#im not kidding abt that btw its so fun and its so good for my anxiety to just. no thoughts head empty do shit. its so great i love dnd
solcarow · 6 months
#. hm.. thinking about la chopper ……. mayb he shud look like a capybara#fucked up deer looking human thing whatever creature#solar-talks#i was talking abt this w my sister but like i think it was a really fun choice not to disclose how kuina died in la#like when i first watched his backstory in la i really thought he was going on some revenge quest or something#so watching ep19 was really fucked up actually i remember being real iffy about it but god the Layers#zoro’s thing with fate and not really luck but his acceptance of wtvr outcome he gets is doing some cocomelon shit tio my brain#itd b so neat if they revealed her death in loguetown like Come On having it right beside the kitetsu scene would b such a smart choice#WITH TASHIGI god i hope they give tashigi a little more something#ok now im thinking abt the la changes …#what iv noticed is how they seemed to isolate the eastblue kids from their islands a little more .. not exactly a flaw tho#zoros basically the same but usopp didnt have his oh my god i just realised usopp didnt have his babyguy gang oh my godddd THAT was what was#missing my whole train of thoughts derailed NOOO USOPPS BABYSITTER CHARACTER TRAIT …….i get it they couldnt fit the vegetable kids bc#of the tone but waugh…. primarily hanging out w a bunch of 8yos says so much abt him………. it was cute#anyways back to it yeah they didnt syrup village noticing his absence and the rest of baraties connection w 3ji which honestly i dont#really mind either i think the only ): to me was how they did cocoyashi#lost a bit of it’s depth my making them hostile to nami tbh#its a good thing i watched the anime After la bc i feel like i wouldve been way sadder abt that decision#these arent real complaints btw the la did a reaaallyy great job#if they didnt i really wouldnt be here thinking about this show . in depth . god how did it come to this SKFHDJFJSHF#anywho . they missed some bits of course but oughhh they did baratie really good ..#ill b honest zeff n 3jis backstory is seriously my favorite thing about the la#some ​absolutely breathtaking execution it really Got Me ..#the all blue speech …. taz skylr yuoure line delivery skills are insane#whats rlly crazy is how when u take away 3ji’s 1 flaw hes fucking unstoppable . why r u favorite character material . explode forever#head in hands its the themes of hunger .. hate it here so bad …..#ack he grows on u like mold . it was the stupid curry filler episode that got me i rewatched a while ago goddd hes so annoyinggggggg#the curry filler ep was cute . i liked it . <- mad about it#ugh spent 2 hrs writing these tags i dont wanna do my psychology essay .. nico robin save me ……. save me nico robin ……………..
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kimmkitsuragi · 8 months
new game plan re: my learning languages in an insane way posts.
so like. i think i can watch atla in german dub + eng subs first. then german dub + german subs. then just german dub. insane langauge learning back again on the menu 😤
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princemick · 11 months
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minglana · 11 months
"casa rural" but its literally the house that his grandma bought so the entire family could go back to the village and spend the summers there.
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candyradium · 2 years
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bloodweep · 6 months
And yes I do 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 it makes me so happy and giggly like the bitch I am jfjfhfhfhfh
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‗ ❍ I love him so much but I just know he would be a bit of an asshole at first, far better than before, don’t get me wrong! But he will still ask what you’re going and provide “tips” to make it better, but will be quickly silenced if you glared at him
‗ ❍ he is literally the definition of “oh I hate that man, I hate that man! But oh cara mia how I love him”
‗ ❍ after a while he would be silent and just listen to you, he would highly enjoy your music btw
‗ ❍ would get stuck in his head constantly where he is humming it wherever he is, bobbing his head to the beat
‗ ❍ would so just hold you close, arm around your shoulders watching you write away, nuzzling into your hair
‗ ❍ would beg to have a duet with you, no lie, will literally beg on all fours to have one
‗ ❍ he would hold you so tight and kiss along your head while he sways with you and sings
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘✦ ━━━━━━━
‗ ❍ he would be so fun to write songs with, so attentive, leaned back and just listening
‗ ❍ wouldn’t say anything until you were finished and asked for tips
‗ ❍ “play it again” he would say just so he can hear your voice again and listen to the melody
‗ ❍ he would do this a few times before you caught on and playfully punched his knee
‗ ❍ he would just laugh and shake his head “nothing needs to be changed it’s wonderful ”
‗ ❍ he would so sing the songs you make while surfing too
‗ ❍ he’s your number one biggest fan, will fight anyone to get that position
‗ ❍ he will be the loudest person in the audience and dancing in the crowd
‗ ❍ sings it for his kids any song you create
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘✦ ━━━━━━━
‗ ❍ he’s such a little nerd, would be vibing to anything so hard
‗ ❍ he will fight whoever even if it’s his own brothers to be the number one fan
‗ ❍ he would so teach you how to dance to whatever you’re writing
‗ ❍ his hands holding your hips to help you move better
‗ ❍ begs to hear you sing all the time because he likes it so so much
‗ ❍ makes up all your choreography for you, and isn’t upset if you desire to change it
