#interact with you TBH (: i know that i still have another one-liner from you sitting in my inbox as well so i definitely will be getting to
mad-hunts · 15 days
@question-marked asked: “are you making fresh pasta?”
barton managed to barely hear eddie over the sound of two of his kids arguing in the background — who seemed to be jack and matilda, respectively, as he would soon call out to them using their names in his native tongue. but the fact remained that he had heard him and so after he essentially told them to ' get along ' in french, barton turned to face the other. he was currently kneading what looked to be some kind of dough with his hands, ❝ sorry, they've been unusually argumentative today with each other. you're going to have to excuse them. but yeah... lucky for you, you caught me right in the middle of making dinner. ❞
barton seemed to have some experience as he hadn't gotten any of the dough on his hands and it seemed to be quite close to having the right texture (not too dry, and not too wet). and truthfully, he did as the recipe he'd gotten for chicken alfredo from winslow? it called for homemade noodles so he figured he might as well try his hand at it. though barton still wasn't good at certain aspects of it, like actually rolling the dough through the pasta maker. a purposely overdramatic sigh left his lips then, ❝ ahh, but i'm really no good at rolling the dough through the pasta maker myself. if only there were someone here who could do it for me. ❞ he discretely looked over to edward afterward as if to say ' i'm totally not talking about you here, but also, i am. ' barton really didn't like to look like he wasn't an expert at things in the kitchen after all when he'd been cooking so long.
but this was only his second time making this, so he supposed it was more than reasonable for him to still struggle with it. barton stopped kneading the dough and looked at edward through squinted eyes as if analyzing him, ❝ i'm still a bit confused as to why you would come here when you're not injured. would you mind telling me again why you're here, considering i don't think you like me enough to be here simply for a social call? oh, and while you're doing that, could you also get me that dough cutter over there? thanks, ❞ a small unreadable smile ghosted across his features while he gestured towards the blade a little ways away from him. edward had honestly given him no reason to hate him, so as it stood, he felt rather ambivalent towards him. ❝ say, you aren't a vegetarian... right? because i'm making chicken alfredo. and enough to feed a small army, probably, so you can definitely have some. ❞
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peachymhaechan · 5 years
“Trust me, it isn’t just for the camera.”
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Genre: fluff, babey !! nothin like a good ol idol au, am I rite, laid ease??
Warnings: bad words (like everything else I've written ever lol)
Pairing: Taeyong X female idol reader
A/N: junior year is almost over, thank god. I am so tired. writing this was such a good break from studying for my ap exams and cramming for finals. thank u, Taeyong. also, im working on something for the superhuman comeback, stay tuned, yall :)
you had been a model for sm for a few years now
well within your first year you had gained so much popularity that you became the company’s most hired model and had received a nickname from your employers and fans
you were their Golden Girl (hhhhhffk listen,,, we been knew I ain’t creative), and everyone was dying to work with their Golden Girl
most notable for your bubbly personality and striking looks, every employer was fascinated by your ability to pull off any look 
very similar is lee Taeyong, another artist signed to your company
with his stark beauty, it was no understatement to say that you would not have minded working with someone as pretty as him
so, when your manager told you about an upcoming project where you’d be working with Taeyong and a few of the other nct boys you were #sh00k to say the least
“wait..... WHAT?!” was all you could say in response to your manager telling you the good news
“Yeah, I know. I know how long you’ve wanted to work with him. Well, get ready. For this photoshoot they need you to have bubblegum pink hair, and.....” 
for the next few days, you tried to mentally prepare yourself for what was about to happen
yeah, you guys were signed to the same company but that doesn't mean you saw him all the time
you had only seen him once, and that was when you had just become a trainee and were walking through the halls to try and find the recording studio on the third floor
you accidentally went into the dance studio and found yourself interrupting a dance practice for nct u
“Sorry, I have to find someone in the recording studio, where-” 
“You’re fine, don't worry about it! If you go out this hallway, make the next left turn and it should be the second door on the right,” Taeyong said, giving you a small smile 
that was the ONLY interaction you had with him, but boy even when covered in sweat was he gorgeous
and you got to WORK WITH THAT 
the day finally came where you got to work with him yayayay
you woke up at 4 am after having only 1 hour of sleep, thriving
you got up and took a quick shower, did your skincare routine, and changed into comfy clothes for the day
on your way to meeting your manager you grabbed a few coffees for the staff as a thank you for the opportunity
you met your manager at the company building and it started to hit that 
//ohmygod this is really about to happen//
your manager tried her best to calm your nerves but damn, you were not having any of that
scrolling through Instagram, you anxiously awaited the company van that would take you to the photoshoot set
when it pulled up after about twenty minutes of waiting, you and your crew piled in and then you heard your manager tell the driver to hold the van for a few more minutes, seeing as Taeyong and his people were running a little behind
that only made your heart beat even faster
hgjaonfnwnw anxious from waiting, you just wanted to get it over with and rip it off like a bandaid
five minutes later, you saw three people walking over to the van
one of which was wearing sweats, sneakers, a hoodie, and a mask
you automatically recognized who that was despite the baggy clothing and half hidden face
oh fuck oh shit
one of the other two men talked to your manager, who had gotten out to speak to taeyong’s manager and the other person there
Taeyong climbed into the van and made eye contact with you in the back row, spotting the empty seat beside you
“Is this seat taken?” he asked, nodding to the spot right next to you
you felt a blush creep into your cheeks and your throat started getting closed up from nerves
so all you could do was shake your head no
he sat down and gave you a small smile, then started yawning and stretching out his arms
you had one extra coffee left from earlier and you figured it’d be a great ice breaker maybe 
“I have an extra coffee from a coffee run I went on earlier, do you want it? It’s not super hot or anything, but its still a little warm, and its caffeine,” you said and his eyes immediately lit up
“Oh, yes please!!” 
