#kidney transplant recovery
rawahealth · 1 year
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Rawa Health Services
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for more information visit our website http://rawahealth.com/
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antisisyphus · 2 years
i want to read a short story abt someone who becomes a vampire through an organ donation they got. and as they heal they get some really weird symptoms...
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lets-donate-a-kidney · 5 months
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I gotta admit, the kidney pillow souvenir the hospital gave me is pretty awesome. I will throw it at people and taunt them with it.
50 hours post-surgery now. I'm doing a little better today, a little bit at a time. Got an abdominal post-surgical binder and it's helped reduce the discomfort of moving around. The prune juice has helped a lot with the gas, too. I'm not well enough to leave the house or do heavy chores, but I can do simple cooking, laundry, argue with Wordle about whether "spang" is a word, and write overly long blog posts like this.
I'm much less worried now about the Norco being habit-forming. For one thing, the pharmacist I spoke to yesterday said it's not possible to get physically dependent on it given only the 1-week supply they prescribed me, and it's okay to alternate it with acetaminophen or taper off using it. The main restriction is to not go over 3,000 mg of acetaminophen per day, keeping in mind that the Norco contains some, too.
Norco (a.k.a. hydrocodone+acetaminophen) does make me drowsy and makes it hard to concentrate. For a person with a lot of anxiety, guilt, or intrusive thoughts, I think I understand a little better now why opiates could be so addictive. It helps you not think too much about anything. But I am a nerd who loves thinking too much, and for me it's very frustrating to not be able to read, study foreign languages, or have long conversations with people. I'd rather be fully alert with moderate pain than half-asleep with no pain.
Currently, I'm testing whether food, sugar and caffeine help me stay alert despite the Norco, and whether I can just take acetaminophen this afternoon instead. Food is important for obvious reasons. Sugar usually wakes me up a little. Caffeine does not normally affect me, unlike most people, but it doesn't hurt me either. So I figure it's worth giving it a shot anyway. (And yep, I checked with the pharmacist that it's safe.)
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tretmentpossible · 2 years
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blackpearlblast · 29 days
Hope you are doing well 🇵🇸
Can you help me and share this link:
8 years old  child, Yusuf  have a kidney failure
I think he's story need your support
You can see in GFM campaign
Thank you so very much for your supporting us and for your contribution to saving us and getting us to safety and evacuating from Gaza.
thank you for reaching out! i will also add this to my masterlist and pray for yusuf's safety and recovery.
yusuf really very dearly needs medical care that is not possible with the limited resources in gaza, all while his and his family's lives are at risk from the violence being visited by the israeli occupation. aside from the evacuation cost, they also need money to afford a kidney transplant for yusuf. this is so important so that yusuf can have the future he deserves, where he survives kidney failure and is reunited and can play again with his siblings who miss and are afraid for him. please share and donate if you can!
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exitrowiron · 2 days
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Reaction from a Kidney Donor
When I made a non-directed kidney donation nearly 10 years ago, I was not compensated. The cost of the surgery to remove my kidney was covered by Medicare, but I covered my own relatively minor out of pocket costs (mileage, hotel for Beth, etc.) and I used a few sick days for my recovery.
There are ~5,700 living kidney donations in the US each year, of which ~300 are altruistic donations like mine. Unfortunately, the need for kidneys greatly exceeds this number (cadaver donations don't last as long on average) and consequently thousands of people with kidney failure die each year.
Although kidney donors aren't currently compensated with cash, they do receive a voucher which they can keep or gift to receive a kidney. (The voucher program didn't exist when I donated.)
It is truly a tragedy that so many kidney patients die while waiting for a transplant, because donating a kidney is a low risk procedure for a healthy donor. Post-donation lifestyle limitations are negligible... avoid NSAIDs (ex. ibuprofen), maintain a healthy weight etc. Perhaps the greatest risk is that in event the donor gets cancer, some treatments may not be pursued because they are too hard on the remaining kidney. Having said all that, I would absolutely donate again if I could.
Despite my overwhelmingly positive experience, I oppose providing cash compensation (even in the form of tax credits) to organ donors. Cash compensation will inevitably take advantage of poor, desperate people. I think a big reason why my donation was such a positive experience is because I wanted to do it, not because I felt economically compelled to do it. Though not a perfect analogy, I think sex work offers a thoughtful comparison. In theory, an individual should be able to engage in sex work if that is their preference. In practice however, sex work is often (usually?) exploitive, forced on unwilling individuals or practiced due to financial desperation.
I am an enthusiastic advocate for living organ donation, but believe it should be encouraged through education and outreach, not financial incentives.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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No one understands more than me the feeling of wanting a loved one to live. I was contemplating letting doctors cut off my father's damned leg just to keep him around another 6 months.
But I also remember him yelling and begging for his life to be over.
Sometimes our desire for someone to live is an act of selfishness.
Dialysis was near torture for him. He would recover from one treatment only in time to start the next one.
I can't imagine putting an infant through that.
They are also talking about a transplant in the future. Which would be another grueling surgery and recovery. And apparently, the odds of success are not wonderful.
And even after that, this child might have lifelong kidney problems.
I do hope it works out and this baby turns into a healthy kid.
But I still don't know if that small chance is worth torturing an infant.
And I certainly don't think it justifies forcing births.
This is a rare outcome and in most cases, many more mothers are going to have to watch their newborns die in their arms.
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frances-baby-houseman · 5 months
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What is wrong with her that she requires a 10-14 day hospital stay followed by months of recovery? I think it's a kidney transplant (or similar), obviously could be something requiring chemotherapy. My friend said facelift but a, you don't announce that, you just go on vacation in scotland for two weeks, and b, she's too famous and botox is too good for a facelift anyway.
