#it is just sooo much information to process is the thing and you can't really figure it out
eastgaysian · 2 months
once you put 100 hours into understanding the rules and mechanics of a crpg and have read 100 different redditor opinions on builds and classes and subclasses that's when you can REALLY start having fun. By staring at the level up screen for half an hour
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edajcheel · 1 year
TW: Yandere.
Imagine this, you're just an average student in night Raven College. You blend in very well with all the idiots and high-mighty men, thus, being a background character.
But suddenly, a person by the name of "yuu" comes and asks you for help for one of their assignments, you sit next to them and share multiple classes with them.
Soon, you began hanging around this person and grow a friendship with them.
But you always feel eyes behind you, piercing into your back as if you were prey.
After you finished your lunch with Yuu, and go your separate ways. You get cornered in a hallway that's clear of all students.
The infamous brothers, the leech twins, corner you from behind and front, no where to escape.
"Heyyyy small fry, do you have a deathwish?" Floyd Leech, the more aggressive twin pipes up.
"Oh, don't be harsh Floyd. We have yet to question them."
Seems like they have a unhealthy obsession with your newfound friend, Yuu, is what you figured out. They were planning to dump your corpse somewhere, and get rid of you for talking to their "Angelfish"
But you somehow came up with a good reason that let you live... "Uhh.. hey, I can bring you undiscovered information about Yuu if you let me live.." You quietly mumbled out.
Both of the twins looked at each other, seemingly sharing unintelligible words and emotions that you can't seem to decipher.
"We will accept your offer on that, but on one condition, you will not touch them nor handle them in any such way." Jade leech, the more "calmer" of both the twins said.
Although... You wouldn't call that calm.. more like he's just trying to hide his feelings of aggression towards you. He could snap your neck in any second if you so much as make the wrong move.
So it began, you being the "spy" for the twins. Trying to scope specific information from Yuu was hard. Personal information. It really seems like they aren't even THEIR own person. More like they just follow a script on what they like and do.
"what's your favorite color?"
"hmm.. I like all colors!"
"What's your favorite food?"
"it's hard to pick, everything tastes great to me."
You went back and forth to the twins, telling them the information you gathered till this day. You've seen and know how they react to most things, they're obsessive, cunning, possessive people that you don't want to mess with. Being with them, suffocated you a lot. You had to make sure not to get on their bad side, or do anything rash.
You avoid the touch of Yuu as much as you can. You avoid talking to them about other topics except for the topics that the twins tell you to speak about. But for crying out loud, whenever Yuu sights you out from the crowd, you can see them full speeding towards you. Can't you get any rest from this place?
You take safety measures and always find a way to escape from Yuu's grasp.
You really don't understand what your relationship has come to with the twins. Soon, all three of you begin hanging around at Mostro Lounge. In addition, you give them good information about Yuu while they sneak you free drinks. A win win. Their drinks are over expensive anyways, so it greatly benefits you.
You just hope that their house warden, Azul Ashengrotto, doesn't find out. Or you'll be in a deeper hole than you already are.
As the three of you hang out more, gradually growing loose with each other, even asking them for help with homework. You soon see yourself smiling in their presence, actually having fun. You don't know what their thought process was with this sudden change, but they dont seem to mind much.
They call you in for another small meeting, probably telling you what topic to cover with Yuu.
"Alright! What's my next mission impossible?"
Jade shows his infamous "gentleman" smile as he softly places his hand to his chest "We desire to see what you've been up to lately."
You quirk your brow in confusion. "Eh? What do you mean by that?"
"You're sooo slow guppy! It's not that complicated, we want to know what you've been doing these past days!"
Ah shit. Do they think you're plotting behind their back? You really thought that you gained their favor, and maybe became actual friends. Seems like they still don't see you as anything other than their information giver.
"I haven't been doing anything with Yuu, if that's what your speculating..." You address them calmly and seriously. Making sure that you sound convincing.
"No, you've misunderstood. That question is purely for you, Y/n." Jade's hand was boldly placed on the side of your face, as if to caress it. "You know, guppy, we've been bored lately.." Floyd shows his jaggered teeth, resembling a sharks.
They both grin. Floyd donning a smirk, while Jade's sharp teeth was out in display.
"We've grown interest in you, dearest Y/n."
"More than we've grown interest in Shrimpy.. theyve been boring these past few days..."
