#if anyone wants tips let me know. best thing you can do is get educated and have fun! <3
ivesambrose · 1 year
2023 𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 🫧
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HAPPY NEW YEAR and my new year gift to you all. You thought I'd forget huh? 😉
Choose the gif / gifs you feel intuitively pulled towards the most ✨
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query 🌙
Services offered
Winter & new years readings
Thank you for the tip 🌹
Gif 1
Themes :
Expansion, learning and exploration.
Messages :
You'll be feeling a lot more youthful and playful compared to the previous months. Like you've been serious and taking things to heart for so long and feeling like Eustace Bagge from Courage the cowardly dog most of the time but now you feel more like Bugs Bunny. This is the best analogy I can give.
Its your turn to inspire the people around you or those who get to meet you this year.
Some of you might pick up cooking as a hobby or profession or would want to start experimenting with recipes at home or better eating in general instead of eating out.
You'll be showered with compliments a lot this year so if anyone tries to dull your shine you know it's irrelevant.
You'll have some decisions to make in terms of career / study opportunities and you will feel indecisive at first as to which is the better option but trust in yourself to choose the best one.
You'll be getting out more or would simply be on your way to something that leads to a lot of financial bliss.
Things will take off soon and suddenly maybe even sudden travel plans and receiving everything at once that might seem overwhelming and you might get anticipation anxiety, certain jitters or just worrying about what's ahead or even improper sleep. But things will be alright. Keep your focus on the bigger picture.
Make that vision board for the love of God.
Romantically you'll have really high standards. Yet I see you nitpicking yourself. Stop that! (pretty please) I do see you being offered love by someone head over heels for you but you'll take your time opening up and be fixated on yourself and your goals for the most part so perhaps a slow burn in that department or you'll just relish in finding a sense of yourself and the career you've always wanted this year.
Gif 2
Themes :
Dreams, imagination, subconscious, spirituality.
Messages :
You'll be focused on the positive and positive only. Seeing things in your favour. Feeling more optimistic, manifesting friends with the same mindset and in turn finding more clarity. I see that some of you have literally put your foot down and decided that, "nope. Show me how good it can get."
You've matured so much and are at this point rather unfazed by the ups and downs life throws at you. You've always made or will be making peace with yourself. That you don't need to plaster a label on your personality and niche yourself down to be more palatable. You're a mix and match of several things and that's perfectly okay.
You may inherent some wealth. Some of you might move to a new house or redecorate your house in a way you've always wanted. You'll feel like you've achieved something tangible this year that you're really proud of.
There may be a moment where you look back at the past and judge yourself harshly. Please refrain from dwelling in this.
You'll be educating yourself on a certain topic you feel drawn to. Possible topics I'm seeing : how your subconscious works, neuroscience, mythology, language, music, skin (dermatology or cosmetology)
I see you letting go of your sorrows because you have faith that what's yours won't pass you by.
A lot of vivid dreams and possible precognitions. Learning to lucid dream as well.
Romantically I'm sensing there's someone that matches your energy. They will end up being your muse or you'll end up being theirs. You'll grow closer when you least expect it even though you'll intuitively see it coming.
Gif 3
Themes :
Overcoming a dark night of the soul, curiosity, collaborations and connections.
Messages :
Oh you're walking away. Literally. People, places, situations, mindsets, mostly manipulation. It's like you finally decided to pack up and leave and the right opportunity showed up for you to do it. I see relief after grief.
You may be managing two jobs/income sources/multiple daily life things. At first it might be difficult but you'll soon get the hang of it and also find time for yourself.
I see some of you getting into skincare and wellness. Even fragrances? Things that make you feel calm and are therapeutic. You have neglected yourself for a long time so now that you've finally decided to make yourself priority little things like this feel like therapy almost. As if you're pretending to be in a vouge beauty secrets video just for yourself.
I would like to remind you, if no one has. I'm very proud of you.
There will be a lot of boundaries you'll establish this year. Be mindful not to end up being too sharp tounged to people who really do mean well. Not everyone is out to get you.
Things are changing this year and even if this change feels uncomfortable due to its newness. Its something you've been wanting. Also, improved finances. Sudden windfall even. Making the right connections that lead you to your own growth be it personal growth or growth in business or otherwise. By the end of the year you'll feel like you have more than enough. That you don't need to feel on the edge all the time. Like the bright sunny morning has finally come after a long stormy night.
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Themes :
Self expression, travel, foreign cultures and strength.
Messages :
I can hear Freddie Mercury sing, "I want to break free." loud and clear near my ears.
I see you rebranding and reconstructing yourself. It reminds me of Maxine looking at the mirror and saying, "I will not accept a life I do not deserve."
I actually see that something that has been challenging for you suddenly just being swept away. Like you really don't have to physically exhert yourself so much. Drop the baggage my loves. Not yours to carry this year.
Its okay to manifest or seek the easiest ways. Simplify things for yourself.
I see a lot of you just realizing your worth and falling in love with yourself. Looking the way you want, dressing the way you want, courting yourself and taking yourself out on dates to the point your standard is you yourself. Honestly? Truly? Love that for you.
You'll be very determined. Like nothing stands in between you and your desires. You know what is yours. Period.
You'll realize how a simple perspective shift and not forcing yourself to do something or reacting is the key to getting what you want.
Some of you will love to document moments for yourself a lot. Maybe invest in a Polaroid camera or digital or point and shoot camera for yourself.
There's so much creative spark around you, I just see you going at with no desire for perfection. Simply fun.
You'll reap your rewards especially monetary. And have several projects to look forward to. One symbol that might follow you are spiders or spider webs or little stars when something good is about to happen.