What do you think is wrong with her! I hope she is ok!
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bucktheally · 18 days
that lovely Buckley sibling gifset you reblogged reminded me how much I desperately need another proper Buckley sibling storyline next season, though I’m sure it’s not gonna happen. Like, I have this fic that lives in my head (that I don’t have the ability to write) where Maddie gets sick with TVsicknessitus and needs a kidney transplant, and naturally Buck is a match (cos kidneys are much easier to match than bone marrow) but she doesn’t want to let him do it because she knows the damage it could do to him psychologically, thinking that he only has value if he’s of use, if he’s giving part of himself. But he finally convinces her (in typically dramatic, tearful Buckley fashion), and everything goes fine, and they do their adorable pinkie shake while in recovery after the surgery. But then the Buckley parents are there, and sure they’re trying, but they can’t help but still be awful, and they tell Buck they’re proud of him for what he’s done for Maddie, and it’s the first time he actually feels like they mean it, and while he’d never ever regret saving Maddie, it hurts how much it still hurts to know that’s his only real value to them, just like Maddie was worried about.
Sorry for ranting at you, I’ve just had this in my head for so long now, I needed to get it out, I’m sorry. Hope you have a lovely day
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pls do not apologise for throwing hc's in my inbox omg i am absolutely obsessed w the buckley siblings i aLWAYS WANT TO HEAR THESE. this would Wreck me bc i dont want maddie to be sick but i also find buck's 'i'm only helpful when i'm saving someone' complex SOOO interesting and such a core of his character and it would be so painful to see their parents reward him for that for helping maddie when they neglected him for decades bc he couldn't do the same for daniel oOF this would hit so hard
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communistchilchuck · 1 month
Ahmed reached out to me to help spread his fundraiser for his nephew Yusuf, an 8 year old boy from Gaza struggling with kidney failure. He is urgently raising money to help Yusuf and his family evacuate Gaza to Egypt and to help with Yusuf's medical treatment and kidney transplant. His fundraiser has been vetted as legitimate, and he has only made €1,194 out of his €85,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
Ahmed's Tumblr account: @ahmednabubaker
From Ahmed's GFM:
Yusuf, a mere 8-year-old boy from the Gaza Strip, is fighting for his life in an intensive care unit bed in Kamal Al-Adwan Governmental Hospital, a victim of relentless kidney failure. As war engulfs the strip, threatening Yusuf and his family's lives, we implore you to lend a helping hand to save them!
Yusuf is not alone; he belongs to a family of five brothers ,sisters and their parents. The family lives under the shadow of war, fearing for their lives, while Yusuf's condition worsens, with his only hope for recovery in traveling abroad for treatment.
Yusuf is more than just a patient; he is a child brimming with life and hope. He loves playing with his sisters and dreams of a bright future. But the harsh reality of the Gaza war threatens to shatter all his dreams.
You can help Yusuf urgently :
Donate: Every amount given, no matter how small, contributes to saving Yusuf's life.
Share the story: Help spread Yusuf and his family's story far and wide, so that as many people as possible can contribute to their aid.
Pray: Pray to God Almighty to heal Yusuf and bring happiness to his family.
Together, we can save Yusuf and his family's live
Together, we can save Yusuf and his family's lives!
Imagine little Yusuf lying in a hospital bed, weak and frail, yet his eyes still sparkling with hope. Imagine his family's fear and worry for his future.
With your help, You can turn this hope into reality. You can give Yusuf a chance to heal and live a normal life. You can help his family escape the nightmare of war and build a better future.
Donate today! Share the story! Pray for Yusuf!
The crossing currently requires a fee of €5,000 per person and €2500 for every child under 16. This is the only way for Yusuf and his Family to go out Gaza war
The funds received will be used as follows:
Yusuf : €2500
Huda Yusuf's mother : €5000
Awni Yusuf's father : €5000
Hala Yusuf's sister 14 years : €2500
Moeen Yusuf's brother 13 years : €2500
Mohammed Yusuf's brother 10 years : €2500
Ayman Yusuf's brother 5years : €2500
Tala Yusuf's sister 2 years : €2500
€25,000 for Coordination fees, Hala Company, Rafah land crossing.
€10,000 in expenses during Yusuf and his family stay in Egypt.
€50,000 It is spent on a kidney transplant and treating Youssef
Total :€85,000
Every moment is precious, so don't hesitate to contribute!
Thank you for your support.
