#if you squiint
goofyrpmaniacs · 1 year
Z: Aw...*pouts*
Sh: *to Alexander* It's quite simple. *she points to the stars* You try and come up with faces and shapes in the stars. Like over there! *she points to a cluster of stars* That if you squiint could look like a shell.
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Z: Aw...*pouts*
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Sh: *to Alexander* It's quite simple. *she points to the stars* You try and come up with faces and shapes in the stars. Like over there! *she points to a cluster of stars*
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That if you squiint could look like a shell.
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A: Oh you’re right! I see another shape!
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OHMYSTARS! I see a rubber duckling!!
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this-otaku-gore · 3 years
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I want to take care of you
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beepboop358 · 2 years
Hi ! How are you
What do you think is the reason that Wills eye color changed in season 2 ? I mean possibly because he was possessed,but Billy’s eye color didn’t change right ?
Have a good day 🧡
hello anon! I'm okay :) So tired from school but it is what it is LOL. I hope you're doing good! ♥️
I went back to check this and I realized most of the scenes when Billy is possessed and "activated" have dark or flashing lighting and he's mostly squinting 😂 So it makes it really hard to tell LOL. From what I can tell, Billy's eyes don't change color entirely like Will's do when he is possessed. Will's eyes go from green-ish to dark brown:
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I do think Will's eye color changes because he's possessed. It's a common theme/trope in sci-fi stuff for people's eye color to change when something dark or evil inhabits them or takes them over :) Like in Star Wars people's eyes turn yellow when they turn to the dark side:
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Also, Mrs. Driscoll's eyes become entirely black when she is possessed and Billy is "activated" during the sauna test scene:
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But from what I can tell (and I don't have the best eyes and the lighting/squiinting doesn't help LOL) Billy's pupils only dilate when the mindflayer in him is "activated", his whole eye color doesn't change, so that's really interesting...
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It could symbolize that Billy has not been completely taken over by the Mind flayer, that there is still good in him, preventing him from becoming fully evil, and his resistance to the mind flayer's control at the very end of s3 (when he goes to hurt El, but he stops and sacrifices himself), may be proof of this. Since he wasn't able to fully carry out the Mind flayers evil wishes, because there was still good in him, maybe that's why his eyes never fully change.
I'm not a Billy fan personally, so idk how I feel about this LOL.
But in all honesty, i’m not totally sure what this means…
thanks for the ask! I hope you're doing good!! 💜 xx
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haveyouseenthis · 3 years
Kasin’s Kurrent Obsessions | 07; January 2021
The plague was fun.
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I didn’t listen to music so much this month more as I just reorganized my Spotify completely because FINALLY you can change the covers and descriptions w/o the desktop app.
Desktop Error, Keep Looking At The Window
In my tired state I’d walk into Algebra II, sit down at my cramped, shared desk, squiint at the too-bright light coming in through the windows, and find myself typing out their name in Spotify. 
Nothing helped me get back into the swing of things at school more than this album, I think. I love it’s sound - so calming. To think I found them because of a bl drama.
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Attack On Titan
I’ve officially gotten into aot, my friends.
(please recommend me anime)
Yes, Levi
But also
Jean :(
I didn’t have a Waifu but hi Mikasa.
The female titan’s identity wasn’t supposed to be a secret, right?
Aaand at the beginning we all realised the basement was going to be important, right?
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I got reading glasses
Suddenly now that it doesn’t a. hurt my eyes to read and b. require energy to read
I like it again.
Adventurers Wanted: Slathbog’s Gold, M.L. Forman
Also I went to Barnes & Noble today and THEY HAVE A “Signature’s Collection” (or smthing)!!!? AND EVERYTHING IS UNDER $10!?
So I’ll be investing soon.
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No don’t take tumblr away from drunk Nat. I love drunk Nat. I mean I love all versions of Nat but drunk Nat is extra super fun.
I’, glad you think so bc Nat is losing more and more function by the minute. rn she can’t see shit, even tho she’s wearing her glasses. She’s squiinting at he computer screen and cant feel the keyboard and shes using third person so help her
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