#if there's one thing i want from the wof fandom is to be known as orca's number one fan i love her so much
sinusoidaldisfunction 1 month
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Princess Orca. CEO of baby murder.
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cuhmiluh-yuh 5 months
Hello! I'm kind of bored right now so I decided, "Why not see the social world today?" Obviously I'm not well known like ANYWHERE but I also need book recommendations because well I want to see different fandoms or just read new things!
So since you've read the top part Im glad your reading this Part! So weather your giving me Book recommendations or not I also decided to draw OCs or characters from different fandoms because I get really interested in doing that. If you have any OCs you want me to draw just tag me with @cuhmiluh-yuh and I'll look! I'll show some art (to show how I draw Duh) at the end of the post so if you want to see then just scroll.
I'll be very surprised if your reading this because this isn't very interesting. But since your here- Yk how Part one is 'Books'? Well I'm only in like 4 fandoms so I don't want recommendations of things I've read- (only 3 of the fandoms have books (I think!)) Anywayy enough chitchat uh I'm in the WoF (Wings of Fire) fandom, the WC (warrior cat) fandom, The Fnaf (Five Nights at Freddy's Fandom), and the Helluva Boss Fandom (Though I don't post much about it). That's all this is about and thanks For Reading! This took me forever to write and I guess I should probably show the art- well here you go!
WoF -
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Humans/Aliens -
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Cats -
I don't have any at the moment Sorry!
P.S. there was a lizard at my window and we failed to get it out so now I'm sleeping in the same room as a lizard 馃拃
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catis15 2 months
I was gonna say something about ur wof stuff but you have a harry potter house in the bio so i dont respect you at all lol. have fun with your racist ass shitty wizard book
I grew up with Harry Potter and it was a large part of my childhood. I do not at all support JK Rowling and got my books from my dad I didn't buy them. I don't buy Harry Potter merch either.
Outside of the ass author there are good parts of the fandom and that's what I participate in.
And if your so mad about the 'shitty wizard book' why spread more hate? Educating people is better than leaving hate comments. I hadn't even heard about how horrible the author is until about a year ago, and that's when I stopped buying merch and following anything relating to her. But what if I still hadn't known? Your comment wouldn't have been very helpful.
There are still good parts of the community that don't support the author, same thing with many books, shows, and movies out there. Don't just deem someone as unworthy as respect because they enjoy a form of entertainment. There are ways to enjoy without supporting the people who are the ones not worthy of respect.
And quite frankly the fact your posting a hate comment anonymously kinda gives the vibe that you don't actually care about this, but instead just want to send hate. If you care enough to leave a comment like this at least make it known who you are.
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dramwaloveswingsoffire 4 months
The Tails of the Wings of Fire: Early Access Wall. By a Previously Consistent Member
hi hi! I have comeback from my little break and want to present you this
Some of you may know about the WOF:EA (Wings of Fire: Early Access) and you may also know about the discord and group wall, also known as the TOP wall. While I, personally, have never joined the discord, I have joined the group wall! And that place is a shit show.
I barely go on it anymore. It was a pot full of chaos and dramas. the roleplays were the only saving grace, but I barely see any roleplays now and it is mostly taken up by a friend group of people. Hell, some of the roleplays were hosted on another group wall. (It was usually fandom roleplays and istg those fandom roleplays rocked so much). But, when it was active, I was on it CONSISTENTLY, which means I saw a shit ton of stuff.
So I welcome you to the tales of the Wings of Fire: Early Access wall, by a previously consistent member.
Warning: these will be dramas I have either A. Been involved in, or B. Heard basic details of.
