#it always feels kinda creeper-y when‚ like‚ teachers call out names and say “Miss A----” instead of just my name
this is intended to be, like, if a stranger on the street you were having a conversation with called you love.
think of any random person. I know this is dependent on context, but I don't want everyone to be hitting "else" just because if they're really nice they'd be okay with it. If any typical person you were chatting with called you "love", how would you react?
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thesadstoryofme · 5 years
I want you to look at me the way all those girls look at you.
An imagine in which y/n has deep feelings for Harry but he doesn’t feel the same. This wasn’t request. 
     I always knew i’d fall for Harry, ever since I met him, he’s made me feel so special. I adore him and everything about him. I met Harry a couple years ago when we were in college. He was studying law and I was studying to be a teacher. His dark brown hair and his big eyes caught me, I remember sitting next to him in our English class. He was wearing a gray hoodie with a little pizza sauce stain at the bottom, he was also wearing black shorts and his hair was put up in a little man bun. I remember when we first made eye contact he smiled at me, showing off his cute dimples. 
 We clicked the minute we met. He keep making fun of my writing and I kept teasing him about his funny accent. I was from america but decided to study in England. I gave him my number so we could study sometime when we were both free. He called me that night.  We stayed friends for nearly 5 years, we went on vacations together and we went to parties together and even concerts. Our families talk on occasions and we even went on a family trip with both our families on year for Christmas.  He was so supportive in everything that I did and he always made me feel like I was so important to him. 
When I had just turned 22 and he turned 25 we both moved in together. We rented an apartment for our last year in school. We wanted something off campus, so we could be free.  I loved every second of it, that was until Harry would come home late, stumbling in with a hot skinny blond. He’d make so much noise and the walls were very thin.
 A couple months ago he would bring home the same girl and I never questioned it. Harry had always told me that he didn’t date, he wanted to spend his twenties, sleeping with a lot of people, experience new sex things and enjoy life.  I on the other hand have never even been on a date, guys don’t look at me the way I look at them. I always thought that once I went to college I would experience sex.  Harry always considered me his friend and it didn’t bug so much until now.
I was up before he was, I showered and cooked my self breakfast. He came home late, 4 o’clock in the morning. I was on the sofa catching up on one of my shows that I had missed due to school and work. He opened the door, keys in his hand and that blond girl from the last couple of times. I think her name was Willa.  She was very pretty. She was skinny and her hair was long and straight. She always wore the same black booty skirt and to be honest it didn’t flatter her. 
“ C’mon babe, my room mate is a sleep.” I remember him saying. 
“ Do you think she knows it’s me”  Yes, I know you’re the same girl he brings home almost every night.
They never saw me. He stumbled passed the kitchen and headed straight to his room, leaving the good o’ fashion sock on the door. 
It was getting late in the day and I knew how much he hated waisting his day away with sleep.  I left the living room and headed towards his door, the sock was gone. 
When I cracked open the door, I never thought in the 4 years i’ve known him that I would ever see this sight.  He was on his back, his arms rested under his head, His legs spread open and her face was in between them as her head bobbed up and down.  His eyes were closed as he licked his lips and moaned out her name 
“ So good for me Willa, You always make me feel so good, fuck.” he opened his eyes and they were met with mine, before he could open his mouth or push the girl away, I shut the door and headed to my room. 
I didn’t think I would ever get turned on from seeing my hot room mate get a blow job from some chick he’s been doing.
I felt bad because I could of knocked or said something. I remember the look on his face the moment our eyes locked. I had to leave, I had to go out and come back later. I was embarrassed. 
It was nearly 8 pm and I had been out for a good 6 hours. I was to embarrassed to come back to the flat. Would he be mad at me? Would he laugh ? I didn’t know what he would be feeling. I opened the door as quietly as I could, but his figure was coming my way.
“ I was looking for you. Where did you go? “ he asked, 
I dropped my keys and purse on the counter and headed towards the fridge.
“ I went to meet up with some of my friends “ I lied 
“ You could of texted me, I was worried”  
“ You don’t text me when you leave, You were busy anyways “ I was mad and I didn’t have any right to be mad. 
“ Yeah about that, you could of knocked you looked like a creeper” He laughed wiping his sweaty hands on his sweats.
“ I know, I’m sorry. You didn’t have the sock on the door, I didn’t know she’d be over “ 
“ She has a name “ I offended him
“ A name that I don’t care to learn”  
“ Wow, is it that time of the month? you’re moody” He joked 
“ I don’t want to talk to you, Goodnight “
I don’t really know what my problem was, I was so in love with him that I was mad at him for being with someone that wasn’t me. I want him to look at me the way other girls look at him. I wanted him to kiss me since the first time we met, I wanted him to send me a dick pic on accident. I wanted so much. 