you grabbed the last cup from the drink carrier and gave it to him, and he thanked you right away
“How did you have enough time to go on a coffee run this morning?” Taeyong asked in shock
“I got up at four and am running on one hour of sleep,” you explained, not even trying to seem like you have it together
that's what its like being a hot mess, babey !!1
“That’s not good, you need to get more sleep. Were you out late last night with your schedule or something?” 
concerned mom? yes
“I was out until about eleven pm, yeah, but in all honesty... I couldn’t sleep because I was very nervous to meet you.” 
bro you need to get some sleep and get your filter back in place
bc when you get no sleep?? a bitch has NO filter whatsoever
Taeyong was genuinely surprised that you were nervous to meet him
“Really?? You were nervous to meet me?? Why, am I really that scary or something??” 
“Its not that you’re scary, exactly, but... I have wanted to work with you for a very long time, and it still hasn’t fully set in that this is my reality.” 
he nodded after you spoke, and it seemed to both impress and confuse him
no matter how popular him and his group got, he never got used to having people look up to him
and to hear it from someone as successful as you, someone he has constantly seen in the media for so long?? mind boggling
it kind of made him nervous tbh
before he could reply, the managers and everyone piled in and the van started moving to the photoshoot set
as soon as you guys left the company building, your head leaned onto the window and you passed tf out
when you woke up, Taeyong was tapping you on the shoulder and telling you that yall got to the set finally
taeyong’s face greeting you when you woke up? shocking, but not an unwelcome sight
“Alright, we need to get you guys into hair and makeup, then we will send you both over to wardrobe and they'll make any last minute touchups and then you can get to work. Sound good?” your manager told you two, and when you both nodded, she immediately directed you to the makeup studio
your artists were very excited to work with you, which made everything much more pleasant
“The feel we are going for with this shoot will perfectly fit your aesthetic and your features, I’m so excited!!” and “You’re naturally this pretty? And after only one hour of sleep? Oh my god, my under eye bags are permanent and it looks like you don’t have any at all!” or the occasional “I wish I could be as stunning as you without even trying...” 
it sounded like Taeyong was going through the same thing, as you could hear some of the other makeup artists gushing about his sharp features
“Wow, your eyes are so beautiful!” and “Your smile is stunning!” and “I wish I was half as pretty as you are!” 
you could tell it made him a bit uncomfortable because he sat there with a :} face 
(unrelated but: that face looks like the grinch lowkey, ok sorry for interrupting lol, back to the fic)
you two made eye contact in the mirror and you could practically read his mind
I want this to stop, they’re making me uncomfortable, oh my god. 
to which your eyes said, Same here, and I am used to dealing with this on a daily basis.  
luckily, they finished putting shadows and liner on your eyelids, and then they sent you to the hair department
for hair, they teased and curled your hair, giving you a tired and just woken up look
well, a styled just woken up kind of look
Taeyong came in halfway through your hair and all they had to do for him was throw some gel in his and make it a little messy and he was good to go
by the time you made it to wardrobe Taeyong was already on set and getting individual pictures for the concept
they threw you in clothes, and by clothes you mean a men’s oversized white button up, short shorts, and a bright red bra
and before you could even leave to head to the set, they made sure that the first few buttons were undone on the shirt
to say you felt a lil bit exposed and cold was an understatement
the second he saw you, Taeyong had a glint in his eye and he couldn't stop staring at you
naturally, that made you blush and get really self conscious
?? wot
“Hello, I am your photographer for the day. This shoot is supposed to be sort of a couple, romantic fashion shoot, so I hope you two know each other very well and are comfortable with being close to one another. Do you two have any issues with that?”  
you both looked at each other, 
and then lee Taeyong, 
while staring dead in your eyes, 
“No, sounds perfect!” 
what the fuck was that supposed to mean ?! 
