#idk what else to tag brah
owlcracker · 1 month
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
Oh look a open mouth which is soon to become my toilet
Have you ever just been strolling along in your own fucking tag minding your own shit? You know, enjoying the borderline smut and fanfiction postings. Doing a little weeding by removing some porn bot posts because a tumblr is a little like a garden and sometimes you got to tend to it when all of a sudden BAM You ‘ve stepped in a pile of shit shaped like @somethingscarlet13​, the living example of tightly coiled dog crap, because some thoughtless owner couldn’t pick up this bitch’s shit.
I can see why you practically disabled your post to any kind of replying because this is a fucking dog shit take and you know it. Any reylo is going to come in from on high to tell you just fucking so because you’re also dog shit at tagging. Which; I hate to be the one to fucking inform this to you but censoring the word reylo in your post but then not fucking doing that in your tags don’t censor a single fucking thing. I just can’t- I can’t figure out your fucking thought process. Do you even fucking have one?
I get it, you don’t fucking like Ben Solo, what the fuck ever. You know something? I really fucking hate.. let’s see here, The rapper Eminem. He’s just not my fucking jam but if you take a moment and look through my tumblr you can see I’ve never mentioned him once because I don’t fucking care and I don’t make hating something a fucking keystone of my fucking personality. I don’t fucking need to either way, cunts like you are fucking everywhere in the places I never fucking want to see you. Just springing forth from the ground, fully formed and spraying shit every which way.
Don’t like Reylo? Well that one’s real fuckin’ easy just stay the fuck out of the fucking tag mate. I stay out of the Eminem tag and look at fucking that! Never a single fucking issue! It’s like getting angry at sharks for being in the ocean. That’s were they fucking live. Besides twitter there is really nowhere else for reylos to go so IDK brah, just avoid this fucking tag if you hate it so fucking much.
Guess it ain’t much of a surprise that you feel this way since you can’t gather enough common fucking sense to figure out how the fucking tags work that you couldn’t do 3 fucking minutes of research on the history of the character you’re complaining about instead of, you know, researching it. There are 2 books pre-sequel trilogy that, while Ben is very young in both of them do a very good job illustrating that Han and Leia never really even tried to give up their busy lives to raise a incredibly powerful force user child who might have more needs than your average child. Bloodline by Claudia Gray which is about Leia doing politics shit and basically rebuilding the Resistance. And Aftermath by Chuck Wendig, which is... actually about quite a few things but mostly about various Resistance members. It’s a good read not that I suspect you’ll ever fucking bother.  Reading comprehension is hard for you, I understand.  Either way the point of both of these story is Han never once stopped going on smuggling trips and Leia never stopped being very entrenched in galaxy politics. Fuck, I don’t think she ever even stopped being a leader of the Resistance or if she did it was only for a few years since she starts right back up when Ben is still a fucking baby. All of this shit was always going on in the background radiation of this family’s life. Now it’s not fucking crazy to assume that Leia probably never let Ben go on adventures with Han because... well we’ve seen some of Han’s adventures and they rarely go fucking well. Han looks like the kind of guy who would lose his kid in a gambling bet. So Han’s probably not in this picture a lot to start with. The stabbing in EP7 didn’t come out of left fucking field mate, this shit grew from issues in the relationship since Childhood. Abandonment probably chief among them if Ben’s dialog is any fucking indicator. “And Han Solo... You feel like he's the father you never had. He would have disappointed you. ” ~Ben Solo, talking about his father. Well boy fuckin’ howdy is that don’t feel like some fucking resentment there. Fuck me up the fucking ass, Leia and Han even have this fucking conversation about it in the same fucking movie: Han Solo: Listen to me, will you? I know every time you... Every time you look at me you're reminded of him. Leia: You think I want to forget him? I want him back. Han Solo: There's nothing more we could have done. There's too much Vader in him. Leia: That's why I wanted him to train with Luke. I just never should have sent him away. That's when I lost him. That's when I lost you both. Han Solo: We both had to deal with it in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was ever any good at. Leia: We both did. Han Solo: We lost our son. Forever. Leia: No. It was Snoke. He seduced our son to the dark side. But we can still save him. Me. You. Han Solo: If Luke couldn't reach him, how could I? Leia: Luke is a Jedi. You're his father. There is still light in him, I know it. An entire fucking scene where they both openly admit they probably weren't great fucking parents and this might be the reason Ben fell to the dark side and then there’s this fucking asshole trying to tell us fucking otherwise. As if, to them, Ben Solo was always evil from the start and this was just bound to happen regardless of how good or bad his parents were at parenting. As if it wasn’t a tremendous moment of broken trust from a member of his family he trusted the most that forced him to turn away from the light. Ben was at Luke’s academy for how many years? Around 10? Because that’s something else they never really mention in the movies but Ben Solo was sent off to his uncle at the tender fucking age of 10. That’s very early to be removed from your parents to go live with your monk uncle because we can assume through very basic Blues Clues level context clues that Ben was getting hard to handle. Almost like we never learned a single fucking lesson from Anakin, a young child who was also taken away from this mother at too young an age to be raised in a emotionless warrior cult where surprise fuckin’ surprise he didn’t learn how to control his emotions and became a fucking monster. It’s not a fucking subtle analogy. They didn’t do fucking anything to help Ben once he went to Snoke and instead just turned right around and went right back to the fucking shit they knew. Ain’t that some shit? Oh but yes the reylos are wrong because there is actual proof that Han, walking human fucking disaster, and Leia, queen Bitch, were bad parents actually. Sweet Cheesus Crust, you must just be completely starving for oxygen from having your head rammed so far up your ass.
