoacoustic and EQ algorithms
Authentic amp simulation, distortion and special effects
11 effect combinations with selectable serial / parallel configuration
Up to 7 adjustable parameters plus 2-band EQ per effect
24-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128-times oversampling
True stereo processing for realistic channel separation in stereo image
100 factory presets plus 100 user memory locations
Extensive MIDI implementation
Accurate LED level meters for perfect level setting and optimum performance
Servo-balanced XLR and1/4” TRS inputs and outputs
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Durable, love it. It has a single “tape echo” effect, the 14th position on the rotary effects knob. There are six editable parameters, so you can customize the result and store it in a user preset for quicker access. You can adjust L and R delay, feedback, damping, and feedback high-pass/low-pass. There is a downloadable PDF that lists additional details about the adjustment ranges, but this overview would be enough to get you started.
It’s both 110v. and 220v. simultaniously. This means it can be used in USA, Canada and Europe without any volt converter or anything.
This unit be used with a mixer and 2 remote microphones for tweaking karaoke singing for a male and female song
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Boss ve 8 Acoustic Singer
3. BOSS VE-8 Acoustic Singer Bundle
5 VOCAL EFFECTS – The onboard vocal effects add a new texture to your melodies. The VE-8 includes a vocal doubling effect, plus more dramatic processing like hard-tuned electronic voices, distortion, and a radio voice effect.
5 GUITAR EFFECTS – The dedicated guitar channel includes Acoustic Resonance for enhancing your guitar’s pickups, reverb, chorus, tuner, and various effects, plus phase invert and notch filter for feedback control.
REAL-TIME PITCH CORRECTION – The VE-8 Acoustic Singer features Chromatic Pitch corrector, which automatically follows along and gets your voice perfectly in tune.
80 SECS OF LOOPING – With the Acoustic Singer stompbox you can record up to 80 seconds of guitar and vocal loops independently. Plus, you can store and recall 50 different settings in the memory storage.
INCLUDES – Boss Audio VE-8 Acoustic Singer. Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9V DC 670mA with US Plug. Blucoil 10-Foot Balanced XLR Cable – Premium Series 3-Pin Cable for Microphones, Speakers and Pro Devices (Male-to-Female).
Also Comes With:Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9 Volt DC 670mA with US Plug
The 9V Power Supply features a 3-meter cable that converts AC wall current to correct amount of DC current. This adapter powers most guitar effects pedal including pedals from BOSS, MXR, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, Donner, Jim Dunlop, and Korg. Plus, Blucoil power supply meets UL 5 safety standards.
Blucoil Audio Premium 10’ XLR Cable
Material: Zinc-Alloy Connector, Highly Conducive Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Cables, Metal Connector Casting
Cable Gauge: 24AWG wire
Noise Control: 98% Braided Shield and Twin-Conductive PVC Inner Shields for EMI and RFI Noise Protection
XLR M to XLR F Connects Mics To: Mixers, Preamps, Audio Interfaces, and Recorders
Performance and Use
1st there is no need for the extra AC adapter since the unit comes with one. The book is hard to follow with very small print but, there are a series of 10 how-to lesions on U-tube which are priceless. Every toy on the VE-8 has multiple settings that are very involved if you want that level of detail in your sound. It will do whats advertised but prepare for a serious learning curve.
Nominal Input Level: MIC IN: -40 dBu (MIC SENS = Center) | GUITAR IN: -10 dBu | AUX IN: -20 dBu
Input Impedance: MIC IN: 4 k ohms | GUITAR IN: 20 M ohms | AUX IN: 18 k ohms
Nominal Output Level: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: -10 dBu | XLR OUT L, R: -10 dBu (Vocal&Guitar, Guitar), -40 dBu (Vocal)
Output Impedance: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: 1 k ohm | XLR OUT L, R: 600 ohms | PHONES: 44 ohms
Mode: Manual | Memory (Memory change/stomp)
Number of Memory: 50
Phrase Loop: 80 sec
Display: 7 segments, 2 digits LED
Connectors: MIC IN connector: XLR type, balanced, phantom power (DC 48 V, 10 mA Max) | GUITAR IN jack: 1/4-inch phone type | AUX IN jack: Stereo miniature phone type | XLR OUT L, R connectors: XLR type | LINE OUT L/MONO, R jacks: 1/4-inch phone type | PHONES jack: Stereo miniature phone type
MEMORY INC/DEC jack: 1/4-inch TRS phone type | USB COMPUTER port: USB type B | DC IN jack
Power Supply: AC adaptor | Alkaline battery (AA, LR6) x 6
I had to take the time to let Quantum Networks know the service I received was top notch great timing communication everything its a great feeling to know there are still company’s out there that have great respect for there customers that’s old school like the days when your gas was pumped while your windshield was cleaned at the same time for a fair price though you cannot put a price on integrity
Some News
Vocal Processor TC Helicon
4. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
TC Helicon VoiceLive Play Vocal Effects Pedal The TC Helicon VoiceLive Play is the ideal solution for singers and songwriters who are looking for an easy-to-setup, easy-to-use vocal processor during live gigs and studio recording. The pedal is ready to use right out of the box. It offers +200 song- and artist-inspired presets you can use on your vocal performance. The VoiceLive Play is equipped with VLOOP (an onboard looper) and Adaptive Tone (innovative technology that controls the Shape EQ and Dynamics of the stompbox).
Also Comes With:
Blucoil 20-FT Balanced XLR Cables (2-Pack) The 20-foot Blucoil cable interconnects your mic to an audio interface, mixer, preamp, and more. It is made premium Male-to-Female Neutrik-equivalent Zinc Alloy connectors protected with high-density PVC Jacket. The 92% shielding protects your audio signal from EMI and RFI. The OFC wire makes sure that it provides the best possible conductivity and avoid lost signal or degeneration.
Receive 5-Pack of Blucoil Cable Ties and a 6-Feet Stereo Aux Cable when you avail this bundle today!
Performance and Use
Everything about this is great. I use this with a singer/songwriter performance setup, and as a vocal processor during louder gigs. Solid build, easy menu navigation, simple preset setups, beautiful sound quality and effects. Highly practical. This is a fantastic piece of guitar equipment, I was using the guitar and vocal presets and creating my own in less than an hour. The effects on offer, easy customization and accessibility makes this a great pedal for the acoustic performer. Easy to sing
A-to-D/D-to-A Resolution: 24bit 128 x oversampling bitstream
Vocal FX: 8 (µMod, Echo and Delay, Reverb, Harmony, Double, Transducer, Rhythmic, Tone, HardTune and Correction)
Onboard VLOOP: Built-in looper with undo/redo and unlimited overdubs
Impedance: 2.14/1.07 kOhm Input | 80/40 Ohm Output
Connectors: XLR Mic In, 1/8″ Stereo Aux In, 1/8″ TRS Headphone Out, 2x XLR Outputs, USB Mini-B
Power Source: TC Helicon 12V 400mA DC Power Supply (included)
All components of the TC Helicon Play Acoustic Vocal Effects Processor Bundle come with their original packaging. You may contact TC Helicon’s customer support team at [email protected] for the warranty details.
The TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor has two KEY Modes: Auto for AUX signal and Room Sense for keyboards, guitars, or other chord-based instrument. You can download the VoiceLive Play manual at https://www.tc-helicon.com/Categories/Tchelicon/Vocal/Multi-Effects/VOICELIVE-PLAY/p/P0CME/Downloads#googtrans(en|en)
The effects it contains are suitable for acoustic guitars,Hall of fame and corona effect. works well with voice effects, has more than 100 voice effect
Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo
5. Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo Bundle
Some Amazon Offers
Adding value to your purchase, Austin Bazaar bundles your instrument with necessary accessories. Everything you need to start playing immediately comes in one box. Save yourself the hassle and save some money while you’re at it. A power supply is included so you can plug in and play right away. An Austin Bazaar polishing cloth is included so you can keep your new instrument in mint condition.
Performance and Use
Works well for live performance. Everyone needs to shut off the echo or reverb while announcing. Also has phantom power, and can be either powered by adapter or batteries. Very versatile.
useful for vocals, etc.
Seven types of ambience effects with adjustable settings for your voice
Double-tracking effect to instantly thicken your vocal sound
Enhance effect and Pitch Correct (including hard-tuned “electronic voice” sound)
Adjustable detailed parameters for advanced users
Battery or AC operation enables performing anywhere
-The reverbs are good and sculptable with the tone knob and there’s a hidden delay with standard delay level, feedback time controls. -The enhance button is actually compression/eq -Autotune, doubling AND a voice changer. -Two parameters can be footswitchable (including tap tempo, that’s the big one). It’s a really good pedal for live and recording.
It gives me just enough echo to put my vocals over the top. I find I don’t need to work as hard to project my voice in a relatively loud environment. Saves a lot on my vocal chords. Easy to use and the doubling effect is great for those moments when you need a little help. Overall a nice device with just enough options to give you some different sounds and varying degrees of depth.
Guide To Vocal Processors: Five Quick Facts
These are the five facts you need to know about vocal processes brought to you by Comm-Fab. Number one there are three main styles the long then builds a rack mounted processes they’re great for artists who draw seriously it’s probably the priciest option in the long run there are also straightforward floor pedals they provide the convenience of instant toggling and interaction the final option is the tabletop make these are suited to the needs of the in-home recording artist and coffeehouse performer they have just as much versatility and processing power as others however they suffer from the weakest construction and a less efficient interface fact number two vocal processors provide for two main uses the first is to make a recording sound better these will shift the pitch of a singer to keep them in key the second is to change the style entirely this is what artists like Daft Punk .Fact number three in ancient Greek theater actors wore masks and parts to symbolize their character in the given play but they were also built the project sound outward even the etymology proves it persona contains roots for the words through and sound fact number four after ancient Greece vocal processing took a while to develop it wouldn’t become normal until the advent of the radio and it wouldn’t become accepted until well after Cher’s popular auto-tune hit believe fact number five some people argue that vocal processors are cheating they claim that putting the voice through any medium violates its purity there are a number of ways to counter that argument for instance you could say that arbitrary standards a counterproductive the last half century of music proves that new technologies provide the space for people to do exciting news but you don’t need to have that argument you can just use a vocal processor and prove them wrong.
