#léo talks shit
trashlord-watson · 3 days
knuckle tat that says QUOI / FEUR
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pechefarm · 11 months
Buttercup Baby Ch 9
Pairing: Sam/Male OC
Author's note: Hey everyone! Buttercup Baby is OFFICIALLY BACK! YAY!
You can also read this chapter or start from the beginning on my ao3:
"Why is this my problem again?"
Léo cast his fishing rod once more into the lake, Sebastian hovering over his shoulder. In all honesty, Léo didn't want to talk to Sebastian at all. But as soon as Sebastian spotted him at the lake, he had snuffed out his cigarette and rushed over.
"I need help with Elfie and…well I know I don't deserve it," Sebastian said in a small voice, "But I don't know where to begin."
"You're right, you don't deserve it," Léo said bitterly. “Not only did you abandon her at the dance, you insulted her both to her face and behind her back. And I haven’t even touched on how you treated Shane.”
“I was an ass and I deserve whatever comes my way. But I really care about her and I want to make things right,” Sebastian said, and Léo looked over at him with raised brows. Sebastian wasn’t usually one to lay his feelings on the line like this. 
“Look,” Léo said, “You really messed it up this time. You really hurt her feelings. And she…” He trailed off slightly and shook his head.
“What?” Sebastian asked, sounding worried. “And she what?”
“It’s not for me to tell,” Léo said, and Sebastian made a sound of exasperation.
“But I told you, she’s not talking to me!”
This was true. Sebastian had frantically explained that she had sent him a message saying “delete my number” after he had tried to get into contact with her. Undeterred, he had tried to talk to her again, but she had threatened to block his number if he dared message her one more time.
“I can try and get her to talk to you,” Léo said after a few moments, “But I can’t promise she’ll want to give you another shot.”
“I don’t think she will,” Sebastian said mournfully. “You already said it, I really messed it up. But I can’t leave it like this.”
Léo sighed deeply. “Fine, I’ll--”
There was a sudden tug on the line, and Léo stopped talking, focusing on the fish instead. Sebastian watched him with interest, which was extremely distracting. He only just managed to catch the Smallmouth Bass, annoyed that Sebastian was watching his technique the whole time.
“You’ll call her then?” Sebastian said the moment Léo put the fish away in his bucket. Léo closed his eyes and breathed out harshly through his nose.
“Yeah, I will,” Léo said. Sebastian looked at Léo with a hopeful expression on his face.
“What, you mean now?” Léo said, nose wrinkling. Sebastian kicked at the ground, and Léo pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Fine,” he grumbled and pulled out his phone. “But I’m not putting it on speaker, you got it?”
Sebastian nodded, and Léo dialed Elfie’s number. Surprisingly, she answered on the second ring.
“Hey, Léo what’s up?” Elfie said, sounding chipper.
“You sound good,” Léo said, and Elfie laughed lightly.
“Well, I’ve been talking with a new friend, and it’s been going extremely well,” she said, and Léo could practically see the pleased smirk on her face.
“Is it who I think it is?” Léo asked, ignoring Sebastian’s confused look.
“It’s Shane,” Elfie said happily.
“Of course it is,” Léo said with a light laugh. 
“So what’s up?” Elfie said. “Did you just want to chat?”
“Uh actually…you’re gonna hate me,” Léo said, “But I have a favor to ask.”
“What do you need?” Elfie asked. “And why the hell would I hate you for asking?”
“Because I’m asking for you to talk to Sebastian.”
The line went silent, and Léo actually had to check his phone to make sure she hadn’t hung up on him.
“Why?” she finally asked, voice devoid of all emotion. 
“Because he’s annoying the shit out of me, and is practically begging me to get you to talk to him,” Léo said, causing Sebastian to look down at the ground in shame.
“I don’t want to talk to him,” Elfie said.
“Okay, well, I’m not going to make you,” Léo said, “But if you’re not going to talk to him, can I tell him what happened at the bus stop? You can’t hide this forever.”
“You can tell him, but I’m not talking to him. Got it?”
“Got it,” Léo said.
“Well if that’s it, I’m going to go now,” Elfie said. The two said goodbye, and Léo looked over at Sebastian.
“She said no,” Léo said, and Sebastian made the most pathetic sound Léo had ever heard.
“You didn’t even try!” Sebastian whined.
“I’m not going to force her to do something she doesn’t want to do!” Léo snapped. “She’s a grown ass woman and can make her own choices. And speaking of her own choices…look. She’s not going to come back to you,” Léo said.
“I know,” Sebastian said with a glare, “I’m not trying to get her to come back to me.”
“You kind of are though,” Léo said, “And don’t you dare pretend otherwise.”
“Well…I dunno, maybe after she forgave me,” Sebastian said, “But I would be friends with her again first.”
“Well it won’t happen,” Léo said.
“Why not?” Sebastian asked, looking annoyed.
“Because she’s interested in someone else.”
Sebastian blinked at him, clearly not having expected that to be the response.
“She…what?” he asked. Léo sighed and picked up his fish bucket.
“She likes someone else.”
“Who?” Sebastian asked, sounding shocked.
“Look, I need to deliver this fish. If you want to hear more, you’re gonna have to come with me.”
The two men began walking down the mountain trail toward town, and Léo noticed how panicked Sebastian seemed. This wasn’t going to go well. 
“She likes Shane,” Léo said. Sebastian made a choking sound from next to him, and Léo looked over. His friend looked like he was speed running the five stages of grief, eyes wide and mouth closed in a tight line.
“After the flower dance, he took her to the bus stop and they kissed,” Léo said, stopping in front of the Mullner household and knocking on the door.
“What the fuck?” Sebastian practically shouted.
“Oh goodness!” a small feminine voice said. Sebastian turned towards the door and saw Granny Evelyn standing there, a look of shock on her face.
“Oh, uh, sorry,” Sebastian said, cheeks pink. “I…I’m sorry.”
“It’s quite alright,” Granny Evelyn said, and looked up at Léo. “It’s good to see you Léo! Are you here with the fish?”
“I am!” Léo said cheerily. He handed over the fish, and Granny Evelyn counted out the precise amount of change she needed, handing it to him with a bright smile.
“This will go nicely in the leek soup I’m making. It’s one of George’s favorites.”
