#kang ki doong
gyuyoungarchives · 1 year
As Oh Jiyool (Romance is a Bonus Book, 2019)
Behind the Scenes with Kang Kidoong
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lemon-inferno · 1 year
Reborn Rich episode 11 ✔️
Wow this episode was really something. I have less to say about it though, because I think what I said about the las episode it still valid for this one.
I’m not going to talk about Min Young anymore. My opinion remains the same, even more so after this episode.
I did almost guess who the culprit behind the car accident was. First I thought it was Sung Jun and Hyun Min that planned it, together. But she found out later on that it was him. The reason why I thought they did it together, is because I think they were behind Hyun Woo’s death as well. Sung Jun and Hyun Min’s relationship makes way more sense than Min Young and Do Jun’s to me. Their love/hate dynamic is something I thought would suit this show and I said I wanted such a relationship in my previous post. Now I can see it with them.
The rest of the episode was really just a lot of wholesome moments that I was longing for after so much drama. I love that Do Jun’s character has kept that calmness of a 40-year-old man from his previous life, but when so many exciting and dramatic events happen, his calmness begins to feel a little stifling.
I was surprised (but not?) that the driver, In Sook, saved Do Jun and the chairman. I hope his character lives and recovers. Although we haven’t seen him and Do Jun interact that much throughout the show, I get a sense of warmth thinking about the two. I could easily imagine what In Sook was feeling when he decided to sacrifice himself and save Do Jun, even though we haven’t seen that much relationship development.
What I was surprised by, was Do Jun’s father – Yoon Ki. I’m really glad he stepped up like that and told his siblings off, but I’m a little confused what’s happening with his movie business and is he actually managing both that and the hospital? I know logically they probably hired someone to manage it for them, but it would’ve been a little nice to see it, or have a hint of it.
Overall excited to see more of Do Jun’s family. I completely understand his mother’s worries and reasoning, logically I would agree with her in such a situation. But I still want Do Jun to just go ahead and do his thing with his parents’ full support. I love his family and I love his brother! Hyung Jun brings such a fresh energy and it’s a nice breather whenever he’s in a scene. We haven’t seen much of him either, but I love him so much. He’s probably the most precious and wholesome character in this show. He’s just a dude that wants to sing, loves his family and loves what he does, doesn’t need anything else (except Do Jun’s money, lol).
One thing I’m still a little bit confused about is – Was Do Jun born as Do Jun first, or as Hyun Woo? Because in his memory as Hyun Woo, when he remembered the photo of 4-2, he saw his own face. I originally thought (like from the very first episode), that Hyun Woo was actually Young Ki and Hae In’s son. Since Hae-In showed up and asked what happened to her son, I assumed the siblings did something to take him away from the succession picture, which doesn’t necessarily be murder. I thought maybe they somehow took him away from the family when he was young and he lived his life as Hyun Woo without knowing he’s Do Jun. Then why he got reincarnated as as Do Jun would make more sense too. After this episode though, I’m a bit shakey on that. While remembering about 4-2, he saw his own face and said “The reason why I don’t remember anything is because I died”. I’m really unsure of how the two overlap still. So, in some universe, the two lives happened simultaneously, for Do Jun to be able to restore a memory about himself, but in Hyun Woo’s life? But I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
The cherry on top for this episode was when the chairman took Do Jun’s hands. For the first time he was showing his feelings. Jin Yang Cheol kept looking for the one who resembled him the most in terms of values, not qualities. Which is something all of his three other children got wrong. All he wanted in the end was to have someone cherish Soonyang and grow it more, as it was the fruit of his long labor of a life. He desperately wanted it to be his oldest son and grandson, because those are deep rooted traditions that have even made it into law, in many countries across the world. He was conflicted about keeping those traditional values and breaking them to protect his own. In the end however, he came to face with the truth he couldn’t run away from – that Do Jun is the only one capable of carrying out his legacy the way he envisions it. I shed a single tear while he was holding Do Jun’s hands. He may not have been a good father, but he’s not a bad person and he’s a damn good businessman who always kept his eyes on his dream. A man’s life coming to an end with the end of a century. It’s bittersweet.
