icharchivist · 28 days
Vane's interactions with Cagliostro have him bringing her some of Lancelot/Percy's hair for an experiment, only to then ask her what she's planning to do with it. Buddy. Why didn't you ask that before fetching those. Also how did you even get their hair.
oh Vane please you need to ask first, not after
kinda living up to his dog nickname to fetch something before thinking about the implications
smh smh
thanks for sharing!
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kikithedeceiver · 5 years
I'm legit shocked that I actually predicted that the manga timeline was gonna be the one explaining how Shintaro got Retaining Eyes lmao
Yeah…but with that, it means this whole “Manga Route 2” is a 50 chapters worth of flashbacks with flashbacks right after everyone died in Manga Route 1 (how did yaki!Ayano retain other flashbacks from Seto, Kano, Haruka and Takane).
That and it also possibly mean this Route is the 1st Route (or at least one of the first Routes) because Shintaro got his Retaining Eyes since “before he was even born” (Mekakucity Actors, Episode 11), or to speak, before he was born in the future Routes, aka all Routes after this “Manga Route 2”
It coooooould be more accurate to say Shintaro was always like this in “Manga Route 2″ (if this one of the Routes before the 1st Route and that he went on with his life like this) buuuuuuuut then getting the Retaining Eyes, the following Routes made him remembered too many things and got depressed over trying to retain memories of Ayano, so he became xx!Shintaro before becoming the Shintaro we all know again.
That and as a bonus, I don’t think we ever got to see Shintaro being smart or mention anything about how he did at school. Just know he thinks friends sucks (was he ever smart though)
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simonsoys · 7 years
... No lava lamps?
lava lamps?
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lefthanded-sans · 7 years
Your Soriel post reminded me of a thought I had. I don't think Sans was being serious with the whole "you'd be dead where you stand" thing because when he judges Frisk he presents you with the choice of killing Asgore and leaving or letting him take their soul and destroy humanity, Sans says that he believes they can do "the right thing" which makes me think he didn't approve of either of the options from the start. Would make sense for the guy who judges you for killing to be a pacifist himself
From this. This is such a fun topic - thank you so much for responding with these cool thoughts!
I find Sans’ post as judge a fascinating and somewhat enigmatic role. In truth, I feel as though him being a judge is, in many ways, rather ill defined. We only see Sans in this one instance acting as a judge over Frisk, and the best we can do to understand this situation is to look at what Sans does here across various timelines. To me I feel as though Sans’ dialogue in the judge role, combined with similar comments he makes elsewhere in the game, do not suggest he is a pacifist so much as they suggest he believes there’s no point stopping Frisk.
Evidence Sans believes there’s no point stopping Frisk can be found in his comments about giving up and in his comments about alternate timelines (SAVE, RESET, etc.). In short:
Sans talks about giving up several times. He even talks about giving up when it comes to stopping the human.
Sans talks about trying to steer the human in the right direction in other hypothetical timelines where the human has different LV values. His comments suggest that there’s not much more he can do to get the human to change their trajectory.
Sans understands that timelines are jumping back and forth in the timespace continuum and he deeply suspects (or knows) that Frisk is a time traveler. He knows that in the Genocide Route, the end result of the timeline is different than for other timelines. The end result of the Genocide Route is the destruction of the monster world... and that’s the only one where he steps up to do something about the human when he “judges” them.
So to me it seems like Sans letting the human by is based upon his ideas that there is nothing he can do to stop the human from killing people. If he stops the human in a fight, the human will just go back to a previous SAVE point and try again. So he gives up trying to stop the human, does nothing when he “judges” except suggest the human be nice, and only makes an effort to stop the human when the timeline is truly in danger (the Genocide Route).
And the longer version of what I just outlined:
1. Sans talks about giving up several times. He even talks about giving up when it comes to stopping the human.
One oft-quoted comment from Sans comes from when he is a Lost Soul. “just give up. i did,” he says. Another comment he says here is “why even try?” The interesting thing about the Lost Soul dialogue is that all the characters seem to be talking about their greatest internal struggle as Lost Souls - suggesting that one of Sans’ biggest personal problems is giving up.