After she closed the door, Sebastian shoved his hands into his pockets and glowered at the ground.
“Did they really kiss?” he said in a surprisingly soft voice.
“Yeah,” Léo said. “Guess I could’ve been a bit gentler about it,” he said, “But I thought getting it over with it as quick as possible would be better.”
“I guess,” Sebastian said as they walked down the street.
“Actions have consequences,” Léo said. “You can’t just be a jerk and expect people to be okay with that. Think of this as a learning experience.”
Sebastian was quiet for a moment, mulling it over. “You’re right,” he finally said. “I think I’m gonna go home now.”
“Okay,” Léo said. “Things will turn out just fine, you know that right?”
Sebastian stopped walking and sighed. “I don’t,” he said, and picked up the pace. Léo watched him go, heart heavy. Hopefully he’d open up to Abigail and Sam about this. 
And speaking of Sam…shit! Léo realized that he had completely forgotten to bring his bag of necessities over to Sam’s house. After a quick triple check with Jodi, it had been decided that he would stay with them while he got his house renovated. He rushed back to the farm and began tossing clothes and other things he would need into his duffel bag. Jeez, how had this slipped his mind? 
He rushed down the street and was grateful that Jodi had also allowed him to bring Gordito with him. Léo had bought a cat back pack with a nice window on it that his precious little boy could look out of. Gordito was calm as Léo hurried to Sam’s, settling down into a perfect loaf.
When he arrived at Sam’s, he found the door unlocked. Without thinking about it, he waltzed right in, bumping into a very surprised Sam.
“Léo!” Sam said, eyes bright. “I was wondering when you would come over!”
“Nice shirt,” Léo said with a raised eyebrow. Sam looked down at his shirt which had the phrase “Pussy Wagon” written on it in bright red letters.
“Oh shit,” Sam said. “Vince was at Jas’ for a sleepover last night, so Mom let me wear whatever I wanted to bed last night. I gotta change before he gets back!”
“Did you just wake up?” Léo said, taking in Sam’s full appearance. Aside from the shirt, he was wearing joggers with a plaid print on them, and his hair didn’t have it’s signature all day hold gel in it.
“Uh…no?” Sam said tentatively as Léo put down the backpack and let Gordito out. Sam’s face brightened and he bent down to pet the orange cat.
“Change your shirt and then you can pet him,” Léo said. Sam stuck his lip out in a pout, frowning.
Wait what?
Léo shook the thought out of his mind as Sam walked back to his room. He emerged a few moments later with a new shirt on. It had a d20 on it, and said “Chaotic Stupid” on it.
“Accurate,” Léo said, and Sam stuck his tongue out. Gordito walked over to Sam and bumped his head against his leg, purring loudly.
“Aw, he likes me!” Sam said happily and bent down to pet him.
“He’s got good taste,” Léo said. Sam looked up at Léo, head cocked to the side.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re an awesome guy, and he can tell,” Léo said.
“Oh!” Sam said, cheeks slightly pink. “You’re pretty awesome too.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, showering Gordito in affection. After a few minutes, Sam stood up.
“Are you hungry at all?” he asked. “I haven’t eaten yet.”
“A little,” Léo said. “We should make brunch.”
“Brunch?” Sam said. “What time is it?”
“A little past 1,” Léo said.
“Whoops,” Sam said. “Guess I shouldn’t’ve stayed up so late last night.”
“What were you doing?” Léo asked as they made their way to the kitchen.
“I was writing a song,” Sam said. “I’m kinda stuck though. I kept writing and rewriting and…ugh. I hate everything I’ve written.”
“What’s the song about?” Léo asked. Sam cleared his throat as he opened the fridge.
“It’s uh, it’s a love song,” he said, staring into the fridge as though the food were the most interesting things he’d ever seen in his life. “Just having some trouble making it sound how I want it to.”
Léo considered him as Sam grabbed an egg from the fridge. 
“Want me to help you out with it?” he asked as Sam went to hand him the egg. At his words, Sam fumbled the egg and it fell to ground with a loud splat, breaking on the tile floor.
“Fuck!” Sam said loudly.
The two men turned and saw an irritated looking Jodi behind them.
“Your brother just got home, and I don’t want him to hear you saying—is that egg on the floor?”
“Oh, um…” Sam said, looking flustered.
“I have told you so many times to pay attention to what you’re doing!” Jodi scolded. “Plates, mugs, and now eggs…I need you to be more careful!”
Sam stared at the floor, and Léo suddenly felt a strange urge to protect his friend.
“He didn’t break it,” Léo found himself saying. “It was me. He handed me the egg and I dropped it. I’m sorry, I’ll clean it up right now.”
“Oh!” Jodi said, looking surprised. “Well, thank you for being honest.”
“I’ll clean it!” Sam said, clearly trying to keep the surprise out of his voice. “Léo you shouldn’t have to clean it up.”
“I dropped it,” Léo said, and Sam frowned.
“You’re the guest. I’ll clean it up.”
“Well look at you being responsible!” Jodi said happily. “As long as it gets cleaned up it’s fine. And Léo, it’s great to see you. When Vincent saw your beautiful cat and your bag in the living room, he got so excited! He’s dying to see you.”
Léo smiled. It would be good to see Vincent again. And maybe they could talk more about the discovery the kid had made at the flower dance.
“Go talk to him,” Sam said firmly. “I’ll be there in two seconds.”
“Okay,” Léo said, and followed Jodi into the living room. 
“Vincent, Léo’s here!” Jodi said cheerily.
The small boy—
Girl. Léo’s heart broke as Jodi began to talk to her daughter, still under the impression that this was Vincent, that this was her son. Léo honestly couldn’t believe that Cora had put so much faith in Léo, had told him something so personal, and was positive that Léo would keep it to himself. She had put so much trust in Léo, and he couldn’t help but feel honored.
Léo smiled at her and gave a tiny wave.
“Hey Vince,” he said, remembering the promise he had made with her. Nobody except Léo and Jas could know Cora’s new name.
“Léo!” she said happily, looking up from where she sat, Gordito curled up in her lap.
“It’s good to see you,” Léo said, sitting on the armchair closest to her. “How are you doing?”
“Great!” she said. “I was at Jas’ house. We talked a lot about some things,” Cora said, giving Léo a meaningful look. Léo gave her a tiny smile.