ANNNNNNDDD THATS WHEN YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH TWO YANDERE FUCKERS, THE DAMN LEECH BROTHERS, EVERYDAY IN YOUR LIFE!!! GOOD LUCK!! Cause they won't be hiding their affections and obsessive love towards you like they did with Yuu. Well, at least you have two tall, handsome bodyguards right? Not just one, but two. This was longer than I expected it to be..
This was inspired by the manhwa, I Love Amy, go check it out! It's 5 stars!
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pancakeke · 8 months
legitimately baffling how many people seem to have just accepted youtube's ad bullshit until posts started popping up spoon feeding everyone how to fix it by updating ublock origin. these posts have sooo many replies along the lines of "omg thank you for telling me there's a fix!"
also for the past day or whatever now people have been reblogging a post related to the youtube issue directly from me just so they can bitch at me for adding a "use firefox" comment onto it. they seem to think I'm a dumb fucking moron because the problem affects firefox now too (though few have also noted that there is also a fix).
apologies for not clarifying but I thought it was normal for people to pop a query into a search engine if they are having trouble with something. because doing that gives you the exact information needed to fix the problem a large percentage of the time. chrome has overwhelming market share yet openly stated that it is going to stop allowing ad blocking extensions so step #1 is to ditch it for firefox. if you still experience issues after this, how should you approach the situation logically? think that because you are currently unaware of a solution then no solution exists or could ever possibly exist? so there is no longer need for any thought or action?
you can not be telling me that people experienced a problem they considered significant enough to yell at me over it but did absolutely nothing else. did they really not even try to look it up? are they really lacking not only a desire to solve problems but also whatever exists in ordinary thought processes that makes you aware problems may be solvable in the first place?
maybe I am taking things at face value here. maybe the issue is more like, they heard this is a problem from a third party but it doesn't affect them so they had no reason to find a solution, yet still felt the need to repeat what they heard. or something like that. but this attitude of stubborn helplessness and anti curiosity is something I deal with at work so much.
the way people irl treat me like I'm just weird and stupid and the way they get hostile with me by immediately assuming I have no idea how things "really work" and that my actions are "wasting time" when I can't get what I need initially and try an alternative method. god it gets sooo exhausting and makes me feel like I'm going insane. because why else would I get so much anger and resistance? if this behavior is so widespread then I must be the actual problem right??
these people act like it's always better refusing to communicate, trying nothing beyond the bare minimum (which often means not trying anything at all), and then shifting blame elsewhere when the problem gets worse. admitting their first thought didn't work and pivoting is unacceptable because *huge list of vague excuses that are either bullshit or irrelevant*
I don't think this has anything to do with intelligence at all btw. it's gotta be ego related or a weird pride thing. or like how for whatever reason some people feel too much shame to ever admit they don't know something or aren't an expert at something. or they are too paralyzed by fear to attempt anything new if they might not become perfect at it immediately. but christ you can not let that kind of stuff fester amd become the normal way you live your life.
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tothegatesofhell · 1 year
it’s shy anon hiiii again long time no see 💖
i lovveee the new chapter it makes me feel feral, i knew from the second they planned to tell phil and techno it would go poorly, i just didn’t expect HOW poorly. phil is sooo insane for this one, i personally am not forgiving him. i get where he’s coming from. but i am so thoroughly on wilbur and dream’s side. my meow meows. what were they supposed to do? die instead? they’re slaves, of course they do whatever theyre told to do. i think that stealing information is a very small tradeoff in comparison to r*ping wilbur as phil did—knowledgeably or not, it was the result of his actions—and im so jtsofjdofjskdkddkdksjd. phil you are no longer on thin ice you are sinking into the frigid waters. i can only hope that techno talks some sense into him, maybe emphasizing that obviously they had no choice in the matter and that they willingly came forward. i feel them admitting to it should be a sign of their innocence, a guilty man doesn’t usually tell the executor their crimes. if they get split up in their cells or put in chains im going to do sooooo many crimes that’s the thing they’re sensitive about
anyway thanks for sharing this story <3333
Shy anon! Hi! (just fyi we do have a catboys blog now, over here)
Anyways, because I do know this chapter was really light on actual insight to what Phil and Techno are feeling/going through, here's a sneak peek! (some of this will probably get touched on in later chapters)
So, Phil is actually in a really delicate spot right now. He's a king, yes, but that doesn't mean he can't be deposed. In fact, since he has done so many controversial things, there are a lot of people who would love to see him not be a king. This sort of controversy is the best way to start spreading word that he's no longer suitable to rule.
