rorylum · 1 year
I'm that werid keith multi shipper who only likes the straight keith ships.
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twisting-echo · 6 months
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A romantic moodboard of Keith x Romelle with a galaxy, soulmate, pink & red, and rosy color aesthetic. I made a moodboard for my OTP, Komelle~ I love Keith and Romelle so much; you wouldn't believe it! X3
Twisting Echo~
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valkylander · 1 year
Komelle was such a good step-siblings ship...
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guysofeurovision · 1 year
Heyyy, do you know Serbia's dancer and the guy who was sitting in the green room in the middle?
I'm sorry but I haven't noticed the guy you're asking me about in the green room, even re-checking when the camera was on them during the vote revealing.
On the other hand, the dancers are Ziga Janskovec and Kostja Komel Nardin.
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artparks-sculpture · 2 years
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A sculpture titled 'Cup of coffee (Carved stone Drinking Mug sculpture)' by sculptor Damjan Komel. In a medium of Istrian stone and in an edition of 1/1.
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Komel: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Vardah: How can you still say that?
Komel: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
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erundur-adanion · 1 month
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Çima ez ji sekulerîzmê bêtir bibêjim Laîkparêzî tercîh dikim?
Peyva laîkîzmê ji peyva fransî "Laïcité" tê û bi fransî tê wateya "Sekulerîzm" an jî "Laîkparêzî".
Peyva sekulerîzmê ji Îngilîzî tê.
“Sekulerîzm” û “Laîkparêzî” hevwateya hev in.
Îcar çima ez dibêjim "sekûlerîzm" û ne "laîsîtî"? Bila rave bikim, ji ber ku laîktiya ku li Tirkiyeyê tê meşandin xelet hatiye bicihanîn;
1. “Dîn mudaxeleyê dewletê nake, lê dewlet mudaxeleyê dîn dike”. Mînak; Di 3'ê Adara 1924'an de Serokatiya Karên Diyanetê hat avakirin û ol bi temamî ket bin kontrola dewletê. Tenê xebatên der barê mekteba Matûrîdî ya şaxa mezheba sunnî ya henefî de ji raya giştî re tên nivîsandin. Ev yek bi temamî li dijî laîktiyê ye ji ber ku di laîktiyê de “Dîn mudaxeleyê siyasetê nake û siyaset jî bi olê re midaxele nake”. Prensîbek heye. Lê li Tirkiyeyê ev yek bi xeletî hat sepandin.
2. "Mezheba Sunî-Henefî-Meturîdî ya dînê Îslamê mezheba herî rast e û yên din jî feraset in." Ev jî têgihiştineke şaş e, ji ber ku di Qurana pîroz de tu mezheb li ser mezhebên din û ne jî olek li ser oleke din serdest e. Di Quranê de tenê yek jêderka ola îslamê heye ew jî Îslam bi xwe ye. "Ewên ku dînê xwe perçe perçe kirine û bûne kom, hûn bi wan re namînin. Karê wan li ser Xuda ye, paşê (Xuda) dê wan bi kiryara wan agahdar bike." Sureye En'am ayeta 159
3. "Hemû nivîsarên olî û îbadet divê bi tirkî bin." Nivîsandina wergerên tirkî yên pirtûkeke hêja wek Qurana Pîroz xizmeteke mezin e, lê ne aqilmend e ku meriv zimanekî dewlemend wek kurdî înkar bike, heger tirkî hebe divê kurdî jî hebe.
4. "Hemû gelên ku li Komara Tirkiyeyê dijîn Henefî ne." Bê guman têgehek xelet e. %50ê komara Tirkiyê Henefî û %50 jî şafîî ne. Kesên ku ji mezheba Henefî ne, piraniya wan tirk in, piraniya wan jî kurd in. Hemû kesên li Komara Tirkiyeyê dijîn misilman in." Na, 75% misilman, 0,4% xiristiyan û %? Cihû, Zerdeştî, Ateîst, Deîst, Êzîdî û mirovên din hene.