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
John Carter Whump - ER
1x13 Luck of the Draw - Shocked by defibrillator, unconscious (25:00 ==== 2x01 Welcome Back, Carter! - Passes out (34:00) ==== 3x01 Dr. Carter, I Presume - stressed tf out on his first day back, exhausted 3x07 No Brain, No Gain - Punched, trips, bloody nose (38:00) 3x12 Post Mortem - Friend dies, emotional 3x13 Fortune's Fools - Angry / Emotional ==== 4x09 Obstruction of Justice - Arrested (23:00) 4x15 Exodus - Takes charge, gigachad 4x16 My Brother's Keeper - Cousin overdoses, cries 4x19 Shades of Gray - Pushed, anxiety ==== 6x13 Be Still My Heart - Stabbed in the back, collapse, bleeding out, passes out 6x14 All in the Family - Unconscious, bruised head, emergency surgery, awakes in extreme pain, scared, 6x15 Be Patient - Recovery, wheelchair, depressed, in extreme pain, attempting to walk (physical therapy), trips, angry, pain, hits elbow, very stubborn & angry 6x16 Under Control - Crutches, pain, stubborn, exhausted, angry & defensive, emotional talk with grandmother 6x17 Viable Options - Limping, angry 6x18 Match Made in Heaven - Keeps making mistakes, limping 6x19 The Fastest Year - Insomnia, PTSD, talks to psychologist, talks to his attackers wife 6x21 Such Sweet Sorrow - Smoking, insomnia, jittery, making mistakes, emotional outburst, meltdown in the bathroom, depressed 6x22 May Day - Kicked off a table, huge fall on back, aggravates back pain, found injecting himself with fentanyl, paranoid, confronted leading to defensive/angry, confesses to Greene, intervention, stubborn, storms out/quits, angry, punches Benton, meltdown, cries, comforted ==== 7x01 Homecoming / Indian Summer - Rehab, exhausted, sweating, tremors, nausea, angry, checking out of rehab, 7x04 Benton Backwards - Someone killed in front of him, shock/angry (22:00) 7x09 Greatest of Gifts - Almost relapses (38:00) ==== 8x01 Four Corners - Emotional/angry at family funeral 8x02 The Longer You Stay - Trips and falls, aggravates back pain the rest of the episode (35:00) 8x11 Beyond Repair - Faces attacker, angry, PTSD/anxiety, throws up, angry outburst at mother 8x16 Secrets and Lies - Emotional, confesses molestation at a young age, face sliced by Kovac ==== 10x21 Midnight - Stillborn son, sees dead child, sobs, breakdown, depressed ==== 11x02 Damaged - Insomnia & depression, hit by crazy patient, bleeding, anger, misses wife and dead child 11x09 Twas The Night - Only attending, stress ==== 15x17 T-Minus 6 - Bleeding from dialysis, reveals kidney problems 15x18 What We Do - Really sick, aggressively pushed (15:00), collapses unconscious, weak, passes out, no pulse, transferred 15x19 Old Times - Waiting for kidney transplant, Benton reunion, surgery, issue during surgery, wakes up in pain, emotional call to wife
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strangerqueerthings · 11 months
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Got a three-fer here for @mungrovebingos!
Summary: Billy's recovery has been a long process, and his spirits are low, even five years after his near death at Starcourt Mall. Eddie has just the thing to boost Billy's morale- and even Mother Nature decides to lend a hand. Rating: Mature Tags/Warnings: PTSD, Body Image Issues, Post injury recovery, scars, hospital stays, medical content, serious injuries, hurt/comfort. Read here, or on AO3!
Once, Billy had thought that living was hard. That dying would have been easier.
The truth was, neither was easier.
Living was hard, because it meant dealing with Neil, protecting and caring for a step-sister he’d never asked for, while trying to graduate, get a job, and get the fuck out of the hellhole that was supposed to be home- and try not to be eaten alive by the guilt of leaving Max to Neil’s cruelty.
Nearly dying had been excruciating. The pain didn’t end, and death didn’t come for him; it had simply sat there on the sidelines and laughed at him, taunting him with release as he succumbed to a coma instead.
Billy had woken up to a world of pain like he’d never experienced.
His entire digestive system was rocked to its core from the chemicals he’d been forced to consume- as well as whatever that thing had pumped into him. His liver was on its last legs, and doctors had placed him on a transplant list in the likely chance it failed.
It was still nothing compared to the damage to his torso.
He had sustained a gaping wound in his chest, his sternum broken in two. Ribs on each side were broken, his spleen had ruptured- and removed while he was in his coma- and he’d lost a kidney.
He’d been placed in a medical coma for his own sanity- with only ten percent of his liver functioning, they couldn’t give him any pain medication stronger than Tylenol. To spare him the agony, they’d put him under, hooking him up to a ventilator, with a feeding tube that went directly into his small intestine, since his stomach was so damaged. He was also put on a high dose of daily antacids to help his stomach heal.
Meanwhile, his chest had been operated on multiple times, his sternum put back together with a titanium fixation plate, his ribs left to heal naturally, and the organs damaged beyond repair were removed- his spleen, the kidney, a large part of his liver, gall bladder, and what remained of his thymus.
The doctors had told Neil not to get his hopes up, that his chances of survival were less than twenty percent.
Neil didn’t come back after that last consult- in fact, he’d left Hawkins altogether.
To everyone’s surprise, Billy proved them wrong.
He lived. He healed.
He started to come back, his body pulling itself together. The ulcers in his stomach and the inflammation in his intestines healed. His bones slowly knit themselves together. His surviving kidney was tolerating the doubled load better than expected, and his liver was regenerating faster than anyone had dared to dream- going from ten percent functionality to nearly fifty.
Billy Hargrove would survive- like he always did. And like everything else in his life that had to be survived, his recovery would be long, painful, and slow.
All the while, in his coma, Billy dreamed of the Pacific Ocean. He dreamed of memories of cold water, seven foot waves, sandals covered in sand, and an orca calf with freckles on the white parts of its jaw and lower belly, leaping out of the water in a moment of pure, joyous freedom.
It was the snoring he’d woken up to. He’d opened his eyes, looked to his right, and found Eddie there in the chair, arms folded on Billy’s bed, head resting on them as he snored. His messy hair was a nightmare, and Billy could tell from a glance that Eddie hadn’t changed in days- he probably only left to change or shower when hospital staff told him to.
Billy had let out a soft snort through his nose- muffled by the cannula feeding oxygen into his nose- then put his hand on Eddie’s head, stroking the disaster that was his hair. Eddie had stirred, lifting his head, and his big brown eyes became even bigger, filling with tears, glittering in the fluorescent lights.
“Welcome back,” he’d said, tears spilling over cheeks that had the imprint of the sleeves of his jacket.
“What’d I miss?” Billy had asked, voice dry, hoarse and rough from months of being on a ventilator.