He cannot ignore this because this is not a case of them hurting him in their relationship. This is literally a case of them hurting his country and Phil is a king before he is anything else. Even if they are defecting, there is a process that has to be followed, and part of that process is checking to see how much has been compromised while the admitted spies are not in a position to compromise more.
So basically, this is not a case of Phil being angry and acting emotionally: this is a case of him doing his job.
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kris-mage-fics · 11 months
2, 7, and 33 for the writing asks! -em
Weird Questions for Writers post
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
Nope, I couldn't! This is purely an accessibility issue for me. I can't write by hand for very long before my hand really starts to hurt. Also my spelling is sooo much worse. When I'm typing I rely a lot on muscle memory to spell words correctly, but when I'm doing it by hand the dyslexia is really a problem. Like m/w get switched, or b/d, b/p, d/a, d/q, p/q, f/t, i/j, even u/v. Sure I know I want to write an 'm', but I might end up writing a 'w' because it's the same letter just mirrored. Or I'm trying to write 'a' but my hand keeps going so now it's a 'd'.
The thing is, I didn't even realize I was dyslexic until a few years ago! So until my late 30’s I struggled so much with any kind of writing and didn’t know why it was so hard. If I mentioned to anyone that spelling was really hard for me they’d always say stuff like “But you’re so good at reading!” So I thought I was stupid or not trying hard enough, even though deep down I knew there was something going on that wasn’t my fault. Writing by hand actually gives me a lot of anxiety because of all those years being judged for something I didn’t have control over. And honestly, I don’t think I would’ve ever trying writing if I didn’t know I was dyslexic. Because I still would’ve been blaming myself for being neurodivergent.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Answered here.
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
Yes I do! I’ve done a ton of different arts and crafts over the years. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 8, and that’s something I’ve done on and off ever since. Generally I crochet lace because the feeling of most yarn as it passes over my fingers gets really irritating, and fine cotton doesn’t. Also I like to challenge myself to make tiny, tedious things! I used to draw, but gave that up in my late teens because of how quickly my hand would start to hurt. Though I really miss it. I’ve dabbled in quite a few different types of embroidery: cross stitch, needlepoint, and drawn thread work. But my favorite is black work/double running stitch/Holbein stitch which I always make completely reversible with no visible knots because I’m nuts like that. I know how to sew, both by machine and hand. I’m not an expert at it, but I can do basic fitting and make clothing that isn’t very complicated. Quilting is something I’ve dabbled in, and would like to do more of, it’s so different than sewing clothing! Another thing I want to do more of is making chain maille jewelry, I’ve done a bit of it and it was really fun! (I’m purposefully leaving out quite a few things I’ve done because it’s already a long list, lol!)
My favorite art form besides writing is bead work! There is something so satisfying to me about working with beads. For one I love jewelry, which I think is a large part my grandpa’s fault (he was a rock hound/amateur lapidary artist, and he used to make jewelry for me). And I love both the technical/mechanical side of bead work, and the artistic/design side of it! It doesn’t matter if it’s bead weaving, if it’s stringing beads, or combining beads with wirework! I love all of it! Working with beads just clicks on a deeper level for me than most art forms I’ve tried.
As to whether it ties in to my writing, I guess that depends on how you interpret that question. I use a lot of lessons I’ve learned about creativity and my own creative process when I write. The way I approach writing is heavy informed by how I work in other mediums. And if it makes sense in the story, I will absolutely use knowledge about other types of art in my writing. Though I haven’t had much opportunity to do so yet. That’s only a matter of time, I usually give my own characters a hobby I’m at least a little knowledgeable about, so it will come up at some point or another.
Thanks for the ask, Em! Also I turned this into more essays, lol!
Oh, man I was looking for examples of some of my work, but I have hardly any photos of things I've made! Well, I did find a couple I can show.
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This was done for a drawing class I took when I was 18. While I have regrets about adding color to it, I still think it turned out pretty well. I used a photograph of some rhododendrons from an old National Geographic as reference.
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I made these earrings for my mom back in 2015. They're sterling silver and apatite with silk thread woven through the fine chain to add more color. The silver beads next to the drops are 2mm, and the total length is only 1.5 inches/3.8 cm, so you can see I tend to work small.
