#john profumo
playitagin · 11 months
1963-Profumo affair
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The British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, resigns in a sex scandal known as the "Profumo affair".
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itsblosseybitch · 1 year
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Updated my Mandy Rice-Davies banner!
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zippocreed501 · 2 years
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Sir Ian McKellen as John Profumo
Scandal (1989)
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chriswhodrawsstuff · 1 month
Napoleon was once quoted as saying, “Never interrupt your enemy whilst they are a making a mistake.” It’s an interesting thought but one made by someone who didn’t care too much about getting people killed. There are arguments that the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan actually saved lives in the long run as they brought a rapid end to the Second World War that could have dragged on for a lot…
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Valerie Hobson (Great Expectations, Kind Hearts and Coronets, Bride of Frankenstein)— Played the older Estella (younger was Jean Simmons) with such ice cold heartbreak, no one has ever bettered it. In later years she married John Profumo (yes, that one) and stuck by him, which IMHO was probably the greatest acting she ever did.
Olivia de Havilland (Adventures of Robin Hood, Gone With the Wind, The Heiress)— The woman who took on the Studio System at the height of their power and Won! A double Oscar winner! Is magnetic and beautiful in everything she's in and gave us all the juicy scandal with her sibling rivalry with Joan Fontaine! Before the Oscar Slap was the Oscar sister snub! Also everything she wears in Robin Hood she makes beautiful even a purple green and orange monstrosity how does she do it! Anyway this scene is one of my old Hollywood favourites
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Valerie Hobson:
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Olivia de Havilland:
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She is just perfection. She has a smile that is looks like it is barely holding back, and yet so reserved as well.
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Broke the contract system and won freedoms for actors (the de Havilland Law is still in effect I believe). 2 time Oscar winner. Beautiful and smart
She legally challenged the movie studios' unfair contracts and won, setting a precedent for other actors to be treated more fairly. This was at great cost to her financially and essentially getting her blacklisted for years but the resulting judicial opinion is still known as the De Havilland Law and has won her a great deal of praise and admiration.
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Her performance in The Heiress is one of my all-time favorites, she’s so good at making melodrama feel real and grounded without sacrificing any of the passion/drama.
Serenely beautiful, she struck a balance between crowd-pleasing fluff and prestigious drama. Famously at odds with her equally successful sister Joan Fontaine, she was too much of a lady to ever say anything public. Successfully sued Ryan Murphy for portraying her as a saucy gossip in Feud.
the period costume + eye patch combo in That Lady is just an absolute serve
She has the most adorable and cherubic face and voice
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pwlanier · 8 months
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Note: This early work by John Shinnors has a fascinating provenance. It was commissioned in 1980 by a friend and patron of the young artist who, during this period, was struggling to make a living from his work. It was prior to his major breakthrough following his GPA Award in 1984. The friend, though from Limerick, had lived and worked in London during the sixties and seventies. He was a jazz aficionado and got to know Christine Keeler through their mutual involvement in the vibrant London jazz scene of that period. A time when the Flamingo, Ronnie Scott's and The 100 Club were all thriving and Tubby Hayes was in his all too brief prime. After he settled back in Limerick he gave Shinnors a personal photograph of Keeler in this provocative pose complete with the leopard skin jacket (so apt for the Shinnors treatment) and asked him to produce a painting based on it. He required the photograph, which he clearly treasured, to be returned with the completed commission. The friend in question died recently and the painting has been consigned by his long-term partner. This work has never been seen in public before. It is a striking example of Shinnors early style which shows the influence of his great friend and mentor Jack Donovan. The eye is drawn to the red belt buckle, that distinctive deep cadmium red that the artist has favoured through the years. The frank, even brazen image is juxtaposed piquantly by the ghostly painting within the painting that was by a Scandavian artist whose name Shinnors could not recall when I asked him about it recently. John P. O'Sullivan,July 2023Christine Margaret Keeler (22 February 1942 - 4 December 2017) was an English model and showgirl. Her meeting at a dance club with society osteopath Stephen Ward drew her into fashionable circles. At the height of the Cold War, she became sexually involved with a married Cabinet minister, John Profumo, as well as with a Soviet naval attaché, Yevgeny Ivanov. A shooting incident involving a third lover caused the press to investigate her, revealing that her affairs could be threatening national security. In the House of Commons, Profumo denied any improper conduct but later admitted that he had lied.This incident discredited the Conservative government of Harold Macmillan in 1963, in what became known as the Profumo affair. Keeler was alleged to have been a prostitute, which was not a criminal offence. Ward was, however, found guilty of being her pimp; a trial was instigated after the embarrassment caused to the government. The trial has since been considered a miscarriage of justice and a charade by the establishment to protect itself. Stephen Ward committed suicide before the jury in his trial returned a verdict.