It had only been a couple minutes and Harry was standing in my door way, his hands were stuffed in his pockets. 
“What do you want?” I asked, not even looking at him.
“ I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings” He said as he sat down in the chair across from me. 
“ You didn’t”  I replied, finally looking up at him. 
“What is going on with you y/n? You don’t seem like yourself and you always seem agitated. “
“ I’m mad at you I guess” Was i really about to tell him how I feel?
“ What did I do?”
“ You made me fall in love with you” He was taken a back. 
“ What?” 
“ I have been in love with you since the first time I saw you in Professor Micks class. I never thought that i would end up living with you and getting to know everything about you, I love the way you laugh and the way you crinkle your nose when you’re thinking and I love how you make jokes that are not funny but you still have to laugh because of how ridiculous they sound. I  also fucking hate that you bring over girls and don’t even think about how I feel. “ I was red, and tears had slipped from my eyes and I didn’t even know it. He was sitting across from me, he couldn’t believe what I was saying.
“ How could you ? How could you be in love with me? I didn’t know I had to think about you when I bring girls over.” 
“ I love how kind you are and how you make me feel like i’m special and I don’t know I guess I just kinda started having feelings for you” 
“ That’s what friends do, they make you feel special and they make you laugh, You can’t be in love with me “ ouch 
“ What ? why can’t I be in love with you?” I asked 
“ Because I’m in love with Willa and you’re my best friend, I’ve only ever looked at you as my best friend, I’m sorry” His face was red, his hands never left his pockets and guilt formed on his face.
“ I just want you to look at me the way all those girls look at you” I replied, I was crying and I didn’t even know it. My sweaty hair was tucked behind me shoulders.  
Harry was on his feet, Staring at me in as guilt fled the room.
“ I’m sorry y/n, I wish I could look at you that way but I just don’t see you in that way” 
“ I would feel so much better if you left my room” 
“ Don’t do this” 
“ It’s fine, I didn’t expect you to feel the same way, I wanted to tell you so I didn’t feel like this anymore. So I didn’t have to hid it. I’m happy you finally found love “ 
I hope you all liked this, I wrote it in 30 mins.  Send me feedback and of course my request are always open
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zankivich · 6 years
Teacher’s Pet: A College AU Chapter 8
This chapter is super long, but I couldn't find a better place to end it so like.... hope you enjoy long shit? If you’re enjoying the story so far let me know. If it sucks also let me know. If you wanna be added to the tag list let me know. Basically just let me know. :) 
And there’s smut if that’s a thing you need to be warned of....
Also TW: homophobia/slur 
Chapter 8
*Shawn’s point of view*
When he woke up she was already awake, quietly scrolling through her phone while he slept. He stretched and cracked his bones with a yawn before shuffling over to her side of the bed and squishing himself into her space. She simply moved to accommodate his large body, allowing him to lay his head upon her chest, which happened to be the softest thing he’d ever laid his head on in his whole life. He had grown so used to sleeping beside her that their three or so days of “fighting” had been sleepless and angsty. It was awful.
“What are you doin’?” He mumbled watching her instagram feed one picture at a time.
She smirked. “Not watching you sleep like some creeper, unlike others I know.”
“Very funny.” He grinned peering over at her. “Anyone ever tell you you’re really beautiful in the morning.”
She snorted and it was so cute, he wanted to die.
“Eye boogers and all huh? You’ll be happy to know you look like a rolling stone cover regardless. And yes it is as frustrating as you might think.”
He chuckled watching her for a few minutes. He knew he could have watched her forever, but there were definitely better ways to utilize their time.
“So are you attached to the whole instagram scrolling thing, or could I persuade you to do something else?”
She raised an eyebrow at him already throwing her phone onto the nightstand.
“What did you have in mind, sir?”
He rolled over on top of her pulling her body close to his through the sheets. They quickly got to kissing and biting at each other working themselves into a frenzy. This time everything in his being was telling him to take it slow, to give himself fully and entirely to her. When she wrapped her legs around his back and breathed his name in his ear like a prayer, he found himself getting lost in her body, in her voice, in her soul. He delved deep into her and liked everything that he saw. It was beautiful to be with her, to exist in-between her thighs where it felt like he belonged. It was more than just sex, it felt like completion, like an evolution was taking place. He grabbed onto her hips driving himself home over and over again, not with the goal of just an orgasm, but with the goal of letting her know that he was fully and entirely her’s in every way.
It was a completely different experience in a culture that told men to dominate women and make them theirs. How could he not want every part of himself to belong to her, when she made him feel this way? She had given him something so entirely precious and important. He didn’t want anything but for her to see his love and his heart on a silver platter if she needed. Not out of competition, or masculinity, or anything other than that he loved her terribly.