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gothghostiie · 1 year
bruh idk if all my likes popped up in ur inbox (if it does i'm sorry for the spam!! 💀) but like. holy shit. i love. LOVE. LOVE!!!!!!!!! YOUR WRITING!!!!!!!! of all the killers and of course of wesker!!!!! holy shitt????? wowa??????? zaza??????? i stumbled upon your page in the dead by daylight x reader tag and omg i'm so so so happy that i did 😭😭😭😭 i repeat i LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE!!!!!! it's so,, warm?? so soft?? so safe??? your headcanons and blurbs and everything is so refreshing to read i can't imagine wesker (& the other killers you write) to be anything else other than how you described them as anymore. of COURSE wesker is babygirl. DUH???? brah i love you and your works keep doing what you're doing!!! you're doing fantastic boo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💫 🌟✨🌟💫✨🌟💫✨🌟 i feel less mentally ill after reading your writing god bless like that meme of mads mikkelsen 😭😭😭😭 loosely, hypothetically, just in theory, if i were to draw wesker, may i dedicate the drawing to you? okay that's all i have to say IM SO SORRY FOR THIS BOMB OF A MESSAGE thank god for tumblr no limit characters IM SO SORRY FOR THE SPAM have a good day/ night you beautiful person!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨💫🌟✨💫🌟💫✨💫🌟
hi??? holy shit you absolutely made my day with this message, I couldn't help but answer it right away :D
first, dont be sorry I appreciate the spam sm
second, I'm sososososo happy you like the way I write this much, it's making me a little speechless:') I'm happy that it makes you feel less mentally ill LMAOO
I'm a wee bit overwhelmed by the love but I want you to know that I love and appreciate u soso much<33
and you absolutely may dedicate it to me holy shit that's such a huge huge honour
I hope you have an amazing day/night too and an amazing life, you're awesome <3333
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e-daydream · 4 years
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i am the id
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shadows-echoes · 5 years
Writer’s Questionnaire
tagged by: @negotiator-on-site and @deviantramblings . Thank you guys for the tag! I spent way too long thinking about these tbh.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
For reading? Novels. I love absolutely delving into a world and completely immersing myself in it. In my experience, poems/short stories are like looking through a window: the more you look, the more you’ll probably see. Reading a novel, or an entire series, is more like walking through a door into another world, and that’s exactly what I want from a story. I want it to completely consume me.
With all of that being said, what’s the exact word count that draws the line between a short story and a novel? 10,000 words might be a short story, but is 25,000 still considered a short story? 100,000? 300,000? Where is the line drawn? Tbh, I’m 100% down with any long-ish story that draws me in.
As for writing… Imma keep it real with you chiefs, the shortest stories I’ve ever written are for D:BH. Pretty much every other fic of mine is 25+ pages, and a couple of the longer ones are closer to, or exceed, 180 pages. I haven’t finished those. They’re all drafts, so to speak, and the amount of editing needed makes me balk whenever I think about it, but they’re there. The stories that I’ve actually finished are all short-ish stories lol (at least in comparison to some of the other stuff I’ve written).
What genre do you prefer reading?
FANTASY!!!! We live in a non-fiction world that can be quite depressing at times. If I’m going to fling myself into a story, I want it to be magical. I want it to have something that this world doesn’t. I want magic and dragons and mystery and soulmates and forbidden love and all the crazy shit.
