#if this flop i will crie
xiaojuun · 2 years
ok she needs to go to sleep but i love u all
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massivedrickhead · 6 months
hiii if you’re still accepting prompt requests could you please do 14 or 44 from that prompt list? ty!!! really love all your work btw xx
I couldn't think of anything for 44, so I went with 14 🥰Thank you for sending it!
14. “I’ll carry you.”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
“Okay,” Beca said, returning to the living room holding a baby monitor. “I think she’s down for the night. You should go to bed, Chlo’, you look exhausted.”
Chloe gave a grunt from her spot on the sofa. “I can’t,” she said, stifling a yawn. “There’s still loads to do. I didn’t get, like, any housework or anything done today.”
“I can sort all that,” Beca said. “Go lie down, you were up with her all night, and I know you didn’t get a chance to nap today either.”
“You’ve been at work all day,” Chloe said.
“And so have you,” Beca countered. “And I’m under no illusion who has the harder job.” She sat down on the sofa beside Chloe. “You know when you asked to be a stay-at-home Mom, I didn’t agree because I thought it would mean I’d get out of doing chores and come home to dinner on the table, right?”
“I had all these ideas about what it would be like,” Chloe said. “I thought everything would be perfect and I’d have time to clean and cook, and take her out to the park, and meet up with other Moms and I… I didn’t even get to shower today. I had to hold her while I brushed my teeth because she wouldn’t stop crying.”
“You took care of our daughter on your own all day,” Beca said. “Right now, that’s all you need to focus on. You’re an amazing Mom and an amazing wife.” She kissed Chloe on the top of the head. “And we’re a team, remember? I earn the money, you keep our kid alive when I’m out of the house, and the rest we can do together.”
Chloe laughed and shook her head slightly. “My Mom made it look so easy growing up. Dad brought home the paycheck, and she did everything else.”
“Things were different then,” Beca said. “She did all that because she thought she had to. And just because it’s hard for you it doesn’t mean you’re bad at it. I certainly couldn’t do it all on my own. Plus, you know, we’re both super new at this. It’ll get easier. And, if it doesn’t, you just need to tell me and we can figure it out.”
“I love you,” Chloe said, resting her head on Beca’s shoulder.
“I love you, too,” Beca said. “Now, are you gonna go to bed?”
“I honestly don’t think I can move,” Chloe said, groaning dramatically as she flopped back onto the couch. “I’m so tired my legs have stopped working.”
Beca shrugged. “I’ll carry you.”
Chloe laughed. “Yeah right,” she said.
“You don’t think I can?”
“I’m hardly the skinniest I’ve ever been,” Chloe replied. 
“Like that’s gonna stop me,” she said, waving her off. She slid her arm beneath the crook of Chloe’s knees and put the other arm around her back.
“Oh my god, Beca, don’t!” Chloe squealed, throwing her arms around Beca as she was lifted into the air. “Beca! You’re going to put your back out or something!”
“Please,” Beca said, trying to hide any sound of exertion from her voice. “I bench more than this.”
“You’ve never set foot in a gym in your life,” Chleo said, clinging onto her wife as Beca carried her down the hall towards their bedroom.
“And I clearly don’t need to,” Beca said, dropping Chloe onto the bed, grinning triumphantly. “I’m super strong.”
“I can’t believe you just carried me,” Chloe said, beginning to laugh as Beca flexed in front of her. 
“You must be pretty turned on right now, huh?”
“You’re an idiot,” Chloe laughed. 
“Maybe so,” Beca said, climbing onto the bed beside her. “But I’m your idiot.”
They shared a kiss before Beca pulled away in order to change into her pyjamas. 
“I thought you were going to do the housework?” Chloe asked, eyebrows raised.
“Well I was,” Beca said. “But I think I just hurt my back somehow.”
Chloe swatted her on the arm.
“Ow,” Beca laughed. “I’m kidding. I’ll get right on it.” She kissed Chloe again and left her pyjamas folded on top of the bed. “I’ve got the baby monitor with me. If she cries, I’ll get her, okay?”
“You’re too good to me, Beca Mitchell.”
Beca shrugged. “It’s what you deserve. Now get some sleep.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
It didn’t take Beca long to tackle the dishes and give the countertops a clean. She figured she would tackle hoovering on Saturday, it was too risky to do now while their daughter was sleeping. She poked her head through the door to see their six-month-old still fast asleep, and she couldn’t help but smile. 
She crept out of the nursery, returned to her bedroom, and found her wife asleep in the exact same position. She couldn’t help but smile harder.
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lurking-un-owen · 3 years
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Colored version
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yubgam · 6 years
don't worry. we will ALL be SAVED in 4 hours when iKON's Second Album: Return and the music video for title track Love Scenario drops 6pm KST
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neokollection · 3 years
next month it gonna b 5 years on this blog?????? bruh 5 years of nct???? i still remember them as underdog rookies everyone was saying would flop 😔 crie remember undebuted johnny n smrookies dhjdhdusbd bruh imma sad 😔 wish tumblr wasn’t dead
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spleen-et-ideals · 3 years
eh ce qui a de cool ici, c’est que y a absolument personne qui me suit qui me connait dans la vraie, donc j’peux sortir tous les trucs glauques qui me tournent en tête.
