#juanita blanco
evilmeanlesbian · 5 days
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Perla getting her first win! and meeting a new friend, Juanita Blanco
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echoweaver · 8 months
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Come sunset, Calvin heads to his second interview to be receptionist at the spa. This is the one he wants. It wouldn't be a pay raise, but it would get him out of the graveyard and working better hours at least.
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Well, damn.
At least the produce sold decently well at the fruit stand.
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Consigning produce made more than Calvin's job this week.
While he was moping around outside the spa, Calvin ran into one of the guys from his online dating app.
This guy is Barrington Diamond, who happens to be the fiance of Juanita Blanco, Calvin's first heart-fart at the library. Calvin is clearly a hot bi boy, but online dating only matches him with men.
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Calvin had serious chemistry with Juanita, but there are no hearts overhead when he talks to Barrington. Also, Simswiki tells me this guy is a grade A dirtbag. Sneaking behind his fiancee's back with online dating hookups is on a long list of his transgressions. That puts Juanita's availability in a different light.
With all that said, Calvin is lonely and desperate, and Barrington was totally into it.
No, Calvin, just no. I'm going to save you from yourself here.
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ldrtsdflgtrsal · 2 years
En vísperas del Bicentenario: 200 años marcados por sucesos increíbles que le han dado forma al país y que, por otro lado, le han hecho perder su humanidad, hemos sido testigos del accionar de una larga lista de conchasumadres que con su prepotencia, despotismo y desprecio por la sociedad no han hecho sino del poder una plataforma para llenarse los bolsillos y el ego.
Casi todos han sido juzgados por la historia: Diego Portales, Carlos Walker Martínez, Gabriel González Videla y Augusto Pinochet. Podríamos juntar también a todos los legisladores del “Período Parlamentario” originado con la caída de Balmaceda que fueron los peores oligarcas e incompetentes de la historia nacional en un solo paquete de destrucción sistemática de la democracia.
Allende era un idiota, pero no creo que se haya llenado los bolsillos. Solo la cabeza de plomo, al igual que Jaime Guzmán. Pero a ese se la llenaron.
Sin embargo, existe un personaje que sigue vivito y coleando. De aquellos que, de un tiempo a esta parte, me ha ido hinchando las pelotas de manera exponencial y permanente. Un pseudopolítico despreciable que si algo tiene de admirable es su incapacidad de sentir vergüenza, culpa o responabilidad por su inconmensurable nivel de corrupción, incompetencia y daño a la moral del país.
Me refiero a Ricardo Lagos: El Dedo.
Puede partir, de primeras, metiéndose el mismo en el culo y leer atentamente. De segunda, sus fans.
Está bien, todos tenemos claro que un fan per sé es un ser que se aleja bastante del homo sapiens y se acerca peligrosamente a un Auquénido Metamorfoseado, concepto acuñado por un conspicuo e ignorante Almirante Merino que hacía las delicias de los periodistas durante aquel período de la historia que ha servido para justificar, por ejemplo, la existencia de Lagos en la política. Aquello no explica el desconocer la realidad.
Por ejemplo, en Andateala.com hemos declarado abiertamente nuestra admiración por Michael Jackson, tanto así que que dedicamos 2 semanas de amor a su memoria, lo que no quita quefuera más fleto que Juan Guillermo Vivado y Javier Miranda juntos.
Pero los fans de Lagos merecen un aplauso en la cara. ¿Cómo chucha es posible que reconozcan su “porte de estadista”? Primero, el conchasumadre todo lo que inauguró, quedó mal y hubo que arreglarlo. Dejó la media zorra en Transantiago y le tiró toda la culpa a la gorda Bachelet. A los Mapuches, bala (lo cual apoyo pero no fué eficiente). Hizo todos los arregine posibles con la derecha con tal que no lo sacaran del poder. Las únicas hueás buenas que hizo eran heredadas de gobiernos anteriores y terminó de dinamitar la poca y nada de industria que había en el país firmando cuando tratado de libre comercio existiera, con lo que le dió grandes beneficios a los únicos hueones que le siguen teniendo FE: Los mega empresarios dueños de Chile.
Porque este travesti político que oh, en plena guerra fría se resguardó en el país más marxista del mundo: Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, es el favorito de Paullman, Matte y otros ¡CHANTA DE MIERDA!
Ni un Martillero Público tiene tantos palos blancos para cubrirle los cagazos que se ha mandado en la vida, no solo como Presidente, sino como ministro de Transportes donde, gentileza de sus negociados con TRIBASA quebraron cientos de micro y medianos empresarios del transporte y la construcción.
Sus políticas sociales consistieron en hacer mierda la educación pública, inaugurar todo sin terminar, concesionar hasta el aire y darle todos los beneficios y posibilidades económicas a los grandes empresarios e inversionistas extranjeros en Chile con el fin de asegurarse él solo, sin importarle una raja al país.
De todos modos, el problema es más profundo: Como estamos llenos de huachos y familias uniparentales, una importante masa de monos veía en Lagos una especie de Papá o Rey que le decía que hacer y que no, como un gran hermano. Su máxima, la “señora Juanita”, caldo de cultivo del prototipo de vieja de mierda pobre que hace de todo por lograr ser beneficiada por algún subsidio hasta para comprar el pan.
Porque en Chile ser pobre es más cómodo que ser de clase emergente, porque clase media, no existe. Porque Lagos se encargó de sepultarla en su cagada de gobierno.
Espero, de todo corazón, que algún día al igual como gustaba de apuntar con el dedo a todos aquellos que atentaban contra el país, lo veamos serñor Lagos en un juicio y lo manden, no de Capitán Planeta en algún cargo bonus hipersalariado en la ONU, sino a donde verdad ud. hace falta: En la cárcel.
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charrovirtual · 2 years
Grande la fiesta charra que se vivió en Morelia
Grande la fiesta charra que se vivió en Morelia
30 de mayo de 2022  Juanita Ruiz En ese marco se entregó a José Hermosillo Carbajal la “Espuela de Oro”, máximo galardón que otorga la Federación Mexicana de Charrería El pasado fin de semana, Morelia fue la sede de la segunda fase zona centro del Campeonato Estatal Charro 2022, una gran fiesta y tiempo de reconocimientos. Participaron los equipos: Rancho los Toriles, La Voz, Morelia Blanco,…
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simsarahsarah · 5 years
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Seeing as I was right there with the stuck sims in the previous post, here’s a couple of pictures of my favourite Bakery/Cafe with Juanita Diamond inside, tending the register.
And yes, you read that right. Juanita is now (apparently) happily married to Barrington Diamond but don’t ask me when that happened because I have absolutely no idea lol! Don’t remember seeing the notification of their wedding pop up at all. Oh well, never mind. Wonder how long it will last though.
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plumbobulous · 7 years
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Still, Nicole introduced herself because having friends around town can’t hurt, amiright?
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jartitameteneis · 3 years
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Mari Trini, el icono lésbico de la Transición que cantó a los hombres "yo no soy esa que tú te imaginas"Enigmática, oscura, culta: la artista se calzó los tejanos y sobrevivió al público misógino que la llamaba "marimacho" y "borracha" cantando que no pensaba ser "tranquila" ni "sencilla".
- Lorena G. Maldonado -
A Mari Trini (Murcia, 1947) la llamaron “marimacho” porque fue la primera mujer en aparecer en Televisión Española llevando pantalones tejanos, y porque no jugaba a la baza de la sensualidad en escena: vestía sobria, sencilla, casi siempre de blanco y negro, dejando caer sobre los hombros su espesa melena rubia, lisa y recta. La compositora quería que se escuchasen sus canciones, no que a nadie se le fuese el ojo hacia otros derroteros. Siempre ignoró la moda de la chica ye-yé y de la minifalda: su espíritu respiraba más cerca de Juliette Gréco que de Karina. Le gustaban los coches grandes y, decía, esa faldita diminuía “no era práctica”. Ella quería encaramarse al toro y tomar el volante.
No fue pizpireta, no fue tintineante. Fue enigmática, y culta, y algo o scura: daba la sensación de que valía mucho más por lo que callaba. De que dentro de sí tenían lugar ev entos, fiestas y entierros sin que saliesen jamás a la superficie. Mari Trini fue, ante todo, dueña de su vida, y para conseguirlo tuvo que tejer con cuidado una muralla de discreción a su alrededor: era fácil que la prensa rosa volviese a poner en el foco del debate los amoríos de una mujer como centro de su personalidad.
Su recato físico es un dato innegable de su manera de ser, una elección muy consciente, a pesar de que le costase que cierto sector misógino del público llegase a decir que era coja o que tenía una pata de palo porque enseñaba poco las rodillas: miren ustedes, Mari Trini tenía dos piernas bellas como dos soles que un día llegó a encaramar a la mesa en una entrevista con Pedro Ruiz, cuando por fin se sentía cómoda y se sentía ella misma, en compadreo con el periodista, a quien apreciaba mucho.
Mucho más adelante, en el 84, llegaría a posar desnuda en la portada de Interviú -en unas imágenes, por cierto, naturales y hermosas, donde tampoco jugó a hipersexualizarse, porque nunca le hizo falta-, aunque también hay quien cuenta que, además de para acallar a las malas lenguas que cuestionaban sus potenciales defectos, lo hizo para superar un momento de dificultad económica. Nada nuevo bajo el sol: siempre el sistema sugiriendo a las mujeres que coticen lo que más interesa de ellas. El cuerpo.
Culta, misteriosa y viajera
Pero Mari Trini no era un cuerpo, o no sólo eso: su osamenta férrea y digna sirvió, sobre todo, para sujetar un cerebro privilegiado y culto que viajó por todo el mundo y que se empapó de músicas y de poemas distintos. La niña nacida en Caravaca de la Cruz compuso a los seis años su primera canción. A los siete, ya tocaba la guitarra; y, a los nueve, padeció una larga enfermedad que la obligó a postrarse en la cama hasta los catorce. "Fue una cosa del riñón. Padecí un foco infeccioso. Tuvieron que operarme varias veces de la garganta, la cabeza, los oídos… Mi boca quedó algo retorcida desde entonces”, contaba la artista. Ese gesto suyo también le valió el insulto de “borracha” por parte de sus detractores machistas.
Mari Trini.
Muchos apuntaron que esos años encerrada en casa apuntalaron su carácter retraído y algo huraño, pero ella no lo consentía: "Cuentan que soy arisca, solitaria, antipática… Falso. Lo que no me presto es a romances inventados, a trucos publicitarios, como hacen otros colegas”, lanzaba. Muy cierto: durante toda su vida fue una mujer hermética en lo personal y de su amor, de su gran amor -del que hablaremos más adelante- se supo poquísimo. “Mi vida particular es mía”, subrayaba. Tenía algo misterioso, Mari Trini, algo exquisito e inclasificable.
Con sólo 15 años conoció en Madrid a Nicholas Ray, cineasta de películas míticas de Hollywood como Rebelde sin causa: quedó encandilado con su talento, se convirtió en su representante y la convenció para trasladarse a Londres a seguir formándose -al principio fue con la idea de rodar un filme, pero no llegó a hacerse-. Allí conoció a Roman Polanski, Paul McCartney, James Mason y Marlene Dietrich, y empezó a coquetear con la canción francesa, por lo que acabó en París grabando sus tres primeros EP.
Yo no soy esa: himno feminista
A su regreso a España, cantó por Aute y por Patxi Andión, hasta que se hartó de interpretar las voces de otros y buscó incansablemente la propia: un trabajo, ustedes lo saben, que le lleva a uno toda la vida. Como le dijeron que las mujeres no sabían componer, se enrocó, como cuenta Miguel Ángel Bargueño en su libro Las chicas son rockeras.
Por eso fue que en su siguiente álbum, Escúchame, se consagró como una de las cantautoras fundamentales de habla castellana, fichada por Hispavox. Porque le dijeron “no puedes”. Aquí su Yo no soy esa, un auténtico himno feminista lanzado en 1971, con Franco vivísimo, con un nacionalcatolicismo implantado hasta la médula.
Yo no soy esa que tú te imaginas
una señorita tranquila y sencilla
que un día abandonas y siempre perdona
esa niña sí, no
esa no soy yo.