What genre do you prefer writing?
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
It depends on the story. Most times, I’ll write one scene and it develops into an entire plotline as I write it. Other times, like with Of Blood and Biocomponents for example, I’ll spend a lot of time planning everything out before I write it so I can work in a number of clues and Chekov’s guns’, etc.
What music do you listen to while writing?
When I really need to focus, I’ll listen to anything instrumental. That can range from soundtracks (e.g. from The Last of Us, LotR, Hans Zimmer’s stuff), to more individualized and upbeat songs (e.g. Lindsey Stirling, Peter Gundry, Max Richter, Hidden Citizens) to classical (e.g. Chopin, Wieniawski, Mozart), or even just ambiance rain sounds on youtube etc. Otherwise, when I need to get in the mood for a certain scene I have entire playlists dedicated to evoking a certain emotion (e.g angst -obviously-, sadness, love, adrenaline rushes).
Fave books/movies?
I don’t really have any favorite movies so I’m just going to list a whole bunch of books/series I love: 
ACoTaR by Saraj Maas
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Learning Not to Drown by Anna Shinoda
Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett
ASoIaF by George Rmartin Rmartingeorge Martin
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (a classic that breaks my heart)
Night by Elie Wiesel (a classic that breaks my soul)
1984 by George Orwell (a classic we practically live in rn and it terrifies me)
Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (the plot twist at the end of this series blew me the fuck away. It’s been years and I still haven’t found my wig)
Any current WIPs?
Only around like… 16? (Excluding all of the half-formed ideas and prompts in my “Graveyard” folder, that is). Which is incredibly surprising to me? I thought it’d be way more. However, most of those WIPs are all… heartbreakingly long and only half-finished, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Lace-up combat boots, black jeans, and a random, probably blank, t-shirt.
Create a character description for yourself:
Hi, I’m Jayde, an average human person who thinks obsessively writing and learning new stuff are fun activities. I look like Idc but I actually care too much; I’m a ride-or-die bitch. Intovert™ (I would much rather have a first conversation w/ someone be about the trolly problem or systems theory instead of the weather). Often low-key enraged by society.
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
Aspects of them? Of course. Actually writing them into a story? Nope. I totally draw on my experiences with certain people to help me write. That’s a given with any writer. However, unless I’m writing a biography on them with a full Chicago-style bibliography then I leave real people the heck alone.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Depends on the characters. I have killed off a couple, but my soul is fueled on angst and there’s only so much of that a single death can provide. Nah, it’s usually better if people are alive and just… injured or... problematic.
Coffee or tea while writing?
I’m usually most productive writing-wise at night, so it’s either decaffeinated green tea or hot chocolate for me (bc I do try to have some kind of sleep schedule even if I fail with that goal).
Slow or fast writer?
So, so slow.
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Anything, really. Sometimes an idea will just pop into my head and I’ll have to write it. Other times, it’ll start with a feeling, a situation, or an experience that slowly morphs into a fic the more I think about it.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
Idk what I would be, but I’d love to be literally anything/anyone with some kind of magic or special ability. Like, bruh, I’m already human, gimme something else. Gimme some of the good shit.
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
I’m so fuckn horny on main for a good love triangle. When they’re done badly, they’re atrocious. That’s a given. But when they’re done well??? Hot damn. Like the kind of love triangles in ACoTaR, the Shatter Me series, or even the Trylle series (which first got me into it all). The kind where problems develop naturally between the MC and the first love interest, where the MC has to work with the “bad guy” for some reason or other and it turns out he’s actually super fuckn dope (*cough* Rhysand *Cough*). The kind where the more MC learns about the people she’s/he’s/they’re around, the more their feelings start to shift based on that knowledge.
I do not mean the kind where the MC just can’t make up her/his/their mind bc omg Hot Person #1 is so hot and looks to be carved from marble, but omg Hot Person #2 is also so hot, looks to be carved from marble, and is also mysterious.
As for a cliché I hate (if the poorly written love triangle doesn’t count in and of itself), I seriously dislike the damsel-in-distress thing. Don’t get me wrong, that card can be very well played in some cases, but when it’s the only card in the whole damn deck for 200, 300, 400+ pages? Nah, brah. I’m out. I’m certainly not asking for BAMF MC every time, but like,,, at least give the MC a goddamn spine you absolute cowards.
Fave scenes to write?
Pining and angst, baby.
Most productive time of day for writing?
The ungodly hours between night and day, when the outside world falls quietly into slumber and one’s imagination runs wild in the dark.
