#im trying to keep it to the most common ones. ones ive seen actual content for
liquidstar · 7 months
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drdemonprince · 10 months
Hey man idk what circles you've been in that only white trans men are talking about transmisandry but literally every mention ive seen of it before you was from transmen of color and it kinda seems like you're not responding to any of the transmen of color who are bringing this up?
Like ive been kinda staying out of it cuz its definitely not something that's affected me directly and I mostly just follow you for autism content anyway
And the person I follow that used to post about it has been inactive for awhile so I haven't been seeing much about it until now
So I was mostly just confused but then I found one of the guys whose posts I used to see and scrolled through his blog a bit and saw he's been responding to your posts but his reblogs dont show up anywhere but on his blog for most of the older ones
And it just seems a little weird to claim that only white transmen bring up transmisandry and then just not respond to any of the transmen of color who say they've been talking about it for way longer....
Like you keep saying its just white trans guys but its clearly not....idk im not trying to argue or fight or anything I just feel like theres a part of the conversation not being addressed here?
I think you need to re read the post, because that's not what I said. But the guys who believe in transmisandry (and believe that misandry is a thing) have a vested interest in making you believe that's what I'm saying, because it's a lot easier for them to dispute that willful misinterpretation than to argue against my actual claim.
My actual claim, again, is that it makes no sense to combine transphobia and "misandry" to create an intersection called transmisandry, because systemic misandry doesnt exist. and that it's telling that most people know better than to even try to intersect misandry with any other oppression term.
i dont see people trying to pull that shit because i follow people with an actual systems analysis of oppression. if someone does claim that misandrynoir exists, or misandryfatmisia, they are also wrong.
i dont take my cues on any social justice movements from people who think misandry exist, and the fact im not seeing it on my dash is evidence of me curating my shit pretty well! its undeniable that transmisandry takes are more common than those other ones. but wow does it suck that some people believe in the others too!
Anyone who believes misandry is a thing is wrong, regardless of their identity groups. In general white trans men have more of a vested interest in promoting it for many reasons that have been shared on this page in the past few days -- access to weaponizing white womanhood being a large one that has been mentioned. But any type of person on this beautiful earth can be wrong, and any man who believes in misandry is.
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thueenz · 5 months
wait I thought the dodo posted animal welfare/rescue content? What is shady about that corporation/brand? :0
hi i just woke up hopefully i can word my thoughts! so sorry if none of this makes sense ahshshg im not like a professional in these spaces just someone very into animal welfare so bear with me here. this is all from memory as well because i refuse to watch a bunch of dodo videos but i doubt they have changed at all judging by my quick skimming of their account lol
basically it...is and it isnt. Not all the dodos content is bad on technicality. but the people behind it clearly dont actually care about accurate information or animal welfare at all, or at least not in a way that actually helps animals.
concerning point one: improper keeping of wild animals. theres many videos on the dodo of wild animals being kept as household pets, where they most certainly are not thriving lmao. Most of their content is dogs atp at least but theres still a hefty amount of wild animals. foxes, deer, raccoons, opossum, and monkeys i just saw from a quick scroll. not the monkeys good lord the poor things. the dodo promotes and shares this content, these wild animals playing with domestic ones (unsafe), the keeping of monkeys is especially bad they cannot mentally thrive in a home environment and should not be cuddling dogs 😭 all these animals are going to suffer. they are not domesticated, they are not fit to live by humans and get their needs met outside of a zoo where they have an entire enclosure and team of people looking after them. opossums are also if i remember incredibly tricky to keep healthy in captivity and almost always become dangerously overweight in the hands of pet owners, if not always.
ive seen the dodo post 'heartwarming' videos of baby animal rescue by the layperson and how 'cute' it is that the animal got attached and now has to live as a pet. its not cute. its not heartwarming. what you did was fail to rescue the animal. take it to a professional so it can be released properly. if the animal gets habituated to humans, then you failed. it is a failure of a rescue, not cute. organizations try their best to PREVENT that usually.
concerning point 2: promoting dangerous animal pairs. small prey animals and cats are the most common. cat saliva is dangerously toxic to small rodents, lizards, and birds. they should never be put together. every time i see a video of a cat 'playing' with a little hamster or something i die a bit its so stressful. these animals are often stressed by the cats as well. cats have prey drive, instinct. they are going to kill your hamster girl. they just are.
concerning point 3: rampant anthropomorphism. im not sure if people understand what i mean by that so let me try and explain. anthropomorphism is the name for the human tendency to apply human thoughts, emotions, and morals, to inhuman objects and creatures. its what we do. we view things from the only lens we know. however, to do this to animals so freely without a second thought is horrifically damaging. animals are not people. the dodo promotes false images of what animals are feeling and thinking, and applies human concepts of what 'freedom' and 'respect' is to them if that makes sense. its the basic thing all animal rights activists do- which, animal rights activists advocate for animals to have the same rights as humans. the term gets watered down and accepted but most of them genuinely want this, something incredibly damaging for these animals.
anthropomorphism leads to abuse. each animal is different and needs different needs for its own health, not what a human thinks it would want in the animals place. a common point is to say "what if that was you" to a farm animal. its not me. because i am not a cow. a cow has no concept of caring about freedom. it cares that its well fed and healthy. or insisting animals are feeling guilty for something, or insisting they dont have instinct or prey drive and 'would never' because they 'know hes family', or other human views of what animals are feeling instead of understanding what is really going on, which, surprise, damages the animal greatly. they need to be cared for as an animal, not a human.
concerning point 4: a common talking point among animal rights activists, as you can guess, is veganism and completely stopping animal agriculture. this is obviously not good. i wont get into veganism right now unless someone wants me to(but living in a house with a family of animal rights activists vegans, i know first hand unfortunately.) i dont remember what videos exactly but i know the dodo has spread these points in the past, maybe not outright, but with falsified information about farms and livestock. animal farming is not evil. if i have to see one more video of "omg the mother cow is crying for her baby 😭think before you buy meat.." and its a cow crying to be bred bc shes in heat i will explode LMFAO. and then they bring in a calf to reunite with her thats clearly an entirely different breed they just bought for the video to make people sad. not talking about a dodo video there just a general genre of video but i wouldnt be surprised if the dodo posted one of those too 💀.that space is rich with dangerous misinfo about animal welfare and animals themselves, prioritizing human feelings over what the animals actually need. anyway the dodo tends to post content from that point of view
im sure the dodo fakes a lot of the content. in general like. livestock arent just laying near dead on the road from farm trucks after falling out. and other stuff but i dont remember specifics but its a pretty common thing in the animal rights activist scene. believe it or not farmers want their animals alive and healthy for good product if nothing else. mass factory farming and neglect is a product of capitalism not a product of "inherently unethical farming"
if anyone thinks "well, the dodo might not know all this" then they should not be running a widely viral brand about animals. full stop. they dont care. if they did they wouldve long since changed. they care about what makes people feel good, not what is good for the animals. there is no excuse to not know at least this basic information if you are running an account like that. i see a lot of abuse online from people who dont know better because the average person knows next to nothing about animal welfare beyond how to keep a dog alive. and i wish desperately there was more education on this stuff but it is what it is. i will never blame someone for not knowing something as long as they are willing to learn. the disconnect from animals and understanding them in this world is a huge problem, especially the disconnect of where you get your food. but they do not get that excuse.
tl;dr dodo promotes neglectful and dangerous keeping of animals, and false information about them.
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meteorherd · 3 years
☕️ idk if ur still doing these but after reading ur opinion on knuckles and tikal im curious: if uve watched the sonic x anime, whats ur opinion on knuckles's characterization there?
OOOOH...i havent finished sonic x yet (i watched a bit when i was really little so im going through an actual rewatch right now), but i honestly really love how knuckles is portrayed in the show! hang on actually i have a few kind of separate thoughts on his sonic x characterization so im gonna try and organize them under the cut:
1) i feel like the sonic x portrayal has one of the best balances between knuckles' temper and him just being a chill guy. a lot of recent sonic content doesn't really get that right i think...one of the most common misinterpretations of knuckles is that he's always angry which is wrong. no. it's honestly pretty hard to get him angry unless you know which buttons to press! it's just that when he gets angry, he gets ANGRY. and i really like how the show does have knuckles' temper as a part of his character but it's not his defining trait. that's one of my favorite things about his portrayal.
2) riding off of knuckles' demeanor usually being pretty chill; one of my favorite episodes ive seen so far centering knuckles is the one where he meets an archaeologist named hawk i just think its a very sweet episode in terms of showing off knuckles' character :') first he saves the guy from getting crushed while he's exploring ruins, then he gets excited about him and hawk both having an interest in archaeology, and even though hawk isn't good at fighting and he has to keep rescuing him, knuckles doesnt snap at him even once and he doesn't say ANYTHING about how hawk's dragging him down, which is something even sonic's guilty of having done before with others tagging along if they get in his way. he's just really nice to him the whole time and when hawk gets sad about knuckles leaving, knuckles sees that and smiles and waves at him and calls him partner as he leaves even though so much of knuckles' character is defined by him being a loner. the episode itself was just really good at showing how even if knuckles works by himself and can be rude or blunt to people due to his lack of socialization that doesn't mean he's just gonna be an asshole for the sake of it. the core of knuckles' character when it comes down to it is just that he is a nice guy :)
3) i also like that he's shown to be gullible but that's NOT written as him being stupid. i guess after being exposed to so much sonic content where everything about him revolves around him not being smart it's SO nice to go back to official content where he's not portrayed as an idiot. even the first time in the beginning of the series where eggman lies to him isn't played off as a joke, it leads up to a really cool fight and knuckles finds out for himself that he's been tricked and the way he gets back at eggman for it...badass. and even at the end there aren't any jokes about knuckles being tricked, instead he just shows this genuinely grateful smile at sonic for saving him even though knuckles believed eggman's lies about him. idk i just like when people acknowledge knuckles being too easily trusting as a part of his character but they don't say he's stupid because of it
4) i love that this portrayal doesn't downplay his strength! a lot of the time knuckles being strong is just played for laughs through slapstick or whatever. which i dont mind when its done sparingly! but a lot of the time its done to detract from his competence. once again there was a good balance of portraying his strength in both directions; one thing i really liked that was played for laughs was the baseball episode where knuckles would keep bringing the bat up to hit each time and then the last second he'd just throw the bat away and punch the ball out of the park HDHFKJHJ but he's ALSO shown using his strength in really cool ways. i specifically really love the scene where he fights shadow because HOLY SHIT shadow thought knuckles was a strong enough threat to take off his inhibitor rings. that's how you know how strong knuckles is it was awesome.
5) OKAY so overall basically i just really love how they take his character as seriously as the others, and even though a lot of modern knuckles stuff makes him comic relief because of his gullibility and temper, sonic x actually keeps these as part of his character but treats them as genuine traits instead of something to laugh at.
6) "im not staring at the moon and thinking about him" i mean come on. not only did they put thought into knuckles' characterization they also made him gay. we're winning
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nbapprentice · 4 years
You said a while back that while Supergiant games (Bastion, Transistor, Hades) was mostly okay, you had some words about them. I was curious as to what those words were, since Hades' full release is soon.
okay. alright. ive been playing hades lately so i definitely want to give my two cents (or dollars by the size this is gonna get). but let’s go Step by Step
the good: i want to throw a whole Endorsement over supergiant games with the art direction and its characters, which is what keeps me coming back again and again, and what i can assume is that most people are attracted to. 
gameplaywise, they have a Format they stick to which has become their staple, not to their detriment but to their advantage, like... gameplay tropes, so to speak, that they stick to (such as the addition of special conditions that give a disadvantage in exchange for more long-term rewards)
i fucking adore that they take one concept per game, go for it, and when they’re done they are Done; they don’t bother with sequels, they don’t want to run things to the ground and i fucking respect that. They have their themes, and they stick to them (to various degrees of success).
that said, like every piece of media, they are not perfect and this has to be analysed and spoken about
CONTENT WARNINGS: genocide and ethnic cleansing, antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia, suicide, and mentions of incest, and a general Spoilers warning
bastion: touches on ethnic cleansing, and not in a way i’d say is satisfactory. our narrator and one of our Sympathetic characters is one of the men who worked on a world-ending weapon meant to use against the Ura (a group of people coded as East Asian) which after a bit of googling is literally called “the final solution” if there was ever a war between the Ura and the Cael (who feel like rly tan white people to me). jesus fucking CHRIST.
we also meet more Ura other than our two named characters and we have to kill most of them. so that fucking blows.
the game tries for “being a genocidal monster will get you fucked up and blown up” which duh, but i feel we shouldn’t have had a person responsible for war crimes be one of our friends no matter how bad he feels about the whole thing, or the people victim of war crimes become villains in the latter half of the game. zia’s father could’ve taken ruck’s role ez pz.
transistor: the weakest of their games, imo; the lore and writing are fairly flimsy and i did not come out feeling Satisfied, especially because it had this rly good build-up that did not pay off. not to mention... their villains? 3/4 were gay people. lol. two married guys (not even explicit, you only realize by their shared last names) and the ps*cho lesbian trope (iirc she wanted to kill the protagonist’s lover or something). the female protagonist also ends up killing herself to live forever in a digital paradise with her dead lover. it’s. god. 
very Aesthetic, GORGEOUS music, interesting gameplay; had potential, i do not feel like it lived up to it at least as far as the story goes.
pyre: now this one. this one’s BEEFY. where transistor felt flimsy, pyre is rich; lots to sink your teeth into, rich in lore and loveable characters, again w the beautiful music, themes of cooperation and togetherness. my favorite of the cast is volfred sandalwood, the only Black (or, well, Black-coded) revolutionary i’ve ever seen portrayed with this amount of sympathy.
onto the bad: they literally have a Class of character named “Savage”; there’s the “mystical mentally ill person” trope; there is an overwhelming amount of explicit m/f pairs (one of them being. a romance that formed in a single day and then both of the characters were somehow willing to risk it all for each other? PLEASE) while the only hints of gayness are... hints. especially when Jodariel (another of my favs) is teased to have feelings for the player regardless of gender then only gets an ending with a male character with whom she has nothing in common 🙃
hades: and now. this one. music: gorgeous. character designs: spectacular (aphrodite is straight up naked but it’s so... natural and casual, it doesn’t feel sexualized at all). voice acting amazing. character interactions charming and endearing. as a greek mythology nerd, it was nice to see them go for the obscure shit like Zagreus at all, NOT portray Persephone and Hades as a loving couple, AND portrayed the gods as the bunch of petty assholes (some more benevolent than others) that they are. imo they’re too generous with their portrayal of achilles but i’ll allow it.
and finally... it seems all those criticisms about having all the gay characters hidden in the shadows paid off, cuz we got (aside of patroclus and achilles) a bisexual polyamorous protag. Holy Shit! and it’s not even playersexual, romance whomever you want shit without the routes recognizing each other: he explicitly talks about how he’s thinking abt them both (though it’s like “yeah usually mortals take one lover but gods love many huh” polyamory is a human thing too bro!!!!!)
and this is where it all goes, well, at least vaguely downhill lol. ok so the incest warning i gave up there? well. it’s not... outright incestuous. but it has some ugly implications. i want to emphasize: the characters never refer to each other as siblings, nor do they treat each other as such (thanatos, in fact, only recognizes hypnos as his brother, and megaera only sees the other furies as her sisters), but they were all raised by the same woman, Nyx... zagreus and thanatos even grew up together (im assuming megaera didnt meet zagreus until he was fully grown).
this is complicated even worse by the fact that they tried to trick zagreus into believing Nyx was his mother. he realized pretty early on this was not true but like... adoptive mothers, anyone? granted i can believe that bc of the attempt at deception that probably ruptured any attempt at actual familial closeness, and it’s not like hypnos and thanatos saw zagreus as their brother at any point, so they were p much aware of the truth too. with the fact that thanatos even looks like goth miles edgeworth (im not kidding you can google him up right now its literally edgeworth in a cowl) i rly feel they were aiming for Childhood Friend Anime Rival Man than the “surprise kiss bc ur not actually related <3″ shit. zagreus never once refers to nyx as his mother in-game, and also refers to thanatos and hypnos as her sons, never his brothers.
so yeah, like. if one’s feeling generous, zagreus and thanatos are more of a “my father is emotionally closed off and neglects me so my best friend’s mother basically raised me” kind of situation... just pulled off in, perhaps, the worst way possible (why didnt they just say Zagreus was told Hekate was his mom, that’s such an easy fix? or that he was born of nobody other than Hades??? [gestures at athena])
but then, the gods. aaaaaaaahhhhahahahh the gods. demeter shows up! and she calls zeus, hades and poseidon... her foster-brothers. which somehow would make the persephone thing less fucking awful, apparently. they really. really really did not need to do that. she could’ve just said “my fellow gods” or whatever. or my “god-brothers” or something, to pretend it was just a weird god alliance thing??? i dont know but implying that foster family isn’t family is just... bro, the dynamics still exist.
Don’t Like That.
i even contacted supergiant games over this. they reassured me they were even trying to avoid the incest of the original myths bc they didn’t want to mess with such a heavy theme. i believe them... but i really think they didn’t think this through. compared to something like fire emblem fates this is nearly benign, but the implications don’t look good :/
tl;dr of the tl;drs: i admire their artistic philosophy and the heavy emphasis on fresh gameplay, characters and their relationships; i appreciate that it seems that they listen to criticism?; i don’t appreciate that they didn’t think to at LEAST talk to adoptees when making a game about family.