Oil on board
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haiku--di--aliantis · 5 months
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Broncio irresistibile. Spavalda guerriera pronta a combattere l'ennesima battaglia d'amore. Incuteresti timore, se io non sapessi che sei solo una gattina bisognosa di tanto affetto rinchiusa in un corpo bellissimo. Una combinazione di fascino e profumo di donna che attrae qualsiasi maschio ti sia casualmente vicino. Vieni qui: è il momento di dare libera uscita alle tue fragilità e di violare il tuo pudore. Ti voglio tutta. Ti prenderò ovunque. E tu non desideri altro che essere nuda con me. Farti divorare dalla passione.
Route 66 (John Pizzarelli)
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rawiswhore · 2 months
Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Bret Hart x Fem Reader- "Wrongfully Accused"
I hope this fanfiction won't offend readers, but viewer discretion is advised.
However, it is posted on International Women's Day, which is a day that can also sympathize women who were abused.
Throughout mostly an entire decade being a babyface good guy in the World Wrestling Federation, Bret Hart turned heel in 1997 and became a bad guy.
During the summer of 1997 after Shawn Michaels accused Bret Hart of having "Sunny days" (having sex with her), Bret was standing in the ring whereas Hunter Hearst Helmsley and you were standing behind the ramp leading up to the ring.
Hunter had his long hair hanging down during this moment.
Into the microphone he was holding, Bret had accused you of having sex with and sleeping with Hunter.
To add insult to injury, Bret added that you slept with Hunter just to get in the WWF.
What Bret said made your jaw drop and your eyebrows raise in shock.
There were fans in the audience cheering for Bret, whereas others were booing him.
Hunter became infuriated after Bret said that.
Despite you and Hunter not showcasing signs of having sex on television, in magazines and pay-per-views, it was fairly obvious you and Hunter were having sex.
Especially considering in WWF Raw magazine issues where you and Hunter would be in bubblebaths together snuggled up next to each other.
"Even if she did, so what?!" Hunter remarked into the microphone back at Bret, where Hunter's face furrowed and scrunched in anger. "It's fairly obvious!"
Many fans in the audience were cheering for Hunter saying that.
"Weren't you accused of having Sunny days not too long ago?" Hunter asked Bret, which made the audience get out of their seats and cheer for Hunter saying that, even though Hunter played a heel as well.
During your time as Hunter's valet/manager, because he played this rich aristocratic blueblood, some fans in the audience were holding signs calling you a gold digger.
You even received nasty letters and insults from fans calling you a gold digger.
This moment of you being accused with having sex with Hunter was inspired by the early 1960's Profumo affair, where a 19 year old showgirl named Christine Keeler had a sexual affair with John Profumo---the Secretary of State of War in the Conservative Government.
Maybe this fanfiction isn't completely inspired by Christine Keeler's affair with John Profumo, but hey.
Ironically enough, next year, Bill Clinton would undergo a major scandal when he was caught having an adulterous affair with Monica Lewinsky while he was still married!
While I did inspire this moment after the Christine Keeler/Profumo scandal, is it okay to post this fanfiction on International Women's Day?
