#it increases the partys control over businesses by removing direct control - its very dialectical
zvaigzdelasas · 3 years
A supposedly Orwellian system is fragmented, localized, and mostly targeted at businesses.'
*pretends to be shocked*
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firedingo · 7 years
Political, Social, Economic, Militaristic & Religious Terms Defined - Come Learn Stuff :P
Have you ever read something, perhaps a book, news article or report and read a term you had no idea what it meant? Yep I’ve done it. Typically what gets me is all the terms used today to describe social, political or economic ideas, movements or policies.
Specifically I was reading a news article on The Guardian about how the government here, The Liberal/National Party, had lashed out at the opposition after the opposition party, The Labor Party, had put forth 5 policies to address key issues here. The government accused the opposition of Socialism which is what they do to every single Labor Party leader who is even a slight threat to them.
It’s laughable because thanks to the center of politics shifting to the right, even the Labor Party is barely left of the true center these days. I suppose to the LNP that the Labor Party would seem like a Socialist movement with Socialist policies because the LNP is so far to the right they’re almost in bed with the worst side of Donald Trump.
Their 5 policies were:
To keep or bring back the deficit levy of 0.5% applied to high income earners only(Was introduced as a means of helping restoring the budget to surplus. It’s still in Deficit)
Limiting Negative Gearing to new properties only rather than allowing anyone to negatively gear any property, new or existing as much as they want.
Banning recourse borrowing where it could be used to purchase a property(self-managed retirees can use some of their superannuation or retirement savings to purchase property which then pays its returns back to the fund).
Reversing Company Tax cuts from 30% to 25%. (While it should apply to all companies, currently it only applies to small and medium business. The government took a lot of heat when talking about companies like Apple getting the tax cut and then they failed to pass the necessary legislation for big companies anyway).
Taxing income from family trusts at 30% regardless of the person’s tax bracket(currently income can be placed into a trust tax free, split and given to family members at a much smaller rate allowing the income to remain tax free).
The part I think I enjoyed the most was where the article author Greg states that a report from the government’s own Financial Services Inquiry, The Murray inquiry, actually said preventing recourse borrowing from super funds would be a very good idea for risk management. Seriously though, LNP, before you shoot the opposition, you might wanna make sure it’s a bad idea to begin with.
Anyway, as I read down the page I noticed a conveniently placed article The Guardian was suggesting was related. “Neoliberalism: the idea that swallowed the world”. This of course caught my attention, then it reminded me that sometimes I’m not always 100% sure on terms used like neoliberalism.
Usually I would just go look up the definition as I’m reading but then an idea struck me, why not build a definition list of common-related terms that are likely to come up and share it with everyone? Thus I have arrived at that.
If you’re interested in saving the list you can bookmark this page or download one of the following lists I put together. One attempts to group similar terms together such as democracy and liberalism. The other is a straight up alphabetized list. Below I will post the themed list rather than the alphabetized list in this blog.
Thematically linked List: http://jmp.sh/v/WUEujLTun5Ikck2zB6Vv
Alphabetized List: http://jmp.sh/v/r3oV1uCqTswUr5mXMs7x
Thematically Linked List
Oligarchy - is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. Authoritarianism - is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Totalitarianism - is a political system in which the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. Police state - a term denoting a government that exercises power arbitrarily through the police force. Fascism - a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce. It is usually considered a far-right view on the traditional left-right spectrum. Communism - is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the idea of common ownership and the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state. Anarchism - is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions. Anarchism holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary and harmful. Nationalism - is a range of political, social and economic systems characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance or full sovereignty over the group's homeland. Socialism - is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership, democratic control of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social Ownership - may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership or to citizen ownership of equity. Corporatocracy - is a recent term used to refer to an economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests. Globalization - refers to the free movement of goods, capital, services, people, technology and information across international borders. Capitalism - is an economic system and an ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Crony Capitalism - is an economy is which businesses thrive not as a result of risk taken, but rather, as a return on money amassed through a nexus between a business class the political class. This is done using state power to crush genuine competition in handing out permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state intervention over resources where the state exercises monopolistic control over public goods. Neo-Liberalism - refers primarily to the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism. These include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society. These ideas caused a shift from Keynesian ideas. Laissez-Faire - is an economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government interventions such as regulation, privileges, tariffs and subsidies. Keynesian Economics - are the various theories about how in the short-run and especially during recessions, economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand (total spending in the economy). Aggregate demand does not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the economy, instead it is influenced by a host of factors and sometimes behaves erratically, affecting production, employment and inflation. Liberalization - is a process by which an economy is freed from direct or physical controls imposed by the government. It is similar to deregulation. Deregulation - the process of removing or reducing state regulations, typically in the economic sphere. Privatization - is primarily the process of transferring the ownership of a business, enterprise, agency, public service or public property from the public sector (a government) to the private sector (either a business that operates for profit or a nonprofit organization). Conservatism - is a political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. Centrism - is a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of a balance of a degree of social equality and a degree of special hierarchy while opposing political changes that would result in a significant shift of society strongly in either direction (left or right). Centre-left & Centre-right - is a political outlook or specific position that involves a general association with centrism combined with leaning somewhat to their respective sides of the spectrum. Nazism - Sometimes referred to as National Socialism, is the ideology and set of practices associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and other far-right groups. Usually characterized as a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and anti-semitism. Scientific Racism - is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority and/or racial superiority. Anti-Semitism - is a hostile prejudice or discrimination against Jews. Leninism - is a political theory