He had gotten completely lost in the moment when it came. She was pulling him deeper into her, sucking at his neck, and moaning the most incredible things in his ear. He’d been building to something really special for the both of them, when his phone began to ring and their bubble was miraculously popped.
“Don’t you dare answer that.” She gasped legs tightening around him.
“Wait, wait,” He mumbled breathlessly, digging through the messy sheets. “Just let me see who it is.”
“I hate you so fucking much right now.”
He shuffled around causing tiny moans and groans form each of them as they were still connected. When he finally got to the phone his whole world sank, because she most definitely was not going to be happy.
“You’re gonna hate me even more, but it’s my mom and I have to take it. She gets pissed when I don’t answer.”
His girlfriend was incredulous. “You are literally impaling me right now! I am sure Mama Mendes would understand.”
“I mean I would’ve called it something much more romantic like making love, or literally anything else other than something synonymous with stabbing you!”
She chuckled, but was otherwise unmoved.
“I’m sorry I’m not poetic enough for you, Shawn.”
“It’s not about being poetic, but I’d like to think we’re doing something kinda beautiful over here! At least more beautiful than ‘impaling’. Impaling you? I’m trying to create a moment over here, and that’s the best you could come up with?” He huffed.
“Look, what do you say we give each other a couple of orgasms, and then I’ll go cook breakfast while you call your mom back and tell her you were studying or whatever you good Christian boys do.”
He sighed. “I’m not Christian...Not practicing anyway.”
“Shawn...I love you but please fuck me before my vagina shrivels up from this conversation.”
Ultimately, his mom would always be there, but his girlfriend might very well kill him. So, he let the phone ring and dove back under the covers, his girlfriend already grabbing at his ass and moving him back to the position that was sure to get her where she needed to go. It was wonderful to watch her when it happened. Her nose got really red and her chest would grow flush. She always tried to cover her mouth to keep the sound in, and he would just as quickly move her hand and intertwine their fingers because he loved the way that she sounded. She would pull incessantly at his hair until it was just the right side of painful and shove her face into his neck to try to mask the loudest of the sounds when her orgasm would hit. Sometimes she would scream into his skin and he could actually feel the vibrations of her passion. If he wasn’t already on the edge, that was sure to get him there. His fingers dug into her ass, holding her against him as he emptied into the condom. They could both barely breathe after, collapsing in a sweaty, tangled heap as if they’d destroyed each other.  
“At what point do we win an award for that?” He huffed ten minutes later, kissing her cheek as he shuffled out of bed to dispose of the condom.
She laughed following him into the bathroom to shower
“I think somewhere between orgasm three and four.” She suggested. “I’ll make sure to get you a trophy asap.”
She had tied her hair in a bun and moved past him to step into the shower after stopping to use the bathroom. He could see her through the door and there really wasn’t ever a moment when she wasn’t the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. She caught him staring as she was soaping herself up and smiled at him through the glass.
“I thought you needed to call your mother?” She asked innocently.
He, however was already stepping into the shower behind her.
“My mom would want me to be clean, first.”
It was another hour before he even made it to his phone, and that was only because she finally left to go cook breakfast giving his hormones some time to calm down. He opted for a facetime thinking it would make up for the missed call.  His mom picked up on the first ring, which really wasn’t a good sign if you knew his mom.
“Shawn, how nice of you to pick up!”
He winced. “Yea… Sorry Mom, I was in the shower when you called.”
“I called you over an hour ago, Shawn. What kind of showers are you taking in California? Aren’t you all supposed to be in the middle of a drought.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle. His mom was the coolest in the world, but she worried endlessly about him being in a different country from her for undergrad. She was insistent on him living him in Pickering again as soon as he was finished, and he’d yet to have the heart to tell her his plan was to hopefully move to Toronto instead. There was also a potential plan to stay in Cali for another year to do the music thing, which had been seeming a lot stronger given his current relationship.
“I’m sorry, okay? I’m calling now. How are things? Aaliyah and Dad okay?”
“Everything’s fine here. Your sister is taking three AP classes, and she’s doing wonderful in all of them. Your father is fine. He’s working overtime to make sure he can get the time off for your performance. We’re all doing great, sweetie.”
“That’s great. I miss you guys, so much.” He grinned. “Can’t wait for you to hear the new music.”
“Yea? You’re inspired out there, aye?”
He smiled a smile that had only started appearing on his face that semester, and for a very specific reason.
“I am. I think I’m creating the best stuff I’ve ever made.”
That was a sound his mom made only in times when he was about to get chewed out. He only recognized it because the look on her face wasn’t much better to boot. There wasn’t even a chance to do damage control before she was confronting him.
“That’s not your bedroom. I should I know, I bought your sheets after all.”
He peered back at the still messy sheets he’d destroyed with his girlfriend just hours prior, and his tongue began to dry in his throat.