What is Sans giving up on? As far as I can tell, Sans’ only other comments about “throwing in the towel” are regarding him stopping the human. 
There is his comment in the Genocide Route about how he feels he has to fight the human in this timeline because of what comes next: the destruction of the monster world:
all i know is... seeing what comes next... i can’t afford not to care anymore.
Here, he says he can no longer sit back apathetically. This suggests that Sans usually defaults to letting the human pass in the final corridor, regardless of whether the human is a pacifist or not-such-a-pacifist. Him saying he doesn’t care usually means that Sans doesn’t seem to be “judging” the human with full effort. Instead, he’s only deciding to do something at this moment of judging in the Genocide Route because of “what comes next” - the end of the timespace continuum.
2. Sans talks about trying to steer the human in the right direction in other actual or hypothetical timelines where the human has different LV values. His comments suggest that there’s not much more he can do to get the human to change their trajectory.
Even outside the Genocide Route, Sans has different dialogue as a judge depending upon what LV the human is. Some of the words he says appear to correlate with this idea of “just give up.” I especially find his words interesting when the human is between LV 10 and 13:
hmmm… over lv9, huh. that’s over halfway to lv20, the maximum. but don’t think that means you’re still 50- percent good. 50-percent, 20-percent. those are both still failing grades. besides. chances are… i’ve already tried to steer you in the right direction. so what can i say? what can i say that will change the mind of a being like you…?
I’ve bolded what I find particularly interesting. Sans comments that he’s probably already tried to convince the human to go in the right direction and not kill monsters. But at the same time, his questions suggest that he doesn’t know a way to change the human’s mind to go a better path. He cannot do anything more to get the human to be a better person.“What can I say?” he asks, a question that sounds a bit like giving up on trying to change the human. It’s almost like he lets the human pass because he knows it will make no difference to their actions and to the result of the timeline. 
3. Sans understands that timelines are jumping back and forth in the timespace continuum and he deeply suspects (or knows) that Frisk is a time traveler. He knows that in the Genocide Route, the end result of the timeline is different than for other timelines. The end result of the Genocide Route is the destruction of the monster world... and that’s the only one where he steps up to do something about the human when he “judges” them.
Multiple quotes throughout the game demonstrate that Sans has decent knowledge about the unique time properties of this world. If Frisk has not killed anyone and returns to talk to Sans multiple times at the judging point, he’ll give Frisk a secret codeword, “so i know if someone tells it to me… they’ll have to be a time traveller.” Then, of course, there is that large chunk of dialogue in the Genocide Route where he comments:
our reports showed a massive anomaly in the timespace continuum. timelines jumping left and right, stopping and starting… until suddenly, everything ends.
So the reason I’m bringing up Sans’ knowledge of time traveling, the SAVE function, alternate timelines, etc. …is that it seems like his knowledge of Frisk’s time traveling capabilities might influence how he acts as a judge. And the reason why I’m bringing up Sans’ apathy and comments of “just give up” is because it could play into the concept of why Sans doesn’t do anything when he usually judges the human. All these ideas culminate together in yet another Genocide Route quote:
you can’t understand how this feels. knowing that one day, without any warning… it’s all going to be reset. look. i gave up trying to go back a long time ago. and getting to the surface doesn’t really appeal anymore, either. cause even if we do… we’ll just end up right back here, without any memory of it, right? to be blunt… it makes it kind of hard to give it my all.
It seems from these quotes that Sans knows Frisk can reset and return to relive moments that have happened before - with some variation on the human’s LV. It seems that Sans knows that there is nothing direct he can do to prevent these timeskips from occurring and repeating. If the human dies, timelines will yet again reverse (as correlated to the human’s last SAVE point) and events repeat.