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iameveryonesmom · 5 years
Best Vocal Processor
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Best Vocal Processor
The 5 Best Vocal Processors For 2019
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TC Helicon VoiceTone Harmony-G XT
1. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
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TC-Helicon makes a stompbox for vocalists called the Mic Mechanic, and people love it for what it does to their voices. I can’t say this has identical electronics inside, but the left half of the box is basically the same thing. Everyone’s voice sounds better just through the tone controls and pitch correction. I photograph and video a lot of local bands who play through bar sound systems that often leave something to be desired. It’s common for a perfectly good singer to go flat due to a bad stage mix, and the pitch correction in this should help with a lot of that. The reverb is better than most mixer boards and bar PAs–plus you can adjust it yourself. Or switch it to Delay if the bar’s reverb is good. If you never use the harmonies, this is still a great device to insert into your system.
Of course, the harmonizers are a great addition to most acts. I find people overuse both the level of the effect and the time they use it, so here’s my advice if you’re new to this. Don’t try to sound like CSN unless you’re doing a CSN song. Re-program the presets and keep it simple. Most rock songs only need one backing vocal, 1/3 up, and only on the chorus or a single line (for emphasis) in the verse. If you keep the volume of the effect down around 10:00-11:00, it blends better and is more convincing. My foot is too stupid to remember which button to use, so my presets only use the left button to switch the effects from A to B; the right button stays on all the time. My “A” pattern is either straight voice or doubled voice; the B pattern has the harmonies, one voice or two, I need for that type of song. If I try to get more complicated than that, I have to remember which footbutton to push and when I’m already busy singing, connecting with the audience and trying to keep the bass player in line, it’s more than I can handle. Keep it simple, don’t overuse the harmonies and you’ll love this thing.
Some News
Performance and Use 
This unit is amazing! I use this to add multi-harmony vocal tracks to my GarageBand recordings and it works fantastic!! I use my Yamaha piano as my input (instead of a guitar like the demos) and it works awesome. It sounds like me tracked 3 times. If I use my normal voice, I get my normal tone. If I use my falsetto voice, it reproduces very well and you can hear the difference of tone so it gives me lots of creative options. It’s very responsive to my input chord changes. Even if you don’t use the harmonies, the basic vocal processing is great. It boosts your signal and gives us a nice rich tone for recording. I highly recommend the Helicon!!
Natural play guitar-controlled harmony algorithm stacks up to 2 more voices from our flagship processor
Listens to guitar and Voice to create the correct harmony parts
6 reverb/delay combinations for vocal and Guitar input
10 presets, each with a/B options
Usb for software updates, tips, and preset management using the included voice support app
I have a Yamaha electronic piano and it picked up the chords from the piano sound and Fender Rhodes sound just fine. I was surprised that it seemed to find nice harmonies when I was playing Maj7th and 9th chords. One thing to note: The “guitar” input is a mono unbalanced input. So if your piano has a stereo output, it will come out mono after it goes out the “Thru”. So, if you have any kind of mixer, like a Mackie 12-channel, send a mono output from your piano to the TC-Helicon through an Aux send and your piano will stay in stereo.
I use the VoiceTone with an acoustic run direct so the only sound going in the unit is from the guitar. I don’t think you’ll have feedback issues as much as your harmonies may be effected from other sounds from the stage entering the mics. Good hypercardioid mics may help with this however if you are the only sound source than it may not be an issue.
There is a position on the guitar mix knob, just above the “auto” mix setting that mutes the guitar and allows for just vocals to come though.
Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000
2. Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000 High-Performance 3D Multi-Engine Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
Get even more mind-expanding power for your keyboard, bass, guitar or vocals with the VIRTUALIZER PRO 3D FX2000 Effects Processor. This amazing rack unit has 71 incredible new algorithms, including true studio-grade stereo and 3D effects that will add a head-spinning new dimension to your sound, both live and in the studio. The FX2000 employs BEHRINGER RSM (Real Sound Modeling) technology to simulate acoustic environments with stunning accuracy. Effects options include powerful modulation, amp simulation, distortion and special effects, as well as effective dynamic and psychoacoustics processing. Performance is further enhanced through user-addressable high and low EQ and wave-adaptive VIRTUAL ROOM reverb algorithms.
Reverbs Delays
Because it is one of the most desired effects, the FX2000 provides 12 different reverb programs, so you always have the ideal reverb for your live performance or studio needs.
Reverbs include:
Specialty reverbs include:
REVERB – reverb is synthetically turned off after a predetermined amount of time
REVERSE REVERB – reverb envelope is reversed – it slowly gets louder
Delays include:
STEREO DELAY – delay is processed across the entire stereo image
TAPE ECHO – simulates classic tape echo devices, pre-dating the advent of digital delays
PING PONG – delay signal is “bounced” from left to right at an adjustable tempo
Much More than Just Reverb and Delay
The FX2000 has some of the best-sounding reverb and delay programs, but that’s not all. It also provides excellent modulation effects (such as chorus, flanger and phaser), including special variations like musical pitch shifter, tremolo and even a rotary speaker simulation.
Modulation and Pitch Shifter FX:
STEREO FLANGER (originally generated by playing back two synchronized “reel to reel” tape recorders with a finger rubbing on the flange of one of the take-up reels)
VINTAGE FLANGER simulates a guitar fl anger stomp box
JET STREAM FLANGER sounds like a classic analog flanger
STEREO CHORUS (combines a slightly detuned signal with the original)
ANALOG CHORUS simulates a guitar chorus stomp box
VINTAGE CHORUS imitates a classic analog studio chorus
ULTRA CHORUS creates the sound of an eight person chorus
STEREO PHASER (combines a second, phaseshifted signal to the original)
VINTAGE PHASER represents a guitar phaser stomp box
DUAL PHASER processes the left and right channels separately
ROTARY (simulation of the rotating speakers typically used on an organ) – Slow or Fast
PITCH SHIFTER (changes the pitch of the original signal) – can be used to create harmonies with the original signal or replace it entirely with the altered pitch. Choices include stereo, two and three vocal pitch shifter
VIBRATO – the peak frequency of the tone is periodically and uniformly changed (quickly or slowly)
TREMOLO (common vintage guitar amplifier effect) – a fast or slow periodic variation in volume
AUTO PANNING – signal is automatically sent from one side of the stereo image to the other, either once or multiple times
Dynamic FX:
COMPRESSOR – reduces the dynamic range of the signal, maintains consistent signal level and thus avoids distortion associated with excessive input levels
EXPANDER – effectively broadens the dynamic range of source signals while reducing background noise
GATED REVERB – helps reduce background clutter by turning reverb off below a predetermined threshold level. Particularly effective on drum mics and vocals
ANA. KOMPR/LIM. – similar to COMPRESSOR but with Limiting functionality
ULTRAMIZER – analyses incoming signal and automatically applies compression across two independent frequency bands
DENOISER – eliminates or reduces noise and other interference
DE-ESSER – reduces or removes sibilance (Ssss sound) from signal
WAVE DESIGNER – allows you to influence the envelope by adjusting Attack and Release of the signal
Psychoacoustic FX:
EXCITER – adds artificially generated overtones to the original signal, increasing presence and perceived loudness without significant increase in signal level
ENHANCER – functions much like a dynamic pitch equalizer
ULTRA BASS – sub-harmonic processor combined with bass exciter and limiter
STEREO IMAGER – divides the signal into middle and side signals, allowing individual signals to be amplif ed when desired and placed on the stereo image
ULTRA WIDE – creates a broader stereo image
BINAURALIZER – also creates a broader stereo image and compensates for crosstalk between both speakers
Filter/EQ FX:
AUTO FILTER – influences the frequency response of a signal. Two filters are included: low pass allows low frequencies to pass and suppresses high frequency content; high pass does the exact opposite
LFO FILTER – Controls the rate of oscillation effects
PARAMETRIC EQ – allows you to control the bandwidth, frequency and amplitude of a signal
GRAPHIC EQ – the sound spectrum is divided into eight (8) adjacent frequency bands, which can be cut or boosted, bandwidth is predetermined
Distortion FX and Amp Simulations
The FX2000 is also equipped with distortion, amplifier and speaker simulation including VOCAL DISTORTION, TUBE DISTORTION, GUITAR AMP, TRI FUZZ, SPEAKER SIMULATION, RING MODULATOR and LO-FI.
Special FX:
VINYLIZER – adds clicks and/or noise to the signal, reminiscent of old vinyl records and tape machines
SAMPLER – allows you to record and playback up to five (5) seconds of program material
VOCODER – allows the input signal to modulate another signal (usually a synthesizer sound), creating the familiar “talking synthesizer” effect
VOICE CANCELER – removes mono vocal parts from stereo recordings for “instant Karaoke”
RESONATOR – simulates and oscillating system that amplifies a specific frequency
Our FX Combinations Go to 11
Sometimes you want to add a little (or a lot) of color to your reverb and delay patches. The FX2000 allows you to layer modulation effects like chorus, flanger, pitch or tremolo with your reverb or delay selections.
FX Combinations include:
Chorus Reverb
Flanger Reverb
Leslie Reverb
Pitch Reverb
Delay Reverb
Tremolo Reverb
Phaser Reverb
Chorus Delay
Flanger Delay
Pitch Delay
Tremolo Delay
Enhanced User Editability
Logical grouping of parameters, along with the combination of encoders, buttons, LEDs and an easily readable LED display, make operating the FX2000 a breeze. You are free to edit up to seven parameters per preset, and then save them for future use in the 100 provided memory locations.
With its extremely powerful processing capability and versatile array of features, the FX2000 will become the busiest tool in your audio arsenal. Stop by your BEHRINGER dealer today and find out why more professional sound engineers are turning to the FX2000 as their primary FX processor – both in the studio and on the road.
Performance and Use 
I have had the Behringer FX2000 3D for many days now. I have played with it for many hours each day after work and on the weekends. I’ve used every single setting there is for all the effects. I figured out all the menu options pretty quickly, mostly without reading the manual. It’s pretty easy to use for this type of effects box. It’s so jam packed with effects and options. I love it.
The quality of the build is fantastic. I love the rubbery slip free feel of the knobs and I like the solid feel of the switches. It has durable metal housing also. It’s built like a tank. I have had zero problems with this unit. There are no software glitches. Everything works perfects and reliably 100% of the time.
The sound quality is really good for most of the effects. The pitch shift effect is the main exception to this (see below).
I found the reverb and echo effects to be of very good quality. They sound realistic. There are quite enough options to keep me happy. I was able to get that cosmic mind blowing reverb some people seek, especially in the trance scene, by setting the reverb controls just right for the cathedral reverb effect.