Romantically? Oh you will be pursued alright but why am I getting y'all just don't pick up on hints? I'm literally hearing the song Loco by Itzy for y'all. So you'll be having an impact on maybe many people but you'll be oblivious to it. I think you're choosing peace and harmony so you'll rather want to be around who feels the same and go with the flow.
If you're already taken I just see more harmony and cooperation in your existing relationship.
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omenhasaheadache · 4 months
Hey, you do bones right? I saw a pretty nice looking deer skull on my walk today and while I like the idea of bones I don't know how to wash or store or move bones. So I had to leave it. If you are aware of how to do bones can I have bone knowledge
Omg I am always happy to share bone knowledge!! And anyone who knows more or if you spot smth I got wrong, please let me know! I mostly just clean little rodent bones and will be speaking only from what I've tested myself.
So to preface this pre cleaning bones get very germy and stinky, so precautions are necessary!! Wear gloves, a mask and clothes you don't mind messing up, Disinfect Thoroughly, and do your cleaning in a well ventilated area!!
So for collecting and moving, make sure everything is safe and ethical and check local laws on what critters you can keep. Most species of deer are typically fine but some species are prohibited from possessing even a feather!! Often times its easier to get already cleaned and ready for display bones, plenty of etsy shops and even educational vendors have them for sale (same with owl pellets, natures mystery box). Collect bones while wearing gloves and be mindful of lose or sharp/fragile parts like teeth or small bones, those like to run away or break. Best to put in a box or bag while moving, for things like deer skulls you may want a trash bag as they're meant to not break easy.
For cleaning bones that are already mostly bare, just greasy/algae covered, you can degrease them with a hydrogen peroxide or diluted dish soap. This is very stinky and you need good ventilation!!!
Fill a container with enough of it to have the bones covered with it, this can be a big hurdle with larger bones and the main reason why I keep with small ones. Soak it for about 24 hours. Peroxide will also help whiten the bones but can also damage them more readily. Just remember never to use bleach because that will severely compromise the structure of the bones.
Make sure bones are dried thoroughly, this can take quite a while. If properly decreased mold and mildew shouldn't be an issue but holding moisture, or being soaked and drying out repeatedly, can compromise the structure. Oftentimes it'll have already had a few cycles of this and sun bleaching too from nature, so minimizing it is important.
For storage, bones are pretty simple. Keep them out of direct sun or excessive moisture to avoid damage, and try avoiding a place they'd fall from. You can dust them gently when needed, I'd recommend a cue tip for smaller skulls, whatever floats your boat and gets the job done, just remember, the smaller/thinner it is, the more fragile.
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candygrlsworld · 2 years
How to study like me!📝🎀
Because it is exam season, I have created this post to help you dolls out! (I meant to make this post earlier but I just didn’t have the time.) So now here are my 6 tips to studying!!📝🎀
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Tip #1: Set a specific time/schedule for when you study
You have to have discipline yourself when it comes to studying. If you keep procrastinating, it will never get done. So set a schedule for yourself, that is non negotiable. Everyone in your house should now that at this time you are studying and that they should let you be. This also means you should get any excess work done before, so you are less distracted when you start studying.
Tip #2: Find a quiet space with zero distractions
You have to have a set place for when you are studying. A table that you can just lay out all of your notes and work to study with. A room/place that no one can bother you. I know some people can work better with background noise but if there are too much things going on around you. Your are more likely to get distracted. So having a space to study is a must.
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Tip #3: Make it fun!
This is the best part. Romanticizing school will literally SAVE YOU. Pretending your Elle woods or Rory Gilmore, or even Cher Horowitz when studying. Will make it so fun. I recommend buying cute supplies. Pink highlights and books etc. I also recommend creating a motivational playlist for when you’re studying.
I have created a Spotify playlist as well.
Tip#4: motivation
If you do have a specific career you want or even just a lifestyle that you want for yourself. That is your goal. That is what you are working and studying for. I know people have said this before but creating a vision board of what you want your life to be like. To remind yourself and motivate yourself to study. Because if you go through your education that will get you to your dream life.
Another idea that I got from @2pretty is to never let anyone out study you! You don’t want any one out work you. Especially if you have the potential. Like literally do the most extra credit assignment, hand work on time or even early. Grades above 90 as well as average, study while excersizing, get a tutor (if you can). Like there should be no reason for you to fail. Or for someone to be working harder than you.
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Tip #5: Study the day before the topics you struggle with
This is something I have just learned. Because I used to spend so much time trying to make sure I cover EVERYTHING. But when it comes to the day before I never know what to study. So even though it’s a no brainer. Study the stuff you don’t know are didn’t look over too many times the day before. Focus on the things you struggles with. So when the test comes you are ready. I’m the words of @2pretty “Don’t study till you get it right, study till you can’t get it wrong.”
Tip #6: Quizlet and things alike
There are so many apps and websites that can help you study, that there is no excuse to not use what you have. Use your resources, watch YouTube videos, use apps, look up answers/old tests etc. You have the world at your fingertips!!! Use it!!!
Well, that’s all the tips I have for y’all. Have fun studying & good luck on exams!!!🫶🏽
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my-reality-my-rules · 2 years
i’m entirely new to shifting so i apologize for a stupid or ignorant? question. anyways, i am curious about how sexual relationships work in a DR? is it dangerous to script that in? Does it actually feel real? Any tips appreciated because i obviously want to be shift safely <3
[thanks for this ask!]
