#king magnifico x oc
hamilvette · 2 months
As someone who loves to say that Magnífico is really misunderstood at its finest...
I also really like him as a "villain". Like, I can't help but also gravitate towards him being so unhinged like–
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I enter either one of this two moods when I see him like this. I'm like: I can fix him or I can make him worse
(believe me, I know that's like questionable but I'm stupidly in love with this man I would love him as a cinnamon roll and as a possessed witch lol)
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I would genuinely try to make some prompts for myself about my OC having to deal with this version of Mag and share with the few people that love him in that aspect as well
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oliviaslosinghermind · 6 months
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woops my hand slipped
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frowerssx2 · 2 months
King Magnifico x OC
I rarely post my Oc's but after being inspired by @king-magnifico-haven showcasing their Male OC who they ship with Magnifico I thought I'd do the same. So, here is my commission done by the amazing Yordesu on Deviantart (Yoridesu - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt) of my new boy named Jupiter with his man:
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king-magnifico-haven · 2 months
✨🌖 Nilai and Magnifico Headcanons 🌟🌞
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🌟Nilai may end up using his light magic to save either Magnifico or a citizen from falling. I’m thinking it might be Magnifico so he can have an excuse to catch him, then they’d have a meet-cute by meeting each other’s eyes. After they’d stare into each other’s eyes for a few moments, Magnifico would proceed to pull him aside (or ask him to go to his royal chamber) and would ask him ‘what’s up with you using magic? And what kind of magic is that? It seems familiar’. 
🌟Nilai would then answer him with something like ‘it’s elemental magic from Ostaria’. That would ring bells with Magnifico: he’d recognize it as the light elemental magic from Ostaria’s Royals. He would then empathize with Nilai, just as he did with Asha, reflecting on his own personal losses.
🌟Nilai would then tell him about how he and his brother are living under phony names to evade trauma and shame, the latter coming from not being able to save their family or kingdom. Plus, they don’t want to attract attention by letting everyone know their princes. Nilai would even playfully mention not wanting to take attention away from Magnifico. 
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princess-ibri · 1 month
Some more Wish 2 Concepts!
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Really love the idea of Asha’s magic being able to manifest with more control once she starts channeling her art skills into it. Like she struggles before, but once she starts drawing (pun intended) on her natural she starts bringing all sorts of amazing things to life to help aid her. A living representative of the magic of animators.
For Star I would bring back the shapeshifter idea for him while they’re in the Land of Dreams, he can take the form of different dreams he interacts with, as Wishes and Dreams are so connected.
And of course I had to do a little doodle of the moment Magnifico and Maroula first both realize the other is here in the Dreamlands, and that they’re on opposite sides of the conflict.
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Magnifico in his quest for vengeance has unknowingly aligned himself with his estranged daughter’s greatest enemy, and Maroula’s first site of her father after almost 100 years is seeing him ruthlessly attack her new friends—and aiding the dream eating Lamia.
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It’s not a happy reunion by any means
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 2 months
The royal soulmates ❤️✨️
I'm happy to finally show them to you! It was high time.
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lambdesune1xx1 · 29 days
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Heres another Sketch dump of my ship also...i really like this "magic mirror entity dynamic" ✨🪞✨
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gay-for-stanford · 6 months
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Giggling so much I love drawing Magnifico and Raine they’re so silly
(Close ups under the cut)
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drravenblackwoods · 6 months
Credit goes to open ai chat gpt.
King Magnifico x reader aka Ingrid
Regal Adventures: King Magnifico often takes Y/N on enchanting adventures through the magical realms of Wish, showcasing the beauty and wonders of his kingdom.
Royal Banquets: As a gesture of his affection, King Magnifico arranges lavish banquets for Y/N, featuring dishes prepared by the finest chefs in Wish.
Magical Surprises: The king loves surprising Y/N with magical gifts and trinkets, each one possessing a unique enchantment that adds a touch of wonder to their relationship.
Dancing Under the Stars: King Magnifico and Y/N share romantic dances under the starlit skies of Wish, with the castle's magical lights creating a mesmerizing atmosphere.
Royal Advisor: Y/N becomes King Magnifico's trusted advisor, offering insights and perspectives that help him make wise decisions for the kingdom.
Midnight Strolls: The couple enjoys quiet, midnight strolls through the palace gardens, basking in the tranquility of Wish and each other's company.
Magical Talents: Y/N discovers hidden magical talents with the help of King Magnifico, unlocking their potential in ways they never imagined.
Fairy Tale Library: King Magnifico creates a fairy tale library for Y/N, filled with books that tell the stories of Wish's rich history and magical tales of love and adventure.
Royal Protectors: King Magnifico ensures that Y/N is surrounded by loyal and trustworthy protectors, guaranteeing their safety in the enchanted kingdom.