“sounds perfect” uhhhhhhhhhhh lemme get a mcfuckin explanation 
he gave you a small smile before you managed to get out, “No issues here.” 
that only made him smile more
njsdncvcaehcfabcafcb bitch!! you were whipped for him already
“Great! Let’s get started, then. Y/N, I will have you stand over here, and...” 
let’s just say that the photographer had you two start with basic stuff, like you two standing next to one another with Taeyong putting his hand on your shoulder and things like that
it quickly escalated though, and he had you doing things like laying your legs across his lap and running your hands through his hair
“Sorry if this is a little too intimate for you,” you whispered into his ear during another shot, where you were draped over his sitting form and your hand caressed his cheek
“Don’t apologize, it’s not. If anything, I’m a little flustered to have someone as pretty as you staring at me the way you are, Y/N, even if it is just for the camera,” he told you, shifting so that you were turned with your back to the camera and chest flush to his, your hands delicately placed on his upper arms, his hand resting on your lower back and you staring up at him
faintly you could hear the photographer say,  “THIS IS IT, THIS IS THE ONE!”
“Trust me, it isn’t just for the camera,” you mumbled, not able to filter yourself due to sleep deprivation
you thought he didn’t hear you, but then a smirk formed on his face and you knew you #fucked up
the end of the shoot was arriving, and there were a few more pictures the photographer had in mind, but he wanted to let you guys do your own thing and see where it ended up
“You guys can do what you want for these next few pictures, just do what feels naturally and I’ll angle it well.” very encouraging, right
making use of the pieces of furniture on the set, you decided to lay on the bright red couch and Taeyong looked down at you from behind it
“I couldn’t hear what you said earlier, can you say it again please?” he asked, trying to fish a confession out of you
Oh, Mr. Lee Taeyong, it won’t be that easy. 
“Hmmm, what do you mean?” you asked, purposefully trying to be as close to him as you could, so you sat on your hips to the side more and pulled him down so your hand rested on his cheek and your face was //right there, you could feel his breath on your lips//
(the photographer would have fainted there if he could get away with technical time theft while on the job)
taeyong’s breath hitched and a blush crept onto his cheeks and you knew you got him
ladies and gentlemen.... we got ‘im
even still, he tried to get it out of you
“Well, I thought I heard you say something under your breath before the photographer spoke to us,” he coyly explained, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap
at that point it became a game of who could get the other to blush more
and lemme just say, mama didn’t raise no lil bitch, so you were NOT about to lose
grabbing both sides of his face in your small hands, you leaned in and whispered, “I hope it’s okay that I’m going to kiss you now.” 
his eyes went wide, and then he said, “MORE than okay.” 
and the next thing you know, your lips were planted on his and the photographer was sobbing genuine tears
of course his enthusiasm made you start giggling, and you could feel Taeyong smiling into the kiss
when you two broke apart you leaned your forehead on his and stared into his eyes
“I think we both know what I said earlier,” you told him, throwing your arms around his neck
“Good, because I hope we are both on the same page,” he said, smirking slightly
“And that is?” 
and all he did in response was kiss you again, but this time not smiling from the photographer’ s goofy remarks
the photographer gave the okay after he got that shot and told you two that he wish he’d gotten to work with you sooner
the ironic thing here is that you and Taeyong wished the same thing
you headed back to the dressing rooms, hand in hand, getting stares from the staff but not caring much
or at all, really
#bad bitch club: RISE
“I hope you know that as soon as those pictures get released, people will assume we are dating, right?” you said, wiping the makeup off and combing through your hair
you quickly ducked into changing room, throwing on the clothes you were wearing when you arrived
you heard him chuckle from the other little makeshift room
you exited your changing room and found him waiting for you
“Why let them assume when we could tell them the truth ourselves?” 
and somehow, despite the crazy hectic schedules you both had, 
and all the crazy ups and downs of being in the public spotlight,
a few months later, when the magazine finally hit the shelves and the cover image was you two kissing each other and looking like the happiest couple in the world,
when you got invited to an interview to discuss the inspiration for the images and the experience of working with each other, 
you two walked in hand in hand, smiling brightly and looking like your average couple that was in love
and when asked if you two were dating, 
you replied, “Yes, and it has been the best few months of my life so far.” 
:) uwu
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rxcusant · 5 years
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i do my best! generally i just try to keep the pace going but im also a turtle with very bad attention span. like everyone sometimes i have more muse for certain threads and i try to tackle those first. otherwise i?? just try to keep the ball rolling.
imma be real here chief. I don’t use my drafts. If i put my replies in drafts i will NEVER get them done. so i either Like them or i rely on my memory fkjhgkd  i usually reply in later evening/night hours tho! I’m ATROCIOUS at replying during the day time and its just a lot easier on me in silence with no one around. I try to reply the day after my partner does but sometimes stuff happens and i get to it the next night lmao
I don’t mind doing them and I usually volunteer to! But Im also happy whenever someone else does cAUSE ITS ONE LESS THING FOR ME TO DO L M A o..,,, If theres one thing I noticed Im bad at tho its responding to one-liner starter calls cause i just... spit 2 paragraphs back kjfdghj and they usually end up going no where and it makes me kinda sad. But Im gonna keep liking them cause i wanna interact with people!!!! and those calls always pop up on my dash!!!!!
listen here young man my blog is almost 5 years old. This inbox is CLUTTERED....... i try to answer everything as best i can tho!! But, as i will keep saying, I HAVE BAD ATTENTION SPAN and if i forget its not on you!! admittedly sometimes i dont know how to respond so i’ll leave it to stew over but... i end up forgetting anyway. By then i just delete it if its been awhile.