‗ ❍ he would so so beg to dance with you on stage at least once (he’s a lair all the time he wants to dance with you forever)
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘✦ ━━━━━━━
‗ ❍ He would be so happy to see you write and create music
‗ ❍ he would relax back and listen with such a peaceful smile on his face
‗ ❍ he would so love to do duets with you too
‗ ❍ they would be so soft and gentle; you’re very mindful of what happened to him and don’t want to push him to hurt himself - even if he says he’s fine and can handle whatever
‗ ❍ holds your hands while you practice with him, showing you his full attention and encouraging you whenever you stumble or feel like you can’t get something right
‗ ❍ UGH his smile will be so fucking soft and gentle as he looks at you
‗ ❍ when he watches you from the crowd he is just smiling and dancing slightly the whole time
‗ ❍ UGH tells you how proud he is of you all the time, and you deserve all the fans and happiness
‗ ❍ if he ever preforms with his brothers he definitely invites you in and puts you right next to him - holding your hand tightly the whole time
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘✦ ━━━━━━━
‗ ❍ GOSH that stupid look he gives when he really loves someone??? That look the whole time
‗ ❍ fully understands if you don’t feel comfortable singing with him or in front of him just yet
‗ ❍ or even if you just want to do it on stage only
‗ ❍ if you feel self conscious about a song he will preform it with you and his brothers so you feel better
‗ ❍ never ever tells you to change it because there’s no such thing as “perfect” and a song is what is felt from within - things no such thing to be perfect
‗ ❍ every time you do sing in front of him he will drop everything he’s doing and listening to you
‗ ❍ he’s so giddy to hear you sing but doesn’t go over the top to stress you out
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Im sorry it’s so short I struggle with sfw for some reason because fluff makes me so giddy and excited and I feel gushy
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ari i’m curious do u have kenny hcs
i do have some kenny hcs <333 take a seat here's a snack we’re gonna be here for a while 🧁🧃 (THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME <3 this man genuinely makes me feel ill im sooo delusional abt him)
okok so first of all; general hcs !!
he likes art!! loves art!! this one is canon to me i just think he is so interested in any and all of humanity’s creative outlets and ofc art is the most prominent one. he loves all different forms of art — from sculptures to paintings to writing to video games (HEAVY on the latter btw i think he's so entranced by new technology) and so on.
and on that note!! i think he paints and writes himself :3 hes been alive for so long, learned so many languages, there's no way he didn't have time to pick up a paint brush. i think he paints to release stress!! and his styles vary but there's something mildly macabre abt all of his pieces. tends to gravitate towards expressionism above all else, especially the abstract kind.
i also feel like he sincerely enjoys ”bad” art like low budget movies and modern romance fiction and goofy video games…… he just thinks they're fun. def gets a good laugh out of them (this man canonically had a whole comedy phase he just wants to have fun!!)
and and and!! this is self indulgent as hell but i also think he cooks. there's just so much to learn when it comes to different cultures and their cuisine and i think they all interest him. but i hesitate to say that he's a good cook bc i feel like he’d make really weird fucked up food combinations just for the hell of it…. he's a freak. 100% the type to mix orange juice w black coffee just to see how it tastes.
i also hc that he has a soft spot for children, seeing as he literally carried and birthed one of his own LMAO... i just think he admires the innocence of childhood !! that childish and simple hope that adults tend to lose. he's very good w them too!! gentle and patient. and in geto’s body he has the softest nicest voice so i feel like kids gravitate towards him (i'm just thinking abt that One scene where he blows bubbles at a playground and all the kids chase them… they love him i just know he's a regular at that park)
OH AND……. idk if i’d call this a hc exactly but i just wanna see kenny in more feminine clothing. he literally has All the genders i don't think for a second that he cares abt gender norms. one moment he's in that tacky middle aged divorced father core hawaiian tshirt (he's so Me), the next he's wearing a purple floral dress or a puffy turtleneck <33 i just think he could pull anything off.
NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF……. relationship hcs <33333 hes a whole red flag but hes also my silly pookie bear just trust me on this
FIRST OF ALL he's huge on quality time. if he's in a relationship w u then that means he sincerely enjoys ur company and therefore has a tendency to just bring u with him wherever he goes. otherwise he gets bored and starts whining abt it (silly silly man) hes a lonely guy ok </3 i feel like he gets very sudden urges to explore new places / do new things and he’ll make sure you’re right there w him !! you’ll wake up in his arms only to find you're in a snowy forest or some shit and he just WILL not tell u where he's taken u bc its ”a surprise ^_^” LMAOO
he also takes on a teaching role in the relationship and i think that's where hes happiest !! gets a kick out of it but it's also kind of special to him. especially if you haven't seen much of the world, or if you're just a naturally curious person — preferably both. he just enjoys teaching you new things, leading you towards new sights, drinking in your expressions and reactions. it's precious to him. something to cherish.
