#its kinda interchangeable between them aint it?!
7th-place · 4 years
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sirjustice1319 · 3 years
Locating people population
Shake of the dust on ya feet even 4 white dominance with their teaching in school lies to make you fear them or find stories to keep people in schools as machines made and not and all the biblical, geographical truths against their principles u have unearthed teachers go blindly teaching kids year in year out to cement the truth they are not concerned or know not what they are teaching maybe many say were forced into was not their career dude. Now they monitor lovers of women and men who can live with minimum and count and speculate how many kids they can have to keep the population constant without the major suffering bulk to form still huge purchasing power 4 their produce now that we got super sonic jets or drone more convenient even than a truck between 2 near cities, cause reduction in population means diminished their economies dude
Testa 4 testing live wire or bulb as it blinks or lights up to signal ya their is power supply on that wire so touch not lest electrocuted, same thing after the explanation of writing name as alternator generator and step on, the otutu, got out and gave the luo and more other inventions like heat panel generator still they say get back to the motor that if u rotate lights the bulb or produce power or blink with the same testa as in the link below
See how Eunice and the rest of the women are dancing in their home steads in Abidjan, Korea and Kendu Bay Kenya, things aint going as they planned but rather our way, In this world u got to leave 1 more than blocking cause it can fall on ya as in the song link below. MON otwango kitenge miel jowa
Some people hate other kids around them, cause the mothers will take things as they are and disturb ya 4 a relationship or they see caskets as diminish their life-span and kinda, makes their back weak prone to an attack maybe with the less in mind liaising with that woman telling his lover u r the one up-to him yet her without listening to ya excuse dude and at that time means death out of voodoo or need 4 u to relocate or her dude or stop the kid thing as assume them. Wants things to get their way as Jew/Egyptian thing which has atrophied dude and will not surface again lest u r killed with and that's the fear people will look at them in awe, they know not yet pride themselves they know dude and of lies bro, rather get killed, which they want not as we got radar air surveillance and they will form part of markets 4 those nations goods they produce not
Making any machine inscribed within cushion so, not 1 replace as said earlier in shipping, take the machine u want photo fold and step on within CD hole on any layer/surface as always said but the cushion u want either coke, mattress, plastic, rubber or the white spongy 1 on top of the folded photo or below it and boom ya air tight inscribed products and even with CD and books and if u add brown box below inscribed in 2 layer as the box outside the cushioning without trace of open, an all round seal u need to break as not weak points as usually with machine boxes to bumper security as no 1 can open dude, so quality product dude
Opt 4 auto ignition gas lantern 4 ya security bulbs instead of electric ones as grants ya longevity dude as in the links below and even within ya Hotel eating parameter or bus booking office as of some nations in AU
Eating sugarcane juice with mango or hay with guava once adds ya longevity a thing they are dancing as takes it to the grave not soon,as benefiting realities of Kebi
If u want the automated vending machine, u write the same then below write what u want, sections as per ya commodities to be in display and accept card or your nation coins/notes as u write the nation name b4 crossing going down with lines/arrows and even with enable phone transaction or WiFi or take already made and below it step on the written above and can even add all the lock system as heat panel, Bluetooth and fingerprint enabled and below the Cd hole like started to rust iron sheet on ya compound, heap guava and hay on holes within gone up places within ya yard as u chop hay bars on board soaked in milk/sewer water or cereal or in all veggies/fruits/berries and leaves not being chopped in the board or wash feet in surgical spirit with kids hands smeared on those extracts on wall either plastered or of stones or still block but in the dark
And with wireless cashless ATM or transaction kiosks, take the photo of 1 then below it b4 step write all u want incorporated into that machine as with categories of all world money denomination and exchange rate index, send to smartphone section, send to mobile money of any nation category, buying goods bar/section, send cash to mobile or an a/c within the kiosk section as u step on within CD hole on hay with cement fumes, heap guava and ripe paw paw as u chop hay in board in all mentioned as above in the dark or wash 1 hand with kid in surgical spirit with sand inside or heap guava and hay, chop ripe mango in wood boards soaked in raw mango seed grinned extract or in all as mentioned above or wash feet in surgical spirit with all group of people as kids, young and old male and female and even with pets inside the solution in the dark in ya compound gone up places or on road dude, hand steadfast on the wall or nearby tree within ya yard or projection from above the house like the ceiling or timber above like rope or metal or Hyde dude and boom ya machine bro
School intranet thing or website or computer system 4 doing exam, write the same and step on within CD hole on hay extract with cement fumes, heap mango and hay in ya yard gone down places b4 chopping hay on wood soaked in mango juice, raw, or in all the above as mentioned or washing feet with kids in surgical spirit and when u add sand or soil gives ya the Intranet radar signal of long range or if u add cooked cabbage with raw kale while the tablets, heap hay and guava, us step on hay on wood board soaked in hot milk or in all the above semi hot, in ya yard gone down places, wash ya feet with kids in surgical spirit mixed with milk or turn tables with barley bottles on top as Christ did in the temple and boom ya gadgets dude or chop mango, raw, on wood soaked in milk or cold all mentioned as above to be soaked in dude as veggies/fruits/leaves or fruits or guava juice 4 the radar gain dude, choice your dude. This bar people exam and its related cheating as each kid gets the exam questions via the country intranet or school district thing and as if u write the exam code or name and step on given rather they be coded or given serial number so people don't make prior to them being disbursed or in store just waiting 4 the exam day and each subject and in each year got a different code cause if same asks the devil of the same inside after writing the code and step and boom the exam leakage dude
You can write new infection strain/virus or bacteria b4 us step on, on CD hole with all extracts as above i.e cabbage, in gone down places within ya yard, wash feet in surgical spirit with women and kids either male or female as u interchange as with adult population in the dark or chop mango on wood soaked in milk or hay on wood soaked in milk and boom the strain like Covid or HIV/aids given to ya in a small perfume like bottle either water borne or air borne if u partake or smell the virus became wide spread and not after long ask 4 vaccine by writing or any other prolong life drug to get cash or monies dude
With Voting ballot machine as above, u can write below it b4 step pos machine like ballot paper accepting and counting wireless relay to app system with WiFi and u don't stop there write again b4 finally crossing, sensor 4 Biro ink or stain to count on the incumbent selected or chosen results relayed electronically via WiFi to computer or smartphone via app as it give ya that app as well when u step on the above on hay within CD hole below the hay milk or hay with cold milk in gone up places within ya yard made holes, wash ya feet in surgical spirit with kids inside kitten pet as well or lizards or mango cut pieces including the seed but in the dark or chop hay on wood soaked in white guava extract in mud or in euphorbia in old clothes as the choice yours and boom ya machine
Most Canadians as well worked in the chain store as surveillance team or monitor team within the chain store walk ways or repair bicycles dude, collected and taken their dude, people of same profession they love got some kind of shared genes, a polite people of no corruption loving dude or of no words
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