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uncloseted · 9 months
hi! I found your acc by mistake and spent about 2 hours reading it all lol. anyway, I'm from Brazil and I'm currently applying to US colleges, but feeling really stressed since I won't take the SAT and my unweighted GPA is 3. and that is not even mentioning the extracurriculars/honors and the Impostor syndrome I get :( in my country, the process is so different! we only have to take a 10-hour-length test (divided into 2 days) that occurs only once a year and the big score is all we need to get into college. (which is a really shitty form of entry, the holistic process of the US is one of the majors things that has always been my dream)
sooo all I want to ask you is how you handled that and any other tips you can get me in this process! I read your reply to a question related to mine so I hope you can help me :)
I love that! Welcome to my little corner of the internet, I'm really glad you're here!
As far as applying to universities in the US goes, it really depends on which schools you want to apply to. Some schools are much more selective than others, and some schools accept a lot more international students than others. For example, the California Institute of Technology and Harvard University only accept 3% of all people who apply, while the school I went to accepts 12% of the people who apply, and the University of California, Santa Barbara accepts 26% of people who apply. Similarly, Colorado State University accepted 100% of the international students who applied in 2020 and University of Massachusetts Boston accepted 82% of the international students who applied.
Cost can also be a consideration when choosing schools to apply for. University in the US is extremely expensive, and that can mean that some schools are just too expensive to be a good decision. There are also some schools that have great financial aid or scholarship programs for international students, which can help you to narrow down which schools are a good option for you.
I mention all of this because each school has its own application process, which can make it difficult to give generalized advice. Some schools don't require standardized tests at all, while others take it into consideration quite a bit. Finding the universities that meet your needs will make the process much easier, and will help you figure out what you need to do in order to apply. If you do end up needing to take the SAT, they do actually offer SAT testing in Brazil. There are about 40 locations across the country and have tests in October, November, and December. If you can't take the SAT or don't want to, some American universities will accept ENEM in lieu of SATs (I think including NYU and Temple University).
Once you decide the schools you want to apply to, check the application information they have on their website. This will tell you what materials they require for you to apply- tests, essays, transcripts, etc. They may have extra requirements for international students, such as proof of English proficiency. From there, you basically just fill out the application. Like I said in my last post, the story you tell on your application materials and in your interview matters more than tests or grades. Universities in the US want you to present a strong story that reflects what you’re like as a person, not just a list of what you’ve done or an explanation of why you’re interested in a given subject. If you can tell a compelling story, you’re more likely to get in than you would be if you just had good credentials. Try to think about what makes you unique when compared to other people who might be applying, and how you can convince the school that you're a good option for them.
I'll stop here because this is getting kind of long, but I'm more than happy to answer any specific questions you might have about the whole process. It can be super confusing even to people who grew up in the US, so I can only imagine how complicated it must be for someone who's not familiar with it.
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jhanaens · 11 months
WJMC Day 1!
blog of my first day here, enjoy!
Bleep bloop heyyyy! I'm finally here and I sat down to write and I just have to tell you I have soo much to type. Okay firstly, not that it's relevant but I wanted to include everything and say it was sooo rainy on the way to the airport, buttt eventually I made it on time and honestly was so confused as it was my first time traveling by myself but luckily I made it in one piece. Funny story, I had no clue where to claim my luggage and I was running around in circles until I did find it!
When I arrived I was honestly really nervous but once I got all checked in and went to my dorm I felt a little at ease. I totally forgot the lady that gave me a rundown of everything but she was so so helpful and overall it just made it way easier. Had a little trouble finding my room but the people on campus are incredibly helpful so that was resolved quickly! Let's just skip to the part where I went to the hub and I got this grand introduction that was honestly really foreign to me so I was veryy awkward lol. Then I went to talk to my faculty advisor of my color group (magenta) and well that got straight to the point. The hub had games and like different people in the program in other color groups and I started to get familiar with some of them. Most of those conversations only really lasted a couple of minutes and I didn't really get to stick with just one person for the day which is kind of sad as I need to make connections but that's just very difficult. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be better. To end this off on a lovely note, however, I had a dance duo with a girl from my color group and it was so fun! Ended up coming straight up to my dorm and so I didn't go to the campus tour.