ON THAT NOTE i think he has this unquenchable curiosity that gets temporarily sated when he tries to like . Dissect you. see inside your mind. it's like hes solving a puzzle that never runs out of pieces. hear me out riko but i see him as somewhat similar to makima, he's detached and has trouble connecting w people and handles you almost like a math equation….. but since he unlike makima is a human being, i think he still has the capacity to grow to care for you and treat you like an equal (or something close to an equal). he genuinely does love you, but he's rusty. kenjaku just wants to know all there is to know about you — every single thing. he’d dig into your brain if he could, but he’ll settle on just brewing you tea, listening to you speak about your fears, hoping it’ll give him the same insight.
he's a little possessive . kind of a Lot. idk i just think he feels a pang of jealousy when he sees u laugh and have fun w someone else (he's like a preschooler getting pouty bc his bestie is playing w someone else LOL) and that makes him Uncomfortable so he just waltzes in and steals u away w a smooth smile and a hand on ur waist. pretends like it doesn't bother him in the slightest but if u tease him too much he drops the smile and gives u a Look (it's scary as hell so u immediately shut up LMAOO) and god forbid someone else is like… teaching u something… a subject they're knowledgeable abt while u sit there listening happily to their rambling……..... ohhh he gets so jealous it's funny. researches that particular subject in frightening detail JUST so he can correct your little friend and teach u abt it himself <33 weirdo. freak.
also (this is extremely important to understanding kenny's character) he's both mother coded and father coded but in the worst possible ways.
he's mother coded in the sense that he's a smidge controlling, good at coaxing you into doing things outside your comfort zone, an expert at making you feel guilty by acting especially sweet and gentle, has the ability to make you cry w one disappointed look etc etc
and he's father coded in the sense that he's easily offended but pretends not to be, wants to see you succeed so bad that it's almost more for him than you, forces you to have really deep onesided philosophical talks at 2am when you just want to sleep, sucks at voicing his love for you out loud so he just buys a bag of your favorite fruit, cuts them into slices and calls it a day. etc etc. he's awful actually. i need him
but !!! as for more soft hcs i think he's honestly an affectionate guy deep down… like deep deep down but it's there. he just likes having u close. preferably touching him. not constantly bc that’ll annoy him but he wants you to stay near so he can pull u into his lap whenever. loves reading to u while u rest ur head on his thigh, playing w ur hair and lulling u softly to sleep <3333 (it's the geto kinnie in him) AND idk why this came into my mind but i think he likes nose kisses. just bc ur face scrunches up and he thinks it's cute. he can be sweet !! probably.
OHHH AND he loves playing board games w u <33 everything from chess to monopoly. he thinks it's fun + a good bonding activity but it's only fun in the beginning. he's condescending if u lose and petty if u win but he’ll still ask u to stay up w him all night just so u can finish the game (he's insufferable actually) if u decline he’ll huff and play by himself while shooting u petty glares until u feel bad and join him. then he's back to being all suave and calm and mature ohhhh i hate him
he wants to be the mature stoic indulgent person in the relationship sooooo fucking bad but he’s plagued by silly impulses day and night. he’s just good at hiding it. but deep down he is and always will be a silly nerd <33
and finally; i think that in a no curses au he's significantly less of a freak but still weird and obsessive and a lil mean. bullies u just a tinyyy bit and acts condescendingly sweet but he cares for u a whole bunch. probably struggles w showing it in a way that isn't too overbearing or mildly alarming… maybe through writing. poems and paintings of u… sculptures…. just wants to portray the beauty he sees in u (can u tell artist!kenny makes me go a little crazy)
overall hes a weirdo hes a freak (def wants u to kiss his brain just to see how it feels) and he may or may not be a bundle of red flags but i love him dearly <333 hes a silly goose. i want to study him in a lab
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sadie-bug345 · 1 month
gangs favorite classes🫶🥰🫡☝️🤓
i keep taking breaks from tumblr but i’m really tryna get back in the swing of things🙏
ahhhh i haven’t reread the book in a while but he probably mentions classes he likes or he doesn’t like
ik he has like a D in his creative writing class or smth but that’s cause he don’t like the restrictions that come with writing for an assignment
in reality i feel like he is an english guy overall
also gives history ngl
more social studies classes
8/10 hes real for that
elective guy thru and thru
like photography, art, ceramics, graphic design, etc
he might be amazing at these artsy classes
and that’s why he likes them OR
he just loves the chill classroom vibe yk
also he likes the kids in there too
i feel like johnny gets so annoyed with louder socs who mess around in the classes he likes
cause my guy is actually respectful🫶🙏
10/10 so valid honestly, like photo is fr my favorite class and i feel like johnny would totally fw that
language classes
like spanish, french, german, whatever floats your boat
i think he likes the funny atmosphere of everyone kinda messing up whenever they’re put on the spot to speak in class