It also seems that Sans knows that there is something special about the timeline if the human is a LV 1 or a LV 20. If the human is a LV 1, he might give the human his secret password to prove they are a time traveler. Sans doesn’t give the code word to the human for any other LV. Then, if the human is a LV 20, Sans will take action to prevent the human from destroying the entire monster world. But if the human is a LV 4 or a LV 9 or a LV 16, Sans will give the human some suggestions that they probably should not harm anyone… but he always lets the human pass, perhaps because it doesn’t matter. The net outcome of Frisk not reaching a True Ending will happen whether they are a LV 2 or LV 19. There won’t be a full RESET, timelines will keep jumping back and forth like Sans’ reports indicate, and nothing will get “completed” until the human either goes full pacifist or full genocider.
Now, I’m not trying to say that Sans has special knowledge of the game or has this acute understanding of game mechanics. But his Genocide Route quote does indicate that he is putting his apathy aside to stop the human… because if he doesn’t stop the human in this route, then “suddenly, everything ends.” He’s willing to fight the human in the Genocide Route because the Genocide Route ending is different. It’s that horrific. Sans doesn’t have knowledge to everything, but the reports he’s seen on the timespace continuum suggest that he really does need to step up. The reports say that the timelines jump and stop until “suddenly, everything ends,” suggesting an end to all timelines, suggesting an end to the monster world, and suggesting such a terrible fate that Sans can’t be his typical apathetic self.
So when the human isn’t a LV 20, Sans doesn’t have to worry about everything suddenly ending and the timelines being ominously truncated. In a non-Genocide Route, Sans’ reports of the timespace continuum would not indicate the monster world was in imminent danger of ending. Therefore, he could understand that the loop of timelines jumping back and forth would just keep happening regardless of whether Frisk is a LV 2 or LV 12. 
To use the quote from #2, Sans’ comment when Frisk is over LV 9 makes sense. Sans might not remember other timelines where he judged the human, but from his timespace reports, it’s likely the human has come to him before with an undesirable LV, he’s tried to convince them to change, but the human is still here with a high LV anyway. Sans can’t do anything to stop this cycle. So he might as well just give up on this current timeline, let the human pass, and get this current timeline cycle over and done with.
It’s oddly actually in Sans’ favor to let the human pass and fight Asgore in all routes but the Genocide Route. If Frisk reaches Asgore in the Genocide Route, the king is dead and the underground is in grave danger of being obliterated. But in all other routes, Frisk has to pass Asgore to either finish the Neutral Route or find the True Pacifist Ending. If Sans lets Frisk pass, then presumably he can get out of this current timeline more quickly. But even if Sans doesn’t understand that much, he probably understands this:
If Sans tries to stop Frisk in a route that is under LV 20, the human is just going to keep returning to previous SAVE points and fight Sans again and again. There’s no point in Sans killing Frisk because the human will just return for another timeline. So it’s in Sans’ favor to let the human pass regardless because him fighting the human here doesn’t matter. One way or another, one timeline or another, the human is going to pass him and meet Asgore. Sans knows that killing the human won’t stop them… so he can just let them go, even if they’re a horrific murderer.
So what does Sans do with this knowledge? He says some words to Frisk. He “judges” them. Sans does the only thing he can do: hint to the human that everyone is better off if they are a LV 1. Sans has given up stopping the human, but he hasn’t completely given up on trying to steer the human in the right direction. He’ll still suggest to the human that they should be pacifistic. In all the routes Sans judges Frisk, he hints to the human that a LV 1 score is ideal, that they shouldn’t kill monsters. 
That’s all he can do to get this timespace continuum ordeal straightened out in his favor, where the timeline is one where he and his companions reach the surface.
Sans being a “judge” isn’t necessarily some official role. There’s no indication that what he is doing is official. It feels a little odd because he’s talking in more formal language (with capital letters and better punctuation). But that could all be in his favor to try to get the human to listen to him... part of his tactic to convince the human to do a LV 1 route.
I think that Sans telling Frisk he believes they can do the right thing ties back to the idea Sans is trying to convince Frisk to pursue a Pacifist Route… not necessarily because Sans is a dieheart pacifist, but because he has reports on the timespace continuum. So long as Frisk isn’t on a Genocide Route, there’s no point to Sans stopping the human, so he might as well just give up trying to do that. I feel Sans isn’t necessarily following his morals moreso as he is being pragmatic here.