I’m excited for next episode. I know it’ll be sad to see the chairman like that. Such a strong man is suddenly riddled old and weak, terminally ill and mentally suffering. As a plot it’s a brilliant ending for his character, I think. Well, it’s not the end yet, but we can see it. Joong Ki is an amazing actor and his character is the main focus of the show, but my personal favorite might just end up being Jin Yang Cheol. Such a good, rich character (I don’t mean in money). It was a story about him just as much as it was about Hyun Woo/Do Jun and boy did he nail it.
I cannot wait for the end of the show and what it has in store for us. There’s only one other drama I’ve wanted to end sooner so I could have a finished story in my heart, this is a close second. Some people may disagree with me, but if the ending is wrapped up really good, I don’t want this drama to ever have a second season. I want a full story to be able to hold in my heart, or the feelings of it. A complete journey that deserves to end with Jin Yang Cheol.
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lostinadrama · 1 year
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 (2022)
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Not for Kim Rae-won, Song Joong-ki and Kim Hye-soo...up to 11% at 'fire station' moment
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8,6 Benim puanım: 10
Drama: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay / Psycho But It's Okay
Hangul: 사이코지만 괜찮아
Director: Park Shin-Woo
Writer: Jo Yong
Episodes: 16
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast : Kim Soo-Hyun , Seo Ye-Ji, Oh Jung-Se , Park Gyu-Young, Kim Ju-Hun, Jang Young-Nam, Kim Mi-Kyung, Kim Chang-Wan, Kang Ki-Doong
 2021 (57th) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 13, 2021
Best Supporting Actor (Oh Jung-Se)
Art Award
 Uzun zamandır listemde olmasına rağmen sığ ve bunalım bir aşk hikayesini anlattığını düşündüğüm için izlemeye elim gitmiyordu. Oylanma oranı ve puanı yüksek olduğu için listemden çıkartmaya da kıyamıyordum. Diğer yandan başroldeki Kim Soo Hyun 'un Kore sinemasında bu kadar ünlü bir oyuncu olmasına da pek anlam veremiyordum. Sonuç olarak bir şekilde diziye başladım.
İtiraf etmeliyim ki kelimenin tam anlamı ile büyülendim. 1. bölümün sonunda, neden olduğunu bilmediğim şekilde dizinin hikayesine kolumu, bacağımı, kendimi kaptırmış gibi hissettim.  Sanki bir masal dünyasına izinsiz adım atmış gibiydim. Karakterlerin her biri Tim Burton'a el sallayarak sahneye çıkıyorlardı. Her birinde coşkulu ve ölçülü bir aura vardı. Asla nedenini anlayamadığım bir heyecanla izlemeye devam ettim.
Dizide üç yalnız insanın yollarının kesişmesi masal gibi anlatılıyor. Ko Mun Yeong (Seo Yea Ji); İnsanlardan bağımsız yaşayan, gotik havası ile herkesin çekindiği bir çocuk kitabı yazarı. Moon Kang Tae (Kim Soo Hyun), 10 yıl içerisinde 15 hastane değiştirmiş psikiyatri kliniğinde hasta bakıcı. Moon Sang Tae (Oh Jung Se), Kang tae'nin zihinsel engelli abisi. Bu üçünün bir arada olduğu sahnelerin birçoğu tablo gibiydi. Çekimler ve hikâye anlatımı ise o kadar lezzetliydi ki, diziyi izlerken doyduğumu hissettim.
Her bölüm klasik olarak bildiğimiz peri masalları ile başlayıp, farklı yorumlanması ile tamamlandı. Bir masal dünyasının kapısından içeri adımımı attım ve kendimi Charlie'nin çikolata fabrikasına ilk kez adım atan bir çocuk gibi hissettim. Masalların ve hikayelerin dizinin içinde yorumlanışları, karakterlerin hikayelerden çıkarımları ve izleyiciye yansıtma şekilleri muazzamdı. İlk başta dizinin sığ ve bunalım olduğunu düşündüğüm için kendime çok kızdım. Bütün romantik detaylar bile o kadar incelikle işlenmiş ki, klasik Kore dizilerinden fersah fersah sıyrılıyor.