“Y--Yea. You know, about that--”
“Oh save it, Shawn. Your father already told me, what you refused to call and tell me yourself, sir. You’re in love. You’ve fallen in love, and weren’t going to tell me of all people?”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Mom I was going to tell you. I would never keep something like that from you. I’ve just been a little preoccupied with classes, and performing, and you know I booked a gig at an even bigger venue for the same week you guys here. I thought you and dad could come and see it.”
“I will not be distracted from the issue at hand, Shawn! I want to meet her.”
His mom never yelled and that somehow only made it worse, because her voice just sounded disappointed instead.
“I’d love for you to meet her!”
“Wonderful, go get her.”
His life flashed before his eyes of him as a vision of him introducing his mother to his girlfriend while she was dressed in nothing but one of his hoodies played out. Not likely.
“Mom. I’m not introducing you guys through facetime. You can meet her when you come to town. And please don’t… you know, scare her? She’s important.”
His mom huffed at him. “What am I, a monster? I’m not gonna scare the girl, I just wanna meet her.”
“Excuse me?”
“She’s a woman. Not a girl. You probably wouldn’t say you wanna meet the boy, you’d say man. Girl is like… it just shapes the way we view women in comparison with men, so it’s cooler if we say women ya know?” He smiled sheepishly. “Feminism class, remember?”
“Well good for you. Maybe that class can teach you to call your mother every now and again.”
He laughed knowing that all was forgiven. His mom could never stay mad at him for long. By the time he got off the phone, not before promising to call again sometime that week, everything was okay again. In two weeks his family would be in town, and they knew him better than anyone. He had known that this relationship had made him happier than he’d been in years, maybe since he’d discovered music could actually help his mental state. But, now the people who had seen him before, would get to see him after. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that they would adore her, but his fear was that they would see just how hopelessly gone he was. No one had ever had that kind of power over him, and he figured it was better that she know before his mother, who very much would, brought it up.
In the kitchen, she was listening to music on the speaker and bobbing her head while she was frying bacon in a pan. He wormed his arms around her waist from behind dropping a kiss on her shoulder and on her neck as she cooked.
“Sorry, I don’t have any Canadian bacon. Hope this is good enough.” She grinned.
He smirked. “I think I’ll manage. Can we talk for a minute?”
“Sure. Everything okay?”
“Yea, everything’s great.” He released her body sliding up onto the counter space instead. “Just never got to talk about last night, with the ‘I love you’ thing.”
“Oh...Well you don’t have to say anything more. You didn’t even have to say it back really.” She shrugged awkwardly.
He peered over at her as she tried to pretend her bacon was super interesting.
“I get that you’re not super comfortable with the whole feelings talk, but I am. And if you give me a chance I think I could make you comfortable with it too.”
She looked up at him with a smile. “Alright, give it your best shot, superstar.”
He smiled back at her, his whole heart feeling big and warm when she was in his line of vision. The words came tumbling out of him without fail, because how could he not want this woman to know how he felt?
“Well what I wanted to say last night was . . . I don’t think I’ve ever been in love before. Which means I’ve never had my heart broken, but I’ve also never given myself fully to someone. And what I would’ve told you whether we had the fight or not, or whether you said you loved me first is that...I don’t know how to give you anything less than all that I am. It’s not conscious, it’s not an effort at all. I just want you in every way and I want to satisfy every need and want you could ever have. I guess I just--I’m really into you. I’m in love with you, and I don’t think I could stand for that not to be on the table, just in case you don’t feel the same.”
She seemed to stare through him again, leaving him feeling naked and exposed before her eyes. His heart was truly in his hand, gaping wound and all. She could either take it and nurture it, or stomp on it. And that was the scariest thing he’d ever experienced in his whole life. But he’d rather die than not let her know how he felt.
She moved the bacon off of the burner, turning the stove off and stepping in between his legs. Hers hands trailed up his bare arms and up to his neck holding his face in her hands. When she kissed him, it was sweet and soft, soulful like she was feeding him with her lips. She placed her hand upon her chest as if to heal the nonexistent wound.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, Shawn.” She murmured. “And if I was poetic at all, I would tell you I’ve been with a lot of shitty people in my life. And maybe I loved some of them, and maybe I didn’t, but I’ve never had this with anyone else. I love that you like the gym even if I have never wanted to go somewhere less in my life.”
He chuckled far aware of her aversion to exercise outside of the bedroom, but found himself softening at her words as he slid his hands lovingly along her waist..
“ And I love that you hum in your sleep, and this one fucking curl that always falls in your face, and I love that you take care of me. No one ever has. Maybe I’ve never let anyone. But, I’m in okay? All in. And you never have to wonder if you’re in deeper because I’m right here with you. Always.”
He smiled, his arms and legs coming to wrap around her. He held her in his arms and kissed the living daylights out of her, his tongue feeling like heaven in her mouth. There weren’t words to thank her, so they just stood there instead, food growing cold as they got lost in one another. It was kind of perfect.