I don’t think there’s any way knowing whether or not Sans actually is a pacifist at heart. This is just my interpretation of the game, though. Feel free to believe he is a pacifist! I suppose this is just why I myself am not convinced. I’m not convinced that his comment from MTT Resort about killing the human is genuine, but I’m not sure that I can conclude he’s a pacifist, either.
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literalnobody · 7 years
It does look like it could be an amazing horror game tbh
That’s so kind of you! I’ve actually always wanted to write a game lolol, maybe one day ^_^ Thank you
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undertale-refuse · 7 years
Hiya! I saw your reference post and I knew a lot of the things there already, but now I have some new stuff to check out later too, so thanks! Also, I wanted to make a recommendation for your animation list: look up "Eine Kleine Undertale" on youtube, I think you'll like it!
oh, thank you, it was really sweet!
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mystech-master · 4 years
Investigation Team Hierarchy
A while ago I made a post (see here) asking about what the chain of command of the Investigation Team of Persona 4 would be like.
We all know Yu is the main leader, with Yosuke coming in ass second in command as the one who got his Persona afterwards and kind of acted like Yu’s mouthpiece in the main game, and Naoto would logically come right after Yosuke with her Detective Knowledge.
A few people did give their two cents in on it (@infullmoon, @the-witch-of-the-water, and @gelgela29), and there was a common consensus.
Most people agree that 4th in command would go to Rise, being social and positive helps with morale, her navigator abilities assist a lot, and her hectic idol schedule helps with time management, plus she does take on the role of the Kouhai team in Dancing All Night.
5th in command people agree that Yukiko might be it, being the most level-headed and less impulsive, plus she has to have SOME leadership ability if she’s going to run the inn.
But I have seen an argument for Kanji to be above Yukiko because of his surprising emotional maturity and ability to keep everyone in line, and Yukiko seeming to be too passive.
But if Kanji is bellow Yukiko then he might listen to Chie out of basic Senpai respect.
So, for the most part, is seems that the fan-prefered Investigation Team Hierarchy goes like this:
1. Yu Narukami
2. Yosuke Hanamura
3. Naoto Shirogane
4. Rise Kujikawa
5. Yukiko Amagi
6-7. Chie Satonaka and Kanji Tatsumi (could be either or)
8. Teddie
The only thing that I could think to add is the possibility that, while Naoto is the smart one and the point member who does a lot of explaining talk in my eyes, does that make a good leader? Like I recall a scene where Rise says Naoto would be a better fit for her scanner abilities but Naoto lacks emotional understanding, so it COULD be possible that Naoto might be further down the line. If you guys have any thoughts on this, where would you put Naoto if not in 3rd-in-command?
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
A Bright Star
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33MPoM6
by INFullMoon
A collection of small events centered around Kaito and Maki as they spend their time at school together and grow closer to each other. Written for Momoharu Week 2021
Words: 2524, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki
Relationships: Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito
Additional Tags: Fluff, Alternate Universe - No Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa), Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, POV Alternating
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33MPoM6
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astrometriia · 6 years
Tagged by @thatgalwiththepantson ! Thank you, lovely. <3
RULES: Tag 9 people with excellent taste
Colours I’m currently wearing: Black and grey
Last band shirt I bought: Kamelot
Last band I went to see live: Blind Guardian
Last song I listened to: Symphony X’s Iconoclast album
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last movie I watched?: Tomb Raider
Last 3 shows I watched?: The Expanse, Brooklyn 99, Voltron
3 characters I identify with?: Perrin Aybara (Wheel of Time), Alex Kamal (The Expanse), Hunk (Voltron)
Books I’m currently reading?: Babylon’s Ashes (The Expanse #6)
TAGGING: Uhmmm, imma tag @thetruecaptain , @oblongpenguin , @hurricanepandabear ,  @nightsidemelody , @infullmoon , @lefluff , @adurna0 , @rena-sedai, @ladypoetess
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icharchivist · 28 days
Oh yeah Vane's interactions with Nier are very sad too. She sees him smiling and assumes he must be faking it, and he tells her that he used to be afraid of the world too and asks her why won't she talk to him. If he wins against her he says that he really wants to help her, but doesn't think he's the right person for the job.