5. "Kesên ku ji dînê îslamê ne, mafê wan e ku komeleyan ava bikin. (1950) Mafê tu olê tune ku bi tu awayî komele û saziyan ava bike. (1924)" Belê, mafê kesên ku ji dînê îslamê ne. piştî sala 1950 komele û weqfan damezrînin, lê kesên ku ji oleke din in, mafê wan heye ku komele û weqfan damezrînin, mafê endamekî gel nîne ku vê yekê bike. Ev çi laîkbûn e! Di laîkparêziya bi şêwaza Amerîkî de, "kesên ji her olî xwedî maf in ku komele û weqfan ava bikin." Bo nimûne; Li DYE’yê weqfên misilman, weqfên xiristiyan, bingehên cihû, bingehên ateîst, bingehên bûdîst û bingehên hindû hene. Bi gotineke din, li Dewletên Yekbûyî yên Amerîkayê komele û bingehên her olî hene. Ev azadiya baweriyê ye.
6. "Cemewîyên elewî nikarin bibin perestgeh." Ev yek li dijî laîktiyê ye, îman û ol bê ferqkirin. Cihê ku her kesek îbadet û erkên xwe yên olî pêk tîne, perestgeh tê gotin. Bo nimûne; Ger Mizgeftek Misilmanek hebe, Krîstiyanek Dêrek hebe, Cihûyek xwedî Kenîseyek, Zerdeştîyek Ogir hebe, an her olek xwedî perestgehek be. Bi gotineke din, kê li kîjan perestgehê dua bike bila bike, ji bo me ferq nake! "1. Bibeje: "Gelî kafiran!" 2. "Ez ji ya ku hûn perestî dikin, nakim." 3. "Û hûn ji ya ku ez perestî dikim, nabin perestî." 4. "Ez perestîya ya ku hûn dikin, nakim." 5." Tu ji ya ku ez îbadetê dikim re îbadetê nakî." 6. "Dînê we ji we re ye û dînê min jî ji bo min e." Sureye Kafirûn ji vê yekê re mînak e!
7. “Gava mijar dibe Mislimanan azadî heye, dema mijar dibe Elewî zilm heye.” Misilman çiqas azad bibe, Elewî jî ewqas azad bibe.
8. "Ji bo hemû welatiyan çûna dersên olî yên mecbûrî ferz e." Na çima. Xiristiyan, cihû, Elewî, Zerdeştî, Êzidî yan jî oleke din vê naxwaze. "La ikrahe fid din." ji bîr neke!
9. "Cejnên olî yên îslamî têne pîroz kirin, lê cejnên olî yên olên din nayên pîroz kirin." Mînak; Misliman Cejna Remezanê, Cejna Qurbanê û cejnên din pîroz dikin, lê dema ku Xiristiyan û kesên ji olên din dixwazin cejnên xwe pîroz bikin, dewlet mudaxele dike.
10. Ji ber vê yekê ez peyva Sekulerîzm bi kar tînim û ne peyva Laîkparêziyê.
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strangeorangetage · 2 years
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This 'Slovenian Guernica’ poster is created  by Laibach from Nikolaj Pirnat’s partisan graphics. Composed by Matjaž Komel.
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dizzified · 10 days
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Meet Jemera Michelis! A man that went from a lonely child in youth to a cult leader in adulthood. Ironically, he's rather chill, albeit somewhat depressed due to his circumstances, he just wants friends, but man, who's being friends with a cult leader? Not to mention he's like 2'4, puntable height.
Growing up with distant parents and fumbling his way around on his own, failing horribly when he tried to make friends due to awkwardness, and being seen as a nobody amongst others. Jemera spent the majority of his childhood alone, creating imaginary friends in his head, but honestly, even they didn't like him that much.
As an adolescence, after years of being seen as unimportant and uncool, he decided to make a change, a horrible change. He'd heard of many people creating cults, being praised and loved, worshipped even, and he thought that was the answer, so that's what he did.
Jemera created a cult, devoted to The God of Protection, Athos, despite knowing nothing about him whatsoever, he somehow got followers to join, and hey, things were going great for him.
Though, time passed, and things only got worse from there. He realized he wasn't the one getting attention at all, everyone was super into worshipping Athos, and I mean, yeah, he had one friend, but she mostly talked about Athos, always attempting to motivate him to keep the cult running and inviting more members, but things would only get weirder from there.
Jemera attempted to distance himself from the mess he had created out of fear when the sacrifices began.
After being questioned by a person he thought was his only friend, Komel, asked him if he was going to become one of the sacrifices to Athos, and then got angry at him when he refused, attempting to manipulate him into doing so, he ended up running away from his own cult, disappearing elsewhere out of fear.