* * *
“Alright guys can anyone tell me anything about the difference between second wave and third wave feminism?”
He raised his hand, only because for once he actually knew the answer. The good thing about dating the TA was you got lots of practice outside of class….although what you were practicing differed greatly.
“Shawn.” She said professionally, because they were professional in the classroom dammit.
“Well second wave started in the sixties right? So it was during the civil rights movement and lot of it was about getting women out of the home and expanding their roles in society. That’s where the fight for equal pay in the workforce comes from. And then third wave is kind of like broader isn’t it? It was less focused on any one specific thing and more on just getting people to talk about feminism.”
“Yea, that’s a really great start. Thank you, Shawn.” She smiled only slightly cheeky. “Third wave gets kind of hard for people to define because it was such a broad way of looking at feminism. It really began to question our notions of gender and the roles we take on because of it. So this is where we get a very liberative movement of reclaiming whether that be with high heels and lipstick and very ultra-feminine things, as well as women who were saying that they wanted to remain in the home with their children and that that wasn’t inherently anti-feminist at all. But the reason why third-wave is slightly more progressive, though I would argue not nearly progressive enough in the most mainstream of circles is because we’ve started to focus on feminism for everyone. Whereas feminism began as something white, wealthy women typically only got to partake in, now trans women get to be part of that conversation. Black women and other women of color, and poor women, and women who are differently abled, are all slowly getting their seat at the table. You no longer can have a conversation about the wage gap without noticing, that white women are going to make ten, fifteen cents on the dollar of women of color. If your feminism doesn’t include women of all shapes and colors and socioeconomic statuses, you’re not doing it correctly.”
Listening to her talk was like a symphony sometimes. He’d never been a huge fan of lectures, his mind always tending to wander. But, she forced you to be engaged in a way that no one ever had. She was so easy to understand, and she made it feel like you weren’t a fucking idiot if you didn’t know something. She was passionate about everything that she taught, and therefore he couldn’t not want to learn every single thing she had to give. It was his favorite class of the entire semester, not because it was her, but because of who she was as a person.
Class eventually dismissed and as he was gathering his things together one of the guys who barely ever showed up to class felt it was his time to come up and be an asshole.
“Hey Mendes, do you find that being a bitch makes your period last longer, or does it kind of even out what with you just being a bitch all the time?” He asked.
Shawn sighed, knowing there was nothing he could say to make this dickhead actually understand how fucking lame he was. Guys like him just wanted to feel heard.
“Does that work for you, bro? Being a complete jackass? Is that really getting you where you wanna go in life?”
Frat boy scoffed. “This class is bullshit and you’re a pussy for being into it.”
“Yes because there’s nothing women find less attractive than respecting them.” Shawn grinned. “Totally makes me a pussy.”
Frat boy got angry taking a step closer. “Look here faggot if you--”
They both turned to see his girlfriend with the most pissed off expression he’d ever seen on her face. She was wearing a band t-shirt they’d bought together thrift shopping with these long wide legged pants that made her look all edgy but teachery. She was so fucking cute. Jesus.
“Day one in this class we read through a non-discrimination policy that says we will respect and be kind to everyone. And that does not include fucking slurs that are the antithesis of everything this course is based on. Get the fuck out of my classroom before I have you kicked out of this course.”
It was maybe the hottest thing he’d ever seen in his whole life. And he’d seen her naked. Frat boy stormed out of the classroom leaving only them behind, and he couldn’t just not put his hands on her when she was all brimstone and sex.
“The fucking nerve of that asshole.” She muttered as he wrapped his arms around her immediately kissing at her neck.
“You’re so fucking sexy when you’re angry at someone that isn’t me.” He whimpered.
“I hate that word. That word is fucking disgusting, and people shouldn’t feel comfortable enough to use it in any setting.”
He nodded rubbing her arms soothingly. “You’re right. Better it be me who isn’t affected by it, than someone who could’ve been. Right?”
She sighed peering up at him until she released all of the anger from her system.
“Right. You’re right. Doesn’t make it fucking okay, though.”
He wrapped her up in his arms kissing at her forehead and cheeks until she smiled.
“Don’t let it ruin your day though. Are we still having lunch in your office?”
“Yes, but it needs to actually be lunch this time Shawn! I have meetings all day after this, I can’t be starving because you can’t keep it in your pants.”
He held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, I’ll be good! I promise!”
*Twenty minutes later*
“Don’t fucking pull my hair, Shawn!” She gasped in between moans. “I’ve got to look presentable.”
“I’m trying babe. Shit, you feel amazing.”
He had her bent over her desk, hands on her hips as she threw her ass back at him with every thrust of his hips. It was doing wonders for how deep he could get inside of her and thus was reflecting well on her general comments on the act.