Reason for writing?
I started writing because I had some ideas and realized that nobody could/would write them in the exact way I imagined them except for me? I’ve continued writing because it has almost become a coping mechanism to explore and organize my thoughts and feelings and daydreams in some kind of coherent way. Plus it’s fun.
Tagging: @deviantsupporter @deviancy-wasteland @sunstrain @writerscavity @aerynwrites
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Get to Know Me Better
Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @brokendreamsandpaperwings Thank You !!
Name: Madeline
Nickname: Mads, Madi, Bender
Gender: Female
Star sign: Pisces
Height: 5′0
Sexuality: Bambi Lesbian (Ace)
Hogwarts house: I think I’m either Slytherin or Hufflepuff??
Dream trip: Road trip to Oregon
Average hours of sleep:  0-5 per night/day
Why I made a Tumblr: To get more Pricefield fanart XD
Dogs or cats: I can't choose (it's cats)
When I made a Tumblr:  Like... 2 years ago now?? idk
Followers: 809 (like honestly... how?!)
Reasons for URL: the-rainbow-shaka-brah, is actually my second URL, the first being ILoveBender101. Anyways, I think I used to follow someone with a similar URL and thought, hey this would be a cool name. I only changed it when I actually got a handle on my blog.  Plus, it kinda says a lot about who I am XD
Tagging: @amberpricefieldiscool @onegirllis @toasty-tab @maxgrin @maskedgoat @amber-price-is-hot @uninoodle
And anyone else who whats to join in!
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whoispktoday · 7 years
85 things
I was tagged by @croatoanmary and oh good grief this is long
Rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people (but I don’t even know 20 people if we’re honest so I’m just gonna do as many as I can)
the last:
1. drink: water because I drink basically nothing else
2. phone call: my mother if you count facetime and my tallest friend if you don’t
3. text message: my crush to inform her that I was gonna get killed by a serial killer (power went out and I panicked)
4. song: History Has Its Eyes On You
5. time you cried: I cry almost constantly but I think it was last night when I came out to a friend on accident and she didn’t hate me 
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: never dated anyone
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Never kissed anyone
8. been cheated on: see 6
9. lost someone special: depends on what you mean by special but yes
10. been depressed: I think perhaps yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Too young to drink and don’t want to anyway
favorite colors:
12. I like dark blue 
13. Light blue is also excellent
14. Ace Flag Purple holds a special place in my heart
15: Pale green or very very dark green are both great
in the last year have you:
17. laughed until you cried: yes. I cry a lot and I laugh a lot, overlap is bound to happen
18. found out someone was talking about you: ayup
19. met someone who changed you: I think most people I’ve met have changed me, so yeah.
20. found out who your friends are: Yeah, I think.
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: haha yeah no kissing for me 
22. made friends: Yes yes yes!
23. fallen out of love: Nah fam
25. what did you do for your last birthday: My party was Moana themed 
26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: bro I ain’t got a facebook
27. do you have any pets: I have two cats and a dog and I like to imagine that I have a chameleon 
28. what time did you wake up: 8am which is way early for me but I’m still jet lagged.
29. what were you doing at midnight last night: haha fun story rereading fanfic by @croatoanmary
30. name something you can’t wait for: July 2018. Or breakfast. I always get hungry for breakfast at night. 
31: what are you listening to right now: absolutely nothing
32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah my uncle.
33: something that’s getting on your nerves: I pulled a muscle in my neck and I can’t turn my head a certain way right now. 
34. do you want to change your name: I like my name but I honestly still wish that my parents had name me Bennet
35. hair color: I actually had my hairdresser check it against the swatch things and I’m right in between ‘deep natural blonde’ and ‘light natural brown’ so if that means anything to you. (light brown) 
36. long or short hair: It comes down  like 6″ past my shoulders which is short for me but I guess could be considered long by some standards
37. piercings: ears are technically pierced but I have bad reactions to earrings so I don’t wear them. 
38. tattoos: Nah bud I just draw on myself all the time
39. blood type: An excellent question??? One that I do not know the answer to.
40. nicknames: PK, Peek, Tree, and Chickadee. 
41. relationship status: there is no status.
42. zodiac: Cancer
43. pronouns: she/her
44. most visited website: on my phone it’s ao3 on computer it’s either tumblr, youtube, or gmail.
45. right or left handed: right handed but working on the left
46. surgeries: I had my appendix out 
47. sports: I’m a dancer (ballet, modern, jazz) 
48. favorite tv show: Um, UNFAIR? Battlestar Galactica. Daria. Farscape. Firefly. I don’t know. 