“I hope you had a good time,” he said, and she beamed at him.
“I had a great time!” Cora said. “And I’m really glad you’re here!”
“Sam has been talking about your arrival ever since you asked to stay,” Jodi said, taking a seat on the couch. 
“Has he?” Léo said, surprised.
“Oh yes,” Jodi said and laughed lightly. “You would think we were inviting Beyoncé over from how nervous and excited he’s been.”
“Sam never cleans,” Cora said, getting a loud laugh from Jodi, “But he’s been cleaning like crazy!”
“It’s true,” Jodi said, “I haven’t had to lift a finger! It’s been very nice.”
“That’s hilarious,” Léo said, shaking his head with a smile. “Why would he do that?”
Cora and Jodi exchanged a look with matching smiles. Léo frowned.
“What?” he asked, feeling out of the loop. There seemed to be an inside joke that he wasn’t privy to.
“You’re a very good…friend of Sam’s,” Jodi said, and Cora giggled. “He wants to make a good impression on you.”
“We’ve been friends for a while,” Léo said, confused. “He knows I think he’s great. Does he really think I wouldn’t be friends with him if there were some dishes out?”
“Not exactly,” Jodi said. “He--”
“It’s cleaned up!”
Jodi jumped slightly and turned to see Sam walking into the living room.
“As I was saying,” Jodi said, “I’m so glad that you’re here Léo. Sam dear, you two should set up Léo’s spot in your room.”
Léo blinked. That wasn’t what they had been talking about just now. 
“Yeah, good idea,” Sam said. Léo stood up and reached for his bag, but Sam was faster.
“I’ll carry it!” he said.
“You don’t need to carry my bag,” Léo said. “It’s not like it’s heavy.”
“You’re the guest,” Sam said. “I’m carrying it.”
Cora put her hand over her mouth, stifling a giggle, and Sam glared at her. What the hell was going on?
“Um. Okay. Thanks,” Léo said, and followed Sam to his room. The first thing he noticed was how nice it smelled. Then he noticed that his room was cleaner than he’d ever seen it before. It looked like his friend had vacuumed and dusted and—hold up, was his bed made?
“Wow you really went all out,” Léo said. 
“What do you mean?” Sam said, putting Léo’s bag down.
“It looks like a hotel room in here,” Léo said. 
“Oh, well, I didn’t want you to stay in a pigsty,” Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m gonna go get the blow up mattress and we can set that up.”
Léo sat on Sam’s bed, and felt slightly bad that he was wrinkling the carefully smoothed out comforter. Why was Sam going through all this effort? It didn’t make any sense!
“You’re a very good…friend of Sam’s…”
“Sam has been talking about your arrival ever since you asked to stay…”
“He wants to make a good impression on you…”
Wait hold on.
Was Jodi saying what Léo thought she was saying? Did she mean that Sam had feelings for him? But that couldn’t be right. Sam couldn’t possibly have a crush on him! They were just friends, good friends. Sam was just a friend…a friend who blushed when Léo took his shirt off when they were in the same room, a friend who casually brushed up against him, a friend who was going to ask him to dance at the flower dance…
Holy shit.
“I found it!” Sam said, entering the room. “Are you okay?”
Léo stared at Sam for a second, his brain having completely blue screened for a moment.
“Yeah!” he said loudly, clapping his hands together. “Let’s set this mattress up!”
“Sounds good,” Sam said. “Luckily we have a pump, so that’ll make things easier.”
“I think I would cry if I had to blow this thing up without a pump,” Léo said, and Sam nodded in agreement.
They attached the pump, but for some reason, the mattress wasn’t inflating.
“Damn it, what’s going on?” Sam said with a frown. Léo looked at the side of the mattress and immediately spotted the problem.
“Looks like there’s a hole in it,” he said, and Sam swore under his breath.
“I’ll take the couch,” Sam said, “And you can have my bed.”
“What?” Léo said with wide eyes. He frowned and shook his head. “It’s your bed, I’m not letting you sleep on the couch. I’ll take it.”
“No way!” Sam argued, crossing his arms. “My bed is way more comfortable than that damn couch. You deserve the best, so you’re taking my bed.”
“You take the bed,” Léo said firmly.
“I’ll take the bed for half the night and then we switch,” Sam countered.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch!”
“Hmm…I’ll take the bed for two hours and then I’ll take the couch.”
“What?” Léo said incredulously. “You can’t negotiate backward!”
“And yet here I am doing it. Is it working?” Sam said, eyes twinkling.
“Well,” Léo said, heart hammering in his chest, “There’s…there’s another choice.”
“I guess so,” Sam said thoughtfully. “I could take the floor.”
“What? No!” Léo said looking at Sam as though he had suggested sleeping on a pile of rocks. “We could share the bed.”
There was a long pause, and Sam’s mouth dropped open, gaping at Léo like a fish. 
He’d overstepped, hadn’t he? Sam would think he was weird and creepy. But if Léo was right and Sam liked him, maybe he’d agree? And wait…why was that idea making Léo’s insides flutter?
Could it be possible that…
But before Léo could finish his thought, Sam responded.
“I…well. I guess we could do that,” he said slowly. “If you’re sure. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“I’m fine with it if you are,” Léo said casually. “Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, you know?”
“Yeah, right,” Sam said, clearing his throat loudly. “Just. Doin’ what we have to do.” He plopped down on his bed with a worried expression and Léo gave him a small smile.
“There’s nothing to be nervous about,” he said, sitting down next to his friend. 
“I’m not nervous,” Sam said. “I’m just…God this is embarrassing…” He ran his hand through his hair, fluffing it up a little bit. Léo watched, transfixed as his friend’s bangs fell back into his face. Sam let out a loud breath and looked over at Léo.
“What’s up?” Léo asked. His heart was beating a mile a minute. Was Sam going to admit that…that…God, he couldn’t even let himself finish that thought. But what if…
“I’m a sleep cuddler,” Sam mumbled.
“That’s…that’s it?” Léo asked, frowning. “Why is that embarrassing?”
“Because everyone I know has said I fucking cling to them when I fall asleep and that it’s annoying. I don’t want to annoy you,” Sam said, and bit his bottom lip. 
Léo looked into Sam’s eyes, intentionally not looking at his mouth. “If you cuddle me or whatever at night, I’ll survive, I promise,” he said with a chuckle.