He was worried the feelings that had started to cultivate between them had faded, that Eddie might change his mind after seeing the damage done to him, but Eddie had let out a sobbing laugh, and without a word, simply leaned over and kissed him- answering any silent doubts Billy woke up with.
That was nearly five years ago, and after grueling physical therapy, after trauma therapy that was even harder, Billy was as close to being “back to normal” as he ever could be.
His chest was tight, stiff, the large scar was unpleasant to look at- shiny, gnarled tissue that was waxy, hard, and disconnected from his chest wall. It restricted his movements, made it hard to get comfortable when sleeping, and it constantly was shot through with jolts of electricity, or bouts of itching deep under the scar tissue.
The doctors assured him the pain and the itching was normal, that it was good- it meant he was healing. To Billy, it was just a reminder of the traumatic injury that caused it, and he hated it. He’d rather it stay numb than have it heal.
He was tired of the pain shooting through his sternum and ribs, waking him from sleep, turning his dreams into nightmarish flashbacks of melted people piercing his chest and attempting to kill him as fanged tentacles sank their teeth into his sides, trying to rend him from limb to limb.
Billy was tired of waking up, drenched in a cold, acrid sweat that reeked of battery acid. The doctors told him it was from the high protein diet he’d been on to speed up his healing, but Billy still smelled the chemicals that the monster had made him choke down, still felt the burn of chlorine and boric acid in his throat.
He still couldn’t taste things properly, but his diet was so simple now, thanks to the damage done to his stomach, that it didn’t really matter much anyway.
He could only take Tylenol- anything else was too hard on his stomach and liver, and both were still recovering from what the monster had made him swallow. Billy didn’t bother with Tylenol- it didn’t touch his pain.
Weed helped, though. He and Eddie didn’t know if it would hurt his liver or not- and they sure as fuck weren��t going to ask doctors about it- but it helped. The high helped him sleep, calmed his anxiety responses to loud noises and bright lights. It didn’t entirely help his pain, but it soothed the inflammation of his scar tissue after his daily massaging.
Eddie had been consulting with some folks in Portland, and they’d sent him lotions and balms infused with cannabis oil. Beeswax, goat’s milk, castor oil with rosemary, lavender, or peppermint, cocoa butter- all different sorts of things for Billy to try.
They all helped a great deal with massaging his scars, and Eddie had been more than happy to rub his back down, tracing shapes in the patterns, kissing them when he was done, and telling Billy how much of a bad ass he looked.
Billy always scoffed, but the truth was, it helped him feel better about the scars. He used to go out shirtless, or with an open shirt or jacket, showing off the body he’d cultivated- muscular and tan, the 1980’s ideal.
Now, it was 1990, almost at the five year anniversary of his brush with death, and Billy wasn’t too fond of his body anymore. His range of movement, strength and flexibility were still restricted, and he had to keep his skin protected and covered to prevent the scars from becoming worse- they were already painful, since the larger ones were contracture scars.
Billy was thinner, struggling to keep up the muscle tone he’d once had, working so hard with physical therapy, massage and manipulation of his scar tissue to soften it up, and he was paler of skin and darker of hair while avoiding the sun to keep it from thickening his scars.
He’d been miserable, despite his progress, and it tore Eddie up to see him that way, so he’d suggested the road trip to California, to the coast Billy knew so well, had spoken so fondly of, and so often.
So they’d made the trip. It had been slow going- Billy didn’t have the stamina he used to for driving, so Eddie had taken the wheel, and dealt with Billy’s passenger-seat driving. They’d stopped at rest stops to save money, or shitty motels when the rest stops weren’t safe enough, and Eddie had patiently, lovingly worked out the knots in Billy’s muscles, massaged CBD balms into his scars, and they’d eaten pizza on lumpy or sagging mattresses, watching late night TV before sleeping.
There was a night where they stopped at a gas station in a questionable place where they attracted instant attention because they stood too close together at the line for the register. In the lot next to the gas station, the locals were having a riotous party that involved their jacked-up trucks that kept backfiring loudly.
Every bang, every hoot and holler that came from the trucks had Billy flinching, until he was actively shaking, a sweat breaking out on his face. Eddie hurried to pay when it was their turn, and the cashier gave Billy an odd look.
“You okay, hon?”
Billy clutched at the collar of his tank top, trying to cool himself down, and the top of his scar became visible. Eddie saw her expression change to horror.
“Shh,” Eddie hissed to her in a conspiratorial whisper as he handed her the money for the gas. “He was in the Army; combat damage, and he’s got that Post Traumatic stress thing.”
The woman nodded, her eyes going doleful.
“So young…. Thank you for your service, honey,” she said in a sorrowful tone, giving him a salute as Eddie gently herded him back to the car.
It had taken Billy nearly an hour to come down from the panic attack, and once he’d calmed, he fell asleep. Eddie elected to keep driving- Nebraska was no place for them to stop, and they were mere miles from the Colorado border.
It got easier, the further west they went. They weren’t going to San Diego- Billy knew those beaches, but the risk that Neil went back there was too high. The city was big, but so was Neil’s network of contacts that had found out Billy’s sexuality and spurred Neil’s decision to move to Hawkins.
The last thing Billy needed for his recovery was having Neil find him.
So instead, they were headed to Monterey Bay, south of San Francisco. Eddie had heard it was a good place for beginner surfers, which meant it would be easier for Billy to get back on the board, and indulge in some exercise that wouldn’t be too dangerous for him, while still being enjoyable.
He’d told Billy they were going to San Francisco to spend time in a place where there were fellow queer folks, and they could just disappear into the crowd for a bit, and be normal. The trip to Monterey Bay was a surprise.