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gayboysero · 4 years
Mansplain Skyrim lore to me. Give me the deets. The Tea.
ohhhhhhhh my god
okay in my defense its been a while since ive actively Read the Wiki (which i used to do for fun) but here are some of my favorite fax and details
if the imperials actually cared, they would crush the stormcloak rebellion. one of general tullius’s dialogue lines is that he can’t get the bulk of cyrodil’s upper ranks to take the skyrim civil war seriously. he struggles to get enough troops to keep the war at a standstill. if ulfric stormcloak succeeded in taking solitude and becoming high king, the full might of the cyrodillic empire and the aldmeri dominion would be unleashed on skyrim. i’m not saying it would be a total victory, the stormcloak have a knowledge of the region and support within skyrim (and maybe an alliance with morrowind or black marsh who are not part of the empire, although i dont see why argonians and dark elves would want to work with modern nords). however, i dont think even the nords could stand up to both the empire and the dominion.
there are a number of great houses in morrowind that are constantly vying for political power. my fave is indoril, house of the nerevarine, for personal (oc) reasons. however, indoril has been unpopular since the collapse of the tribunal, who they were hugely connected to. then the red year fucked up most of vvardenfell (sparing mournhold, the capitol of house indoril), and argonians invaded and sacked mournhold and its surrounding cities. they’re doing better though! they’ve rebuilt mournhold in some capacity and will likely regain their influence in time
another dunmer house got shit on so badly they’re no longer considered one of the Greats. house hlaalu was really close with the empire, working and trading with them n all that. then during the oblivion crisis, most of the empire’s soldiers were called back to cyrodil to defend the capitol, leaving morrowind defenseless against the daedra. house redoran stepped up and defended the country both from the daedra and then the invading argonians. hlaalu was hated for its connection to the empire and taken off of morrowind’s council
that being said, houses hlaalu and dres were the first to try to outlaw slavery in morrowind and were hated by the more traditional dunmer houses, including indoril (not pog)
the akaviri are/were a humanoid race of (fantasy) japanese people originiating from akavir, far east of morrowind. sky haven temple was originally an akaviri outpost from the time they tried to invade skyrim. they had katanas! very cool people. anyways they’re all extinct now, having been literally or figuratively “eaten” by a serpentlike race called the tsaesci (say ess ee) who are also native to akavir. (there are also monkey people and tiger people on akavir. the whole content seems to be fantasy version of east asia, given both its very very far east geography and also everything else about it.)
there are a race of maormer (sea elves) south of the summerset isles. they’re ruled by a deathless wizard and no one knows much about them. im p sure they havent been seen since the 3rd era (skrim takes place in the 4th)
i feel like this is pretty well known, but the wood elves have an agreement with Yffre, the god of forest they live in (valenwood), to not kill or eat any plants. they’re basically antivegans. because of this, they often engage in cannibalism when fighting each other or outsiders.
the dwemer, tamriels dwarves/deep folk/etc were not actually short! they were named that by the giants native to skyrim, who are taller than everyone. dwemer were actually elf-height, probably equal to modern elves. one of the theories ive read about the disappearance of the dwemer is that the heart of lorkhan, which is the magical artifact they were trying to f with, acted as a big ol’ soul stone and gobbled them all up. sad if true!
jflskdfj theres this one book in skyrim, i think its called “ALDUIN IS REAL AND HE ENT AKATOSH” where some nordic farmer who couldnt write too good basically defended the case that alduin existed. (written before alduin came back). you can read it here
the nords are colonizerssss okay? fuck them. they came from a continent called atmora, north of tamriel and even harsher than skyrim. they settled in saarthol and were mostly minding their business when the snow elves. okay so the snow elves did do a massacare on them. which was uncool. so then the nords (then atmorans) responded by doing a near-genocide on the snow elves. all in all it was kind of a shitty situation. also to be fair to the nords, they probably didn’t count on the dwemer using their ~magic mushrooms~ to systematically devolve the snow elves into the race of creatures now known as the falmer. but still im not a huge nord fan lol
this is also probably common knowledge i think but the type of khajiit you encounter in most games is only one form a khajiit can have. depending on the positions of the moons at a khajiit’s birth, they can take up to 16 shapes, from the typical humonoid we’re familiar with to giant sabrecat like beasts to normal looking housecats. regardless of shape, all khajiit can communicate with each other (somehow). this is why house cats aren’t seen in skyrim; im pretty sure the only “housecats” in tamriel are actually just khajiit
i don’t remember the creation story of tamriel that well, but i know that the stars in the sky were created when the aedra (godlike beings) left the mortal plane and literally tore through the sky. the moons were created by two of the bigger more important gods, but i don’t remember who.
pretty much every story about the daedric prince molag bal comes with a huge trigger warning. just in general. he created vampires and no i willn’t tell you how. don’t worry about it, its not a fun story
the ~crazy~ daedric prince sheogorath (prince of madness, chaos, disorder) was actually once the prince of order and logic, and was called jygglag. he was so powerful that the other daedric princes cursed him to be a madman to keep him from getting in their way. once an era he turns back to his true self, but only for a short time.
im sorry this post is so long
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spaceysp · 3 years
Saying random stuff to feed into the hyperfixations; pick one of these statements to rant about because I wanna read :)) if u want,
How skeppy must feel with everyone meeting up cause BaD JUST COME ON ,
Opinions on bad planning to take skeppy to dinner and all that jazz ,
Skeppys newest video on the skep channel where bad and skeppy are surprisingly sweet to eachother (and how lately in general bad has been less angee with him) ,
Literally the whole discount skeppy situation , bad being literally in love,
Ride with U,,,,,hetero,,,,explanation,,,, anywhere?
im literally going to talk about all of these so im sorry but read more at your own risk
one: skeppy, i am so sorry a mf does this to you. but seriously, i can only think of a few reasons (that dont sound entirely made for fanfic) that bad keeps putting off meeting skeppy 
1. (the most unlikely) theyve already met and they keep the bit going so the fans dont find out. i can get that they wouldnt want to tell at first because its their own business, but i seriously doubt they would wait very long to confirm it, because ppl honestly can put a lot of pressure and hype on the meetup (esp with skeppy’s “surprise”) so i think theyd release something just so everyone knew that it finally happened! they didnt lie!
2. bad just doesnt want to meet skeppy (actually nvm this is the most unlikely) 
bad seems to be genuinely excited to meet skeppy, even claiming skeppys the one to keep putting it off, not him (which skeppy immediately disproved but) and saying over and over he wants to meet up with him, but always avoiding actually making plans (every single tweet about the meetup) so its clear he does want to meet skeppy eventually, which makes trying to figure out why he wont even harder
3. its not the right time/ waiting for a specific date
leading up to this, i was thinking that there was a pretty good chance theyd meet up on their anniversary, but that never happened rip. the issue is with this is that they guaranteed they would meet up before the end of the year, and at this point theres only one “event” left, but they still dont seem to have any plans to meet. if bad was waiting for the perfect time to do it, why not just tell skeppy to confirm a meetup date? it would get him (and maybe the fans, if they told them) off his back. another variant of this is that there is a set date, but they havent told the public, but again, skeppy seems to be just as much in the dark about this as everyone else
4. health issues 
bads apparently been feeling pretty under the weather lately, with his arm and kidney stones, its very plausible (and reccomended, imo) that bad doesnt want to travel when hes having these problems. of course, skeppy could visit, but he could either not want to spend their time together sick or the plans they have could also be too straining. i think this is probably one of the most likely atm, go see a doctor bbh im begging you
5. bads nervous
this is also one of the more plausible to me. for whatever reason, bads just anxious about it, whether it wont be the same as talking online, or be super awkward or whatever, he could just keep putting it off for that (its still weird and kinda doesnt make sense but in a more realistic way this time)
i know i totally went off track but this brings me to my point, skeppys kinda just waiting for bads confirmation at this point, so seeing his friends have fun meeting up is probably just lowkey depressing and i could see him using it as more the reason they should meet up. really the only thing he can do in this situation(at least, as far as i can tell) is what he has been doing, annoy bad about it or he take advantage of bads jealousy and meet up with someone else. the other option is to randomly come to his house, but it doesnt seem like skeppy is gonna do that, maybe to respect his boundaries? if he was planning on it i think he wouldve done it by now
this kinda ties into my point in the “reasons why bad wont meet skeppy” thing, that bad seems really excited to meet him yet still wont?? its clear he really values any time spent with skeppy, but he also make sure skeppys having a good time too! that why he never does any actual work with skeppy around (i.e. building statues or gathering materials for such), he knows its boring so instead theyll wander around the server telling stupid stories or punching each other off stairs for 20 minutes. im sure itll be the same irl, he mentioned wanting to meet somewhere like a nature reserve or amusement park, probably to make sure theres never a dull moment or time wasted. dinner seems much more low-key, and i wouldnt be surprised if bad just wanted to have an excuse to try and impress him with a nice totally-platonic date
NUMbeR tHree *airhorns* 
they really do be the best of friends! ive noticed that skeppys def been trying to halt arguments fairly quickly now, saying a lot to appease bad and move on, and while bad seems to like to start fights for fun, hes also been a lot more chill lately, im guessing because hes been oh-so desperately missing skeppy and big s was also in Baby mode (aka if bad disagreed with him hed probably just cry until he got his way((sand))) i think that vid just showed them being a lot more natural and happy to talk (plus bad usually is more argumentative when theyre competing, while in that vid they were either just hanging out or working towards a common goal) 
n u m b e r f o u r 
where to even BEGIN with discount skeppy. well, bad actually first came up this idea a few months ago, in either july or august on an idots smp stream when he crafted an ‘artificial skeppy’ in his snack shack that he could talk to whenever skeppy was gone. as we all know idots smp is now rip, but the idea of replacement skeppys remained, just this time they can talk and also ship skephalo. it actually seemed like more of puffys idea at first when she put on skeppys skin as a joke, which bad didnt like the first few times, but when she brought it up again he actually requested it (missing skeppy brainrot 🤔?) this could be either cuz bad wanted to bait some shippers so gave in or he thought it was a pretty funny bit so went along with it (or he actually missed skeppy that much.. surely not ??) either way i think we can agree puffy is not only a comedic genius but a top tier friend and slight wingman, and getting some good jealous skeppy content out of it is also top tier. in conclusion, love and appreciate discount skeppy, badboyhalo has only skeppy on his brain and his friends have to deal with that, hoes (skeppy) mad even though the whole bit is how much bbh is into him
NUMBER FIVE im really doing all of them
What, can be said, about ride with u. GODDAMN. im not tryna insinuate anything, but if someone told me that song reminded them of me i would have no choice but to marry them immediately. i really really want someone to ask bad what songs remind him of any of his other friends (dream, sapnap, george, ant, puffy, etc.) because there are three options
1. theyre just cool platonic friend songs and bad is just in love with skeppy
2. he cant think of any songs for them and bad is just In Love with skeppy
3. they have equal romantic undertones and bad is just Like That with his friends (even so i bet people would be picking out the most minute differences between the songs that make one more.. You Know than the other) 
i know FOR SURe that if i was in bads position (where even the person who made the lyric video assumed they were gay in love) i wouldve curled into a ball and never made another public appearance again, but he really owned that shit, singing it and making unprompted references to it (”i already have a bonnie” YOU AINT SLICK SIR WTF) 
i just wanna know if skeppys listened to it (i mean, hes surely at least heard of it, i know he wouldve seen it all over his timeline) and what he thonks about it. pls tell us big s do you also feel the love in this chilis tonight (ALSO when is someone gonna ask skeppy what song reminds him of bad. im waiting ((hed probably say something like a faster remix or something equally memey (((unless???)))
ANYWAY SORRY FOR MAKING YOU READ ALL OF THAT HOLY SHIT i dont wanna reread this to check for errors so it might be incoherent but again ty for letting me infodump about this it was super fun im in love with you anon
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mortuarybees · 5 years
do u have any more good omens fic recs?
oh boy do i. some of them are fics that i have included in my fic rec tag so if you’ve been in that bear with me there will also be others. basically my preferred and only accepted genre of anything is “unbearably tender” and “aziraphale is extremely neurotic and crowley loves him anyway” it’s therapeutic
at some point im going to update the original reference post with like. all the amazing content ive come across since making it but until then:
one may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel by lumosity aka @femmeaziraphale aka my very best friend
they have started another fic intended to destroy my life in which hell wins the next round and divines a special torment for crowley pls read it and encourage them to finish it because they don’t believe me when i tell them it’s amazing and i am  d e s p e r a t e  for more.
 “You know, you’re very familiar,” Aziraphale said, breath stinking of the sweet wine.
 “Oh? I guess I look like many goat herders,” Crowley allowed. Aziraphale snorted, nudging Crowley’s shoulder clumsily.
 “No! I mean that you just seem like someone I’ve known before,” Aziraphale said. Crowley felt that familiar ache in his chest. Suddenly he wished he was sober.
 “I have a common face,” Crowley dodged.
 “Say whatever you like, but I feel like we fit together quite nicely,” Aziraphale said, resting his head against the bark of the tree. Crowley took the opportunity to watch Aziraphale while he had his eyes closed. There were the same old blonde eyelashes against his cheeks, the one little drop of sunlight that formed a mole at the corner of his eye. Crowley wished to kiss his cheek only once. An apology for not losing. For not giving Aziraphale an eternity of listening to celestial harmonies.
wings and how to hide them by triedunture
Crowley's been annoyingly in love for six thousand years. What's another lifetime between friends? // if you follow me you’ve probably seen me post or quote certain excerpts a million times you may recognize it as His Body Is A Place And It’s Filled With Love.
He swallowed. So bloody awkward, staring up at Aziraphale like this, having his face held. Was he supposed to maintain eye contact? It seemed impossible. His gaze darted away.
"Keep your eyes fixed on me," Aziraphale admonished, giving his cheek a little pat. "Try to imagine, I don't know...slipping into my body the way you'd slip into a new coat." His smile was weak.
Crowley made a face. "Sounds grotesque."
"It isn't! Come now." His voice and eyes softened. "Please. Try."
Deep breath in. He would try. For Aziraphale's sake. "All right." He opened his eyes, held Aziraphale's plaintive stare, and pictured how it would feel. To be a part of Aziraphale. To be held inside him, to surround him at the same time.
To be loved.
hand in unlovable hand by courfeyrock (les mis solidarity)
“Goodnight, my dear,” he says, and Crowley swears, Aziraphale could call him my dear for six thousand more years and he still wouldn’t be able to get used to it. // it’s tender it’s bed sharing it’s “i love you in the human way” it’s quoting that unspeakable broadchurch scene its title is from no children by tmg; in short, it’s specifically designed to torment me.
Crowley’s head snaps around as if on a swivel. “Shall we… what?”
“Go to sleep? Normally I would love to stay up and have a drink or a chat but you see I really am exhausted and I--”
“Yes, yes, of course.”  Idiot,  Crowley thinks.  I am such an idiot.  "I'll uh, I'll sleep underneath the covers, and you can sleep on top." He waves his hand in a forcefully casual gesture that he hopes conveys just how normal it is for two platonic friends to be having this conversation.
everything just stops by witching
they are drunk and crowley wants to take a bath so he miracles one and they have. the most unbearable conversation ever fucking put to fiction literally returning to it to select one single quote was nearly impossible for me emotionally. god the tenderness the yearning!!!! “i like your silly aziraphale things”!!!!!!!!!! “i love you deep, angel”!!!!!! i hate it! just read it please i cant actually keep describing it or i’ll have to lay down for a little while.
 “Are you –” the angel’s voice was hoarse, and he paused to clear his throat, “are you playing some sort of game right now?”[....]
“I am not,” Crowley whispered fervently, his face frighteningly close to Aziraphale’s. “Six thousand yearsss, angel. You’re a part of me, and I jussst – just wanted you to know, is all.”
 Without warning, Aziraphale reached with both hands to pull Crowley in closer, forcing him to drop his own hand from the angel’s face. Aziraphale held him gently, pressing a single chaste kiss to the demon’s forehead, his lips lingering as his thumbs slid tenderly along his cheekbones, his fingers wrapped up in dark, dripping hair.
 When Crowley responded not by recoiling, as Aziraphale had expected, but by melting against his skin and sighing contentedly, the angel placed another kiss on one cheek, then the other. He moved to kiss Crowley’s eyelids, his jawline, his chin, the corners of his mouth, all the time cradling Crowley’s head in his hands, waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Crowley to rebuff his affection.
Crowley, ever one to defy expectations, continued to allow the angel to kiss his face to his heart’s content. It was only when he heard Crowley sniff and let out a pitiful whimper that he pulled back, looking at the demon with concern.
hard feelings/loveless by witching
Aziraphale said it was like the opposite of the feeling you’re having when you say things like “this feels spooky.” Crowley didn’t know what to make of that, but he expected it was something like the opposite of the feeling you get when the only person who truly knows you makes a cryptic remark suggesting that you can’t understand love. Crowley understood love all too well. // crowley. crowley can’t sense love bc he is so goddamn full of love that he can’t see past it he’s just so full of it that he can’t separate it from just how he always is  c r o w l e y. also angelic/demonic mindmelding.
“What about - I mean, if that’s… love,” he struggled to get the word out, “then what’s this other feeling? The one that I’ve been calling love for all this time?”
 “I don’t know,” Aziraphale said. “I can’t possibly imagine.” He didn't have to voice his surprise at the fact that Crowley had an emotion he called love. It wasn't that he had truly thought Crowley was incapable of such an emotion; he was deeply aware of the power and range of the demon's feelings. He simply hadn't thought that Crowley was in tune with his own mind enough to understand it in those terms.
 “Can I show you?” Crowley blurted without thinking.
come as you are by punkfaery (explicit; trigger warning for body dysmorphia and disordered eating)
Aziraphale visits a modern art gallery, goes on a diet, and submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known. Not necessarily in that order. // this mugged me in an alleyway and ruined me emotionally for a whole night but like whatever. it starts with a mary oliver quote so idk what i expected
He dragged a kitchen chair out and sat in it, looking like he wanted to set fire to things with the power of his mind. He was probably angry enough to try it, too. Aziraphale moved a nearby copy of The Earth Compels out of the way, just in case. “It wasn’t really because of him,” he said. “It just made me realise, that’s all.”
“Realise what?”
Aziraphale swallowed. “That I’m not… quite as I should be. That you deserve better.” He lowered his head, feeling wretched. “That’s all. I’m sorry I didn’t say something from the start, but it seemed like a difficult sort of thing to bring up.”
Crowley’s face was indescribable.
“You thought I’d stop liking you because you’re not thin,” he said. His voice was utterly toneless. A muscle ticked in his jaw.
“Well, naturally when you say it like that it sounds – ”
“Seriously? After six thousand years of, of whatever you want to call this? After we literally saved the fucking world together?”
salinity (and other measurements of brackish water) by drawlight
It's an odd thing, getting on after the End of the World. Crowley takes to sea-watching. // michael sheen has read and recommended it. god. it starts with a quote from eros the bittersweet. it took me a full half hour to read past the first paragraph or so it’s so Much.
"I want to see you cook." (Something made from his hands. Something purely Crowley. Nothing pulled from the ether. Nothing sourced and given, no. Something made from his hands.)
He looks at his hands. Holds them up, splays them against the shale backdrop of his ceiling. His hands are always the same, day to day. They are clean but stained. His long and dawdling fingers, his bit of knuckles, his veins and tendons beginning to show a little more. Yes, more, he doesn't know the age of his body but he keeps it somewhere here, at indeterminate forty. There is a hangnail on the ring finger, there are stains of belladonna on the sides, on the rough spots.
Belladonna, that green plant sick with chlorophyll, sick with poison. Crowley is a gardener and he grows belladonna in his bedroom. He knows poisons the way Aziraphale knows the Dewey Decimal System. Yes, he knows them intimately, bent over his long counter, pulling the leaves apart, peeling the stems. Crushing the seeds. He knows not to lick his fingers after, that the leaves and berries are toxic to a grown man, that maybe even Livia had used it once, dripped into Augustus' wine. Not, really, that poisons would  matter  . It’s one of those little perks of the demon gig, that whole  immortality thing. What can get at him; what can cut it short? Only holy water and other blessed things. (Aziraphale is an angel, made out of blessed things. Crowley does not know how it might be to kiss him, mouth to wet mouth. If holy water might burn him, what can he expect from the freshwater mouth of an angel?)
birds of a feather by idiopathicsmile
Aziraphale nests. Crowley relearns some crucial facts about angelic courtship rituals. // look....im weak for home decorating as proxy or metaphor for domesticity and familiarity and this trope is literally this. i die
“Demons definitely don’t court,” says Crowley. “They fuck sometimes, but it’s—I don’t know if you’ve ever seen anything about the mating practices of insects but it’s more—like that. There’s no guarantee all parties will come out in one piece. Never seemed worth it, frankly. I like my pieces where they are.”