[TW: sex]
nono, your question's completely valid! it's not stupid nor ignorant, and i actually would like to thank you for asking that. it's research for a reason. additionally, i don't really see a lot of people talking about this topic, and it's also a learning experience of sorts for me.
now, I'll answer this to the best of my knowledge: most of the things i know are learned online (as well as tips from 18+ discord servers and kinktok). for all intents and purposes, i am still a virgin (yes, in all my DR's as well)—so, what I'll be listing off is just some of the general advice i hear and have asked for. lmfao please don't come after me-
also, I'm not going to attempt to police anyone on this (gods know some of y'all might just disregard this), so.
as for the answer itself; it works just as well as it does in your current reality. shifting is the act of moving your consciousness to another reality—everything that you perceive there are as real as they are here. everything will work the same, unless you script otherwise, or are going to a world where it's different from what you're used to in your CR. arousal, masturbation, sex, conception, and et cetera—whatever limits you've set for yourself here will also apply there.
scripting sexual relationships isn't dangerous, at least by nature. what you have to be mindful of is how you're approaching those relationships. as it goes for many things, educating yourself on the matter comes first. for example, know what risks are involved, and how you can avoid them. this is easily scriptable—but it's best to stay informed, no?
let's start with the outside perspective of it.
generally, and on an objective level, how would you rate your DR when it comes to sexual relationships? what is sex seen as (a milestone, a celebration, something secret, et cetera)? are there any taboos involved? what constitutes as safe and/or healthy in your DR? think of how the world affects other people's mindsets. it's often said that sexual relationships aren't made for singular pleasure—and it doesn't need to be said that you, as a person, have to consider how your partner is affected by their circumstances, past and present.
on that note; consent and bodily autonomy always top my personal list. that's a fundamental part of my own morals, and a lot of other people's too. it's a simple matter of respect. value your choice, but never force it on other people.
this is where we cross into the more personal boundary of things.
think about your own beliefs and desires, as well as your partner's/partners'. practice communication with them, so there aren't any misunderstandings, no presuppositions. it doesn't matter if you think that these relationships happen in another reality, because they're just as real as the ones you have here. you're dealing with people, like you, who are sentient and intelligent.
i get that there are those who run free without consequence. with reality shifting at hand, it becomes difficult to actively monitor people who promote debasing ways of life. I'm not saying this to imply anything towards you anon, obviously, but it's easy for many to cross lines when there's so much freedom at hand. in that regard, i suppose the best advice i could give you is to be mindful of how you act, and if you end up provoking someone, then to admit blame and do what's needed for forgiveness. might be a bit over the top to put it like that, but it's still a possibility.
here's some of the general affirmations that I've scripted for myself in the occasion that i have sex lmao. it's a bit short (apologies in advance if it's not as detailed enough as you were hoping), but the idea is there.
not all of these are mine, by the way! i don't take credit for some of the affirmations mentioned. there are also those i found online, as well as ones one of my mutuals suggested to me.
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(1) BODY
I am sexually generous.
I am full of sexual energy.
I exude sexual confidence.
I am in full control of my sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
Sexual arousal is a fun process that happens easily for me.
I have intense and frequent orgasms that satisfy my body and mind.
My genitals are healthy and normal.
My genitals smell like ____.
I taste like ____.
My genitals function exactly as I want them to and bring intense pleasure to myself and my partner(s).
I am confident and comfortable in my sexual and relationship identities.
I am sexually and emotionally thriving.
I have a seductive aura.
My body language is seductive.
My lover/s enjoy/s my naked body.
I am the best lover my partner/s has/have ever had.
My sexual performance is incredibly enjoyable.
My partner/s respect/s my decisions.
I attract only my ideal person/people.
I am never untoward my partner/s, always respecting their wishes and boundaries.
My partner/s is/are happy to be with me, and they thrive in our relationship just as well as I do.
I never cause harm against my partner/s.
My partner/s is/are never uncomfortable around me.
I am my partner's/partners' ideal lover.
I can provide what my lover/s need/s.
I can satisfy and satiate all my lover's/lovers' desires.
much love, and happy shifting ❤️❤️
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jedusaur · 1 year
Congratulations on getting on the the Tor best book list! It’s so impressive that you put out an anthology without a massive staff or company to power the project.
Have you ever instructed/podcasted/blogged about how you went about doing that? Tips and tricks or steps to achieving such an impressive goal, basically? I know a lot of writers who have talked about doing this exact thing, but no one who has actually seen it through. Any links you can recommend? Thx!
thank you so much! early on in the process of creating our first anthology I did think about writing up some kind of comprehensive how-to for others, but the honest truth is that there is SO MUCH to learn at every step that putting together a resource like that would be a project on the scale of a book in itself, if not a series. so I guess that's one thing to know: taking on a project like this is a whole lot of work.
on a general level, I would say the most important things to keep in mind:
google everything, always. I could not estimate the number of articles on publishing/fundraising/etc I read to the nearest hundred, and some of them saved me from catastrophic mistakes. no single how-to resource is going to cover everything.
develop relationships with people who can answer the non-googleable questions. this is the only reason Speculatively Queer ever got off the ground at all: I had friends and benevolent acquaintances who knew what they were talking about and took time to explain things to me. I'm not gonna walk anyone through the entire process step by step, but I will try my best to pay it forward if folks reach out with specific questions!
you're gonna have to figure out business taxes. it's gonna suck. do not commit to a project like this unless you're willing to deal with taxes that suck. (I will not answer questions about taxes, sorry, I hate them and Isabela hates them and we refuse to think about them any more than we are legally required to.)
if you're thinking "why does everyone do it this way, that makes no sense, I'm gonna do it a different way" be aware: there IS a reason everyone does it that way, and if you don't put in the effort to find out that reason ahead of time, you're likely to find out the hard way. we did some things differently from industry standards (e.g. not including an exclusivity clause in our contracts for anthology contributors, which I have never seen from any other publisher) but we educated ourselves and thought those decisions through.
