#kaneki smiling so sweetly after having made her see god
hakucho-art · 1 month
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I trust in kaneki's capability to learn absolutely everything from books
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wildfoxio · 2 years
Intoxicating Chapter 1
(Uta X FEM! Reader)
The morning rays dance over your sleeping form. The warmth leaving gentle kisses over your bare skin. Slowly you open your eyes giving them time adjust to the surroundings first. A movement can be felt next to you, naturally you ran a hand over the sleeping figures back, feeling every little bump and muscle twitch under your touch.
Careful not to wake the sleeping male next to you, you move to face him, taking the time to admire him. Truly and madly in love with him you were, there is no doubt about it. You're absolutely smitten with him. From the way his piercings make him look dangerous to how each piece of ink tells it's own story. Especially the fact that his usual calm and neat hair is now wild and messy. Eyes wondering over to his chest, slightly rising and falling with each breath he took. Slowly tracing your gaze back up to his slightly parted lips as he dreams of God knows what. Your heart skips a beat, you truly love all of him. He accpeted you for who you are and in return you had shown him the way to freedom. "It's rude to stare, ya know?" his voice came sluggish, indicating that he only woke up now. "Oh like you haven't done it, Mr. Oh-so-innocent." You tease him. God how he loves the way you smile at him. It always manages to drive him crazy.
He would swim the Atlantic Ocean just to see that smile. Eyes locks on to each other. "How about I go make some breaky-fast and you go make us some cof-fy." He laughs at your word play. Its your strange sense of humour that he adores so much. Out of honesty the thing that really heat him up is your angelic voice, he could listen to you talk all day long and never get bored.
"Okay but first come here!" He pulls you into his embrace, smirking as he notice the faint blush on your cheeks. "We've been together for 8 years yet you still blush whenever I touch you." He teases sweetly, you cover your face out of  embarrassment. You've have been together for soon to be 8 years, yet you still blushes whenever he tells you sweet words or holds you oh so gently. "Don't tease me-" "Or what?" A soft smack lands on your ass.
"I-I'll punish y-you." You stutter slightly. "You'll punish me!?" Utter shock written over his face. "I don't think so~" he whispers in your ear. "Instead let me pleasure you~" he gently nibbles on your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He always knew what to do or say to get you flustered and begging for him. Flipping you both over so he was hovering over you. He leans in for a passionate kiss, "Let me show you how much you mean to me~"
"Uta!" Touka shouts entering the studio. Met with nothing but silence she decides to look for the man herself, a timid boy following her like a lost puppy. Nervously and as a distraction  he got fascinated with the varieties of masks, the timid boy notices a covered object, he hesitantly walks over to the object. Curiosity getting the better of him, the timid boy slowly lift up the cover, only to be scared half to death seconds later.
"Boo!" Uta not so loudly shouts out.
The laughter of Touka almost dying in the back made Uta smile. "Everyone deserves a good scare from time to time." The timid boy backs away slowly, still watching Uta in pure fear. Uta on the other hand gets up from his seat and walk over to the Blue haired lady. "Touka~ nice to see you again.. Here for a mask replacement? or to annoy me?" Uta teases. "This is Ken Kaneki, his in need of a mask. Can you make him one?" Touka hops straight to the point, completely ignoring Uta's insult. He nods and guides ken to an empty chair. "Take a seat" The boy did as told out of fear more then repect. The inked covered male then started taking Ken's measurements while asking personal questions. 
"Touka what are you doing here!" Touka embraces the kind lady with a warm smile. This is the woman who stole Uta's cold heart. After all these years and all they've been through together they still stand stong. The Romeo and Juliet of Ghoul Town. "Hey (Name)"
Status: Complete
Updated: 06 March 2022
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itsjovi-baby · 6 years
Bad JuJu | A. P.
Warning: Smut, Oral sex
Description: Got to get rid of that bad juju
A/N: So I’m trying to get better at writing oral smut (male receiving). So this may...or may not..be bleh. Also, Austin and buns are like the best thing in the world.
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“Don’t you leave her, Kaneki! After all, she’s done for--and the motherfucker leaves her,” Nia shook her head at the television.