“Oh my god.” She mumbled her arms collapsing so that she was leaning on her arms against the desk thus pushing her hips further into the air. “Baby, fuck me please.”
Her voice was innocent and sickeningly sweet and it made his spine straighten as he leaned up onto his toes and rammed into her from behind. They were trying desperately to be quiet, and her moans turned silent as he began to hit the perfect spot. There was a mirror against the opposite wall that let them make eye contact, and her eyes rolled back in her head when he wrapped one hand around the back of her neck and pulled her deeper against him desperate and needy. This was quickly becoming his second favorite position in the world, and when she tightened up around him, he might have just seen stars.
“Fuck don’t do that you’ll make me cum.” He huffed hiding his face in her neck.
She reached back behind their bodies and grabbed his hip pulling him against her body.
“I want it. Give it to me.” She whimpered. “Please, Shawn?”
There is only so much a man can take.
She pulled orgasms out of him like Dumbledore pulled memories out of his own fucking head. And he never had the time to feel embarassed about coming too quick because it seemed to be her goal, the little vixen, always trying to kill him with every tightening of her muscles. When he came he held her whole entire body from behind in an attempt to not explode across the whole entire room. Her chest was heaving, face red and sated, as she collapsed against the desk once again. He quickly joined her after pitching the condom, barely having the strength to collapse in the chair and pull her onto his lap.
“Did you cum?” He asked skimming his nose along the side of her face as their bodies cooled.
Her eyes widened. “No, I’m not gonna start shooting all over my office like a sprinkler, thank you very much. I work here.”
“What? Babe you can’t just not cum! What the fuck am I even here for, if you’re not orgasming?”
“Women all over the world are fucking mediocre men and not having orgasms. I can take one for the team.” She shrugged.
He shook his head quickly dislodging her from his lap as he stood up.
“Shawn this is not that big of a deal.”
“Yes it is! Babe I have to make you cum.” He explained. “An eye for an eye. Reciprocation. All of that. How could you let me cum, and not expect the same back.”
“Sweetie, I hear you, and I really love this feminist approach you’re taking to our love making, and if it wouldn’t get me fired I’d probably give you extra credit. However, I am choosing not to orgasm for fear of soaking the entire place down. I still very much enjoy your penis inside of me and I’ve had a great time. It’s not you, it’s me.”
“Funny. She’s being funny.” He muttered pulling his jeans back up his hips.
She giggled reaching for her pants.
“You gotta admit it’s a little funny.”
He rolled his eyes at her and went about grabbing his things.
“Are you really upset with me right now?” She asked as he prepared to leave.
He threw his backpack over his shoulder nearing the door.
“I’m not upset I just don���t understand why you won’t let me make you cum!” He huffed. “I’m kind of good at it. It’s one of my favorite pastimes.”
They stood there in a tense silence only for a knock to arrive on the door and suck all off the air out of the room.
“Shit.” She gasped pulling her pants with a fierceness.
Shawn remained stuck as his girlfriend quickly materialized a bottle of febreeze out of nowhere and began viciously spraying the room down with it. He could only unfreeze when he noticed the magnitude of the spray.
“So you can squirt febreeze everywhere, but god forbid I make you cum.” He mumbled.
She moved past him socking him in the chest enough to really fucking hurt.
“Get your shit together and try to look like we didn’t just have sex!” She whispered. “We will talk about this at home.”
“Whatever.” He muttered arms crossed like an aggravated child.
There was another knock on the door, and she smoothed quickly at her outfit tugging at her curls before yanking open the door in the least suspicious manner they could manage. On the other side of the door was none other than Frat Boy himself. Maybe the worst person in the world to be on the other side of the door.
“Roger. How can I help you?” She asked quickly trying to keep her voice under control.
He looked over at Shawn with an unimpressed look in his eyes refusing to talk like the fucking baby he was.
“Don’t mind me, I was just leaving. Thanks for the help, teach.” He mumbled sliding his hand protectively against the small of her back as he passed.
She’d have hit him again  if she could.
* * *
“Are Mom and Dad driving you crazy?” He asked moving through the kitchen to locate a snack.
His sister Aaliyah was on facetime and they had been catching up on loads for the past hour after he’d finished his paper for abnormal psych.
“They’re not so bad. Mom is over planning for the trip to visit you. She’s already packed and repacked three times.” She chuckled.
“She’ll be fine once she sees I’m not dead. I’ve been in school for four years, you’d think she’d get used to it by now.”
“Not exactly. She wants me to go to go school in Ontario so I can commute and stay home. Especially now that you’ve hidden your girlfriend from her, I think she thinks you’re gonna elope and run away.”
He laughed. “She tell you about that? I’m gonna need you to be on my side this weekend. The recital is stressful enough, I don’t need mom scaring off the girl I’m in love with.”