I do not recommend diving into an endeavor like this solo. there have been tons of moments when one of us was too burned out to make an important task happen and the other stepped in, or when I said "let's do it a different way!" and Isabela said "hm, I wonder why everyone does it that way though" and saved our asses. I am incredibly fortunate to have a business partner whose professional values and editing philosophies match up well with mine, and I would not want to do something like this alone.
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housesofinvestors · 1 year
How you should invest in your 20s – housesofinvestors
Investing is one of the most important things you can do for your future. It helps build wealth and gives you a chance to really see how much money you’re making over time. But it’s not always easy—especially when you’re young! Here are some tips so that you can invest in your 20s:
Get rid of any high-interest debt
High-interest debt is the worst kind of debt, and it’s one of the biggest threats to your financial future. If you have high-interest debt, it’s time to get rid of it (or at least pay off as much as possible).
Here are some tips for paying off high interest rates:
Only use credit cards when absolutely necessary. If there’s anything about credit cards that makes me want to vomit—and I mean vomit—it’s their exorbitant interest rates. The average APR on a 30 day introductory balance is around 19%. That means if you carry a $10,000 balance with an 18% APR, then every month alone adds up to almost $1,200 in interest charges! And who wants those kinds of monthly payments? No thanks! Instead make sure all purchases are made cash or debit card so that no one has access to any information about them except themselves (this goes double if they’re trying buy something expensive).
Avoid taking out new loans until after graduation day because even though borrowing money now doesn’t seem like much trouble now since everyone else seems so successful at doing this stuff without owing anyone anything back yet either end up paying huge amounts later down road when things go wrong due lack knowledge about how best manage finances during early twenties years where risk taking behavior may increase significantly due lack experience gained beforehand.”
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Invest in what you know
Once you’ve completed your high school education, it’s time for the next step in your journey: investing. This may sound like a daunting task, but there are plenty of ways that you can invest in yourself and make sure that you’re doing things that are right for your interests and goals.
Investing in yourself means investing in what makes you happy—whether that’s dancing or playing tennis; volunteering at an animal shelter or helping out at an art gallery; collecting antiques or making music with friends. It also means putting down roots (literally) by moving out of home or getting married so that one day when those kids come along they don’t have to move away from their family again because their parents had big dreams but couldn’t follow through on them due to financial constraints.”
Buy term life insurance
Term life insurance is the best way to protect yourself and your family, since it protects you against the death of someone else.
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Look into a Roth IRA
If you’re worried about paying taxes on your income when you invest, a Roth IRA is a great way to keep the money in your pocket—and out of the hands of Uncle Sam.
A Roth IRA can be opened by anyone who has earned income and reaches age 59½ (or 60 if they are disabled). The maximum contribution limit is $6,000 per year ($5,500 if married filing jointly). The IRS lets you contribute more than this amount if you have earned income above that threshold; however, there won’t be any tax deduction for doing so.
The advantage of opening an individual retirement account (IRA) is that once it’s open, contributions made into them don’t count toward taxable income until withdrawn or used for other purposes—so long as they aren’t withdrawn within five years after being deposited into an account
Don’t chase returns or hot stocks
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When you start investing early, it’ll pay off later on in life
When you start investing early, it’ll pay off later on in life.
Investing early helps build a good foundation for your retirement. You can start with a small amount of money, and it will grow over time. This means that if the market goes up or down during the years that follow, you won’t lose everything because of bad timing or an ill-timed purchase (such as buying high and selling low).
Having more time to make up for mistakes is great! If something doesn’t work out as planned—like trying out an investment strategy that doesn’t pan out well—you’ll have more time before having to get rid of all those investments so they don’t take away from other things like rent/mortgage payments or student loans repayment plans..
My Opinion
When you start investing early, it’ll pay off later on in life. It’s important to remember that most of these ideas are things you can do today while still working a job and having fun! If nothing else, this article should give you an idea of what type of investments might be right for your specific situation.
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Freddie Redlynn Pronouns: He/Him Age: 21 years old Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Senior at Brown University and Bookkeeper for ‘Fairest Of Them All’ Social Status: Insider (a secret Wannabe) Faceclaim: Grant Gustin
Who Is Freddie?
“You lie like a priceless Persian rug on a rich man’s floor.”
Well, well, look who is continuing to live their #best life. You always were the perfect little Upper East Sider, weren’t you, Freddie? Charismatic, overly confident, surrounded by all the right people and you were smart enough not to try and screw me over. You’ve always been smart though. You can adapt to any situation, blend nicely in a crowd or stand out when the occasion calls. You’re just sweet enough to be likable but don’t think I haven’t noticed the short-lived relationships and obvious ghostings in your past. Are you looking for a special someone or are you having too much fun living it up in the penthouse bachelor pad? Just an observation. I don’t have a lot to fault you on, I admit. Well, maybe you never back down from a dare which has led to a few shenanigans but it’s all in good fun. Right? Here’s hoping you don’t get caught up in my collateral damage. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
Here’s the truth: Freddie Redlynn is a fraud. And it’s the Upper East Side’s best kept secret - not even Gossip Girl knows. Freddie has always been a charmer, prone to playing a larger than life character with boasting bravado. He easily won the popularity contest at St. Jude’s, naturally falling in with the right crowd. Anyone would have assumed that the one with the big personality in the St. Jude’s uniform was just another trust fund baby and Freddie never bothered to correct them. It helps that he has a big house on the outskirts of the city and that he learned how to walk, talk and act just like one us. Who could have known that the pretty picture of a life he parades around for all to see is nothing more than a facade? You see, Freddie’s mom actually works as a live-in maid. The big house he’s always mentioning belongs to the elderly couple his mother works for (even though he’d swear up and down those were his grandparents) and he’s clinging to his education by the tips of his scholarships.