j’me sens trop seule putain. comme si j’avais personne à qui parler. j’ai l’impression d’être méchante, une conasse, une merde, mais en même temps genre. j’ai pas la sensation d’avoir tord. j’ai pas envie de me remettre en question, j’ai pas la sensation d’avoir à la faire.
j’me victimise quoi, parce que c’est plus facile. j’suis une grosse merde mais comme je pète plus haut que mon cul, je veux pas l’avouer.
j’ai la flemme. la flemme de tout faire sortir, y a trop de trucs qui tournent dans ma tête. j’ai personne pour m’écouter, j’ai la flemme de tout coucher sur le papier pcq c’est trop long, so i guess là au moins je le crie dans le vide.
je veux Gwen. je veux Gwen putain, je veux que lui. et ma psy peut être aussi. mais surtout Gwen. je veux retourner au premier confinement, quand c’était que lui et moi. là j’allais bien.
j’ai l’impression de replonger dans une merde dans laquelle j’ai pas été depuis BIEN AVANT lui. je déteste tout le monde, tout le monde m’ennuie. et je me déteste avec. je supporte pas la personne que je suis. j’ai envie de me cacher, de me terrer toute seule. 
je veux tellement lâcher la fac. je supporte plus. j’y arrive plus. à suivre, à travailler à côté, à faire quoi que ce soit. je tiens pas en place en cours, j’arrive pas à me concentrer, à prendre des notes. j’ai pas envie de partir toute seule aux états unis, ça me fait peur, d’y aller toute seule. je connais pas. est-ce que je vais avoir un appart ? est-ce que je vais me faire des amis ? est-ce que ma tâche va intéresser les gens ? ou est-ce que je vais passer un an encore plus au fond du trou ? 
je veux pas partir, j’ai pas l’impression de le mériter. j’suis une arnaque. j’promet cher des trucs, mais j’vais mettre en place zéro projet. j’sais pas m’investir comme ça. j’vais flop. 
j’ai envie d’appeler Gwen. de l’appeler aled. j’projette sur lui des trucs qu’il est incapable de m’apporter. ptdr, j’en viendrais à regretter l’autre tête de con qui venait en vélo au milieu de la nuit juste pour être là avec moi.
j’me dégoûte. j’ai pas de respect pour moi. j’commençais à me détacher et je rerampe à ses pieds, et j’suis là à me dire dans 4 jours ça fera un an qu’on s’est pécho et dans 7 que j’ai emménagé chez lui, pour le confinement. putain. un an. que je gâche. à rester accrochée à lui, j’suis pathétique j’suis un putain de clown.
surtout que je le sais, je le sans que c’est mort, c’est vain. il est pas supportive, caring comme j’ai besoin. j’suis sûre que ça marcherait jamais pour de vrai.
j’sais pas ce que je tourne putain. ça fait plusieurs jours que je pense à retomber dans des travers que j’ai juré de laisser derrière moi - juré à moi même. je vais pas le faire, je sais que je le ferais pas. mais c’est là, dans ma tête, ça me tarode, ça tourne, ça reste dans un coin de mon esprit. 
je phase complet. j’suis là mais j’suis pas là, j’suis déconnectée de tout. et tout le monde. un coup j’suis beaucoup trop investie, j’veux que tout le monde me notice and care about me. de l’autre tout le monde m’emmerde, aller vous faire foutre j’ai tout sauf envie de vous calculer vous êtes des merdes :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! person me pay attention, se préoccupe. j’me sens complètement abandonnée par tout le monde. j’vais mute tout discord. j’veux plus leur parler. j’veux même pas aller en cours.
j’veux même pas voir erwan et guillem, même pas voir ma psy, même pas sortir récupérer ma carte d’identité, j’veux dormir, dormir, j’sais pas jusqu’à quand. 
j’en reviens tjrs à vouloir gwen. ptdr, le mec m’a jamais vu dans cet état, hahahaha, j’suis encore plus tarée qu’il le croit déjà. i’m a fucking mess, j’suis und échet humain putain.
j'aurai dû aller cette soirée débile. j'me serais bourré la gueule et j'aurais pecho le premier connard qui passe et basta.
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imaginekon · 7 years
iii caannt eeveenn i haattee youuu rip trying to finish the just in time shot ii cannttt criiieess fuking fuk shit upp with telling uss mooreee ruless at the last fucckking secconnd wooww ayoou reaallyy knnow howw to fuk with peoppleee i donnt evven usuallyy crii in sasd fiiccs fukk urr goood
fuuucckk how could you do this to my bby jinhwan you work us up into lovin his arse and then you like sad your gonna die and never see him again and i was like ok but the plot twist is real and unexpected and fukinh he dies im going bye leaving i cant with thiiss tfrtdfghbgvfcd FUKING “Maybe it was just your imagination but somehow the sound of his heart was resounding somewhere far away” RELATABLE ARSE SHIT IM CRIE WTH MY HEARTTTTTTTTTT
oh my gooooosh i screamed and laughed so much reading your messages! hahahahaha omg i’m sorry but you just made my day istg. i’m in the library studying all this boring biology stuff and when i saw your messages i was smiling like a freaking idiot lmao. 
you’re not annoying at all and i’m truly sorry for hurting you but didn’t i make it up in the very end??? :3 here’s a gif to make you smile ily
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- moyo
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lurking-un-owen · 3 years
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Fem!humanformers Jazz and Prowl in frilly dresses I made a month ago
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