Other than the digital artifacts present in the pitch shift effect (see below), I found no noticeable noise for any effects except when using the distortion effects turned up pretty high (which is normal for a distortion unit). I love the distortion on this unit. There are tons of options allowing me to get just the right distortion style for a particular sound I’m looking for. The distortion effects are very good quality. Noise is only present when they are over used, just as is the case with real analog audio distortion units. I found the digital distortion to emulate analog distortion very well in many settings.
One effect that surprised me was the sampler, which is not really an “effect”. It supports looping and overdubbing, which is quite handy when messing around live because it’s so easy to use. It can also play in reverse, and at 1/2 the speed in either direction. While I do have digital recording equipment that can also do this, it’s simpler and quicker to use the FX2000 for creating basic audio loops. I found that I use it quite a bit for this purpose.
There’s 1 additional multi-effect chain present in the distortion section called Vocal Distortion which is distortion + delay + flanger. This is a pretty useful multi-effects combination.
Two other surprises are the Auto Panning and Tremolo effects when used with the Saw Down waveform option in conjunction with the Auto Modulation setting turned up all the way. This produces a rapid banjo-like strumming sound which increases in speed as the input volume level increases. Used with a synthesizer, this can produce a very interesting effect.
Each effect has up to 6 controls that can be changed, and some control settings produce very dramatic changes in the effect. For example, the basic echo effect’s control settings are a bit complex, more complex than most echo effects I’ve used in the past. It takes some getting used to. I would be very disappointed if it wasn’t as complex as it is though. There are other simpler to use, less feature rich effects boxes out there, and for the less technically inclined they might be a bit overwhelmed by the many options available in the FX2000. But for people that love tweaking effects to get the exact combination they are looking for, this is a great effects unit.
Some of the sound effects available are not obvious at first, and require tweaking to get them to be very useful musically. For example, the rapid banjo strumming effect requires going into the Tremolo effect’s menu options and selecting the Saw Down waveform and turning up the Auto Modulation setting, producing a pretty awesome sound that’s totally unlike a typical tremolo effect.
This unit is GREAT as an addition to any synthesizer. It’s got some really good effects that none of my synthesizers have built in. I can get some pretty amazing mind blowing sounds from this unit when used in conjunction with my synthesizers. I highly recommend this to anyone using synthesizers who’s familiar with tweaking complex effects, filters, LFOs, etc. This unit is almost like a super effects synthesizer without the oscillators and keyboard.
I am VERY SATISFIED with this purchase. The FX2000 is truly a Swiss army knife effects box. It does a ton of things not found on other effects boxes. It does most of them very well and most of the effects sound realistic. The distortion alone is worth the price of this unit. But if you’re looking for very realistic pitch shifting effect, you are better off buying units solely devoted to pitch shifting, and expect to pay MORE for that affect alone. A realistic sounding pitch shifter alone will cost about 5-10 times as much as this unit costs. Live real time pitch shifting requires a very high level of processing power in order to sound realistic.
UPDATE AFTER OVER 4 YEARS OF USE: After owning this and using it several days a week regularly for over 4 years now, I haven’t had a single issue with it. It works as well as the day I purchased it. All the knobs and buttons are all still in great condition. This is a really well made quality device, built like a tank. Highly recommended!
71 breathtaking new algorithms – true RSM (Real Sound Modeling) stereo and 3D effects
Wave-adaptive virtual Room reverb algorithms for natural reverb and delay
Awesome modulation, dynamic, psychoacoustic and EQ algorithms
Authentic amp simulation, distortion and special effects
11 effect combinations with selectable serial / parallel configuration
Up to 7 adjustable parameters plus 2-band EQ per effect
24-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128-times oversampling
True stereo processing for realistic channel separation in stereo image
100 factory presets plus 100 user memory locations
Extensive MIDI implementation
Accurate LED level meters for perfect level setting and optimum performance
Servo-balanced XLR and1/4” TRS inputs and outputs
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Durable, love it. It has a single “tape echo” effect, the 14th position on the rotary effects knob. There are six editable parameters, so you can customize the result and store it in a user preset for quicker access. You can adjust L and R delay, feedback, damping, and feedback high-pass/low-pass. There is a downloadable PDF that lists additional details about the adjustment ranges, but this overview would be enough to get you started.
It’s both 110v. and 220v. simultaniously. This means it can be used in USA, Canada and Europe without any volt converter or anything.
This unit be used with a mixer and 2 remote microphones for tweaking karaoke singing for a male and female song
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Boss ve 8 Acoustic Singer
3. BOSS VE-8 Acoustic Singer Bundle
5 VOCAL EFFECTS – The onboard vocal effects add a new texture to your melodies. The VE-8 includes a vocal doubling effect, plus more dramatic processing like hard-tuned electronic voices, distortion, and a radio voice effect.
5 GUITAR EFFECTS – The dedicated guitar channel includes Acoustic Resonance for enhancing your guitar’s pickups, reverb, chorus, tuner, and various effects, plus phase invert and notch filter for feedback control.
REAL-TIME PITCH CORRECTION – The VE-8 Acoustic Singer features Chromatic Pitch corrector, which automatically follows along and gets your voice perfectly in tune.
80 SECS OF LOOPING – With the Acoustic Singer stompbox you can record up to 80 seconds of guitar and vocal loops independently. Plus, you can store and recall 50 different settings in the memory storage.
INCLUDES – Boss Audio VE-8 Acoustic Singer. Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9V DC 670mA with US Plug. Blucoil 10-Foot Balanced XLR Cable – Premium Series 3-Pin Cable for Microphones, Speakers and Pro Devices (Male-to-Female).
Also Comes With:
Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9 Volt DC 670mA with US Plug
The 9V Power Supply features a 3-meter cable that converts AC wall current to correct amount of DC current. This adapter powers most guitar effects pedal including pedals from BOSS, MXR, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, Donner, Jim Dunlop, and Korg. Plus, Blucoil power supply meets UL 5 safety standards.
Blucoil Audio Premium 10’ XLR Cable
Material: Zinc-Alloy Connector, Highly Conducive Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Cables, Metal Connector Casting
Cable Gauge: 24AWG wire
Noise Control: 98% Braided Shield and Twin-Conductive PVC Inner Shields for EMI and RFI Noise Protection
XLR M to XLR F Connects Mics To: Mixers, Preamps, Audio Interfaces, and Recorders
Performance and Use
1st there is no need for the extra AC adapter since the unit comes with one. The book is hard to follow with very small print but, there are a series of 10 how-to lesions on U-tube which are priceless. Every toy on the VE-8 has multiple settings that are very involved if you want that level of detail in your sound. It will do whats advertised but prepare for a serious learning curve.
Nominal Input Level: MIC IN: -40 dBu (MIC SENS = Center) | GUITAR IN: -10 dBu | AUX IN: -20 dBu
Input Impedance: MIC IN: 4 k ohms | GUITAR IN: 20 M ohms | AUX IN: 18 k ohms
Nominal Output Level: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: -10 dBu | XLR OUT L, R: -10 dBu (Vocal&Guitar, Guitar), -40 dBu (Vocal)
Output Impedance: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: 1 k ohm | XLR OUT L, R: 600 ohms | PHONES: 44 ohms
Mode: Manual | Memory (Memory change/stomp)
Number of Memory: 50
Phrase Loop: 80 sec
Display: 7 segments, 2 digits LED
Connectors: MIC IN connector: XLR type, balanced, phantom power (DC 48 V, 10 mA Max) | GUITAR IN jack: 1/4-inch phone type | AUX IN jack: Stereo miniature phone type | XLR OUT L, R connectors: XLR type | LINE OUT L/MONO, R jacks: 1/4-inch phone type | PHONES jack: Stereo miniature phone type
MEMORY INC/DEC jack: 1/4-inch TRS phone type | USB COMPUTER port: USB type B | DC IN jack
Power Supply: AC adaptor | Alkaline battery (AA, LR6) x 6
I had to take the time to let Quantum Networks know the service I received was top notch great timing communication everything its a great feeling to know there are still company’s out there that have great respect for there customers that’s old school like the days when your gas was pumped while your windshield was cleaned at the same time for a fair price though you cannot put a price on integrity
Some News
Vocal Processor TC Helicon
4. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
TC Helicon VoiceLive Play Vocal Effects Pedal The TC Helicon VoiceLive Play is the ideal solution for singers and songwriters who are looking for an easy-to-setup, easy-to-use vocal processor during live gigs and studio recording. The pedal is ready to use right out of the box. It offers +200 song- and artist-inspired presets you can use on your vocal performance. The VoiceLive Play is equipped with VLOOP (an onboard looper) and Adaptive Tone (innovative technology that controls the Shape EQ and Dynamics of the stompbox).
Also Comes With:
Blucoil 20-FT Balanced XLR Cables (2-Pack) The 20-foot Blucoil cable interconnects your mic to an audio interface, mixer, preamp, and more. It is made premium Male-to-Female Neutrik-equivalent Zinc Alloy connectors protected with high-density PVC Jacket. The 92% shielding protects your audio signal from EMI and RFI. The OFC wire makes sure that it provides the best possible conductivity and avoid lost signal or degeneration.
Receive 5-Pack of Blucoil Cable Ties and a 6-Feet Stereo Aux Cable when you avail this bundle today!
Performance and Use
Everything about this is great. I use this with a singer/songwriter performance setup, and as a vocal processor during louder gigs. Solid build, easy menu navigation, simple preset setups, beautiful sound quality and effects. Highly practical. This is a fantastic piece of guitar equipment, I was using the guitar and vocal presets and creating my own in less than an hour. The effects on offer, easy customization and accessibility makes this a great pedal for the acoustic performer. Easy to sing
A-to-D/D-to-A Resolution: 24bit 128 x oversampling bitstream
Vocal FX: 8 (µMod, Echo and Delay, Reverb, Harmony, Double, Transducer, Rhythmic, Tone, HardTune and Correction)
Onboard VLOOP: Built-in looper with undo/redo and unlimited overdubs
Impedance: 2.14/1.07 kOhm Input | 80/40 Ohm Output
Connectors: XLR Mic In, 1/8″ Stereo Aux In, 1/8″ TRS Headphone Out, 2x XLR Outputs, USB Mini-B
Power Source: TC Helicon 12V 400mA DC Power Supply (included)
All components of the TC Helicon Play Acoustic Vocal Effects Processor Bundle come with their original packaging. You may contact TC Helicon’s customer support team at [email protected] for the warranty details.
The TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor has two KEY Modes: Auto for AUX signal and Room Sense for keyboards, guitars, or other chord-based instrument. You can download the VoiceLive Play manual at https://www.tc-helicon.com/Categories/Tchelicon/Vocal/Multi-Effects/VOICELIVE-PLAY/p/P0CME/Downloads#googtrans(en|en)
The effects it contains are suitable for acoustic guitars,Hall of fame and corona effect. works well with voice effects, has more than 100 voice effect
Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo
5. Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo Bundle
Some Amazon Offers
Adding value to your purchase, Austin Bazaar bundles your instrument with necessary accessories. Everything you need to start playing immediately comes in one box. Save yourself the hassle and save some money while you’re at it. A power supply is included so you can plug in and play right away. An Austin Bazaar polishing cloth is included so you can keep your new instrument in mint condition.
Performance and Use
Works well for live performance. Everyone needs to shut off the echo or reverb while announcing. Also has phantom power, and can be either powered by adapter or batteries. Very versatile.
useful for vocals, etc.
Seven types of ambience effects with adjustable settings for your voice
Double-tracking effect to instantly thicken your vocal sound
Enhance effect and Pitch Correct (including hard-tuned “electronic voice” sound)
Adjustable detailed parameters for advanced users
Battery or AC operation enables performing anywhere
-The reverbs are good and sculptable with the tone knob and there’s a hidden delay with standard delay level, feedback time controls. -The enhance button is actually compression/eq -Autotune, doubling AND a voice changer. -Two parameters can be footswitchable (including tap tempo, that’s the big one). It’s a really good pedal for live and recording.
It gives me just enough echo to put my vocals over the top. I find I don’t need to work as hard to project my voice in a relatively loud environment. Saves a lot on my vocal chords. Easy to use and the doubling effect is great for those moments when you need a little help. Overall a nice device with just enough options to give you some different sounds and varying degrees of depth.
Guide To Vocal Processors: Five Quick Facts
These are the five facts you need to know about vocal processes brought to you by Comm-Fab. Number one there are three main styles the long then builds a rack mounted processes they’re great for artists who draw seriously it’s probably the priciest option in the long run there are also straightforward floor pedals they provide the convenience of instant toggling and interaction the final option is the tabletop make these are suited to the needs of the in-home recording artist and coffeehouse performer they have just as much versatility and processing power as others however they suffer from the weakest construction and a less efficient interface fact number two vocal processors provide for two main uses the first is to make a recording sound better these will shift the pitch of a singer to keep them in key the second is to change the style entirely this is what artists like Daft Punk .Fact number three in ancient Greek theater actors wore masks and parts to symbolize their character in the given play but they were also built the project sound outward even the etymology proves it persona contains roots for the words through and sound fact number four after ancient Greece vocal processing took a while to develop it wouldn’t become normal until the advent of the radio and it wouldn’t become accepted until well after Cher’s popular auto-tune hit believe fact number five some people argue that vocal processors are cheating they claim that putting the voice through any medium violates its purity there are a number of ways to counter that argument for instance you could say that arbitrary standards a counterproductive the last half century of music proves that new technologies provide the space for people to do exciting news but you don’t need to have that argument you can just use a vocal processor and prove them wrong.
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indierecords · 5 years
Best Vocal Processor
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The 5 Best Vocal Processors For 2019
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TC Helicon VoiceTone Harmony-G XT
1. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
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TC-Helicon makes a stompbox for vocalists called the Mic Mechanic, and people love it for what it does to their voices. I can’t say this has identical electronics inside, but the left half of the box is basically the same thing. Everyone’s voice sounds better just through the tone controls and pitch correction. I photograph and video a lot of local bands who play through bar sound systems that often leave something to be desired. It’s common for a perfectly good singer to go flat due to a bad stage mix, and the pitch correction in this should help with a lot of that. The reverb is better than most mixer boards and bar PAs–plus you can adjust it yourself. Or switch it to Delay if the bar’s reverb is good. If you never use the harmonies, this is still a great device to insert into your system.
Of course, the harmonizers are a great addition to most acts. I find people overuse both the level of the effect and the time they use it, so here’s my advice if you’re new to this. Don’t try to sound like CSN unless you’re doing a CSN song. Re-program the presets and keep it simple. Most rock songs only need one backing vocal, 1/3 up, and only on the chorus or a single line (for emphasis) in the verse. If you keep the volume of the effect down around 10:00-11:00, it blends better and is more convincing. My foot is too stupid to remember which button to use, so my presets only use the left button to switch the effects from A to B; the right button stays on all the time. My “A” pattern is either straight voice or doubled voice; the B pattern has the harmonies, one voice or two, I need for that type of song. If I try to get more complicated than that, I have to remember which footbutton to push and when I’m already busy singing, connecting with the audience and trying to keep the bass player in line, it’s more than I can handle. Keep it simple, don’t overuse the harmonies and you’ll love this thing.
Some News
Performance and Use 
This unit is amazing! I use this to add multi-harmony vocal tracks to my GarageBand recordings and it works fantastic!! I use my Yamaha piano as my input (instead of a guitar like the demos) and it works awesome. It sounds like me tracked 3 times. If I use my normal voice, I get my normal tone. If I use my falsetto voice, it reproduces very well and you can hear the difference of tone so it gives me lots of creative options. It’s very responsive to my input chord changes. Even if you don’t use the harmonies, the basic vocal processing is great. It boosts your signal and gives us a nice rich tone for recording. I highly recommend the Helicon!!
Natural play guitar-controlled harmony algorithm stacks up to 2 more voices from our flagship processor
Listens to guitar and Voice to create the correct harmony parts
6 reverb/delay combinations for vocal and Guitar input
10 presets, each with a/B options
Usb for software updates, tips, and preset management using the included voice support app
I have a Yamaha electronic piano and it picked up the chords from the piano sound and Fender Rhodes sound just fine. I was surprised that it seemed to find nice harmonies when I was playing Maj7th and 9th chords. One thing to note: The “guitar” input is a mono unbalanced input. So if your piano has a stereo output, it will come out mono after it goes out the “Thru”. So, if you have any kind of mixer, like a Mackie 12-channel, send a mono output from your piano to the TC-Helicon through an Aux send and your piano will stay in stereo.
I use the VoiceTone with an acoustic run direct so the only sound going in the unit is from the guitar. I don’t think you’ll have feedback issues as much as your harmonies may be effected from other sounds from the stage entering the mics. Good hypercardioid mics may help with this however if you are the only sound source than it may not be an issue.
There is a position on the guitar mix knob, just above the “auto” mix setting that mutes the guitar and allows for just vocals to come though.
Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000
2. Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000 High-Performance 3D Multi-Engine Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
Get even more mind-expanding power for your keyboard, bass, guitar or vocals with the VIRTUALIZER PRO 3D FX2000 Effects Processor. This amazing rack unit has 71 incredible new algorithms, including true studio-grade stereo and 3D effects that will add a head-spinning new dimension to your sound, both live and in the studio. The FX2000 employs BEHRINGER RSM (Real Sound Modeling) technology to simulate acoustic environments with stunning accuracy. Effects options include powerful modulation, amp simulation, distortion and special effects, as well as effective dynamic and psychoacoustics processing. Performance is further enhanced through user-addressable high and low EQ and wave-adaptive VIRTUAL ROOM reverb algorithms.
Reverbs Delays
Because it is one of the most desired effects, the FX2000 provides 12 different reverb programs, so you always have the ideal reverb for your live performance or studio needs.
Reverbs include:
Specialty reverbs include:
REVERB – reverb is synthetically turned off after a predetermined amount of time
REVERSE REVERB – reverb envelope is reversed – it slowly gets louder
Delays include:
STEREO DELAY – delay is processed across the entire stereo image
TAPE ECHO – simulates classic tape echo devices, pre-dating the advent of digital delays
PING PONG – delay signal is “bounced” from left to right at an adjustable tempo
Much More than Just Reverb and Delay
The FX2000 has some of the best-sounding reverb and delay programs, but that’s not all. It also provides excellent modulation effects (such as chorus, flanger and phaser), including special variations like musical pitch shifter, tremolo and even a rotary speaker simulation.
Modulation and Pitch Shifter FX:
STEREO FLANGER (originally generated by playing back two synchronized “reel to reel” tape recorders with a finger rubbing on the flange of one of the take-up reels)
VINTAGE FLANGER simulates a guitar fl anger stomp box
JET STREAM FLANGER sounds like a classic analog flanger
STEREO CHORUS (combines a slightly detuned signal with the original)
ANALOG CHORUS simulates a guitar chorus stomp box
VINTAGE CHORUS imitates a classic analog studio chorus
ULTRA CHORUS creates the sound of an eight person chorus
STEREO PHASER (combines a second, phaseshifted signal to the original)
VINTAGE PHASER represents a guitar phaser stomp box
DUAL PHASER processes the left and right channels separately
ROTARY (simulation of the rotating speakers typically used on an organ) – Slow or Fast
PITCH SHIFTER (changes the pitch of the original signal) – can be used to create harmonies with the original signal or replace it entirely with the altered pitch. Choices include stereo, two and three vocal pitch shifter
VIBRATO – the peak frequency of the tone is periodically and uniformly changed (quickly or slowly)
TREMOLO (common vintage guitar amplifier effect) – a fast or slow periodic variation in volume
AUTO PANNING – signal is automatically sent from one side of the stereo image to the other, either once or multiple times
Dynamic FX:
COMPRESSOR – reduces the dynamic range of the signal, maintains consistent signal level and thus avoids distortion associated with excessive input levels
EXPANDER – effectively broadens the dynamic range of source signals while reducing background noise
GATED REVERB – helps reduce background clutter by turning reverb off below a predetermined threshold level. Particularly effective on drum mics and vocals
ANA. KOMPR/LIM. – similar to COMPRESSOR but with Limiting functionality
ULTRAMIZER – analyses incoming signal and automatically applies compression across two independent frequency bands
DENOISER – eliminates or reduces noise and other interference
DE-ESSER – reduces or removes sibilance (Ssss sound) from signal
WAVE DESIGNER – allows you to influence the envelope by adjusting Attack and Release of the signal
Psychoacoustic FX:
EXCITER – adds artificially generated overtones to the original signal, increasing presence and perceived loudness without significant increase in signal level
ENHANCER – functions much like a dynamic pitch equalizer
ULTRA BASS – sub-harmonic processor combined with bass exciter and limiter
STEREO IMAGER – divides the signal into middle and side signals, allowing individual signals to be amplif ed when desired and placed on the stereo image
ULTRA WIDE – creates a broader stereo image
BINAURALIZER – also creates a broader stereo image and compensates for crosstalk between both speakers
Filter/EQ FX:
AUTO FILTER – influences the frequency response of a signal. Two filters are included: low pass allows low frequencies to pass and suppresses high frequency content; high pass does the exact opposite
LFO FILTER – Controls the rate of oscillation effects
PARAMETRIC EQ – allows you to control the bandwidth, frequency and amplitude of a signal
GRAPHIC EQ – the sound spectrum is divided into eight (8) adjacent frequency bands, which can be cut or boosted, bandwidth is predetermined
Distortion FX and Amp Simulations
The FX2000 is also equipped with distortion, amplifier and speaker simulation including VOCAL DISTORTION, TUBE DISTORTION, GUITAR AMP, TRI FUZZ, SPEAKER SIMULATION, RING MODULATOR and LO-FI.