Aziraphale takes this all in with a series of slow, horrified nods.
“Wait,” says Crowley, “what do angels do?” He’s never pictured angels engaging with each other at all, outside of maybe mandatory team-building exercises.
“They nest,” says Aziraphale.
Crowley waits for this to all make sense. “What, instead of fucking?”
“No,” says Aziraphale primly. “Not  instead. It’s—it’s part of the courtship ritual. You have to be able to build a decent nest if you want to be seen as a viable mate—”
“Like birds,” Crowley repeats, disbelieving.
“Not like birds, birds got it from us,” shrills Aziraphale.
men have gone to heaven for smaller things than that by mercuryhatter
Aziraphale finds an age slipping away from him. // aziraphale and crowley attend robbie ross’ funeral, and aziraphale mourns the loss of the old circle. also there’s some brief dunking on bosie. i adore this fic with my whole heart
“Listen.” Aziraphale took Crowley’s elbow and dragged him out of earshot of the funeral, releasing him under a nearby tree. “It’s not that I’m not glad you’re back. Remember that, because I’m about to be very short with you, but it’s not that.” He raised an eyebrow questioningly and Crowley nodded.
“That being said.” Aziraphale took a deep breath. His voice was shaking slightly and he tried to press it back to steadiness inside his throat. “You will not get near one more human under my charge this decade, are we clear?”
“Angel–” Crowley started, surprised, but Aziraphale cut him off. Fury was bubbling up inside of him, bright and brittle and with a deeply-buried thread of exhaustion that he couldn’t afford to think too long about.
where you stay i will stay by mercuryhatter
at the hundred guineas club, men went under women’s names. aziraphale went by naomi and he paid! to keep ruth free! for crowley!!!! while crowley slept! it stopped my tender heart
“Let’s see. We all know Victoria, of course. Betsey, Henrietta, Georgiana, Chastity, that’s rich, and Temperance too, particular friends of each other, I imagine? A few Elizabeths, not particularly creative… oh.” Crowley nudged Aziraphale until he peeked up from his place hidden in Crowley’s sweater. “Aziraphale.”
“No, dear, I didn’t put that one down.” Crowley huffed in fond exasperation.
“No, honey, you put Naomi.”
“So I did.”
“And… I don’t see a Ruth.”
“No,” Aziraphale sighed. “No, I paid them an extra hundred pounds a year to hold that one for me.”
“For you or for…”
and this isn’t a fic but another essay that means the world to me, making an effort: queer (trans) masculinity in the ethereal & occult beings of good omens by elegantidler and irisbleufic
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tumblunni · 6 years
Man, god, im just suddenly thinking about "ak/ur/oku" and like.. How the fuck did that even become such a huge thing in early 2000s fandom? Dear god so much early gay shipping in fandom was super unhealthy "sinful" bullshit made by straight people for fetishy purposes rather than genuine representation. But a/kurok/u was such a weird one because it was like.. Just globally accepted and never aknowledged to be problematic?? Man i still remember how lil 13 year old me didnt know there was anything wrong with it, like seriously when stuff like this becomes popularized it ends up sending bad messages to actual queer youth. Learning about your sexuality via the internet cos there's no sex ed irl for you, abd you end up stumbling into toxic fandoms before you have the critical thinking skills necessary to know that this stuff is bad and shouldnt be imitated. Like seriously one of the things i worry about EVERY NIGHT AT 2AM THAT KEEPS ME FROM SLEEPING is that stupid lil 15 year old me made a post on deviantart going like "are pedophiles really all bad? I mean it sounds like an illness. I mean maybe theyre just scared and they want help." Like im terrified constantly that someone will find that old thing and judge me as if i still believe that apologist crap, or as if it was actually an opinion i formed from a fully developed mind, rather than from a kid who (as far as i knew) had never met a pedophile, thinking about pedophiles in the abstract, while being influenced by fuckin pedophile-dominated fandoms and having NO IDEA. and of cooooourse i wanted to believe that i was mature for my age, i thought that was a compliment.. Uuuuugh...
Sorry, going a little offtopic there.
But anyway isnt it kinda weird how akur/oku was just.. Not even regarded as pedophilia? And when i was a kid it wasnt just me not understanding the gross parts of the fandom, i legit never thought axel was that much older than roxas. And it was one of the more popular gay ships cos at that point as far as we knew it was the only person axel had any sort of backstory with, and he cared so much about this guy that he was willing to sacrifice his life to help sora even when he knew roxas would never come back. At the time without further context it seemed like a reasonable assumption to make? And it wasnt until Days that i realized axel was intended to be an adult rather than a teenager, and even worse A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO MADE THAT SHIPPING ART KNEW THAT. Uuugh it was so gross in retrospect to go back and see all the clues i missed that these people were fetishizing roxas's inexperience and veey much writing him as underage. AAAAAAA!
Anyway im glad that shit is now recognized as shit and now we have canon evidence of this dude being old as balls. And honestly i love the relationship of him as a big brother/dad to roxas and xion a lot more, even though as a kid i was desperate for any kind of queer representation in kh. Like.. I never really actually liked the ship that much or felt any chemistry? I just latched onto a few bad writing flubs that could potentially be interpreted as Gay Evidence because i was SO damn desperate! Like i felt like i had to support all these gross abusive ships in fandom cos if i wasnt then i was being 'homophobic', i mean they were THE ONLY AVAILABLE OPTIONS, right? :( Its only now ive grown up i can see how wrong that was, and how people just used it as an excuse to make gross shit and get away with it. Like how in Black Butler all these 'yaoi fangirls' kept erasing the rarest of rare things, a canon trans woman, because 'its sexier if its gay'. Ughhhh. And seriously that discourse still exists for poor Grell, and there's still a lot of these shitty bigoted people pretending to be allies, but like seriously this was EVERYWHERE in 2005! And lgbt rights and even lgbt communities at all were way smaller and less available to the poor teenagers who really needed that positive influence while they were figuring out who they are. So man the abusive side of yaoi fandom was WAY more powerful, and wya more.mainstream, with barely any criticism. And the whole content of this fandom was creepy fuckin adults making pedo porn, and kids who just discovered they were queer and tried to headcanon their favourote characters as being like them. Fucking predator heaven! So yeh that ruined KH for me and definately made me scared of returning to Black Butler for almost a decade. And then i found out that the manga itself has none of that pedo shit and that one of the fandom's biggest abusive gay man archetypes was actually a trans woman this entire time, and just gahhhhh....
Also like seriously this is a tad offtopic but can we kill the anime trope of either everyone looking young or everyone looking old? Or creepy things where just one character looks the wrong age in order to fetishize pedophilia? I dont think kingdom hearts was one of those intentional ones, like i mean there's super bad shit where its like 'this 5 year old looking person is really 9000 years old/actually 18 and just hasnt had their growth spurt yet' (somehow its even more insulting when theres not even a magical excuse) Or the other way around and we have a character thats canonically underage but drawn looking sexually mature with big ol knockers so its somehow okay. The existence of those horrible things is why i end up feeling uncomfortable even seeing ambiguous ages as just a trope in completely innocent anime, yknow? Like in pokemon and digimon all the 10 year old protagonists are exactly the same height as all the adults, and all the female love interests for ash have to be early bloomers in terms of chest and hips, while notably Iris is the only one who actually looks her age and also the first non love interest. Its another reason why i prefer the new art style for the latest season, they make everyone look like kids and Lillie continues to look like a kid even though she's the main girl and has all the cute scenes with Ash. The girls even got very normal looking kiddy swimsuits in the beach episode! Why is that so uncommon, to find the bare minimum thing of underage kids not being sexualized at the beach??
Soooooo yeah, thats at least part of why kid me thought axel and roxas were within a similar age range. Like i thought roxas was maybe 16 and axel was 18?? Somehow?? I dont even know, kingdom hearts isnt even SUPER bad with the 'kids look like older teens,all adults look like age 20 at the most' anime syndrome. Its probably more because id been raised on games and anime that followed that trope, before i played kh. And as a kid you just dont really know the exact differences between 'old', like i mean i knew teenagers were tall and boys get a growth spurt, so somehow it made sense to me that axel could be the same age as roxas?? And man even if i knew he wasnt, i was barely educated at all about pedophilia and i didnt know the nuances of it. I just knew 'its bad for adults to marry kids' like man i was really behind the curve in general learning due to my undiagnosed autism and abusive parenting so like HERE'S 12 YEAR OLD ME NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE SEX ASPECT. And i didnt know that adults in relationships with teenagers was bad too, or like 16/17 year old teens dating kids... I was so fuckin dumb... I really cant believe that not only did i believe stupid adults saying 'pedophilia isnt bad if you're non offending, its okay to make cartoon child porn as long as you dont physically abuse real kids' but also i somehow just DID NOT EVER REALIZE that axel was an adult and roxas wasnt even a goddamn older teen...
So yeh im making a lot of excuses for why my stupid younger self was blindly parroting bullshit, but im not trying to excuse how goddamn wrong and bad it was. I still wake up ashamed in the middle of the night for crapoy decisions i made as a dumb kid, and in terrified that some shreds of it might still exist out there on the internet and maybe someone else could read it?! Gahhhh! Seriously could i have accidentally helped spread that bullshit brainwashing to other kids? And seriously when people say this shit is harmless they just need to look at this, look at how being into problematic yaoi is such a common 'phase' for ACTUAL CHILDREN. Like its not fuckin NATURAL for kids to fall into this stuff, they do it because they dont know any better but the people making the goddamn founding blocks of the fandom are fuckin grown women fetishizing gay men or grown men fetishing lesbians. There's people who do know better who actually conciously decide that a/kurok/u is a good ship while knowing all the goddamn details of what it actually is and exactly what theyre supporting by shipping it. Ughhhhh!
So yeh fuckin Please Stay Safe In Fandom, Kids
And pedophiles have absolutely none of my sympathy, please ignore that goddamn shit i wrote as a little kid being fuckin groomed by a fandom without even knowing it.
This also applies a lot to the rest of LGBT+ aside from just gay shipping, like seriously it took me til age 18 to find any positive representation of trans people or even a proper explanation of what being trans is, yet before i was even 8 years old i'd seen a million 'lol gross man in a dress who gets sexual gratification from wearing women's underwear' jokes in kids shows. And when i was 12 i'd already been exposed to the fuckin hell of m/pre/g thanks to its prevelance of untagged n/sf/w shit in the kh fandom. And by age 15 i'd been exposed to pedophile apologists arguing whether child porn was okay if they only got off to that and didnt personally abuse that kid with their own hands. All of that shit but actually learning about homosexuality and gender in sex ed would have been 'too much' for someone my age...
God what a fuckin mess. Fuck im really really fuckin worried that any of my ignorant comments at those ages could have been read by other ignorant kids and contributed to that disgusting fandom atmosphere. Fuck i think about this so damn often im so damn ashamed of how ignorant i used to be yet i know the adult fuckfaces making pedo shit never reel one lick of shame any damn day of their life. I used to excuse their shit as an actual kid cos i just ASSUMED they would be ashamed and want to seek help! Gahhhh..
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victoryliononline · 7 years
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism
There are various commonalities between the far left and the far right including a arrogance for liberals but the most difficult divide is on the topic of intolerance
The cookout offered free meat, a face-painting kiosk and a demonstrate sign-making terminal a pile of cut-up cardboard caskets, coat markers and moves of parcelling videotape. A group of place sons, each no older than 12, assembled around. They missed signalings to tape to their bicycles, so we are able to razz around and tell Trump what they thought of him.
One grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote in large-hearted words: TRUMPS A BITCH.
Max Neely rapidly stepped in.
Im not sure you should utilize that command, he answered, his voice taking on a kindly hue. At 6ft2in, he towered over them. That term isnt exceedingly respectful to girls, and there are a lot of women around here today that we should be respecting. Perhaps you are able to think of another parole to use.
The sons awarded. Eventually, they settled on a different, less offensive rally clue at the least in Neelys attentions. FUCK TRUMP, it spoke, followed by four exclamation points.
A 31 -year-old activist with long fuzz and a full wiry beard, Neely had a full era of government activism ahead of him: Donald Trump was in Harrisburg to mark his 100 th day in role with a addres at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. In other parts of the city, the liberal opposition were also readying themselves: makings such as Keystone Progress, Dauphin County Democrat and the regional Indivisible radical planned to rally in rally.
Neelys group were not among them. Instead, they had set up a picnic site in a small ballpark, offering a barbecue and leftist folders. Someone had planted a bright scarlet hammer-and-sickle flag in the grass. On a nearby counter hung a black banner that tolerate the words Redneck Revolt: anti-racist, pro-gun, pro-labor.
Activist Steve Hilditch, who runs a section of the Redneck Revolt radical. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > root > If you havent acknowledged, we arent liberals, mentioned Jeremy Beck, one of Neelys cookout acquaintances. You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your shoots back.
Wooly radicals, theyre not. Redneck Revolt is a nationwide organization of forearmed political organizers from urban, working-class backgrounds who strive to reclaim the period redneck and promote active anti-racism. It is not an alone lily-white group, although it was does take a special interest in the specific travails of the white good. The establishments principles are plainly left-wing: against white ascendancy, against capitalism and the nation-state, in support of the marginalized.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state, where shoot proprietors can legally carry weapons in public without camouflage. Redneck Revolt members often realise the course of carrying out openly carrying a artillery as a political statement: the presence of a discernible artillery has contributed to intimidate resists and corroborate shoot freedoms. Many of the cookout attendees owned grease-guns, and had considered bringing them today but eventually they had decided to come unarmed, in the interest of restraining the phenomenon family-friendly.
Redneck Revolt began in 2009 as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a handguns developing activity originally are stationed in Kansas. Dave Strano, one of Redneck Revolts founding members, had confiscated upon what he saw as a negation in the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. Many Tea party organizers were fellow working-class people who had permitted significant sufferings as a result of the 2008 economic crisis which, in his eyes, had been caused by the terribly prosperous. And more, Tea Partiers were now flocking in great numbers to rallies funded by the 1 %.
By corroborating economically republican politicians, Strano recalled, they would only be significantly controlled to benefit the once rich.
The history of the lily-white working class has been a record of being an manipulated parties, he wrote. Nonetheless, weve been an manipulated people that farther employs other exploited people. While weve been living in tenements and slums for centuries, weve too been used by the rich to affect our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colourings, religions and nationalities.
Now, eight years later, more than 20 Redneck Revolt fields have ripened across the US; different groups straddle widely in size, some with only a handful of members. Max Neely is a member of the Mason-Dixon branch, which encompasses central Pennsylvania as well as his native western Maryland. Many members are lily-white, but the organization seeks to build on a redneck identity beyond race.
I grew up playing in the groves, hovering coolers of brew down a creek, hitting off fireworks, simply generally raising hell, all that kind of stuff, mentioned Neely. Acts most people would consider a part of redneck culture. Were trying to acknowledge the ways weve originated mistakes and bought into white-hot ascendancy and capitalism, but also contribute ourselves a better environment in which its OK to celebrate redneck culture.
The group draws a great deal of insight from the Young Patriots Organization, a 1960 s-era partisan radical comprising primarily of white-hot working-class Appalachians and southerners. Im very impressed with Redneck Revolt, answered Hy Thurman, one of the early benefactors of the Young Patriots. I think theyre right on with what theyre trying to do.
The group opposed combating racism and worked closely with the Black Panthers, but they did make use of the Confederate flag in their recruiting. Thurman explained that it was used only strategically, to start the talks with good white people who might identify with the symbol.
In the same way that the Young Patriots once squandered the Confederate flag, Redneck Revolt seeks to employ another insignium of rural America: guns.
Redneck Revolt groups work on accommodating an explicitly anti-racist existence in rural areas, and sharpen particularly on gun displays. Many members are from the locations where guns are relatively normalized, and Neely requires Redneck Revolt to serve as a viable alternative for people who might otherwise meet the growing right-wing militia movement.
Since the 1992 Ruby Ridge besiege, the US has evidenced an increase in anti-government paramilitary companies. Oath Keepers, for example, is a militia group that strives to defend the American constitution, which the group believes is under threat by its own government. They claim to be nonpartisan, but its members politics tend to distort far right. During last few years presidential election, they announced that members would be checking electing booths to prevent referendum tampering, territory he was most concerned about expected tries at voter forgery by leftists.
But groups like Oath Keepers have much in common with far leftists: concerns about the infringement of human rights, dissents to mass monitoring and the ever reauthorized Patriot Act, feeling at the continuation of the contends of the working poor.
We use gun culture as a room to relate to beings, pronounced Neely, whose grandfather was an ardent hunter. No liberal elitism. Our basic content is: firearms are penalty, but intolerance is not.
Officially, Oath Keepers bylaws veto anyone associated with a abhor radical from joining, though their background checks have proven to be inconsistent at best. But there are other rightwing groups around the explicitly racist kind.
Im worried about Pikeville, pronounced Neely. Ive went friends out there.
KKK members salute next to a station wagon at a private campground in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Image: Pat Jarrett for the Guardian figcaption > beginning > Pikeville is a small Kentucky town depth in the heart of Appalachia. It has no major airport or interstate, a population of less than 10,000 and an abundance of peaceful mountain surrounding. Mining has long been the major industry now, though Pikeville too captivates tourism: mid-April chooses over 100,000 visitors to the annual Hillbilly Days gala, a occasion of Appalachian culture and music.
In the week after the celebration objective, however, Pikevilles atmosphere had made a distinct form. Neo-Nazis were coming to municipality the same day as Trumps appearance in Harrisburg.
The Nationalist Front an alliance of far-right lily-white nationalistic make-ups was scheming a revival in front of Pikevilles courthouse. Make a stand for white acting lineages, read an invitation that flowed online.
This embarks a process of building and expanding our seeds within grey working class communities to become the community preaches that our people need and deserve, wrote Matthew Heimbach on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
Pike County chronically impoverished, overwhelmingly white is seen as a fruitful lay for spreading their ideology. The metropoli of Pikeville itself has actually knew some growth in the past few years, but the greater expanse is struggling. Pike Countys unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation: 10%, more than twice that of the US as a whole.
Trump successfully tapped into this desperation with his pro-labor, anti-immigrant hyperbole and successfully triumphed more than 80% of votes assigned. Citing this figure, Heimbach hoped to develop dwelling pro-Trump sentimentalities into full-blown national socialism.