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aki1975 · 4 months
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John Everett Millais - Londra - Tate Gallery - Ophelia - 1852
Le opere di Shakespeare, in un tempo di consolidamento della dinastia Tudor iniziato dopo la guerra delle Due Rose fra i due rami, Lancaster e York, della casa dei Plantageneti con Enrico VII e proseguito con Enrico VIII ed Elisabetta, interprete dello spirito riformista rinascimentale, e di nuove incertezze per l’umanità con la rivoluzione copernicana, sono celebri per i personaggi che affrontano i drammi dell’uomo. E’ con una messinscena teatrale che Amleto disvela l’assassinio del padre: il teatro è ricerca della verità come nel teatro classico e al contempo “Tutto il mondo è un palcoscenico” (Come vi piace). Fra i personaggi principali vi sono:
- il tiranno Riccardo III di York che conquista il potere (“Ormai l'inverno del nostro scontento s'è fatto estate radiosa ai raggi di questo sole di York e tutte le nuvole che incombevano minacciose sulla nostra casa sono sepolte nel petto profondo dell’Oceano”) per essere poi sconfitto a Bosworth Field da Enrico VII Tudor (“Il mio regno per un cavallo”);
- l’intrigante Cassio, l’incerto Bruto che antepone la libertà alle necessità della storia, l’opportunista Antonio (“E tuttavia Bruto è un uomo d’onore”), il fantasma di Cesare (“Mi rivedrai a Filippi”) in una tragedia, il Giulio Cesare, che affrontò il problema del potere in un momento in cui la regina Elisabetta poteva morire senza eredi;
- l’ebreo Shylock;
- sobillata dalla tre streghe, l’ambiziosa coppia, nella conquista del trono di Scozia, rappresentata da Lady Macbeth (“Vieni, densa notte, e ammantati del più perso fumo d’inferno, perché il mio affilato pugnale non veda la ferita che fa, e il cielo non possa affacciarsi di sotto la coltre delle tenebre per gridare “Ferma!”) e dal marito (“La vita non è che un'ombra che cammina; un povero commediante che si pavoneggia e si agita sulla scena del mondo, per la sua ora, e poi non se ne parla più; una favola raccontata da un idiota, piena di rumore e furore, che non significa nulla");
- il dubbioso Amleto, principe di Danimarca, che non sa se credere al fantasma del padre (“Ci sono più cose in cielo e in terra, Orazio, di quante tu ne possa sognare nella tua filosofia”) per vendicarsi dello zio che ha sposato la madre (“Fragilità, il tuo nome è donna) in un dramma poetico (“il mattino dalla sciarpa scarlatta si bagna alla rugiada dell’alta collina ad oriente”) ed esistenziale che prelude al Barocco (“Essere, o non essere, questo è il dilemma: se sia più nobile nella mente soffrire colpi di fionda e dardi d'oltraggiosa fortuna
o prender armi contro un mare d'affanni e, opponendosi, por loro fine?);
- la sfortunata Ofelia, innamorata di Amleto, figlia di Polonio e sorella di Laerte;
- il dispettoso folletto Puck che instilla l’amore (“Se l’ombre nostre offeso v’hanno pensate, per rimediare al danno, che qui vi abbia colto il sonno
durante la visione del racconto e questa vana e sciocca trama non sia nulla più di un sogno Signori, non ci rimproverate, rimedieremo, se ci perdonate. E, come è vero che son sincero, se solo avremo la fortuna di sfuggire ai vostri insulti, a fare ammenda riusciremo. O chiamatemi bugiardo se vi va! Quindi buonanotte a tutti voi regalatemi un applauso, amici miei E Puck a tutti i danni rimedierà”);
- gli innamorati Romeo (“Silenzio! Quale luce irrompe da quella finestra lassù? È l'oriente, e Giulietta è il sole. Sorgi, vivido sole, e uccidi l'invidiosa luna”) e Giulietta (“O Romeo, Romeo! Perché sei tu Romeo? Rinnega tuo padre e rifiuta il tuo nome o, se non vuoi, legati solo in giuramento all'amor mio, ed io non sarò più una Capuleti” e “ Che cos’è un nome? Ciò che noi chiamiamo con il nome di rosa, anche se lo chiamassimo con un altro nome, serberebbe pur sempre lo stesso dolce profumo”).
- il condottiero moresco, veneziano e geloso Otello che si fa convincere dalle insinuazioni del suo alfiere Iago in merito all’adulterio di Desdemona con Cassio;
- Re Lear che diede il proprio regno a delle figlie ingrate;
- Prospero ne La Tempesta (“Siamo fatti anche noi della materia di cui son fatti i sogni e nello spazio e nel tempo d’un sogno è racchiusa la nostra breve vita”).
Le opere di Shakespeare furono rappresentate al Globe Theatre di Londra e vanno inquadrati nella ripresa del teatro dopo le rappresentazioni sacre e i buffoni di corti medioevali: fino alla chiusura dei teatri da parte dei Puritani nel 1642, si trattò in Inghilterra di un fenomeno di massa.
L’italiano Giovanni Florio, la commedia dell’arte, i drammi dell’Ariosto e del Boiardo, la conoscenza inglese di Venezia sono fra le fonti italiane che entrano nel teatro elisabettiano e, soprattutto negli Anni Perduti (1585 - 1592), in Shakespeare.
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bludichartres · 3 months
"Impossibile ritrovare la mia solitudine, dopo che se ne fu andata, o sfuggire al suo strano profumo."
—  John Fante, Chiedi alla polvere
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itsblosseybitch · 1 year
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Updated my Mandy-Rice Davies poster, and included the quote version.