Sadece ana karakterler değil dizideki bütün karakterler için hikayeler incelikle yazılmış. Her karakterin kendi travması ile yüzleşmesi ve üzerinden gelme çabasını çok başarılı anlatıyor. Hiçbir oyuncu ve karakter diziye fazla ya da abartı değildi. Oyuncuların içtenliği ve profesyonelliği su götürmezdi. Oyuncuların yanı sıra, yönetmenden senariste bütün ekip çok başarılıydı. Dizinin çekimleri, kullanılan mekanlar, kıyafet seçimleri, diyaloglar gerçekten beni büyüledi.
Dizinin konusu için bir iyileşme yolculuğu diyebiliriz. Karakterlerin birbirlerinin yaralarını sarmasını, kendi travmalarını fark etmelerini izleyiciye çok doğal aktarmışlar. Özellikle Moon Sang Tae karakterini canlandıran Oh Jung Se, inanılmaz bir performans sergiledi. Kesinlikle önünde eğiliyorum. Ko Mun Yeong karakterinin insan hislerini hiç öğrenmemiş bir çocuk olması ve her yeni duyguda teyit etmek istemesi çok tatlı bir detaydı. Onunla; birini sevmenin ne demek olduğunu öğrenmesini gözlerim dolarak izledim.
Hikaye boyunca karakter gelişimlerini parmakla gösterebilirim. Hiçbir tutarsızlık yoktu. İlk saniyede izleyiciye verdikleri dark hava ve grotesk atmosfer son bölüme kadar havasını hiç bozmadı. Sezon boyunca dizi yalnızlıktan beslenerek ve doyarak noktayı koydu. Benim en çok hoşuma giden şeylerden biri de Moon Mang Tae ismini verdikleri bez bebek oldu. Yükledikleri anlam gerçekten güzeldi.
Eleştirmem gerekiyor ise, beni rahatsız eden yalnızca iki nokta oldu. Birincisi, Ko Mun Yeong karakterinin bütün sezon boyunca makyajının bozulmamış olmasıydı. Yağmurda, çamurda, uyurken, ağlarken hep porselen bebek gibiydi. En azından 1-2 kere de olsa keşke makyajsız görseydik. İkincisi ise, Ko Mun Yeong'un annesinin hikayesi. Ölmediğini ve hikayeye bir yerinden dahil olacağını bekliyorduk ama gösterdikleri o ölüm sahnesinden nasıl kurtulduğunu hiç anlatmadı. O durumdan kurtulabilmesi çok mantıklı değildi.
Yine de sonuç olarak, izlediğim şeyden o kadar memnun kaldım ve beni o kadar tatmin etti ki, mantıksız bulduğum bu iki noktanın da üzerinde hiç durmadım. Dizi bittiği için resmen içim burkuldu. Ama söylemeden de geçemeyeceğim, izlediğim onca Kore dizisi arasında gerçekten tatmin edici sona sahip tek dizi olabilir. Başından sonuna kadar hikayesinin arkasında durup gereksiz detaylar ile izleyiciyi hiç boğmadı.
İmza etkinliğinde Ko Moon-Young'un korumacı tavrı, abinin karavan almak isteme sebebi, birbirlerini hatırladıklarını itiraf ettikleri sahne, Ko Moon-Young'un kabus görüp ağlaması, Moon Mang Tae için kavga ettikleri sahne, Ko Moon-Young'un doğum gününde dizilerin kadrolu annesi Kang Soon-Duk'tan yosun çorbası istemesi, Ko Moon-Young'un Moon Sang Tae'den onunda abisi olmasını istemesi diziden sonra uzunca bir süre aklımdan çıkmayacak sahneler arasında olacak. Abi her ne kadar otizmli olsa da kardeşinin ve  Ko Moon-Young’un ona gerçekten bir abiye ihtiyaç duyarak yaklaşmaları çok derin düşünülmüş detaylardı. Engelli olmasından dolayı onu eylemiyor, gerçekten içlerindeki abi ihtiyacını onunla dolduruyorlardı.
Ayrıca dizi içinde geçen masallar ve hikayeler hem konuyu hem karakterleri çok güzel tamamlıyordu. Bence en güzeli Yalancı Çoban hikayesini anlatma sahnesiydi. Bütün herkesin sımsıkı sarıldığı yalnızlıklarını nokta atışı özetliyordu.