for the organization of a revolutionary vanguard party and the achievement of a dictatorship of the proletariat as a political prelude to the establishment of Socialism. Proletariat - is the class of wage-earners in a capitalist society whose only possession of significant material value is their labor-power. Marxism - is a form of socioeconomic analysis that analyses class relations and societal conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and a dialectical view of social transformation. Historical Materialism - is a methodological approach of Marxist historiography that focuses on human societies and their development over time. Marxist Historiography (also known as historical materialist historiography) - is a school of historiography influenced by Marxism, the chief tenets are the centrality of social class and economic constraints in determining historical outcomes. Historiography - is the study of the methods of historians in developing history as an academic discipline and by extension any body of historical work on a particular subject. Marxism-Leninism - is the political ideology adopted by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Comintern which its proponents consider to be based on Marxism and Leninism. It was first suggested by Joseph Stalin. The goal of Marxism-Leninism is the development of a state into what it considers a socialist state through the leadership of a revolutionary vanguard composed of "professional" revolutionaries, who are an organic part of the working class who come to the socialist consciousness as a result of the dialectic of class struggle. Neoconsevatism - is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among conservative-leaning Democrats. It refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist Left to the camp of American conservatism. It promotes the ideas of democracy and American national interest in international affairs, including by military force as well as espousing disdain for Communism and political radicalism. Democracy - is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body. Liberalism - a political philosophy or worldview founded on the ideas of liberty and equality. Such ideas are applied to many different industries, ideas and organizations resulting in ideas such as freedom of speech, press, religion, markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation. Political Radicalism - denotes principles focused on altering social structures through revolutionary or other means and changing value systems in fundamental ways. Stalinism - is the means of governing and related policies implemented by Joseph Stalin. Such policies included rapid industrialization, the theory of socialism in one country, a centralized state, collectivization of agriculture, cult personality and subordination of interests of foreign communist parties to those of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Neo-Nazism - consists of post-World War II militant, social or political movements seeking to revive the ideology of Nazism. Militarism - is the belief or desire of a government or a people that a state should maintain a strong military capability to use it aggressively to expend or promote national interests. Christian Fundamentalism - is the view that 19th-century modernist theologians had misinterpreted or rejected certain doctrines, especially biblical inerrancy, that it considers the fundamentals of Christian faith. This view still persists today, Christian fundamentalists are also said to have a literal interpretation of the bible. Feudalism - a combination of legal and military customs that was broadly defined as a way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service and labor. Islamism - Can be used in reference to two forms of activism, most commonly associated with Islamic Fundamentalism. Can refer to the social and political activism advocating that public and private life is guided by Islamic Principles OR more specifically the movements that call for full implementation of sharia. Islamic Fundamentalism - defines movements of Muslims who think back to earlier times and seek to return to the fundamentals of the religion. Said movements often call for the full implementation of sharia. Sharia - also known as Sharia law or Islamic Law, is the religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith. Hadith - is one of various reports describing the words, actions or habits of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Unlike the Qur'an, which is the same literary work recognized by all Muslims, the hadith is a collection of various reports and different branches have different collections they accept. Meaning the Hadith's "accepted" reports vary from branch to branch. Salafism - an ultra-conservative reform branch or movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Arabia in the 18th-century. It calls for the return to the traditions of the "forefathers" or the salaf. It is a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. Sunni Islam - is the largest denomination of Islam. The name comes from the word Sunnah, referring to the exemplary behaviour of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The main difference between Sunni and Shia Islam is over who they believe was the "correct" successor to Muhammad. Further differences came about from this. Shia Islam - is a denomination of Islam which holds that the Islamic prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor while Sunni Islam holds that the successor was not clearly named and held to tradition in electing Abu Bakr, Muhammad's Father-in-Law as his successor. It is the second largest denomination of Islam. Wahhabism - is an Islamic doctrine and movement established by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (Not the same Muhammad who is revered by Islam). It aims to be a reform movement to restore pure monotheistic worship by devotees and to purge "sinful" Sunni practices. Qutbism - Also known as Kotebism, Qutbiyya or Qutbiyyah, it is an Islamic ideology developed by Sayyid Qutb, the figurehead of the Muslim Brotherhood. It promotes extremist jihadist ideology especially that of "offensive jihad" in the name of advancing Islam. It is notable because many of today's terrorists have been inspired by it, especially Osama bin-Laden. Muslim Brotherhood or The Society of the Muslim Brothers - is a transnational Sunni Islamist organization founded in Egypt by Islamic scholar and schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna. It gained recognition due to its model of political activism and charity work. It has inspired other movements such as Hamas. Its aim is to instill the Quran and the Sunnah as the "sole reference point" for ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community and state. It has faced crackdowns for alleged terrorist activities. It is a Pan-Islamic, religious and social movement. Pan-Islamic - is a political movement advocating the unity of Muslims under one Islamic state, often a Caliphate or an international organization with Islamic Principles regardless of the ethnicity of the Muslims. Caliphate - is a territory under the leadership of an Islamic steward known as a caliph, a person considered a religious successor to the prophet Muhammad and a leader of the entire Muslim community. Hamas - is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization. It has a social service wing and a military wing. It has been the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip since its takeover in 2007. Hamas was founded in 1987. The aim of the organization is to liberate Palestine (including modern day Israel) from Israeli occupation and establish an Islamic state as the foundation for modern day Palestine. It has engaged in wars against various countries and organizations and included attacks on soldiers and civilians, usually claimed to be in retaliation. As such they are considered by some to be either in part or whole, a terrorist organization.
If you made it this far then congrats and thanks. You also get your pick of cute kitty or puppy as my way of saying thanks for reading to the end :)
If you’re not a kitty or puppy person then I dunno, here have a bird instead :P
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