No one has wanted to hang out with the cool kids more than Freddie Redlynn and at the end of the day, a man’s fake reputation is all he has. The downside? Freddie is incredibly insecure, terrified of judgement, terrified for being outed for what he is and so he does stupid things. He can’t help it. He can never back down from a dare and it does nothing but stick him into trouble. Lucky for him, Freddie is smart. He’s learned how to play the game, how to work people to his advantage and maybe he doesn’t mean to do it but when it comes to protecting the life he’s built for himself, he’ll do anything. Of course, the exhausting lies of a double life can take their toll. He can never bring anyone “home”, never have a genuine friend or something more. In fact, no one can ever really know him. He lies to his mom all the time... But hell, this life he’s created for himself - the persona he’s learned to live - beats being a nobody. Can someone really pretend to be something they’re not forever though? The truth is, he doesn’t know but he’s sacrificed almost everything to make it this far. Besides, Freddie’s almost done with school now. Almost free. If he can make it to the end of the year, well, anything’s possible.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
Freddie was absolutely not involved in the original takedown. He has an entire life’s worth of secrets to keep secret, thank you very much.
Logan Hunter - Logan was originally a very easy target. The nicest, most gullible, genuinely sweet person at St. Jude’s was happy to become fast friends with Freddie. Freddie was happy to let Logan foot the bill for, well, almost everything. He had to be subtle enough about it but Logan has a giant, generous, heart of gold and, well... Freddie does like them though. They are friends, they are but Logan’s been a financial crutch without every knowing for a long time now.
Jackson Cohan - Jackson, Logan and Freddie are the main players at a bi-weekly poker event. It bonds like nothing else!
Faith Mendez - In high school she was an ex...something. Another casualty in his web of ‘don’t get too close to me’ lies.
Emmeline Fairchild - Freddie might have done something a little reckless (like steal from her cash register) back when his scholarship was under fire. Em had a soft spot for a mess like him though, bailing him out, giving him a job. Yeah, pretty cool.
William Huntzberger - don’t even ask! Okay so... Everyone knows that William Huntzberger is the one you go to as a last resort when you need a favour. He can make anything go away - for a price. That’s how it all started for Freddie, long before the weird sexual tension and ambiguous monologues. William was just a means to an end. Now he lives in his penthouse rent free wondering if he’s ever coming home. Not wanting him to and maybe wanting him to.
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raraeavesmoriendi · 5 months
“it’s obvious the parties are exactly the same and it doesn’t make any difference which one’s in office—“
as a texan — I get what you’re going for, but buddy, I am exhaustedly asking you to shut the fuck up.
there’s a reason people like myself - queer, gender variant, neuroweird, etc. - are having to figure out how to even come close to affording to leave the only homes we’ve ever known. there’s a reason I’m having to choose between being a humanities educator in the South, something I’ve dedicated a good portion of my life to at this point, and maybe actually having a quality of life/life expectancy that matches the rest of the country’s.
ted cruz has been in office since 2013. john cornyn has been in office since 2002. our last democratic governor, ann richards, stepped down because she lost to fucking pre-presidency “dubya” in 1995. after him, we got rick perry of dancing with the stars fame, and then we got abbott, our current blight on humanity.
compare us now to any smug fucking blue state, in terms of quality of life, in terms of economy and unemployment, in terms of infrastructure, in terms of education, in terms of marginalized communities living in constant anxiety, and tell me to my goddamn face that not having the scumsucking boot-licking worst of the death cult party wouldn’t have made a lick of difference for the people who actually live under their policies.
I get your frustration that the parties don’t seem as dissimilar as we want them to be on an international level. I share that frustration, especially when things are this fucking dire due to the State interfering overseas in other people’s governments and lives.
but for the love of any god that might exist, I am thisclose to shaking the next dipshit yankee motherfucker who thinks doing the absolute sandbag level minimum of not letting our current problem get fucking worse is meaningless, aka fucking beneath them.
american republicans/conservatives/whatever you want to call them are like cancer. once they get in where they want to be, you will have a fucking bitch of a time scraping them all out again, and the repercussions will be even disastrous for everyone than they already are. I know. we are living proof. just look at louisiana, where I live now, or any of the gulf states still dependent on big oil while the water keeps fucking rising.
god fucking damn, I have been voting against the same three scab-chewing suit-fucking slimeballs nearly the entire time I have been eligible to vote, and they are so well entrenched by now with their ‘fuck you’ money and their good ol boy connections, I don’t think they’re leaving their little snake dens while they can still stand up.
and the people who they want to implant at the federal level have made it clear they will do all sorts of illegal shit to keep power once they’re in there. they’re being pretty blatant about that this time.
making sure we put up even the most minimal fight against them being able to pull that shit has nothing to do with any kind of party loyalty. it is not a panacea, it’s not the only thing people are asking others to do, it’s not going to solve everything, it’s just putting a finger on the scale to tip it in our direction. but if we can scrape by with even that much, it will make a difference, and we will need every single bit of that we can get in what’s coming.
you do not want them at the national level again, they will never fucking leave. I speak from experience. why on earth would you just up and hand them any advantage they don’t already have.
anyone who wants to fight about it can go sit with that guy I know from new york whose best contribution for what’s to come was starting a maoist group on a red state college campus - fine in theory, negligible in terms of actual practice.
y’all talk amongst yourselves while the rest of us are busy trying to take every precaution against the coming fucking hurricane, down to the littlest sandbag.