just cause no one really cares
ALSO DESTROYS during presentations btw
like either he’s genuinely good
or he just keeps messing up and giggles abt it so much that the teacher starts yelling at him abt it
genuinely has a dgaf mindset to school in general which is very admirable
6/10 i hate my spanish 2 class but its ok😭🙏
sports med / sports weights
OR anatomy
like he just enjoys sports so anything that relates to that he finds really interesting
he likes the helping people aspect of sports med
and i’m in sports med as well which is actually so fun ngl
he eats with that
always crushes tests
i think he really studies for tests and actually tries
which allows him to get good grades🤓☝️
but he couldn’t care less abt classes he doesn’t like
7/10 valid
pretends to not give a shit but we know he does when it comes to the gang
bc of this, his fave classes are whatever he has the most friends in
other than that he thinks all classes are terrible and they all feel like years
math guy when he actually understands the concept
but the second things get hard he just gives up
“who needs these hyperbolas anyways man🙄”
lives for lunch and after school cause he just walks around and talks
or fights with other kids but we don’t talk abt that
6/10 im the same way abt math
any class where he can mess with the teacher
like either the teacher is chill and jokes around with him
OR the teacher actually sucks and two just makes them even more mad
lives for class laughter
like soda he enjoys more participation based classes, less the actual content
somehow he always gets sat in the desk right next to the teachers desk so they can keep an eye on him
barely ever gets to sit next to his friends for obvious reasons LMAO
7/10 also valid
obviously auto mechanic if the school offers it
otherwise he gives a science kid
like biology, physics, anatomy, stuff like that
his brain is just the type to get it
so those classes are barely hard for him
which is SO LUCKY
he the type to just go off about some technical concept the class is going over and explain it perfectly to his friend who needs help and then make a your mom joke the next minute
5/10 i hate physics and i hate how he’d be better at it than me
(btw i’m going thru requests rn so dw!!)
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fandxmslxt69 · 8 months
hi hello I see you casually dropping matty fic ideas in the tags?? care to share with the class???
OKAY disclaimer while I cherish and love Matty this fic idea isnt inherently romantic based! it CAN be read as something romantic and i totally have an alternate ending in my mind with smut and shit but IT STARTED OFF AS JUST FUNNY STUFF
i'm more of a Frank girl anyway so Matt to me did start off as "i want to fuck him" but then it became "he is my best friend my catholic buddy." i KNOW i emphasis him being catholic a lot but ts just funny in my head to base it off friendships i have with my Christian friends (im muslim btw) so its just a funny little rivalry that started and is just For The Fun okay.
ANYWAY FIC IDEA LMAO basically there's like a mission right. and reader kind of has connections in the sense that...she works alone, she does her own thng, but....she's popped up with other teams before and is close with Matt (in my mind, its just a friendship that started purely on matt "where are you going on a Friday" Murdock and reader "to pray at the mosque???" to Matt "OH MY GOD !!!! no way" Murdock. BUT for the fic it's not the case thats just a funny little side note lmao.
anyway so Matt has a mission somewhere whatever i dont have details but he needs someone to be his Fake Wife (he takes marriage very seriously and this idea bothers him) but reader is like "hey. we're friends, we're close, we share a lot in common we're friends i'll help" and he's like "oh sick okay at least someone i like being around"
OG idea to which i daydream abt is literally just a crack fic of Matt and reader getting "married", going on with the mission and its just crack. insanity runs through their little house. its chaotic its crazy its a constant screaming match between the two of them and really it was just me going "what if. i lived with Matt "Good Catholic Boy"Murdock as his fake wife What happens then. and it escalated
its just silly and For The Laughs. so its just very platonic cute fun stuff buuuuuuuuut i will not lie to you i HAVE thoughts of some very unholy things about this man. im a SLUT for marriage of convenience tropes so i really couldnt stop myself lmao. I DONT KNOW the idea of them having sex and getting close and Matt's like "oh my god oh my god finally i've been so in love all this time" and reader is like "he's doing this for the role. married couples have sex usually so this is just for the role" (she's a little dumb its okay lmao)
anyway yeah. maybe it develops into a friends with benefits situation, and after the mission its like "well SHIT cuz i actually like you and divorcing just seems...wrong ? even if- even if we yknow this didnt start out as a "real" marriage" and its just an angsty angry confession and they decide to PROPERLY get married (no right or wrong way to get married btw but im extra and i like huge ass weddings sorry) and they start dating after that lmao
like religion so clearly states (thats a JOKE btw im KIDDING lmao)
anyway yeah. there's a LOT of variations to the idea. one minute its just a regular platonic and then its smut and then its just a regular female reader and then its not and then its silly crack and then its angsty self discovery and yeahhhhhhh BASICALLY.
basically i feel a lot about him.