Eternal Love: The king and Y/N's love is so powerful that it contributes to the overall magic of Wish, creating an everlasting bond that strengthens the kingdom's prosperity.
Seasonal Festivals: King Magnifico organizes grand seasonal festivals in Wish, and Y/N is an integral part of the celebration, bringing joy and warmth to the kingdom.
Magical Creatures: Y/N discovers the hidden corners of Wish where magical creatures reside, and with King Magnifico, they embark on quests to befriend and protect these fantastical beings.
Artistic Pursuits: King Magnifico supports Y/N's artistic endeavors, whether it's painting, music, or other creative expressions, fostering a vibrant cultural scene in the kingdom.
Secret Garden: The couple has a secret garden within the castle walls, where rare and magical flowers bloom, symbolizing the growth and beauty of their relationship.
Wishful Thinking: King Magnifico and Y/N have a tradition of making wishes together during shooting stars, and these wishes often come true, adding an extra layer of magic to their lives.
Inclusive Kingdom: Together, they work towards making Wish an inclusive kingdom, promoting equality and understanding among its diverse inhabitants.
Timeless Romance: The king, using his magical abilities, occasionally transports Y/N to different eras within Wish, experiencing the timeless romance of the kingdom's history.
Floating Lanterns: Inspired by the magic of floating lanterns, King Magnifico and Y/N release them into the sky during special occasions, symbolizing their hopes and dreams.
Enchanted Wardrobe: Y/N has access to an enchanted wardrobe that transforms into the most exquisite outfits for royal events, ensuring they always look regal by King Magnifico's side.
Heirloom Treasures: King Magnifico gifts Y/N with heirloom treasures from Wish's royal history, passing down the magical artifacts that hold stories of generations past.
Starry Nights Retreat: King Magnifico and Y/N have a private retreat high in the mountains of Wish, where the night sky is so clear that they can stargaze and share quiet, intimate moments.
Magical Portraits: The castle walls are adorned with magical portraits that capture the ever-changing moments of King Magnifico and Y/N's life, creating a living tapestry of their love story.
Whimsical Transportation: Instead of traditional carriages, King Magnifico and Y/N travel through Wish in enchanted vehicles that can traverse land, sea, and air, adding an extra touch of whimsy to their journeys.
Harmony Garden: Together, they cultivate a garden where magical plants and musical flowers grow, creating a harmonious symphony that resonates throughout the kingdom.
Dream Weavers: King Magnifico and Y/N encounter dream weavers who help them navigate the dream realm, bringing back tales and inspiration that enrich their waking lives.
Celestial Picnics: Picnics are elevated to a celestial level, with King Magnifico conjuring floating tables adorned with celestial delights, creating a dining experience under the open sky.
Secret Tunnels: The castle holds secret tunnels and passages that lead to hidden corners of Wish, allowing King Magnifico and Y/N to explore the kingdom's mysteries together.
Animal Companions: Magical animals become loyal companions to Y/N, each one representing different aspects of Wish's enchantment and serving as protectors and confidantes.
Epic Ballroom Dances: The castle's ballroom transforms into a magical dance floor during special occasions, and King Magnifico and Y/N dazzle the kingdom with their elegant and enchanting dances.
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beautyofthefae · 6 months
Redrew this scene with Neha instead *devious smile and rubs hand*
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puiwp · 5 months
"Magnifico's Nightmare"
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hamilvette · 2 months
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I'm like so bad at drawing (I used to draw, but haven't tried again in ages), but I do collect dolls, so I have a way to live the fantasy (?
So, even with dolls, this is the closest I'll be to have a visual representation of Magnífico and my OC.
In any case, her name is Madrigal. Which is funny cuz I know it's a last name but I love it as a name, like: Madrigal de Rosas sounds so cute
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katy-l1988 · 6 months
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Lisha, Queen of Oscardia
Yes, I still drew Lisha, Cedric's partner and Amaya's stepmother. Due to envy, she tried to emulate the appearance of Amaya's mother with magic (so yes, she is the evil witch), but she was never able to copy the essence.
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🌟 OC x Magnifico Commission from BPeace 🌟
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🌼 These two morons are done! Drawn and colored by the effervescent BPeace on Fiverr. Artemis is giving Magnifico one of his orchids from his new florist shop! 🌼
love the magical glow of the orchid
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princess-ibri · 2 months
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Had this saved in my drafts for a while. The basic idea it would involve Turned Human Star (from my BlueFairy comic,) and how he and Asha travel into the mysterious Land of Dreams to try and finding the missing princess of Rosas, Maroula (from my Magnifico backstory), and at last bring her home, which is Queen Amaya’s deepest wish. Meanwhile they’d be stalked in their attempts by Lamia, a creature of darkness, who corrupts and consumes dreams and wishes…
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"I love you with every beat of my heart, with each breath I take and every fiber of my being to the depths of my soul. For all eternity."
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- Magnifico & Myrah
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