nooo that's so cute 😭😭😭 he's trying to reach out.....
it's so sad for both of them :(
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kikithedeceiver · 6 years
Random theory but what if the manga route is actually going to show us how Shintaro's eye ability came to be created? The way Mary talks about how their future won't get replaced makes me think that she is going to reload, but she will also do something that will let them achieve a happy ending all together, like the one from MCA. I gotta say I haven't kept up with the manga all that well so I'm not sure if it has been shown that Shintaro already has his power or not
It miiiiiiiiiiiight show more detail how it was created? And I hope so too since by possess of elimination...we had flashbacks from...
Ayano - Ayano’s Theory of Happiness chapters
Seto - Shounen Brave chapters
Kano - Yobanashi Deceive chapters
Mary - Fantasy Forest chapters
Ene - Lost Days/Daze chapters
Konoha/Haruka - Lost Days/Daze chapters
Kido and Hibiya didn’t have one before they died. Momo had a small mini one with Shintaro when she was young and around the time she got her Eyes (but this happened after she died and this is Shintaro remembering). Hiyori doesn’t have one yet still.
Shintaro, arguably, may had a flashback in Lost Days/Daze since it tells on how he became a shut in, however those chapters were more Konoha/Haruka centric. So we’ll say he didn’t have a proper flashback centered on him while he lives. 
Also, in MCA, they just glossed over how he got his Eyes quickly by having Retaining Eyes explain he had those Eyes since Route XX/the very first Route, showing how Mary passed it to Shintaro. And that was...rushed? Like Shintaro was a very anti-social person and he only got to talk to the Gang properly (especially in Route 1 in LTM) after he got the Eyes that allowed him to subconsciously recall things and be nicer to other’s from past experience in past Routes. So at the very beginning...why did Shintaro accept Mary’s request to remember the Tragedies to take those Eyes?
Also also! Yeah, why did Retaining Eyes get created? I do have a theory on how it came to be, and that’s along the lines of because Mary wants to remember her friends forever, Retaining Eyes got created after everyone died because of Clearing Eyes and she became the Queen. And that’s just around the same time Shintaro commited suicide in Route XX/first Route and allowed him to meet Mary and get it, as his wish to always remember Ayano allows Retaining Eyes to work with him.
But still! More backstory on how Shintaro got his Eyes would be nice!
But also sadly, I’m afraid Manga Route is not a Happy End, because Manga Route (2) happens before Novel Route, so a Reset (or Reload as I like to call it) have to happen. It actually goes like this I believe...
Song Route > Manga Route > Manga Route 2 (current manga plot) > Novel Route
And I think MCA happens in the middle, according to Jin...
But Jin, let us see Shintaro’s story on getting his Eyes or do something cool with it? Please?
Sorry I rambled, but yeah
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simonsoys · 7 years
About the badge, you can find one in the drawers in Sans' secret lab
I had to go look this up because I had zero recollection of it. I think in my head I autofilled BADGE = NAME TAG KIND OF BADGE, and never even considered that it might be a cop kind of badge.
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atomi-cat · 7 years
We can see in Undertale that Sans and Papyrus can, but can any of the other Boneheads eat? Have any of them tried Papyrus' food? =P
In Undertale, it’s explained that Monster Food is different than human food (supposedly monster food doesn’t pass through you like normal food does). Even so most of the boneheads (except Daniel) have shown that they are able to eat food without it just falling through. At this point in time, they haven’t tried Papyrus’s cooking yet.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
Safety & Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aCoPhg
by INFullMoon
Stuck at home without any power during a storm, Kaito notices that Maki is very fascinated with the scene outside for some reason. This leads to him learning another detail about Maki's life, one that he's more than happy to help her come to terms with.
Words: 1642, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harukawa Maki, Momota Kaito
Relationships: Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito
Additional Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Rain, Thunder and Lightning, Spooning, Cuddling & Snuggling, Mild Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aCoPhg
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