49. vacations: I’ve done Disney quite a bit, done England twice now (just got back!), I went to Iceland last year which was FANTASTIC, and Germany and Austria the year before which was also amazing. I’ve also done Nova Scotia, California, NYC, and many other places. 
50. sneakers: um I just own a black pair that I wear everywhere 
more general:
52. eating: I love cheese and ice cream (and I hate being lactose intolerant) 
53. fave drink: WATER i love water so much I drink a ridiculous amount of water I literally have caused health problems by drinking too much water and I have no regrets whatsoever. 
54. what you’re up to: I’ve been editing a picnic scene while also cowering because our power went out.
55. waiting for: dance to start back up. I have no structure in my life without dance. 
56. want: chocolate. all the time. 
57. get married: I mean probably not but if someone asked me I’d probably say yes ngl (in like five years let’s be clear) 
58. career: The end goal is Astronaut. 
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: oh definitely hugs
61. lips or eyes: eyesssss
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: than what? for what? probably older idk
64. nice arms or stomach: oh damn hard decision I gotta say arms
65. hook up or relationship: I mean I’m ace so relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant I guess 
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: Nah brah
68. drank hard liquor: Never drank anything alcoholic 
69. lost glasses/contacts: I mean it was for like three hours and I don’t even rely on my glasses that much 
70. turned someone down: Yes and it was followed by a rape threat so yay
71. sex on the first date: Bruh. BRUH. (no) 
72. broken someone’s heart: I think I might have
73. had your heart broken: No
74. been arrested: Nope. 
75. cried when someone died: yes. very much every time.
76. fallen for a friend: I don’t think it’d possible to fall  for someone who isn’t a friend
do you believe in:
77. yourself: Yes but really only because all my friends say they do and I try to agree with them 
78. miracles: Yeah
79. love at first sight: love isn’t a sight based thing 
80. santa claus: No
81. kiss on the first date: I don’t do the kissing thing 
82. angels: I don’t know. 
83. current best friend’s name(s): Bella
84. eye color: Blue
85. favorite movie: UNFAIR AGAIN?? I mean I’m just gonna have to say Moana 
That wasn’t that bad, took me like 35 minutes. I’m tagging @tinypartyinthegoogleverse, @trisscar368, @shadowboxmind, @stormysays, @shadedraven, @sandygraves, @raimijenner, @hiddspoetry, @fragmentsofsunshine, @nydescynt, @wolfhawkhowl
(yes I know that’s 11 but I just don’t know that many people okay?)
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tornad001 · 7 years
So @idiosyncraticmagic tagged me in an ask thingy:
Age: 19
Birthplace: Rex Hospital. Raleigh, NC.
Current time: 9:30 PM
Drink you last had: Strawberry Sunkist
Easiest person to talk to: Kat
Favorite song: Origin of Love - Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Grossest memory: It’s a long story but basically it involves man who was high on xanax wanting to prolapse his anus (if you don’t know what that means, please don’t look it up)
Horror yes horror no: Hard no. While most media is meant to challenge the consumer in some way, generally intellectually, horror challenges you on merely a physical level through psychological mayhem and jump scare fuckery. There’s no art to it and it requires no further thought. They’re a dime a dozen and they don’t stick with you for more than 5 seconds after you finish watching it.
In love?: Ye. Maybe (definitely, actually) with someone else as well
Jealous of people?: Nah brah
Killed someone?: No, although i have, on 2 separate occasions, made attempts on people’s lives. And god do i wish i were kidding
Love at first sight or should i walk by: Hard no. While i like the aesthetic and romanticism of the idea, i’ve seen too many of them fail miserably, some with me.
Middle name: John (cuz that’s the proper way to spell it you fuckwad!)
Number of siblings: 2
One wish: Get a research position? idk that’s a bit short-sighted but really it’s my main goal for the time being
Person you last called: My dad. Fun times
Question you are always asked: “Why are you like this as a person?”