Were doing this because we care about the people of Pike County, did Jeff Schoep, head of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, in a video promoting the rally. Weve visualized factories shut down, weve witnessed people losing their jobs, weve heard families going frantic and contacting out for narcotics or interesting thing that they shouldnt be doing. We want to give people hope again. Something worth fighting for.
That something happened to be a white-hot ethno-state, and many Pikeville residents were not interested.
The city approved work permits for the Nationalist Front to gathering downtown, citing the constitutional title of free speech and assembly, though Donovan Blackburn, the city manager, also issued the following statement promoting quietnes, respect and diversity.
Students at the University of Pikeville scheduled a counter-protest, but the occasion was speedily canceled due to safety concerns: university officials is concerned that a conflict between the Nationalist Front and representatives from the antifascist motion or antifa could intensify into violence.
An anti-fascist counter-march to #MarchAgainstSharia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Picture: Sean Kitchen Developed in Europe over the past decades, antifascists represent the lefts own united front: a conflux of revolutionaries, communists, social democrats and others, dedicated to embossing out autocracy by any means necessary, including violence which they see as a justified response to the inherent violence of dictatorship. They often hire black alliance tactics, where individuals wear masks and all-black draping to avoid police identification.
Antifascist radicals have never been as prominent in the US as they have been in countries such as Greece, where disguised people recently smashed the windows of the Golden Dawns headquarters. But in the aftermath of Trumps election and the ensuing heap of hate crimes, they have hurriedly mustered. A masked somebody famously swiped lily-white nationalist Richard Spencer in Washington DC on Inauguration Day; two weeks later, antifascists lit flames on UC Berkeleys campus in protest of rightwing ideologue Milo Yiannopoulos.
We live in a historical moment where theres unprecedented affluence inequality, and the average person is struggling to get by, added Sidney( not his real name ), an Appalachian antifascist “whos been” hindering a close watch on white nationalistic activity in his area. When governments, as they characteristically do, fail to step in, people look to other institutions for an answer. Fascism is having a revitalization because were in that time. Its not a problem thats going to be solved by leaving it alone. Thats like leaving new infections alone.
A 27 -year-old native of West Virginia, Sidney comes from a coal mining pedigree. He separates his time between investing drywall and planning with Redneck Revolt.
Pikeville really caught my courtesy, pronounced Sidney. The Traditionalist Worker partys been realizing real efforts to organize in Appalachia. Im not a Kentuckian, but Im a working-class Appalachian, and it certainly pokes in my craw.
Rednecks against intolerance: Anti-fascist objectors in downtown Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett To dissuade antifascists, who often wear masks during performances, the Pikeville city commission overtook an emergency rule that restricted the dres of masks or scarves in downtown Pikeville. Anyone above the age of 16 wearing a cover-up or punk would be subject to 50 daylights in jail and a $250 penalize.
Antifascist demonstrators would have to show their fronts, who are able potentially dangerous: neo-Nazi groups have been known to use facial acceptance software and other tactics to identify counter-protesters, acquire personal information and subject those identified to further harassment.
At Redneck Revolt, we incline not to cover our fronts regardless, replied Sidney. We want to make inroads with the community, and its easier if they knew who you are.
But Sidney had a greater concern: Kentucky is another open-carry state and Heimbach had encouraged members of the Nationalist Front to stop forearmed, ahead of possible leftist attacks. At least, however, he would have his own pistol: his Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, which he decided to carry concealed.
A couple regionals had expressed to Sidney that they wished they would all go home both neo-Nazis and antifascists.
I cant denounce them for detecting like that, did Sidney. Theyve went this huge ideological oppose on their doorstep that they didnt ask for.
Regardless, some time after noon, a large group of antifascist protesters some armed, some wearing bulletproof vests headed to the courthouse, ready to face the Nationalist Front.
Instead, they saw simply about 10 grey nationalistics, waiting in a bit range that had been fenced off by police. They were members of the League of the South, a group that promotes a refurbished strive at secession from the US. The two major Nationalist Front delegatings, the Traditionalist Workers party and the National Socialist Movement, were missing.
Rumor soon spread that they were lost.
Given that theyre not from such regions, and they dont represent the people here, its not exceedingly surprising, pronounced Sidney.
A Pikeville inhabitant indicates with Redneck Revolt objectors. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Harrisburg, groupings of six young white-hot nationalist servicemen wearing a outfit of lily-white polo shirts approached Neelys cookout place; they looked like missionaries, clean-shaven with neatly combed hair.
Max Neely approached them and invited, cautiously, whether they were interested in socialism.
No, they greeted. They related themselves of the membership of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist radical that endorses racial segregation and only admits applicants of European , non-Semitic heritage. They had originally been subsidized Trump as a presidential applicant, but were now in Harrisburg to affirmed him; they were disappointed that he had not yet initiated a white-hot ethno-state.
Neely wanted to keep them away from the cookout. On another epoch, in another fixed, some of his associates might have come ready for a fight. But today was meant to be family-friendly, and many of the outing attendees were young black partisans from a local high school. They could handle themselves, Neely knew, but the job of arguing for the legitimacy of your reality against the individuals who disavow your humanity is an arduous one.
So while his Redneck Revolt friends maintained a scrupulous watch from across the street, Neely tell the Identity Evropa members talk more about their dogma about how the US was a nation meant for white people, how white culture was under attack. Neely debated them as politely as he could, hoping his hushed listening could diffuse the situation. They thanked him for is just so calm and civil.
Its easy-going to be allay when youre a white man, responded Neely. Its simple when its not your life or your familys lives at stake.
They could not accompany the back of his shirt, which outlined a hooded representation dangling from a tree, and the words HANG YOUR LOCAL KLANSMAN.
The encounter objective preferably decisively: three neighbourhood youthful daughters had chased off the white nationalistics.
Resist: a eight-foot-tall signal made by the Redneck Revolt group in Harrisburg. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > source > By mid-afternoon, the cookout was in full swing. Nearby citizens replenished dishes with barbecued chicken and strawberries. A vicinity being looked at the pamphlets that Neely had laid down by. Piece Now, Peace Later: An Anarchist Introduction to Firearms, spoke one title.
Yall trying to overthrow the government? he asked.
Its more about society defense, reacted Travis, one of the Redneck Revolt members.
I just wanted to warn you, “the mens” resumed. West Philadelphia, 1985. Look what happened to them.
He was talking about the lefts own Ruby Ridge moment: in May 1985, a Philadelphia police helicopter dropped a rocket on to the row house that had dished as a installation for Move, an armed pitch-black freeing group. There were 11 fatalities, including the groups benefactor, John Africa, as well as five children. The developing attack destroyed 65 residences. A special fee afterwards appointed by the mayor to investigate the incident concluded that the bombing had been unconscionable.
When Neely and other white-hot each member of Redneck Revolt claim allyship with campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they are compelled to acknowledge their whiteness including with regard to, their capacity to carry weapons with impunity.
When Oath Keepers began to garrison rooftops during the 2014 objections in Ferguson, Missouri, their intention was to protect opponents from the police but many activists were scared and daunted by the form of heavily armed white people. When Redneck Revolt representatives show up at black-led rally occurrences, they often invited.
They are our security, enunciated Katherine Lugaro, an organizer with This Stops Today, Harrisburgs regional iteration of Black Lives Matter. Theyre a wall between us and anyone repulsive. They applied themselves on the line.
A neo-Nazi demonstrator in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Pikeville, a full hour after the rally was scheduled to begin, a van reeled into the parking lot down wall street. Matthew Heimbach and the rest of the neo-Nazis had arrived. Close to 100 people, dressed in head-to-toe black and carrying Nazi insignia, rallied up to the courthouse house. Many in the front were visibly armed; others carried wooden shields decorated with swastikas and Norse runes. Person had brought a shield peculiarity Pepe the Frog and the words Pepe ber Alles. They sieg-heiled to Heimbach.
They were outnumbered by protesters two-to-one.
Then extended a few hours of scheduled neo-Nazi discussions. This turned into a few hours of wailing, as the antifascists attempted to drown out the sound system with rhythms and mocks. From the midwest to the south, they sung, swipe a Nazi in the mouth.
A handful of Pikeville tenants persisted on the other side of the police railing, listening to the Nationalist Front speeches. But most locals present had trickled in along with the objectors, eventually obliging up a third of the crowd, and had joined in with the jeering.
They were absolutely the most strident antifascist utters there, remarked Sidney. Im assuming the majority of them tribes were apolitical, or perhaps republican, but the latter are drawing a line in the sand.
No traumata , no films burnt; the Nationalist Front finished their speeches and returned to their caravan. A ponderous police spirit had obstructed the two groups separated and frustrated any the possibilities for struggle. It was over.
Cathi Lyninger of Louisville affirms the neo Nazis in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett In Harrisburg, night precipitated. Max Neely and his banding of comrades eventually regrouped at a
Read more: https :// www.theguardian.com/ us-news/ 2017/ jul/ 11/ redneck-revolt-guns-anti-racism-fascism-far-left
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everythingmustgo · 7 years
The signs things are so cool! I'm aries, leo and cancer!
okay firstly im sorry I took so long to answer this !!! they take a super long time to go into detail w lmao but I hope its okay!!! im going to assume the order is sun moon nd rising im sorry if thats wrong! but ur aries sun is gonna make u strong willed nd mayb hot headed, u throw urself head first into projects and if its a group project ur ALWAYS gonna wanna spearhead it. ur a good leader generally but dont always listen to others bc ur so strongly individual and arent always open to compromise. its ur way or nothing! others look up to u tho bc of ur boldness nd leadership skills, u have such great presence! like all fire signs aries r BOLD and highly captivating, strong personalities nd wear their heart on their sleeve. people have immediate opinions on fire signs, whether they are positive or negative nd they rarely change from this instinctive feeling. cant keep anything to themselves, have to confront things and people if they feel hurt by them. ur veeery confrontational u make ur feelings Known. can b angry. u hate feeling outspoken above all else ESP w ur leo moon u need to b listened to and appreciated!!! when it comes to ur inner self ur emotions tend to b dramatic and energetic, like aries u can tend to swerve towards the aggressive kind of expression. however the most important thing to remember is that leos r deeply insecure and their need for love and attention comes from an ingrained idea that if they are not treated to their high standards they are u undesirable. a leo moon will tell how theyre feeling rather than hide them but may get angry if u dont immediately know how to solve their problem. they can be rly dramatic which leads people to not take them seriously when smth is actually wrong, which is v upsetting. leo moons can SULK theyre broody fuckers!!! however u do feel things v deeply nd have no trouble expressing this. bc of ur aries sun its likely u wanna act on everything immediately nd waste no time waiting around!!! while a leo will sulk and allow themselves to wallow in self pity, an aries will try and solve their problems. however they often dont think it through and act on impulses, which can either be lucky or create more problems. a leo moon is incredibly giving when it comes to the emotions of others, they may not always know what to do but they have infinite love and loyalty to those they care about and will most likely try and help them but making them feel special. if they understand ur problem or hav experience w it u can connect so deeply w a leo moon. theyre such loyal caring people, like to seem fearless but theyre not nd theyll tell u that when they trust u enough. u tackle everything in ur life head on and while u have a need for constant change around u from ur aries, u also have a need for emotional stability from ur leo. ur at ur most content with a challenge, u dont have to finish it to feel satisfaction u just need to keep finding new things to do. its when u stay one way too long that u start to stagnate, u get angry and pissy and probably take it out on others. bc ur a cancer moon tho its likely that the way u express urself and the way ur seen by others is less firey than ur fire sun nd moon r. a rising in a water sign kinda puts out ya flames a bit. u probably show urself as emotionally volatile and hav a deep connection to ur inner self. cancers feel things v strongly and care v strongly for others! their affection is almost maternal in nature, they want to look after and protect u. almost all cancers have the inner conflict that is an ingrained sense of inadequacy and an instinct for self preservation. they rarely feel worthy, but will ALWAYS put themselves first. they can b very selfish, while cancers are super loving and caring, if its u or them theyll save themselves. people probably also get this sense from u bc ur an aries sun (strong leader, highly individual) and a leo moon (bold nd egocentric, often winds up making their problems everyone elses problems). ur closeness w the self and individuality r all commonalities in ur signs. HOWEVER another common factor is ur genuine love and care for others!!! this is esp prominent in ur moon nd rising, ur moon showing a generosity and loyalty to others in the realm of emotions (note that these are also ways u react to ur own emotions: u maybe like to treat urself, seek assurance from others and avoid blame to avoid pain) and ur cancer showing and instinctive need to protect others and make sure they feel loved and cared for. ur aries sun means that these may not feel as prominent in u as ur need to strive ahead w ur own life but emotionally, and expressively, ur love for others is strong, and ofc so is ur sense of self preservation which is equally important! its a good thing to look out for urself, as long as u look out for others too which u do! sorry if this ones a bit of a mess lmao i think i got off track a few times but i hope it made sense!
//no more til i finish the ones ive got plsss nd sorry for the delay!//
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victoryliononline · 7 years
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism
There are various commonalities between the far left and the far right including a arrogance for liberals but the most difficult divide is on the topic of intolerance
The cookout offered free meat, a face-painting kiosk and a demonstrate sign-making terminal a pile of cut-up cardboard caskets, coat markers and moves of parcelling videotape. A group of place sons, each no older than 12, assembled around. They missed signalings to tape to their bicycles, so we are able to razz around and tell Trump what they thought of him.
One grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote in large-hearted words: TRUMPS A BITCH.
Max Neely rapidly stepped in.
Im not sure you should utilize that command, he answered, his voice taking on a kindly hue. At 6ft2in, he towered over them. That term isnt exceedingly respectful to girls, and there are a lot of women around here today that we should be respecting. Perhaps you are able to think of another parole to use.
The sons awarded. Eventually, they settled on a different, less offensive rally clue at the least in Neelys attentions. FUCK TRUMP, it spoke, followed by four exclamation points.
A 31 -year-old activist with long fuzz and a full wiry beard, Neely had a full era of government activism ahead of him: Donald Trump was in Harrisburg to mark his 100 th day in role with a addres at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. In other parts of the city, the liberal opposition were also readying themselves: makings such as Keystone Progress, Dauphin County Democrat and the regional Indivisible radical planned to rally in rally.
Neelys group were not among them. Instead, they had set up a picnic site in a small ballpark, offering a barbecue and leftist folders. Someone had planted a bright scarlet hammer-and-sickle flag in the grass. On a nearby counter hung a black banner that tolerate the words Redneck Revolt: anti-racist, pro-gun, pro-labor.
Activist Steve Hilditch, who runs a section of the Redneck Revolt radical. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > root > If you havent acknowledged, we arent liberals, mentioned Jeremy Beck, one of Neelys cookout acquaintances. You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your shoots back.
Wooly radicals, theyre not. Redneck Revolt is a nationwide organization of forearmed political organizers from urban, working-class backgrounds who strive to reclaim the period redneck and promote active anti-racism. It is not an alone lily-white group, although it was does take a special interest in the specific travails of the white good. The establishments principles are plainly left-wing: against white ascendancy, against capitalism and the nation-state, in support of the marginalized.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state, where shoot proprietors can legally carry weapons in public without camouflage. Redneck Revolt members often realise the course of carrying out openly carrying a artillery as a political statement: the presence of a discernible artillery has contributed to intimidate resists and corroborate shoot freedoms. Many of the cookout attendees owned grease-guns, and had considered bringing them today but eventually they had decided to come unarmed, in the interest of restraining the phenomenon family-friendly.
Redneck Revolt began in 2009 as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a handguns developing activity originally are stationed in Kansas. Dave Strano, one of Redneck Revolts founding members, had confiscated upon what he saw as a negation in the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. Many Tea party organizers were fellow working-class people who had permitted significant sufferings as a result of the 2008 economic crisis which, in his eyes, had been caused by the terribly prosperous. And more, Tea Partiers were now flocking in great numbers to rallies funded by the 1 %.
By corroborating economically republican politicians, Strano recalled, they would only be significantly controlled to benefit the once rich.
The history of the lily-white working class has been a record of being an manipulated parties, he wrote. Nonetheless, weve been an manipulated people that farther employs other exploited people. While weve been living in tenements and slums for centuries, weve too been used by the rich to affect our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colourings, religions and nationalities.
Now, eight years later, more than 20 Redneck Revolt fields have ripened across the US; different groups straddle widely in size, some with only a handful of members. Max Neely is a member of the Mason-Dixon branch, which encompasses central Pennsylvania as well as his native western Maryland. Many members are lily-white, but the organization seeks to build on a redneck identity beyond race.
I grew up playing in the groves, hovering coolers of brew down a creek, hitting off fireworks, simply generally raising hell, all that kind of stuff, mentioned Neely. Acts most people would consider a part of redneck culture. Were trying to acknowledge the ways weve originated mistakes and bought into white-hot ascendancy and capitalism, but also contribute ourselves a better environment in which its OK to celebrate redneck culture.
The group draws a great deal of insight from the Young Patriots Organization, a 1960 s-era partisan radical comprising primarily of white-hot working-class Appalachians and southerners. Im very impressed with Redneck Revolt, answered Hy Thurman, one of the early benefactors of the Young Patriots. I think theyre right on with what theyre trying to do.
The group opposed combating racism and worked closely with the Black Panthers, but they did make use of the Confederate flag in their recruiting. Thurman explained that it was used only strategically, to start the talks with good white people who might identify with the symbol.
In the same way that the Young Patriots once squandered the Confederate flag, Redneck Revolt seeks to employ another insignium of rural America: guns.
Redneck Revolt groups work on accommodating an explicitly anti-racist existence in rural areas, and sharpen particularly on gun displays. Many members are from the locations where guns are relatively normalized, and Neely requires Redneck Revolt to serve as a viable alternative for people who might otherwise meet the growing right-wing militia movement.
Since the 1992 Ruby Ridge besiege, the US has evidenced an increase in anti-government paramilitary companies. Oath Keepers, for example, is a militia group that strives to defend the American constitution, which the group believes is under threat by its own government. They claim to be nonpartisan, but its members politics tend to distort far right. During last few years presidential election, they announced that members would be checking electing booths to prevent referendum tampering, territory he was most concerned about expected tries at voter forgery by leftists.
But groups like Oath Keepers have much in common with far leftists: concerns about the infringement of human rights, dissents to mass monitoring and the ever reauthorized Patriot Act, feeling at the continuation of the contends of the working poor.
We use gun culture as a room to relate to beings, pronounced Neely, whose grandfather was an ardent hunter. No liberal elitism. Our basic content is: firearms are penalty, but intolerance is not.
Officially, Oath Keepers bylaws veto anyone associated with a abhor radical from joining, though their background checks have proven to be inconsistent at best. But there are other rightwing groups around the explicitly racist kind.
Im worried about Pikeville, pronounced Neely. Ive went friends out there.