“Ooooooooo, in love huh?!” She teased. “Are you sitting in a tree, and k-i-s-s-i-n-g-ing?!”
“Hilarious.” He answered dryly. “You’ll love her when you meet her. She’s getting her masters in human sexuality. She’s like the smartest, most woke person ever. Don’t tell her I said it though, she hates that word.”
“I’ll try to keep it to myself… Is it serious, or whatever?”
He peered over at the facetime for the first time in a while having been preparing himself a sandwich.
“Yea, I think so. It’s more serious than anything I’ve ever done before.” He shrugged, cheeks warming.
“So when you graduate...would you like, not come back to Canada?”
Only his sister could ask questions that would leave him floundering and and flustered. She would of course ask him questions that he didn’t have answers to.
“I don’t know, yet. We haven’t really talked about it. She gets a little spooked by talking about feelings.”
“Mom would shit her pants if you stayed in California.” She hinted.
He sighed. “Yes, Aaliyah; I’m aware.”
“On the bright side, if you mess up this massively, I will only further my reign as the golden child!”
Best little sister ever.
“Alright punk. Text me when you guys get to the airport, aye? I’m gonna be there to pick you  up.”
He heard the front door open and smiled knowing that she was home and was coming to him, and no one else.
“Yea, yea, we’ll keep you posted.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
He closed the phone after his sister had faded away and turned as the light of his life twirled into the room. Or walked. Whatever.
“Who do you love?” She asked in loo of greeting.
He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in for a kiss.
“Hey. How was Fratboy dickbag?” He smirked.
She rolled her eyes. “We’re lucky he didn’t fucking hear anything. No more quickies in the office. That’s a line we never should have crossed. The guy’s weird though, he kept looking at me like a predator. I’m almost positive he doesn’t understand the line of consent.”
“Did he do something to you?” He asked standing up straighter automatically.
She smiled. “No. I’m okay. Which reminds me, who was it that you love again?”
“Besides you? My sister. She was catching me up on the Canadian drama, and my mom’s never ending packing.”
“Ahh.Yes. Parents. Family... Fun.”
He grinned. “Your enthusiasm is genuinely astounding.”
“I don’t have a good history of first impressions. I’m a generally awkward human with the mouth of a truck driver. I don’t want you to be surprised when your Canadian mother hates me.” She mumbled.
“Why does the Canadian matter?”
“Because you guys could get hit by a car and you would apologize to the driver, and take them out to lunch. I’m American, Shawn. We blame the world for our problems and take it out on everyone else. We’re kind of the worst.” She explained.
He chuckled kissing her nose in reassurance.
“They’re gonna love you. Because I love you. They’re the least judgemental people in the world, and when my mom sees the way you take care of me, she’ll want to be your best friend.”
She pouted up at him and it was so cute he wanted to die.
“I’m not exactly doing your laundry and cleaning your room. I wouldn’t call myself housewife material.”
“Exactly. But when I’m anxious you get me to focus on just one thing. And you breathe with me until I’m better. And when I’ve played the same chord for the thousandth time and finally get it right you smile at me like I’ve cured cancer. And when you’re with me, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. You take care of me in all of the ways that matter.”
She rolled her eyes sticking her chin out him like a child before a smile eventually broke through.
“Besides. I’ve done more laundry since we’ve been together than I have in my whole life. She’ll probably think you’re magic.”
“You musicians and your poetic words.” She huffed. “You’ll be the death of me.”
“But I’ll make it worth your while.” He promised kissing her chastly.
“Yea...beginning with finishing what we started earlier.”
He dropped to his knees smoothly, hooking his fingers into her pants and taking them with him to the floor.
“Here?! In the kitchen?!” She gasped.
“What like we haven’t before?” He asked peering up at her with innocent eyes. “C’mon. Please?”
She huffed as he tugged at her underwear, quickly pulling them down to her ankles before settling her fingers possessively in his hair the way that he liked.
“Fuckin’ boy scout. Continue.”
He chuckled, hands grabbing at her hips as he absolutely dug in.
“Babe you’re sweating.” He smirked her hands slick in his own.
She groaned beating her head into his chest.
“Maybe I’ll die before they get here. Maybe that God person everyone’s always talking about will do me a solid and just take me out.”
“Even God gets to be gender neutral, aye?” He grinned kissing her hair.
She beamed up at him. “I have taught you so well. How could anyone fire me for sleeping with you, you’re practically a scholar.”
“I appreciate the sentiment. Just a heads up I didn’t tell my parents about that.”
“Well thank fuck for that. I can imagine how many strikes that would be against me.”
They waited at LAX armed with  Canadian flags and everything to welcome Shawn’s family. Despite how nervous she was, Shawn couldn’t have been more excited for his family and girlfriend to meet. His family meant the world to him. She meant the world to him. It only made sense for those two worlds to collide.