And now, after a careful week of driving, they had reached Monterey Bay. It was three in the morning, and Billy was sleeping soundly in the front seat. Eddie did his best not to wake him as he stopped at a few motels, comparing prices, before finally settling on one that was cheap and right by the beach- it was the off season for another week or two, so prices and availability were at a premium.
Eddie booked their room for a week, then came back to the car. He opened Billy’s door and carefully, gently roused him from his sleep. Billy jerked awake with a snort, sitting up and looking around warily.
“Where are we?” he asked, voice thick with sleep. Eddie rubbed his shoulder and handed him the room key.
“The motel. Booked us in for a week. Let’s get you into a decent bed and get some actual sleep, yeah?”
Billy nodded, blinking sleep-fogged eyes as he got out of the car and did a full body stretch, only stopping when his scars tugged and protested. Eddie didn’t react to Billy’s sudden stiffening, the frustration in his face- the last thing Billy needed or wanted was pity. It meant his weakness was obvious, and Eddie didn’t want him to feel weak. Still, Eddie hauled their luggage out of the trunk of the car and carried it in, letting Billy unlock the door.
The room was nice and cool, and Billy sighed gratefully- he never did regain his heat tolerance, still preferring the cold to heat. Eddie didn’t mind- the colder it was, the easier it was to snuggle up to Billy while he slept, without overheating Billy in the process.
Billy went back outside to lock the car up as Eddie took inventory of the room. He was rather satisfied with it, all things considered- well worth the nightly cost of thirty bucks. It was a bit more than he wanted to spend, but the motel was clean, close to the beach, and since it wasn’t a hotel, it wasn’t as likely to fill up as quickly, giving them a bit of disconnect from the public.
The room had a sofa with a pull-out bed- which Eddie dumped their luggage on- and a single king-sized bed. It had a small table with two chairs, a dresser with two sets of drawers, a TV with a VCR, cable, and a mini fridge that actually had a separate freezer. The bathroom had a decent enough sized tub with a sliding door of frosted glass for the shower.
Eddie unpacked their clothes while Billy took a leak, and shed his clothes, changing into a fresh pair of boxers. He shoved his dirty clothes in a plastic shopping bag as Billy came out to wash his hands.
“Don’t forget to brush your teeth,” Eddie told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before slipping past for his turn in the bathroom. Billy rolled his eyes good-naturedly, but still helped himself to the trial sized tube of toothpaste and the travel toothbrush left on the counter, too tired to dig through their bags for his own.
While Eddie prepped for bed, Billy closed the curtains tight, locked the door, slid the chain home, turned the thermostat down as far as it would go, and the AC on as high as possible. When Eddie emerged, hair and teeth brushed, the room had dropped by five degrees, and Billy was sprawled on the bed. He’d peeled the blankets back, folding them so Eddie could have them all.
“Gonna get cold as hell in here,” Eddie commented, sliding under the covers and nestling up against Billy’s side.
Billy was resting on his back, arm outstretched so Eddie could curl against his side, using his chest as a pillow. His scars had finally healed to the point where Eddie could rest his cheek on Billy’s chest without causing him discomfort, and it was a major milestone in Billy’s recovery- the reclamation of his intimacy with Eddie.
“So what’s the plan tomorrow… or later, rather?” Billy said, voice already thick with sleep again, lulled by the siren song of freezing AC, Eddie’s warmth, and a comfortable bed.
On the night stand, the alarm clock glared at them with red digits, telling them it was four am. Eddie closed his eyes, ignoring it- time didn’t matter when they were on vacation- and nuzzled into Billy’s chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady under his cheek, reassuring and soothing.
“No plan,” Eddie murmured. “Nothing pressing, anyway. But there is a surprise.”
“A surprise?” Billy asked, and Eddie heard his heart speed up a bit. Eddie stroked his scars gently.
“Nothing bad, I promise,” he soothed. “Just… listen.”
As if trying to help him out, the AC stopped humming, having reached the set temperature. Bill was quiet, and Eddie waited as the sound of waves reached his ears.
“We’re right by the beach,” Billy said wonderingly. “How’d you afford a motel in San Francisco on the beach, babe?”
“I didn’t. We’re at Monterey Bay,” Eddie told him, smiling.
“You like the cold even more now, so I figured, it’s not full tourist season yet, so the beach won’t be as crowded, the water will be perfect for you, and the waves are decent, but not overwhelming, so you can surf a bit without overdoing it.”
Billy made a soft sound in his throat that sounded suspiciously like a sob being choked back. He rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms and legs around Eddie, clinging to him like a piece of flotsam in a flood.
“Thank you, Eddie,” he whispered into Eddie’s hair.
Eddie smiled in the darkness, hearing Billy’s heartbeat, the waves outside, and feeling Billy’s warmth seeping into the bed, into his bones, reigniting the fatigue that he’d been fighting all night.
“For now, let’s sleep,” he told Billy, stroking his back. “And when we’re rested, let’s go to the beach.”
Billy nodded, and with one final shudder, his muscles relaxed, and he stopped fighting the fatigue born of anxiety, a long car ride, and worry about the unknown, succumbing to sleep- and taking Eddie with him.
Their fatigue was deeper than either of them realized- neither of them woke until nearly five in the evening, sleeping more than twelve hours.
It was Billy who woke up first, roused by the sound of the waves and the gnawing of his stomach. He untangled himself from Eddie’s arms and legs, then slid out of bed and moved to the bag of snacks on the sofa. A half empty bag of beef jerky called his name, and he sat on the foot of the bed, gnawing on it, staring into space contentedly.
Eddie’s breathing was starting to quicken, and he stirred under the blankets. His stomach let out a roar of protest, and with a grumble, he sat up, rubbing at his eyes. Billy tried not to laugh at the mess his hair had become- as it always was when he woke up.