I’m only semi selective tbh I don’t have High Standards or anything djfhkgjf I like an active dash and I like meeting people!! Im coming off a year long hiatus and I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface with following people in this community.  If you really wanna know tho I don’t like following if your blog is nothing but ask memes or if youre about is just Off The Wall Crazy that i feel winded after reading it and im not sure i can see us interacting. I’m chill i swear As a side note, I do not follow personals back. 
[takes out a very long scroll that unwinds and scrolls out the door and keeps going for miles] Well, now that you’ve asked -i want sorikai content..... i want sokai content....... i want soriku content....... i want trinity trio content........ i want the misery that comes with being snorts friend. i live for that. I live for riku and kairi lamenting over trying to save their best friend whos actively avoiding seeing them as much as it pains him cause he doesnt wanna get them hurt hhhhhhh I WANT THEM SNEAKING BEHIND THE SCENES SEEING EACH OTHER CAUSE THE FRIENDSHIP IS TOO STRONG AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER TOOMUCH TO BE APART AND EVEN XEHANORT CANT DO THAT TO THEM  -I WANT..... ORGANIZATION RPS......... i want!! soranort to interact with all the other vessels!!! there is SO MUCH TO DO HERE!!! Get under his skin, remind him hes gonna beat the light out of precious friends, just!! fuck with him man. Sora will snap back and stick to his guns and make for one big sass fight. Cmon sora was LITERALLY THEIR ENEMY FOR ALL THE GAMES AND NOW HES FORCED TO SIDE WITH THEM theres a lot to do here!!!!!!!!!! And if sora does what he does best and worms into their heart and they become friends?? ALL THE BETTER!!! one of my FAVORITE old relationships on this blog was with saix! it was great!!!!!! im starving out here pls give me organization rps -v...vanitas........ listen i know i rp vanitas too but SOME OF MY FAVORITE RPS ARE WITH OTHER VANITAS BLOGS...... we can work it out man, we can plot it out, i just rEALLY LOVE OTHER VANITAS BLOGS A LOT OK its really fun seeing another vanitas tear down sora that isnt myself. Im just eternally nervous about approaching other vanitas’s in case theyre like NO I DONT WANNA  DO THIS so i sit in silence watching from afar  -DISNEY!!!!! DISNEY!!!!!!! RPS!!!!!!!! DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LIVE FOR SORA SEEING HIS OLD DISNEY FRIENDS AGAIN AND THEYRE LIKE “hey what happened” aND HE LAUGHS LIKE “HAHAHAH NOTHING I SWEAR IM FINE HOW ARE YOU THO” OR ALTERNATIVELY DISNEY THAT ISNT IN KH, LET SORA MEET THEM NOW WHEN HES ON ORG MISSIONS ‘go do recon sora and stay in the shadows pls’ ‘okay! [immediately goes and makes 10 friends] -crossover friends!!!! i also live for Sora meeting people who dont know ANYTHING about his bullshit or KH’s bullshit and they steadily overtime see how hes not doing so well until he has to explain OR keep dancing around it because its always better that theyre not involved in all this [this one is hit or miss cause i only follow series im familiar with BUT i can make exceptions jkfhg] -vanitas meeting people similar to him. Before i reset my blogs relationships vanitas aCTUALLY HAD A FRIEND but it was only because they were both tools living with someone elses face and they punched each other to say hello kdjfhgkdj but i like exploring what happens to vanitas when you give him the warmth he spent 4 years feeling from ventus & longing after in the badlands according to the bbs novels. Vanitas is a terrible abomination but goddamn do i love watching him short circuit when someones not treating him like shit. then he gets extremely confused and angry and [chefs kiss] fun. -this is already really long and while i always have more in mind ill stop here
HONEST NOTE you want some honesty????? you want some BRUTAL HONESTY??? I am in a constant state of anxiety people will be disappointed i dont follow the herd with Popular Soranort Headcanons. like they come here expecting one thing only to see thats not what rolls here. Granted I don’t look at or know the Popular Soranort Headcanons because they made my anxiety spike more, im just ??? Its a weird feeling. Im not here to please people because how I choose to write soranort is all up to me and I love him. Its just... a super funky feeling. Theres a reason i took my hiatus but thats all im gonna say.  Im also always worried about my vanitas portrayal since hes just a Lost Soul at the moment with no goal or path or outlet and therefore doesnt really follow his canon self’s personality or behavior.
tagged by: nobody i live in a kingdom of thieves tagging: you! and you! and especially YOU
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paperclipninja · 6 years
Younger post-ep ramble 5x07 part 1
Ok, so the feelings about Younger 5x07 are real, my feelings are real (see what I did there 😉) and they are many. I have watched the ep many times because there is SO much happening in it and I’ve discovered new gems each viewing. I’ve decided to split my ramble into 2 posts, this one is going to be the episode overall with a bit of a superficial reference to Charles and Liza perhaps, but I’m going to dedicate a separate post to them and their interactions throughout the episode because this one is going to get out of control otherwise!