Also, this section will have brief talking of periods and zo_philes. And this is a very long post
The Ohio Drama: this one directly involved me! So basically, someone was making a joke about Ohio, and I added on saying that I was Ohio. Someone apparently took offense to this, saying it was offensive to make jokes about Ohio. No, not a suppressed group in Ohio, not the culture in Ohio (which would just be american culture, and is already made fun of, let's be fr) and no, not anyone specific in Ohio. Just Ohio. I was making the joke about myself too, saying that I was Ohio. I don't remember if the person themselves lived in Ohio, but they're cousin did and said that it was offensive. Ofcourse, this being a rblx drama, the evidence wasn't shared or given any way to see. (Tbf, idk if roblox allows decals of messages and stuff)
Warrior Cats Trolling Drama: so, I and some other people were talking about the WC group and trolling on the WOF wall. Someone then decided it would be a good idea to troll the WC wall. I, assuming this would just be some trolling like a fake rp, agreed and eagerly went to the WC group to see what would happen. (I do not play the WC rp mostly, I just never bothered to leave the group). And the person decided to troll the group by spamming "IMAGINE SUPPORT ZO_PHILES, LMAO". Bc, you know, the creators are problematic.
Needless to say, I was pissed off. The person defended themselves by saying it was "just some trolling UwU". Mind you, people on the wall most likely didn't give a shit about the drama and just wanted to play on an, admittedly, very good looking warrior cats roleplay game. Plus, accusing a group of people, who were just trying to rp, of being a zo_ supporter is fucked up.
The... Period Drama: warning, this is the icky stuff. So, the person in the WC drama is a male, and somehow the mention of menstruation cycles came up. The person in the WC drama said they were uncomfortable with menstrual cycles being brought up and said they were disgusting, and that made someone blow up. Bc how dare they call a natural thing that happens to women "disgusting" and "disturbing". Ignoring the mountain of girls (me included) saying that they found that stuff disgusting because... of fucking course?
You're talking about blood pouring out of you and giving you cramps, have you not heard of stories where girls thought they were dying when they got their periods? Also, not to mention, THIS IS A WEBSITE/APP FOR KIDS!! WHY YOU TALKING ABOUT MENSTRUATION CYCLES ON A KIDS APP!? There are obviously kids on the WOF wall!? Like, I'm not talking teens bc I think they could handle the talk of puberty, but I mean actually people 10 and under, as evident by kids begging for the game to be free and, more recently, spamming a robux spam message in the wall.
This drama honestly makes my blood boil most. Like, you cannot sit there, talking about periods in a KIDS APP and say how not disgusting BLEEDING UNCONTROLLABLY is when many people say they don't want to hear it? I don't want to hear it, the people on the wall don't want to hear it, the WC person (who, mind you, was being called disgusting by the person who was pissed off that the WC person didn't want to hear about puberty stuff) does not want to hear shit. Please, go talk about it with a close group of friends or your parents. Touch grass, you idiot.
Moldy Food Drama: I forget most of it, but basically: someone was talking to someone else and I think one of them had a moldy candy cane. They were told by the other person to eat the candy cane as a joke... and they did wat it. They did apologize for telling the other person to eat the candy cane tho, and are working to improve themselves.
The Problematic Host: last drama, and idk if this is really a drama? Basically, someone on the wof wall would host rps and always take the most important spot, but would apparently have to leave near the beginning. I get that this is annoying to deal with, but to be fair, they might have other responsibilities in their life? So I don't think it's really fair to get mad at them for that imo. But I only roleplays with that host once, so idk.
Hosting a Raid: this happened in game. If you didn't know, raids are what happen when you intentionally get people together to go ruin someone's roleplay experience. I called the person hosting this, and they defended it saying "well, people already break rules by online dating!1!1!" Mf, did you mean ship roleplays? That isn't online dating. Also, if they break the rules, why would you? You spent 60 robux just to get banned? Fr?
Rock Stealing: so, in the game, the arena in the skywing kingdom is often used to host roleplays for people who dont want to use the wof wall or aren't on the wall. One day, someone was hosting a roleplay and two other people were harassing them. Why? To fucking take the rock. They were just trying to troll the person so they could take the rock Uwuwuwuwu.