Sonuç olarak; oyuncuların birbirine çok yakıştığı, hikayesi doldu dolu, anlatmak istediğini izleyiciye geçiren bir dizi olmuş. Bu kadar övgüyü ve puanı kesinlikle sonuna kadar hakkediyor.
Janet Suhh - In Silence
Janet Suhh - Lighting up your world
Raven Melus
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rye-views · 1 year
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Reborn Rich. 재벌집 막내아들. 7.7/10
I would not recommend this drama to my friends. I would not rewatch this drama.
Omg Hospital Playlist's Gyeo Wool. Tiffany!! Omg Jinyoung cameo. Lmaoo Kang Ki Doong being the brother. Park Ji Hyun is pretty.
My theory, as of ep. 2, of who killed Hyeon Woo is himself. By the end, it appears Hyeon Woo killed himself. Literally, flip flop what I said.
I love the hanging lamp circle thing in Do Jun's room. Do Jun's first kiss with Min Young was a rush.
Yoon Ki is p hot.
I think grandma's anger is the scariest, because it seems the most malicious. Hang Jae becoming greedy is also a scary thing. Hidden emotions are the scariest.
I don't get why the passengers, when Hyeon Woo was being their chauffeur, are so upset at him hitting himself.
If I had this opportunity of repentance, I wouldn't even know what to do. I'm not as smart as Hyeon Woo. Back to the Future can only dream. I really did miss Jin Yang Cheol after his death. I reallly want more romanceee for Do Jun/Hyeon Woo and Min Young. Usually, I don't even care for romance.
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Rambling About a Show (08/13/2022)
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This is another drama I started because I saw an edit on tiktok that piqued my interest. (First time that happened was a Gwi edit, The Scholar Who Walks the Night). Anyhoo, I enjoyed the storyline, the action, the romance, and the drama. I started this on Wednesday (08/10/2022) and finished it today. Here's my rambling.
So, before Court Lady Noh Ok-nam mentioned anything about chaos and it's revealed a version of Jeong Tae eul exists in Lee Gon's universe. I kept questioning if her being in the Kingdom of Corea creates some sort of paradox or something. Same with when Lee Gon is in her universe. Also, later on when Jeong Tae Eul ask Na-ri what she would do if she had met another version of herself. Na-ri's response is shocking but also she's got a point. However, that does not mean I condone in murder. It just means I agree with the whole two versions of one person shouldn't coexist in the same universe, because it messes with the balance of everything.
There were so many plot twists. My favorite is when it's revealed that Lee Gon's older self is the one who saved his younger self on the night of the treason. I had figured it was either Jo Yeong or Luna.
Lee Jung-jin did an amazing job portraying Lee Lim, one of the villains that I couldn't stand. I think Jung Eun-chae also did a fantastic job as Minister Goo. The funny thing is, I instantly didn't like Minister Goo when she first appeared. As I continued on, she showed that I had a good reason not to like her. She is power hunger, manipulative, rude, and wants to be in control. Lee Lim, he just wanted power and eternity, still pretty evil. Also can't forget that he killed his brother and attempted to murder his nephew, Lee Gon. So, both characters are pretty evil and unsettling.
I got emotional when Lee Gon figured everything out towards the end, and also figured out he might not be able to return to Jeong Tae Eul. There was also a possibility that Jeong Tae Eul may not have memories of Lee Gon. Which honestly broke my heart. Also when Jo Eun seob and Jo Yeong said goodbye, that scene made me emotional.
I wanted to talk about the cinematography towards the end of episode 11 and into episode 12. I personally felt that him and his guards riding into the scene on horseback made it all the more powerful and emotional. Sure, they could have pulled up in their royal vehicles, but it wouldn't have as much of impact as the horses. That's just my personally opinion. It also looked like an extremely cool shot. Gotta hand it to the entire crew and actors for producing such a gorgeous and impactful scene. Another powerful scene I was mesmerized by was when Lee Gon and Jo Yeong went back to the night of the treason togethr. Their entrance there was amazing.