Reason to smile: I have great friends, we have great times, I have a great boyfriend, just life’s generally pretty good
Song you last sung: Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Deep Blue Something. I was drunk and dancing in the dark singing this. ‘Twas fun
Underwear color: Black with little rainbow shiny eagles on it
Vacation: I really like going to the lakehouse. My ideal vacation and something I’d like to do at some point in my life, though, is to just go and camp out and walk the Appalachian trail
X-rays: Teeth a few times at the dentist/orthodontist
Your favorite food: Probably pho, though sushi is a close second. There’s just never really a time that i couldn’t go for some pho
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Top ten songs I’ve been listening to lately: idk man i don’t really listen to music much and when i do its pandora so i don’t have top ten stuff like that so i’m just gonna ignore this part of the ask. sry :/
Tagging @thelyssymarie, @toutlebruit, @rictusernpra, @optimisticpleasures
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mechanicalriddle · 7 years
tagged by: DOUBLE FUCK FUCK i meant @afro-elf
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
tagging: @steeplewack @notactuallyherenotreally @tillaneesia @heedra @bythehalfpint and whoever else
the last
1. drink: a big glass of worter 2. phone call: my hopefully future boss?? 3. text message: my group chat with my parents 4. song you listened to: Stop by black rebel motorcycle club 5. time you cried: at the doctors office 6. dated someone twice: bitch i havent dated anyone 7. kissed someone and regretted it: again... 8. been cheated on: again....... 9. lost someone special: my pet skink 10. been depressed: approximately 5 minutes ago 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never thrown up from it no
3 favorite colors 12. teal 13. grey 14. red
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: a few! 16. fallen out of love: kind of hard when you havent fallen in love in the first place 17. laughed until you cried: idk probably while i was watching monster factory 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope 19. met someone who changed you: my therapist i guess?? its nice to have someone to rant to about all my dumb weird problems 20. found out who your friends are: not really 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of em 23. do you have any pets: only 7 24. do you want to change your name: yea 25. what did you do for your last birthday: ate some kind of delicious food my mom made and studied for my final that night.. 26. what time did you wake up: 7 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: agonizing probably 28. name something you can’t wait for: black panther looks pretty damn good 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: earlier today
31. what are you listening to right now: my air conditioner 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i had a coworker named tommy at my last job 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my health is kinda failing me a little bit 34. most visited website: tumplr 35. hair colour: brown 36. long or short hair: short 37. do you have a crush on someone: yea but only a lil one... 38. what do you like about yourself: i dont 39. piercings: none 40. blood type: i think im an O but not sure.. 41. nickname: mecha 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: ♉♉♉
44. pronouns: anything but she/her at this point
45. favourite tv show: right now probably rick and morty 46. tattoos: i want a d20 tattoo but im broke 47. right or left handed: both my parents are lefties but im right-handed??? 48. surgery: none thank christ 49. piercing: wasnt i already asked this 50. sport: badminton  51. vacation: chillin in seattle 52. pair of trainers: red. theyre like... airwalks or something lame
more general 53. eating: goldfish 54. drinking: more worter 55. i’m about to: hopefully work on my comic.. 56. waiting for: a call back 57. want: a new job 58. get married: nahhh 59. career: civ engineering
which is better 60. hugs or kisses: dont touch me 61. lips or eyes: 👁 62. shorter or taller: both are pretty good i think 63. older or younger: older please 64. nice arms or nice stomach: blease fix my dumb flabby arms 65. hook up or relationship: mmmneither 66. troublemaker or hesitant: very hesitant. except when im not
have you ever 67. kissed a stranger:  noooo thanks 68. drank hard liquor: tequilaaaa 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost a pair after id already had new ones for a while i dont think that counts?? 70. turned someone down: i turned down the guy i had a massive crush on freshman year & i might have been able to keep him from becoming an addict if i did but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  not my problem 71. sex on the first date: im ace brah..... 72. broken someone’s heart: oooohohoho, yeah..... 73. had your heart broken: nope! woops 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: same friend as mentioned above
do you believe in 77. yourself: sometimes, but mostly not 78. miracles: good shit happens, & bad shit happens. not sure if id call them miracles but 79. love at first sight: oh no, definitely not 80. santa claus: i am 21 years old my guy 81. kiss on the first date: what date 82. angels: no, not really a theistic sort of person. 
other 83. current best friend’s name: thatd probably be klaus lol, i dont really have a lot of friends right now... 84. eye colour: hazel 85. favourite movie: fury road probs
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xisanamii · 7 years
noblesse icebreaker
tagged by: @spectralmelon (thanks <3) tagging: @rosehikari & @supercoffeecrusader (only if y’all want to, no pressure~)
on here it’s salmon~ though others might know me by different names.