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Piggy Back from Inner Beauty Tip about: Have Boundaries!
I don't really think a female can be called a lady until she earns it with her behavior and attitude and that means she needs to have boundaries so males and everyone else will respect her and same goes for males. If a guy doesn't have respect for himself and make sure he doesn't let people cross his boundaries then he can't really be called a gentleman, he won' t be gentle.
I just posted an article abot a no make-up pageant and I thought it was great because it's exactly what RUPYS is all about (inner beauty which requires no make-up on the outside otherwise you can't see much of what's on the inside). When females were make-up they want to be looked at and when they wear no make-up they want to be heard and it brings out their inner beauty. They are saying "I have a boundary that says I don't need to be made up all over my face for you to like me. I want you to see me and hear me for who I really am from the inside out".
So what are boundaries?
*Rules & Regulations for:
Time - don't be available all the time so people don't monopolize your time and you have time to do the things you want to do.
Touching - be ready to say no to anyone who touches you too long, too much or too aggressively for your preference, it's your body and you have the right to make anyone stop touching you when you want them to and they should always take no for an answer and you don't have to allow anyone to touch you at all.
Pleasure - everything in moderation is the name of the game, when we find things that please us it's best to set limits on pleasure and be able to ignore things that please our eyes and our bodies and our palates from time to time so we don't get addicted.
Food Intake - as you know if you eat too much you weigh too much usually, some people have fast metabolisms but for the most part the older you get the slower the metabolism gets and even if it doesn't we don't need to gorge out on food. It's there for us to enjoy eat to live not live to eat.
Mental Stimulation - when it comes to educating ourselves there is so much knowledge in the world but if we are hungry for everything we see then how can we process that information to utilize for our good or someone else's good? We can't. It will be information overload like too many files and folders on your laptop. Set some boundaries for mental stimulation so you can rest after all of that intake.
Access and Availability - Social media is the culprit here and cell phones, it's easy to get in touch with anyone at pretty much any time, celebrities included so that means for the most part we are easily accessible and available to respond and connect or chat with anyone at any time of the day or night. So I say do what I do and turn your cell phone off at a certain time at night and don't turn it on right away when you get up in the morning. Have some "me" time and try not to be so available and accessible or no one will leave you alone when you do want some "me" time.
Strength & Weakness - we can say we are strong but if you appear too strong it will be hard for people to see your frailties and they may not take you seriously if you are looking for a shoulder to lean on; as with weakness it's the same thing, if you appear too weak people will walk all over you and wipe their feet on you so find a balance here and have some boundaries so you show your strengths but know that you have some weaknesses to work on too.
Spirituality - if anyone walks around praying or meditating all day and all night it will be really hard to connect with anyone on a physical level. If we aim to help and heal we still have to meet people where they are so don't cut out the physical world completely because you still have a body that needs your tender loving care and that means you can put your Bible down and go play football outside for a while.
Work - we need to work to pay our bills and have a purpose in life or maybe to just stay out of trouble. You know an idle mind is the devil's playground so it's important you find some kind of work but don't overdo it or you will burn out and not want to work at all.
Money - if we spend too much money then we may not have enough left to pay bills or take care of our basic needs or help a family member of friend when they need you. If we hold on to too much and are afraid to be generous and give we can lose it because we are holding on to it too tightly andthe heavens cannot bless a closed fist; you won't have any room to receive anything more or anything else if your hands are not open. So spend, save and give freely adn with wisdom so you won't have to worry about too much loss or not enough gain.
Play - same thing for playing; I make it an important part of my life to find some time to play (weekends usually; all mine) and have som fun or I will not be a happy person nor friendly to anyone but too much play can make you resistant to working and that means you might end up regressing to childhood and be an immature adult.
Rest and Relaxation - resting too much is for the lazy and really gets us nowhere but it's still important to find some time to rest and relax so we can recover from our hard work, sweat and tears.
Focus - when you have some type of passion that you love make it your business to focus on that but not too much or you end up with a one track mind oblivious to what is going on around you and awareness is key to any focus efforts. So give your brain a rest and smell the flowers around you, doze off and take a nap or watch children and animals play off and on so you can chill for a while
So if you have experiences with controlling or abusive people, I strongly encourage you to not all anyone to take over your life, mind, body, or time at any time or you pretty much do not exist anymore. If you rant and rave and argue to someone who controls your life and you say "you owe me" then that person probably will not listen to you because you don't exist. It will be that person's way always because you let him or her cross your boundaries because you said yes to everything. If a person can say no to you and they can kick you out if they don't want you around or tell you to wait until they are ready for something then you should be able to do the same thing. If anyone harps on you and tells you they don't want anything to do with you because you said no to them or you didn't listen sometimes then I say let them go so you can be yourself and be happy because that kind of person should not be worth your time.
Always guard your heart and keep your boundaries up when you need them so you can protect your body, mind, spirit and heart, stay safe and say no when you want to.