Special FX:
VINYLIZER – adds clicks and/or noise to the signal, reminiscent of old vinyl records and tape machines
SAMPLER – allows you to record and playback up to five (5) seconds of program material
VOCODER – allows the input signal to modulate another signal (usually a synthesizer sound), creating the familiar “talking synthesizer” effect
VOICE CANCELER – removes mono vocal parts from stereo recordings for “instant Karaoke”
RESONATOR – simulates and oscillating system that amplifies a specific frequency
Our FX Combinations Go to 11
Sometimes you want to add a little (or a lot) of color to your reverb and delay patches. The FX2000 allows you to layer modulation effects like chorus, flanger, pitch or tremolo with your reverb or delay selections.
FX Combinations include:
Chorus Reverb
Flanger Reverb
Leslie Reverb
Pitch Reverb
Delay Reverb
Tremolo Reverb
Phaser Reverb
Chorus Delay
Flanger Delay
Pitch Delay
Tremolo Delay
Enhanced User Editability
Logical grouping of parameters, along with the combination of encoders, buttons, LEDs and an easily readable LED display, make operating the FX2000 a breeze. You are free to edit up to seven parameters per preset, and then save them for future use in the 100 provided memory locations.
With its extremely powerful processing capability and versatile array of features, the FX2000 will become the busiest tool in your audio arsenal. Stop by your BEHRINGER dealer today and find out why more professional sound engineers are turning to the FX2000 as their primary FX processor – both in the studio and on the road.
Performance and Use 
I have had the Behringer FX2000 3D for many days now. I have played with it for many hours each day after work and on the weekends. I’ve used every single setting there is for all the effects. I figured out all the menu options pretty quickly, mostly without reading the manual. It’s pretty easy to use for this type of effects box. It’s so jam packed with effects and options. I love it.
The quality of the build is fantastic. I love the rubbery slip free feel of the knobs and I like the solid feel of the switches. It has durable metal housing also. It’s built like a tank. I have had zero problems with this unit. There are no software glitches. Everything works perfects and reliably 100% of the time.
The sound quality is really good for most of the effects. The pitch shift effect is the main exception to this (see below).
I found the reverb and echo effects to be of very good quality. They sound realistic. There are quite enough options to keep me happy. I was able to get that cosmic mind blowing reverb some people seek, especially in the trance scene, by setting the reverb controls just right for the cathedral reverb effect.
Other than the digital artifacts present in the pitch shift effect (see below), I found no noticeable noise for any effects except when using the distortion effects turned up pretty high (which is normal for a distortion unit). I love the distortion on this unit. There are tons of options allowing me to get just the right distortion style for a particular sound I’m looking for. The distortion effects are very good quality. Noise is only present when they are over used, just as is the case with real analog audio distortion units. I found the digital distortion to emulate analog distortion very well in many settings.
One effect that surprised me was the sampler, which is not really an “effect”. It supports looping and overdubbing, which is quite handy when messing around live because it’s so easy to use. It can also play in reverse, and at 1/2 the speed in either direction. While I do have digital recording equipment that can also do this, it’s simpler and quicker to use the FX2000 for creating basic audio loops. I found that I use it quite a bit for this purpose.
There’s 1 additional multi-effect chain present in the distortion section called Vocal Distortion which is distortion + delay + flanger. This is a pretty useful multi-effects combination.
Two other surprises are the Auto Panning and Tremolo effects when used with the Saw Down waveform option in conjunction with the Auto Modulation setting turned up all the way. This produces a rapid banjo-like strumming sound which increases in speed as the input volume level increases. Used with a synthesizer, this can produce a very interesting effect.
Each effect has up to 6 controls that can be changed, and some control settings produce very dramatic changes in the effect. For example, the basic echo effect’s control settings are a bit complex, more complex than most echo effects I’ve used in the past. It takes some getting used to. I would be very disappointed if it wasn’t as complex as it is though. There are other simpler to use, less feature rich effects boxes out there, and for the less technically inclined they might be a bit overwhelmed by the many options available in the FX2000. But for people that love tweaking effects to get the exact combination they are looking for, this is a great effects unit.
Some of the sound effects available are not obvious at first, and require tweaking to get them to be very useful musically. For example, the rapid banjo strumming effect requires going into the Tremolo effect’s menu options and selecting the Saw Down waveform and turning up the Auto Modulation setting, producing a pretty awesome sound that’s totally unlike a typical tremolo effect.
This unit is GREAT as an addition to any synthesizer. It’s got some really good effects that none of my synthesizers have built in. I can get some pretty amazing mind blowing sounds from this unit when used in conjunction with my synthesizers. I highly recommend this to anyone using synthesizers who’s familiar with tweaking complex effects, filters, LFOs, etc. This unit is almost like a super effects synthesizer without the oscillators and keyboard.
I am VERY SATISFIED with this purchase. The FX2000 is truly a Swiss army knife effects box. It does a ton of things not found on other effects boxes. It does most of them very well and most of the effects sound realistic. The distortion alone is worth the price of this unit. But if you’re looking for very realistic pitch shifting effect, you are better off buying units solely devoted to pitch shifting, and expect to pay MORE for that affect alone. A realistic sounding pitch shifter alone will cost about 5-10 times as much as this unit costs. Live real time pitch shifting requires a very high level of processing power in order to sound realistic.
UPDATE AFTER OVER 4 YEARS OF USE: After owning this and using it several days a week regularly for over 4 years now, I haven’t had a single issue with it. It works as well as the day I purchased it. All the knobs and buttons are all still in great condition. This is a really well made quality device, built like a tank. Highly recommended!
71 breathtaking new algorithms – true RSM (Real Sound Modeling) stereo and 3D effects
Wave-adaptive virtual Room reverb algorithms for natural reverb and delay
Awesome modulation, dynamic, psychoacoustic and EQ algorithms
Authentic amp simulation, distortion and special effects
11 effect combinations with selectable serial / parallel configuration
Up to 7 adjustable parameters plus 2-band EQ per effect
24-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128-times oversampling
True stereo processing for realistic channel separation in stereo image
100 factory presets plus 100 user memory locations
Extensive MIDI implementation
Accurate LED level meters for perfect level setting and optimum performance
Servo-balanced XLR and1/4” TRS inputs and outputs
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Durable, love it. It has a single “tape echo” effect, the 14th position on the rotary effects knob. There are six editable parameters, so you can customize the result and store it in a user preset for quicker access. You can adjust L and R delay, feedback, damping, and feedback high-pass/low-pass. There is a downloadable PDF that lists additional details about the adjustment ranges, but this overview would be enough to get you started.
It’s both 110v. and 220v. simultaniously. This means it can be used in USA, Canada and Europe without any volt converter or anything.
This unit be used with a mixer and 2 remote microphones for tweaking karaoke singing for a male and female song
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Boss ve 8 Acoustic Singer
3. BOSS VE-8 Acoustic Singer Bundle
5 VOCAL EFFECTS – The onboard vocal effects add a new texture to your melodies. The VE-8 includes a vocal doubling effect, plus more dramatic processing like hard-tuned electronic voices, distortion, and a radio voice effect.
5 GUITAR EFFECTS – The dedicated guitar channel includes Acoustic Resonance for enhancing your guitar’s pickups, reverb, chorus, tuner, and various effects, plus phase invert and notch filter for feedback control.
REAL-TIME PITCH CORRECTION – The VE-8 Acoustic Singer features Chromatic Pitch corrector, which automatically follows along and gets your voice perfectly in tune.
80 SECS OF LOOPING – With the Acoustic Singer stompbox you can record up to 80 seconds of guitar and vocal loops independently. Plus, you can store and recall 50 different settings in the memory storage.
INCLUDES – Boss Audio VE-8 Acoustic Singer. Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9V DC 670mA with US Plug. Blucoil 10-Foot Balanced XLR Cable – Premium Series 3-Pin Cable for Microphones, Speakers and Pro Devices (Male-to-Female).
Also Comes With:
Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9 Volt DC 670mA with US Plug
The 9V Power Supply features a 3-meter cable that converts AC wall current to correct amount of DC current. This adapter powers most guitar effects pedal including pedals from BOSS, MXR, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, Donner, Jim Dunlop, and Korg. Plus, Blucoil power supply meets UL 5 safety standards.
Blucoil Audio Premium 10’ XLR Cable
Material: Zinc-Alloy Connector, Highly Conducive Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Cables, Metal Connector Casting
Cable Gauge: 24AWG wire
Noise Control: 98% Braided Shield and Twin-Conductive PVC Inner Shields for EMI and RFI Noise Protection
XLR M to XLR F Connects Mics To: Mixers, Preamps, Audio Interfaces, and Recorders
Performance and Use
1st there is no need for the extra AC adapter since the unit comes with one. The book is hard to follow with very small print but, there are a series of 10 how-to lesions on U-tube which are priceless. Every toy on the VE-8 has multiple settings that are very involved if you want that level of detail in your sound. It will do whats advertised but prepare for a serious learning curve.