“Well if you say so,” Sam said. “You can’t take that back though! You’re not allowed to complain in the morning, got it?” he said, jabbing a finger in Léo’s direction.
“Cross my heart and hope--”
“—For pie! Stick a cupcake in my eye!” Sam finished. Léo blinked, and his golden haired friend laughed.
“Vince said you said ‘hope for pie’ at the flower dance, and he added on the second part,” Sam explained. “He’s always hated the ‘hope to die’ thing.”
“That’s cute,” Léo said. “You’re a really great brother.”
“You think?” Sam said. “I try, I really do. I wanna be there for him no matter what. I want him to feel safe with me.”
“I won’t tell anyone. Cross my heart and hope for pie.”
“ Even Sam?” 
“ Even Sam. Just us.”
Léo gulped. Cora would let Sam know when she was ready. And he knew that Sam would be supportive. Sam would be there for her. But how was he going to feel when he learned that she hadn’t gone to him right away? That he wasn’t even her second choice of who to tell?
“I’m sure he feels totally safe with you,” Léo said with a strained smile. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Thanks Buttercup,” Sam said.
“No problem Samico.”
The two gazed at each other for a moment, eyes locked with matching smiles on their faces. The trance was broken however when there was a knock on Sam’s door.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything!” Jodi said, and the two men looked over to see the fiery red head in the doorway.
“No it’s cool,” Sam said. “What’s up? Need help with something?”
“I was going to ask what you two are getting up to today,” Jodi said, leaning against the door frame, “I’m trying to decide what to make for dinner and want to make sure you’re home in time to eat while the food is still warm!”
“I still have a bit of work on the farm that I need to get done,” Léo said thoughtfully, “So I’ll probably finish that up and then I’ll head back here.”
“Need any help?” Sam asked cheerfully.
“If you really want to,” Léo said. “I need to set up my new beehives and then weed the flower garden.”
“Beehives?” Sam said, eyes lighting up. “You’re going to make your own honey?”
“Yep!” Léo said happily and then looked over at Jodi. “You guys can have as many jars as you want for free. You can have anything I have actually free of charge.”
“That’s sweet of you, but I couldn’t possibly allow that,” Jodi said, shaking her head. “You work so hard on that farm. It’d feel like stealing!”
“You guys have been so kind to me,” Léo said standing up. “Your family has really made me feel accepted here. Especially Sam,” he said, beaming at his friend. Sam looked to the side, a slight smile on his face.
“I want you to feel like you belong,” Sam said. “Because you do. You’re perfect here.”
“NOW KISS!” a small voice shouted out. Sam bypassed pink altogether and went a violent shade of red.
“Vincent what the heck?!” Sam said. Jodi laughed loudly as Cora held up two action figures, smashing their faces together and making loud kissing noises. Léo looked over at his frustrated friend, eyes moving down to his plush lips. What would it be like to kiss them? Léo felt his cheeks grow hot as this thought entered his mind.
“Alright Vince, leave the boys alone,” Jodi finally said. “You two make sure to be back by five, alright?”
“Are you going off to kiss?” Cora asked, and Sam smacked her upside the head as they exited the room.
“We’re building beehives you menace,” Sam said.
“Samson! Be nice to your brother!” Jodi said with a frown.
“Whatever,” Sam mumbled. “Let’s go Léo.”
The two made their way to the farm, chatting casually as they walked. Léo kept sneaking private looks at Sam as they walked, the gears turning in his head. Sam looked so good today. In fact, he looked amazing every day. So beautiful, so radiant. 
He couldn’t hide it anymore. Léo appreciated how Sam’s muscles looked as he lifted up pieces of wood to hammer in. How his tongue poked out of his mouth as he focused. Léo had it bad for this man, and he couldn’t pretend otherwise. His beautiful brown eyes with gorgeous flecks of gold, his blond hair that fell into his eyes without the gel, and the mullet that somehow worked on him.
As Léo thought about this, a sudden realization came crashing down onto him. He was still in love with Henri. Sure he liked Sam, but the love he still felt for Henri was different. Logically, Léo knew that getting back together with Henri would be a terrible idea. That French bastard had never treated him well, and their breakup had been so painful. But remembering the way Henri would look at him when he whispered that he loved him. The way he gasped out Léo’s name during their most private of moments…the memories hit him hard, and he wasn’t sure he could just throw all that way. 
But Henri had thrown him away like an empty coffee cup that had served a purpose and now was done. He didn’t need Léo anymore. But God did Léo need him. He could practically hear Elfie lecturing him about Henri being a no good jerk and how he needed to move on. And as he watched Sam laugh when he fell backwards trying to pull a particularly stubborn weed, he wondered if maybe she was right.
They quickly cleaned up and walked back to Sam’s house, talking about what they were hoping would be made for dinner. As usual, Sam was hoping for fish casserole. 
“I’m sure whatever she makes will be great,” Léo said. “She’s a really great cook.”
“She is, isn’t she?” Sam said happily. “Sometimes I wonder if I should ask her for lessons. Someday I’m going to move out and I’ll need to make food for myself,” Sam said. “And she’s always saying that food is the way to anyone’s heart, so I should learn to cook for others as well.”
“Well she’s right about that,” Léo said as they approached the door. “The best date I ever went on was just cooking with a guy in his kitchen.”
“The best eh?” Sam said. “So it went well?”
“Got the best head of my life that night, so I’d say it went well yeah,” Léo said as Sam choked on air. Léo shook his head. “You’re a prude, you know that?”
“I’m not!” Sam said. “You just made you imagine it and it was strange!”
“Hey you’re the one thinking about it,” Léo said as Sam unlocked the door. “Hope I look good in your mind.”
“Shut up,” Sam said, but there was no bite in his tone.
Dinner turned out to be Sam’s favorite, and Léo found himself enjoying it immensely. Anything she made, no matter how strange it sounded, was always incredible. After finishing up, he and Sam bade Cora and Jodi goodnight and went to Sam’s room.
“I’ll change in the bathroom,” Sam said quickly, and rushed off with his pajamas. Léo found himself both grateful for this and slightly disappointed. The two changed quickly, and soon found themselves staring at the bed in awkward silence.
“So…” Sam said slowly. “What side do you want?”
“Where do you usually sleep?” Léo asked.