She was currently curled up on the couch watching an episode of Tokyo Ghoul, specifically “New Surge”, munching away on popcorn. This had seemingly become her routine for Friday nights, it was either this or hooking up with a certain fake blonde. But considering he had been ghosting her for the last four days, this Friday would just her and Kaneki. I mean why should she care that he hadn’t called or texted in her in the last four days, they were just occasional friends with benefits, right?
“You dumb white-haire-”
The knock on Nia’s door was almost so silent that she didn’t hear it until it came the second time around. Her head snapped to the door eyeing suspiciously as the third round of knocks came.
“Who is it?” She called slowly unraveling herself from the fluffy blanket, her eyes never leaving the door, “Jesse, I swear if you forgot your key again.”
Nia jumped slighty at the sound of another knock from the door. She rolled her eyes getting off of the couch and leaned against the door, peeking into the peephole. Her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion at the sight of blonde boy standing in front of the door, as she quickly moved from in front of it and yanked it open, “Austin?”
Nia’s heart thumped in her chest at the glimpse of a smile on Austin’s face, butterflies filling her stomach. But then the feeling went away, and it took all she had not to slam the door shut in his face. It just about slipped from her fingertips, the only thing stopping her was the clench in her heart when she noticed his red eyes dancing across her body. Nia became very aware of the fact that she was only wearing a shirt, and not a very long one at that.
The slight smirk creeping on his lips told her that he, in fact, did notice. Nia suddenly had the urge to cover herself, although it wouldn’t make much of a difference as the boy had seen her it less. She tugged at her shirt down with her free hand, her cheeks heating up under the scrutiny of his eyes.
"What are you-
“You look good.”
Nia grew flustered, nibbling on her lip as she stared down the boy in front of her. Two weeks. Two weeks of utter silence and that’s the first thing he says. She looks good. Her eyes narrowed, realizing the game the blonde was trying to play, yet she wasn’t gonna fall for it. She already made a mistake opening the door, and maybe she was being petty, but she was determined to not let h I’m
“Thanks. What are you doing here?”
His slight smile made her nerves flutter, her resistance slowly breaking as she watched him take a step closer. The light from her apartment illuminated his face perfectly. The first thing she noticed was the bags underneath his eyes, the his red eyes, and lastly his pale skin that had a few splotches of red on it. Paired with the messy bun on top of his head and she could tell this wasn’t a look for the gram, Austin was obviously upset about something and she couldn’t help but want to know.
The way he stood in front of her made her feel little in comparison, he wasn’t even trying but he still managed to make her feel nervous. Her heart began to beat erratically as she watched his eyes wander over her. Dammit, she was giving in.
“Do you- do you want to come in?” Nia internally cringed at how nervous and squeaky her voice sounded.
He licked his lips nodding his head. Nia stepped back, allowing him inside and closing the door behind her, praying to god her ass wasn’t showing. Whether it was or not, it didn’t matter because she turned around the boy was eyeing her legs like they were his prey and he was gonna pounce.
“I didn’t interrupt your night, did I?”
“Does it look like you were, Austin?” Nia raised an eyebrow, her eyes momentarily glancing at the TV before back at him. She snickered, walking to the couch and falling down onto it, doing her best not to be too obvious as she pulled the blanket over her legs, “ Now, are you gonna tell me why you’ve been MIA for the last four days?”
“Sorry about that,” Austin scratched at the back of neck awkwardly, “I went home, I had to think over some shit.”
She had been so confident in herself, promising herself that if Austin was to ever show face she would cuss him out. probably slap him. Now here he was standing in her living room, in front of her, and all she wanted to do was kiss him, and ask him what’s wrong, “What shit? You okay?”
Austin ran his hand over his face with a sigh, making the few steps over to the couch in quick strides. He sat down far enough away from Nia not to touch her but close enough for him to feel her warmth radiating. He was dressed casually - only a plain black shirt and a pair of joggers. His leg bouncing nervously as he stared at the show playing on the tv, “Yeah...well, kinda.”
“You want to talk about it?”
Austin bit at his lip nervously, questioning why he didn’t just come to Nia in the first place.
“I’m starting to think this isn’t for me Nia,” He mumbled, his voice cracking a bit, “this band thing.”
“Austin,” she cooed pausing the show and turning her full attention to him, “Where is this coming from?”