Let's just say the cult spiraled to literal hellfire while he was gone, but perhaps that's what deserved to happen, I mean.. In the end, he never got what he wanted and instead got kicked out of the spotlight for someone he'd never surpass, a literal god.
Middle-aged, still gets called old by a teenager. Imagine being 41 L.
Former cult leader? Rather, former cult mouthpiece, fed all of his lines by a manipulator and someone who just wanted friends in the end.
He made mistakes that he knows he can't repent for, although, he's trying to become a better person.
Basically, adopted a teenager that is taller than him and constantly calls him old.
Beloved man, trying his best to right his wrongs in a decent way.
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kazifatagar · 17 days
New - Kunak shootout: MMEA personnel loses sight in left eye to bullet wound now
A Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) personnel, shot in the eye during a shootout in Kunak waters, has lost sight in his left eye. Maritime Admiral Datuk Hamid Mohd Amin confirmed that Maritime Petty Officer Zainal Abad Komel, 45, is now permanently blind in one eye after surgery to remove the bullet. Social Media Links Follow us…
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elektrohurt · 4 months
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lampioneditrieste · 5 months
1/12/23 - Festival "Così è germinato questo fiore" - Coro Giov. Toscano - Coro Gio. Reg. Friuli Venezia Giulia, - Coro Emil Komel - Duomo dei SS. Ilario e Taziano - Gorizia
Vi informiamo che venerdì 01/12/23, ore 20.45, vi sarà, nell’ambito del Festival “Così è germinato questo fiore”(1-2-3 dicembre’23), il seguente evento: 𝑪𝙤𝒔𝙞̀ 𝙚̀ 𝙜𝒆𝙧𝒎𝙞𝒏𝙖𝒕𝙤 𝙦𝒖𝙚𝒔𝙩𝒐 𝒇𝙞𝒐𝙧𝒆 𝘧𝑒𝘴𝑡𝘪𝑣𝘢𝑙 Un grande progetto della coralità italiana per la valorizzazione dei giovani talenti che mette insieme oltre 300 protagonisti tra cantori, direttori e compositori. Nei giorni 𝟭-𝟮-𝟯 𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗲 il Friuli…
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444namesplus · 6 months
Aabled Aade Aaded Aagalf Aak Aakey Aal Aan Aapet Aaport Aar Aarbant Aarint Aariël Aark Aastoe Aate Aative Ablated Able Ablieve Abs Acally Acony Acur Adom Adorse Adriete Adrovam Ady Aga Agre Aiscal Ald Alderia Aler Aleroug Aligant All Ally Almith Amative Amendy Amet Ametrio Ammine Amy Anake Anantal Ancious Ando Andy Ane Ang Anian Aniaphy Ank Annome Ano Anocray Ans Ansin Antaal Anted Anth Antic Antive Antje Antoary Apandes Aptible Arcaly Areting Aring Ark Arkino Arrow Arse Art Artic Arupt Ary Ascomy Assian Ast Astunch Ate Aud Aug Aurieng Bable Ban Bant Baran Bard Barga Bark Barkje Bas Basible Bastork Bated Batic Beadog Beart Bed Bel Beld Beran Bia Biabby Bicarm Bioul Bious Bir Bish Bite Ble Blemn Bleon Bles Blese Blespen Bletlet Blion Blumse Boal Bobek Bol Bolve Bong Bowlet Brizzly Bron Buff Bugh Bught Bul Bur Buric Cal Cale Calise Calth Cane Cang Capper Cary Cascan Cated Catious Cattrus Cervate Cha Chal Chale Chan Cher Chesse Chible Chime Chimel Chint Chog Chrit Classh Cle Clous Clugnox Coa Cob Cobje Cobse Code Colanis Colitic Colke Coll Colt Com Coman Con Cona Conal Coner Coneve Conful Coninee Cont Conthor Coose Coot Cordtak Corious Cormle Corn Cors Cort Corty Cory Coult Coursel Cous Cousive Cowas Cowl Cra Craable Cracous Cran Cre Cred Cresp Crot Crowl Crupon Crus Cud Cul Cultje Curbolt Cureal Curillo Curte Cury Cus Daafrot Daerat Damer Damus Dar Darbiss Darien Davight Daviou Deal Ded Dees Dele Deliek Delo Den Dens Dess Dete Deve Dew Diant Diante Dic Dica Dices Die Dieperm Dil Dilly Din Dious Dis Dish Disking Dist Docke Dol Doles Don Dorazy Dous Dow Dowl Dried Drier Drous Dul Dulane Dule Dulsid Dunk Dus Eadal Eadrit Eathine Eette Efaw Efowl Ele Elishad Ellis Elo Elt