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lovebvni · 2 months
What’s a DR you want to gush about, but haven’t had the chance?
ok yeah u guys i’m a teenager BUT 😭😭 hear me out
i am a student at ua, a music artist, a dancer, a singer, an actor, and a (rarely, bc it’s for my mom) a model 😭😭😭😭
the main parts i’m gonna ramble abt r my life as a music artist, actor, singer/songwriter.
so basically, as an actor, i take the place of ariana greenblat (im spelling that wrong) IN TERMS OF THE BARBIE MOVIE!!! DW DAPHNE LIVES AS ARIANA!
we actually met on the set of stuck in the middle, as i played a featured character in one of the episodes 😭 she’s so fun u guysss!!! (in my dr omfg)
but yeah <3 she is such a sweetheart and i love acting sm i literally jumped when i thought of it!! AUGH YALL DOFM GET IT I LOVE HER SM!!
anyways as a singer/songwriter 😉 u guys don’t understand!!
i am a theatre kid, lemme preface, so when i was like “damn i could do music” i almost died LFMAOOAS
before i get into ua (so in MIDDLE SCHOOL) i release my first ep AND i have like 7/8 singles out 😭😭 i know like the day i get into ua i release a song called “ripple” and it is so fun!!! there’s also a remix featuring BILLIE EILISH!!! called ripple effect and omg her voice u guys!!! AUGH I WISH I COULD PLAU IT FOR UUU!!
anyways my music style is mainly inspired by ashnikko, poppy, jasmin bean and melanie martinez with a sprinkle of billie eilish !!
i’m friends w ash, melanie and billie btw. i’m not w jasmin and poppy bc i js look up to them sm i wanna meet them when i get there 😭😭
if yall want to know mya of a js lmk!! i’ll talk abt them a lot if u ask!!!
also being a music artist is so hard 😭😭 it’s such a good thing i have connections bc if i didn’t i think i would have rlly struggled (my connection is nicki minaj… my aunt.. I SCRIPTED THAT BEFORE SHE WENT OFF THE RAILS BRW AJAJKFKFJD)
but yeah!! that’s it!! ok now i need to calm down 😭😭 bye bueeee and thank u for asking!
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Omg i havee SOOO much to tell and ask you its both sad and fun stuff, First off i wanna tell you that you are such an amazing person like seriously omggg how do u even exist like you must not be allowed away from heaven. Btw random: i heard u mention abt u in university so hows that going and whats ur majorr???? :)) And now the very very bad stuff: i messed up. not very uncommon you see, but very bad. my cousin whom i rllyyy love shes amazing shes like the andromeda to my sirius. nd my dad's side is very cruel to my mom before i ws born and they also shamed her for having a kid (my sis) that has problems (they refuse to tell me what it is but she has 2 problems idk the first one she has since birth and the second is that she had um.. men parts but when she was around 4/5 we founf out shes.. female? im a minor i rlly dont undersrand how ths works so..yeah. shes 8 now btw this year shes gonna be 9 y/o) basically very cruel people very very bad and so my cousin, whos from my dad's side, she came for like a sleepover thingy and my father commented on my mom's side and how they arent close to me even though they are my basucaly everything.. and in reply, i said how i like them and they are good and i said "my mums side is great... better than father side atlst" and she said "i can hear u yk" and i said that shes a excpetiion but when she wnt home she really felt upset and she had an exam but she stll didnt come to my house (my house is closer to her school so she stays here in exam time so it takes less tme in travelling) so my father cmpletly blamed me and now im so upset idek what to do i dont wanna apologize to her cz she doesnt know that i know that she said shes upset. my father confronted me about it and he got to jknow from my cousins mom so there was no direct contact but basically yeah thats it. i need help in what i should do to fix things again :( but this is the reason that simply talking wouldnt work and its rlly hard :( btw random: how do i start my microfic thing like do i just upoad a micfic or do i post smgthn else first if ykwim? another thing:
yeah idk but i think m bisexual and i have a bestfriend shes straight and supports lgbtq+ community but i rlly like her and cz were besties i dont wnanna ruin anything at all and im cool with how we r rn but at the same time i want more ykwim? and.. were like the touchy-feely kinda bestfriends so we hold hands n stuff as a joke nd people ship us and its so asdxdfgkhljhxx idek if i rlly like her as a frnd or i like her as in like like her.. but i also have a crush on a boy but it only lasts for 2 secs but when i see him again i start to thibk i like him again but my other rlly gud friend likes him so is it that i like hm and ignore my feelings js cs my frnd liks him or do i just like him as frnds,, idek were close we play games togheter n stuff but thtas about it..
also have i mentioned how much of an angel you are??? i literally scream and jump off a cliff casually when u reply to my texts <333 ilysm ur such a great person <333
xoxo, sweet potato <33
Aww you're so sweet! I'm not in university anymore, at least not in the traditional sense: I'm working on my master's degree. It's going.....not terrible lol. I'm majoring in ESL Education (English as a Second Language).
For your first question: I think this is a really good example of how talking through other people isn't the best solution. Do you have any way of getting in contact with your cousin directly? Because things are definitely going to be changed and exaggerated if you are talking through your aunt and dad. Once you talk to her, be truthful. Be sincere and tell her how important she is to you. I'm betting she'll come around.