Nominal Input Level: MIC IN: -40 dBu (MIC SENS = Center) | GUITAR IN: -10 dBu | AUX IN: -20 dBu
Input Impedance: MIC IN: 4 k ohms | GUITAR IN: 20 M ohms | AUX IN: 18 k ohms
Nominal Output Level: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: -10 dBu | XLR OUT L, R: -10 dBu (Vocal&Guitar, Guitar), -40 dBu (Vocal)
Output Impedance: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: 1 k ohm | XLR OUT L, R: 600 ohms | PHONES: 44 ohms
Mode: Manual | Memory (Memory change/stomp)
Number of Memory: 50
Phrase Loop: 80 sec
Display: 7 segments, 2 digits LED
Connectors: MIC IN connector: XLR type, balanced, phantom power (DC 48 V, 10 mA Max) | GUITAR IN jack: 1/4-inch phone type | AUX IN jack: Stereo miniature phone type | XLR OUT L, R connectors: XLR type | LINE OUT L/MONO, R jacks: 1/4-inch phone type | PHONES jack: Stereo miniature phone type
MEMORY INC/DEC jack: 1/4-inch TRS phone type | USB COMPUTER port: USB type B | DC IN jack
Power Supply: AC adaptor | Alkaline battery (AA, LR6) x 6
I had to take the time to let Quantum Networks know the service I received was top notch great timing communication everything its a great feeling to know there are still company’s out there that have great respect for there customers that’s old school like the days when your gas was pumped while your windshield was cleaned at the same time for a fair price though you cannot put a price on integrity
Some News
Vocal Processor TC Helicon
4. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
TC Helicon VoiceLive Play Vocal Effects Pedal The TC Helicon VoiceLive Play is the ideal solution for singers and songwriters who are looking for an easy-to-setup, easy-to-use vocal processor during live gigs and studio recording. The pedal is ready to use right out of the box. It offers +200 song- and artist-inspired presets you can use on your vocal performance. The VoiceLive Play is equipped with VLOOP (an onboard looper) and Adaptive Tone (innovative technology that controls the Shape EQ and Dynamics of the stompbox).
Also Comes With:
Blucoil 20-FT Balanced XLR Cables (2-Pack) The 20-foot Blucoil cable interconnects your mic to an audio interface, mixer, preamp, and more. It is made premium Male-to-Female Neutrik-equivalent Zinc Alloy connectors protected with high-density PVC Jacket. The 92% shielding protects your audio signal from EMI and RFI. The OFC wire makes sure that it provides the best possible conductivity and avoid lost signal or degeneration.
Receive 5-Pack of Blucoil Cable Ties and a 6-Feet Stereo Aux Cable when you avail this bundle today!
Performance and Use
Everything about this is great. I use this with a singer/songwriter performance setup, and as a vocal processor during louder gigs. Solid build, easy menu navigation, simple preset setups, beautiful sound quality and effects. Highly practical. This is a fantastic piece of guitar equipment, I was using the guitar and vocal presets and creating my own in less than an hour. The effects on offer, easy customization and accessibility makes this a great pedal for the acoustic performer. Easy to sing
A-to-D/D-to-A Resolution: 24bit 128 x oversampling bitstream
Vocal FX: 8 (µMod, Echo and Delay, Reverb, Harmony, Double, Transducer, Rhythmic, Tone, HardTune and Correction)
Onboard VLOOP: Built-in looper with undo/redo and unlimited overdubs
Impedance: 2.14/1.07 kOhm Input | 80/40 Ohm Output
Connectors: XLR Mic In, 1/8″ Stereo Aux In, 1/8″ TRS Headphone Out, 2x XLR Outputs, USB Mini-B
Power Source: TC Helicon 12V 400mA DC Power Supply (included)
All components of the TC Helicon Play Acoustic Vocal Effects Processor Bundle come with their original packaging. You may contact TC Helicon’s customer support team at [email protected] for the warranty details.
The TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor has two KEY Modes: Auto for AUX signal and Room Sense for keyboards, guitars, or other chord-based instrument. You can download the VoiceLive Play manual at https://www.tc-helicon.com/Categories/Tchelicon/Vocal/Multi-Effects/VOICELIVE-PLAY/p/P0CME/Downloads#googtrans(en|en)
The effects it contains are suitable for acoustic guitars,Hall of fame and corona effect. works well with voice effects, has more than 100 voice effect
Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo
5. Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo Bundle
Some Amazon Offers
Adding value to your purchase, Austin Bazaar bundles your instrument with necessary accessories. Everything you need to start playing immediately comes in one box. Save yourself the hassle and save some money while you’re at it. A power supply is included so you can plug in and play right away. An Austin Bazaar polishing cloth is included so you can keep your new instrument in mint condition.
Performance and Use
Works well for live performance. Everyone needs to shut off the echo or reverb while announcing. Also has phantom power, and can be either powered by adapter or batteries. Very versatile.
useful for vocals, etc.
Seven types of ambience effects with adjustable settings for your voice
Double-tracking effect to instantly thicken your vocal sound
Enhance effect and Pitch Correct (including hard-tuned “electronic voice” sound)
Adjustable detailed parameters for advanced users
Battery or AC operation enables performing anywhere
-The reverbs are good and sculptable with the tone knob and there’s a hidden delay with standard delay level, feedback time controls. -The enhance button is actually compression/eq -Autotune, doubling AND a voice changer. -Two parameters can be footswitchable (including tap tempo, that’s the big one). It’s a really good pedal for live and recording.
It gives me just enough echo to put my vocals over the top. I find I don’t need to work as hard to project my voice in a relatively loud environment. Saves a lot on my vocal chords. Easy to use and the doubling effect is great for those moments when you need a little help. Overall a nice device with just enough options to give you some different sounds and varying degrees of depth.
Guide To Vocal Processors: Five Quick Facts
These are the five facts you need to know about vocal processes brought to you by Comm-Fab. Number one there are three main styles the long then builds a rack mounted processes they’re great for artists who draw seriously it’s probably the priciest option in the long run there are also straightforward floor pedals they provide the convenience of instant toggling and interaction the final option is the tabletop make these are suited to the needs of the in-home recording artist and coffeehouse performer they have just as much versatility and processing power as others however they suffer from the weakest construction and a less efficient interface fact number two vocal processors provide for two main uses the first is to make a recording sound better these will shift the pitch of a singer to keep them in key the second is to change the style entirely this is what artists like Daft Punk .Fact number three in ancient Greek theater actors wore masks and parts to symbolize their character in the given play but they were also built the project sound outward even the etymology proves it persona contains roots for the words through and sound fact number four after ancient Greece vocal processing took a while to develop it wouldn’t become normal until the advent of the radio and it wouldn’t become accepted until well after Cher’s popular auto-tune hit believe fact number five some people argue that vocal processors are cheating they claim that putting the voice through any medium violates its purity there are a number of ways to counter that argument for instance you could say that arbitrary standards a counterproductive the last half century of music proves that new technologies provide the space for people to do exciting news but you don’t need to have that argument you can just use a vocal processor and prove them wrong.
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axolotlottie · 5 years
Best Vocal Processor
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The 5 Best Vocal Processors For 2020
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TC Helicon VoiceTone Harmony-G XT
1. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
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TC-Helicon makes a stompbox for vocalists called the Mic Mechanic, and people love it for what it does to their voices. I can’t say this has identical electronics inside, but the left half of the box is basically the same thing. Everyone’s voice sounds better just through the tone controls and pitch correction. I photograph and video a lot of local bands who play through bar sound systems that often leave something to be desired. It’s common for a perfectly good singer to go flat due to a bad stage mix, and the pitch correction in this should help with a lot of that. The reverb is better than most mixer boards and bar PAs–plus you can adjust it yourself. Or switch it to Delay if the bar’s reverb is good. If you never use the harmonies, this is still a great device to insert into your system.
Of course, the harmonizers are a great addition to most acts. I find people overuse both the level of the effect and the time they use it, so here’s my advice if you’re new to this. Don’t try to sound like CSN unless you’re doing a CSN song. Re-program the presets and keep it simple. Most rock songs only need one backing vocal, 1/3 up, and only on the chorus or a single line (for emphasis) in the verse. If you keep the volume of the effect down around 10:00-11:00, it blends better and is more convincing. My foot is too stupid to remember which button to use, so my presets only use the left button to switch the effects from A to B; the right button stays on all the time. My “A” pattern is either straight voice or doubled voice; the B pattern has the harmonies, one voice or two, I need for that type of song. If I try to get more complicated than that, I have to remember which footbutton to push and when I’m already busy singing, connecting with the audience and trying to keep the bass player in line, it’s more than I can handle. Keep it simple, don’t overuse the harmonies and you’ll love this thing.
Some News
Performance and Use 
This unit is amazing! I use this to add multi-harmony vocal tracks to my GarageBand recordings and it works fantastic!! I use my Yamaha piano as my input (instead of a guitar like the demos) and it works awesome. It sounds like me tracked 3 times. If I use my normal voice, I get my normal tone. If I use my falsetto voice, it reproduces very well and you can hear the difference of tone so it gives me lots of creative options. It’s very responsive to my input chord changes. Even if you don’t use the harmonies, the basic vocal processing is great. It boosts your signal and gives us a nice rich tone for recording. I highly recommend the Helicon!!
Natural play guitar-controlled harmony algorithm stacks up to 2 more voices from our flagship processor
Listens to guitar and Voice to create the correct harmony parts
6 reverb/delay combinations for vocal and Guitar input
10 presets, each with a/B options
Usb for software updates, tips, and preset management using the included voice support app
I have a Yamaha electronic piano and it picked up the chords from the piano sound and Fender Rhodes sound just fine. I was surprised that it seemed to find nice harmonies when I was playing Maj7th and 9th chords. One thing to note: The “guitar” input is a mono unbalanced input. So if your piano has a stereo output, it will come out mono after it goes out the “Thru”. So, if you have any kind of mixer, like a Mackie 12-channel, send a mono output from your piano to the TC-Helicon through an Aux send and your piano will stay in stereo.
I use the VoiceTone with an acoustic run direct so the only sound going in the unit is from the guitar. I don’t think you’ll have feedback issues as much as your harmonies may be effected from other sounds from the stage entering the mics. Good hypercardioid mics may help with this however if you are the only sound source than it may not be an issue.
There is a position on the guitar mix knob, just above the “auto” mix setting that mutes the guitar and allows for just vocals to come though.
Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000
2. Behringer Virtualizer 3D FX2000 High-Performance 3D Multi-Engine Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
Get even more mind-expanding power for your keyboard, bass, guitar or vocals with the VIRTUALIZER PRO 3D FX2000 Effects Processor. This amazing rack unit has 71 incredible new algorithms, including true studio-grade stereo and 3D effects that will add a head-spinning new dimension to your sound, both live and in the studio. The FX2000 employs BEHRINGER RSM (Real Sound Modeling) technology to simulate acoustic environments with stunning accuracy. Effects options include powerful modulation, amp simulation, distortion and special effects, as well as effective dynamic and psychoacoustics processing. Performance is further enhanced through user-addressable high and low EQ and wave-adaptive VIRTUAL ROOM reverb algorithms.
Reverbs Delays
Because it is one of the most desired effects, the FX2000 provides 12 different reverb programs, so you always have the ideal reverb for your live performance or studio needs.
Reverbs include:
Specialty reverbs include:
REVERB – reverb is synthetically turned off after a predetermined amount of time
REVERSE REVERB – reverb envelope is reversed – it slowly gets louder
Delays include:
STEREO DELAY – delay is processed across the entire stereo image
TAPE ECHO – simulates classic tape echo devices, pre-dating the advent of digital delays
PING PONG – delay signal is “bounced” from left to right at an adjustable tempo
Much More than Just Reverb and Delay
The FX2000 has some of the best-sounding reverb and delay programs, but that’s not all. It also provides excellent modulation effects (such as chorus, flanger and phaser), including special variations like musical pitch shifter, tremolo and even a rotary speaker simulation.
Modulation and Pitch Shifter FX:
STEREO FLANGER (originally generated by playing back two synchronized “reel to reel” tape recorders with a finger rubbing on the flange of one of the take-up reels)
VINTAGE FLANGER simulates a guitar fl anger stomp box
JET STREAM FLANGER sounds like a classic analog flanger
STEREO CHORUS (combines a slightly detuned signal with the original)
ANALOG CHORUS simulates a guitar chorus stomp box
VINTAGE CHORUS imitates a classic analog studio chorus
ULTRA CHORUS creates the sound of an eight person chorus
STEREO PHASER (combines a second, phaseshifted signal to the original)
VINTAGE PHASER represents a guitar phaser stomp box
DUAL PHASER processes the left and right channels separately
ROTARY (simulation of the rotating speakers typically used on an organ) – Slow or Fast
PITCH SHIFTER (changes the pitch of the original signal) – can be used to create harmonies with the original signal or replace it entirely with the altered pitch. Choices include stereo, two and three vocal pitch shifter
VIBRATO – the peak frequency of the tone is periodically and uniformly changed (quickly or slowly)
TREMOLO (common vintage guitar amplifier effect) – a fast or slow periodic variation in volume
AUTO PANNING – signal is automatically sent from one side of the stereo image to the other, either once or multiple times
Dynamic FX:
COMPRESSOR – reduces the dynamic range of the signal, maintains consistent signal level and thus avoids distortion associated with excessive input levels
EXPANDER – effectively broadens the dynamic range of source signals while reducing background noise
GATED REVERB – helps reduce background clutter by turning reverb off below a predetermined threshold level. Particularly effective on drum mics and vocals
ANA. KOMPR/LIM. – similar to COMPRESSOR but with Limiting functionality
ULTRAMIZER – analyses incoming signal and automatically applies compression across two independent frequency bands
DENOISER – eliminates or reduces noise and other interference
DE-ESSER – reduces or removes sibilance (Ssss sound) from signal
WAVE DESIGNER – allows you to influence the envelope by adjusting Attack and Release of the signal
Psychoacoustic FX:
EXCITER – adds artificially generated overtones to the original signal, increasing presence and perceived loudness without significant increase in signal level
ENHANCER – functions much like a dynamic pitch equalizer
ULTRA BASS – sub-harmonic processor combined with bass exciter and limiter
STEREO IMAGER – divides the signal into middle and side signals, allowing individual signals to be amplif ed when desired and placed on the stereo image
ULTRA WIDE – creates a broader stereo image
BINAURALIZER – also creates a broader stereo image and compensates for crosstalk between both speakers
Filter/EQ FX:
AUTO FILTER – influences the frequency response of a signal. Two filters are included: low pass allows low frequencies to pass and suppresses high frequency content; high pass does the exact opposite
LFO FILTER – Controls the rate of oscillation effects
PARAMETRIC EQ – allows you to control the bandwidth, frequency and amplitude of a signal
GRAPHIC EQ – the sound spectrum is divided into eight (8) adjacent frequency bands, which can be cut or boosted, bandwidth is predetermined
Distortion FX and Amp Simulations
The FX2000 is also equipped with distortion, amplifier and speaker simulation including VOCAL DISTORTION, TUBE DISTORTION, GUITAR AMP, TRI FUZZ, SPEAKER SIMULATION, RING MODULATOR and LO-FI.
Special FX:
VINYLIZER – adds clicks and/or noise to the signal, reminiscent of old vinyl records and tape machines
SAMPLER – allows you to record and playback up to five (5) seconds of program material
VOCODER – allows the input signal to modulate another signal (usually a synthesizer sound), creating the familiar “talking synthesizer” effect
VOICE CANCELER – removes mono vocal parts from stereo recordings for “instant Karaoke”
RESONATOR – simulates and oscillating system that amplifies a specific frequency
Our FX Combinations Go to 11
Sometimes you want to add a little (or a lot) of color to your reverb and delay patches. The FX2000 allows you to layer modulation effects like chorus, flanger, pitch or tremolo with your reverb or delay selections.
FX Combinations include:
Chorus Reverb
Flanger Reverb
Leslie Reverb
Pitch Reverb
Delay Reverb
Tremolo Reverb
Phaser Reverb
Chorus Delay
Flanger Delay
Pitch Delay
Tremolo Delay
Enhanced User Editability
Logical grouping of parameters, along with the combination of encoders, buttons, LEDs and an easily readable LED display, make operating the FX2000 a breeze. You are free to edit up to seven parameters per preset, and then save them for future use in the 100 provided memory locations.
With its extremely powerful processing capability and versatile array of features, the FX2000 will become the busiest tool in your audio arsenal. Stop by your BEHRINGER dealer today and find out why more professional sound engineers are turning to the FX2000 as their primary FX processor – both in the studio and on the road.
Performance and Use 
I have had the Behringer FX2000 3D for many days now. I have played with it for many hours each day after work and on the weekends. I’ve used every single setting there is for all the effects. I figured out all the menu options pretty quickly, mostly without reading the manual. It’s pretty easy to use for this type of effects box. It’s so jam packed with effects and options. I love it.
The quality of the build is fantastic. I love the rubbery slip free feel of the knobs and I like the solid feel of the switches. It has durable metal housing also. It’s built like a tank. I have had zero problems with this unit. There are no software glitches. Everything works perfects and reliably 100% of the time.
The sound quality is really good for most of the effects. The pitch shift effect is the main exception to this (see below).
I found the reverb and echo effects to be of very good quality. They sound realistic. There are quite enough options to keep me happy. I was able to get that cosmic mind blowing reverb some people seek, especially in the trance scene, by setting the reverb controls just right for the cathedral reverb effect.
Other than the digital artifacts present in the pitch shift effect (see below), I found no noticeable noise for any effects except when using the distortion effects turned up pretty high (which is normal for a distortion unit). I love the distortion on this unit. There are tons of options allowing me to get just the right distortion style for a particular sound I’m looking for. The distortion effects are very good quality. Noise is only present when they are over used, just as is the case with real analog audio distortion units. I found the digital distortion to emulate analog distortion very well in many settings.
One effect that surprised me was the sampler, which is not really an “effect”. It supports looping and overdubbing, which is quite handy when messing around live because it’s so easy to use. It can also play in reverse, and at 1/2 the speed in either direction. While I do have digital recording equipment that can also do this, it’s simpler and quicker to use the FX2000 for creating basic audio loops. I found that I use it quite a bit for this purpose.
There’s 1 additional multi-effect chain present in the distortion section called Vocal Distortion which is distortion + delay + flanger. This is a pretty useful multi-effects combination.
Two other surprises are the Auto Panning and Tremolo effects when used with the Saw Down waveform option in conjunction with the Auto Modulation setting turned up all the way. This produces a rapid banjo-like strumming sound which increases in speed as the input volume level increases. Used with a synthesizer, this can produce a very interesting effect.
Each effect has up to 6 controls that can be changed, and some control settings produce very dramatic changes in the effect. For example, the basic echo effect’s control settings are a bit complex, more complex than most echo effects I’ve used in the past. It takes some getting used to. I would be very disappointed if it wasn’t as complex as it is though. There are other simpler to use, less feature rich effects boxes out there, and for the less technically inclined they might be a bit overwhelmed by the many options available in the FX2000. But for people that love tweaking effects to get the exact combination they are looking for, this is a great effects unit.
Some of the sound effects available are not obvious at first, and require tweaking to get them to be very useful musically. For example, the rapid banjo strumming effect requires going into the Tremolo effect’s menu options and selecting the Saw Down waveform and turning up the Auto Modulation setting, producing a pretty awesome sound that’s totally unlike a typical tremolo effect.
This unit is GREAT as an addition to any synthesizer. It’s got some really good effects that none of my synthesizers have built in. I can get some pretty amazing mind blowing sounds from this unit when used in conjunction with my synthesizers. I highly recommend this to anyone using synthesizers who’s familiar with tweaking complex effects, filters, LFOs, etc. This unit is almost like a super effects synthesizer without the oscillators and keyboard.
I am VERY SATISFIED with this purchase. The FX2000 is truly a Swiss army knife effects box. It does a ton of things not found on other effects boxes. It does most of them very well and most of the effects sound realistic. The distortion alone is worth the price of this unit. But if you’re looking for very realistic pitch shifting effect, you are better off buying units solely devoted to pitch shifting, and expect to pay MORE for that affect alone. A realistic sounding pitch shifter alone will cost about 5-10 times as much as this unit costs. Live real time pitch shifting requires a very high level of processing power in order to sound realistic.
UPDATE AFTER OVER 4 YEARS OF USE: After owning this and using it several days a week regularly for over 4 years now, I haven’t had a single issue with it. It works as well as the day I purchased it. All the knobs and buttons are all still in great condition. This is a really well made quality device, built like a tank. Highly recommended!