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newwatersmarket · 9 months
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Almost daily we have NEW members having their first $1000 day online WITHOUT having to…
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tommyspeakycap · 2 years
Could you share some tips on how to deal with ocd I recently got diagnosed x
i’m so sorry i just seen this my lovely!! im so glad you felt comfortable enough to ask me, and know my dms are always open if you want a more personal chat about anything!! i’m happy you’ve got a diagnosis, i know that helped me a lot in setting myself straight. i’m not a professional, and i’m sorry if i say the wrong thing but this did help me a little.
this isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s what i did to begin with to try getting my life back.
firstly, if they’re offering you any kind of therapy, the utter best golden standard (only thing that’ll really help with treating ocd) is exposure and response prevention therapy where you face your obsessions in a safe and controlled manner and slowly work on how to not react the way ocd wants you to. that’s a very simplified stupid explanation but it’s the best way i can describe it cos i’m stupid but yeah. if you can, fight for this treatment or have someone advocating for you. if not, there are a lot of self help tools online that can be a least a little bit of help.
for me, this therapy and the education that came with it was so important so i can keep implementing the behaviours when i struggle or come across a trigger. but the most important thing you can do (and believe me i know how stupid and unrealistic and impossible it sounds right now) is to resist resist resist your compulsions. whether they’re psychical or mental, rumination or hand washing - whatever they are - RESIST when you can, where you can IF you can. tell ocd NO. resisting, for me, was the key. resist the compulsion, but not the thought. let it pass, let it sit, feel the anxiety and then say fuck you ocd.
confide in your family and in your friends. they love and want to help you. even if you think you sound stupid, they won’t think so because this struggle is REAL. let people help you, you deserve it and it’s hard to do this alone. nobody ever judged me the way i feared they would. ever.
some days, i will still give in to a compulsion. because some times my brain just needs me to, and though it’s less than ideal, it works to keep me from a full out relapse because i don’t have access to completing a full course of treatment. you may not always be able to stop compulsions entirely and that’s OKAY. don’t let anyone demonise you and don’t think it takes you back to square one having a slip and completing a compulsion, but also try not to let it suck you back in. you will get so much better and working through the thoughts and realising that you are stronger than them and they do not define you at all. your brain may try to trick you into ‘just one more time’ but there’s never going to be a last time for your ocd, it knows this. you’ll get better at this in treatment i promise. your ocd might HATE treatment, but i promise you it’s so worth it when you get to remission. it never goes away, but you so can co exist without it leading your life the way it so loves to do.
i’m sorry if this is really shit, and i’m sorry you have to deal with such a frustrating and disabling condition, but you are so strong and i believe in you so much my love. if you need anything at all, you know where you can find me ❤️
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chillhelium03 · 2 years
Importance Regarding A Great Title In Content Creation
Search engine optimization content writers must be abide by certain rules and guidelines. They cannot plagiarize anyone else's work opportunities. Nor can they perform the copy and paste method that other writers will use. The content should be original and keyword rich so that the search engines can realize its. The ultimate goal is for your site to rank about the first page in physical exercise ones.
The perfect thing about content writing is may possibly be done from anywhere you want. If you're like me, you love working from your home. Not only are you able to uncover all for the content writing you been recently assigned done, you execute it while sipping coffee in your pajamas! But, don't educate employer by which. It is always best to watch them picture you dressed in the pantsuit capable to be industrial engineer! At least, you want to give that air to them whenever submitting content noting down.
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To use SEO Content Writing to its fullest benefit, it essential that have an understanding of how all the other web pages are formula keyword ideas. By simply carrying a explore the keyword with no delimiters you'll receive results showing pages using the keyword in any form. Thus, for 'article writing' Google will list 'article writing tips', 'writing article', 'articles and writing' and pages using any phrases makes use of both words in any order. Thinking about list pages that don't use anything except one impeccable premier two keywords. Start the first one paragraph from the content with more important point you are talking all about. The reader should get clear idea on what you are telling the actual planet first paragraph itself, otherwise he may move in order to some other website. Avoid from writing the background or past record about the main in the first paragraph this is because may as possible . reader searching for the relevant content. First of all, all articles targeted towards web site optimization are keyword driven. Hence, it is crucial for you to base the content you write around this keyword. Realizing what's good have be sure that this keyword or key phrase is within the title of write-up. You will to be able to insert this in relevant places inside of the article upper body. Keyword Placement - Since they can be writing a great SEO article writing business, you need to know tips on how to place keywords in content material. You should never use the keyword lots of times in the given document. If https://vietnhanh.vn/trinh-bay-bai-viet-luan-an-thac-si-dung-cach.html write a 500 word article, for example, the keyword should not appear in the container more than 7 times. If it does, then happen to be over stuffing the keyword. Mind you, it isn't just keywords you have to worry about - everyone every word thats. You need to learn utilizing synonyms and do so properly. When readers are reading something, if they see exact same words over and over, they will start to get dreary. Weave inside of links of your content to let your visitors find it easy to understand. Insert links between pages within the web site. Link to other relevant websites so how the reader can keep moving and enquire an idea about all that you possess to special offer.
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weshootusa · 2 years
Children's Target Shooting and Firearm Safety
I vividly remember being 10 years old when I began asking my parents to give me a BB Gun. They were astonished that I had asked them to get one when I first asked. They looked at eachother, then looked back at mine, and then they looked at eachother again.
My Dad then said, "Why do you need a BB gun?" I said "Oh I don’t understand, to go aim shooting, a few of my buddies have one why can’t you?" Dad responded with "I'll think about that and let you be aware!" I must have gotten the OK, as the following Christmas I purchased my first Crossman CO2 Cartridge BB Rifle. Do you still have those?
As I pulled the gun from its box, my excitement was accompanied by Dad's concern. "Listen, Dad, I don’t ever want to hear or see you point that gun ever at anyone, do you understand?" I answered "yes, I understand Dad!"