For microfics: Nope, just go for it! You don't have to do anything beforehand, just start! I can't wait to see what you write!
For the last part: First, are you sure you friend is straight? If she definitely is, then yeah, it might not be worth it to say anything? But I mean, you could always try bringing it up casually. Like "Oh, I think you're really pretty!" and see what happens?
With the guy- I know it sounds cliche, but if your friend likes him, stay away. I've been there. I've seen friendships fall apart. It's not worth it, especially since you're not even sure of your feelings. I know I probably sound like a parent, here, but there was a full-on FEUD I experienced in eighth grade because two people were fighting over a guy and....yeah.
Thank you so much for the compliments, you're so nice!! <3 I hope you have a great day!
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aroacesetitoff · 4 months
TFTSD TMA AU rambling
thinking abt tma again and gonna listen to tmp so i got some (extremely unorganized) thoughts have fun
Spoilers for both podcasts btw. Like a lot of spoilers actually. this is ur only warning. Im gonna mention the infinights backgrounds and some tma episodes
-Mudd-the archivist (bc u know hes green and voiced by a guy named jon)
-marked by the Stranger as a kid when it ate/not-them'd his brother clay. Has since been obsessed with finding answers and joined the institute, so bg is a little closer to tim
-kyborg was marked by either the Desolation or the Extinction (which ever one Quadron fits best).
-Probably becomes an avatar of the slaughter and tries to hunt him down
-bart is gum gum's adoptive brother after he was marked by the Dark which ate his parents (victims of the Church of the Divine Host)
-gum gum was marked by the Hunt (Entropa as a dog). He gets not-them'd and no one realizes it
-the jane prentiss invasion still happens and its revealed what happened to gum gum and it seriously fucks up the whole gang (bart lost his brother, kyborg failed to protect his friends, mudd realizes he was fooled by something that hes been trying to hunt for ages)
-idk who would be the elias stand in here honestly but its not like the rest are one to one. Maybe mayor prattle? Luz?
-bart probably tries to leave and become a crew member of the tundra and avatar of the lonely. Or he also gets eaten by the dark
-kyborg tim stoker style makes a final stand against quadron
-maybe marcy and and bo can be basira and daisy respectively (the eye and the hunt)
-slique and spectril? Melanie and georgie? Doesnt rlly work. Idk how these guys fit here
-i do have specific episodes associated w/ the old infinights tho. -Marcy is MAG 38 lost and found (vase ate my husband),
-Leonard is MAG 85 upon the stair (fading in n out of existence based off his magic books)
-Ostin is MAG 42 Grifter's Bone (music that fucks you up)
-Bo is MAG 71 underground (a train tried to eat me but i wasnt scared so it didnt)
-i think it would be neat if mudd just decides "fuck the eye, im gonna go be an avatar of the buried or the corruption or smth"
aight thats pretty much everything-good night folks
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poly-lights · 5 months
please note btw that most, if not all, of this is not gonna happen bc they can't pack EVERYTHING into a 30 minute or so episode and not gonna lie some of these are my fixation talking and me being delusional. it's good to theorize though!!
lots of bias. let's get into it
i told my gf this BUT it'd be cool if there was a scene of trees changing, to represent seasons passing because it has to have been a year at most right
more lightbulb using her electrokinesis scenes plspls?????? like. she can just casually DO THAT....maybe have her use it for evil/J IM KIDDING. don't have her kill anyone
another knife and suitcase scene, elaborating on the "making your presence known", how suitcase took it a different way, just a conversation if that makes sense
yknow. what was that roboarm in the gemory cave. and is it Still working after lightbulb powered it on.
unrelated but still.more so a question have we or will we ever get the full roommate list drop?? unless they're gonna wait for when s2 is done to not spoil anything
baseball and lightbulb friendship scene :] team captain style!
i think it's gonna release on OR near the anniversary, if the iii finale is so soon early into 2024 it gives slight time
can we get parent lore drop??? like hello?????? they cant just said what they said in iii ep 14 and never expand on it, so i have a heavy feeling its gonna get mentioned in s2 if not ep 15 specifically
im just hoping for lb centric, even if her lore doesn't match up well with the slams. pls im so autism abt her at this point its anything BUT funny
now here's some iii 18 predictions!! for fun :] and also me just rambling abt it (spoilers for iii 17!!!!)
those who left to the hotel come back for jury voting!! more importantly fan and pb please💥
bot and springy and gonna be near each other again next episode. springy may still try to pull some shit with bot, and, assuming so, if TEST TUBE IS BY BOT'S SIDE......