“Hungry?” he asked, holding out the bag. “There’s a quarter left, give or take.”
Eddie shook his head, yawning and stretching, his back popping.
“Thinking of ordering take out- there’s a binder that has menus, numbers and shit of local places that deliver.”
Billy deflated a little as Eddie got out of bed and swiped the binder from the dresser.
“We’ve had enough junk food, babe,” he pointed out, his stomach still grumbling, unsatisfied with the jerky.
Eddie flicked on the light above the headboard of the bed, and pointed to a page in the binder.
“Look. Local seafood- shrimp, fish, crab, pasta, crab cakes…”
Billy’s stomach let out a roar and Eddie laughed as his own stomach echoed the sentiment.
“Yeah, fish and chips sounds amazing.”
“Actual seafood, locally caught,” Billy breathed. “Fuck, that sounds so good.”
Eddie grinned.
“You order for us- I’m gonna take a shower because I caught a whiff of my own pits and I reek. You can join me after you order us some food, and by the time we’re done, it’ll be here, and we can go eat it on the beach.”
Billy smiled.
“That sounds amazing. Fish and chips, then?”
“Yeah, with extra lemon, ketchup instead of tartar sauce, and a sweet tea with lemon.”
Eddie kissed Billy’s forehead, then disappeared into the bathroom while Billy ordered their dinner- Eddie’s fish and chips, and a basket of fried mahi mahi, grilled salmon, fried shrimp, and a large order of french fries, with two large cokes. He suspected Eddie would want to sample from his plate, as he was wont to do, and he decided if Eddie was going to sample some of his seafood, there would be good seafood, and plenty of it.
Billy waited for Eddie to finish showering before taking one himself. He still had issues being seen in full light, still needed to be alone when he had to touch his scars.
Eddie was patient in that regard. He never asked Billy to take showers together, never demanded bright lights when they were intimate. Billy was getting better, though- he could handle a lamp or two being on, and didn't flinch anymore when Eddie's hands brushed over his scars.
It was different in a shower, when he was naked and there was no expectation of intimacy to distract Eddie from his scars. He felt too exposed, too vulnerable.
Eddie was okay with that. He'd wait as long as it took, as long as Billy needed, to be comfortable in his own skin again.
The food arrived after an hour- Eddie was ravenous, but didn't begrudge the delivery guy for the wait, tipping him well. The bag of food had steam billowing from the seams, and it was hot in his hands. The drinks were still cold and full of ice, the plastic cups beaded in condensation.
Billy came out, wearing swim trunks and a tank top, drying his hair with a towel. He sniffed the air and his stomach let out a roar. Eddie grinned and held up the bag.
“Dinner's here!”
Billy headed for the table, but Eddie shook his head, shoving his feet into his Reeboks.
“Come on,” he said, grabbing the throw blanket from the end of the bed. “Get the drinks, let's go eat this on the beach.”
Billy's face lit up, and he slipped into his flip-flops, grabbing the drinks and the room key. Together, the locked the room up, and headed for the beach.
The sun was setting, and there weren't many people around. The surf was loud, soothing, and the sky was a rich gradient of gold, orange, red, wine, and dark indigo blue, with a splattering of stars starting to shine through. On the horizon, Billy could see sparks of light that he knew were Mars and Venus.
Eddie spread out the blanket on a soft, level patch of sand just far enough from the waterline that they wouldn't get wet, but close enough that it was only a few steps to get his feet in the water.
The two of them sat down, pulling out their dinner and setting it out. Though they'd ordered their own meal, they shared, eating in companionable silence only broken by commentary on the food, or soft laughter or sounds of appreciation.
Eddie felt flustered as occasionally, Billy held out morsels for him to try, refusing to let Eddie take them with his hands- he put them directly in Eddie's mouth, his eyes glittering in the light of the fading sunset, love and gratitude written all over his face.
“I needed this. So much.”
Eddie wiped grease off on his jeans and reached over to take Billy's hand, squeezing it.
“I know. Was it a good surprise?” he asked.
Billy nodded, his eyes shining, and he looked over the water. The sunset was almost gone, a thin sliver of gold and red shining over the edge of the horizon, casting an orange light over the water in stark contrast with the wine-dark ocean and the sparkling stars overhead.
”I don't think it could get any better,“ he said softly.
”Maybe if you could surf?“ Eddie suggested, and Billy shook his head, squeezing Eddie's hand again.
”Tomorrow. For now? This is all I need.“
He leaned in to kiss Eddie, and a massive splash of water caught their attention.
Out of the water, the remaining sunlight shining on its slick rubbery skin, leapt a massive killer whale. It let out the breath from its lungs in a great burst of air before crashing back into the water again.
Billy was on his feet, running for the tide, Eddie following. Billy went as far as waist deep, staring at the water with eyes wide.
Billy didn't answer. The orca breached again, this time, his belly facing them, his massive, elegant body twisting as he leapt for the sheer joy of it, as if trying to fly, and not caring if he succeeded- because the attempt was all that mattered.
Tears rolled down his face as he saw the freckles on the white parts of the orca's chin and belly- the very same he'd seen on a calf nearly a decade ago.
“You made it,” he whispered. “You grew up.”
Eddie was in the water beside him, his arm around his waist. The water was cold around their legs, the sand fine and coarse under their feet, between their toes, swirling in the tide.
“You… you know this whale?” Eddie joked gently. “He owe you money for a surfing contest, because it looks like he'd win.”
Billy laughed, pulling Eddie against him, not bothering to wipe the tears from his face.