These are things that I think are a problem on the wall. Some may be biased, but I do think these need to be said
1. Everyone leaving after a few seconds of the roleplay. I don't know why this happens, but everyone just seems to dip once a roleplay starts. And then we are left with 3 people. I get that people have irl jobs, but all the time? Really? 2. Fandom roleplayers only talking amongst the same fandom. I cannot say how much I hate this. There is always the group of people in DSMP or in TMNT, having fun. And here are the people who dont have anyone to talk to, because you don't bother to socialize with them. I will say: I don't mind if you make your oc interact with another oc/group of ocs more than others, just DON'T NEVER RP WITH THEM. 3. Roleplays turning into chatrooms randomly. This happens most with fandom rps (in my experience), but I think it still happens with other roleplays. So, imagine this: you are with a group of people, excited to rp. You guys were goofing around while waiting for the host to grab enough people, but them you start. You get into place, excited to start, and... everyone completely abandons rp to start talking casually. And not like a short convo during rp which ends quickly so you can continue the rp, but an actual casual chat. I hate, hate HATE it so much. I don't mind it if the roleplay is clearly dead, or if I wanted to join a casual chatting session. But I HATE it when it happens at the start or the climax of the rp. This happened twice to me, once on my first rp, where the host was confronted and apologized about controlling the narrative, and once in a fandom rp, where they were talking about how "they missed the old days :(((". Like, can we at meats rp a bit?
But, fun fact, in the first rp, I actually saw Bellasaurus and talked with her a bit. It wasn't really much of a convo, just asking her to censor my dragon. 4. Unoriginal rps I will both defend and bash this. First, bashing. I too want more original roleplays. I want variety in what I see on the wof wall. In the mists of the generic DODs and the ships, I want a spin on them. Why not an apocalypse and ship rp mix where you're trying to save your shop from some infection? Or a dod rp where they aren't prophets, but the "guardians" just really wanted dragonets? (That one was my rp idea, lol)
And yet, I feel that completely bashing them are unfair. Hosting can be stressful, and this is a simple thing to turn out if you just wanna have a chill rp. Plus, it's good for beginner roleplayers who don't want to worry about auditioning for roleplays. These roleplays aren't bad, they are just stale when it's the same ot over and over. 5. School roleplays. These roleplays never fucking work. Too many people, leaves way too quickly *point to pet peeve number 1* and how the fuck do we do a school rp!? I have never seen one work properly. Everything goes to shit immediately. Worst roleplays ever. 6. Too many posts for a rp call. I have seen hosts use 3-5 posts on the wall for rp calls, and it annoying to see. Please limit your posts to 2 posts maximum. One for the plot and another for the rolls and rules. You have to have a reasonable amount of roles and a short plot to hook the roleplayers. Don't give me this 3 post long plot with 500 roles. 7. Unlimited amount of people in roles. Wow, we looped back around to another common problem in fandom roleplays. Some rps will have roles that will never fill and people can keep endlessly asking for them. This is a HORRIBLE idea. Because nobody will ever take the other roles, they will only take the role that will always gaurentee that they'll get in. Especially if the host either doesn't have optional auditions/ no auditions at all, has no auditions for that role, or has auditions but you're good at auditioning. This is especially bad in fandom rps when everyone wants to be a fandom instead of a normal dragon! Don't you know how cool it would be for a fandom character to meet a wof oc and learn the wof ways?! 8. Optional auditions. Just say no auditions. You know nobody will audition anyways. For those wondering: some, if not most, roleplayers like to roleplay with people the same level as them. So, they like to make people audition for roles to prove that they can roleplay properly without *becomes sad* or *throws rock*. There are nothing wrong with this system (imo) and of course there absolutely nothing wrong with beginner roleplayers! Just don't make your roleplays audition optional!! You know people won't audition and you KNOW beginners will join. And again, most people want to roleplay with others their level, so most people will be annoyed by beginners. Please just make auditions either a. Mandatory or b. Not needed. PLEASE DO NOT PRESENT ME WITH AN RP SAYING "oh you can audition if you want, but you don't have too" 馃お馃お馃お
Anyways, those are some of my reasons why the wof wall is chaotic. I don't play the game much anymore, I just play with friends or I randomly check in on the wall. Obv, none of this is on the devs or admins, it's the community themself. If you have any other things to add, feel free to do so!
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