Yo no soy esa que tú te creías
la paloma blanca que te baila el agua
que ríe por nada, diciendo sí a todo
esa niña sí, no
esa no soy yo
Como diría la maravillosa Bette Davis en Eva al desnudo: “Abróchense los cinturones. Ésta va a ser una noche movidita”. Mari Trini vino a desvincularse, con esta letra inolvidable, de la concepción que el españolito medio tenía de la mujer de al lado: manifestaba, desafiante, que no pensaba ser complaciente ni dócil, que no iba a estar esperándole ni disculpándole sus escarceos con otras, que no iba a reírle las gracias tan fácilmente. Es mucho más interesante porque esta canción surge como una respuesta envenenada al Yo soy esa, la copla entonada por Juanita Reina -más tarde, también por Isabel Pantoja- y compuesta por Quintero, donde el mensaje era el opuesto:
Yo soy... esa
esa oscura clavellina
que va de esquina en esquina
volviendo atrás la cabeza.
Lo mismo me llaman Carmen
que Lolilla que Pilar
con lo que quieran llamarme
me tengo que conformar.
Soy la que no tiene nombre
la que a nadie le interesa
la perdición de los hombres
la que miente cuando besa.
No era su caso: Mari Trini sí tenía nombre, tenía autoría, tenía palabra, y no se refugió nunca en el arquetipo de femme fatale. No quería ser la “perdición” de nadie ni ir “de esquina en esquina”. Mucho esfuerzo ya era no perderse ella misma y dejarse llevar por la moral imperante. No se pensaba “conformar”. Por eso su canción continúa así, disparando al aire:
No podrás presumir jamás
de haber jugado
con la verdad, con el amor
de los demás
Si en verdad me quieres, yo ya no soy esa
que se acobarda frente a una borrasca
luchando entre olas encuentra la playa
esa niña sí, no
esa no soy yo.
Lo dejaba claro: nadie iba a jugar con ella, nadie iba a torearla. No tenía miedo. Pero sí tenía ganas de vivir y se mostraba poderosa, emancipada, incluso temible, como cuando al final, remata: “Pero si buscas tan sólo aventura / amigo, pon guardia a toda tu casa / yo no soy esa que pierde esperanzas”. Cuidado con ella.
Triángulos amorosos
Entre otros hits, como el celebérrimo Una estrella en mi jardín, resalta Ayúdala, que fue censurada en Argentina por tratar un triángulo amoroso, en un ejercicio de fraternidad -o lo que hoy llamaríamos sororidad-:
no la lleves la contraria
pon sus pies sobre la tierra
sin que apenas se de cuenta
pero no quiebres sus alas
hoy teñidas de esperanzas
que yo existo, no le digas
es tu amante, es tu amiga
la elegiste libremente
Yo te ruego que la quieras
y la aceptes como es.
Más segura aún, y más reveladora, se muestra Mari Trini en Diario de una mujer:
Con un diario de mujer me encontré
lo recogí, lo leí y lloré
un imposible fue su vida
su decepción llegó hasta el fin
eso y mucho más leí.
Por un amor en igualdad
apostó y perdió
y sin embargo lo dejó.
Fingía ser feliz en su entorno familiar
y en un duelo interno escribió:
“Oh, dios… oh, no… puedo más”.
Voy a salir de esta prisión, del mundo al que me uní
no soy feliz, voy a alcanzar mi libertad, que está esperándome
sin temor.
Aquí la cantautora se refiere a la complejidad de la vida de una mujer cualquiera, que, en realidad, era la crudeza de la vida de todas. Esfuerzos, decepciones, lucha por un amor igualitario y digno, hipocresía familiar, guerras civiles dentro de ella misma. Y siempre, siempre, la búsqueda de la libertad.
Icono lésbico (en secreto)
Al respecto de una de sus grandes versiones, Ne me quitte pas, Mari Trini dijo que era un tema “inmenso” por la “humildad del hombre ante la mujer”: “No es normal que un hombre diga cosas así, cosas como ‘déjame ser la sombra de tu sombra, la sombra de tu mano o la sombra de tu perro’, no es normal. Es el colmo de la debilidad”, alegó, en referencia a la supremacía machista. Ella sabía mucho de amor. Pensaba que “el amor es cuestión de inteligencia”, de capacidad para “dominar el carácter”: “Para enamorarse hay que ser inteligente, lo otro es como estar en celo. Y digo que para enamorarse hace falta ser inteligente, no ser culto, que es distinto”.
Su amor, su gran amor, fue Claudette Loetitia Lanza, una mujer francesa que había dejado a su marido por la cantante y que pasó con ella toda su vida -fue su secretaria personal 40 años-, aunque siempre lo llevaron con discreción porque la familia de Mari Trini era muy conservadora y católica.
También se sabe que la mismísima Gloria Fuertes se enamoró de ella y que intentó cortejarla, sin éxito, pero se convirtieron en grandes amigas. Hasta le dedicó un poema inédito. A pesar de que nunca hizo pública su condición sexual, Mari Trini fue un icono lésbico en su época. Así lo contaba Mili Hernández, activista LGTB y librera de Berkana: en las primeras reuniones lésbicas en los estertores del franquismo, las canciones de esta artista eran muy escuchadas porque para ellas “estaba muy claro todo”.
El 8 de marzo de 2008 recibió el premio "Lucha por la Igualdad" concedido por la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia, donde había nacido, "por retratar a través de sus melodías las carencias, problemas y desigualdades de la mujer”. Fue uno de los últimos eventos a los que asistió. Falleció un año después, víctima de un cáncer de pulmón.
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lifefruitpancakes · 3 years
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Oh, good. Possession incident solved, I guess.
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That’s not foreboding at all.
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I too love reading with my eyes closed! Really gives those psychic powers a workout.
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Some unfortunately-dressed townies come over for Winterfest!
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Unfortunate indeed.
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God. Don’t look so overjoyed, Dakota.
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There you go. Fake it ‘till you make it.
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WOW. Okay
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Everyone is just so openly pissy about their gifts; this is spectacular.
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And openly pissy about their, uh, clones?
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Here’s more of the Crook family. Vince and Sonya here are Arnulfo’s parents, which is weird visually because Sonya is an elder and Vince looks to be roughly the same age as his son.
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They also have a younger daughter, Camilla, who still lives with them.
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And then we have Camilla’s boyfriend, Ricky Blanco, who is Juanita Blanco’s son.
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pengychan · 5 years
[Coco] Nuestra Iglesia, Pt. 8
Title: Nuestra Iglesia Summary: Fake Priest AU. In the midst of the Mexican Revolution, Santa Cecilia is still a relatively safe place; all a young orphan named Miguel has to worry about is how to get novices Héctor and Imelda to switch their religious vows for wedding vows before it’s too late. He’s not having much success until he finds an unlikely ally in their new parish priest, who just arrived from out of town. Fine, so Padre Ernesto is a really odd priest. He’s probably not even a real priest, and the army-issued pistol he carries is more than slightly worrying. But he agrees that Héctor and Imelda would be wasted on religious life, and Miguel will take all the help he can get. It’s either the best idea he’s ever had, or the worst. Characters: Miguel Rivera, Ernesto de la Cruz, Héctor Rivera, Imelda Rivera, Chicharrón, Óscar and Felipe Rivera, OCs. Imector. Rating: T
[Tag with all chapters up here.]
[Also on Ao3]
A/N: Ernesto isn’t as smart as he thinks he is.  Also, art in this chapter is by Dara.
“He said he loves her!”
“That he did.”
With a shout, Miguel jumped up on the chair and threw up his arms. Ernesto and Sofía exchanged a quick, amused glance when he gave a drum-shattering grito of triumph. “I knew it!”
“I think we all did,” Sofía said, but Miguel had his full attention back on Ernesto.
“And you told him to tell her? Did you really?”
“No, I told him to write his confession on a piece of paper, roll it up and stick it up-- agh!” he yelped when Sofía suddenly pinched his side, hard, and immediately pasted a smile on his face. “I mean-- of course I told him to tell her. That’s what I said I’d do, no?”
Miguel jumped from the chair to the table to be at his same eye level, smile impossibly wide. “And he said he would?”
“When the time is right.”
Just like that, Miguel’s face fell. “What?? Oh, no. That means he’s never going to do it. I know him, he just says that when he’s not going to do anything!”
“Oh, I think I will eventually. It’s just that this has better odds to work if done at the right time,” Ernesto reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I know something of this kind of thing.”
Miguel raised an eyebrow. “You’re a priest,” he quipped, gaining himself an unimpressed glance.
“Not for lack of women willing to throw themselves at me, I assure you,” he said, and pretended not to have heard Sofía’s absolutely fake cough. “Trust me, he’ll just wait for the right moment, and seize it.”
Miguel gave him a long look. “The right moment,” he muttered, then he suddenly gave a bright smile and nodded. “Of course! He just needs the right moment to tell her,” he exclaimed, and jumped off the table, bolting out of the room the next moment. “I need to speak to Óscar and Felipe! Thanks for your help!” he yelled over his shoulder, causing Ernesto to blink at his retreating back.
“You’re... welcome?” he called out after him, and shrugged. “Who are Óscar and Felipe again?”
“Imelda’s brothers.”
“Oh, right.” A pause. “You don’t think they’re going to do something stupid, do you?”
“You know they probably will.”
“As long as they don’t let Héctor know his confession didn’t stay a secret,” Ernesto grumbled. Last thing he needed was useless drama and additional headache.
Sofía shrugged. “I’m sure he won’t. Well, I hope he won’t, but it’s too late to take that back anyway. Now, Padre,” she added, poking his chest, “it’s time for you to get into the confessional.”
“Uugh. Do I have to?”
“Are you or are you not the parish priest?”
No. “All right,” Ernesto grumbled, standing up. Maybe he’d get to hear something interesting and, if not, at least he would keep Padre Juan from holding confession and causing more trouble. Speaking of which… “Where’s the gringo? I haven’t seen him all day. Or yesterday. Or-”
“What, do you miss him?”
Ernesto snorted. “Like I miss lice,” he muttered. That man was such an absolute pain in the ass, it was no wonder his own family had written him off. Ernesto was ready to bet that his conversion to Catholicism - lucky them, huh? - had only been an excuse to finally get him out of their hair. “Doubt even his mother misses him.”
Sofía rolled her eyes. “Careful there. You’re not supposed to know that, I am not supposed to know about Héctor’s confession--”
“And neither of us is supposed to know Miguel caught the gringo smoking in the grove,” Ernesto cut her off, holding back a chuckle. Amazing, how no secret seemed to stay such in that parish. Except for his own, of course. That one had to be protected - whatever the cost.
Unaware of his thoughts, Sofía was shrugging. “No worries, I know when to keep my mouth shut. Didn’t go around telling anyone about that blessing at the Marques household, did I? Unlike a certain someone who went and boasted the second he returned,” she added.
All right, fine,so maybe he shouldn’t have told her that, but it wasn’t every day you went to someone’s house to give a blessing and end up bedding the woman who asked for it while her husband is in the fields.
“Por favor, Padre - my husband and I have been trying for children for years. If you could come bless our bed, I would be so grateful. I don’t know what else to do,” Mónica Marques had implored, her voice trembling, and of course he couldn’t really say no.
He’d picked up the holy water to spray - he supposed a generic blessing for fertility in plain Spanish would do, without Padre Culo Blanco breathing down his neck - and showed up at her place. He’d expected it to be a quick job; he hadn’t expected to turn to the woman to have her say a prayer with him or something, and realize that she’d taken off her shawl. And blouse.
And was halfway out of her gown.
Honestly, some women clearly had a thing for priests and well, he was only flesh. What was a man to do if not accept the offer?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ernesto finally said, shrugging off the memory. “She was asking for a blessing, and I gave one.”
"Padre. What you described sounded just about nothing like a blessing."
"It does when I'm involved."
"As if."
Ernesto frowned. “I’m pretty sure you said something, sister.”
“Well. If I may speak freely--”
“You always do,” he grumbled, only for Sofía to entirely ignore him.
“-- You and I have different opinions on what’s good enough to be considered a  blessing.”
Sofía shrugged. “Told you I’d speak freely. Now go and confess sinners, Padre. Did you at least give her absolution, by the way?”
“Of course!”
“Did you bother to get dressed first?”
“That’s entirely irrelevant,” Ernesto scoffed, but he finally sighed and stood. “Ah, well, back to my duties. Maybe I’ll get to hear something interesting,” he added, but of course he highly doubted anything he may hear would be quite as surprising as the blessing the previous day.