“From me, I just- like we started rehearsing this week right.” He shrugged, “ and I don’t know sometimes I feel so...awkward”
"I just-I sometimes I don’t feel like I’m good enough, Ni,” He interrupted her, “Like I’m trying to hard to be something I’m not.”
“Listen to me,” Austin watched as Nia moved closer, cupping his face in her soft hands, “Do you know how many girls love your goofy ass? How many people would be torn because you left the band? ”
“Yeah, bu-”
“And the boys,” Nia interrupted, “They love your weird ass--anime, tapestries, and all that shit--besides they need a little weirdness to balance out all of that dick...iness.”
“You know what I was trying to say,” Nia rolled her eyes, pulling her hands away from him, “And what did I say about letting that bad juju get to your head, Porter.”
It wasn’t the first time Austin had shown up to her apartment, spewing negative shit. Technically it was the third time. 
He chuckled, “Not to, I know. It’s just sometimes I get so-”
“Caught up in your own head?” Nia interjected turning the tv back on. 
“Well don’t, okay? I mean I’m half black and have no rhythm, but you don’t see it stopping me from getting crunk to Drake. This music shit isn’t meant to be easy, Austin, If it was I would’ve already been signed to Roc Nation.”
Austin chuckled, his eyes danced over her side profile as a wide smile appeared on his face. Nia raised an eyebrow, turning to look at him, “Wha-” 
Nia had barely managed to get the word out before Austin was suddenly kissing her, forcing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Nia moaned softly at the feeling of Austin’s hands moving to her hair, pressing her closer to him. She felt him pull slightly at her puff, the tiniest sting, as he bit on her bottom lip at the same time, but a little bit harsher. She found herself caught in the pull of his hand and the nibbling of his teeth on her bottom lip, trapped between both. Another moan slipping past her lips, as she yanked onto his black shirt. Austin pulled away, his breath stuttering against her face as he looked at her. He was studying her face, his eyes running over her swollen lips and back up to her gaze.
"I know I’m not the best with this...us,” Austin pointed a finger between him and Nia as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “But I’m sorry I didn’t call or anything. I just needed--”
Nia pressed her index finger against his lips gently, stopping him from talking, “Space, I get it. But the next time you ghost me we gone have some problems, understood?”
“Duly noted,” He laughed out loud, his breath fanning her fingers. She knew he was laughing at her and her attempt at ‘putting him in his place’, but she couldn’t be mad at him. Considering how he had walked in, she very much preferred him smiling and laughing. Catching her off guard, Austin’s hand wrapped around her neck, pulling her against his lips again. Nia allowed for him to take control, his teeth nipping at her lip once more before he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer. The way he was kissing her had her head swimming, and her stomach fluttering with butterflies. Austin’s slightly sweetly taste drew Nia in and kept her wanting to never pull away. Nia’s hands came up, cupping his face softly as she fought for control in their kiss.  He chuckled, giving her a chance to dominate and explore his mouth as he struggled to take off his jacket.
Nia eventually helped him, pulling away from the kiss and yanking the annoying fabric off his arms, throwing it to the floor. Austin’s arms instantly wrapped around her waist, picking her up to sit on his lap. The blanket was in the way, bunched up between her and Austin, but he didn’t seem to care, his hands moving down to knead at her ass as Nia peppered kissed along his neck, her lips eventually coming back to his. Austin’s fingers were digging into her skin hard, his lips overwhelming hers and essentially taking back control. Nia pulled away, whimpering at the way he nipped at her lips, “I really missed you.”
“It’s only been two weeks.”
 “Two weeks without a text, a call, a random ass meme--I missed my buddy,” Nia scoffed her forehead resting against his, “and not just in the sexual sense either.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better I missed you too,” He smiled, “ and not just in the sexual sense either.”
Nia hummed, pecking his lips one more time before she slowly made her way to the floor. Her hands dragged along Austin’s body until she got to the waistband of his joggers, her fingers slipping into it.
“What are you doing?” His eyebrows furrowed, “What if Jesse comes home?”
“She shouldn’t be home for another forty-five minutes,” Nia murmured, tugging slowly at his joggers, “And besides I can’t let you go home will all that bad juju, now can I?”
“I mean, they do say built up negative energy hinders a p-person’s mental state,” Austin grunted. 