Words are below the read more and there’s a good chance it’s going to be many words long with intermittent flailing thrown in for good measure. Proceed at own risk.  
I’m always cautiously optimistic going into an episode that has been as hyped as ‘A Christmas Miracle’. Anticipation was high, hopes were high and this ep certainly did deliver, in many many ways. And yes, OBVIOUSLY the Team Charles shipper in me has thought about how the pairing might eventuate and I will most definitely be talking about all things Charles and Liza in post 2/2, but there were also some of the best one liners and moments of the entire series in this ep and it is quite seriously like a Christmas stocking stuffed to the brim with delightful treats!
So first things first, let’s get this whole Maggie/Penelope/Luca thing on the table. WHAT THE WHAT??? I mean, Penelope and Luca most certainly struck me as fishy last ep, but the golden handcuffs and sort-of-flirtatious-but-not-quite-oh-look-now-I-own-you vibe was making me wonder if the movie being referenced in this holiday delight was less Bridget Jones’ Diary and more Silence of the Lambs meets Eyes Wide Shut. So flipping weird. And it actually made me a bit sad for Maggie for two reasons: 1) all of that work Maggie has done is now locked away in storage and that must hurt and 2) while her calling out the weirdness and walking out of the party was A+ excellent, I feel like Maggie would be a very good judge of character and the fact she didn’t pick up on their bizzaro manner and general existence and at least comment on it seemed a little out of character to me. In saying that though, I totally get that as an artist, a big fat pay-cheque is rare and the thought of people buying and displaying all your work would be overwhelmingly flattering. I hope Maggie gets another big exhibition this season with success in the form of slightly less creepy buyers.
I’m going to jump to Kelsey now and her whole situation. Oh Kelsey, you’re in a bit of a pickle now, aren’t you? We all knew that the double dipping was going to end badly and I certainly don’t think we’ve seen it all play out yet, but there was a little part of me that quite enjoyed her torment over how she would manage being at the party with both Zane and Jake. We’ve seen Jake’s true colours in this ep and I gotta say, they ain’t pretty. I was also a bit conflicted about Zane, despite feeling sorry for him and the way he got bumped from the book. Now I said it last week, I’m warming up to Zane more and more and I genuinely felt bad for him, but the comment he made to Kelsey that he should’ve ‘stopped this the second I saw it’ did not sit well with me. Dude, stopped what? The book? Kelsey working on it? Or Kelsey’s free choice about who she sleeps with?
I definitely don’t think it’s wise for Kelsey to be sleeping with an author as she’s trying to get a book finished, but would Zane care what she was doing if he wasn’t also into her? Probs not I’m guessing. I can see that there may be other interpretations of that line, but that’s how I took it and coupled with Jake’s possessive move to get Zane off the book and lock Kelsey in a basement all for himself I feel like these guys, who in one breath hail Kelsey’s intelligence and strength, are also thinking they have some kind of claim over her. I’ll give Zane a chance to redeem himself and put his comment down to the pain of losing the only book he has going at the moment, but Jake is officially bad news IMO. Watch this space, but I sense DRAH-MAH on the horizon.
Two words: Diana Trout. That woman is an icon and some of her lines in this ep were some of the best of the series, hands down. And so were her scenes. The Enzo/Christmas tree situation was heartburstingly adorable. What I love most about this blossoming relationship is that neither Diana or Enzo try to change the other, they really do like the other just as they are (Bridget Jones reference intended). It would have been so easy for the writers to have Diana feel uneasy about Enzo and keep him separated from her public life or for her to feel embarrassed or try to change him, but these two are so absurdly different yet it works and it’s just a joy to watch. I read a couple of comments saying that we’re seeing Diana soften but I actually think that it’s not that, it’s that she’s willing to show her softer side to Enzo. I know that distinction may sound tenuous, but I feel like Diana has always had that side to her but she only reveals it once she feels comfortable with people (which we’ve seen as the series has progressed and her relationship with Liza has developed). I also realised I’ve never seen Diana laugh, heartily laugh, like she did after the champagne cork popped and I have to wonder if that was a break in character that they kept in or if it’s the lighter side of Diana we’re getting insight into? 
And of course the gift exchange with Liza, ugh, I actually cried. It was so incredibly moving, the mutual respect and admiration was emanating from my screen. Not to mention the line that should win an award: ‘Neckwear should inspire envy Liza, not seizures’. I’m dead set laughing as I type it. Diana continues to evolve and surprise me as a viewer and I think she is one of the best characters to have ever been on TV. I can’t wait to see where the rest of the season takes her.
Apologies for the jumping from one thing to another but I have just come back to life after this episode rendered me dead, so my thought processes are still a bit all over the place…ah yes, Josh. Now I know that there is a bit of frustration out there about the way Caitlin is fuelling Josh’s hope but funnily enough, it did not bother me overly in this ep. When Josh comes to the apartment with the gifts (one for Maggie and one for Liza) it becomes clear pretty quickly that Caitlin’s last conversation she had with her mother was around the fact that they’d broken up but were no longer on good terms. Which is beside the point tbh. As Liza herself says, her romantic relationships are none of her business. From that one would hope Caitlin might think perhaps that means there have been or are other relationships other than Josh…but nope.