He was so, so wrong.
“He loves her!”
“We already knew.”
“Everyone did.”
“... What are the three of you doing in my shack again?”
Chicharrón’s grumble caused Miguel, Óscar and Felipe to turn to look at him. He was sitting on an old chair, scowling and massaging his stump, peg leg on the floor next to him.
“We’re not in your shack,” Felipe pointed out.
“We’re right outside it,” his brother echoed.
“On the porch. That’s still my property,” Chicharrón snorted, and turned his attention back to Miguel. “Run this by me again. Padre Ernesto told Héctor it may be best if both he and Imelda dropped the vows and got married?”
“Yes. I mean…” Miguel raked his brain for an explanation that did not boil down to ‘if he’s a priest you’re Emiliano Zapata’. “He said that if you’re not sure you want to take the vows you shouldn’t do it, you know?”
“Well, I’ll be. A priest with half a brain,” Cheech muttered, and started pressing fresh tobacco in his old pipe. “Not sure Héctor will ask. The boy turns into a complete chicken in front of Imelda.”
“Lo siento, Juanita. I didn’t mean you,” Cheech said, entirely ignoring the glance the boys exchanged as he reassuringly patted the rooster’s head. “What I’m saying is, I wouldn’t put money on Héctor telling her a thing, even with Padre Ernesto telling him to.”
Miguel grinned. “He needs to find the right moment, so this is the time to act!” he exclaimed, jumped on the porch before he reached to pull both Óscar and Felipe closer. “We must make the right moment happen!”
Both twins’ face lit up like candles. “Oooh, is it a mission?”
“A secret mission!” Miguel grinned. “To get him to confess! And propose!”
“She’ll say yes!”
“She’s got to!”
“This is the best idea you ever had!”
“This is the recipe for trouble, but at this point anything goes,” Chicharrón muttered, putting the pipe in his mouth. “All reasonable attempts failed, so may as well-- what the-- give it back!”
His yell caused Miguel to blink and turn where Cheech was pointing an accusing finger. A few feet from them, was his peg leg - in the mouth of a scrawny, hairless dog with a furiously wagging tail. “Oooh, a Xolo!”
“A thief, more like! Get it to give me my leg back!” Cheech barked, causing Juanita to squawk - that was odd, he was usually so aggressive but hadn’t made a peep while the dog approached - and the dog to wag its tail even more furiously before he barked through the wooden limb and darted off, away from the cemetery. “AH, PINCHE-- don’t stand there, go get it back!”
“Sí, señor!”
“Right away!”
“You wait here!” Miguel yelled over his shoulder as they ran after the dog, leaving behind a very disgruntled man wondering aloud how roasted Xoloitzcuintli would taste as he lit his pipe and took a long drag.
“So he’s a convert - is that all?”
Contrary to popular belief, Héctor could make a very good liar; the fact alone it was contrary to popular belief was testament to that. Still, with Imelda’s gaze on him, Héctor found it very difficult not to squirm. She could read him better than most back when they were kids, on the few occasions when she was allowed to play with an orphan like him, and all of his acting skills seemed to disappear whenever around her.
He hated having to lie to her, but this time, he had to. Father John’s inclination was clearly a source of great turmoil to him, and it could destroy him if word came out. Not that he thought Imelda would go around talking about it, but it was his secret to keep, and… well, it was of no relevance to them, none at all. There was no point in spreading it.
“Yes, that is all - I already told Sofía,” he finally said. “And his family disowned him.”
Something in Imelda’s gaze softened for a moment in a look of pity. It was gone quickly, behind a somewhat guarded expression, but it wasn’t lost to him and oh God, she loved her all the more for those glimpses. He should tell her that, for sure. He had to tell her.
“At worst, she says no and all stays as it is,” Padre Ernesto had said, and Héctor knew he was right… but what he couldn’t admit was that a no would have felt like a knife between his ribs.
Not yet. When the time is right.
“So, that’s what the letter is about?”
“Yes.” That, at least, was not a lie. By itself, the letter could very well have been about the different religious stance or… anything, really. It was only the underlined passage from the Leviticus that had given Héctor the context he needed to understand. “I don’t know why he kept it all this time, but… it’s an entirely personal matter. Nothing to do with us, or what is going on here. You can tell them that we have nothing to fear from him.”
“Except for the usual headache,” Imelda muttered, a half smile on her face. “I can’t pretend I didn’t wish we had an excuse to be rid of him for good, but I wasn’t looking forward to sign his death warrant. Maybe he’ll grow tired and move on,” she added, her tone hopeful. She glanced back at the group of children playing swords with a bunch of sticks, perched on each other’s shoulders like knights on their horse as they had a go at each other in the middle of the church’s courtyard. “At least I never had to deal with him personally. If I had to, I don’t know if I could--”
“Ah, Brother Hector! And… Sister Giselle, is it?”
Héctor cringed inwardly at the expression that crossed Imelda’s face when Father John’s voice rang out. She was able to wipe it away before turning, but she was unable to keep some coldness out of her voice. The sun still shone, but Héctor had the distinct feeling the temperature around them had dropped by several degrees.
“Sister Gisela,” Imelda pointed out, only for Father John to nod absentmindedly and turn his full attention on Héctor, like she were a potted plant rather than a person who had just sharply corrected him. He was even paler than usual, and seemed shaken, fidgeting with his sleeve.
His smile looked forced, and it didn’t take a genius to realize he was trying, and failing, to strike up a conversation to distract himself from whatever bothered him.“I was just passing by, and… well, I observed the children wasting their time on such brutish games, and--”
“Play fighting,” Imelda said, her voice a few degrees colder. “I am certain that is something children have in common everywhere.”
This time, Father John couldn’t ignore her, and turned to her with a rather septic smile. “Children everywhere need guidance,” he conceded. He turned back him. “I had an idea,” he added, and Héctor had to suppress a shudder. “As these unfortunate children can’t read or write--”
“We do teach them, in the orphanage,” Imelda interjected.
“I am certain you do. But I was thinking Brother Hector and I may teach them some Latin, as well as some English. They only speak Spanish, after all,” he added. He said it in a tone that made it obvious he had very little regard for the language, and Héctor could almost picture thunderclouds forming above Imelda’s head when she opened her mouth to speak.
Luckily for all of them, she never got to. “Ruff! Ruff!”
“Hey, come back! Someone stop him!”
“Héctor, watch out!”
He didn’t get to see what hit him. One moment he was standing and the next something had slammed into him, knocking him off his legs and all air out of his lungs; he got an instant to stare up at the sky before the ground rushed up to meet him, and something - someone - landed on top of him. “Oof!”
“Sorry, Héctor!”
“Lo siento, hermana!”
“I got him! I got him!”
“Come on, give me the leg, give it-- oh, good! Good boy!”
Héctor groaned, lifting himself on his elbows and blinking, trying to regain bearing of his surroundings. He blinked fast, and looked up to find himself staring very closely at Imelda’s face as she grimaced and rubbed her head, the headdress askew to let a few locks of hair fall out.
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“Uh,” he managed, realizing very suddenly it was her weight keeping him pinned to the ground. She didn’t seem to take notice, and reached to fix the headdress.
“What just happened?” she asked, and looked down at him. And stilled. And fell silent.
“Ah,” she said, and after another few moments she quickly pulled back and stood. The weight gone, Héctor stood somewhat shakily, clearing his throat. His eyes darted around, and he found himself blinking when they found the cause of all that mess: a hairless dog standing in the middle of the yard, tail wagging and tongue flailing as children ran to pet it and Miguel stood by it, panting, something in his hand that looked an awful lot like Cheech’s peg leg.
“What. Is. That,” Imelda all but snarled, causing her brothers - both still trying to catch their breath - to recoil. They made a rather brave attempt at a smile.
“A dog?”
“He took Chicharrón’s leg, and we chased him, and--”
“Can we keep him?” Miguel was calling out. “Héctor, look! He likes me! Can he stay? We’ll feed him and look after him and--”
As he kept pleading and half the orphanage joined in, none of them saw Father John - who had become even more deathly pale at the sight of a dog - recoiling as the town clock chimed, and leaving quietly to head inside the church, doing his utmost to go unnoticed.
“Bless me, Padre for I have sinned.”
“Something something, the Lord, something. Go on.”
Outside the confessional, Sofía gave a small chuckle. “I have committed sins of the flesh.”
“You don’t say,” Ernesto muttered, grinning a little. He knew it already, of course - he’d been there. Still, it was a reprieve from what a series of very full confessions. “And with whom?”
“Do you want the short list, or the long one?”
“... Never mind.” Ernesto rolled his eyes. Way to kill the mood, he thought, glancing at the wall. “You don’t sound very contrite. Why should I absolve you?”
“Oh, shall I repent and promise to never do it again?”
Ernesto held back a guffawing laugh. “I don’t think you can.”
“I mean, never with you aga--”
“Absolved,” Ernesto cut her off, and they shared a snicker. He took another swig from the bottle. “You know, you could get in here with me if no one else is waiting for confession.”
“Isn’t that a too harsh penance?”
“You’re hilarious,” Ernest said flatly. He didn’t see her shrug, but he could picture it so well from her tone alone.
“I know. Also, no. Someone else is waiting for confession, so have fun. See you at dinner.”
The next person turned out to be an old guy with a tendency to cheat people in the market out of small change. Ernesto listened, gave a penance of three Hail Mary, blessed the guy, and waited for the next one to kneel at the confessional… except that nothing happened for a while.
Well, that’s it. I’m done for the day, Ernesto thought, and he was just about to get out when suddenly there were steps, and creaking wood as someone knelt. All right, so he wasn’t done at all. With an inward sigh, Ernesto sat again.
There were a couple more moments of silence, a long sigh, before a male voice finally reached him - low, slow, little more than a whisper. It wasn’t entirely unfamiliar, but it wasn’t one he recognized, either. Either the guy had a bad sore throat, or he was trying pretty hard not to make his identity known. “Pordóneme, Padre, porque he pecado,” he whispered. “It’s been… a while since my last confession.”
“Uh… speak freely, my child.”
Maybe the old gravedigger? No, he sounds more like he swallowed a porcupine. Can’t picture that guy coming to confession, anyway.
“I was…” the voice got even lower. Something was off about it, but it was too muffed for Ernesto to put his finger on it. “I sinned in thought, Padre. I have been having… lustful thoughts.”
All right, now Ernesto really hoped that was not old Chicharrón, because that wasn’t a mental image he needed… although, to be fair, he may or may not have cracked a couple of crass jokes about that demonic rooster the old man insisted on calling Juanita. It had stopped being funny when some guy whose identity he hadn’t wanted to guess had come in with a confession that involve a donkey.
“I see,” Ernesto said slowly, reaching to pick up the bottle of mass wine from the floor. Still half full, thank God, in case he needed it urgently. Whoever was on the other side sounded too anguished for a plain old confession of lust towards some pretty girl. “What sort of thoughts?”
Another brief silence, a shaky breath, an unintelligible mumble.
Ernesto frowned. “I couldn’t hear you,” he said, faintly wondering if he wanted to hear in the first place. There was a sharp intake of air, and something not too far away from a sob.
“Thoughts about-- another man,” he managed, causing Ernesto to still and blink.
Oh, he thought. Oh. Right. That made… more sense. With no small measure of relief, he cleared his throat. “I see. That is--”
“An abomination.” The man was weeping now, he could tell, the voice still as hushed. “I have tried so hard… I thought I was cured… I don’t know what else to do. I need…” a shuddering breath, a sniffle. “I need penance, and… and absolution… and advice… on how to fix...” the man’s voice faded, and he suddenly began to sob, harsh broken sounds that seemed to tear all air out of his lungs. Ernesto sighed.
Ay, you’re asking the wrong man. I’ve had more than thoughts, and like hell I told a priest.
Of course, saying that was out of question. “All right, all right,” he muttered, and took a quick swig from the bottle - don’t think of the barracks don’t think of the barracks - just as the man began to downright sob. He raked his brain for something to say. “Don’t despair. It’s-- er…”
Not that bad? Can’t say that as a priest. Think of something else, tell him to pray it away.
“Well. Did you ever, er, act on such thoughts?”