KKK members salute next to a station wagon at a private campground in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Image: Pat Jarrett for the Guardian figcaption > beginning > Pikeville is a small Kentucky town depth in the heart of Appalachia. It has no major airport or interstate, a population of less than 10,000 and an abundance of peaceful mountain surrounding. Mining has long been the major industry now, though Pikeville too captivates tourism: mid-April chooses over 100,000 visitors to the annual Hillbilly Days gala, a occasion of Appalachian culture and music.
In the week after the celebration objective, however, Pikevilles atmosphere had made a distinct form. Neo-Nazis were coming to municipality the same day as Trumps appearance in Harrisburg.
The Nationalist Front an alliance of far-right lily-white nationalistic make-ups was scheming a revival in front of Pikevilles courthouse. Make a stand for white acting lineages, read an invitation that flowed online.
This embarks a process of building and expanding our seeds within grey working class communities to become the community preaches that our people need and deserve, wrote Matthew Heimbach on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
Pike County chronically impoverished, overwhelmingly white is seen as a fruitful lay for spreading their ideology. The metropoli of Pikeville itself has actually knew some growth in the past few years, but the greater expanse is struggling. Pike Countys unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation: 10%, more than twice that of the US as a whole.
Trump successfully tapped into this desperation with his pro-labor, anti-immigrant hyperbole and successfully triumphed more than 80% of votes assigned. Citing this figure, Heimbach hoped to develop dwelling pro-Trump sentimentalities into full-blown national socialism.
Were doing this because we care about the people of Pike County, did Jeff Schoep, head of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, in a video promoting the rally. Weve visualized factories shut down, weve witnessed people losing their jobs, weve heard families going frantic and contacting out for narcotics or interesting thing that they shouldnt be doing. We want to give people hope again. Something worth fighting for.
That something happened to be a white-hot ethno-state, and many Pikeville residents were not interested.
The city approved work permits for the Nationalist Front to gathering downtown, citing the constitutional title of free speech and assembly, though Donovan Blackburn, the city manager, also issued the following statement promoting quietnes, respect and diversity.
Students at the University of Pikeville scheduled a counter-protest, but the occasion was speedily canceled due to safety concerns: university officials is concerned that a conflict between the Nationalist Front and representatives from the antifascist motion or antifa could intensify into violence.
An anti-fascist counter-march to #MarchAgainstSharia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Picture: Sean Kitchen Developed in Europe over the past decades, antifascists represent the lefts own united front: a conflux of revolutionaries, communists, social democrats and others, dedicated to embossing out autocracy by any means necessary, including violence which they see as a justified response to the inherent violence of dictatorship. They often hire black alliance tactics, where individuals wear masks and all-black draping to avoid police identification.
Antifascist radicals have never been as prominent in the US as they have been in countries such as Greece, where disguised people recently smashed the windows of the Golden Dawns headquarters. But in the aftermath of Trumps election and the ensuing heap of hate crimes, they have hurriedly mustered. A masked somebody famously swiped lily-white nationalist Richard Spencer in Washington DC on Inauguration Day; two weeks later, antifascists lit flames on UC Berkeleys campus in protest of rightwing ideologue Milo Yiannopoulos.
We live in a historical moment where theres unprecedented affluence inequality, and the average person is struggling to get by, added Sidney( not his real name ), an Appalachian antifascist “whos been” hindering a close watch on white nationalistic activity in his area. When governments, as they characteristically do, fail to step in, people look to other institutions for an answer. Fascism is having a revitalization because were in that time. Its not a problem thats going to be solved by leaving it alone. Thats like leaving new infections alone.
A 27 -year-old native of West Virginia, Sidney comes from a coal mining pedigree. He separates his time between investing drywall and planning with Redneck Revolt.
Pikeville really caught my courtesy, pronounced Sidney. The Traditionalist Worker partys been realizing real efforts to organize in Appalachia. Im not a Kentuckian, but Im a working-class Appalachian, and it certainly pokes in my craw.
Rednecks against intolerance: Anti-fascist objectors in downtown Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett To dissuade antifascists, who often wear masks during performances, the Pikeville city commission overtook an emergency rule that restricted the dres of masks or scarves in downtown Pikeville. Anyone above the age of 16 wearing a cover-up or punk would be subject to 50 daylights in jail and a $250 penalize.
Antifascist demonstrators would have to show their fronts, who are able potentially dangerous: neo-Nazi groups have been known to use facial acceptance software and other tactics to identify counter-protesters, acquire personal information and subject those identified to further harassment.
At Redneck Revolt, we incline not to cover our fronts regardless, replied Sidney. We want to make inroads with the community, and its easier if they knew who you are.
But Sidney had a greater concern: Kentucky is another open-carry state and Heimbach had encouraged members of the Nationalist Front to stop forearmed, ahead of possible leftist attacks. At least, however, he would have his own pistol: his Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, which he decided to carry concealed.
A couple regionals had expressed to Sidney that they wished they would all go home both neo-Nazis and antifascists.
I cant denounce them for detecting like that, did Sidney. Theyve went this huge ideological oppose on their doorstep that they didnt ask for.
Regardless, some time after noon, a large group of antifascist protesters some armed, some wearing bulletproof vests headed to the courthouse, ready to face the Nationalist Front.
Instead, they saw simply about 10 grey nationalistics, waiting in a bit range that had been fenced off by police. They were members of the League of the South, a group that promotes a refurbished strive at secession from the US. The two major Nationalist Front delegatings, the Traditionalist Workers party and the National Socialist Movement, were missing.
Rumor soon spread that they were lost.
Given that theyre not from such regions, and they dont represent the people here, its not exceedingly surprising, pronounced Sidney.
A Pikeville inhabitant indicates with Redneck Revolt objectors. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Harrisburg, groupings of six young white-hot nationalist servicemen wearing a outfit of lily-white polo shirts approached Neelys cookout place; they looked like missionaries, clean-shaven with neatly combed hair.
Max Neely approached them and invited, cautiously, whether they were interested in socialism.
No, they greeted. They related themselves of the membership of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist radical that endorses racial segregation and only admits applicants of European , non-Semitic heritage. They had originally been subsidized Trump as a presidential applicant, but were now in Harrisburg to affirmed him; they were disappointed that he had not yet initiated a white-hot ethno-state.
Neely wanted to keep them away from the cookout. On another epoch, in another fixed, some of his associates might have come ready for a fight. But today was meant to be family-friendly, and many of the outing attendees were young black partisans from a local high school. They could handle themselves, Neely knew, but the job of arguing for the legitimacy of your reality against the individuals who disavow your humanity is an arduous one.
So while his Redneck Revolt friends maintained a scrupulous watch from across the street, Neely tell the Identity Evropa members talk more about their dogma about how the US was a nation meant for white people, how white culture was under attack. Neely debated them as politely as he could, hoping his hushed listening could diffuse the situation. They thanked him for is just so calm and civil.
Its easy-going to be allay when youre a white man, responded Neely. Its simple when its not your life or your familys lives at stake.
They could not accompany the back of his shirt, which outlined a hooded representation dangling from a tree, and the words HANG YOUR LOCAL KLANSMAN.
The encounter objective preferably decisively: three neighbourhood youthful daughters had chased off the white nationalistics.
Resist: a eight-foot-tall signal made by the Redneck Revolt group in Harrisburg. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > source > By mid-afternoon, the cookout was in full swing. Nearby citizens replenished dishes with barbecued chicken and strawberries. A vicinity being looked at the pamphlets that Neely had laid down by. Piece Now, Peace Later: An Anarchist Introduction to Firearms, spoke one title.
Yall trying to overthrow the government? he asked.
Its more about society defense, reacted Travis, one of the Redneck Revolt members.
I just wanted to warn you, “the mens” resumed. West Philadelphia, 1985. Look what happened to them.
He was talking about the lefts own Ruby Ridge moment: in May 1985, a Philadelphia police helicopter dropped a rocket on to the row house that had dished as a installation for Move, an armed pitch-black freeing group. There were 11 fatalities, including the groups benefactor, John Africa, as well as five children. The developing attack destroyed 65 residences. A special fee afterwards appointed by the mayor to investigate the incident concluded that the bombing had been unconscionable.
When Neely and other white-hot each member of Redneck Revolt claim allyship with campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they are compelled to acknowledge their whiteness including with regard to, their capacity to carry weapons with impunity.
When Oath Keepers began to garrison rooftops during the 2014 objections in Ferguson, Missouri, their intention was to protect opponents from the police but many activists were scared and daunted by the form of heavily armed white people. When Redneck Revolt representatives show up at black-led rally occurrences, they often invited.
They are our security, enunciated Katherine Lugaro, an organizer with This Stops Today, Harrisburgs regional iteration of Black Lives Matter. Theyre a wall between us and anyone repulsive. They applied themselves on the line.
A neo-Nazi demonstrator in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Pikeville, a full hour after the rally was scheduled to begin, a van reeled into the parking lot down wall street. Matthew Heimbach and the rest of the neo-Nazis had arrived. Close to 100 people, dressed in head-to-toe black and carrying Nazi insignia, rallied up to the courthouse house. Many in the front were visibly armed; others carried wooden shields decorated with swastikas and Norse runes. Person had brought a shield peculiarity Pepe the Frog and the words Pepe ber Alles. They sieg-heiled to Heimbach.
They were outnumbered by protesters two-to-one.
Then extended a few hours of scheduled neo-Nazi discussions. This turned into a few hours of wailing, as the antifascists attempted to drown out the sound system with rhythms and mocks. From the midwest to the south, they sung, swipe a Nazi in the mouth.
A handful of Pikeville tenants persisted on the other side of the police railing, listening to the Nationalist Front speeches. But most locals present had trickled in along with the objectors, eventually obliging up a third of the crowd, and had joined in with the jeering.
They were absolutely the most strident antifascist utters there, remarked Sidney. Im assuming the majority of them tribes were apolitical, or perhaps republican, but the latter are drawing a line in the sand.
No traumata , no films burnt; the Nationalist Front finished their speeches and returned to their caravan. A ponderous police spirit had obstructed the two groups separated and frustrated any the possibilities for struggle. It was over.
Cathi Lyninger of Louisville affirms the neo Nazis in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett In Harrisburg, night precipitated. Max Neely and his banding of comrades eventually regrouped at a
Read more: https :// www.theguardian.com/ us-news/ 2017/ jul/ 11/ redneck-revolt-guns-anti-racism-fascism-far-left
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victoryliononline · 7 years
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism
There are various commonalities between the far left and the far right including a arrogance for liberals but the most difficult divide is on the topic of intolerance
The cookout offered free meat, a face-painting kiosk and a demonstrate sign-making terminal a pile of cut-up cardboard caskets, coat markers and moves of parcelling videotape. A group of place sons, each no older than 12, assembled around. They missed signalings to tape to their bicycles, so we are able to razz around and tell Trump what they thought of him.
One grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote in large-hearted words: TRUMPS A BITCH.
Max Neely rapidly stepped in.
Im not sure you should utilize that command, he answered, his voice taking on a kindly hue. At 6ft2in, he towered over them. That term isnt exceedingly respectful to girls, and there are a lot of women around here today that we should be respecting. Perhaps you are able to think of another parole to use.
The sons awarded. Eventually, they settled on a different, less offensive rally clue at the least in Neelys attentions. FUCK TRUMP, it spoke, followed by four exclamation points.
A 31 -year-old activist with long fuzz and a full wiry beard, Neely had a full era of government activism ahead of him: Donald Trump was in Harrisburg to mark his 100 th day in role with a addres at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. In other parts of the city, the liberal opposition were also readying themselves: makings such as Keystone Progress, Dauphin County Democrat and the regional Indivisible radical planned to rally in rally.
Neelys group were not among them. Instead, they had set up a picnic site in a small ballpark, offering a barbecue and leftist folders. Someone had planted a bright scarlet hammer-and-sickle flag in the grass. On a nearby counter hung a black banner that tolerate the words Redneck Revolt: anti-racist, pro-gun, pro-labor.
Activist Steve Hilditch, who runs a section of the Redneck Revolt radical. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > root > If you havent acknowledged, we arent liberals, mentioned Jeremy Beck, one of Neelys cookout acquaintances. You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your shoots back.
Wooly radicals, theyre not. Redneck Revolt is a nationwide organization of forearmed political organizers from urban, working-class backgrounds who strive to reclaim the period redneck and promote active anti-racism. It is not an alone lily-white group, although it was does take a special interest in the specific travails of the white good. The establishments principles are plainly left-wing: against white ascendancy, against capitalism and the nation-state, in support of the marginalized.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state, where shoot proprietors can legally carry weapons in public without camouflage. Redneck Revolt members often realise the course of carrying out openly carrying a artillery as a political statement: the presence of a discernible artillery has contributed to intimidate resists and corroborate shoot freedoms. Many of the cookout attendees owned grease-guns, and had considered bringing them today but eventually they had decided to come unarmed, in the interest of restraining the phenomenon family-friendly.
Redneck Revolt began in 2009 as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a handguns developing activity originally are stationed in Kansas. Dave Strano, one of Redneck Revolts founding members, had confiscated upon what he saw as a negation in the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. Many Tea party organizers were fellow working-class people who had permitted significant sufferings as a result of the 2008 economic crisis which, in his eyes, had been caused by the terribly prosperous. And more, Tea Partiers were now flocking in great numbers to rallies funded by the 1 %.
By corroborating economically republican politicians, Strano recalled, they would only be significantly controlled to benefit the once rich.
The history of the lily-white working class has been a record of being an manipulated parties, he wrote. Nonetheless, weve been an manipulated people that farther employs other exploited people. While weve been living in tenements and slums for centuries, weve too been used by the rich to affect our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colourings, religions and nationalities.
Now, eight years later, more than 20 Redneck Revolt fields have ripened across the US; different groups straddle widely in size, some with only a handful of members. Max Neely is a member of the Mason-Dixon branch, which encompasses central Pennsylvania as well as his native western Maryland. Many members are lily-white, but the organization seeks to build on a redneck identity beyond race.
I grew up playing in the groves, hovering coolers of brew down a creek, hitting off fireworks, simply generally raising hell, all that kind of stuff, mentioned Neely. Acts most people would consider a part of redneck culture. Were trying to acknowledge the ways weve originated mistakes and bought into white-hot ascendancy and capitalism, but also contribute ourselves a better environment in which its OK to celebrate redneck culture.
The group draws a great deal of insight from the Young Patriots Organization, a 1960 s-era partisan radical comprising primarily of white-hot working-class Appalachians and southerners. Im very impressed with Redneck Revolt, answered Hy Thurman, one of the early benefactors of the Young Patriots. I think theyre right on with what theyre trying to do.
The group opposed combating racism and worked closely with the Black Panthers, but they did make use of the Confederate flag in their recruiting. Thurman explained that it was used only strategically, to start the talks with good white people who might identify with the symbol.
In the same way that the Young Patriots once squandered the Confederate flag, Redneck Revolt seeks to employ another insignium of rural America: guns.
Redneck Revolt groups work on accommodating an explicitly anti-racist existence in rural areas, and sharpen particularly on gun displays. Many members are from the locations where guns are relatively normalized, and Neely requires Redneck Revolt to serve as a viable alternative for people who might otherwise meet the growing right-wing militia movement.
Since the 1992 Ruby Ridge besiege, the US has evidenced an increase in anti-government paramilitary companies. Oath Keepers, for example, is a militia group that strives to defend the American constitution, which the group believes is under threat by its own government. They claim to be nonpartisan, but its members politics tend to distort far right. During last few years presidential election, they announced that members would be checking electing booths to prevent referendum tampering, territory he was most concerned about expected tries at voter forgery by leftists.
But groups like Oath Keepers have much in common with far leftists: concerns about the infringement of human rights, dissents to mass monitoring and the ever reauthorized Patriot Act, feeling at the continuation of the contends of the working poor.
We use gun culture as a room to relate to beings, pronounced Neely, whose grandfather was an ardent hunter. No liberal elitism. Our basic content is: firearms are penalty, but intolerance is not.
Officially, Oath Keepers bylaws veto anyone associated with a abhor radical from joining, though their background checks have proven to be inconsistent at best. But there are other rightwing groups around the explicitly racist kind.
Im worried about Pikeville, pronounced Neely. Ive went friends out there.
KKK members salute next to a station wagon at a private campground in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Image: Pat Jarrett for the Guardian figcaption > beginning > Pikeville is a small Kentucky town depth in the heart of Appalachia. It has no major airport or interstate, a population of less than 10,000 and an abundance of peaceful mountain surrounding. Mining has long been the major industry now, though Pikeville too captivates tourism: mid-April chooses over 100,000 visitors to the annual Hillbilly Days gala, a occasion of Appalachian culture and music.
In the week after the celebration objective, however, Pikevilles atmosphere had made a distinct form. Neo-Nazis were coming to municipality the same day as Trumps appearance in Harrisburg.
The Nationalist Front an alliance of far-right lily-white nationalistic make-ups was scheming a revival in front of Pikevilles courthouse. Make a stand for white acting lineages, read an invitation that flowed online.
This embarks a process of building and expanding our seeds within grey working class communities to become the community preaches that our people need and deserve, wrote Matthew Heimbach on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
Pike County chronically impoverished, overwhelmingly white is seen as a fruitful lay for spreading their ideology. The metropoli of Pikeville itself has actually knew some growth in the past few years, but the greater expanse is struggling. Pike Countys unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation: 10%, more than twice that of the US as a whole.
Trump successfully tapped into this desperation with his pro-labor, anti-immigrant hyperbole and successfully triumphed more than 80% of votes assigned. Citing this figure, Heimbach hoped to develop dwelling pro-Trump sentimentalities into full-blown national socialism.
Were doing this because we care about the people of Pike County, did Jeff Schoep, head of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, in a video promoting the rally. Weve visualized factories shut down, weve witnessed people losing their jobs, weve heard families going frantic and contacting out for narcotics or interesting thing that they shouldnt be doing. We want to give people hope again. Something worth fighting for.
That something happened to be a white-hot ethno-state, and many Pikeville residents were not interested.
The city approved work permits for the Nationalist Front to gathering downtown, citing the constitutional title of free speech and assembly, though Donovan Blackburn, the city manager, also issued the following statement promoting quietnes, respect and diversity.
Students at the University of Pikeville scheduled a counter-protest, but the occasion was speedily canceled due to safety concerns: university officials is concerned that a conflict between the Nationalist Front and representatives from the antifascist motion or antifa could intensify into violence.
An anti-fascist counter-march to #MarchAgainstSharia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Picture: Sean Kitchen Developed in Europe over the past decades, antifascists represent the lefts own united front: a conflux of revolutionaries, communists, social democrats and others, dedicated to embossing out autocracy by any means necessary, including violence which they see as a justified response to the inherent violence of dictatorship. They often hire black alliance tactics, where individuals wear masks and all-black draping to avoid police identification.