“Well, usually right next to the wall,” Sam said. “But if you want to sleep there that’s fine.”
“No you go for it,” Léo said. “I don’t really care honestly.”
Sam nodded, and the two slipped into bed. 
“Should I put a pillow in between us?” Sam asked, turning over on his side.
“Why?” Léo asked confused.
“The cuddling thing,” Sam said. Even though it was dark in the room, Léo was positive his friend was blushing.
“Don’t worry about it. If you cuddle me it’s not a big deal, okay?” Léo said, even though he felt otherwise. It would be a big deal, but in the best way possible. Imagining Sam with an arm draped around him, pressed up against his back…fuck was that a good thought.
“If you say so,” Sam said nervously. 
Léo found it hard to sleep, but Sam drifted off quickly. The sound of Sam’s slow deep breathing was calming, and Léo found his eyes slowly shutting. But just as he found himself slipping into sleep, he felt an arm and a leg around him.
Suddenly wide awake, Léo gulped. Sam hadn’t lied about being a cuddler. His friend was pressed up against him, head in the crook of Léo’s neck.
Not even thinking about it, Léo slowly turned onto his side so that he was facing his friend. Sam’s eyes fluttered slightly and Léo froze. Sam didn’t wake and Léo let out a sigh of relief. He was going to do something that he hoped to God Sam wouldn’t find out about. He scooted closer to Sam until the two were practically chest to chest. Léo wrapped an arm around his friend.
“Good night Sam,” Léo murmured, closing his eyes. Sam let out a sleepy hum, and the two fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms.
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marmorafarms · 1 year
Three's Not A Crowd: Sam x Cis Male OC
Hey hey hey! Here's a smutty new fic with Sam, my OC Léo, and @heavenlife's OC Piper!
Pairing: Sam x Cis Male Farmer (Stardew Valley)
Rating: E for Explicit
Summary: Farmer Léo find himself falling for the loveable Sam. Turns out Sam is dating Piper, the local farmer! Luckily, Piper is down to share her man.
Content: rimming, handjobs
Word Count: 2,615
18+ ONLY!!!
So fucking stupid.
Léo wanted to scream as he walked down the dirt path that lead to his house. He was such an idiot. And he was about to be in a shit load of trouble if he didn’t think fast. Upon entering his house, Léo grabbed his workout duffel bag and emptied it unceremoniously onto the floor before turning it into an overnight bag. A change of clothes, some toiletries, and a few other essentials were tossed in.
He collapsed onto his couch after the bag was packed and picked up his phone. Dialing quickly, he put his phone up to his ear.
“Hey, Emma? Yeah…some serious shit just went down over here. I…can I come down to Zuzu for the night? I think Miss Lowe is going to fucking fire me,” Léo said to his friend. A few quick words were exchanged, and the tired farmhand was officially going to the big city to escape his small town problems.
He had really messed it up this time.
There was a guy in town, you see. A hot punk skateboarder whose blonde dye job was slightly grown out. He was the human embodiment of sunshine and agh, Léo had fallen head over heels for him. It seemed, however, that Léo was the only one in all of Pelican Town who hadn’t gotten the memo that Sam was dating the local farmer Piper. Piper as in, Piper Lowe. As in Miss Lowe. As in his goddamn boss. And he had just kissed his boss’ boyfriend!
Léo knew that she was going to be pissed with him. She had hired him recently to help take care of the animals. He had been raised on a ranch, and when he saw an ad looking for help with farm animals, Léo had jumped at the chance. His life in Zuzu city had been going nowhere, and living in a small town sound perfect. Miss Lowe was the perfect boss. Er, Piper was the perfect boss. The poor woman had been trying to get it through Léo’s skull that he should just use her first name and not her last.
“I’m 26,” she said, rolling her rose colored eyes. She always had those pink contacts in, which had been slightly unnerving at first. Honestly, it added to the idea that perhaps Léo should be calling her by a more casual title. “Calling me Miss Lowe…it either makes me sound like some old hag or like a dominatrix.”
His honey brown eyes fluttered shut and he sighed dramatically. Honestly, he should probably just leave. But that would mean talking to Piper about what happened. Whatever, it was going to happen anyway, and he’d rather quit on his own terms rather than be fired.
buzz buzz
buzz buzz
buzz buzz
Léo cracked his eyes open and looked at his phone. Someone had just sent him three texts. He opened the first one. 
hey potato chip~
Oh shit. 
Piper’s nickname for him was potato chip. It had been ever since he had his first interview with her.
“Wait, it’s not lee-oh? It’s lay-oh?” Piper had said during their interview. “Lay…like Lay’s Chips! You’re a potato chip!”
Léo had just blinked at her, and she had giggled, immediately proclaiming that he was hired.
And now she was texting him? After…after…
Sammy told me what happened. I’m not mad! I promise!
Cross my heart and hope for pie, stick a cupcake in my eye!
Léo stared at her silly version of “cross my heart,” head spinning. She wasn’t mad? No…that wasn’t possible. How could she not be? He had practically crawled into Sam’s lap and kissed him. And the worst part was…
Sam had kissed back.
Léo was pretty sure Sam would leave that out, but it was fine. It hadn’t been true reciprocation. When Léo’s lips pressed against Sam’s, the blonde boy’s lips had moved too, returning the pressure. Of course, Sam had come to his senses, and shoved Léo off.
“Sorry man I’ve got a girl,” Sam had said, looking anywhere but him. “I mean, I’m flattered but I’m dating Piper and–”
“Oh,” Léo had said, getting up quickly. “Sorry. I…sorry,” And with that he had practically ran away back to his house near the barn, horrified at what had just transpired. 
Léo sighed and tapped out a response.
You should be
Léo jumped at the sudden banging on his front door.
It was Piper.
The knock that came next was a little bit lighter. It was short and cheerful. Léo squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe if he stayed super super still, closed his eyes, and pretended not to exist, Piper would go away.
No such luck.
“C’mon potato chip, open up!” Piper whined. “I saw your super emo message saying that I should be mad at you. Come on, let’s just talk!”
“I can hear you Miss Lowe, and I really just want to be alone!” Léo shouted, loud enough for her to hear. He winced as he heard the unmistakable sound of a boot slamming against his front door.