“I-- no! Never!” the man exclaimed, his voice suddenly louder, cracking. “I would  never-- I never! I always resisted! Only in my sleep, I rarely-- when I had no control-- over my… my…”
The voice faded into silence, but it was too late. In his rush to explain himself, its owner had neglected to muffle it quite as well, and it was impossible not to recognize. That accent that had come through couldn’t belong to anyone else, and to be honest Ernesto really should have recognized it sooner.
“Juan?” Ernesto heard himself blurting out, so surprised he didn’t even register the bottle slipping from his fingers, the dull thud of thick glass on the wooden floor and the sloshing of spilled contents. There was a gasp on the other side, a noise like that of a scared dog, and suddenly the creaking of old wood, hurried steps, a door being thrown open and closed again.
For a long time Ernesto just sat in the dim light inside the confessional, blinking, trying to come to terms with what he’d just heard.
“Absolutely not! This is a parish, not some kind of refuge for mangy coyotes!”
“He’s not a coyote! And-- and he’s not mangy! He’s meant to be hairless and you know it!”
“Could have fooled me,” Gustavo grumbled, glaring at the dog - who, in turn, growled at him from behind Miguel. Didn’t like him, huh? Well, the feeling was mutual.
Of course, that wasn’t enough to get the kid to relent. He was almost as annoying as Héctor, and twice as stubborn. “Héctor said we can feed him!” was the next, predictable retort. Gustavo snorted and glared at Héctor, who shrugged.
“It’s not like we’re taking him inside the church. If he sticks around, I see nothing wrong with leaving out a few scraps--”
“That’s not the point!” Gustavo snapped. Sure, the golden boy would tell those brats to keep the dog, of course - not like it would be a problem for him. Oh no, it would be Gustavo to have to pick up the pieces and clean up whatever disaster that beast caused. Well, he wasn’t going to let him get away with that crap now - and he didn’t care how much a bunch of stupid kids, or that damn nun who could never shut up, glared at him. He had enough work to do as it was, more than enough to worry about. “You don’t take decisions! You’re not even a priest yet!” Gustavo growled. “If I catch that mangy thing anywhere around here, I’m going to make sure it never comes back to bother anyone!”
“You don’t make the rules, either!” Miguel snapped. “You’re just the sexton!”
Three things happened quickly: Gustavo stepped forward, moving to raise his hand; Héctor stepped between him and the kid; and, most of all, a voice rose up like the crack of a whip.
“You won’t dare, Gustavo,” Imelda - or Sister Gisela or whatever the hell she should be called now - snapped, and it was that, more than anything, to make him still. He turned to glare at her, only to get a cold gaze right back. “Accidents happen,” she said, her voice oddly sweet. “So you better not get any ideas involving the rat poison you keep on the shed.”
Wait, was that-- was the threatening him now? All eyes on him, Gustavo scowled and opened his mouth to snap back - when suddenly he caught glimpse of Father John walking out of the church and across the yard, and smirked. “Well, let’s see what Padre Ju-- Father John says!”
Miguel scowled. “Padre Juan isn’t the parish priest! Padre Ernesto is! He gets to decide!” he exclaimed. The dog barked as though in agreement. “We’ll ask him and I’m sure he’ll say-- er… is he… is he all right?” the boy added, the tirade turning into somewhat hesitant stammering.
“Huh?” Gustavo blinked, and looked back. Now that Father John was closer, he could tell that he didn’t look good at all. He was walking away from the church as fast as one could without running, hand tightly clenched together on the crucifix at his neck, eyes wide and skin white as a sheet - which wasn’t a huge change from usual, but a change nonetheless.
“He looks upset,” one of Imelda’s brother, hell knew which one, muttered.
“He looks ill, ” the other echoed.
“... Father John?” Héctor called out, taking a step forward, and the gringo recoiled as though he’d heard a shout, stopping to look at them. His reddened eyes paused on all of them - the three adults, the kids, the ugly-ass dog - but didn’t seem to really take in any of them. “Are you… is everything all right?” he asked. Nothing was all right, very clearly, but of course that was not the answer. Father John gave them the emptiest smile Gustavo could recall ever seeing.
“Yes, I… my apologies. I do feel quite faint. A walk will do me good.”
“If you’re feeling faint, that is about the last thing you should do,” Héctor pointed out. “Would you like me to help you back in? Maybe Padre Ernesto can--”
“No, no. I-- just-- If you’ll excuse me,” the man mumbled, and just walked fast past them all, away from the yard and heading towards the outskirts of the town. The dog whined and Gustavo blinked, then turned slowly to look at Héctor, who seemed just as taken aback.
“Any idea what that was about?” Imelda asked, and they could only shake their head.
“No clue,” Héctor said. Gustavo scratched his head.
“Maybe he walked into Sister Sofía having fun,” he muttered. Miguel blinked up at him.
“What’s so wrong with having fun?” he asked, confused. Behind him the twins had slapped a hand on each other’s mouth not to laugh, Héctor frantically shook his head, and Imelda downright made a slashing motion across her throat with a finger. Gustavo swallowed.
“Ah, er... nothing at all. You-- were going to ask Padre Ernesto about keeping the dog, sí?”
To his relief, the kid didn’t press the matter: he just gave a grito before ran off towards the church, barking dog in tow, and no one tried to stop him.
“... And I wanted to call him Dante, like your horse! Oooh, look! He likes the name! Dante! Dante, sit!”
As the pup dropped on the ground, flopping like a fish out of water, Ernesto smiled and finished the wine. He’d always had a soft spot for dogs himself, so he couldn’t say he minded letting this one wander around the parish. And even if he did then it wouldn’t matter anyway, because he had something else entirely in his mind.
Padre Juan, a maricón. Now that was some news he hadn’t been expecting. Absolutely none of his business and he had no high ground to stand on - don’t think of the barracks don’t think of the barracks - but still, it had sort of blindsided him. And now, to be honest, he was slightly worried over who may be the object of his lust. Not that he could think of many options: the guy ducked out of whatever room he was in the moment Ernesto walked in, but he had insisted to give Héctor English lesson, one on one. Therefore…
He wants Héctor. It’s obvious. Well, sorry, gringo, but he’ll be taken soon.
The thought was amusing, but he wasn’t that worried; given how anguished he’d sounded throughout the confession, good old Juan was more likely to cut off his right hand than to attempt anything. For a moment - all right, maybe a couple of moments - Ernesto even felt sorry for him. Seeing him again was going to be awkward as hell, no question, but once he told Sofía they could at least have a laugh and… and…
“... Hey, are you listening?’
“Huh?” Ernesto recoiled, and looked down to see Miguel raising an eyebrow at him, still scratching Dante’s back. The dog's hind leg twitched, tongue splayed out across the floor.
“You weren’t listening at all.”
“Not past the name,” he admitted with a shrug. “I was wondering where my Dante went.”
Miguel’s expression immediately turned sadder. “Maybe he’s fine and will come back,” he said, hopeful as only kids can be. Ernesto had strong doubts, but he smiled a little.
“Here’s hoping. What else can your dog do?”
That caused the boy to pause. “My dog?”
“Well, he seems to have picked you,” Ernesto replied, and as the kid seemed to glow a little at the thought - his dog! - he took another sip wine. No, he thought, better not tell Sofía a thing. She may know how to keep her mouth shut, but with the gringo universally despised as he was, Ernesto could only imagine how tempting it would be to say something if he stepped out of line.
But this was more than a funny story: it was something that could completely destroy Padre Juan, there in Mexico and back in his country as well. It was the heavy artillery, so to speak, it may be wise to keep it under wraps, for now. Unless he freaked out and revealed himself to everyone and their dog, of course, which was not beyond the realms of possibility.
“I wonder where he came from,” Miguel was saying, rubbing the ecstatic dog’s chest. “I have never seen him around here.”
“Well, stray dogs do wander. It’s what makes them strays.”
“But he’ll never have to stray anymore! He’s home now, isn’t he?”
Ernesto smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. Dog was an insult he got often from civilians while in the army, because of course he would. It was fitting, after all. Huerta’s dogs, on a tight leash. Too tight, and so Huerta’s dog had turned stray - wandering all the way to Santa Cecilia.
He’s home now, isn’t he?
Something clenched in Ernesto’s chest. “I suppose he is,” he said slowly, and emptied the glass.
“No, no, no! Are they all drunk? We can’t got back!”
“Those are the orders, and you will obey as the rest of the Regiment.”
“We need to keep going south! We’re rooting out rebels in each and every village - at this rate we’ll leave none in all of Oaxaca! This is far more useful than going to Veracruz!”
“In case the Constitutional Army tries anything, the port must be protected--”
“Then someone else can do it, we’re already doing our part--”
“Enough, Santiago!”
Nando’s snarl caused Santiago to trail off, more out of surprise than actual fear, because Nando rarely raised his voice. But now he was scowling, and it was clear he wouldn’t listen to any of his reasons. “I’m not an idiot, boy. I know exactly why you want to keep searching Oaxaca. It has nothing to do with rebels and everything to do with one deserter.”
“Everything to do with a murderer.”
Beto’s blood on the sand. His body with his face to the ground. The carrion birds already descending on him. The letter to tell his mother, written and torn and rewritten so many times.
Unaware of his thoughts, or perhaps all too aware, Nando scoffed. “Find me one man of arms with clean hands these days.”
Something twisted in Santiago’s stomach. “He killed him like a dog!”
“You shot a woman in the face.”
And I see her every night. “That’s not the same thing! She threw herself at me--”
“On her knees, to beg you to spare her husband--”
“I had no time to think! She could have been armed!”
“... Or maybe you were just too angry to be lucid, because he was not there,” Nando replied.
Santiago fell silent for a few moments. It was true - he knew it to be true - but he refused to dwell on it. “Taking pity on rebels now?” he asked instead, coldly.
“No. You take pity on no one if you want to survive this.” Nando made a face that might, with some imagination, have been a bitter smile. “It’s you I’m worried about. The war comes first - then your personal vendetta.”
“He’s out there somewhere.”
“We don’t even know for sure he headed south. He might have gone west to Yucatán, or taken the long way around to go back north - hell, for all we know he may have crossed the border into Guatemala, and good luck getting him then.”
“I’ll follow him to the ends of Earth.”
“But you don’t know where he may be. You’re guessing he’s somewhere south of here, but--”
“I know it!”
“Oh, did you have a prophetic dream? Holy Mary told you? Can you tell me my fortune?” Nando snapped, only to sigh when Santiago scowled, clenching his fists. “Look. We don’t know where he is. If you’re meant to find him, you will and I promise I’ll be by your side to have him hanged, as Beto’s friend and yours. But until then, I am your superior. You are a soldier, you will do what you’re told, and you’re coming to Veracruz,” he added, and turned, walking away.
I could shoot him now and leave anyway, Santiago thought, and his fingers twitched by the gun at his hip. It was so very tempting, but then the thought struck him - is this what de la Cruz thought, too, before he shot? - and he let his hand fall down his side like a dead weight, head spinning and fingers limp.
Padre Juan showed his face again at dinner time, and it was enough for Ernesto to wonder if he’d hallucinated the entire confession that morning: he sure was acting like nothing at all had happened. He barely glanced in his direction but, well, that was the usual. He sat stiffly in the chair, back never touching the backrest, and spoke to Héctor only about some bullshit idea to teach kids Latin.
Yes, it almost made him wonder if he’d been wrong… but then Héctor asked good old Juan how he was feeling, that he’d seemed ill earlier, and that was all he needed to hear. The way the gringo winced when asked and quickly dismissed it as a headache only confirmed his thoughts.
That had been his voice, his accent; the confession had been his, Ernesto was sure of it. The gringo was a better actor than he gave him credit for, that was all, and he wasn’t the only one who could put up an act. So he acted like nothing was wrong, too - until dinner was over, Héctor stood to leave, and Ernesto spoke. “Padre Juan. May I have a word?”
And oh, that worked. The gringo stiffened like he’d just heard him uttering his death sentence, growing paler for a moment, and spoke in a tight voice. “It’s Father John. And yes. You may.”
Héctor gave him a somewhat curious gaze - did he seem slightly alarmed? - but left them alone, closing the door behind himself. Padre Juan folded his hands tightly, in what Ernesto guessed was a pitiful attempt at keeping them from shaking. “What is it?” he asked, voice more controlled. Did he really hope he could make him think he’d been mistaken?