How did you find out about Noblesse?
sweats buckets... well, i was on my tumblr dash one day and mei (the one who tagged me ;D) reblogged a gifset of raizel from the noblesse animation. as soon as i saw that i messaged her immediately literally saying “WHO IS THAT BEAUTIFUL MAN WITH THE BLACK HAIR AND RED EYES YOU JUST REBLOGGED.” then she introduced me to noblesse/webtoons and... well, here i am. my aesthetic for nice faces has dragged me down this far
Favorite character(s)? 
anyone that's seen me around/follows me knows it’s raskreia, haha. coming after her, in no particular order: m-21, raizel, rajak, third elder. after that, i pretty much like everyone else equally. sans a few villains, but...
Favorite scene(s)?
~raskreia stabbing raizel with ragnarok ~any of the little comedy bits throughout the series, i can’t name them on the top of my head but i’m sure everyone knows what i’m talking about pfft ~i just like it when characters work together in fights and just help each other out ~family scenes are the best ~call me basic but i did like all the traitors confronting raizel scene, revealing centuries of angst and pining and regret :’)
Why are you still following it? 
THAT’S A VERY GOOD QUESTION, GIVEN HOW MUCH I FLIP TABLES AT THIS SERIES RECENTLY. honestly i don’t like quitting series anyway, and although noblesse has a lot of flaws, i still love it to death. the characters are lovable, which is a huge part in why i’m still reading. also, let’s be real, we all want to see whether or not raizel will die by the end of it.
How do you like to spend time in the fandom? (“I liveblog the chapters”/ “i roleplay”/ “I draw fanart” / “I like to read fics” etc.)
lel, i run a roleplay blog, guess which character B) i also drawn fanart on occasion
Do you have any ships and/or crackships that you’d like to share?
YOU’RE TALKING TO THE EPITOME OF MULTISHIPPING. CRACKS KNUCKLES, ALRIGHT. ships i ship seriously: raskreia/rajak, seira/shinwoo, the entire household as a family, i honestly have a lot of PLATONIC SHIPS UNLISTED AND I’M DEAD crackships: raskreia/third elder, raskreia/m21, seira/rozaria, raskreia/rozaria, ludis/claudia, raskreia/karias, raizel/ramen, raskreia/edian, raskreia/gradeus (i have a story for all of them, however one should note that when i love a certain character excessively, i’ll ship them with like fifty other people somehow. poor raskreia...) all other ships i’m pretty neutral, i only have like one ship i’m iffy about but meh it’s whatever. honestly, the only reason i haven’t listed ships up there that might be “obvious” is because it’s usually portrayed as sexual and i’m like. backs up immediately. WHEN IT’S PORTRAYED IN FLUFF THOUGH, GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE.
I really want to talk to someone about ____________!
brah, just talk to me about raskreia and you’ve got my heart. on a more serious note, it’d be fun to throw more theories out and back them up with canon things. like, foreshadowing and stuff idk. or just talk about what you want to see in the future after this current arc is over. also, potential interactions between characters who usually don’t! role swaps! villains as good guys and good guys as villains! FIRE EMBLEM AU
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subbalubba-blog · 7 years
Get To Know The Mod
Hey doods, I was tagged by @occasionally-wooper but I’m pretty sure no one else wants this but TOO BAD
Name/Nickname: I won’t tell u my real name, but u guys can just call me Lucy
Where are you from?: I was born in Singapore, but at age 2, I moved around a lot and ended up here in New Jersey (Ethnicity: Chinese)
Favorite color(s): I kinda like pastel colors, actually. They’re just so soft and fluffy! Do you like spicy food?: ASDFGHJKL YES, but I can’t eat anything TOO spicy, BUT THEY TASTE SO GOOD.
Biggest fear(s): Losing the ones I love, Horror movies (I am the weakest weakling), the people I like to spend time with actually don’t like me, too much change, this got really deep tho.
Top 3 hobbies: Drawing, fencing(search it up brah), and wasting my life on Tumblr
How many siblings do you have: 1. A young- *cough cough* And OLDER BROTHER. who acts like a younger one.
iPhone or Android: IPHONE, but let’s not start a war in the comments, or anywhere. Pls
Somewhere you’d love to visit: WOW UM, I’D LIKE TO GO BACK TO CHINA OR SINGAPORE (street food 10/10) or maybe anywhere with food. Thailand could work, maybe Japan or South Korea
If you could meet one person, who will it be?: @myself-and-the-madman SHE SO GODDAMN NICE! OMG, GO CHECK HER OUT RIGHT NOW! GO! RIGHT! NOW
Artist/Band you’d love to see in a concert: I don’t really know about a certain artist or band, but I always wanted to go to an EDM festival!