Antifascist radicals have never been as prominent in the US as they have been in countries such as Greece, where disguised people recently smashed the windows of the Golden Dawns headquarters. But in the aftermath of Trumps election and the ensuing heap of hate crimes, they have hurriedly mustered. A masked somebody famously swiped lily-white nationalist Richard Spencer in Washington DC on Inauguration Day; two weeks later, antifascists lit flames on UC Berkeleys campus in protest of rightwing ideologue Milo Yiannopoulos.
We live in a historical moment where theres unprecedented affluence inequality, and the average person is struggling to get by, added Sidney( not his real name ), an Appalachian antifascist “whos been” hindering a close watch on white nationalistic activity in his area. When governments, as they characteristically do, fail to step in, people look to other institutions for an answer. Fascism is having a revitalization because were in that time. Its not a problem thats going to be solved by leaving it alone. Thats like leaving new infections alone.
A 27 -year-old native of West Virginia, Sidney comes from a coal mining pedigree. He separates his time between investing drywall and planning with Redneck Revolt.
Pikeville really caught my courtesy, pronounced Sidney. The Traditionalist Worker partys been realizing real efforts to organize in Appalachia. Im not a Kentuckian, but Im a working-class Appalachian, and it certainly pokes in my craw.
Rednecks against intolerance: Anti-fascist objectors in downtown Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett To dissuade antifascists, who often wear masks during performances, the Pikeville city commission overtook an emergency rule that restricted the dres of masks or scarves in downtown Pikeville. Anyone above the age of 16 wearing a cover-up or punk would be subject to 50 daylights in jail and a $250 penalize.
Antifascist demonstrators would have to show their fronts, who are able potentially dangerous: neo-Nazi groups have been known to use facial acceptance software and other tactics to identify counter-protesters, acquire personal information and subject those identified to further harassment.
At Redneck Revolt, we incline not to cover our fronts regardless, replied Sidney. We want to make inroads with the community, and its easier if they knew who you are.
But Sidney had a greater concern: Kentucky is another open-carry state and Heimbach had encouraged members of the Nationalist Front to stop forearmed, ahead of possible leftist attacks. At least, however, he would have his own pistol: his Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, which he decided to carry concealed.
A couple regionals had expressed to Sidney that they wished they would all go home both neo-Nazis and antifascists.
I cant denounce them for detecting like that, did Sidney. Theyve went this huge ideological oppose on their doorstep that they didnt ask for.
Regardless, some time after noon, a large group of antifascist protesters some armed, some wearing bulletproof vests headed to the courthouse, ready to face the Nationalist Front.
Instead, they saw simply about 10 grey nationalistics, waiting in a bit range that had been fenced off by police. They were members of the League of the South, a group that promotes a refurbished strive at secession from the US. The two major Nationalist Front delegatings, the Traditionalist Workers party and the National Socialist Movement, were missing.
Rumor soon spread that they were lost.
Given that theyre not from such regions, and they dont represent the people here, its not exceedingly surprising, pronounced Sidney.
A Pikeville inhabitant indicates with Redneck Revolt objectors. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Harrisburg, groupings of six young white-hot nationalist servicemen wearing a outfit of lily-white polo shirts approached Neelys cookout place; they looked like missionaries, clean-shaven with neatly combed hair.
Max Neely approached them and invited, cautiously, whether they were interested in socialism.
No, they greeted. They related themselves of the membership of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist radical that endorses racial segregation and only admits applicants of European , non-Semitic heritage. They had originally been subsidized Trump as a presidential applicant, but were now in Harrisburg to affirmed him; they were disappointed that he had not yet initiated a white-hot ethno-state.
Neely wanted to keep them away from the cookout. On another epoch, in another fixed, some of his associates might have come ready for a fight. But today was meant to be family-friendly, and many of the outing attendees were young black partisans from a local high school. They could handle themselves, Neely knew, but the job of arguing for the legitimacy of your reality against the individuals who disavow your humanity is an arduous one.
So while his Redneck Revolt friends maintained a scrupulous watch from across the street, Neely tell the Identity Evropa members talk more about their dogma about how the US was a nation meant for white people, how white culture was under attack. Neely debated them as politely as he could, hoping his hushed listening could diffuse the situation. They thanked him for is just so calm and civil.
Its easy-going to be allay when youre a white man, responded Neely. Its simple when its not your life or your familys lives at stake.
They could not accompany the back of his shirt, which outlined a hooded representation dangling from a tree, and the words HANG YOUR LOCAL KLANSMAN.
The encounter objective preferably decisively: three neighbourhood youthful daughters had chased off the white nationalistics.
Resist: a eight-foot-tall signal made by the Redneck Revolt group in Harrisburg. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > source > By mid-afternoon, the cookout was in full swing. Nearby citizens replenished dishes with barbecued chicken and strawberries. A vicinity being looked at the pamphlets that Neely had laid down by. Piece Now, Peace Later: An Anarchist Introduction to Firearms, spoke one title.
Yall trying to overthrow the government? he asked.
Its more about society defense, reacted Travis, one of the Redneck Revolt members.
I just wanted to warn you, “the mens” resumed. West Philadelphia, 1985. Look what happened to them.
He was talking about the lefts own Ruby Ridge moment: in May 1985, a Philadelphia police helicopter dropped a rocket on to the row house that had dished as a installation for Move, an armed pitch-black freeing group. There were 11 fatalities, including the groups benefactor, John Africa, as well as five children. The developing attack destroyed 65 residences. A special fee afterwards appointed by the mayor to investigate the incident concluded that the bombing had been unconscionable.
When Neely and other white-hot each member of Redneck Revolt claim allyship with campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they are compelled to acknowledge their whiteness including with regard to, their capacity to carry weapons with impunity.
When Oath Keepers began to garrison rooftops during the 2014 objections in Ferguson, Missouri, their intention was to protect opponents from the police but many activists were scared and daunted by the form of heavily armed white people. When Redneck Revolt representatives show up at black-led rally occurrences, they often invited.
They are our security, enunciated Katherine Lugaro, an organizer with This Stops Today, Harrisburgs regional iteration of Black Lives Matter. Theyre a wall between us and anyone repulsive. They applied themselves on the line.
A neo-Nazi demonstrator in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Pikeville, a full hour after the rally was scheduled to begin, a van reeled into the parking lot down wall street. Matthew Heimbach and the rest of the neo-Nazis had arrived. Close to 100 people, dressed in head-to-toe black and carrying Nazi insignia, rallied up to the courthouse house. Many in the front were visibly armed; others carried wooden shields decorated with swastikas and Norse runes. Person had brought a shield peculiarity Pepe the Frog and the words Pepe ber Alles. They sieg-heiled to Heimbach.
They were outnumbered by protesters two-to-one.
Then extended a few hours of scheduled neo-Nazi discussions. This turned into a few hours of wailing, as the antifascists attempted to drown out the sound system with rhythms and mocks. From the midwest to the south, they sung, swipe a Nazi in the mouth.
A handful of Pikeville tenants persisted on the other side of the police railing, listening to the Nationalist Front speeches. But most locals present had trickled in along with the objectors, eventually obliging up a third of the crowd, and had joined in with the jeering.
They were absolutely the most strident antifascist utters there, remarked Sidney. Im assuming the majority of them tribes were apolitical, or perhaps republican, but the latter are drawing a line in the sand.
No traumata , no films burnt; the Nationalist Front finished their speeches and returned to their caravan. A ponderous police spirit had obstructed the two groups separated and frustrated any the possibilities for struggle. It was over.
Cathi Lyninger of Louisville affirms the neo Nazis in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett In Harrisburg, night precipitated. Max Neely and his banding of comrades eventually regrouped at a
Read more: https :// www.theguardian.com/ us-news/ 2017/ jul/ 11/ redneck-revolt-guns-anti-racism-fascism-far-left
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victoryliononline · 7 years
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism
There are various commonalities between the far left and the far right including a arrogance for liberals but the most difficult divide is on the topic of intolerance
The cookout offered free meat, a face-painting kiosk and a demonstrate sign-making terminal a pile of cut-up cardboard caskets, coat markers and moves of parcelling videotape. A group of place sons, each no older than 12, assembled around. They missed signalings to tape to their bicycles, so we are able to razz around and tell Trump what they thought of him.
One grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote in large-hearted words: TRUMPS A BITCH.
Max Neely rapidly stepped in.
Im not sure you should utilize that command, he answered, his voice taking on a kindly hue. At 6ft2in, he towered over them. That term isnt exceedingly respectful to girls, and there are a lot of women around here today that we should be respecting. Perhaps you are able to think of another parole to use.
The sons awarded. Eventually, they settled on a different, less offensive rally clue at the least in Neelys attentions. FUCK TRUMP, it spoke, followed by four exclamation points.
A 31 -year-old activist with long fuzz and a full wiry beard, Neely had a full era of government activism ahead of him: Donald Trump was in Harrisburg to mark his 100 th day in role with a addres at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. In other parts of the city, the liberal opposition were also readying themselves: makings such as Keystone Progress, Dauphin County Democrat and the regional Indivisible radical planned to rally in rally.
Neelys group were not among them. Instead, they had set up a picnic site in a small ballpark, offering a barbecue and leftist folders. Someone had planted a bright scarlet hammer-and-sickle flag in the grass. On a nearby counter hung a black banner that tolerate the words Redneck Revolt: anti-racist, pro-gun, pro-labor.
Activist Steve Hilditch, who runs a section of the Redneck Revolt radical. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > root > If you havent acknowledged, we arent liberals, mentioned Jeremy Beck, one of Neelys cookout acquaintances. You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your shoots back.
Wooly radicals, theyre not. Redneck Revolt is a nationwide organization of forearmed political organizers from urban, working-class backgrounds who strive to reclaim the period redneck and promote active anti-racism. It is not an alone lily-white group, although it was does take a special interest in the specific travails of the white good. The establishments principles are plainly left-wing: against white ascendancy, against capitalism and the nation-state, in support of the marginalized.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state, where shoot proprietors can legally carry weapons in public without camouflage. Redneck Revolt members often realise the course of carrying out openly carrying a artillery as a political statement: the presence of a discernible artillery has contributed to intimidate resists and corroborate shoot freedoms. Many of the cookout attendees owned grease-guns, and had considered bringing them today but eventually they had decided to come unarmed, in the interest of restraining the phenomenon family-friendly.
Redneck Revolt began in 2009 as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a handguns developing activity originally are stationed in Kansas. Dave Strano, one of Redneck Revolts founding members, had confiscated upon what he saw as a negation in the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. Many Tea party organizers were fellow working-class people who had permitted significant sufferings as a result of the 2008 economic crisis which, in his eyes, had been caused by the terribly prosperous. And more, Tea Partiers were now flocking in great numbers to rallies funded by the 1 %.
By corroborating economically republican politicians, Strano recalled, they would only be significantly controlled to benefit the once rich.
The history of the lily-white working class has been a record of being an manipulated parties, he wrote. Nonetheless, weve been an manipulated people that farther employs other exploited people. While weve been living in tenements and slums for centuries, weve too been used by the rich to affect our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colourings, religions and nationalities.
Now, eight years later, more than 20 Redneck Revolt fields have ripened across the US; different groups straddle widely in size, some with only a handful of members. Max Neely is a member of the Mason-Dixon branch, which encompasses central Pennsylvania as well as his native western Maryland. Many members are lily-white, but the organization seeks to build on a redneck identity beyond race.
I grew up playing in the groves, hovering coolers of brew down a creek, hitting off fireworks, simply generally raising hell, all that kind of stuff, mentioned Neely. Acts most people would consider a part of redneck culture. Were trying to acknowledge the ways weve originated mistakes and bought into white-hot ascendancy and capitalism, but also contribute ourselves a better environment in which its OK to celebrate redneck culture.
The group draws a great deal of insight from the Young Patriots Organization, a 1960 s-era partisan radical comprising primarily of white-hot working-class Appalachians and southerners. Im very impressed with Redneck Revolt, answered Hy Thurman, one of the early benefactors of the Young Patriots. I think theyre right on with what theyre trying to do.
The group opposed combating racism and worked closely with the Black Panthers, but they did make use of the Confederate flag in their recruiting. Thurman explained that it was used only strategically, to start the talks with good white people who might identify with the symbol.
In the same way that the Young Patriots once squandered the Confederate flag, Redneck Revolt seeks to employ another insignium of rural America: guns.
Redneck Revolt groups work on accommodating an explicitly anti-racist existence in rural areas, and sharpen particularly on gun displays. Many members are from the locations where guns are relatively normalized, and Neely requires Redneck Revolt to serve as a viable alternative for people who might otherwise meet the growing right-wing militia movement.
Since the 1992 Ruby Ridge besiege, the US has evidenced an increase in anti-government paramilitary companies. Oath Keepers, for example, is a militia group that strives to defend the American constitution, which the group believes is under threat by its own government. They claim to be nonpartisan, but its members politics tend to distort far right. During last few years presidential election, they announced that members would be checking electing booths to prevent referendum tampering, territory he was most concerned about expected tries at voter forgery by leftists.
But groups like Oath Keepers have much in common with far leftists: concerns about the infringement of human rights, dissents to mass monitoring and the ever reauthorized Patriot Act, feeling at the continuation of the contends of the working poor.
We use gun culture as a room to relate to beings, pronounced Neely, whose grandfather was an ardent hunter. No liberal elitism. Our basic content is: firearms are penalty, but intolerance is not.
Officially, Oath Keepers bylaws veto anyone associated with a abhor radical from joining, though their background checks have proven to be inconsistent at best. But there are other rightwing groups around the explicitly racist kind.
Im worried about Pikeville, pronounced Neely. Ive went friends out there.
KKK members salute next to a station wagon at a private campground in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Image: Pat Jarrett for the Guardian figcaption > beginning > Pikeville is a small Kentucky town depth in the heart of Appalachia. It has no major airport or interstate, a population of less than 10,000 and an abundance of peaceful mountain surrounding. Mining has long been the major industry now, though Pikeville too captivates tourism: mid-April chooses over 100,000 visitors to the annual Hillbilly Days gala, a occasion of Appalachian culture and music.
In the week after the celebration objective, however, Pikevilles atmosphere had made a distinct form. Neo-Nazis were coming to municipality the same day as Trumps appearance in Harrisburg.
The Nationalist Front an alliance of far-right lily-white nationalistic make-ups was scheming a revival in front of Pikevilles courthouse. Make a stand for white acting lineages, read an invitation that flowed online.
This embarks a process of building and expanding our seeds within grey working class communities to become the community preaches that our people need and deserve, wrote Matthew Heimbach on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
Pike County chronically impoverished, overwhelmingly white is seen as a fruitful lay for spreading their ideology. The metropoli of Pikeville itself has actually knew some growth in the past few years, but the greater expanse is struggling. Pike Countys unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation: 10%, more than twice that of the US as a whole.
Trump successfully tapped into this desperation with his pro-labor, anti-immigrant hyperbole and successfully triumphed more than 80% of votes assigned. Citing this figure, Heimbach hoped to develop dwelling pro-Trump sentimentalities into full-blown national socialism.
Were doing this because we care about the people of Pike County, did Jeff Schoep, head of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, in a video promoting the rally. Weve visualized factories shut down, weve witnessed people losing their jobs, weve heard families going frantic and contacting out for narcotics or interesting thing that they shouldnt be doing. We want to give people hope again. Something worth fighting for.
That something happened to be a white-hot ethno-state, and many Pikeville residents were not interested.
The city approved work permits for the Nationalist Front to gathering downtown, citing the constitutional title of free speech and assembly, though Donovan Blackburn, the city manager, also issued the following statement promoting quietnes, respect and diversity.
Students at the University of Pikeville scheduled a counter-protest, but the occasion was speedily canceled due to safety concerns: university officials is concerned that a conflict between the Nationalist Front and representatives from the antifascist motion or antifa could intensify into violence.
An anti-fascist counter-march to #MarchAgainstSharia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Picture: Sean Kitchen Developed in Europe over the past decades, antifascists represent the lefts own united front: a conflux of revolutionaries, communists, social democrats and others, dedicated to embossing out autocracy by any means necessary, including violence which they see as a justified response to the inherent violence of dictatorship. They often hire black alliance tactics, where individuals wear masks and all-black draping to avoid police identification.
Antifascist radicals have never been as prominent in the US as they have been in countries such as Greece, where disguised people recently smashed the windows of the Golden Dawns headquarters. But in the aftermath of Trumps election and the ensuing heap of hate crimes, they have hurriedly mustered. A masked somebody famously swiped lily-white nationalist Richard Spencer in Washington DC on Inauguration Day; two weeks later, antifascists lit flames on UC Berkeleys campus in protest of rightwing ideologue Milo Yiannopoulos.
We live in a historical moment where theres unprecedented affluence inequality, and the average person is struggling to get by, added Sidney( not his real name ), an Appalachian antifascist “whos been” hindering a close watch on white nationalistic activity in his area. When governments, as they characteristically do, fail to step in, people look to other institutions for an answer. Fascism is having a revitalization because were in that time. Its not a problem thats going to be solved by leaving it alone. Thats like leaving new infections alone.
A 27 -year-old native of West Virginia, Sidney comes from a coal mining pedigree. He separates his time between investing drywall and planning with Redneck Revolt.
Pikeville really caught my courtesy, pronounced Sidney. The Traditionalist Worker partys been realizing real efforts to organize in Appalachia. Im not a Kentuckian, but Im a working-class Appalachian, and it certainly pokes in my craw.
Rednecks against intolerance: Anti-fascist objectors in downtown Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett To dissuade antifascists, who often wear masks during performances, the Pikeville city commission overtook an emergency rule that restricted the dres of masks or scarves in downtown Pikeville. Anyone above the age of 16 wearing a cover-up or punk would be subject to 50 daylights in jail and a $250 penalize.
Antifascist demonstrators would have to show their fronts, who are able potentially dangerous: neo-Nazi groups have been known to use facial acceptance software and other tactics to identify counter-protesters, acquire personal information and subject those identified to further harassment.
At Redneck Revolt, we incline not to cover our fronts regardless, replied Sidney. We want to make inroads with the community, and its easier if they knew who you are.
But Sidney had a greater concern: Kentucky is another open-carry state and Heimbach had encouraged members of the Nationalist Front to stop forearmed, ahead of possible leftist attacks. At least, however, he would have his own pistol: his Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, which he decided to carry concealed.
A couple regionals had expressed to Sidney that they wished they would all go home both neo-Nazis and antifascists.
I cant denounce them for detecting like that, did Sidney. Theyve went this huge ideological oppose on their doorstep that they didnt ask for.
Regardless, some time after noon, a large group of antifascist protesters some armed, some wearing bulletproof vests headed to the courthouse, ready to face the Nationalist Front.
Instead, they saw simply about 10 grey nationalistics, waiting in a bit range that had been fenced off by police. They were members of the League of the South, a group that promotes a refurbished strive at secession from the US. The two major Nationalist Front delegatings, the Traditionalist Workers party and the National Socialist Movement, were missing.