Ernesto shrugged, and gave his most reassuring smile. “I simply wondered if you need any counsel. You seem upset,” he added. Funny thing to say to the guy he’d slammed against the wall only weeks earlier, but the whole situation was odd and the gringo did not remark on that.
“I-- I had a brief episode of vertigo earlier today,” he said, gaze resting on absolutely everything in the room except Ernesto. “I will be fine after a good night’s sleep, and I am-- quite tired.”
“... I understand. But surely, if something is bothering you, you’ll let me know. Won’t you?”
That caused the man to look up at him. For just a moment his expression twisted into something so painful it was gut-wrenching, but then it was gone, and he looked away. “... I will keep it in mind. Will that be all?”
Ernesto nodded. “That will be all,” he said, gaining himself a brief nod before Padre Juan left the room in silence. Not a bad actor overall, but it would take more to fool Ernesto de la Cruz. He knew what he was and he knew what he desired - Héctor, clearly.
“Can’t hide a thing from me,” Ernesto muttered to the empty room, and poured himself a glass.
“All right, time to--”
“Your elbow is in my ribs.”
“Sorry. Should have built this doghouse bigger.”
“Well, we’re not supposed to be in it.”
“And yet here we are.”
“... Why are you here?”
Sitting cross-legged with Dante leaning on him, Miguel grinned. “To make plans! We must create the right moment for Héctor and Imelda, so he can seize it!” he exclaimed, and put his arms around the twins’ necks, pulling them close. “Now, here’s my idea…”
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[Back to Part 7]
30 notes · View notes
chistes21 · 5 years
Cambiar de nombre
En una tribu india hay un hechizero que se encarga de cambiar los nombres de los miembros de la tribu si ellos lo solicitan. Un día llega una hermosa india con su madre, que pregunta: -¿Aquí cambiar nombre? -Sí. Ser aquí donde cambiar nombre. ¿Cómo llamarse ella? -Juanita Virgen de las Pradreras y Blanco del Amanecer. Ayer ella salir con novio por primera vez al campo. -No entender. ¿Y cómo querer ponerle? -Juanita a secas nomás. )) ofrecido por https://descuentos.guru/locompramos
4 notes · View notes
cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Here’s the complete list of 2022 Grammy Award winners
Grammys 2022 list of winners including Jon Batiste, Silk Sonic and Olivia Rodrigo
The winners for the 64th Grammy Awards are in and, with a diverse group of nominees, the Recording Academy honored artists ranging from 95-year-old Tony Bennett to 19-year-old Olivia Rodrigo (both of whom won multiple awards) in Las Vegas.
Jon Batiste took home a slew of awards including album of the year, and the ceremony’s “Big Four” categories, which were increased from eight to 10 nominees, include Silk Sonic for record and song of the year and Olivia Rodrigo for new artist. Other multiple-award winners include Foo Fighters, Cece Winans, Kanye West and Jazmine Sullivan.
The ceremony took place at the MGM Garden Arena and the prime-time awards was broadcast live on CBS and streamed on Paramount +. The majority of the awards were handed out during the Premiere Ceremony, which started at 12:30 p.m.. That portion of the program was hosted by Levar Burton, and the prime-time awards were handled by Trevor Noah. The Grammys shifted from Los Angeles' Crypto.com Arena (formerly Staples Center) due to rising COVID-19 cases and the Omicron variant in January.
Here are this year's winners:
Even the Grammy upsets were predictable. Our full analysis of the 2022 awards
Album of the Year
"We Are" — Jon Batiste | WINNER
"Sour" — Olivia Rodrigo
"Love for Sale" — Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga
"Justice (Triple Chucks Deluxe)" — Justin Bieber
"Planet Her (Deluxe)" — Doja Cat
"Happier Than Ever" — Billie Eilish
"Back of My Mind" — H.E.R.
"Montero" — Lil Nas X
"Evermore" — Taylor Swift
"Donda" — Kanye West
Record of the Year
"Leave the Door Open" — Silk Sonic | WINNER
"I Still Have Faith in You" — ABBA
"Freedom" — Jon Batiste
"I Get a Kick Out of You" — Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga
"Peaches" — Justin Bieber featuring Daniel Caesar & Giveon
"Right on Time" — Brandi Carlile
"Kiss Me More" — Doja Cat featuring SZA
"Happier Than Ever" — Billie Eilish
"Montero (Call Me by Your Name)" — Lil Nas X
"Driver's License" — Olivia Rodrigo
Pop Duo/Group Performance
“Kiss Me More” — Doja Cat featuring Sza | WINNER
“I Get a Kick Out of You” — Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga
“Lonely” — Justin Bieber & Benny Blanco
“Butter” — BTS
“Higher Power” — Coldplay
Pop Vocal Album
“Sour” — Olivia Rodrigo | WINNER
“Justice (Triple Chucks Deluxe)” — Justin Bieber
“Planet Her (Deluxe)” — Doja Cat
"Happier Than Ever" — Billie Eilish
“Positions” — Ariana Grande
R&B Album
“Heaux Tales” — Jazmine Sullivan | WINNER
“We Are” — Jon Batiste
“Temporary Highs in the Violet Skies” — Snoh Aalegra
“Gold-Diggers Sound” — Leon Bridges
“Back of My Mind” — H.E.R.
Rap Performance
“Family Ties” — Baby Keem featuring Kendrick Lamar | WINNER
“Up” — Cardi B
"My. Life" — J. Cole featuring 21 Savage & Morray
“Way 2 Sexy” — Drake featuring Future & Young Thug
“Thot S***” — Megan Thee Stallion
New Artist
Olivia Rodrigo | WINNER
Arooj Aftab
Jimmie Allen
Baby Keem
Glass Animals
Japanese Breakfast
The Kid Laroi
Arlo Parks
Olivia Rodrigo named best new artist at 2022 Grammys
Country Album
“Starting Over” — Chris Stapleton | WINNER
“Skeletons” — Brothers Osborne
“Remember Her Name” — Mickey Guyton
“The Marfa Tapes” — Miranda Lambert, Jon Randall & Jack Ingram
“The Ballad of Dood & Juanita” — Sturgill Simpson
Song of the Year
"Leave the Door Open" — Brandon Anderson, Christopher Brody Brown, Dernst Emile II & Bruno Mars, songwriters (Silk Sonic) | WINNER
"Bad Habits" — Fred Gibson, Johnny McDaid & Ed Sheeran, songwriters (Ed Sheeran)
"A Beautiful Noise" — Ruby Amanfu, Brandi Carlile, Brandy Clark, Alicia Keys, Hillary Lindsey, Lori McKenna, Linda Perry & Hailey Whitters, songwriters (Alicia Keys & Brandi Carlile)
"Drivers License" — Daniel Nigro & Olivia Rodrigo, songwriters (Olivia Rodrigo)
"Fight for You" — Dernst Emile II, H.E.R. & Tiara Thomas, songwriters (H.E.R.)
"Happier Than Ever" — Billie Eilish O'Connell & Finneas O'Connell, songwriters (Billie Eilish)
"Kiss Me More" — Rogét Chahayed, Amala Zandile Dlamini, Lukasz Gottwald, Carter Lang, Gerard A. Powell II, Solána Rowe & David Sprecher, songwriters (Doja Cat Featuring SZA)
"Montero (Call Me by Your Name)" — Denzel Baptiste, David Biral, Omer Fedi, Montero Hill & Roy Lenzo, songwriters (Lil Nas X)
"Peaches" — Louis Bell, Justin Bieber, Giveon Dezmann Evans, Bernard Harvey, Felisha "Fury" King, Matthew Sean Leon, Luis Manuel Martinez Jr., Aaron Simmonds, Ashton Simmonds, Andrew Wotman & Keavan Yazdani, songwriters (Justin Bieber Featuring Daniel Caesar & Giveon)
"Right on Time" — Brandi Carlile, Dave Cobb, Phil Hanseroth & Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)
Silk Sonic's 'Leave the Door Open' wins song of the year at 2022 Grammys
Producer of the Year, Non-Classical
Jack Antonoff | WINNER
Rogét Chahayed
Mike Elizondo
Ricky Reed
Traditional Pop Vocal Album
“Love for Sale” — Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga | WINNER
“—Til We Meet Again (Live)” — Norah Jones
“A Tori Kelly Christmas” — Tori Kelly
“Ledisi Sings Nina” — Ledisi
“That's Life” — Willie Nelson
“A Holly Dolly Christmas” — Dolly Parton
Tony Bennett, 95, becomes second-oldest Grammy winner with traditional pop album award
Pop Solo Performance
"Drivers License" — Olivia Rodrigo | WINNER
“Anyone” — Justin Bieber
"Right on Time" — Brandi Carlile
"Happier Than Ever" — Billie Eilish
“Positions” — Ariana Grande
Comedy Album
“Sincerely Louis C.K.” — Louis C.K. | WINNER
“The Comedy Vaccine” — Lavell Crawford
“Evolution” — Chelsea Handler
“Thanks for Risking Your Life” — Lewis Black
“The Greatest Average American” — Nate Bargatze
“Zero F**s Given” — Kevin Hart
Louis C.K. wins 2022 Grammy for comedy album; first big award since misconduct scandal
Children's Music Album
“A Colorful World” — Falu | WINNER
“Actívate” — 123 Andrés
“All One Tribe” — 1 Tribe Collective
“Black to the Future” — Pierce Freelon
“Crayon Kids” — Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band
Jazz Vocal Album
"Songwrights Apothecary Lab" — Esperanza Spalding | WINNER
"Generations" — The Baylor Project
"SuperBlue" — Kurt Elling, Charlie Hunter
"Time Traveler" — Nnenna Freelon
"Flor" — Gretchen Parlato
Rap Album
“Call Me If You Get Lost” — Tyler, The Creator | WINNER
“The Off-Season” — J. Cole
“Certified Lover Boy” — Drake
“King's Disease Ii” — Nas
“Donda” — Kanye West
Rap Song
“Jail” — Dwayne Abernathy Jr., Shawn Carter, Raul Cubina, Michael Dean, Charles M. Njapa, Sean Solymar, Brian Hugh Warner, Kanye West & Mark Williams, songwriters (Kanye West featuring Jay-Z) | WINNER
“Bath Salts” — Shawn Carter, Kasseem Dean, Michael Forno, Nasir Jones & Earl Simmons, songwriters (DMX featuring Jay-Z & Nas)
“Best Friend” — Amala Zandelie Dlamini, Lukasz Gottwald, Randall Avery Hammers, Diamonté Harper, Asia Smith, Theron Thomas & Rocco Valdes, songwriters (Saweetie featuring Doja Cat)
“Family Ties” — Roshwita Larisha Bacha, Hykeem Carter, Tobias Dekker, Colin Franken, Jasper Harris, Kendrick Lamar, Ronald Latour & Dominik Patrzek, songwriters (Baby Keem featuring Kendrick Lamar)
"My. Life" — Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph & Jermaine Cole, songwriters (J. Cole featuring 21 Savage & Morray)
Melodic Rap Performance
“Hurricane” — Kanye West featuring The Weeknd & Lil Baby | WINNER
"Pride. Is. The. Devil" — J. Cole featuring Lil Baby 
“Need to Know” — Doja Cat
“Industry Baby” — Lil Nas X featuring Jack Harlow
“Wusyaname” — Tyler, The Creator featuring Youngboy Never Broke Again & Ty Dolla $ign
Traditional R&B Performance
“Fight for You” — H.E.R. | WINNER
“I Need You” — Jon Batiste
“Bring It on Home to Me” — BJ The Chicago Kid, PJ Morton & Kenyon Dixon featuring Charlie Bereal
“Born Again” — Leon Bridges featuring Robert Glasper
“How Much Can a Heart Take” — Lucky Daye featuring Yebba
Progressive R&B Album
“Table for Two” — Lucky Daye | WINNER
“New Light” — Eric Bellinger
“Something to Say” — Cory Henry
“Mood Valiant” — Hiatus Kaiyote
“Dinner Party: Dessert” — Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder & Kamasi Washington
“Studying Abroad: Extended Stay” — Masego
R&B Song
“Leave the Door Open” — Brandon Anderson, Christopher Brody Brown, Dernst Emile Ii & Bruno Mars, songwriters (Silk Sonic) | WINNER
“Damage” — Anthony Clemons Jr., Jeff Gitelman, H.E.R., Carl McCormick & Tiara Thomas, songwriters (H.E.R.)