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zippocreed501 · 2 years
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John Profumo
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elektramouthed · 1 year
 The monotony of the ideological spectacle makes us aware of the passivity of life: survival. Beyond the pre-fabricated scandals ─ Scandale perfume, Profumo scandal ─ a real scandal appears, the scandal of actions drained of their substance to the profit of an illusion which the failure of its enchantment renders more odious every day. Actions weak and pale from nourishing dazzling imaginary compensations, actions pauperized by enriching lofty speculations into which they entered like menials through the ignominious category of ‘trivial’ or ‘commonplace’, actions which today are free but exhausted, ready to lose their way once more, or expire under the weight of their own weakness. There they are, in every one of you, familiar, sad, newly returned to the immediate, living reality which was their birthplace. And here you are, bewildered and lost in a new prosaism, a perspective in which near and far coincide.
Raoul Vaneigem, from Revolution of Everyday Life (tr. John Fullerton, Paul Sieveking)
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Dickie Arbiter LVO 🇬🇧@RoyalDickie·2hPrince Andrew wanting to return to duty and his titles back is suffering from that great British malaise of 'entitlement', He'd do well to learn 1963 when War Minister John Profumo fell on his sword, & volunteered to work tirelessly, without fanfare, for the charity #ToybeeHall... now we know who fell on sword.
Thank you…hmmm…❤️❤️❤️❤️
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mrb52563 · 1 year
Mp lee Anderson
One you never got frame on me
Two lee to pub break in and ale
Means archie Architect
Three if lee oo 25 years of kids murdered
Women raped all oo hospitalized off
See sick mp youll get usa up your arse
Watch learn
We own all from john major to winston Churchill 53 to 45 john profumo style
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday film director Michael Caton-Jones born in Broxburn, West Lothian, October 15th 1957.
Moving to London at age 17 to pursue a writing career, Caton-Jones paid the rent by working as a stagehand at London’s West End. He decided to attend Britain’s National Film School, where he quickly gained attention when his first project, entitled Leibe Mutter, won the Best Film at the European Student Awards.
After he completed his second student film, The Riveter, the BBC took no time in purchasing it.
By the time he had completed two years of film school, Caton-Jones was offered a job directing the three-part mini-series Brond. By the late 80s, he had decided to direct his first feature length film.
His breakthrough film was the excellent Scandal, a compelling look at the Profumo-Keeler sex scandal of the early 1960s. Not unlike his earlier films, Scandal became a critical and popular international hit resulting in numerous awards and nominations, including the Camera D'Or at Cannes, the European Oscars and the Golden Globes.
The exposure led to a demand for his talents in Hollywood; so he crossed the pond to direct features like Memphis Bell, Doc Hollywood and This Boy’s Life based on Tobias Wolff’s poignant autobiographical novel.
He returned to his roots in the mid-90s to film the story of one of his country’s most heroic patriots - Rob Roy. The film starring Liam Neeson, Jessica Lang, Tim Roth and John Hurt, earned critical acclaim and won Roth an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.
I loved his film Urban Hymn, which has an outstanding soundtrack, Caton-Jones described it as “one of the best film making experiences I’ve had.” and the period miniseries World Without End. The film, Hitman Redemption, which stars Sons of Anarchy actor Ron Perlman as a Mossad member-turned-gun-for-hire in New York got a few mixed reviews, but I enjoyed it.
By far my favourite film from  Michael Caton-Jones so far is Our Ladies, which he directed an co-wrote the screenplay. It is based on an excellent book by Alan Warner called  The Sopranos, but the name being so well known it they changed so as to avoid any confusion and possible lawsuit? Anyway, my favourite moment is when the girls go to a Northern Soul Karaoke in Edinburgh, if you want to watch it I will post a link for it. Warner previous wrote Morvern Callar which was made into a film by  Lynne Ramsay and starred Samantha Morton.
In October 2017, Michael Caton-Jones revealed he had chosen Sophie Okonedo, to star in B. Monkey. However producer, Harvey Weinstein, decided the actress was not "fuckable". 
Caton-Jones and Weinstein discussed the matter heatedly and Caton-Jones said, "'Don’t screw up the casting of this film because you want to get laid', whereupon he went mental." Weinstein then told Variety that Caton-Jones had left the production due to "creative differences". 
Asia Argento, who replaced Okonedo, was one of three women who in 2017 were reported in The New Yorker to have been raped by Weinstein; she said she submitted to Weinstein because, "I felt I had to, because I had the movie coming out and I didn’t want to anger him."
Michael Caton-Jones’ Our Ladies has scooped up two nominations for the  Bafta Scotland awards.
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