“Wow,” Nia giggled, her eyes wandering over his cock, “Yeah, and you have a lot.”
Austin hisses, his eyes closing at the feeling of Nia grabbing at the base of his cock, giving the tip a kitten lick. She angles his cock up, licking a stripe up the length of it. Nia held his eye contact as she planted a wet, sloppy kiss on the head before opening wide and taking all of him in her mouth. Austin groans loudly his head rolling back on the couch as he struggled from bucking into her mouth, “God, Nia.”
Nia had created a tempo, her lips and tongue sucking and massaging along the top of his cock while her hands worked the bottom--twisting and squeezing at the base. A deep groan escaped Austin’s lips, a mixture of her name and curse words flowing out as she hollowed her cheeks.
“Nia...pleas-just like that,” He grunted, sliding down the couch to get himself further in her mouth, “fuck, that feels so good.”
"Mmm,” She hummed, releasing him from her mouth, her thumb pressing into his tip, “Yeah, baby?”
“Yes,” he whines, “please.”
Nia giggled at his begging, her mouth returning to his cock to teasingly swirling her tongue around the tip. Her brown eyes flickered to him as she took him deeper into her mouth, thanking God for her lack of a gag reflex. Austin’s hips bucked out of control, he was so close. so very close. His fingers moved to her hair tightening in her puff as he pushed her all the way down, “Fuck!”
Austin's eyebrows furrowed a loud groan slipping from his lips at the sight of her plump lips wrapping around his member, her big brown eyes staring up at him as she swallowed down every inch. He let her go, watching as she pulled back, a thin line of spit connecting her lips to the tips of his cock. She leans over to drool over his cock, her hand coming up to rub it in was enough to have Austin cumming then, “Shit--fu-Nia.”
“Are you gonna cum for me?” She giggled before taking him back in her mouth.
“You feel so fucking, Nia. So fucki--fuck!” It was the swipe of her tongue against the underside of his cock that made his orgasm surge forward, a loud whine leaving his lips as he threw his head back against the couch. Without thinking about it Austin gripped her hair tighter, pushing her mouth all the way down. She couldn’t nothing but swallow every drop that spilled down her throat, “Shit! Oh my go-fuck!”
Nia hummed, moving her head to the slow rock of his hips, until he fully settled down. Nia released him with a pop licking her lips as she watched the boy pant, “No more bad juju?”
“No more bad juju,” He laughed airly.
“Wanna finish watching Tokyo Ghoul with me?”
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awhaaaale-blog · 7 years
Furuta Nimura x Reader: Trouble
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Requested by @anonymous
Can you do a scenario where Furuta, Uta, and Tsukiyama break free from CCG after being turned in by their human S.O and confront them…only to find out their S.O. is pregnant with their kid, so CCG used that to force the S.O. to turn them in? Thank you and your writing is awesome
Furuta smiled sweetly through the transparent screen. The screen that kept him from laying a single finger on his former coworkers and most importantly, you. ___, the love of his life… the one who exposed him for being a ghoul and thus earning him this prison cell. Furuta felt his heart throb unpleasantly. Why did you do this? He desperately searched for a reason. Furuta, strategic mastermind of the CCG, just couldn’t fathom why. So Furuta resorted to pacing. For hours he paced back and forth, his thoughts raging and when mania came at him like the waves of an apocalyptic tsunami, he obliged. He could only laugh and screech in his self-pitying pain and bang relentlessly on the walls that seemed to taunt him. Betrayed by a human, a human girl of all people?
He halted. The sound of steady clicking and taps of footsteps was coming. Lots of footsteps and voices, many voices. Some he recognized like Special Class investigator Koutaro Amon and Ui Koori, the new head of the CCG. He scoffed bitterly to himself at the name. He absolutely hated being replaced by such a brainless dipstick like Ui Koori. Before his thoughts could trail on longer, the cell began to fill with gas and his world began to tilt. The last thing he saw before everything went blank was Koori’s disgusting face, his eyes shining with unmistakable satisfaction.
Furuta woke to glaring lights and squinted his eyes. He tried to sit up until he noticed his body was tied down to an operating seat. Plush leather padding gritted against his body as he tried to writhe out. His body wouldn’t budge even with all of his ghoul strength. It was demeaning, them treating him as if he were a dog.