“Good Days” — Jacob Collier, Carter Lang, Carlos Munoz, Solána Rowe & Christopher Ruelas, songwriters (SZA)
“Heartbreak Anniversary” — Giveon Evans, Maneesh, Sevn Thomas & Varren Wade, songwriters (Giveon)
“Pick Up Your Feelings” — Denisia “Blue June” Andrews, Audra Mae Butts, Kyle Coleman, Brittany
“Chi” — Coney, Michael Holmes & Jazmine Sullivan, songwriters (Jazmine Sullivan)
R&B Performance
“Leave the Door Open” — Silk Sonic | WINNER
“Pick Up Your Feelings” — Jazmine Sullivan | WINNER
“Lost You” — Snoh Aalegra
“Peaches” — Justin Bieber featuring Daniel Caesar & Giveon
“Damage” — H.E.R.
Alternative Music Album
“Daddy's Home” — St. Vincent | WINNER
“Shore” — Fleet Foxes
“If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power” — Halsey
“Jubilee” — Japanese Breakfast
“Collapsed in Sunbeams” — Arlo Parks
Rock Album
“Medicine at Midnight” — Foo Fighters | WINNER
“Power Up” — AC/DC
“Capitol Cuts — Live From Studio A” — Black Pumas
“No One Sings Like You Anymore Vol. 1” — Chris Cornell
“McCartney III” — Paul McCartney
Rock Song
“Waiting on a War” — Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins, Rami Jaffee, Nate Mendel, Chris Shiflett & Pat Smear, songwriters (Foo Fighters) | WINNER
“All My Favorite Songs” — Rivers Cuomo, Ashley Gorley, Ben Johnson & Ilsey Juber, songwriters (Weezer)
“The Bandit" — Caleb Followill, Jared Followill, Matthew Followill & Nathan Followill, songwriters (Kings of Leon)
“Distance” — Wolfgang Van Halen, songwriter (Mammoth Wvh)
“Find My Way” — Paul McCartney, songwriter (Paul McCartney)
Metal Performance
“The Alien” — Dream Theater | WINNER
“Genesis” — Deftones
“Amazonia” — Gojira
“Pushing the Tides” — Mastodon
“The Triumph of King Freak (A Crypt of Preservation and Superstition)” — Rob Zombie
Rock Performance
“Making a Fire” — Foo Fighters | WINNER
“Shot in the Dark” — AC/DC
“Know You Better (Live From Capitol Studio A)” — Black Pumas
“Nothing Compares 2 U” — Chris Cornell
“Ohms” — Deftones
Contemporary Classical Composition
“Shaw: Narrow Sea” — Caroline Shaw, composer (Dawn Upshaw, Gilbert Kalish & Sō Percussion) | WINNER
“Akiho: Seven Pillars” — Andy Akiho, composer (Sandbox Percussion)
“Andriessen: The Only One” — Louis Andriessen, composer (Esa-Pekka Salonen, Nora Fischer & Los Angeles Philharmonic)
“Assad, Clarice & Sérgio, Connors, Dillon, Martin & Skidmore: Archetypes” — Clarice Assad, Sérgio Assad, Sean Connors, Robert Dillon, Peter Martin & David Skidmore, composers (Sérgio Assad, Clarice Assad & Third Coast Percussion)
“Batiste: Movement 11'” — Jon Batiste, composer (Jon Batiste)
Best Classical Compendium
“Women Warriors - The Voices of Change” — Amy Andersson, conductor; Amy Andersson, Mark Mattson & Lolita Ritmanis, producers | WINNER
“American Originals - A New World, A New Canon” — Agave & Reginald L. Mobley; Geoffrey Silver, producer
“Berg: Violin Concerto; Seven Early Songs & Three Pieces for Orchestra” — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor; Jack Vad, producer
“Cerrone: The Arching Path” — Timo Andres & Ian Rosenbaum; Mike Tierney, producer
“Plays” — Chick Corea; Chick Corea & Birnie Kirsh, producers
Classical Solo Vocal Album
“Mythologies” — Sangeeta Kaur & Hila Plitmann (Virginie D'avezac De Castera, Lili Haydn, Wouter Kellerman, Nadeem Majdalany, Eru Matsumoto & Emilio D. Miler) | WINNER
“Confessions” — Laura Strickling; Joy Schreier, pianist
“Dreams of a New Day - Songs by Black Composers” — Will Liverman; Paul Sánchez, pianist
“Schubert: Winterreise” — Joyce Didonato; Yannick Nézet-Séguin, pianist
“Unexpected Shadows” — Jamie Barton; Jake Heggie, pianist (Matt Haimovitz)
Classical Instrumental Solo
“Alone Together” — Jennifer Koh | WINNER
“An American Mosaic” — Simone Dinnerstein
“Bach: Sonatas & Partitas” — Augustin Hadelich
“Beethoven & Brahms: Violin Concertos” — Gil Shaham; Eric Jacobsen, Conductor (The Knights)
“Mak Bach” — Mak Grgić
“Of Power” — Curtis Stewart
Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
“Beethoven: Cello Sonatas - Hope Amid Tears” — Yo-Yo Ma & Emanuel Ax | WINNER
“Adams, John Luther: Lines Made By“ — Walking Jack Quartet
“Akiho: Seven Pillars” — Sandbox Percussion
“Archetypes” — Sérgio Assad, Clarice Assad & Third Coast Percussion
“Bruits” — Imani Winds
How Grant Gershon made Los Angeles Master Chorale one of the country's most adventurous choirs 
Choral Performance
“Mahler: Symphony No. 8, 'Symphony of a Thousand'” — Gustavo Dudamel, conductor; Grant Gershon, Robert Istad, Fernando Malvar-Ruiz & Luke Mcendarfer, chorus masters (Leah Crocetto, Mihoko Fujimura, Ryan Mckinny, Erin Morley, Tamara Mumford, Simon O'neill, Morris Robinson & Tamara Wilson; Los Angeles Philharmonic; Los Angeles Children's Chorus, Los Angeles Master Chorale, National Children’s Chorus & Pacific Chorale) | WINNER
“It's a Long Way��� — Matthew Guard, conductor (Jonas Budris, Carrie Cheron, Fiona Gillespie, Nathan Hodgson, Helen Karloski, Enrico Lagasca, Megan Roth, Alissa Ruth Suver & Dana Whiteside; Skylark Vocal Ensemble)
“Rising W/The Crossing” — Donald Nally, conductor (International Contemporary Ensemble & Quicksilver; The Crossing)
”Schnittke: Choir Concerto; Three Sacred Hymns; Pärt: Seven Magnificat-Antiphons” — Kaspars Putniņš, conductor; Heli Jürgenson, chorus master (Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir)
“Sheehan: Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom” — Benedict Sheehan, conductor (Michael Hawes, Timothy Parsons & Jason Thoms; the Saint Tikhon Choir)
“The Singing Guitar” — Craig Hella Johnson, conductor (Estelí Gomez; Austin Guitar Quartet, Douglas Harvey, Los Angeles Guitar Quartet & Texas Guitar Quartet; Conspirare)
Opera Recording
“Glass: Akhnaten” — Karen Kamensek, conductor; J’nai Bridges, Anthony Roth Costanzo, Zachary James & Dísella Lárusdóttir; David Frost, producer (the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; the Metropolitan Opera Chorus) | WINNER
“Bartók: Bluebeard's Castle” — Susanna Mälkki, conductor; Mika Kares & Szilvia Vörös; Robert Suff, producer (Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra)
“Janáček: Cunning Little Vixen” — Simon Rattle, conductor; Sophia Burgos, Lucy Crowe, Gerald Finley, Peter Hoare, Anna Lapkovskaja, Paulina Malefane, Jan Martinik & Hanno Müller-Brachmann; Andrew Cornall, producer (London Symphony Orchestra; London Symphony Chorus & Lso Discovery Voices)
“Little: Soldier Songs” — Corrado Rovaris, conductor; Johnathan Mccullough; James Darrah & John Toia, producers (the Opera Philadelphia Orchestra)
“Poulenc: Dialogues Des Carmélites” — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor; Karen Cargill, Isabel Leonard, Karita Mattila, Erin Morley & Adrianne Pieczonka; David Frost, producer (the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; the Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
Orchestral Performance
“Price: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 3” — Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor (Philadelphia Orchestra) | WINNER
“Adams: My Father Knew Charles Ives; Harmonielehre” — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor (Nashville Symphony Orchestra)
“Beethoven: Symphony No. 9” — Manfred Honeck, conductor (Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
“Muhly: Throughline” — Nico Muhly, conductor (San Francisco Symphony)
“Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathustra; Scriabin: The Poem Of Ecstasy” — Thomas Dausgaard, conductor (Seattle Symphony Orchestra)
Producer of the Year, Classical
Judith Sherman | WINNER
Blanton Alspaugh
Steven Epstein
David Frost
Elaine Martone
Engineered Album, Classical
“Chanticleer Sings Christmas” — Leslie Ann Jones, engineer (Chanticleer) | WINNER
“Archetypes” — Jonathan Lackey, Bill Maylone & Dan Nichols, engineers; Bill Maylone, mastering engineer (Sérgio Assad, Clarice Assad & Third Coast Percussion)
“Beethoven: Cello Sonatas - Hope Amid Tears” — Richard King, engineer (Yo-Yo Ma & Emanuel Ax)
“Beethoven: Symphony No. 9” — Mark Donahue, engineer; Mark Donahue, mastering engineer (Manfred Honeck, Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
“Mahler: Symphony No. 8, 'Symphony of a Thousand'” — Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, Engineers; Alexander Lipay & Dmitriy Lipay, mastering engineers (Gustavo Dudamel, Fernando Malvar-Ruiz, Luke Mcendarfer, Robert Istad, Grant Gershon, Los Angeles Children's Chorus, Los Angeles Master Chorale, National Children's Chorus, Pacific Chorale & Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Spoken Word Album (includes Poetry, Audio Books and Storytelling)
“Carry On: Reflections for a New Generation From John Lewis” — Don Cheadle | WINNER
“Aftermath” — Levar Burton
“Catching Dreams: Live at Fort Knox Chicago” — J. Ivy
“8:46” — Dave Chappelle & Amir Sulaiman
“A Promised Land” — Barack Obama
Contemporary Instrumental Album
“Tree Falls” — Taylor Eigsti | WINNER
“Double Dealin'” — Randy Brecker & Eric Marienthal
“The Garden” — Rachel Eckroth
“At Blue Note Tokyo” — Steve Gadd Band
“Deep: The Baritone Sessions, Vol. 2” — Mark Lettieri
Tropical Latin Album
“Salswing!” — Rubén Blades Y Roberto Delgado & Orquesta | WINNER
“En Cuarentena” — El Gran Combo De Puerto Rico
“Sin Salsa No Hay Paraíso“ — Aymée Nuviola
“Colegas” — Gilberto Santa Rosa
“Live in Peru” — Tony Succar
Regional Mexican Music Album (including Tejano)
“A Mis 80'S” — Vicente Fernández | WINNER
“Antología De La Musica Ranchera, Vol. 2” — Aida Cuevas
“Seis” — Mon Laferte
“Un Canto Por México, Vol. Ii” — Natalia Lafourcade
“Ayayay! (Super Deluxe)” — Christian Nodal
Latin Rock or Alternative Album
“Origen” — Juanes | WINNER
“Deja” — Bomba Estéreo
“Mira Lo Que Me Hiciste Hacer” (Deluxe Edition) — Diamante Eléctrico
“Calambre” — Nathy Peluso
“El Madrileño” — C. Tangana
“Sonidos De Karmática Resonancia” — Zoé
Música Urbana Album
“El Último Tour Del Mundo” — Bad Bunny | WINNER
“Afrodisíaco” — Rauw Alejandro
“Jose” — J Balvin
“Kg0516” — Karol G
“Sin Miedo (Del Amor Y Otros Demonios) 8” — Kali Uchis
Latin Pop Album
“Mendó” — Alex Cuba | WINNER
“Vértigo” — Pablo Alborán
“Mis Amores” — Paula Arenas
“Hecho A La Antigua” — Ricardo Arjona
“Mis Manos” — Camilo
“Revelación” — Selena Gomez
Roots Gospel Album
“My Savior” — Carrie Underwood | WINNER
“Alone With My Faith” — Harry Connick Jr. 