Emarrog Eming Emins Emous Endale Ent Enve Envully Erful Ess Eve Excian Exious Exy Fail Faing Fant Fat Fative Feeafje Fene Fenje Ficenar Fick Fict Fid Fient Fieve Fina Finke Fir Fird Firdse Fireble Fired Firent Firieng Firy Fis Fiscal Fiss Fist Fisted Fistive Flad Flard Fleda Fling Floyal Flybus Flypse Fole Fonia Fonke Foo Foonat Foose For Fore Forn Fow Frachim Fraille Fraina Fre Frea Frect Fred Free Freer Freflee Frele Frik Fron Frow Frud Gal Gande Gart Gel Gelic Gen Genje Ger Gerk Gia Gian Gibitic Giciaas Gidowl Gieral Ging Give Glactle Gle Glexy Glish Gocer Goel Goent Golke Goonk Gootert Gootive Gor Gorogm Gra Grat Greld Grelish Grelly Grent Gres Gresous Gric Griekey Grog Guagus Guak Gue Guelp Guid Guidsh Guile Guingry Guitz Gusil Hadming Hairey Hal Haldere Hamet Har Harai Harses Hary Hatre Haud Hautef Hautse Haw Heal Hean Heardse Heark Hed Hee Heernes Heous Her Herenew Hes Het Hids Hight Homar Honk Honoi Hous Hum Humes Huncow Hundew Hysive Icaning Icork Ied Ien Ierne Ight Imand Iming Imone Impar Imple Impre Imse Inake Inantul Inar Inbo Inbray Inco Incrous Inded Indemu Indieke Indulve Ine Inegal Ineorna Iney Ing Ingbeke Inger Ingrie Innet Ino Inost Invidsh Ird Ireact Irrow Itemijk Itunke Jaades Jaaker Jaal Jaalia Jaan Jacara Jach Jagle Jane Japate Jass Jast Jastic Joal Joarie Joch Johanus Johark Johaud Jose Joself Josna Joste Kan Kanuse Kee Kia Kill Kin Kincat King Kingm Kne Knekent Kner Koentje Komel Kray Kraying Lacenin Lam Lamu Lar Leasped Lemined Let Lian Liblay Lied Lighted Lineke Lionek Liplark Lis Lish Lished Lishon List Litoiso Live Loacon Loe Logame Lono Lorn Lorp Lorty Lose Losious Lous Low Lowl Loyak Luelf Lug Luudus Mablue Mack Maded Madedo Maden Magazy Mage Magen Magent Magerp Mal Malded Man Mandic Mani Mar Maretic Mari Marik Marnus Marre Marroak Martive Mast Mat Mate Matheep Matic Mating Maxed Meacoon Mele Melego Ment Mentaly Mentive Mers Mespik Met Metful Midne Midyba Miebal Mina Ming Mint Minus Miret Miticia Moderve Modist Modna Molen Mon Monalog Mone Monete Mony Moo Moofly Mookal Mord Morm Mory Most Mouray Mous Moutth Mus Nach Nack Naitive Nalish Nally Nam Nammit Naptife Narmle
Ned Neet Nelic Nes Ney Niane Nicart Nious Nitchic Niël Nockbo Nockwid Norbus Noster Obart Obnont Obsea Obure Obvigh Offird Oper Opet Opha Ophar Opous Orly Orm Orneve Osectle Ous Pable Paive Pandic Pang Panise Pantje Pard Park Paslo Paspant Pastard Paste Pat Patiot Pear Ped Pedeang Pen Penise Penth Per Perawk Perik Perman Pers Petes Phal Phameet Phee Phy Pid Pighty Pik Pimard Pine Ping Pird Pirteng Piscoly Plar Plight Poing Pois Poke Pole Polishy Pombo Pon Pona Ponek Ponk Pontal Ponzo Por Pory Pous Praing Pran Pre Pree Pref Presp Prest Pri Prile Pring Prion Prions Proate Prog Prommie Pron Prose Protim Prus Pught Pul Pummic Pupid Purk Pus Quare Quel Quelle Quewd Rable Ran Rand Rane Rant Ras Ratifus Ratint Reaging Reart Reas Reater Recawk Redel Redic Reitte Rel Relhelf Relow Renesel Rente Rentive Rep Res Ress