“I saw him when I was ten. I was surfing, and this calf just leaps out of the water, and I saw a freckle on his belly, on his jaw. He was the spunkiest, happiest thing I'd ever seen in my life.”
Billy smiled. A real, genuine smile.
“I dreamt about him when I was in a coma. About coming home, and seeing him again. And here he is, all grown up. He's HUGE, he's powerful and he's still free and happy.“
Another splash, a short distance away, and another orca leapt out of the water. This one was a bit smaller, with a shorter dorsal fin- and there was a calf at its side. Billy's smile grew.
”Is that your kid, big guy?“ Billy asked the orca, even if he couldn't hear the question. ”Did you find a family of your own?“
One by one, more orcas began to join the acrobatics, and soon, there was close to ten of them, all leaping, breaching, splashing with their tails, rolling in the water, playing with the calves, and high pitched calls sounded over and through the water as they talked to one another.
Billy turned and buried his face in Eddie's chest, his shoulders shaking, tears soaking Eddie's shirt. Eddie held him close, alarmed.
”Billy, you okay?“ he asked, worried.
”I'm better than okay,“ Billy managed.
Eddie held him, waiting for him to recover, to regain his composure. When Billy pulled away again, he was smiling.
”They're welcoming me home, Eddie.“
”Yeah, you really do belong here,“ Eddie agreed, thinking they needed to make this trip permanent, that they needed to move here for Billy's well being. Already, his mind was making plans, lists, mapping out the move and the logistics behind it.
Billy shook his head.
”I wouldn't have come here, wouldn't have seen them, wouldn't have had this chance at recovering, if it wasn't for you, Eddie,“ he said.
He rested his head on Eddie's shoulders, letting the waves crash against his waist, feeling the sand under his feet, watching the orcas dance.
”Me?“ Eddie asked, and Billy nodded.
”It's you, Eddie. Wherever you are, is home.“
Eddie swallowed a shuddering, happy breath, resting his cheek against Billy's head, and the two of them watched the orcas dance under the stars.
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tretmentpossible · 2 years
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john-macnamara · 2 months
It's very cute that Mr. Mega thinks his refusal to read our leaks means anything. We'll continue sharing them, and people will continue reading them. But here, for you, Mr. Curt Mega, we have provided the medical report from John's time in the hospital after the ten days of sleeplessness he spoke of. Thank us later!
Mount Sinai Hospital Treatment Report: Johnathan S. MacNamara
Date of Admission: September 9, 2012
Date of Discharge: November 17, 2012
The patient was admitted to the Emergency Room at 6:24 AM, 09/05/12 and evaluated to be in critical condition almost immediately. He exhibited signs of septic shock, including: lung failure, kidney failure, liver failure, a blood pressure of 68/43 mm Hg, and a heart rate of 134 BPM. In addition, he showed signs of infection stemming from an abdominal laceration approximately 30 inches in length and on average approximately 2 inches deep. The exhibited signs included: seizures, a consistent 105° F fever, swelling around the wound, pus in and around the wound, and human fecal matter smeared across the abdominal region. The lattermost sign was not so much a symptom as an obvious cause.
The patient's wounds were immediately cleaned with heavy disinfectants and a tracheostomy was preformed. He was attached to a mechanical ventilator and the blood-oxygen levels slowly stabilized. Patient was admitted to the ICU for further treatment at 7:36 PM, 09/05/12. Injuries upon admission were mapped as follows:
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1. Bullet entry and exit through right deltoid. 2. Large laceration across midsection. Shows signs of heavy bacterial and viral infection. 3. Second-degree burn in the shape of greek letter omega. 4. Electric burns on lower right back. Presumably from high-voltage taser or cattle prod. 5. Intense electric burns in genital and inner-thigh areas. 6. Hamstrings lacerated. Presumably to constrict movement of legs.
Upon admission to the ICU, the patient was administered a standard dose of penicillin. There had been no signs of consciousness since arrival to the hospital, however the patient did appear to be in a survivable state. Within the unit, he was attached to a dialysis machine and given a steady IV of saline solution and another one that contained water-soluble vitamins and nutrients. Once the infection showed no further sign of spreading, the patient was given an emergency liver transplant. This occurred on 09/06/12.
The transplant succeeded, and the liver immediately began to filter blood and further cleared the infection. The decision was made to keep the patient on the dialysis machine until the infection and subsequent sepsis was cleared, and after a partial recovery from the first transplant occurred.
After 57 hours of total unconsciousness and unresponsiveness, the patient was declared to be in a coma caused by toxic-metabolic encephalopathy. He was assumed to wake up within the month.
The tracheostomy ventilator was removed on 09/23/12 and replaced with a laryngoscopic ventilator. This was changed once more on 10/03/12 when it was replaced with a mask ventilator.
The genital burns required a skin graft, but otherwise healed normally without infection or complications.
At 1:58 PM on 10/09/12, the patient began to react to outside stimuli. He moved when touched and made audible responses to pain. Over the next few days, he began to react to auditory and olfactory stimuli in addition to touch-based reactions increasing in consistency. By 10/12/12, the patient could follow simple commands and had managed to open his eyes a few times.
On 10/15/12 at approximately 12:30 AM, the patient awoke in a frenzied state. He attempted to rip out IVs and pulled off the ventilation mask and appeared to be unaware of where he was. It took excessive physical force, but he was eventually restrained and slowly calmed. He fell back asleep soon after, but showed greater signs of healing by that point. The next afternoon, he gave an official record of what happened to him, which provided a more accurate method of how to treat him. He consented to a kidney transplant and went into surgery on 10/18/12.
There were no complications during the surgery, and the donor was the wife of the patient, Rosalind M. Schaffer. She didn't suffer any complications from the donation either.
After the surgery, he was moved from the ICU and into the recovery wing with a private room.