springy made that suitcase bot, so clearly he knows about season 2
we may just get ii 14 tt again. which i am HOPING for. idk i love seeing test tube ENRAGED for the people she cares about she's so fun and unique bc MAN that girl is angry. she's holding grudges against Two People
also. fan meeting bot? he is going to have such a big and hopefully impactful reaction!! pls he has his patterns and the sudden changes make him uncomfortable they need to mention this
if he knows about season 2......could he make, or has he made, toys of the other final four? again im just gripping at straws for an iis2 final four appearance
think abt it though. it's the iii finale. you think they won't do something big? considering mephone knows he has to go back? springy could easily torment him w that considering the whole "facing your past" theming
also walkie talkie is Totally associated with meeple. ik we've all figured that out but i just had to say something. very heavily focused on using electronics to better the future? implying robots taking over others positions?
also??? past contestants coming back SEEING the toys?? maybe. Maybe.
the entire episode could also just be a discussion and play on the ethics of ai and how it's affecting the writing industry by putting people out of jobs due to its advancement and im reading way too much into it but hey im putting my hard hat on and channeling my inner matpat for this stupid show about objects with limbs (/pos btw)
also. are they gonna leave floor behind??? or will they scoop him into a terrarium, then plant him into inanimate island?
can he teleport that far?? how far is paradise?????????? ae drop the map pls/silly
ALSO ALSO. WHAT ARE THE INANI-MATES?? IS N/A THE LAST OF THEIR KIND??????? i doubt it but STILL everyone else in that group died
hey. why is the background of the recap song the background used when the gemories formed the silhouette of cobs. hey now.
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drifloonz · 10 months
btw i never posted this but conceptual pokemon teams for steven. one is mainly pre-incident while the one after is After The Incident ( since yk he canonically releases all his pokemon and goes willingly broke after miki dies. )
pre incident team ( he released like all of these. except miki obviously ):
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post incident:
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reasonings below ( its long i apologize )
PRE-INCIDENT TEAM ; here's a discord screenshot i put for general info lol anyways suicide cw in the screenshot ( just a mention though but yk. heavy shit )
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miki - its miki. do you need me to give explanation. part of me just kind of took a few strangled red fics interpretation of why/how steven has miki ( aka he found her in the rain in pallet town and he didnt even wanna be a trainer - inspired by faulty on ao3 )
pidgeot - first pokemon caught other than miki for probably obvious reasons. he also needed a pokemon to use fly - a lot of his pre incident team is just for tms or for backup but he used like almost exclusively miki bc mikis OVERPOWERED
haunter - steven doesnt go into pokemon tower until after the incident, but i like to think somehow he met a gastly and it just kept following him until he caught it. ( im too lazy to remake the team but bc of this it prob should b a gastly in this image )
Fun fact; Personally i think the gastly in Strangled that lets you into his house is his gastly. why the fuck else would it be there. after steven releases all his mons it still follows him around and tries to get people to help them by moving the stones that block his house, but accidentally makes it worse bc steven just attacks people who come into his home at that time. oopsy.
sandshrew - i dont have a lot to say abt this one it just kinda fits + for tms probably ( sandshrew. learns a lot of tms. )
lapras - likely just for surf but theres probably more i could add to this my brains just not thinking
chansey - gifted by daisy! either as a happiny or just. as a chansey. it's honestly more of an emotional support mon than it is an actual battling mon
POST INCIDENT TEAM ; ( once again discord screenshot w general info )
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there's more post-incident teams, i made like 3, which is why it says he has pokemon that it doesnt seem like he has in the second images. few notable examples are zoroark, gallade, chandelure, hydreigon, gourgeist, and phantump ( ... the phantump is probably a kid he killed ( maybe in strangled ) that follows him arnd since he probably lives in a forest LOL )
miki - she's now fucked up and glitched since its post-incident. he technically has multiple fucked up missingno'd versions of her canonically. Do not ask why
mega absol - it's a disaster pokemon. it follows him arnd and doesn't leave him around bc he's constantly got disasters happening arnd him. he IS the disaster at this point. also i kind of stole this concept from a steven twitter rp account, iirc bc its a really good concept. i like to think he kind of resents it but he still technically Has it
mega houndoom - u can't tell me he wouldn't have a houndoom. steven HAS dog owner energy. also absol and houndoom r mega just bc i think they go hard and their designs fit better w steven. idk if steven would actually have mega evolution shit.
mawile - he would. idk why but he would
staraptor - he doesnt have pidgeot anymore so he got a staraptor, ig. i don't know why he'd have one it just fits
luxray - literally all of these last 3 boil down to "it just fits."
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all-l-wanna-do · 5 months
hiii agaainnnn lets ignore the time i sent this <333 gycfdtyfugh
huyguh the secrets part is so fun
the task abt the gray glass would kill me like thats so mych dye and glass omgg
oh while shes doing the portal, i built this reallyyy pretty portal in one of my hardcore worlds but like its the one that im not rlly playing on rn bc im bad at building so im procrastinating (im trying to turn the village into this cute little city situation and huiuvtfygih)
BHGYU LLAMA HE GOT CAUGHT he rlly shouldve done that when oh idk maybe she wasnt RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER HOUSE
AND I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO IF IT WERENT FOR YOU MEDDLING KIDS sorry he said he couldve got away with it i had to
omg i hate blaze sm they r mean and they hurt me :(
nono dont go to the nether yall dont have bows and ur in iron hgihu
ggyctfug "if youre feeling passionate abt that" I LOVE HER SM
llamaa jimmy showing up and going through Everyones chests
omg what did she do it????
yayyyy prizes!!!