Ret Rey Rhic Ric Rieks Rieng Rildepe Rimple Rited Rizzly Roft Rom Ronke Rooma Roon Rost Rous Rowl Sad Sagiver Same Sanatte Sang Sangal Santed Sconist Scruud Scura Seat Sed Sedam Sen Seneks Senge Ser Serus Shal Shard Sharma Sher Shruin Shyps Sig Sil Siog Sisth Sive Ske Sle Slo Slows Slueble Slught Slus Sluuk Smin Smous Smée Snamble Sob Sold Soleer Somatty Soment Sop Sopones Sopuna Sorady Sory Sout Spaston Spelder Sper Spiele Spir Spon Spum Spus Squel Stal Starm Ster Sther Sticall Stijn Stin Stious Suak Suale Submi Sul Sumb Sumbas Sund Sunrar Sus Swar Swileck Sworow Synch Tak Tedem Tenim Tentje Ter Terape Term Thed Thent Thful Thiea Thiefle Thod Tibut Tic Tifier Tiful Tion Tive Tivenus Tocks Tof Toish Tompat Tomper Ton Tont Tonvull Top Tor Torgal Torm Tors Tort Trachte Tral Trarsed Tratic Tray Tret Triam Trider Triele Trient Tristed Troate Trow Truping Trusin Tug Tuouse Turcent Ture Turel Turos Uls Una Und Undee Une Unfiss Unflee Unful Ung Unger Unred Unree Unreser Unress Uns Unsina Unt Uzbel Uzzark Vable Vagine Vagjer Vak Vat Vee Ver Vie Vijs Vine Visia Vity Vul Waldran Walemal Walp Warian Wary Wha Whal Whar Wids Wied Wijn Wijs Wilded Wiles Wilis Winic Wole Womin Wor Workbow Wormat Wornoi Yal Yous
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futsal-blogat · 7 months
Stella Rossa tipp3 (Saisonvorschau 2023)
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Werbung
Statistik 2022/23
Tabelle ⌀ Tore pro Spiel ⌀ Gegentore pro Spiel Zuschauerschnitt Eingesetzte Spieler 2. 5,2 (4.) 4,7 (7.) 192 (4.) 28
Die Stärken
Insgesamt 28 Spieler fanden sich letzte Saison auf dem Spielbericht des österreichischen Rekordmeisters wieder – stolze 10 Spieler davon haben inzwischen auch das rot-weiß-rote Nationaltrikot übergezogen. Viele der Spieler tragen bereits seit mindestens 6 Jahren die Farben von Stella, stellen somit mehr als einen eingespielten Block und kennen sich schon von den Stella Juniors. Mit 5,2 erzielten Treffern pro Spiel konnte man sich nicht nur für das Halbfinale qualifizieren, im Semifinale gegen Ljuti und vor allem im Finale gegen Linz bewiesen die Mannen von Coach Ristovski, dass sie besonders dann abliefern können, wenn es um etwas geht.
Die Schwächen
Insgesamt 28 Spieler fanden sich letzte Saison auf dem Spielbericht des österreichischen Rekordmeisters wieder – darunter stolze 9 Tormänner. Auch wenn nicht alle zum Einsatz kamen, zeigte dies doch, dass trotz der Kadertiefe selten dieselbe Truppe auf dem Parkett stand. Das Hickhack rund um Teamtorhüter Sadilek, dem von seinem Fußballverein Stripfing die Futsal-Teilnahme verwehrt wurde, trug sicherlich dazu bei, dass man mit 4,7 Gegentoren pro Spiel defensiv große Schwächen aufwies. Im Vergleich: In der letzten Meistersaison 2014/15 kassierte die Mannschaft im Schnitt nur 2,3 Gegentore pro Spiel, also pro Partie um die Hälfte weniger.
Spieler im Fokus
Mit Martin Pajaczowski hat Stella eine weitere Offensivwaffe verpflichtet. Der wendige und technisch äußerst trickreiche Ala, von seinen Teamkollegen kurz „Paja“ gerufen, hätte ja bereits letzte Saison zur Mannschaft stoßen sollen - ein Fauxpas bei der Anmeldung verhinderte dies. So musste Paja letzte Spielzeit seine Torjägerqualitäten noch für Käfig League/Tango Vienna unter Beweis stellen – für die er in drei Saisonen bei einem Trefferschnitt von mehr als einem Tor pro Spiel herausragte.