When the time finally came, and he spotted his mom with her too many suitcases, his dad and little sister slowly trailing behind, there was an excitement within him that he couldn’t explain. He loved his family endlessly and any time he got to see them was truly something special. His mom spotted him and flew into his arms squeezing him tightly, like he’d been off at war. His father clapped him on the back following it up with a bear hug, while his sister hugged him around the waist. He kissed and greeted them all, only noticing that his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen when they were all standing in front of him. She was still very much in the spot where he’d left her.
“Hey, come here.” He murmured softly reaching for her hand and pulling her into the fray.
He didn’t let go of her hand, just in case she needed that, and by the way she intertwined their fingers he had a feeling that she did.
“Family this is y/n.” He smiled staring at her with all of the adoration that he felt inside. “Y/n, this is family.”
She had wore a black dress that day with a white collar and a wide, skater skirt that went down to her knees--something about being presentable for his mom--and she messed with the skirt of it anxiously as she smiled.
“Hi. We’re very excited to have you here. It’s really wonderful to meet you all. Shawn talks a lot about you.”
He quickly took over wanting to give her the opportunity to lay low and take it all in.
“We figured we could go to lunch before you guys go to the hotel.”
“Yes please. Airplane food is horrible.” His sister sighed.
“Perfect. Let’s go!”
He grabbed for his mom’s bags, sliding one over his shoulder and pulling her suitcases. He watched as his girlfriend politely asked his father and little sister if she could carry their bags. His dad looked at her like she wasn’t speaking english and his sister seemed more than amused with the situation. When she insisted on carrying his bag, he was sure his father was going to say something ignorant and the whole world would come crashing down before they ever made it to the restaurant. But he instead gave her the bag and  linked hands with his mom as they walked instead. Crisis averted.
His parents had rented a car for the week and it was an SUV, big enough to carry the luggage that his mother thought was necessary. They drove to the asian bistro he’d taken her to for their first lunch date, and got a big table outside for everyone to sit at. His father pulled the chair out for his mother, something he’d always done, and he gave him a strange look when he didn’t do the same. His parents were wonderfully accepting people, but there seemed to be a generational gap in terms of what the expectations were in relationships. He had a feeling his dad would talk to him about it later.
His mother was kind enough to wait until they’d placed their orders before turning her stare to the two of them. He’d been whispering a joke in her ear about something that happened in class the week before, and when she finally smiled for him he’d tried to contain himself but ended up kissing her cheek anyway. Her cheeks reddened and it felt good to not be the only red faced person at the table.
“So, y/n, we’ve heard so little about you. Tell us about yourself.”
He sent his mom a look that begged her not to embarrass him, but she couldn’t have cared less.
“Well uh I’m getting my master’s in human sexuality. I’m originally from a small town in Indiana, but I moved here specifically for my program. My research is on how mental health affects Trans Women differently, more drastically actually. I’m specifically looking at trans women of color and trying to see how the intersections of race and gender negatively impact mental health due to societal forces and not personal ones? So, I’m not really all that interesting because that’s really all that I do, besides being a TA.” She shrugged.
“She’s completely underselling right now. She’s working with some of the top people in her field. She’s definitely going to get published when she’s done with her research. Everything she’s doing is incredible, and our master’s program only accepts like five people anyway. She was asked to come before she even finished undergrad.” He boasted.
She rolled her eyes at him, hating nothing more in the world than when he talked about all of the things he loved about her, which was frequent. He was just happy he could finally tell the people that mattered most about the woman that mattered most.
“You must be doing really good work then.” His mom smiled reassuringly.
“Yea, well, I just really have to do my part in elevating the voices that we purposely don’t listen to. And that’s a responsibility I don’t take lightly. It’s what matters most to me in the world, so I--I try.”
He could tell that she was getting worked up talking about it, and knowing how uncomfortable feelings made her, he threaded their fingers together under the table in reassurance.
His sister, bless her, began to talk about her AP english course, and how the class had rallied to get a more diverse offering of books than the ones from dead, white guys with too many extensive metaphors. His girlfriend didn’t take this lightly and smiled warmly at every word that she offered. Just as he expected, they immediately began talk back and forth about the things that they knew and the experiences they’d had. His mom seemed to be more than satisfied with everything she heard and they were left to have a wonderful lunch.
By the end of the meal, you couldn't even tell it was their first meeting. Whether she knew so or not, his girlfriend was kind and sweet and funny as all hell fitting in perfectly with his goofy wondrous family. When they were walking back to the car he pulled her close to him, a few steps behind his family, his arm around her shoulder.
“Okay?” He asked simply.
She smiled up at him and nodded.
tag list: 
@alltoowhalee13 @glader-groupa-sub8
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