“That's Gospel, Brother” — Gaither Vocal Band
“Keeping On” — Ernie Haase & Signature Sound
“Songs for the Times” — The Isaacs
Contemporary Christian Music Album
“Old Church Basement” — Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music | WINNER
“No Stranger” — Natalie Grant
“Feels Like Home Vol. 2” — Israel & New Breed
“The Blessing (Live)” — Kari Jobe
“Citizen of Heaven (Live)” — Tauren Wells
Gospel Album
“Believe for It” — Cece Winans | WINNER
“Changing Your Story” — Jekalyn Carr
“Royalty: Live at the Ryman” — Tasha Cobbs Leonard
“Jubilee: Juneteenth Edition” — Maverick City Music
“Jonny X Mali: Live in LA” — Jonathan Mcreynolds & Mali Music
Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song
“Believe for It” — Cece Winans; Dwan Hill, Kyle Lee, Cece Winans & Mitch Wong, songwriters | WINNER
“We Win” — Kirk Franklin & Lil Baby; Kirk Franklin, Dominique Jones, Cynthia Nunn & Justin Smith, songwriters
“Hold Us Together (HOPE Mix)” — H.E.R. & Tauren Wells; Josiah Bassey, Dernst Emile & H.E.R., songwriters
“Man of Your Word” — Chandler Moore & Kj Scriven; Jonathan Jay, Nathan Jess & Chandler Moore, songwriters
“Jireh” — Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music Featuring Chandler Moore & Naomi Raine; Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, Chandler Moore & Naomi Raine, songwriters
Gospel Performance/Song
“Never Lost” — Cece Winans | WINNER
“Voice of God” — Dante Bowe Ffaturing Steffany Gretzinger & Chandler Moore; Dante Bowe, Tywan Mack, Jeff Schneeweis & Mitch Wong, songwriters
“Joyful” — Dante Bowe; Dante Bowe & Ben Schofield, songwriters
“Help” — Anthony Brown & Group Therapy; Anthony Brown & Darryl Woodson, songwriters
“Wait on You” — Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music; Dante Bowe, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, Tiffany Hudson, Brandon Lake & Chandler Moore, songwriters
Music Film
“Summer of Soul” (various artists) | WINNER
“Inside” — Bo Burnham
“David Byrne’s American Utopia” — David Byrne
“Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles” — Billie Eilish
“Music, Money, Madness...Jimi Hendrix in Maui” — Jimi Hendrix
Music Video
“Freedom” — Jon Batiste | WINNER
“Shot in the Dark” — AC/DC
“I Get a Kick Out of You” — Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga
“Peaches” — Justin Bieber featuring Daniel Caesar & Giveon Collin Tilley, video director
“Happier Than Ever” — Billie Eilish
“Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” — Lil Nas X
“Good 4 U” — Olivia Rodrigo
Immersive Audio Album
“Alicia” — George Massenburg & Eric Schilling, immersive mix engineers; Michael Romanowski, immersive mastering engineer; Ann Mincieli, immersive producer (Alicia Keys) | WINNER
“Clique” — Jim Anderson & Ulrike Schwarz, immersive mix engineers; Bob Ludwig, immersive mastering engineer; Jim Anderson, immersive producer (Patricia Barber)
“Fine Line” — Greg Penny, immersive mix engineer; Greg Penny, immersive mastering engineer; Greg Penny, immersive producer (Harry Styles)
“The Future Bites” — Jake Fields & Steven Wilson, immersive mix engineers; Bob Ludwig, immersive mastering engineer; Steven Wilson, immersive producer (Steven Wilson)
“Stille Grender” — Morten Lindberg, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive producer (Anne Karin Sundal-Ask & Det Norske Jentekor)
Remixed Recording
“Passenger (Mike Shinoda Remix)” — Mike Shinoda, Remixer (Deftones) | WINNER
“Back to Life (Booker T Kings Of Soul Satta Dub) — Booker T, Remixer (Soul II Soul)
“Born for Greatness (Cymek Remix)” — Spencer Bastin, Remixer (Papa Roach)
“Constant Craving (Fashionably Late Remix)” — Tracy Young, Remixer (K.D. Lang)
“Inside Out (3Sscape Drm Remix)” — 3scape Drm, Remixer (Zedd & Griff)
“Met Him Last Night (Dave Audé Remix)” — Dave Audé, Remixer (Demi Lovato & Ariana Grande)
“Talks (Mura Masa Remix)” — Alexander Crossan, Remixer (PVA)
Engineered Album, Non-Classical
“Love for Sale” — Dae Bennett, Josh Coleman & Billy Cumella, engineers; Greg Calbi & Steve Fallone, mastering engineers (Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga) | WINNER
“Cinema” — Josh Conway, Marvin Figueroa, Josh Gudwin, Neal H Pogue & Ethan Shumaker, engineers; Joe Laporta, mastering engineer (The Marías)
“Dawn” — Thomas Brenneck, Zach Brown, Elton "L10MixedIt" Chueng, Riccardo Damian, Tom Elmhirst, Jens Jungkurth, Todd Monfalcone, John Rooney & Smino, engineers; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer (Yebba)
“Hey What” — Bj Burton, engineer; Bj Burton, m,astering engineer (Low)
“Notes With Attachments” — Joseph Lorge & Blake Mills, engineers; Greg Koller, mastering engineer (Pino Palladino & Blake Mills)
Historical Album
“Joni Mitchell Archives, Vol. 1: The Early Years (1963-1967)” — Patrick Milligan & Joni Mitchell, compilation producers; Bernie Grundman, mastering engineer (Joni Mitchell) | WINNER
“Beyond the Music: Her Complete RCA Victor Recordings” — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Nancy Conforti, Andreas K. Meyer & Jennifer Nulsen, mastering engineers (Marian Anderson)
“Etching The Voice: Emile Berliner And The First Commercial Gramophone Discs, 1889-1895” — Meagan Hennessey & Richard Martin, compilation producer; Richard Martin, mastering engineer (Various Artists)
“Excavated Shellac: An Alternate History of the World’s Music” — April Ledbetter, Steven Lance Ledbetter & Jonathan Ward, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists)
“Sign O' the Times (Super Deluxe Edition) — Trevor Guy, Michael Howe & Kirk Johnson, compilation producers; Bernie Grundman, mastering engineer (Prince)
Album Notes
“The Complete Louis Armstrong Columbia and RCA Victor Studio Sessions 1946-1966” — Ricky Riccardi, album notes writer (Louis Armstrong) | WINNER
“Beethoven: The Last Three Sonatas” — Ann-Katrin Zimmermann, album notes writer (Sunwook Kim)
“Creation Never Sleeps, Creation Never Dies: The Willie Dunn Anthology” — Kevin Howes, album notes writer (Willie Dunn)
“Etching the Voice: Emile Berliner and the First Commercial Gramophone Discs, 1889-1895” — David Giovannoni, Richard Martin & Stephan Puille, album notes writers (various artists)
“The King of Gospel Music: The Life and Music of Reverend James Cleveland” — Robert Marovich, Album Notes Writer (various artists)
Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
“All Things Must Pass: 50th Anniversary Edition” — Darren Evans, Dhani Harrison & Olivia Harrison, art directors (George Harrison) | WINNER
“Color Theory” — Lordess Foudre & Christopher Leckie, art directors (Soccer Mommy)
“The Future Bites" (Limited Edition Box Set) — Simon Moore, art director (Steven Wilson)
“77-81” — Dan Calderwood & Jon King, art directors (Gang Of Four)
“Swimming in Circles” — Ramón Coronado & Marshall Rake, art directors (Mac Miller)
Recording Package
“Pakelang” — Li Jheng Han & Yu, Wei, art directors (2nd Generation Falangao Singing Group & the Chairman Crossover Big Band) | WINNER
“American Jackpot / American Girls” — Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly)
“Carnage” — Nick Cave & Tom Hingston, art directors (Nick Cave & Warren Ellis)
“Serpentine Prison” — Dayle Doyle, art director (Matt Berninger)
“Zeta” — Xiao Qing Yang, art director (Soul of Ears)
Best Dance/Electronic Music Album
“Subconsciously” — Black Coffee | WINNER
“Fallen Embers” — Illenium
“Music Is the Weapon (Reloaded)” — Major Lazer
“Shockwave” — Marshmello
“Free Love” — Sylvan Esso
“Judgement” — Ten City
Dance/Electronic Recording
“Alive” — Rüfüs Du Sol | WINNER
“Hero” — Afrojack & David Guetta
“Loom” — Ólafur Arnalds featuring Bonobo
“Before” — James Blake
“Heartbreak” — Bonobo & Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
“You Can Do It” — Caribou
“The Business" — Tiësto
Reggae Album
“Beauty in the Silence” — Soja | WINNER
“Pamoja” — Etana
“Positive Vibration” — Gramps Morgan
“Live N Livin” — Sean Paul
“Royal” — Jesse Royal
“10” — Spice
Regional Roots Music Album
“Kau Ka Pe'a” — Kalani Pe'a | WINNER
“Live in New Orleans!” — Sean Ardoin And Kreole Rock And Soul
“Bloodstains & Teardrops” — Big Chief Monk Boudreaux
“My People” — Cha Wa
“Corey Ledet Zydeco” — Corey Ledet Zydeco 
Folk Album
“They're Calling Me Home” — Rhiannon Giddens with Francesco Turrisi | WINNER
“One Night Lonely [Live]” — Mary Chapin Carpenter
“Long Violent History” — Tyler Childers
“Wednesday” (Extended Edition) — Madison Cunningham
“Blue Heron Suite” — Sarah Jarosz
Contemporary Blues Album
“662” — Christone "Kingfish" Ingram | WINNER
“Delta Kream” — The Black Keys featuring Eric Deaton & Kenny Brown
“Royal Tea” — Joe Bonamassa
“Uncivil War” — Shemekia Copeland
“Fire It Up” — Steve Cropper
Traditional Blues Album
“I Be Trying” — Cedric Burnside | WINNER
“100 Years Of Blues” — Elvin Bishop & Charlie Musselwhite
“Traveler's Blues” — Blues Traveler
“Be Ready When I Call You” — Guy Davis
“Take Me Back” — Kim Wilson
Bluegrass Album
“My Bluegrass Heart” — Béla Fleck | WINNER
“Renewal” — Billy Strings
“A Tribute to Bill Monroe” — The Infamous Stringdusters
“Cuttin' Grass - Vol. 1 (Butcher Shoppe Sessions) — Sturgill Simpson
“Music Is What I See” — Rhonda Vincent
Americana Album
“Native Sons” — Los Lobos | WINNER
“Downhill From Everywhere” — Jackson Browne
“Leftover Feelings” — John Hiatt With the Jerry Douglas Band
“Outside Child” — Allison Russell
“Stand for Myself” — Yola
American Roots Song
“Cry” — Jon Batiste & Steve Mcewan, songwriters (Jon Batiste) | WINNER
“Avalon” — Rhiannon Giddens, Justin Robinson & Francesco Turrisi, songwriters (Rhiannon Giddens with Francesco Turrisi)
“Call Me a Fool” — Valerie June, songwriter (Valerie June featuring Carla Thomas)
“Diamond Studded Shoes” — Dan Auerbach, Natalie Hemby, Aaron Lee Tasjan & Yola, songwriters (Yola)
“Nightflyer” — Jeremy Lindsay & Allison Russell, songwriters (Allison Russell)
American Roots Performance
“Cry” — Jon Batiste | WINNER
“Love and Regret” — Billy Strings
“I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free” — The Blind Boys of Alabama & Béla Fleck
“Same Devil” — Brandy Clark featuring Brandi Carlile
“Nightflyer” — Allison Russell
Country Song
“Cold” — Dave Cobb, J.T. Cure, Derek Mixon & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Chris Stapleton) | WINNER
“Better Than We Found It” — Jessie Jo Dillon, Maren Morris, Jimmy Robbins & Laura Veltz, songwriters (Maren Morris)
“Camera Roll” — Ian Fitchuk, Kacey Musgraves & Daniel Tashian, songwriters (Kacey Musgraves)
“Country Again” — Zach Crowell, Ashley Gorley & Thomas Rhett, songwriters (Thomas Rhett)
“Fancy Like” — Cameron Bartolini, Walker Hayes, Josh Jenkins & Shane Stevens, songwriters (Walker Hayes)
“Remember Her Name” — Mickey Guyton, Blake Hubbard, Jarrod Ingram & Parker Welling, songwriters (Mickey Guyton)
Country Duo/Group Performance
“Younger Me” — Brothers Osborne | WINNER
“Chasing After You” — Ryan Hurd & Maren Morris
“If I Didn't Love You” — Jason Aldean & Carrie Underwood