“U-untie me, Koori. You’ll regret doing this to me, I swear it. You’ll regret whatever you have planned. I’ll wipe that ditzy look right off your face you smug son of a bitch, just wait until I get my hands on you -”
Furuta’s threats were cut off when a needle drained a thick liquid into his veins. The effect was immediate and strong. He screamed in agony, the substance felt like liquid fire, writhing hopelessly in his restraints.
Koori chortled. “Amazing. You’re body reacts faster than every ghoul I’ve injected with this version of RC suppressant. You know, it still sounds weird to say that, you being a ghoul and all. It was quite a shock to know the man everyone revered was secretly a monster. And to think that your own girlfriend was the one to rat you out? How tragic.”
Koori took Furuta by the jaw, turning his face to up to his as he drew out these last few words. It took all of his strength, but Furuta gave Koori a pleasant smile. Koori’s lips formed a thick frown. Furuta took this opportunity to hack a nice wad of spit right onto Koori’s new designer suit.
“Eat shit,” Furuta spat at the investigator contentedly.
“You little-” Koori’s fist connected with Furuta’s nose and blood splattered out. The former leader groaned as the blood began pooling on the tile ground. His vision blurred with pain. Koori didn’t calm down and for hours he and the two other investigators cut, beat, and broke Furuta until he was nothing but a bloody mess. They spat at him and jeered at him, threatening to break him like this every day. After all, it’s what a monster like him deserves.
Furuta lost track of the time at some point, but no longer cared. Eventually, he slipped into hysteria from blood loss, screeching absurdities at Koori. Furuta knew how to say all the right things to piss him off. Koori was at his limit. Furuta should be contorting with pain at his heels, but no he had to be a mouthy bastard.
“Are you getting bored of this so quickly? You want more fun already, huh? Don’t worry your pretty little head because I got plenty of time now that I’m the CCG leader~” The investigator sneered at him and his tone sent hot anger and apprehension shivering down Furuta’s sweaty back. Despite it, Furuta kept up the charade.
Furuta’s holding cell was compact and modest, it had no windows, only the heavy door that donned an array of complex locks offered any real personality to the room. Pearly white cabinets were pushed against the old walls, full of medicines, bandages, but also the tools for more brutal entertainment. Only the mechanical hum of an air conditioner could be heard in the room aside from hoarse and labored breathing. But there was another sound, faint yet it reached their ears; people were shouting with panic in their voices. Neither men could help but wonder what the hell was going on out there.
Abruptly, Furuta’s attention was snapped back to investigator bowl cut when the small man forcefully jerked his foot into a satisfying position. In one hand he held a pair of pliers. Koori imitated Furuta’s ‘refreshing smile’ with unnerving authenticity. “Sit tight while I give you nails a nice trim.”
But as Koori settled the pliers around the ghoul’s toenail, a blast blew of the metal door to the room. It exploded, flying full speed into the wall on the opposite end. The wall caved in where it was impacted, chunks of drywall and concrete raining to the ground. The sound made all four people’s ears pop and ring. Furuta teetered on the edge of consciousness as the two masked men’s feet gave out on them. Their mouths hung open in a gape when a hunk of concrete pelted Koori cleanly on the head. At the moment of impact, Koori dropped to knees, then finally to his face. Smoke drifted from the entrance, obscuring any chance of identifying what or who caused the blast.
And that’s when he heard your voice. Furuta couldn’t help but feel a knot of anger writhe in his chest. You did this to me, you turned me in, ratted me out, told the whole damn CCG, hell the whole world and now I lost my job and my life. Everything is over for me the game is over and what point is there left to my life if the only person I care about betrayed me so openly?
But all of these thoughts melted away like spring snow when he saw you run towards him crying his name over and over. There was no trace of malevolence in your face, only love, regret, and shame. Furuta called out your name. You rushed to him and hurriedly untied his restraints, kissing him all over in the process.
Furuta tentatively hugged you back as he staggered up, but when he looked over his shoulder it made his heart drop. Koori stood there, blood trailing from his forehead, a gun fixed on your head. You still stood sobbing and had no idea that your life was less than seconds from ending. Furuta reacted fast, his blood pumping with adrenaline, but it was not nearly fast enough. The suppressants sapped his strength away.
Koori’s pistol cocked.