So I started learning everything I could about the rifle. I learned how to take it apart and put it back together. The internet wasn't available back then in 1969. Or anything else than a library for information on firearm safety or target firing for children. It wasn’t even taught in school.
Today's is better than ever
Today, we have the best library in the entire world right at hand. Children today have an advantage that I didn't have at 10 years of age.
I am going to share with you some tips on firearm safety and safe target shooting, especially for children gun range lakewood nj .
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Training a child in
How old is your child before you teach them firearm techniques and train them? It depends on your needs, your understanding and your desire for your child to have a firearm.
A child's ability to reason at 10 years old is sufficient to be able understand the basic safety precautions associated with firearms. Encourage your children to be familiar with these safety rules and to adhere to them. If your children are old enough, you can take them to the shooting range and let them learn how to shoot.
Another way to teach safety and training is to use an airgun in your early training. This will reinforce all of the other lessons and will remove any mystery that surround firearms. This mystery is what causes most firearms accident today.
Always think safety
You should let your children know if you have a gun. Don't try hiding it in the house thinking they won't find it. They will. Children are able to discover anything adults cannot. Children will seek out hidden things more often than adults, so the more important it is, the more they will value it once it is located. How do you solve this problem? Get a Gun Safe! !
It is important to teach your children the difference between toy guns and real firearms. A firearm should not be considered a toy. You should not treat it as one. Let them know that firearms have the potential to cause bodily injury and death. You should not pretend to know the truth.
Starting your children off right is by showing them how guns work. This should include showing your children the correct procedures for loading, verifying, and handling firearms. To teach safety and shooting, a certified instructor should always be available.
Teach your children how you clean and care for firearms. A gun that has been misused or is dirty is more dangerous than any other. Teach them firearms can jam, which can make them dangerous. Demonstrate the difference among semi-automatics (automatics), and revolvers. Rifles, shotguns, etc...
Remember that education and open, honest conversation are the best. Follow all the rules you give to your children. Your child will not be happy if you do not follow the rules.
They can be trained by instructors if they are taken to a shooting field. Show them how safety rules are enforced at a shooting field. Explain to them that "Cease fire" is a signal that the range instructor has instructed you to stop firing. This means that you must put your firearm down and take your eyes off it.
Only when the instructor tells you to "commence fire", do your hands move back towards the gun and you can pick it up. The range will teach them the proper manner to use the firearm. You and your child will have a great time learning these things together.
Target shooting is a great place to bond with your child. Fun and exciting, too. Your child can also see the various types of targets available at the range. Printable targets can also be downloaded from the internet.
Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts are all great places to help your child understand target shooting and firearm safety. You can also learn more about target shooting techniques like trap shooting and skeet shooting from these amazing organizations.
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guy30thomson · 2 years
Web Development - Internet Page Design
Purchasing a brand new car is been a habit most car fanatics. in sound mind can be design the way how it genuine depending on the types of car you acquire. Over the years almost all people has there own vehicle. Transportation is been a part of their daily workout. Transferring from one place to before i forget- not easy without any this. Design created the software to you could car into create. Simply visit online regarding car designs that you would prefer. Remember that you can be the architect of your special car. After you might reap the product of your own design. It is reasonable and easy to gain access to through the entire world wide. When option has been made, you can start thinking about design tips. It does not matter if the picking a ready-made one as everybody come in a few cuts, sets and designs which should be selected in advance. It may not sound very romantic, but a few see the smile dealing with your partner's face on seeing the perfectly designed ring; it will surely be worth all within the effort. But first, definitely know for this best music band design to obtain from. Another nifty feature possess access to when you use the application to design a t-shirt is the distress power. These effects are used by changing the particular of your design. Some of the options include marble, newsprint, film grain, and static. I hope that no-one goes through what I've in in the marketplace and those who have, I'm terribly bad. It's a struggle to get your scalp around what has happened for so long and looking people the actual eye for that first a part of your recovery is a difficult thing attempt. My advice is as follows, stay strong and use the experience regarding opportunity to depart the past behind and get started new things, starting high-quality. If you need a business logo that is effective, you might as well let the best design er maintain your design anyone. Choose a designer who is correct within your financial. Specify a dead-line and make sure you have some references from his previous work. Educate your design on the profile of the business , nor let him presume your line do the job! The manufacturing of today's greenhouse falls basically into 3 families. First choice may be aluminum, which is lightweight and holds up well to the weather. It is possible to also seek the greenhouse design using galvanized steel, which like aluminum is also sturdy and light-weight. pragmat is 33 % possibility, but make sure it is pressure treated and weather resistant. The choice of redwood or cedar is probably your best option. 3 years ago, I believed i was involved in the very nasty assault that left doctors not without doubt I would pull throughout. I was unconscious for eight hours and woke to a max of find out that whilst walking home drunk typically the early hours, I was jumped for my mobile phone. recompile hit me in confront with 18 dollars and stamped on my head 8 times once i was out cold. Contend left my face scarred for participate of my life- by using it taking 2 and one half hours to stitch me back themsleves. One popular design seen for men fond of science-fiction and literature is often a copper-gold or gold ring engraved an issue letterings found in "Lord of the Rings". Within same way, there are many pop culture themes which have been adapted to the marriage bands these days. Having such fantasy kind rings may not appeal to many women, even so they are becoming popular inside circuit of adults involving mid 20's and wanting something unique to commemorate their actually. In this way, you can choose being married ring design that your man will love even after twenty years have gone!
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lindgaardspence22 · 2 years
How To Boost Your Website Loading Speed
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