“Glad You Exist” — Dan + Shay
“Drunk (And I Don’t Wanna Go Home)” — Elle King & Miranda Lambert
Country Solo Performance
“You Should Probably Leave” — Chris Stapleton | WINNER
“Forever After All” — Luke Combs
“Remember Her Name” — Mickey Guyton
“All I Do Is Drive” — Jason Isbell
“Camera Roll” — Kacey Musgraves
Latin Jazz Album
“Mirror Mirror” — Eliane Elias With Chick Corea and Chucho Valdés | WINNER
“The South Bronx Story” — Carlos Henriquez
“Virtual Birdland” — Arturo O'farrill & The Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra
“Transparency” — Dafnis Prieto Sextet
“El Arte Del Bolero” — Miguel Zenón & Luis Perdomo
Large Jazz Ensemble Album
“For Jimmy, Wes and Oliver" — Christian McBride Big Band | WINNER
“Live at Birdland!” — The Count Basie Orchestra Directed by Scotty Barnhart
“Dear Love” — Jazzmeia Horn and Her Noble Force
“Swirling” — Sun Ra Arkestra
“Jackets Xl” — Yellowjackets + Wdr Big Band
Jazz Instrumental Album
“Skyline” — Ron Carter, Jack Dejohnette & Gonzalo Rubalcaba | WINNER
“Jazz Selections: Music From and Inspired by Soul” — Jon Batiste
“Absence” — Terence Blanchard featuring the E Collective and the Turtle Island Quartet
“Akoustic Band Live” — Chick Corea, John Patitucci & Dave Weckl
“Side-Eye NYC (V1.IV)” — Pat Metheny
Improvised Jazz Solo
“Humpty Dumpty (Set 2)” — Chick Corea, Soloist. Track from: “Akoustic Band Live” (Chick Corea, John Patitucci & Dave Weckl) | WINNER
“Sackodougou” — Christian Scott Atunde Adjuah, Soloist. Track from: “The Hands of Time” (Weedie Braimah)
“Kick Those Feet” — Kenny Barron, Soloist. Track from: “Songs From My Father” (Gerry Gibbs Thrasher Dream Trios)
“Bigger Than Us” — Jon Batiste, Soloist. Track from: “Soul” (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Various Artists)
“Absence” — Terence Blanchard, Soloist. Track from: “Absence” (Terence Blanchard featuring the E Collective and the Turtle Island Quartet)
Best New Age Album
“Divine Tides” — Stewart Copeland & Ricky Kej | WINNER
“Brothers” — Will Ackerman, Jeff Oster & Tom Eaton
“Pangaea” — Wouter Kellerman & David Arkenstone
“Night + Day” — Opium Moon
“Pieces of Forever” — Laura Sullivan
Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals
“To the Edge of Longing (Edit Version)" — Vince Mendoza, Arranger (Vince Mendoza, Czech National Symphony Orchestra & Julia Bullock) | WINNER
“The Bottom Line” — Ólafur Arnalds, Arranger (Ólafur Arnalds & Josin)
“A Change Is Gonna Come” — Tehillah Alphonso, arranger (Tonality & Alexander Lloyd Blake)
“The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)" — Jacob Collier, arranger (Jacob Collier)
“Eleanor Rigby” — Cody Fry, Arranger (Cody Fry)
Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella
“Meta Knight's Revenge (from "Kirby Superstar") — Charlie Rosen & Jake Silverman, Arrangers (The 8-Bit Big Band featuring Button Masher) | WINNER
“Chopsticks” — Bill O'connell, arranger (Richard Baratta)
“For the Love of a Princess" (from "Braveheart") — Robin Smith, Arranger (Hauser, London Symphony Orchestra & Robin Smith)
“Infinite Love” — Emile Mosseri, arranger (Emile Mosseri)
“The Struggle Within” — Gabriela Quintero & Rodrigo Sanchez, arrangers (Rodrigo Y Gabriela)
Instrumental Composition
“Beautiful Is Black” — Brande“Eberhard” — Lyle Mays, composer (Lyle Mays) | WINNER
e Younger, composer (Brandee Younger)
“Cat And Mouse” — Tom Nazziola, composer (Tom Nazziola)
“Concerto for Orchestra: Finale” — Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & Czech National Symphony Orchestra featuring Antonio Sánchez & Derrick Hodge)
“Dreaming in Lions: Dreaming in Lions” — Arturo O’farrill, composer (Arturo O'farrill & the Afro Latin Jazz Ensemble)
Global Music Album
“Mother Nature” — Angelique Kidjo | WINNER
“Voice of Bunbon, Vol. 1” — Rocky Dawuni
“East West Players Presents: Daniel Ho & Friends Live in Concert” — Daniel Ho & Friends
“Legacy +” — Femi Kuti and Made Kuti
“Made in Lagos: Deluxe Edition” — Wizkid
Global Music Performance
“Mohabbat” — Arooj Aftab | WINNER
“Do Yourself” — Angelique Kidjo & Burna Boy
“Pà Pá Pà” — Femi Kuti
“Blewu” — Yo Ma & Angelique Kidjo
“Essence” — Wizkid featuring Tems
Immersive Audio Album
“Soundtrack of the American Soldier” — Leslie Ann Jones, immersive mix engineer; Michael Romanowski, immersive mastering engineer; Dan Merceruio, immersive producer (Jim R. Keene & the United States Army Field Band) | WINNER
“Bolstad: Tomba Sonora” — Morten Lindberg, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive producer (Stemmeklang)
“Dear Future Self (DOLBY Atmos Mixes)” — Fritz Hilpert, immersive mix engineer; Jason Banks, Fritz Hilpert & David Ziegler, immersive mastering engineers; Tom Ammerman, Arno Kammermeier & Walter Merziger, immersive producers (Booka Shade)
“Fryd” — Morten Lindberg, immersive mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, immersive producer (Tove Ramlo-Ystad & Cantus)
“Mutt Slang Ii - A Wake of Sorrows Engulfed in Rage” — Elliot Scheiner, immersive mix engineer; Darcy Proper, immersive mastering engineer; Alain Mallet & ElliotScheiner, immersive producers (Alain Mallet)
Song Written for Visual Media
“All Eyes on Me [From “Inside”] — Bo Burnham, songwriter (Bo Burnham) | WINNER
“Agatha All Along” [From “Wandavision” Episode 7] — Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez, songwriters (Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez featuring Kathryn Hahn, Eric Bradley, Greg Whipple, Jasper Randall & Gerald White)
“All I Know So Far” [From “Pink: All I Know So Far”] — Alecia Moore, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Pink)
“Fight for You” [From “Judas and the Black Messiah”] — Dernst Emile Ii, H.E.R. & Tiara Thomas, Songwriters (H.E.R.)
“Here I Am (Singing My Way Home)” [From “Respect”] — Jamie Hartman, Jennifer Hudson & Carole King, Songwriters (Jennifer Hudson)
“Speak Now” [From “One Night in Miami...”] — Sam Ashworth & Leslie Odom, Jr., songwriters (Leslie Odom Jr.)
Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
“The Queen's Gambit” — Carlos Rafael Rivera, composer | WINNER
“Soul” — Jon Batiste, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, composers | WINNER
“Bridgerton” — Kris Bowers, Composer
“Dune” — Hans Zimmer, Composer
“The Mandalorian”: Season 2 - Vol. 2 (Chapters 13-16) — Ludwig Göransson, composer
Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
“The United States vs. Billie Holiday” — Andra Day | WINNER
“Cruella” — (various artists)
“Dear Evan Hansen” — (various artists)
“In the Heights” — (various artists)
“One Night in Miami...” — (various artists)
“Respect” — Jennifer Hudson
“Schmigadoon! Episode 1” — (various artists)
Musical Theater Album
“The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical” — Emily Bear, Producer; Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear, composers/lyricists (Barlow & Bear) | WINNER
“Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella” — Andrew Lloyd Webber, Nick Lloyd Webber & Greg Wells, Producers; Andrew Lloyd Webber & David Zippel, composers/lyricists (original album cast)
“Burt Bacharach and Steven Sater's Some Lovers” — Burt Bacharach, Michael Croiter, Ben Hartman & Steven Sater, Producers; Burt Bacharach, composer; Steven Sater, lyricist (world premiere cast)
“Girl From the North Country” — Simon Hale, Conor Mcpherson & Dean Sharenow, producers (Bob Dylan, composer & lyricist) (original Broadway cast)
“Les Misérables: The Staged Concert” (The Sensational 2020 Live Recording) — Cameron Mackintosh, Lee McCutcheon & Stephen Metcalfe, producers (Claude-Michel Schönberg, composer; Alain Boublil, John Caird, Herbert Kretzmer, Jean-Marc Natel & Trevor Nunn, Lyricists) (The 2020 Les Misérables Staged Concert Company)
“Stephen Schwartz's Snapshots” — Daniel C. Levine, Michael J Moritz Jr, Bryan Perri & Stephen Schwartz, Producers (Stephen Schwartz, composer & lyricist) (World Premiere Cast)
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todopr · 2 years
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ARRESTO POR INTERVENCION CON CONDUCTORES DE DOS VEHICULOS Y OCUPAN ARMA DE FUEGO Agentes del Plan Integral de Seguridad Ciudadana del Gobierno del área de Bayamón, en horas de la madrugada de hoy, estuvieron realizando patrullaje preventivo en el pueblo de Bayamón. Como resultado de esto, en la avenida Santa Juanita, se intervino con un vehículo Toyota CHR del año 2017 color blanco por violación a la Ley 22 de Tránsito. El vehículo, figuraba con gravamen de hurtado en el pueblo de San Juan y era conducido por un hombre de 62 años, siendo esté puesto bajo arresto. Al momento, el arrestado se encuentra en la espera de la posible radicación de cargos en el día de hoy domingo, por violación a la Ley 8 de Vehículos Hurtados. El agente Rafael Rivera adscrito al Plan Integral de Seguridad Ciudadana del Gobierno, se hizo cargo de la investigación. Además, se diligencio una orden de registro aun vehículo Cadillac Escalade del año 2008, color rojo. Como resultado del registro se ocupó una pistola Smith & Wesson calibre 40, un cargador, cincuenta y nueve municiones y dos casquillos. https://www.instagram.com/p/CaNpRJpl7Ab/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sweetdreamsqueen · 6 years
Songs from the movie '' coco '' for each zodiac sign
Aries: La Llorona - Angélica Vale, Marco Antonio Solís.
Taurus: El Latido de mi Corazón - Luis Ángel Gómez Jaramillo.
Gemini: El Mundo es mi Familia - Luis Ángel Gómez Jaramillo.
Cancer:Dueto a Través del Tiempo - Marco Antonio Solís.
Leo: Un Poco Loco - Luis Ángel Gómez Jaramillo, Gael García Bernal.
Virgo: Un Mundo Raro - La Santa Cecilia.
Libra: El corrido de Miguel Rivera - Bronco.
Scorpio: Juanita - Gael García Bernal.
Sagittarius: Bésame mucho - Jorge Blanco.
Capricorn:Recuérdame - Carlos Rivera.
Aquarius: La bikina - Karol Sevilla.
Pisces: Miguel - Remember Me ft. Natalia Lafourcade.
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sims3morgans · 3 years
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simsarahsarah · 6 years
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This Bakery/Cafe is owned by Juanita Blanco. I’m not sure but I think she’s one of the original residents of Appaloosa Plains. That’s her, in the pink waitress outfit. She’s very pretty. :-)
On the left side of this lot is the Savvier Seller part, which sells those deliciously looking edible foods by Sandy @aroundthesims :-) Behind the counter is the Bakers Oven where Juanita can make some even more delicious cakes (when she’s my active sim) and place them on the small display. The sandwiches and rolls are only there when she’s inactive. :-)
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plumbobulous · 7 years
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I’ve decided to makeover the townies as I meet him, so here is Juanita Blanco, with a tweaked face, better hair, and a color-coordinated outfit.
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