After coming up to my dorm I immediately got ready for the dinner and our guest speaker. We met with our color group in a classroom and so we discussed what's gonna happen and we just introduced ourselves, once again I was VERY worried but I got over it. We then went to the dining hall where we ate some incredibly delicious food (thank you, chefs).
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Okay finally what were all waiting for, THE JOURNALISM PARTTTT. So our guest speaker was Savannah Behrmann and she works in Capitol HIll. To be fair, I had no idea about any of this until i came here and for my first guest speaker, I'd say it was a nice welcome into the journalism field. Throughout her speech she spoke of her being a journalist but also included her journey along with hardships she has faced and is facing even today as a known journalist. I really loved the fact that Savannah kept it 100% real and gave us the full package of what journalism entails. While i can't recite all of her presentations I can proudly say she gave amazing advice like not to lose yourself in the process of becoming a journalist or to separate work life and home life. The biggest takeaway i had from this was just her saying it's okay to take a break and sometimes it is well needed. She ended her presentation off by answering a plethora of questions from WJMC correspondents and she gracefully delivered amazing answers. I tried collecting as much information as I can by writing down things in my WJMC notebook.
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To end the day off our color group reunited in the classroom we were in before dinner and just discussed what Savannah was saying as well just talking to each other. We played a VERY interactive game that was incredibly fun for me. Eventually we got to work and started writing more in our notebooks and we just answered questions that were asked by our advisors. This is quite literally just the tip of the iceberg so stay tuned for the other 3/4 days! I'm gonna log off now as I am completely exhausted but tune in to hear about my WJMC journey day 2 <3
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greyskies2002 · 2 years
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THANK YOUU <3333 he absolutely blames himself for it this boy is filled with sooo much guilt that he hasn't processed
also omg they a friends.... tell me about your blorbo please ....
Yes but! Carwin! Does carwin resent his brother! Ik you're sleepy but give me answersss /lh
But YES the unprocessed guilt YESSSSS mine is the exact same but he's just a lot,,,, bloodier
I have two fleshed-out dnd ocs I want to use one day, one's a tall elf who specialises in weapon-making and loving her scientist wife (they have. A big angsty backstory but anyway) and the other is a short stabby king. Also. With. An angsty backstory hhhh so!
Embarrassed to inform you that i also named him isaaq, just bc it fits, don't look at me, don't think about it, he's isaaq and i love him. He's the eldest son of five, and his dad used to run pretty high up in a circuit of gangs, and made isaaq train in odd jobs, stealing, gathering info. Eventually by 17 he was picked up by various organisations to do their odd jobs, and developed a semi-solid standing in gathering intelligence.
At some point, and this is when he's around 19-20, he gets a job to get something from his father, something to do with weakening his position, most probably a key to a safe but I haven't decided yet. And isaaq takes the job because obviously his dad is a shit person, putting him in this in the first place, and he's been away from home long enough that he's (as he thinks) emotionally disconnected himself from being at home, in his father's environment.
Long story short, he does it, it goes horribly wrong, his dad dies (isaaq's fault), and he has to flee his city. I know he does a lot of roguey things but I prefer him to be a fighter going forward in his life, very blunt and suspicious bc of his job experience but also loyal to the absolute, extremely protective and affectionate of anyone he deems family. Touch starved but very difficult to hug and comfort. Also hasn't really processed what he did back then, and pushes it aside until he can't run from it anymore. Also flusters easily
Thank you for asking I'm dropping him off to play with rolen at 3 hope that's fine :)
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reaction2whatever · 2 years
Agents of SHIELD S2E09-S2E11 reaction
Agents of SHIELD S2E09
-This weird dream of Skye's, with Coulson and May abandoning a baby girl is sooo direct lololol
-it's like the writers wanted to throw "May and Coulson are Skye's proxy parents" to my face lol
-I feel like this tension between FitzSimmons is not explained well
-Exactly why did Simmons leave, pure mission or running away?
-I hate to see FitzSimmons have tension ughh
-So the crazy carving is the map of a city in real life, on earth
-That just makes nooo sense whatsoever lol, I'm sorry but I feel like alien DNA could idk have something more important than just a city's map embedded in it?
-Imagine human DNA has a map of a city on MARS? that just make no sense but i will go with it lol
-Just how many Koenigs are there???
-At first, I thought they were twins but now there's at least three Koenigs that are exactly the same?