I recognized several of the actors from other dramas I have watched. Kim Yong-ji (Na-ri), first character I saw her portray was Yuri in Tale iof the Nine-Tailed. Kim Go-eun (Jeong Tae eul), first character I saw her portray was Ji Eun-tak in Goblin/Guardian The Lonely and Great God. Lee Min-ho (Lee Gon), first character I saw him portray was Goo Jun-pyo in Boys Over Flowers (currently watching that whenever I visit my bestie). Jeon Moo-song (Prince Buyeong/Lee Jong-in), first character I saw him portray was Veteran Lee Young-cheon in episode 6 of Tomorrow.
I should also recognize Kim Young-ok (Court Lady Noh Ok-nam) from an episode of Tomorrow, but I don't. 😳 I saw Kang Ki-doong (Secretary Kim) in Prison Playbook as Prison Officer Song. I was wondering why Kim Kyung-nam (Shin-jae) seemed familiar but couldn't place his face until now. He portrayed Lee Joon-dol in Prison Playbook. That character is vastly different from Shin-jae, hence why I couldn't pin point where I've seen him before. I admit I have seen The Divine Fury, Woo Do-hwan (Jo Yeon) portrayed Ji-sin in that film, but it's been awhile since I've seen that film so I forgot about it. 😫
I admit there is so much I love about this drama. But as usually I'm only rambling about everything that stuck out the most to me. This was definitely worth the watch.
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goyurim · 2 years
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same energy
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dramalifechoseme · 4 years
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I’m glad Kang Tae has Jae Su looking out for him. He’s a keeper!
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lannee · 4 years
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“What the Shadow Witch had stolen from them was not their true faces, but their courage to find happiness.”
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sseureki · 4 years
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Hyung. Jae Su hyung. What's the matter with you?
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gangtaes · 4 years
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I should avoid her, right? Of course. Don’t ever get involved. I should stay out of her sight. Exactly. Don’t even go near her.
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lostinadrama · 1 year
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 (2022)
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k-star-holic · 8 months
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Kim Rae-won shocked Death, who was hit by Yandex Search, was also in danger.
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kakenaku · 4 years
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everybody say thank you jaesu jaesu is my favourite
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rye-views · 2 years
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Shooting Stars. 별똥별. 7.5/10
I would not recommend this drama to my friends. I would rewatch this drama.
Oh look, Vincenzo's Mi Ri. Kang Ki Doong is a pleasant face to see in any show. It's also nice to see Jung Sohee, who I liked the most from Bossam. I wish she wasn't horrible. Tae Sung's psychiatrist is Hospital Playlist's Min Chan's mom.
Si Duk, Yoo Sung, Jung Yeol, and Han Seung Il are really so cute. Tae Sung isn't cute to me, but I admit his body is nice. Pretties: Hong Bo in, Ki Bbeum, Ho Young, and Baek Da Hye. The star necklace is pretty.
Yoo Sung pleases me. Negative things about other people, he keeps to himself. He is also very capable at his job.
Tae Sung doesn't vibe with me, in the beginning, the way he teases Han Byeol and acts so childish despite really liking her. Just be honest, life is so short.
I love how capable everyone is at their jobs. Esp how they go above and beyond because they want to. I enjoyed Ki Bbeum's giving the phone call to the mom with her mom. I love the friend group of Ho Young, Han Byeol, and Ki Bbeum. I like them all individually as well. Tae Sung learning to confess is the best thing ever. Goals. I love how Jung Yeol helps him so smoothly. I love when the staff cheers whenever something good happens. I like how openly, strongly, and genuinely Lawyer Do smiles because of Han Byeol. I love how Da Hye fangirls. I love how Da Hye handled her work and the staff when Tae Sung rumors surfaced. I love how Han Byeol and Tae Sung are so awkward when the relationship begins. Yoo Sung's reaction to when Tae Sung first called him hyung is the best. I love how close and amusing the PR team is. I love how honest and forward Do Soo Hyuk is.
I ship Si Duk and Jae Hyun.
Obviously Ho Young would fall for Yoo Sung at the rate that he's being freaking cute, amazing, and kind. That hair touch and repetitive mentions of "cute."
Lmaoo at when Han Byeol sang Baek Ji Young's Don't Forget really quickly.
Da Hye really got the best life. Kissing your ideal after going to his fan signing.
The understanding between Ki Bbeum and Han Byeol at Yeon Woo's funeral made me so sad.
Their shot glasses are so cute.
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