The thing I really liked about the present scene was that Caitlin’s immaturity is showing here so badly, highlighted only by Maggie’s ‘wtf is wrong with you?’ looks. The idea that a relationship can go from romantic to platonic is beyond her (although she is right that Josh is still in the loves with Liza) and the aspect that bothered me about her going to speak to Josh before he left was more that is was a super immature thing to do. It’s immature in its sweetness and desire to see her mum happy, as well as immature in the lack of consideration that there may be complicated factors at play that she’s not privy to. I get that she thinks she’s helping fix a situation but it’s really very disrespectful after Liza was quite clear about where it stands. So Caitlin doesn’t bother me, if anything it shows that there is a really big disconnect between who she thinks her mum is and who her mum really is and I do hope that is rectified in the near future.
And my take on the Josh situation is as it stood last week. I feel like we’re beating a dead horse here. The whole ‘don’t give up on her’ line, I know the writers want to keep a flame flickering but at this point it’s actually just tiresome. I’m trying to be objective and think how I would feel if I was Team Josh and this was my situation but you know, I legitimately watch this show because I love it overall and if the ship I was digging wasn’t sailing I’d still  be watchng, I just wouldn’t be so invested that I feel the need to write atrociously self-indulgent posts about my thoughts and feelings after every episode...but if my main reason for watching was the ship and it was Josh/Liza I think I actually would’ve stopped watching. With Liza’s growth and development this past season and a bit, even if she doesn’t end up with Charles, it would be a complete disservice to her character to go back to Josh. I said it last week and I’ll say it again, the character of Josh has stagnated so badly that he is quickly becoming unlikable so I really, genuinely, hope that the writers give this character some kind of rejuvenation and a life. At some point the desire to try and keep ALL fans happy by trying to maintain a limping love triangle is going to backfire and no one will be happy.
This is absurdly long so I will close part 1 of this ramble and continue shortly with post 2, the Charles and Liza chronicles…
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crownandwriter · 6 years
A Match-Up Please?
,*rolls in* *hopes I’m doing this right*
Hi! I’m a straight female as far as that whole issue goes.
I’m 5’7” (which is *supposedly* tall but I have a friend who’s like 5’11” so you know, guess nOt) and—because I’m aiming to get it—I’m going to say I have purple hair which is like curly? It curls itself into one big ringlet if I try and wear it up tbh. I also have dimples which people like, idk. Also fair skinned, not incredibly pale. My clothing style is legitimately just leggings/skinny jeans and graphic t-shirts because I’m incredibly lazy! Occasionally I’ll wear a nice shirt or dress but in dark colors. Cool.
I’m an INTP-T, a Ravenclaw, and supposedly a chaotic evil? Kind of alarming but you know, details !! I also have social anxiety which makes this one strange combination, wow.
I’m a pretty emotional person but not really in the traditional sense. I cry just about 90% of the time when I watch movies, even if they’re not legitimately sad movies—Meet the Robinsons and Penelope, I’m looking at you. But I rarely cry in like public or in front of other people. I don’t usually have a reason so it just never happens.
That being said, I’m one of those people who’s constantly just panicked about everyday social situations. Probably due to my social anxiety but going to a sTore? And bUyIng something? And taLking to a cAshier? I’m just pretty worried I’m constantly troubling people.
And for someone whose solution to everything is “Fight them,” or “Just kill them,” I hate confrontation! I’d be willing, for sure, to throw down with someone if I had to—I once repeated kicked my friend away from me during a jousting match just because I was losing but I didn’t want her to win—but not a fan of people getting mad at me and then saying it to my face. Passive aggression works, you know? Hate me on the low, if you will.
This all adds together to kind of say I won’t talk to people first nor will I consider them a friend until they actively do something to say it. I sat alone in the hallway for lunch in Freshman year until February because someone had invited me to sit with them. I literally didn’t even eat lunch. I did homework. (I still do homework at lunch or in class right after it’s given to us because I vehemently hate doing it at home.) I’m fun.
I’m incredibly stubborn. I could rephrase this as determined but we all know the truth. If I have an idea in my head or I’m planning to do something, I can rarely ever be changed. Maybe it’s because I always think I’m right—and then shamelessly continue to argue if I’ve realized I’m wrong and I’m now too anxious to admit it—or I’m purely motivated by spite when people think I won’t do something. Either way, a dangerous road.
I’m a klutz. Plain and simple. As part of my usual medical anomalies—honestly I’m such a strange person medically? There’s rarely ever something not wrong with me. I’ve had mono twice, a bruised tailbone from Duck, Duck, Goose, sciatica, some heart condition where my pulse was TOO high in middle school and then TOO low, and I’m sick most of the time—I’m basically incredibly unbalanced and bumping into things all the time. I have a bad knee for no reason so, as well as bad ankles, so I just shamble around all of the time. I fall up the stairs, down the stairs, into walls, etc. I’m okay, probably. Minus the time I sprained my ankle three times in one year.