-and all of them have a thing for lanyards too
-Are they clones?
-I feel like Mack and Bobbi are FitzSimmons' best wingman/woman
-But honestly? I ship Simmons with Bobbi, not like a romantic one but like a friendship
-I guess this whole bottom of the ocean thing was a lot for Simmons to process
-Bobbi is so intensely beautiful like holy fuck Ma'am please step on me
-I feel like one stare from Bobbi and my soul will give up everything under her interrogation
-Is this "Don't die out there" a thing between Hunter and Bobbi. They say it a lot
-Is Skye fighting agent 33 now?
-THE agent 33 that had a fair fight with MAY????
-yeah Skye losing a fight to agent 33 is pretty plausible lol I thought for a moment that Skye was as good as May now
-So May can beat agent 33 and agent 33 can beat Skye lol
-I can believe that
-I thought Bobbi in agent suits was hot, but when she shows up in that tourist outfit omfg
-Bobbi is soooo gorgeous helppppp
-oh Fitz, don't leave
-Fitz is clearly struggling with his brain damage and I feel so sad for him oh man
-Trip being weirded out by the Koenigs is so funny lolololol
-Just why Raina is so obsessed with Skye tho
-so the temple is Kree? the alien?
-Mack, just don't touch around in an alien temple...?
-ANNND he's dead
-Note to self, do not touch ominous-looking things in alien temples
-So Ward kidnaps Skye again?
-l hate this so much
-Skye and Ward used to be such a pretty ship back in season 1 and now I cannot stomach the sight of Ward
-Ward, dude, I don't really care about your bullshit promise, you need to know you are kidnapping Skye to HYDRA.
-AND kidnapping shows just how disrespectful you are of Skye
-he's doing it again, saying that he made a promise, making it sound like "I'm kidnapping you for your own good"
-I miss season 1 pre hydra Ward
-Can't Ward see that stripping a woman's freedom of movement at gunpoint while all her friends' lives were threatened is the exact opposite of attractive
Agents of SHIELD S2E10
-If May can fly out of the attack of these hydra ships anyways why would she hand over Raina and Skye and the map
-If they escaped because Ward gave them some time then i guess I hate Ward slightly less lol
-What exactly is Bobbi hiding from Hunter
-I find Hunter calling Bobbi "Bob" really endearing somehow lol
-Even though Bob is very much a man name
-So Skye's dad started murdering people because he lost Skye?
-why is everyone trying to guilt-trip Skye
-"I killed vege man for you" Ward
-"I become a monster murderer for you" Cal
-"I sold information for you and for our lives" Miles
-Can's they just please leave her be? Let her be wherever she wants and stop kidnapping her saying destiny bullshit. Stop saying Skye was the reason why they did terrible things
-but strangely I don't hate her dad
-Her dad is a bit crazy but he loves Skye
-So Skye really can pick it up!
-Whitehall is such a psycho
-Skye, throw the obelisk to Whitehall's face, Come on!
-So Skye's dad is just gonna leave her tied...
-Oh Fitz don't separate yourself from others!!!
-So Coulson killed Whitehall
-Skye's two dads together, ending Whitehall lololol
-I thought he'd lasted longer as a villain tbh
-I understand Skye's dad. Not being to kill Whitehall after all these years must have been hard
-dads fight! lololol
-Did Skye just shoot Ward????
- Good job lol he got her into this mess in the first place
-She didn't even hesitate which is saying a LOT
-This girl is so over Ward
-Oh her real name is Daisy? Skye's dad just called her Daisy
-Welp Skye really is going down to the tunnel huh
-How is it even possible that Ward is still alive? He was shot FOUR times????
-Coulson is going down the tunnel toooo????
-wth is wrong with these people? they don't have hazmat suits?
-But come to think about it wearing a hazmat suit to prevent alien mind control doesn't make sense too
-annnnd now trip is going down there again
-they could have just blown this shit up....but no they had to jump into the tunnels like rabbits lol
-Is Mack really dead? he's like a zombie man
-Raina has Mack as her lead, how did Skye find this place?
-awww man, trip has a patch of blood where he was shot, he must have torn his stitches while searching for her
-that's love, man
-yes! Trip is here for Skye! So is Coulson!
-Skye, your future bf and your proxy dad are here for you!
-How is this blue crystal gonna cause mass destruction tho
-Doesn't look too dangerous?