Rumor soon spread that they were lost.
Given that theyre not from such regions, and they dont represent the people here, its not exceedingly surprising, pronounced Sidney.
A Pikeville inhabitant indicates with Redneck Revolt objectors. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Harrisburg, groupings of six young white-hot nationalist servicemen wearing a outfit of lily-white polo shirts approached Neelys cookout place; they looked like missionaries, clean-shaven with neatly combed hair.
Max Neely approached them and invited, cautiously, whether they were interested in socialism.
No, they greeted. They related themselves of the membership of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist radical that endorses racial segregation and only admits applicants of European , non-Semitic heritage. They had originally been subsidized Trump as a presidential applicant, but were now in Harrisburg to affirmed him; they were disappointed that he had not yet initiated a white-hot ethno-state.
Neely wanted to keep them away from the cookout. On another epoch, in another fixed, some of his associates might have come ready for a fight. But today was meant to be family-friendly, and many of the outing attendees were young black partisans from a local high school. They could handle themselves, Neely knew, but the job of arguing for the legitimacy of your reality against the individuals who disavow your humanity is an arduous one.
So while his Redneck Revolt friends maintained a scrupulous watch from across the street, Neely tell the Identity Evropa members talk more about their dogma about how the US was a nation meant for white people, how white culture was under attack. Neely debated them as politely as he could, hoping his hushed listening could diffuse the situation. They thanked him for is just so calm and civil.
Its easy-going to be allay when youre a white man, responded Neely. Its simple when its not your life or your familys lives at stake.
They could not accompany the back of his shirt, which outlined a hooded representation dangling from a tree, and the words HANG YOUR LOCAL KLANSMAN.
The encounter objective preferably decisively: three neighbourhood youthful daughters had chased off the white nationalistics.
Resist: a eight-foot-tall signal made by the Redneck Revolt group in Harrisburg. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > source > By mid-afternoon, the cookout was in full swing. Nearby citizens replenished dishes with barbecued chicken and strawberries. A vicinity being looked at the pamphlets that Neely had laid down by. Piece Now, Peace Later: An Anarchist Introduction to Firearms, spoke one title.
Yall trying to overthrow the government? he asked.
Its more about society defense, reacted Travis, one of the Redneck Revolt members.
I just wanted to warn you, “the mens” resumed. West Philadelphia, 1985. Look what happened to them.
He was talking about the lefts own Ruby Ridge moment: in May 1985, a Philadelphia police helicopter dropped a rocket on to the row house that had dished as a installation for Move, an armed pitch-black freeing group. There were 11 fatalities, including the groups benefactor, John Africa, as well as five children. The developing attack destroyed 65 residences. A special fee afterwards appointed by the mayor to investigate the incident concluded that the bombing had been unconscionable.
When Neely and other white-hot each member of Redneck Revolt claim allyship with campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they are compelled to acknowledge their whiteness including with regard to, their capacity to carry weapons with impunity.
When Oath Keepers began to garrison rooftops during the 2014 objections in Ferguson, Missouri, their intention was to protect opponents from the police but many activists were scared and daunted by the form of heavily armed white people. When Redneck Revolt representatives show up at black-led rally occurrences, they often invited.
They are our security, enunciated Katherine Lugaro, an organizer with This Stops Today, Harrisburgs regional iteration of Black Lives Matter. Theyre a wall between us and anyone repulsive. They applied themselves on the line.
A neo-Nazi demonstrator in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Pikeville, a full hour after the rally was scheduled to begin, a van reeled into the parking lot down wall street. Matthew Heimbach and the rest of the neo-Nazis had arrived. Close to 100 people, dressed in head-to-toe black and carrying Nazi insignia, rallied up to the courthouse house. Many in the front were visibly armed; others carried wooden shields decorated with swastikas and Norse runes. Person had brought a shield peculiarity Pepe the Frog and the words Pepe ber Alles. They sieg-heiled to Heimbach.
They were outnumbered by protesters two-to-one.
Then extended a few hours of scheduled neo-Nazi discussions. This turned into a few hours of wailing, as the antifascists attempted to drown out the sound system with rhythms and mocks. From the midwest to the south, they sung, swipe a Nazi in the mouth.
A handful of Pikeville tenants persisted on the other side of the police railing, listening to the Nationalist Front speeches. But most locals present had trickled in along with the objectors, eventually obliging up a third of the crowd, and had joined in with the jeering.
They were absolutely the most strident antifascist utters there, remarked Sidney. Im assuming the majority of them tribes were apolitical, or perhaps republican, but the latter are drawing a line in the sand.
No traumata , no films burnt; the Nationalist Front finished their speeches and returned to their caravan. A ponderous police spirit had obstructed the two groups separated and frustrated any the possibilities for struggle. It was over.
Cathi Lyninger of Louisville affirms the neo Nazis in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett In Harrisburg, night precipitated. Max Neely and his banding of comrades eventually regrouped at a
Read more: https :// www.theguardian.com/ us-news/ 2017/ jul/ 11/ redneck-revolt-guns-anti-racism-fascism-far-left
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victoryliononline · 7 years
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism
There are various commonalities between the far left and the far right including a arrogance for liberals but the most difficult divide is on the topic of intolerance
The cookout offered free meat, a face-painting kiosk and a demonstrate sign-making terminal a pile of cut-up cardboard caskets, coat markers and moves of parcelling videotape. A group of place sons, each no older than 12, assembled around. They missed signalings to tape to their bicycles, so we are able to razz around and tell Trump what they thought of him.
One grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote in large-hearted words: TRUMPS A BITCH.
Max Neely rapidly stepped in.
Im not sure you should utilize that command, he answered, his voice taking on a kindly hue. At 6ft2in, he towered over them. That term isnt exceedingly respectful to girls, and there are a lot of women around here today that we should be respecting. Perhaps you are able to think of another parole to use.
The sons awarded. Eventually, they settled on a different, less offensive rally clue at the least in Neelys attentions. FUCK TRUMP, it spoke, followed by four exclamation points.
A 31 -year-old activist with long fuzz and a full wiry beard, Neely had a full era of government activism ahead of him: Donald Trump was in Harrisburg to mark his 100 th day in role with a addres at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. In other parts of the city, the liberal opposition were also readying themselves: makings such as Keystone Progress, Dauphin County Democrat and the regional Indivisible radical planned to rally in rally.
Neelys group were not among them. Instead, they had set up a picnic site in a small ballpark, offering a barbecue and leftist folders. Someone had planted a bright scarlet hammer-and-sickle flag in the grass. On a nearby counter hung a black banner that tolerate the words Redneck Revolt: anti-racist, pro-gun, pro-labor.
Activist Steve Hilditch, who runs a section of the Redneck Revolt radical. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > root > If you havent acknowledged, we arent liberals, mentioned Jeremy Beck, one of Neelys cookout acquaintances. You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your shoots back.
Wooly radicals, theyre not. Redneck Revolt is a nationwide organization of forearmed political organizers from urban, working-class backgrounds who strive to reclaim the period redneck and promote active anti-racism. It is not an alone lily-white group, although it was does take a special interest in the specific travails of the white good. The establishments principles are plainly left-wing: against white ascendancy, against capitalism and the nation-state, in support of the marginalized.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state, where shoot proprietors can legally carry weapons in public without camouflage. Redneck Revolt members often realise the course of carrying out openly carrying a artillery as a political statement: the presence of a discernible artillery has contributed to intimidate resists and corroborate shoot freedoms. Many of the cookout attendees owned grease-guns, and had considered bringing them today but eventually they had decided to come unarmed, in the interest of restraining the phenomenon family-friendly.
Redneck Revolt began in 2009 as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a handguns developing activity originally are stationed in Kansas. Dave Strano, one of Redneck Revolts founding members, had confiscated upon what he saw as a negation in the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. Many Tea party organizers were fellow working-class people who had permitted significant sufferings as a result of the 2008 economic crisis which, in his eyes, had been caused by the terribly prosperous. And more, Tea Partiers were now flocking in great numbers to rallies funded by the 1 %.
By corroborating economically republican politicians, Strano recalled, they would only be significantly controlled to benefit the once rich.
The history of the lily-white working class has been a record of being an manipulated parties, he wrote. Nonetheless, weve been an manipulated people that farther employs other exploited people. While weve been living in tenements and slums for centuries, weve too been used by the rich to affect our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colourings, religions and nationalities.
Now, eight years later, more than 20 Redneck Revolt fields have ripened across the US; different groups straddle widely in size, some with only a handful of members. Max Neely is a member of the Mason-Dixon branch, which encompasses central Pennsylvania as well as his native western Maryland. Many members are lily-white, but the organization seeks to build on a redneck identity beyond race.
I grew up playing in the groves, hovering coolers of brew down a creek, hitting off fireworks, simply generally raising hell, all that kind of stuff, mentioned Neely. Acts most people would consider a part of redneck culture. Were trying to acknowledge the ways weve originated mistakes and bought into white-hot ascendancy and capitalism, but also contribute ourselves a better environment in which its OK to celebrate redneck culture.
The group draws a great deal of insight from the Young Patriots Organization, a 1960 s-era partisan radical comprising primarily of white-hot working-class Appalachians and southerners. Im very impressed with Redneck Revolt, answered Hy Thurman, one of the early benefactors of the Young Patriots. I think theyre right on with what theyre trying to do.
The group opposed combating racism and worked closely with the Black Panthers, but they did make use of the Confederate flag in their recruiting. Thurman explained that it was used only strategically, to start the talks with good white people who might identify with the symbol.
In the same way that the Young Patriots once squandered the Confederate flag, Redneck Revolt seeks to employ another insignium of rural America: guns.
Redneck Revolt groups work on accommodating an explicitly anti-racist existence in rural areas, and sharpen particularly on gun displays. Many members are from the locations where guns are relatively normalized, and Neely requires Redneck Revolt to serve as a viable alternative for people who might otherwise meet the growing right-wing militia movement.
Since the 1992 Ruby Ridge besiege, the US has evidenced an increase in anti-government paramilitary companies. Oath Keepers, for example, is a militia group that strives to defend the American constitution, which the group believes is under threat by its own government. They claim to be nonpartisan, but its members politics tend to distort far right. During last few years presidential election, they announced that members would be checking electing booths to prevent referendum tampering, territory he was most concerned about expected tries at voter forgery by leftists.
But groups like Oath Keepers have much in common with far leftists: concerns about the infringement of human rights, dissents to mass monitoring and the ever reauthorized Patriot Act, feeling at the continuation of the contends of the working poor.
We use gun culture as a room to relate to beings, pronounced Neely, whose grandfather was an ardent hunter. No liberal elitism. Our basic content is: firearms are penalty, but intolerance is not.
Officially, Oath Keepers bylaws veto anyone associated with a abhor radical from joining, though their background checks have proven to be inconsistent at best. But there are other rightwing groups around the explicitly racist kind.
Im worried about Pikeville, pronounced Neely. Ive went friends out there.
KKK members salute next to a station wagon at a private campground in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Image: Pat Jarrett for the Guardian figcaption > beginning > Pikeville is a small Kentucky town depth in the heart of Appalachia. It has no major airport or interstate, a population of less than 10,000 and an abundance of peaceful mountain surrounding. Mining has long been the major industry now, though Pikeville too captivates tourism: mid-April chooses over 100,000 visitors to the annual Hillbilly Days gala, a occasion of Appalachian culture and music.
In the week after the celebration objective, however, Pikevilles atmosphere had made a distinct form. Neo-Nazis were coming to municipality the same day as Trumps appearance in Harrisburg.
The Nationalist Front an alliance of far-right lily-white nationalistic make-ups was scheming a revival in front of Pikevilles courthouse. Make a stand for white acting lineages, read an invitation that flowed online.
This embarks a process of building and expanding our seeds within grey working class communities to become the community preaches that our people need and deserve, wrote Matthew Heimbach on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
Pike County chronically impoverished, overwhelmingly white is seen as a fruitful lay for spreading their ideology. The metropoli of Pikeville itself has actually knew some growth in the past few years, but the greater expanse is struggling. Pike Countys unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation: 10%, more than twice that of the US as a whole.
Trump successfully tapped into this desperation with his pro-labor, anti-immigrant hyperbole and successfully triumphed more than 80% of votes assigned. Citing this figure, Heimbach hoped to develop dwelling pro-Trump sentimentalities into full-blown national socialism.
Were doing this because we care about the people of Pike County, did Jeff Schoep, head of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, in a video promoting the rally. Weve visualized factories shut down, weve witnessed people losing their jobs, weve heard families going frantic and contacting out for narcotics or interesting thing that they shouldnt be doing. We want to give people hope again. Something worth fighting for.
That something happened to be a white-hot ethno-state, and many Pikeville residents were not interested.
The city approved work permits for the Nationalist Front to gathering downtown, citing the constitutional title of free speech and assembly, though Donovan Blackburn, the city manager, also issued the following statement promoting quietnes, respect and diversity.
Students at the University of Pikeville scheduled a counter-protest, but the occasion was speedily canceled due to safety concerns: university officials is concerned that a conflict between the Nationalist Front and representatives from the antifascist motion or antifa could intensify into violence.
An anti-fascist counter-march to #MarchAgainstSharia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Picture: Sean Kitchen Developed in Europe over the past decades, antifascists represent the lefts own united front: a conflux of revolutionaries, communists, social democrats and others, dedicated to embossing out autocracy by any means necessary, including violence which they see as a justified response to the inherent violence of dictatorship. They often hire black alliance tactics, where individuals wear masks and all-black draping to avoid police identification.
Antifascist radicals have never been as prominent in the US as they have been in countries such as Greece, where disguised people recently smashed the windows of the Golden Dawns headquarters. But in the aftermath of Trumps election and the ensuing heap of hate crimes, they have hurriedly mustered. A masked somebody famously swiped lily-white nationalist Richard Spencer in Washington DC on Inauguration Day; two weeks later, antifascists lit flames on UC Berkeleys campus in protest of rightwing ideologue Milo Yiannopoulos.
We live in a historical moment where theres unprecedented affluence inequality, and the average person is struggling to get by, added Sidney( not his real name ), an Appalachian antifascist “whos been” hindering a close watch on white nationalistic activity in his area. When governments, as they characteristically do, fail to step in, people look to other institutions for an answer. Fascism is having a revitalization because were in that time. Its not a problem thats going to be solved by leaving it alone. Thats like leaving new infections alone.
A 27 -year-old native of West Virginia, Sidney comes from a coal mining pedigree. He separates his time between investing drywall and planning with Redneck Revolt.
Pikeville really caught my courtesy, pronounced Sidney. The Traditionalist Worker partys been realizing real efforts to organize in Appalachia. Im not a Kentuckian, but Im a working-class Appalachian, and it certainly pokes in my craw.
Rednecks against intolerance: Anti-fascist objectors in downtown Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett To dissuade antifascists, who often wear masks during performances, the Pikeville city commission overtook an emergency rule that restricted the dres of masks or scarves in downtown Pikeville. Anyone above the age of 16 wearing a cover-up or punk would be subject to 50 daylights in jail and a $250 penalize.
Antifascist demonstrators would have to show their fronts, who are able potentially dangerous: neo-Nazi groups have been known to use facial acceptance software and other tactics to identify counter-protesters, acquire personal information and subject those identified to further harassment.
At Redneck Revolt, we incline not to cover our fronts regardless, replied Sidney. We want to make inroads with the community, and its easier if they knew who you are.
But Sidney had a greater concern: Kentucky is another open-carry state and Heimbach had encouraged members of the Nationalist Front to stop forearmed, ahead of possible leftist attacks. At least, however, he would have his own pistol: his Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, which he decided to carry concealed.
A couple regionals had expressed to Sidney that they wished they would all go home both neo-Nazis and antifascists.
I cant denounce them for detecting like that, did Sidney. Theyve went this huge ideological oppose on their doorstep that they didnt ask for.
Regardless, some time after noon, a large group of antifascist protesters some armed, some wearing bulletproof vests headed to the courthouse, ready to face the Nationalist Front.
Instead, they saw simply about 10 grey nationalistics, waiting in a bit range that had been fenced off by police. They were members of the League of the South, a group that promotes a refurbished strive at secession from the US. The two major Nationalist Front delegatings, the Traditionalist Workers party and the National Socialist Movement, were missing.
Rumor soon spread that they were lost.
Given that theyre not from such regions, and they dont represent the people here, its not exceedingly surprising, pronounced Sidney.
A Pikeville inhabitant indicates with Redneck Revolt objectors. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Harrisburg, groupings of six young white-hot nationalist servicemen wearing a outfit of lily-white polo shirts approached Neelys cookout place; they looked like missionaries, clean-shaven with neatly combed hair.
Max Neely approached them and invited, cautiously, whether they were interested in socialism.
No, they greeted. They related themselves of the membership of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist radical that endorses racial segregation and only admits applicants of European , non-Semitic heritage. They had originally been subsidized Trump as a presidential applicant, but were now in Harrisburg to affirmed him; they were disappointed that he had not yet initiated a white-hot ethno-state.
Neely wanted to keep them away from the cookout. On another epoch, in another fixed, some of his associates might have come ready for a fight. But today was meant to be family-friendly, and many of the outing attendees were young black partisans from a local high school. They could handle themselves, Neely knew, but the job of arguing for the legitimacy of your reality against the individuals who disavow your humanity is an arduous one.
So while his Redneck Revolt friends maintained a scrupulous watch from across the street, Neely tell the Identity Evropa members talk more about their dogma about how the US was a nation meant for white people, how white culture was under attack. Neely debated them as politely as he could, hoping his hushed listening could diffuse the situation. They thanked him for is just so calm and civil.
Its easy-going to be allay when youre a white man, responded Neely. Its simple when its not your life or your familys lives at stake.
They could not accompany the back of his shirt, which outlined a hooded representation dangling from a tree, and the words HANG YOUR LOCAL KLANSMAN.
The encounter objective preferably decisively: three neighbourhood youthful daughters had chased off the white nationalistics.
Resist: a eight-foot-tall signal made by the Redneck Revolt group in Harrisburg. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > source > By mid-afternoon, the cookout was in full swing. Nearby citizens replenished dishes with barbecued chicken and strawberries. A vicinity being looked at the pamphlets that Neely had laid down by. Piece Now, Peace Later: An Anarchist Introduction to Firearms, spoke one title.
Yall trying to overthrow the government? he asked.
Its more about society defense, reacted Travis, one of the Redneck Revolt members.
I just wanted to warn you, “the mens” resumed. West Philadelphia, 1985. Look what happened to them.
He was talking about the lefts own Ruby Ridge moment: in May 1985, a Philadelphia police helicopter dropped a rocket on to the row house that had dished as a installation for Move, an armed pitch-black freeing group. There were 11 fatalities, including the groups benefactor, John Africa, as well as five children. The developing attack destroyed 65 residences. A special fee afterwards appointed by the mayor to investigate the incident concluded that the bombing had been unconscionable.