Favorite thing(s) about yourself: I kinda like how unpredictable I am. That. Uh. Makes no cents. WHICH IS WHY IM PRICELESS!!!! Anyway, it’s come to the point that I even surprise me with how stupid I am. But if you want something more physical, I just recently got a hair cut, and it was PRETTY dramatic. Like dood, I cut like 5 inches off. And now tos so floofy and it's great
Something you look forward to: I kinda want to go to an art college, but I’m a little scared because I might not be able to make a living off o dat, but I also don’t know what else to major in, sooooo…idk
Tagging: @myself-and-the-madman YOU SEEM REALLY COOL SO HI!
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ghostly-harmless · 7 years
tag meme
I got tagged by @theghostielord so gather round for some personal details my dudes
1. Are you named after someone?
I’m sorta named after katharine hepburn, also just cause my mom liked the name
2. When was the last time you cried? A couple weeks ago cause I nearly failed a stats exam and I can’t cope with struggling l m a o
3. Do you like your handwriting? I have a love hate relationship with it. it’s distinctive, but also barely legible
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey? idk my taste in food is boring
5. Do you have kids? fucc no
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i’m not even friends with me. I don’t understand her. what does she want
7. Do you use sarcasm? Like an artist uses their chosen medium
8. Do you still have your tonsils? i mean I never saw them come out so.......I hope yes......
9. Would you bungee jump? get a few stiff drinks in me and i’ll think about it
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? trix, idc if they’re for kids bitch, i’m a child of god
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no??? fuck I look like. I just fling em off and let future me deal with em
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? well I don’t hate pain (as evidenced by my 10 piercings and 1 tat) and I don’t scare too easily but I also hate arguments and can’t stand up for myself so. 50/50
13. What is your favorite ice cream? sea salt caramel truffle 
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? definitely fashion sense and hairstyle. i’m weak for thick fluffy hair and a bangin wardrobe
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? eh i’m really annoyingly short and I wish I didn’t have such an overtly “feminine” body?? like i’m really small and curvy and I wish I was more lanky and androgynous
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I am actually wearing a long purple skirt and black leather platform boots. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
17. What are you listening to right now? fire meet gasoline by sia bc honestly it’s a #bop and idk how I never heard it on the radio or anything
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Black, what the hell else
19. Favorite smell? probably musk incense, rain, and sunscreen
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? some stadium employee who informed me that the panic at the disco show in my state was sold out. guess who’s literally gonna traverse state lines for a singing nerd in a sparkly tux? me, but you can call me Desperate Binch
21. Favorite sport to watch? gonna have to agree with lavi and say drag shows (tbh voguing should be considered a sport if it’s not already)
22. Hair color? black
23. Eye color? blue
24. Do you wear contacts? yes this bitch is blind!!!! 
25. Favorite food to eat? girl scout cookies, pizza, samira wiley, chinese, japanese 26. Scary movies or comedy? comedy when smoking, horror when drinking
(an aside: i was at about a 9/10 while watching It Follows for the first time and I about pissed my shit. did not sleep that night, will not make that mistake again)
27. Last movie you watched? Pulp fiction. i’d seen it before but we’d been playing monopoly so I missed like all of it
28. What color of shirt are you wearing? black tank
29. Summer or winter? winter. GA summer can fuck off with its sweaty buggy ass
30. Hugs or kisses? hugs, unless you’re one of like four people and then kisses are ok
31. What book are you currently reading? i’m finishing up Detective Pony (which is a homestuck fic, but??? also one of the most thought provoking, punishing, all around weirdest pieces of metafiction i’ve read in a long time but I HIGHLY recommend it)
32. Who do you miss right now? a couple of people, some old buddies
33. What is on your mouse pad? i have a trackpad like a civilized human? mouse pad? fuck is this? the 90s? yo brah i got five tamagotchis and they’re each named after a spice girl
34. What is the last TV program you watched? it’s always sunny in philadelphia
35. What is the best sound? nicki’s verse
36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? both overrated. next
(also I just realized i’ve never seen mick jagger look anything but a thousand years old. his wikipedia says he’s 73. how long has he been 73?)
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Peru
38. Do you have a special talent? I can sing, which you would very much not guess from my voice
39. Where were you born? jawja
So I’m just gonna tag folks now. @dude-im-not-a-spam-blog @balroxelle @99-problems-but-a-dick-aint-one @dreamofthefallen @j4ck-of-4ll-f4ndoms @oakagainsthumanity @cosmic-marigolds @viridis-cervidae
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