-Oh shit Skye's gonna die? or is this transformation looks like dying of obelisk?
-Oh no Trip thinks Skye's dead
-OHHHH NOOO trip is dead?????
-and of course, Skye is not really dead but TRIP!?
-AND the first thing Skye sees is Trip's dead body
-So this earthquake is the mass destruction that the obelisk made???
-Trip looks like dead dead there's not even a question of whether he's really dead
-He's got obelisk pieces on his belly
-He really died, thinking Skye was dead too
-fuck this show
-it played me
-If Trip didn't kick the obelisk he'd be fine right? but he had to because he's a hero
-I thought this episode is a season finale or something
-uggghhhhh and obelisk is not unique, there's more than one obelisk
-I had to admit that shot of Skye breaking out of the thing was super cool
-Is Skye gonna have a superpower now????
Agents of SHIELD S2E11
-Ohhhh that's Skye's mom!!
-She's the leader of superpower people?
-If she's the leader of superpower people how did she got captured by normal man Whitehall???? that just doesn't make sense
-Can't she just use her superpower to defeat a bunch of normal humans of Hydra?
-Skye's so traumatized that Trip died right in front of her eyes
-poor girl and poor Trip
-I'm gonna miss Trip
-Why is Skye in quarantine though, they were all down there?
-Coulson was in the tunnels too why is Skye the only one in quarantine?
-But anyways back then quarantine must be terrifying lol now I got used to seeing the word quarantine because of covid lol
-Skye is blaming herself ahhh
-Hydra still have FIVE leaders?
-Ughh just when I thought Whitehall dead means the end of Hydra
-ahhh so Raina is still alive
-what happened to her tho
-Why is Raina different and Skye looks the same?
-Bobbi giving Skye quarantine bags that's sooo sweet
-"I think you are a rockstar"
-Bobbi if you ever get tired of Hunter please just date Skye already
-Mack and Fitz's friendship this season is very enjoyable to watch
-Okay I take that back Mack is so very annoying when he's arguing with Coulson
-ohhhhhhh holy crap Skye can move things with her mind now??
-did that soda can just move because Skye was upset?
-That's such a cool power
-May is soo cool help I love her
-what just happened?
-Are May and Coulson really dead?
-wait no is that Hunter who shot them?
-This little play of yours made me nervous Coulson! No fair!
-OMFG how stunning is Bobbi on that motorcycle, I'm dead
-what? Simmons didn't just describe Skye as an epidemic
-she DID NOT just call Skye a plague
-Simmons, girl, I know you have a crush on Trip but.......
-Skye must feel so alone in that quarantine unit listening to her best friend say things like this omfg
-Of course, the bad guy got the ugly looks and the main character Skye stays as beautiful as ever lol
-lol I mean I wouldn't want anything to happen to Skye but it's lololol so cliche
-It's fitting that Hunter is the first one to figure out Bobbi and Mack's secret lol he's the closest to those two
-mmmm I don't think the secret is just a support group because why would Bobbi stash a thumb drive because of a support group
-Simmons, are you honestly suggesting killing Raina
-Simmons, you were not always like this? when did you become like this? when did your attitude of powered people become shooting them? You were not like this when you helped Mike?
-Why is Simmons soooo sure that it was a plague???? There is literally NO evidence that whatever happened to Raina and Skye was contagious to people around them
-sweet. Skye just heard her best friend say that Raina should be killed
-Of course Fitz would be the first to figure out that Skye's got power now
-oh my god just exactly what is Skye's power
-She caused the earthquake????
-ohhhh fuck
-That shot of the lamp exploding is sooo cool holy shit
-The shot of Skye picking up glasses is so heartbroken
-She must have thought she's gonna lose this home too
-She'd lost every home that she'd ever had and now she's deadly afraid that she's gonna lose SHIELD this only home she'd ever known because she's got power now
-Top with the guilt of blaming herself for Trip dying
-At least Hydra's leaders are all dead now
-The panic Skye must be feeling omfg the way her voice wavered when she said "Fitz"
-whoever plays Skye, the acting is so fucking on point
-Fitz helping Skye! That's the friendship that I love omfg
-Fitz, you are the MVP of this episode
-That hug between Skye and Fitz omfg so good
-"You are just different now and there's nothing wrong with that"
-the way I love this line hellllppppp
-Fitz's brain damage made him able to relate to Skye
-Fitz, the true hero
-Mack's lola model is a spy machine! oh no Bobbi and Mack are going after Furi's toolbox
-Oh fuck
-I was just beginning to love Bobbi
-I feel nothing for Mack tho, he was cool when he was with Fitz, but he's annoying with the alien resentment attitude
-I feel like Simmons in this episode is very OOC because she just arrived at a conclusion that she has no evidence for
-She just said that this alien thing is contagious and an epidemic when she literally has NO evidence that whatever transformation Skye went through can be spread from human to human. That's not a scientist thing to do/say
-She herself said Raina's DNA changed and that is not what transmittable diseases can do?