“Don’t Miss Lowe me, Mister Calavera-Cienfuegos,” she snapped. “It’s Piper! P-I-P-E-R! And you’d better open up this door before I kick it in!”
Léo groaned and got up. If she kicked it in now, that would be 4th time two weeks she had done so. And each time, he had to fix it because he was the root cause. Sure he was planning on leaving, but he wasn’t going to leave the door hanging from its hinges.
Trying not to heave a sigh and drag his feet like a dramatic teen, Léo made his way over to the door. He slowly opened it, revealing a short angry blond woman, pink eyes narrowed. Her hair had been expertly styled in two intentionally messy pig tails, and her baggy pink sweater and black miniskirt were neat as a pin. She had either changed out of her farming clothes or she hadn’t done anything at all.
It was probably the latter. Léo did the majority of the work on the farm, but she paid him handsomely so he didn’t really mind. Piper just wasn’t cut out for farm work, and from what Léo understood, had been tossed into this position to “continue on the family legacy” or some bullshit like that.
“I’m coming in,” she said, and pushed past Léo before he could say a word. He let out a frustrated huff, and closed the door a little harder than normal. Piper turned around, but before she could speak, Léo interrupted.
“Look, I…I’m sorry. About kissing Sam. I’m glad you two are together, really. He’s great, you’re great. I just think that I…look, I know this guy name Ricky. He works on my Dad’s ranch, and I think he’d be a perfect fit here on–”
“Léo wait, hold on,” Piper said, furrowing her brow. “That sounds like “I’m about to leave you forever” kind of talk. Saying that another person would be a perfect fit. You know I can’t afford two farmhands. Why would you leave?”
“Because of what just happened!” Léo said, exasperated.
"I said it was okay though! I don't care that you kissed him, I'm not mad!" Piper said, her jewel tone eyes pleading with Léo. He sighed and shook his head. 
"Piper, I...look, I need to leave. This is my two weeks, okay? I'm going back to the city. I can't do this. I know it's selfish and I'm sorry. I just can't be around Sam. Not when..." Léo sighed. "You'll find someone better than me." 
"WAIT!" Piper shouted as Léo swung his duffel bag over his shoulder. "Would you stay if I said I would share?" 
"What?" Léo asked, frowning.
"Sam. I could share him with you! Only when I'm there though, but like...still. I could share! Would you stay then?"
“Share?” Léo said, eyebrows shooting up. “What does that mean?”
“I think you damn well know,” Piper said. “Look…it’s not like Sam doesn’t want it. When he told me what happened he was freaking out. Freaking out because he liked it.”
Léo blinked. “What?” he asked, not sure he had heard right.
“Sam liked you kissing him. He felt like the thoughts he was having while you kissed him were unfaithful, especially because he kept thinking about how good the kiss had been after you left. So…sharing him might be fun, you know?” Piper said, a glint in her eye. “But only if I’m there.”
“Piper I don’t want to see you naked,” Léo said bluntly, and Piper laughed.
“Why, because I’m your boss?” she teased.
“No. I mean yeah, but mostly because I don’t have a heterosexual bone in my body and—do not make that face!” he said, glaring at Piper.
“Oh come on, using the word “bone” is just asking for a dick joke to be made,” Piper pouted. “Look, I asked Sam if he’d want to mess around with you if I was cool with it. He said yes. So…if you’re down for a no strings attached type situation with Sam…”
Léo bit his lip. Was he? He had an actual crush on Sam. Before the kiss, he had wanted to date Sam, not just get into his pants. Would he be okay with a friends with benefits situation?
Fuck it.
“I think…I think I could do that,” Léo said, and Piper clapped her hands in excitement.
“Yay!” she cheered. “You’re staying!”
“Are you using Sam’s body to get me to not leave you on the farm by yourself?” Léo teased.
“Uh…no?” Piper said in a questioning tone, but they both knew she was lying. Mostly.
The rest of the day flew by, and before he knew it, Léo was in the main farmhouse, Sam’s fingers running over his abs.
“Shit,” Sam swore, hands finding Léo’s chest, squeezing his defined pecs. His naturally sunkissed skin contrasted beautifully with the ivory tone of Sam’s hands, the two men looking beautiful together.
“Yeah, yeah, Léo’s hot,” Piper said, lounging on the other side of the bed. She had convinced Léo to let her take her clothes off after mentioning that it would be weird if she was only one clothed. Currently, she had on pink silk panties and a cute lacey pink bralette. She had offhandedly joked that even if Léo was into girls, he wouldn’t be attracted to her tits considering their size.
Sam had set her straight.
Léo had busied himself with stripping to his boxers, angled away from them as Sam lavished her breasts in love and attention, making sure Piper knew how beautiful she was.
“They’re perfect,” he had said. “Fit so well in my hand, love ‘em. Wouldn’t trade ‘em for anything.”
Once that was finished, Sam peeked over at Léo. His jaw dropped, and Piper snickered.
“With those muscles, he’s at least a c-cup,” Piper had teased. “You sure you still prefer these double a’s?” 
Sam hadn’t said anything, just reached out and squeezed. In fact, he was still giving those pecs attention, thumb rubbing over a nipple. Léo jerked, and let out a strangled sound, and Sam looked at him, green eyes wide.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you an idiot?” Piper said. “That’s a turned-on sound.”
“Could the peanut gallery please shut up?” Sam grumbled, and Léo laughed. 
“You can kiss him, you know,” Piper said to Sam. He glared at her. 
“Shutting up!” she said, making a motion over her mouth as though she was zipping it shut.
“She has a point,” Léo murmured, and Sam gulped. He leaned forward and gave Léo a swift kiss, bumping noses slightly. It wasn’t sexy at all, but somehow it still was. Léo pulled Sam back in for a real kiss this time, and he felt more than heard Sam moan into his mouth. Their soft, unsure kisses soon turned heated, and Léo made quick work of taking Sam’s shirt off.
“You look pretty good yourself,” Léo said in a rumbling tone. Sam flushed, and Léo pushed him back down against the bed, rougher than intended. A pleased sound came from over where Piper was, and Léo couldn’t help but feel excited that she was enjoying the show. He might not be attracted to her, but he found himself wanting her to like what she saw.
Léo settled in between Sam’s legs, smiling at the large tent in the blonde man’s jeans. He went to unzip Sam’s pants, paused, and then looked up.