"a chaos server" chaos goose coven minecraft server
vghfyugih it Sounded kinda menacing when they said it was 3 against 2 so they should be fine llama
etho kinda seems like trouble lol
"your besties an idiot" 😭
gbhvuyftgy gems lost so many hearts so fast omg
btw im sorry abt my spelling i wanted to do this but forgit abt how i cant rlly type good ewhn im tired/hyper rip
" a chaos goose coven minecraft server" that would be interesting to say the least
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homocrafting · 1 year
hi sorry if this message is sudden. Im deep in cold medicine so its not going to be coherent.either. But i reblogged ur richarlyson fanfic and brooooo uts fhcken awesome. i cried. idk if its some hidden sense of brazillian pride or whateves but i rlly love ur interpretation of himmmm. can u share hcs about richarlyson as a person and or post your snippet to ao3?
AAAAAA TYSM THIS MADE MY DAY!!!! everytime someone says they cried/almost cried bc of that fic I gain 5 points of strenght btw. this is a good thing
I might post it to ao3 soon!! just gotta get Tge Willpower for it, I'll add the link to it in the rbs of the og post when I do
hcs abt richas under the cut bc I love read mores (starts off as just more general stuff then gets into hcs abt him)
Richarlyson is such a fun character bc he's like the main character, just a little guy, the dude who dies to start the main character's story, and the symbol of hope charactersare given in their time of need, all at the same time
he's the main character in the way that the world revolves around him. like, he showed up, 5 people became obsessed with keeping him alive, safe and happy, his older brother (Bobby) tries to steal his spotlight, some people wanted him dead from the moment he was born, one of his fathers wants him to be a killing machine, he knows 3 languages, you see my point. and now, like, so many people are working on keeping him safe. he's the only uncracked egg, that has to mean something
he's just a little guy because he is just a little guy. he makes cute drawings for his dads and hangs out with his friends and has a bunch of siblings and is learning the flute and has a gun. he's 5 days old and he already lost a life
if he dies it's the beginning of so many terrible arcs. what is Forever's grind for if not his son's safety- to end the world, to get phil to love him? who does the emerald in Felps's house belong to? what's the point of the football field? what's the point of all the training? what if you lose a third (?) chance.
he's Quackity's hope, also, I guess, to be the parent he tried to be but never could, even if all he has is 1% of his custody
Due to being the youngest egg, the others have varying types of Older Brother behavior with him
Despite whatever his siblings do, Richas still loves them
He's been taken to Tilin's grave quite a few times now, and each time he just gets... really sad. It doesn't make him value his life the way they want it to- instead, it convinces him he can't, by any means, let himself get killed, otherwise his dads will end up like 1% dad quackity (very very sad), and his siblings will mourn him and that won't be nice
he's an incredibly sweet kid- this isn't an hc as much as it's an Actual Real On God fact, I just think it's very important
because he is such a sweet kid, the lessons about hurting other things are the ones that he dislikes most
he loves tax evasion it's his favorite crime to commit
he picks up other people's habits very easily! things like tics, stims, speech patterns, etc
he's scared being manco will make his dads like him less. no matter how many times they tell him it's fine, he feels he has to compensate for it somehow
his gun is like a comfort object to him, and staying away from it for too long makes him very uncomfortable
despite being scared of bulls, he doesn't hate them, not like Leo hates whales, for example. Killing that bull he had gotten phisically close to wasn't pleasant
as he grows, he tries to put on a bit of a tougher persona because of, especially, Cellbit's expectations, although all the other dads' also contribute in different ways
ultimately, he sucks at keeping that up, and 99,9% of people can see right through him
he cherishes his first stolen emerald so so much
he uses braces due to his bad leg! that leg stops at the knee, and Forever is working on a prosthetic for him
he loves watching Forever work on the prosthetic, and will often comment on things he wants on it
he has a hard time understanding romance, due to having 5 dads who aren't in love with each other, Chayanne's dad being one of his dad's crush (he THINKS that's it), whatever cellbit and roier have going, etc
he forgives very easily
he doesn't really... like his definetly not a captivity room. he thinks he understands why he has to sleep there, and the attempts to make it more cozy worked a little, but it's too dark and quiet and small in there. there's barely any space to shoot his gun and soon there won't be space for paintings
somewhere, he has a whole ass habitat for his pet jabuti
he loves Dapper's (I think it's Dapperd I forgor) zoo
he has flute lessons with Tallulah every 2 days or so
and I thiiiink that's all for now? I've taken way too long to answr this already sorry :( but I hope it was worth the wait
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