-I'm pretty sure covid as a pandemic cannot rewrite human DNA. That's not how transmittable diseases work and Simmons had to know that
-She suggested Raina be put down when Simmons is the sweetest cinnamon roll and would never just cold-blooded kill a person no matter who it was
-Simmons also never gave a proper explanation as to why she left Fitz. The whole I was confused about my feelings thing does not make sense to me. The Simmons that I know of from season 1 would have stayed with Fitz every step of the way through his recovery
-What happened to her character this season??? what are the writers thinking?
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uncloseted · 6 years
1.) you probably got a lot of questions like this already but i really struggle with my selfesteem. i hate myself sooo much and i can't do anything about it. sometimes i feel like i can change and get better but this thoughts get pushed aside fast. i overthink everything. everything!!! everything i said and did, what other people might think of me... i always think of the worst... no matter how many mistakes others do i always see mine as worse and more prominent.
Anonymous said to effys-closet:                                                                     
2.) everyone around seems to be exepted with all their flaws and no one cares but i feel like my flaws are all that people see. i know it's probably just in my head and no one sees it the way i do but it's bringing me down. if i hear someone says something nice about me i am always afraid to dissppoint them again. i can't go out with friends or meet new people without feeling bad after wards because of how i acted and what they think of me. i also never had a bf which makes me wonder aswell.    
Anonymous said to effys-closet:                                                                    
3.) i have to be doing something wrong. i don't know. i just wish to be super confident and don't care about anything. my insecurities fill up my whole head. sometimes i feel like exploding. when i look at other people they seem so carefree. i know it's not true bc my bff struggles with lots of things aswell but still... i feel like my problems are not worth listening to. i really don't want to be me. not like that. this is stupid but sometimes i wish something would happen to me so people see         
Anonymous said to effys-closet:                                                                     
4.) that i am not okay. that seems really attention seeking but... i've been in the background for such a long time. i am just not happy overall. and i don't know how to work on it because everything negative always wins. i won't let any positivity in. and i am sorry this is getting so long. i don't wanna bother anyone... i am 18 by the way don't know if that information is usefull or not. i hope you are doing well and thank you already.                     
I am doing well!  Thank you for asking.  And thank you for sending me this!  I know it can be hard to talk to people about the way you’re feeling, especially when you’re worried that you’ll be a bother to them, but I always like hearing how people feel and I hope I can help a little bit.
I think you’re right that people aren’t seeing you the way that you’re seeing yourself.  The nice things that they’re saying about you are things that they actually think.  And I know that can be its own kind of stressful because it can feel like an expectation, but I don’t think you’re ever obligated to keep being a certain way just because other people like it, and on the other hand they’re probably giving a compliment about something they notice a lot about you or that’s more inherent to who you are, so you’ll be doing it anyway, if that makes sense? 
I also think you’re right that everyone is fighting their own battles and most of the time, we don’t see any of it.  Sometimes, the people that seem the most confident and secure are the ones that are the most insecure internally, and I think remembering that can make it a little easier to stop comparing with other people or comparing yourself against what seems “normal”.  I also think a desire to be noticed and cared about/for is perfectly natural and not attention-seeking at all.  Humans are creatures that are social and need to feel like others care about them, and if you’re not getting as much of that as you need I think it’s natural to want it.
All that said, I know it’s easy to understand these things cognitively but much harder to change how you feel about them in the moment, and this is where I think some form of therapy could help.  Getting over these thought patterns is a process and it’s easiest to do with a therapist, but if that’s not an option I would try cognitive behavioral therapy worksheets for a while and see if they help.  Basically, the goal of CBT is to help you reframe negative thoughts in a more positive light, and it sounds like that might be really helpful for you right now.
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