I’m kind of bitter? I’m a sarcastic person and boy, do I hold grudges. A friend once skipped me in a card game and I’ve never let that poor boy forget it. This coupled with my pessimism—or realism I suppose—is quite a bitter mixture.
I’m pretty smart. I was tenth in a class of 252? 275? Kids? I’m not sure but I’m pretty intelligent. I lack common sense sometimes and I’m dorky as all hell but I’m smart. I love riddles because, despite my incredible stupidity for being smart, I usually get them right and they’re almost as fun as puns!
I enjoy writing, or stories I should say. I love to write but I enjoy stories as a whole, whether they’re in books or tv or any kind of media. I enjoy lots of stuff but writing’s always been one of them. Along with a weird love for CSI? I’m taking a forensic science course as well as criminology course because I’ve always been into it. Mind you, I absolutely hate the fact I had to do a begrudging crime scene sketch, but I still enjoy the classes nonetheless!
Gosh, what else is there? I’m just a bitter dork whose humor consists of puns and witty one-liners. I also like animals? Dogs? Cats? My dog, Zero, is a rat but he’s a cute rat. Uh. That’s it? I think. Ah. I LOVE YOU. OKAY. FAREWELL. I BID THEE ADIEU. THIS IS LONG.
I ship you with Gavin!
-Gavin is outgoing, or maybe just ballsy enough to initiate your first interactions. His comfort zone is a little oblong so he doesn’t typically have any issues just shouting out to people even outside of the office. You might be annoyed with him the first few times, especially if he decides to approach you to complain or tease, but he lightens up when he realizes he likes your spunky attitude.
-I don’t know what your exact opinion on Androids would be in the DBH universe, but aside from that possible moral/philosophical difference, I think the two of your share some similar personality traits. That’s not to imply I think you’d get along because you’re very alike, just that the two of you could easily pick up on one another’s emotions and where they’re coming from–and with a stubborn, uncommunicative man like Gavin Reed that comes into play a lot.
-He likes to tease you. If you get mad, if you get embarrassed or frustrated, he teases you. If he ever really crosses the line with you, you might get an apology of sorts out of him–a gift, a peace offering, more likely than a verbal admission of guilt. But for smaller offenses, well, he isn’t opposed to you holding them over his head for a while in the future. Especially if it means he gets to spoil you without it seeming like his idea.
-Sarcastic banter makes the world go round, you know! He doesn’t care if you’re not super social. (In fact, it strokes his ego a little to know you choose him to spend your time and social energy on, and he feels less concerned about someone else sweeping you off your feet and stealing you away.) But he does like to conversate and make jabs back and forth with you. Especially in public, (where everyone can see and hear) because he likes to keep you from receding too far into your shell. You don’t have to talk to people if it makes you anxious, but he doesn’t want you to be miserable whenever you go out.
-You being a klutz is hilarious. He doesn’t really care if you break things every once in a while–he can buy new dishware, or whatever it is you knock over–but he shuts up real quick whenever you get hurt. He’s a surprisingly good caretaker, if not a little too doting with injuries sometimes. He’s not good at vocalizing concerns, but he has his own way of showing he cares.
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l0nd0ninnit · 7 years
Bonkai Reunion 8x14 (part 2)
Ok, I know you’ve been waiting for an analysis of this scene and I am ready to deliver. I want you all to know that it is almost impossible to convey in words the level of excitement I feel when I write about this scene but just know that with each word I type, there is a smile on my face that can’t be removed. Like this reunion scene is not even close to what I had imagined or would have wanted their last scene to be, but DAMN...Kat and Chris’ acting/chemistry made what could have been a mediocre scene, a scene full of depth and sexual tension. I mean how many actors can make you feel the intangible connection and sexual tension between their characters when they are on opposite sides of a bar?!! HOW MANY?!! I would be lying if I said I only watched this scene multiple times to analyse because the truth is, I can’t get enough of it. So without further ado
Part 2 of the analysis, The Game:
Keep in mind that when Kai sees Bonnie, he is absolutely unaware that she has put him in another prison world for about a third of their conversation. So imagine his perception of the situation when she saunters in the bar and teases  him with cheeky responses which is a drastic change from how she reacted a day ago to his return. A day ago, she wanted nothing to do with him. Now she is actually talking to him in the flesh. And what is more, she has chained him to a chair in a bar (side eye *smirk* smirk*) and they are alone! He is in the spotlight. She is in the shadows and as she speaks, she slowly walks towards him...there is nothing about this scenario that doesn’t seem sexual. It is like electricity. It is intense and there is this constant feeling of anticipation. And not only that, but her behaviour is different in a way that he can’t quite put his finger on.
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It has been years yet she is more confident than ever! She is relaxed and very comfortable in his presence. No attempts to chop his head off yet so everything is looking good. Kai is probably thinking wtf is happening? This must be a dream. Of course, by the end of the scene, we know exactly why Bonnie behaves like this, but the above gif is an example of what he is feeding off of.  Hence, the reason he has this look on his face: 
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Kai is intrigued by Bonnie’s behaviour and the unusual setting she chose for them to have this chat. He is trying so hard to contain the joy he feels when he sees her with very little success. He knows that she is playing a game. He doesn’t exactly know what her intentions are, but by the looks of it, it seems to be going in the right direction if you know what I mean. ;) Therefore, he is willing to sit back, get comfortable in his chains and let her play it out, because her behaviour in this moment is the reason why she is the only person he still has a soft spot for. It is like seeing her again, after five years in Hell, has only confirmed why she has always meant something to him. 