The trigger was being pulled.
Furuta was using the last of his power to try and push you away. It was to no avail, since the bullet was leaving the chamber and flying directly towards your skull. By this point, you saw it in his eyes that something was going wrong and you were turning your head in alarmed confusion.
But then it stopped.
The gun already went off yet you stood there, safe and sound. But then he saw the massive kagune hanging over the two of you in a protective umbrella. It was a churning mess of perse tentacles and they continued to hang there, completely blocking off half the room. That’s when Furuta’s gaze found the owner of said kagune and his already wide eyes widened even more.
“One-eyed King,” Furuta addressed the boy with the white hair, trying to sound dignified, but the result was indecorous and weak. “what on earth brings you to a place like this?”
Kaneki looks at him thinly. “Furuta,” he greets.
Kaneki retracts his kagune thus revealing the limp, dead bodies of Koori and his men, probably from being crushed under Kaneki’s insane kagune. Humans truly are weak, Furuta thinks with amusement.
“You know I have to ask Kaneki-kun, what are you doing here?” Furuta smiles and raises his arms, motioning to the room around them.
Kaneki only walks closer and to put a hand on Furuta’s shoulder. He was giving him the look of a parent who as to deal with a troublesome child. “I have business with you,” the boy then looks at you with sympathy. “involving her.”
The dam in Furuta’s head broke and he was flooded with questions. What is he implying? Was the reason ___ turned me in because she decided to hook up with the centipede boy here? Is that what he’s about to tell me? Furuta swivels his head to you, then back to Kaneki. “What exactly are you trying to tell me, hm?”
“That this is all a big misunderstanding now hear me out,” Kaneki’s hand leaves his shoulder and he instead favors them in a gesture which seemed to mean 'please calm tf down.’
“What do you mean 'hear me out?’” Furuta hissed at him in exasperation. He locked his gaze on you and you drew back a little. “I’m the one who’s been hurt by you, I have every right to be pissed. Everything was going so well between us. And now you want to explain?”
Tears began to form in the your eyes and you looked away from Furuta in utter shame. You sobbed, “You’re right Furuta. You’re right. You have every reason to hate me,” now your tears were waterfalls, your nose dripping and you quaked with sadness. “Just look at what I did to you! You’re covered with horrible wounds and you can barely stand for God’s sake!”
Kaneki went to comfort you and he wrapped a reassuring arm around your body, but Furuta only stood rigid with crossed arms. Kaneki glared at him, obvious anger swimmed in his eyes. Seeing this man act so cold to you when you tried so hard to protect him.
“FUURUUTAAAA…” The boy was absolutely choleric and sprung at Furuta. He snatched Furuta by his tattered excuse of a shirt, pulling him right up to his face. The older man squealed in surprise, he could practically feel the boy’s hot breaths on his cheek. “IT WASN’T HER FAULT, DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ALREADY? THE DOVES WERE GOING TO KILL THE BABY IF ___ DIDN’T DO IT!” Kaneki shook him violently, but Furuta couldn’t feel it, he was stunned.“ SHE HAD NO CHOICE AND CAME TO ME WITH TEARS IN HER EYES BEGGING ME TO SAVE YOU, WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THAT?!”
You screamed for Kaneki to let go because he gets it, he gets it already. In truth, no, Furuta didn’t get it and he fell limply to the ground. Everything felt wobbly and fake. What did he mean by that..? This whole time she didn’t purposefully betray him? And what was this about a baby again?
“B-baby..?” Furuta stuttered. “You.. and me… a child..?!”
“Yes, Furuta. I’m pregnant with your child,” You kneeled by his side and were happy to see he was finally coming to his senses. You put his hand on your so that he could feel the life growing there. Furuta fell forward into your arms and buried his bruised, bleeding face in your shoulders to cry softly. You rubbed his back lovingly in slow circles. For a few moments Kaneki allowed himself to smile at the scene, but then frowned crossed his face.
“Furuta, I’m sure you know that you can’t go back to the CCG now. There is no place for you there,” Kaneki stated.
Furuta only looked at him with sad knowing and you merely nodded morosely. There was a prolonged silence as this sunk in. Then Kaneki continued,
“That is why I want to ask you Kichimura Washuu, former CCG chairman, and you ___ ___ to come with me.”
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