When Neely and other white-hot each member of Redneck Revolt claim allyship with campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they are compelled to acknowledge their whiteness including with regard to, their capacity to carry weapons with impunity.
When Oath Keepers began to garrison rooftops during the 2014 objections in Ferguson, Missouri, their intention was to protect opponents from the police but many activists were scared and daunted by the form of heavily armed white people. When Redneck Revolt representatives show up at black-led rally occurrences, they often invited.
They are our security, enunciated Katherine Lugaro, an organizer with This Stops Today, Harrisburgs regional iteration of Black Lives Matter. Theyre a wall between us and anyone repulsive. They applied themselves on the line.
A neo-Nazi demonstrator in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Pikeville, a full hour after the rally was scheduled to begin, a van reeled into the parking lot down wall street. Matthew Heimbach and the rest of the neo-Nazis had arrived. Close to 100 people, dressed in head-to-toe black and carrying Nazi insignia, rallied up to the courthouse house. Many in the front were visibly armed; others carried wooden shields decorated with swastikas and Norse runes. Person had brought a shield peculiarity Pepe the Frog and the words Pepe ber Alles. They sieg-heiled to Heimbach.
They were outnumbered by protesters two-to-one.
Then extended a few hours of scheduled neo-Nazi discussions. This turned into a few hours of wailing, as the antifascists attempted to drown out the sound system with rhythms and mocks. From the midwest to the south, they sung, swipe a Nazi in the mouth.
A handful of Pikeville tenants persisted on the other side of the police railing, listening to the Nationalist Front speeches. But most locals present had trickled in along with the objectors, eventually obliging up a third of the crowd, and had joined in with the jeering.
They were absolutely the most strident antifascist utters there, remarked Sidney. Im assuming the majority of them tribes were apolitical, or perhaps republican, but the latter are drawing a line in the sand.
No traumata , no films burnt; the Nationalist Front finished their speeches and returned to their caravan. A ponderous police spirit had obstructed the two groups separated and frustrated any the possibilities for struggle. It was over.
Cathi Lyninger of Louisville affirms the neo Nazis in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett In Harrisburg, night precipitated. Max Neely and his banding of comrades eventually regrouped at a
Read more: https :// www.theguardian.com/ us-news/ 2017/ jul/ 11/ redneck-revolt-guns-anti-racism-fascism-far-left
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victoryliononline · 7 years
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism
There are various commonalities between the far left and the far right including a arrogance for liberals but the most difficult divide is on the topic of intolerance
The cookout offered free meat, a face-painting kiosk and a demonstrate sign-making terminal a pile of cut-up cardboard caskets, coat markers and moves of parcelling videotape. A group of place sons, each no older than 12, assembled around. They missed signalings to tape to their bicycles, so we are able to razz around and tell Trump what they thought of him.
One grabbed a piece of cardboard and wrote in large-hearted words: TRUMPS A BITCH.
Max Neely rapidly stepped in.
Im not sure you should utilize that command, he answered, his voice taking on a kindly hue. At 6ft2in, he towered over them. That term isnt exceedingly respectful to girls, and there are a lot of women around here today that we should be respecting. Perhaps you are able to think of another parole to use.
The sons awarded. Eventually, they settled on a different, less offensive rally clue at the least in Neelys attentions. FUCK TRUMP, it spoke, followed by four exclamation points.
A 31 -year-old activist with long fuzz and a full wiry beard, Neely had a full era of government activism ahead of him: Donald Trump was in Harrisburg to mark his 100 th day in role with a addres at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. In other parts of the city, the liberal opposition were also readying themselves: makings such as Keystone Progress, Dauphin County Democrat and the regional Indivisible radical planned to rally in rally.
Neelys group were not among them. Instead, they had set up a picnic site in a small ballpark, offering a barbecue and leftist folders. Someone had planted a bright scarlet hammer-and-sickle flag in the grass. On a nearby counter hung a black banner that tolerate the words Redneck Revolt: anti-racist, pro-gun, pro-labor.
Activist Steve Hilditch, who runs a section of the Redneck Revolt radical. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > root > If you havent acknowledged, we arent liberals, mentioned Jeremy Beck, one of Neelys cookout acquaintances. You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your shoots back.
Wooly radicals, theyre not. Redneck Revolt is a nationwide organization of forearmed political organizers from urban, working-class backgrounds who strive to reclaim the period redneck and promote active anti-racism. It is not an alone lily-white group, although it was does take a special interest in the specific travails of the white good. The establishments principles are plainly left-wing: against white ascendancy, against capitalism and the nation-state, in support of the marginalized.
Pennsylvania is an open-carry state, where shoot proprietors can legally carry weapons in public without camouflage. Redneck Revolt members often realise the course of carrying out openly carrying a artillery as a political statement: the presence of a discernible artillery has contributed to intimidate resists and corroborate shoot freedoms. Many of the cookout attendees owned grease-guns, and had considered bringing them today but eventually they had decided to come unarmed, in the interest of restraining the phenomenon family-friendly.
Redneck Revolt began in 2009 as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a handguns developing activity originally are stationed in Kansas. Dave Strano, one of Redneck Revolts founding members, had confiscated upon what he saw as a negation in the Tea Party movement, then in its infancy. Many Tea party organizers were fellow working-class people who had permitted significant sufferings as a result of the 2008 economic crisis which, in his eyes, had been caused by the terribly prosperous. And more, Tea Partiers were now flocking in great numbers to rallies funded by the 1 %.
By corroborating economically republican politicians, Strano recalled, they would only be significantly controlled to benefit the once rich.
The history of the lily-white working class has been a record of being an manipulated parties, he wrote. Nonetheless, weve been an manipulated people that farther employs other exploited people. While weve been living in tenements and slums for centuries, weve too been used by the rich to affect our neighbors, coworkers, and friends of different colourings, religions and nationalities.
Now, eight years later, more than 20 Redneck Revolt fields have ripened across the US; different groups straddle widely in size, some with only a handful of members. Max Neely is a member of the Mason-Dixon branch, which encompasses central Pennsylvania as well as his native western Maryland. Many members are lily-white, but the organization seeks to build on a redneck identity beyond race.
I grew up playing in the groves, hovering coolers of brew down a creek, hitting off fireworks, simply generally raising hell, all that kind of stuff, mentioned Neely. Acts most people would consider a part of redneck culture. Were trying to acknowledge the ways weve originated mistakes and bought into white-hot ascendancy and capitalism, but also contribute ourselves a better environment in which its OK to celebrate redneck culture.
The group draws a great deal of insight from the Young Patriots Organization, a 1960 s-era partisan radical comprising primarily of white-hot working-class Appalachians and southerners. Im very impressed with Redneck Revolt, answered Hy Thurman, one of the early benefactors of the Young Patriots. I think theyre right on with what theyre trying to do.
The group opposed combating racism and worked closely with the Black Panthers, but they did make use of the Confederate flag in their recruiting. Thurman explained that it was used only strategically, to start the talks with good white people who might identify with the symbol.
In the same way that the Young Patriots once squandered the Confederate flag, Redneck Revolt seeks to employ another insignium of rural America: guns.
Redneck Revolt groups work on accommodating an explicitly anti-racist existence in rural areas, and sharpen particularly on gun displays. Many members are from the locations where guns are relatively normalized, and Neely requires Redneck Revolt to serve as a viable alternative for people who might otherwise meet the growing right-wing militia movement.
Since the 1992 Ruby Ridge besiege, the US has evidenced an increase in anti-government paramilitary companies. Oath Keepers, for example, is a militia group that strives to defend the American constitution, which the group believes is under threat by its own government. They claim to be nonpartisan, but its members politics tend to distort far right. During last few years presidential election, they announced that members would be checking electing booths to prevent referendum tampering, territory he was most concerned about expected tries at voter forgery by leftists.
But groups like Oath Keepers have much in common with far leftists: concerns about the infringement of human rights, dissents to mass monitoring and the ever reauthorized Patriot Act, feeling at the continuation of the contends of the working poor.
We use gun culture as a room to relate to beings, pronounced Neely, whose grandfather was an ardent hunter. No liberal elitism. Our basic content is: firearms are penalty, but intolerance is not.
Officially, Oath Keepers bylaws veto anyone associated with a abhor radical from joining, though their background checks have proven to be inconsistent at best. But there are other rightwing groups around the explicitly racist kind.
Im worried about Pikeville, pronounced Neely. Ive went friends out there.
KKK members salute next to a station wagon at a private campground in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Image: Pat Jarrett for the Guardian figcaption > beginning > Pikeville is a small Kentucky town depth in the heart of Appalachia. It has no major airport or interstate, a population of less than 10,000 and an abundance of peaceful mountain surrounding. Mining has long been the major industry now, though Pikeville too captivates tourism: mid-April chooses over 100,000 visitors to the annual Hillbilly Days gala, a occasion of Appalachian culture and music.
In the week after the celebration objective, however, Pikevilles atmosphere had made a distinct form. Neo-Nazis were coming to municipality the same day as Trumps appearance in Harrisburg.
The Nationalist Front an alliance of far-right lily-white nationalistic make-ups was scheming a revival in front of Pikevilles courthouse. Make a stand for white acting lineages, read an invitation that flowed online.
This embarks a process of building and expanding our seeds within grey working class communities to become the community preaches that our people need and deserve, wrote Matthew Heimbach on the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website.
Pike County chronically impoverished, overwhelmingly white is seen as a fruitful lay for spreading their ideology. The metropoli of Pikeville itself has actually knew some growth in the past few years, but the greater expanse is struggling. Pike Countys unemployment rate is one of the highest in the nation: 10%, more than twice that of the US as a whole.
Trump successfully tapped into this desperation with his pro-labor, anti-immigrant hyperbole and successfully triumphed more than 80% of votes assigned. Citing this figure, Heimbach hoped to develop dwelling pro-Trump sentimentalities into full-blown national socialism.
Were doing this because we care about the people of Pike County, did Jeff Schoep, head of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement, in a video promoting the rally. Weve visualized factories shut down, weve witnessed people losing their jobs, weve heard families going frantic and contacting out for narcotics or interesting thing that they shouldnt be doing. We want to give people hope again. Something worth fighting for.
That something happened to be a white-hot ethno-state, and many Pikeville residents were not interested.
The city approved work permits for the Nationalist Front to gathering downtown, citing the constitutional title of free speech and assembly, though Donovan Blackburn, the city manager, also issued the following statement promoting quietnes, respect and diversity.
Students at the University of Pikeville scheduled a counter-protest, but the occasion was speedily canceled due to safety concerns: university officials is concerned that a conflict between the Nationalist Front and representatives from the antifascist motion or antifa could intensify into violence.
An anti-fascist counter-march to #MarchAgainstSharia in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Picture: Sean Kitchen Developed in Europe over the past decades, antifascists represent the lefts own united front: a conflux of revolutionaries, communists, social democrats and others, dedicated to embossing out autocracy by any means necessary, including violence which they see as a justified response to the inherent violence of dictatorship. They often hire black alliance tactics, where individuals wear masks and all-black draping to avoid police identification.
Antifascist radicals have never been as prominent in the US as they have been in countries such as Greece, where disguised people recently smashed the windows of the Golden Dawns headquarters. But in the aftermath of Trumps election and the ensuing heap of hate crimes, they have hurriedly mustered. A masked somebody famously swiped lily-white nationalist Richard Spencer in Washington DC on Inauguration Day; two weeks later, antifascists lit flames on UC Berkeleys campus in protest of rightwing ideologue Milo Yiannopoulos.
We live in a historical moment where theres unprecedented affluence inequality, and the average person is struggling to get by, added Sidney( not his real name ), an Appalachian antifascist “whos been” hindering a close watch on white nationalistic activity in his area. When governments, as they characteristically do, fail to step in, people look to other institutions for an answer. Fascism is having a revitalization because were in that time. Its not a problem thats going to be solved by leaving it alone. Thats like leaving new infections alone.
A 27 -year-old native of West Virginia, Sidney comes from a coal mining pedigree. He separates his time between investing drywall and planning with Redneck Revolt.
Pikeville really caught my courtesy, pronounced Sidney. The Traditionalist Worker partys been realizing real efforts to organize in Appalachia. Im not a Kentuckian, but Im a working-class Appalachian, and it certainly pokes in my craw.
Rednecks against intolerance: Anti-fascist objectors in downtown Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett To dissuade antifascists, who often wear masks during performances, the Pikeville city commission overtook an emergency rule that restricted the dres of masks or scarves in downtown Pikeville. Anyone above the age of 16 wearing a cover-up or punk would be subject to 50 daylights in jail and a $250 penalize.
Antifascist demonstrators would have to show their fronts, who are able potentially dangerous: neo-Nazi groups have been known to use facial acceptance software and other tactics to identify counter-protesters, acquire personal information and subject those identified to further harassment.
At Redneck Revolt, we incline not to cover our fronts regardless, replied Sidney. We want to make inroads with the community, and its easier if they knew who you are.
But Sidney had a greater concern: Kentucky is another open-carry state and Heimbach had encouraged members of the Nationalist Front to stop forearmed, ahead of possible leftist attacks. At least, however, he would have his own pistol: his Smith and Wesson semi-automatic pistol, which he decided to carry concealed.
A couple regionals had expressed to Sidney that they wished they would all go home both neo-Nazis and antifascists.
I cant denounce them for detecting like that, did Sidney. Theyve went this huge ideological oppose on their doorstep that they didnt ask for.
Regardless, some time after noon, a large group of antifascist protesters some armed, some wearing bulletproof vests headed to the courthouse, ready to face the Nationalist Front.
Instead, they saw simply about 10 grey nationalistics, waiting in a bit range that had been fenced off by police. They were members of the League of the South, a group that promotes a refurbished strive at secession from the US. The two major Nationalist Front delegatings, the Traditionalist Workers party and the National Socialist Movement, were missing.
Rumor soon spread that they were lost.
Given that theyre not from such regions, and they dont represent the people here, its not exceedingly surprising, pronounced Sidney.
A Pikeville inhabitant indicates with Redneck Revolt objectors. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Harrisburg, groupings of six young white-hot nationalist servicemen wearing a outfit of lily-white polo shirts approached Neelys cookout place; they looked like missionaries, clean-shaven with neatly combed hair.
Max Neely approached them and invited, cautiously, whether they were interested in socialism.
No, they greeted. They related themselves of the membership of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist radical that endorses racial segregation and only admits applicants of European , non-Semitic heritage. They had originally been subsidized Trump as a presidential applicant, but were now in Harrisburg to affirmed him; they were disappointed that he had not yet initiated a white-hot ethno-state.
Neely wanted to keep them away from the cookout. On another epoch, in another fixed, some of his associates might have come ready for a fight. But today was meant to be family-friendly, and many of the outing attendees were young black partisans from a local high school. They could handle themselves, Neely knew, but the job of arguing for the legitimacy of your reality against the individuals who disavow your humanity is an arduous one.
So while his Redneck Revolt friends maintained a scrupulous watch from across the street, Neely tell the Identity Evropa members talk more about their dogma about how the US was a nation meant for white people, how white culture was under attack. Neely debated them as politely as he could, hoping his hushed listening could diffuse the situation. They thanked him for is just so calm and civil.
Its easy-going to be allay when youre a white man, responded Neely. Its simple when its not your life or your familys lives at stake.
They could not accompany the back of his shirt, which outlined a hooded representation dangling from a tree, and the words HANG YOUR LOCAL KLANSMAN.
The encounter objective preferably decisively: three neighbourhood youthful daughters had chased off the white nationalistics.
Resist: a eight-foot-tall signal made by the Redneck Revolt group in Harrisburg. Image: Cecilia Saixue Watt figcaption > source > By mid-afternoon, the cookout was in full swing. Nearby citizens replenished dishes with barbecued chicken and strawberries. A vicinity being looked at the pamphlets that Neely had laid down by. Piece Now, Peace Later: An Anarchist Introduction to Firearms, spoke one title.
Yall trying to overthrow the government? he asked.
Its more about society defense, reacted Travis, one of the Redneck Revolt members.
I just wanted to warn you, “the mens” resumed. West Philadelphia, 1985. Look what happened to them.
He was talking about the lefts own Ruby Ridge moment: in May 1985, a Philadelphia police helicopter dropped a rocket on to the row house that had dished as a installation for Move, an armed pitch-black freeing group. There were 11 fatalities, including the groups benefactor, John Africa, as well as five children. The developing attack destroyed 65 residences. A special fee afterwards appointed by the mayor to investigate the incident concluded that the bombing had been unconscionable.
When Neely and other white-hot each member of Redneck Revolt claim allyship with campaigns like Black Lives Matter, they are compelled to acknowledge their whiteness including with regard to, their capacity to carry weapons with impunity.
When Oath Keepers began to garrison rooftops during the 2014 objections in Ferguson, Missouri, their intention was to protect opponents from the police but many activists were scared and daunted by the form of heavily armed white people. When Redneck Revolt representatives show up at black-led rally occurrences, they often invited.
They are our security, enunciated Katherine Lugaro, an organizer with This Stops Today, Harrisburgs regional iteration of Black Lives Matter. Theyre a wall between us and anyone repulsive. They applied themselves on the line.
A neo-Nazi demonstrator in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett Back in Pikeville, a full hour after the rally was scheduled to begin, a van reeled into the parking lot down wall street. Matthew Heimbach and the rest of the neo-Nazis had arrived. Close to 100 people, dressed in head-to-toe black and carrying Nazi insignia, rallied up to the courthouse house. Many in the front were visibly armed; others carried wooden shields decorated with swastikas and Norse runes. Person had brought a shield peculiarity Pepe the Frog and the words Pepe ber Alles. They sieg-heiled to Heimbach.
They were outnumbered by protesters two-to-one.
Then extended a few hours of scheduled neo-Nazi discussions. This turned into a few hours of wailing, as the antifascists attempted to drown out the sound system with rhythms and mocks. From the midwest to the south, they sung, swipe a Nazi in the mouth.
A handful of Pikeville tenants persisted on the other side of the police railing, listening to the Nationalist Front speeches. But most locals present had trickled in along with the objectors, eventually obliging up a third of the crowd, and had joined in with the jeering.
They were absolutely the most strident antifascist utters there, remarked Sidney. Im assuming the majority of them tribes were apolitical, or perhaps republican, but the latter are drawing a line in the sand.
No traumata , no films burnt; the Nationalist Front finished their speeches and returned to their caravan. A ponderous police spirit had obstructed the two groups separated and frustrated any the possibilities for struggle. It was over.
Cathi Lyninger of Louisville affirms the neo Nazis in Pikeville. Photograph: Pat Jarrett In Harrisburg, night precipitated. Max Neely and his banding of comrades eventually regrouped at a
Read more: https :// www.theguardian.com/ us-news/ 2017/ jul/ 11/ redneck-revolt-guns-anti-racism-fascism-far-left
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