So when Bonnie says that Hell no longer exists and he responds:
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He is not trying to be condescending; there is low-key admiration in that voice and expression. He isn’t surprised that she helps kill Cade but still, she ceases to amaze him. His tone is soft and honestly he views this entire interaction as some kind of mental foreplay that they always do with each other. 
I mean at this point he could reveal that Katherine takes over Hell, but what is the fun in that? Why stop the game when he doesn’t know how it will end? For all he knows, there could be hate-sex waiting for him at the end of this. He doesn’t know so he prolongs it with banter. It is like a mystery he has to solve. 
Oooo what has Bonnie Bennett planned for me today? 
After all, Kai loves games and no one plays games with him quite like Bonnie does. 
His next line of action is to spew out one-liners to feel her out. He wants to get this game going, put some spice in it. Suss out what her intentions are 
And with each line, the sexual subtext becomes less and less subtle:
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This line seems innocent enough but it is also unnecessary. Kai knows Bonnie will not let him loose so why say it? Yes, it could be interpreted as him being clever but remember, underneath that banter, there is a lot of sexual tension. I mean Bonnie literally chuckles in response and the camera suddenly (to my chagrin tbh) goes to a wide-shot where we can’t see their faces but we do see all the red and Bonnie walking towards him...so I would infer if this wasn’t CW but HBO, the line would read: Let me loose, and I’ll totally finger blast you. And you can fight me on that 
And then Kai is like....
You know what, let’s stop mucking about and let me get to the question that has been on my mind since you walked in... are you here to 
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 ...because I was totally getting that BDSM vibe from you and i’m literally in chains soooo...if that is what you planned to do then I just want to tell you that I’m ready. My body is prepared and I’m ready for you to punish me *wink*
And then Bonnie says 
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which basically makes Kai go mad with lust. If he wasn’t hard before, he is definitely hard af now. To Kai, this is Bonnie just trying to outdo him in their mental chess game and the fact that she is using his own method of delivery to threaten him (such as the head tilts and similar facial expressions) turns him on.  In gif form he is like...
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HOLY FUCK! SHE IS SOOO HOT! She just took our mental foreplay to a new level! Using my own fears against me...that is something I would do! Is this woman real? I need to up my game 
 *lowers voice a full octave, husky tone, bedroom eyes*
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^Oh Bon, you naughty girl. You know that is not possible so let’s stop with the chit-chat and get to the frick frack. 
Look at his facial expression, tone and mannerisms, without any context, what would your caption be?
Does it look like a man that: 
Is turned on?
Is thinking about sex?
Thinks this conversation will end with Bonnie revealing that she created another prison world specifically for him? 
yes, yes, and no. He thinks he is playing the battle of wits, for fuck sakes. He knows Bonnie is smart, but he doesn’t think she would waste her energy making an ascendant when it has been years since they interacted and he hasn’t tried to hurt her. 
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As soon as he sees the ascendant tho, he realises he should have seen this coming. All the qualities he adores about her are the very qualities that would allow for this to happen. He attacked her friends and attempted to kill the twins (*rolls eyes* I blame Plec), so of course Bonnie Bennett would create another prison world to protect the people she loves. 
And yet, the shock is still there  He clenches his jaw to maintain his composure, but he is internally spazzing out. Despite their bad history, he thought this would end differently. He knew she was playing a game but he didn’t think it was that type of game (if that makes sense). She made her final move and checkmate him 
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The anger starts to appear when he realises that he has been in Bonnie’s prison  world for their entire conversation. And now, each word that leaves her mouth cuts into him like a knife 
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He is scared, he is fuming but most of all, he is hurt which is surprising because he is supposedly free of emotion now 
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See the look he gives Bonnie and the deep intake of breath^ 
It is as if he is thinking 
Fantastic! We are that Bonnie and Kai again. 1994 prison world Bonkai... we play mind games and then hurt each other at the end of it. She is still punishing me for what I did to her in 6x22. 
And what surprised me is that his initial response is not to return the favour, but to plea for Bonnie to stay. It is true that his fear is to be in another prison world, but his worst fear is to see the only person he cares about, Bonnie, once again leave him like in 6x17. He is far too vulnerable in this moment to think of his next ‘chess’ move or even hide the power she has over him.
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It is only a flicker tho He wasn’t suppose to show Bonnie that he cares 
Part 3: How the tables turn 
@bonkai-legacy @albion19 @bonkai-diaries @ohh-my-josh @animelifecx @ms-ss
(None of the gifs used in this post are mine. Here are the links to the original gifsets: X, X, X, X, X. Please take a moment to reblog the original gifset if you haven’t already. It takes time to make gifsets and I am sure the creator will appreciate the love. :) )
Part 1 
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