“Watch me,” he said in a deep voice, layered in honey. Sam let out a needy whine as the two locked eyes.
“Holy fuck,” Sam said, eyes wide, as Léo undid his button and then pulled down his zipper with his teeth. The two worked together to shed Sam of the rest of his clothes, and Léo returned to his spot. He knew that Sam was expecting him to get straight to the point, but he had other ideas.
Léo lavished Sam’s inner thighs with kisses and gentle bites. Soon he was sucking dark hickies onto Sam’s pale flesh, purple marks littering his delicate skin.
“C’mon Léo…” Sam panted. His cock was flushed and dripping. Léo’s mouth was practically watering, but he wasn’t done yet.
“Hands and knees,” he instructed, and Sam looked terrified. Léo rolled his eyes.
“I’m not fucking you dry, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he said. “Actually, I’m not fucking you at all.”
Sam looked confused, but did as he was requested. “What are you ahhhhh…”
Léo had spread Sam’s cheeks and licked a long stripe along his sensitive flesh. His tongue circled the area, and Sam’s whole body began to shake. His cries bounced off the walls of the room, and soon he was wailing in pleasure. Léo’s tongue moved faster, but he paused for a moment to spit in his hand before continuing. 
Léo’s hand moved quickly to Sam’s cock, and he began to stroke hard and fast. 
“Don’t stop!” Sam begged, and he sounded like he was on the brink of tears. Like he was going to stop. An earthquake could start right this moment, and Léo would keep on going. 
A sound of pure ecstasy ripped from Sam’s throat as he came into Léo’s hand. Léo worked Sam through his orgasm, and was surprised to hear a loud gasp from next to them. He lifted his face and looked over. 
“Had…had some fun yourself?” Sam panted, following Léo’s gaze to Piper. Her hands were in her soaked panties, and she had clearly just came.
“So hot,” she whispered. “God that was so fucking hot…Let me see what you can do for him Sammy. Please?”
Sam nodded, and crawled over to Léo. He kissed and licked at the brunette’s neck, littering his collarbone and shoulders with beautiful marks as he worked Léo’s cock with his hand. It wasn’t long before Léo was seeing stars, cum coating Sam’s hand.
Curiously, Sam raised his hand and licked it. And then he kept licking it.
“You didn’t tell me your man is a cumslut,” Léo said in surprise.
“I didn’t know,” Piper said, eyebrows raised. “But I want to know more. You know what that means, right potato chip?”
“It means I’m coming over again,” Léo said.
“Oh fuck yeah,” Sam said, and the three of them grinned.
“Give your girl some attention, yeah?” Léo said. “I need to wash up.” 
Sam nodded, and Léo left for the bathroom. All doubts that he had previously had were banished from his mind. This was going to be a lot of fun.
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Pastrami on rye with a sour pickle !
Intro post
Here are my analysis posts regarding Newsies uk !
About me :
~ You can call me : Léo, Ely, Leandro, Nyx (if approved) or any nickname you want to think of !
~ He/him
~ Writer ! as in I write when I have enough time and self confidence, but if you ever want to send in any request or just talk about writing stuff I am always interested !
• About this blog :
~ mostly Newsies
~ likely many other musicals, including Heathers, Moulin Rouge and Hamilton (I also talk a lot about Les Mis but not on this blog)
~ recurring hyperfixations you might also see here : Percy jackson, Lord of the rings, Shakespeare, Julie and the phantoms.
~ elected local Tommy boy and Henry expert by popular vote (10 persons voted. On the other hand, no one else applied)
~ My asks and dms are always open ! (and anon is always on for the asks)
• Specific tags :
~ #leo's shit is for me ranting about my life
~ #leo's asks is... for the asks
~ #leo writes is my fic / general writing tag
~ #leo's queue is for queued posts
~ #leo's newsies analysis is for my thoughts on newsies uk
~ if you need me to tag any of my posts as sensitive i'll do it, I tag what seems obvious to me but never feel embarrassed for asking me to tag anything I didn't, if it makes you uncomfortable I will tag it no questions asked
• Other social media :
~ Les mis blog
~ Ao3
~ if we're mutuals you can ask for my discord or insta
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plantwithoutplot · 1 year
15 Questions OC Edition
Thank you for tagging me, @j-1173 ! (*´ ˘ `*)♥
Imma direct all the questions at my OC Léo Alzavola from my novel Eterna Storia, because he is one of my favs and has always been in all of my readers' Top 5 lol
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‌Are you named after anyone?
Léo: Not that I know of? I did take my father's last name, Alzavola, when I was officially adopted in the family, though.
‌When was the last time you cried?
Léo: Today at lunch ― the guy queueing before me at the cafeteria got thr very last slice of pizza. . .  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 
‌Do you have kids?
Léo: Oh God NO I'M 16―
Léo: Unless you count that one draft of the story where I'm supposed to accidentally have two kids when I'm 21~23. Love them, two daughters, much smarter than me, too! And I'm glad their mom and I get along even though we didn't stay together. We both think that spending equal time with them and kreping them happy is what matters most 🩷
‌Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Léo: Me? I would never― _(┐「ε:)_
‌What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Léo: Their Souls? Ahah... It's my superpower, gotta use it sometimes, okay? And at least I always know who is a decent person and who's an asshole you shouldn't ever talk to.
‌What’s your eye color?
Léo: Brown!
‌Scary movies or happy endings?
‌Any special talents?
Léo: I've been told I'm ✨ e x c e l l e n t✨ at fucking the simplest shit up!
‌Where were you born?
Léo: I, uh... I don't...? Oh cavolo―... Mh, okay, okay, so. Long story short is that I was adopted when I was 7 years old. I don't... Remember much. From before. Nothing useful, at least. And we don't have any official document confirming my parents' identity or name so... I really don't know?... Can we move on, now? Please?
‌What are your hobbies?
Léo: I play the trumpet! It started out as a distraction to play during local summer festivals, since my sister is a Gardian and she brings her Manades along with her around the region, for local games like Abrivados or Taureau-Piscine. I... No. No, I won't explain. It is very weird and traditional events and you can't really do it justice by translating it. Traduttore, Traditore, y'know? But I guess you could also count horse riding as a hobby, since my sistrr taught me so that I can help her around with the bulls?