71 breathtaking new algorithms – true RSM (Real Sound Modeling) stereo and 3D effects
Wave-adaptive virtual Room reverb algorithms for natural reverb and delay
Awesome modulation, dynamic, psychoacoustic and EQ algorithms
Authentic amp simulation, distortion and special effects
11 effect combinations with selectable serial / parallel configuration
Up to 7 adjustable parameters plus 2-band EQ per effect
24-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128-times oversampling
True stereo processing for realistic channel separation in stereo image
100 factory presets plus 100 user memory locations
Extensive MIDI implementation
Accurate LED level meters for perfect level setting and optimum performance
Servo-balanced XLR and1/4” TRS inputs and outputs
High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany
Durable, love it. It has a single “tape echo” effect, the 14th position on the rotary effects knob. There are six editable parameters, so you can customize the result and store it in a user preset for quicker access. You can adjust L and R delay, feedback, damping, and feedback high-pass/low-pass. There is a downloadable PDF that lists additional details about the adjustment ranges, but this overview would be enough to get you started.
It’s both 110v. and 220v. simultaniously. This means it can be used in USA, Canada and Europe without any volt converter or anything.
This unit be used with a mixer and 2 remote microphones for tweaking karaoke singing for a male and female song
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Boss ve 8 Acoustic Singer
3. BOSS VE-8 Acoustic Singer Bundle
5 VOCAL EFFECTS – The onboard vocal effects add a new texture to your melodies. The VE-8 includes a vocal doubling effect, plus more dramatic processing like hard-tuned electronic voices, distortion, and a radio voice effect.
5 GUITAR EFFECTS – The dedicated guitar channel includes Acoustic Resonance for enhancing your guitar’s pickups, reverb, chorus, tuner, and various effects, plus phase invert and notch filter for feedback control.
REAL-TIME PITCH CORRECTION – The VE-8 Acoustic Singer features Chromatic Pitch corrector, which automatically follows along and gets your voice perfectly in tune.
80 SECS OF LOOPING – With the Acoustic Singer stompbox you can record up to 80 seconds of guitar and vocal loops independently. Plus, you can store and recall 50 different settings in the memory storage.
INCLUDES – Boss Audio VE-8 Acoustic Singer. Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9V DC 670mA with US Plug. Blucoil 10-Foot Balanced XLR Cable – Premium Series 3-Pin Cable for Microphones, Speakers and Pro Devices (Male-to-Female).
Also Comes With:Blucoil Power Supply Slim AC/DC Adapter for 9 Volt DC 670mA with US Plug
The 9V Power Supply features a 3-meter cable that converts AC wall current to correct amount of DC current. This adapter powers most guitar effects pedal including pedals from BOSS, MXR, Electro-Harmonix, TC Electronic, Donner, Jim Dunlop, and Korg. Plus, Blucoil power supply meets UL 5 safety standards.
Blucoil Audio Premium 10’ XLR Cable
Material: Zinc-Alloy Connector, Highly Conducive Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) Cables, Metal Connector Casting
Cable Gauge: 24AWG wire
Noise Control: 98% Braided Shield and Twin-Conductive PVC Inner Shields for EMI and RFI Noise Protection
XLR M to XLR F Connects Mics To: Mixers, Preamps, Audio Interfaces, and Recorders
Performance and Use
1st there is no need for the extra AC adapter since the unit comes with one. The book is hard to follow with very small print but, there are a series of 10 how-to lesions on U-tube which are priceless. Every toy on the VE-8 has multiple settings that are very involved if you want that level of detail in your sound. It will do whats advertised but prepare for a serious learning curve.
Nominal Input Level: MIC IN: -40 dBu (MIC SENS = Center) | GUITAR IN: -10 dBu | AUX IN: -20 dBu
Input Impedance: MIC IN: 4 k ohms | GUITAR IN: 20 M ohms | AUX IN: 18 k ohms
Nominal Output Level: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: -10 dBu | XLR OUT L, R: -10 dBu (Vocal&Guitar, Guitar), -40 dBu (Vocal)
Output Impedance: LINE OUT L/MONO, R: 1 k ohm | XLR OUT L, R: 600 ohms | PHONES: 44 ohms
Mode: Manual | Memory (Memory change/stomp)
Number of Memory: 50
Phrase Loop: 80 sec
Display: 7 segments, 2 digits LED
Connectors: MIC IN connector: XLR type, balanced, phantom power (DC 48 V, 10 mA Max) | GUITAR IN jack: 1/4-inch phone type | AUX IN jack: Stereo miniature phone type | XLR OUT L, R connectors: XLR type | LINE OUT L/MONO, R jacks: 1/4-inch phone type | PHONES jack: Stereo miniature phone type
MEMORY INC/DEC jack: 1/4-inch TRS phone type | USB COMPUTER port: USB type B | DC IN jack
Power Supply: AC adaptor | Alkaline battery (AA, LR6) x 6
I had to take the time to let Quantum Networks know the service I received was top notch great timing communication everything its a great feeling to know there are still company’s out there that have great respect for there customers that’s old school like the days when your gas was pumped while your windshield was cleaned at the same time for a fair price though you cannot put a price on integrity
Some News
Vocal Processor TC Helicon
4. TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor
Some Amazon Offers
TC Helicon VoiceLive Play Vocal Effects Pedal The TC Helicon VoiceLive Play is the ideal solution for singers and songwriters who are looking for an easy-to-setup, easy-to-use vocal processor during live gigs and studio recording. The pedal is ready to use right out of the box. It offers +200 song- and artist-inspired presets you can use on your vocal performance. The VoiceLive Play is equipped with VLOOP (an onboard looper) and Adaptive Tone (innovative technology that controls the Shape EQ and Dynamics of the stompbox).
Also Comes With:
Blucoil 20-FT Balanced XLR Cables (2-Pack) The 20-foot Blucoil cable interconnects your mic to an audio interface, mixer, preamp, and more. It is made premium Male-to-Female Neutrik-equivalent Zinc Alloy connectors protected with high-density PVC Jacket. The 92% shielding protects your audio signal from EMI and RFI. The OFC wire makes sure that it provides the best possible conductivity and avoid lost signal or degeneration.
Receive 5-Pack of Blucoil Cable Ties and a 6-Feet Stereo Aux Cable when you avail this bundle today!
Performance and Use
Everything about this is great. I use this with a singer/songwriter performance setup, and as a vocal processor during louder gigs. Solid build, easy menu navigation, simple preset setups, beautiful sound quality and effects. Highly practical. This is a fantastic piece of guitar equipment, I was using the guitar and vocal presets and creating my own in less than an hour. The effects on offer, easy customization and accessibility makes this a great pedal for the acoustic performer. Easy to sing
A-to-D/D-to-A Resolution: 24bit 128 x oversampling bitstream
Vocal FX: 8 (µMod, Echo and Delay, Reverb, Harmony, Double, Transducer, Rhythmic, Tone, HardTune and Correction)
Onboard VLOOP: Built-in looper with undo/redo and unlimited overdubs
Impedance: 2.14/1.07 kOhm Input | 80/40 Ohm Output
Connectors: XLR Mic In, 1/8″ Stereo Aux In, 1/8″ TRS Headphone Out, 2x XLR Outputs, USB Mini-B
Power Source: TC Helicon 12V 400mA DC Power Supply (included)
All components of the TC Helicon Play Acoustic Vocal Effects Processor Bundle come with their original packaging. You may contact TC Helicon’s customer support team at [email protected] for the warranty details.
The TC Helicon Voice Live Play Vocal Effects Processor has two KEY Modes: Auto for AUX signal and Room Sense for keyboards, guitars, or other chord-based instrument. You can download the VoiceLive Play manual at https://www.tc-helicon.com/Categories/Tchelicon/Vocal/Multi-Effects/VOICELIVE-PLAY/p/P0CME/Downloads#googtrans(en|en)
The effects it contains are suitable for acoustic guitars,Hall of fame and corona effect. works well with voice effects, has more than 100 voice effect
Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo
5. Boss VE-1 Vocal Echo Bundle
Some Amazon Offers
Adding value to your purchase, Austin Bazaar bundles your instrument with necessary accessories. Everything you need to start playing immediately comes in one box. Save yourself the hassle and save some money while you’re at it. A power supply is included so you can plug in and play right away. An Austin Bazaar polishing cloth is included so you can keep your new instrument in mint condition.
Performance and Use
Works well for live performance. Everyone needs to shut off the echo or reverb while announcing. Also has phantom power, and can be either powered by adapter or batteries. Very versatile.
useful for vocals, etc.
Seven types of ambience effects with adjustable settings for your voice
Double-tracking effect to instantly thicken your vocal sound
Enhance effect and Pitch Correct (including hard-tuned “electronic voice” sound)
Adjustable detailed parameters for advanced users
Battery or AC operation enables performing anywhere
-The reverbs are good and sculptable with the tone knob and there’s a hidden delay with standard delay level, feedback time controls. -The enhance button is actually compression/eq -Autotune, doubling AND a voice changer. -Two parameters can be footswitchable (including tap tempo, that’s the big one). It’s a really good pedal for live and recording.
It gives me just enough echo to put my vocals over the top. I find I don’t need to work as hard to project my voice in a relatively loud environment. Saves a lot on my vocal chords. Easy to use and the doubling effect is great for those moments when you need a little help. Overall a nice device with just enough options to give you some different sounds and varying degrees of depth.
Guide To Vocal Processors: Five Quick Facts
These are the five facts you need to know about vocal processes brought to you by Comm-Fab. Number one there are three main styles the long then builds a rack mounted processes they’re great for artists who draw seriously it’s probably the priciest option in the long run there are also straightforward floor pedals they provide the convenience of instant toggling and interaction the final option is the tabletop make these are suited to the needs of the in-home recording artist and coffeehouse performer they have just as much versatility and processing power as others however they suffer from the weakest construction and a less efficient interface fact number two vocal processors provide for two main uses the first is to make a recording sound better these will shift the pitch of a singer to keep them in key the second is to change the style entirely this is what artists like Daft Punk .Fact number three in ancient Greek theater actors wore masks and parts to symbolize their character in the given play but they were also built the project sound outward even the etymology proves it persona contains roots for the words through and sound fact number four after ancient Greece vocal processing took a while to develop it wouldn’t become normal until the advent of the radio and it wouldn’t become accepted until well after Cher’s popular auto-tune hit believe fact number five some people argue that vocal processors are cheating they claim that putting the voice through any medium violates its purity there are a number of ways to counter that argument for instance you could say that arbitrary standards a counterproductive the last half century of music proves that new technologies provide the space for people to do exciting news but you don’t need to have that argument you can just use a vocal processor and prove them wrong.
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