Dass Futsal-Tausendsassa Aleksandar Ristovski neben seiner Cheftrainertätigkeit bei Stella Rossa und dem Co-Trainerposten im Nationalteam auch noch Teamchef der (inoffiziellen) Beachsoccer-Nationalmannschaft ist, beweist, dass der Mann über ein großartiges Zeitmanagement verfügt. Beim letzten Heimturnier ala Nationencup holte das Nationalteam standesgemäß den Titel. Mit von der Partie waren unter anderem auch die Futsaler Rajkovic, Vukovic und Flögel.
Bekommt Stella Rossa seine Defensivprobleme wieder in den Griff, ist man abermals ein ernsthafter Titelkandidat. Mit dem oben erwähnten Pajaczowksi und dem ebenfalls neu verpflichteten Komel Alizadeh hat man primär in weitere Offensivstärke investiert. Bekommt dazu Matthias Sadilek die Freigabe von seinem neuen Fußballverein Wiener Viktoria, muss Minimum das Halbfinale Ziel sein.
Vorläufiger Kader 2023/24
NEUZUGÄNGE:  Komel Alizadeh (Inter Vienna), Martin Pajaczowski (Inter Vienna) ABGÄNGE: Daniel Sudar (Wiener Neustadt SC), Muhammed Ali Keskin (Pharaohs FC), Abdel Shousha (Pharaohs FC), Miriton Kokollari (Tango Vienna), Anel Özdemir (AC Vienna)   Trainer: Aleksandar Ristovski Position Name Geburtsjahr Nat. L-spiele/T im Verein seit Letzter Verein BL-Spiele/T Tor GROIS Florian 1993 AUT 2021 AC Vienna 2020 9 / 0 Tor SADILEK Mathias 2000 AUT 4 / 0 2017 Stella Juniors 45 / 1 Tor TOMIC Aleksandar 1987 SRB 2021 FC Liberta Wien 82 / 1 Feld ALIZADEH Komel 1997 AFG 2023 Inter Futsal Club Vienna 45 / 48 Feld AMINPUR Hamid 1999 AFG 2022 - 8 / 6 Feld BELJAN Miroslav 1993 AUT 2019 - 27 / 10 Feld BICER Sinan 1992 AUT 22 / 5 2021 Fortuna Wiener Neustadt 125 / 95 Feld FLÖGEL Alec 2000 AUT 13 / 3 2017 Stella Juniors 53 / 36 Feld GAGER Manuel 2000 AUT 8 / 3 2017 Stella Juniors 58 / 31 Feld JOVANOVIC Milos 1997 SRB 2020 - 33 / 7 Feld KREKA Fatlum 1996 AUT 8 / 2 2020 - 31 / 14 Feld OSMAN ALI Abd El Rahman 1986 AUT 9 / 2 2010 - 68 / 48 Feld PAJACZKOWSKI Martin 1997 POL 2023 Inter Futsal Club Vienna 27 / 31 Feld RAJKOVIC David 1994 AUT 12 / 0 2015 Stella Juniors 82 / 66 Feld VOZENILEK Arthur 2001 AUT 5 / 1 2017 Stella Juniors 44 / 8 Feld VUKOVIC Andrej 2000 AUT 1 / 0 2020 - 35 / 26 Feld VUKOVIC Boris 1996 AUT 15 / 2 2017 - 55 / 56 Feld YAZICI Abdul 2004 AUT 2021 Stella Juniors 10 / 2 AFG = Afghanistan, AUT = Österreich, POL = Polen, SRB = Serbien
Starting 5
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artparks-sculpture · 1 year
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A sculpture titled 'Bitel II (I Wish) Gold Fish Stone Indoor sculpture)' by sculptor Damjan Komel. In a medium of Istrian stone, gold leaves and in an edition of 1/1.
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Vardah: *Cleaning one of her mom's guns*
Komel: *Sitting on the couch reading*
Gun: *Goes off and shoots into the ceiling*
Komel, now on the floor after the jump scare: This is why mom doesn't fucking love you!
Vardah: *Snickering*
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