The patient was dosed on standard pain medication over recovery, and showed no infectious flare-ups over recovery. He was monitored for lasting impacts of his wounds or disease, and had gained a noticeable tremor in both his hands. He underwent physical therapy while in the hospital's care, allowing him to regain full motion in his legs and to lessen his hand tremors.
The patient was discharged at 8:14 PM on 11/17/12 with a clean bill of health and prescribed a pain medication for as long as needed. It was also recommended that the patient stop smoking, as his lungs had previously failed once and it could be a major risk factor. The patient obviously did not follow the advice, as he was seen smoking a cigarette the second he left hospital grounds.
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lets-donate-a-kidney · 5 months
Reasons Why You Might NOT donate a kidney
Your medication requirements aren't compatible
After donating a kidney, you may have to change the medication you take to minimize stress on the remaining kidney. For instance, all kidney donors are supposed to avoid NSAIDs like ibuprofen, Aleve and aspirin, and to take Tylenol (acetaminophen) instead. You may also have other medications (including psychiatric meds) that would need to be changed.
If you aren't able to take Tylenol or find substitutes for other medications, it may be worth thinking long and hard about whether donation is right for you. Your physician and psychiatrist will be able to give you more information if needed.
You're scared of needles or blood
You will get your blood drawn a lot in the process of donating an organ, and may also get an IV drip after surgery.
You're nervous about surgery
That's valid! All surgeries and anesthesia do carry risks. The risk of long-term complications from donating a kidney is very low, but it's your body and your choice, period.
Your family has a history of kidney disease, or you already have just one kidney.
Some people are born with only one! Or if you think there's a good chance you'll need two, it's totally rational not to donate one.
You've had issues with painkiller addiction in the past
After surgery, you may have a morphine or fentanyl drip in the hospital, and you're likely to be prescribed an opioid painkiller. The amount of painkillers is normally not enough to create a physical dependency. But for some people in addiction recovery, this may still be concerning.
If this worries you, I highly recommend discussing this topic with your physician and the surgeon, and following their advice. Medical professionals in the USA cannot report you to law enforcement for using illegal substances.
Any other medical conditions that make you a bad candidate
Your own health is important, and it might also affect whether your kidney would be viable in someone else's body.
You'll get scanned to hell and back during the screening process, so if there's any medical issues that would get in the way, the transplant team will tell you. They will NOT remove your kidney if they believe the surgery or loss of the kidney could harm your health later.
You want to make a connection with someone
Yeah...don't go into this process expecting it to change your life, or win you lots of praise, or hoping to meet the recipient (if you donate to a stranger like I did). What if your recipient turns out to be someone you don't like? What if you stay in touch but the kidney fails after a few years? What if you were hoping to feel better about yourself, but a month after surgery you realize you're still the same old you?
(Personally, I do feel like it changed my life for the better, and some people do form strong relationships with their recipient after the transplant. But people can have a lot of different reactions. Nothing is guaranteed.)
I chose not to contact or receive contact from my recipient, or to hear follow-up reports of how they were doing. I didn't want them to feel indebted to me, or for me to unwittingly place expectations on them. You might choose differently, which is valid - but make sure you'd be okay with not ever hearing from the recipient, too.
You can't afford it
This isn't always a hurdle. If you donate through the National Kidney Registry, for instance, they'll try to compensate you for any lost wages during your surgery and recovery period. You won't bear the cost of surgery or follow-up appointments, either. At least, that's how it is in the USA.
However, I did have to take time off work to go to the pre-surgery appointments. I did have to buy extra groceries for before and after the surgery, an abdominal binder and robe, and a few other costs. If I get medical complications later in life, I will have to pay for those either out of pocket or with health insurance. These may still be serious considerations for you.
You can't take enough time off to recover
My surgery team recommended two weeks off work - even though I work from home. They also wanted me to have someone present to drive me to and from the hospital, and to stay with me for the first few days after surgery. Your own job, childcare needs, or transportation/living assistance needs may impact your ability to do this.
You just plain don't want to
As I said, it's your body, your choice. You never, ever have to undergo surgery and give away part of your body for someone else. Even if you love that person and they're in pain. A donated organ should be a gift given freely, and gladly, not a source of fear or worry for you.
If you aren't able or willing to donate yourself, there are still many ways you can help people in need:
You could donate blood or plasma, which regenerate over time and don't require surgery.
You could help a prospective kidney donor by offering childcare while they're in the hospital, transportation assistance, or helping them recover after surgery.
You could register as an organ donor on death, so that your body isn't affected at all while you're alive. In the USA, only 60% of adults are registered as organ donors even though 90% support postmortem organ donation.
You can spread awareness of how organ donation works! Many people don't realize that they can donate a kidney, even without an intended recipient. Or they might believe it's more dangerous or debilitating than it actually is. By sharing educational resources about it, you can still increase the likelihood of more patients getting kidneys.
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NO WAY a kidney transplant!! I didnt know wowow stay strong + wishing you a speedy recovery
NO I DIDN'T HAVE A KIDNEY TRANSPLANT I'M OKAY!!! if i'd had one and didnt tell anyone + got an ask about it that would be less weird I think.
no there's this person around tumblr who's been sending asks to people (i think primarily people who post about tf2) about their kidney transplants they never had. i made a comment on this because one of my discord friends got roped into it and he began receiving these messages as well. afaik it's mostly been affecting someone's group of mutuals?? so it's weird that I got roped into it but I do know someone who has been receiving them. IT'S JUST STRANGE SORRY IF THAT SEEMED. LIKE I'D HAD A KIDNEY TRANSPLANT i definitely wouldve been annoying about it if I had I promise
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