‌Do you have any pets?
Léo: Unfortunately, no... Would have loved to have a dog, though!
‌What sports do you play/have played?
Léo: I never really was one for sports outside of school... I like to hang around with friends and chill and play, but I never focused on just one sport. I do enjoy horse riding, though!
‌How tall are you?
Léo: Uuuuh... Right now? I'm 16 and only 176cm tall right now, but according to my doctor, I'm still gonna grow some more! ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)و🩵
‌Favorite subject in school?
Léo: Lunch? ... Okay then, uh... Italian. Since I grew up learning it from my Dad's side of the family, classes are easy to follow! And I like it better than Spanish... Sorry Mom―
‌Dream job?
Léo: Anything near to a nice 9-to-5 where I get to have a routine and a perfectly normal, boring life!! That's really, really, all that I wish for!
Tagging the amazing @whymustmyfavalwaysdie and @newbieineverything and whoever wanna play ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ✨
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umiwomitai · 5 years
our oral japanese teacher this semester is absolutely wonderful and i feel like he deserves the praising. bc so far our oral classes have been pretty shitty, him actually giving a fuck about the class feels so nice?? like he’s only been learning french since september and he’s a linguistic major so he actually understands how much we struggle. he’s put a lot of thought into the class material, what we do for test, and frequently asks us what we’re struggling with the most. and then he explains to us as well as he can, individually, what was good and less good about what we’ve done and he’s so understanding and like, a genuinely good teacher?? he cares about the content and he cares about us and he’s constantly encouraging us to speak more even though we make mistakes on every two words. that’s just so sad it’s our last semester bc he’s really making me feel much better about learning japanese. i’m just so grateful.
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celinedupont · 2 years
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( ~ rough translation of her bio is “sorry I liked your post from 2018 it was an accident and also I'm insane” but it’s from google translate bc while i am learning french i’m shit at it ) 
note: this is a mix of the first task with a couple additional sections for introduction sake !!
                                         CÉLINE DU PONT 
                                            ( click for spotify playlist )
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age, d.o.b, & zodiac: 27, september 12th, 1994 & virgo
gender & pronouns: cisfemale, she/her
sexual & romantic identity: pansexual & panromantic, feminine-leaning
birthplace: cannes, france
arrondissement: belleville, 20th
occupation: server at girafe resturant
degree & schooling: art history bachelors degree from cambridge
returned to france: four years ago
goals & desires: her biggest wish at the moment is to get into a field around her major, ideally a conservator. she also aches for close friends as since she’s moved back to paris ( in an entirely different city ) her circle has been small as she focuses on work and taking care of herself and her dog ( an australian shepard named sablonneuse ( sandy ) or simply sable ( sand ) )
fears: the usual adult things like failure, financial collapse, car problems — also abandonment, the fear of loneliness, and snakes. can’t forget snakes.
hobbies: painting, drawing, writing — she’s a very creative spirit. she also enjoys taking sable on hikes and likes rock climbing, swimming, running, biking, and other physical activities.
likes: art museums, coffee shops, dog parks, cigarette smoke, sweets and desserts, beaches, honesty with a sugar coating, street musicians, books, white wine, the smell of espresso, long deep conversations, the feel of freshly cut grass
dislikes: deceit, staying home too long ( prone to stir craziness ), incompetence, disrespect, slow-walkers on busy streets, distasteful jokes, over-directness, a lack of eye contact, chewing or talking with a full mouth
hogwarts house: slytherin
parents:  léo du pont ( not present ), amélie toussaint ( deceased )
siblings: n/a
pets: australian shepard named sable
friends from her childhood: anyone originally from cannes can fit this connection! they don’t have to be friends either they can be past lovers, enemies, whatever fits! she was in cannes from birth to eighteen
regular customers
fellow art buffs
fwb, close friends who also sleep together. i imagine this connection with a lot of smiles and laughing, teasing and shit-talking. wholesome without the romance... potentially yet
a crush for céline, this one is very likely a female, it doesn’t have to be requited and the character doesn’t have to be attracted to women ( which céline would respect but she’d still moon-eyes over them )
close friends, they go out for coffee together, watch movies, go on walks, visit museums and overall explore
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juvinile · 3 years
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* LÉO  DAUDIN ,  CIS MALE  +  HE / HIM  |   you  know  XAVIER  HUGHES ,  right ?  they’re  TWENTY - FOUR ,  and  they’ve  lived  in  irving  for ,  like ,  THEIR  WHOLE  LIFE ?  well ,  their  spotify  wrapped  says  they  listened  to  SAY  SAY  BY  YOUNGBLOOD  HAWKE  like ,  a  million  times  this  year ,  which  makes  sense  ‘cause  they’ve  got  that  whole  TRIPPING  OVER  LACES  YOU  KNOW  YOU  REMEMBERED  TO  TIE ,  THE  DULL  VACUUM  OF  GETTING  THE  WIND  KNOCKED  OUT  OF  YOU ,  SQUEEZING  CONSTELLATIONS  TOGETHER  TO  MAP  OUT  YOUR  FEATURES  thing  going  on .  i  just  checked  and  their  birthday  is  APRIL  30TH ,  so  they’re  a  TAURUS ,  which  is  unsurprising ,  all  things  considered .
TW  INCLUDE  anxiety tw, bullying tw, panic attack tw.
tripping over laces you know you remembered to tie, the dull vacuum of getting the wind knocked out of you, squeezing constellations together to map out your features, chewing teeth and regret, sharp tongued anxiety like flames at your heels, bearing crushing disappointment with hard taught posture, shoving fists into your pockets, empty trophy cases collecting dust, a hazy fog of shame, reusing beer cans for whiskey, telescopes that see into the future, planets with more rings than people.
patrick verona (10 things i hate about you), somehow both yuri’s (yuri on ice), jackson whittemore (teen wolf), tybalt (romeo and juliet), llewyn davis (inside llewyn davis), luther (umbrella academy. this one hurts to admit bt theres some parallels there. don’t execute me), haymitch abernathy (the hunger games), the premise of being an antihero, the trope of a bully that stops bullying ppl, scary looking dog that lives next door (my apartment)
full name :  xavier donovan hughes
age / dob :  twenty four / april 30th
gender :  cis male
pronouns :  he / him
faceclaim :  léo daudin
orientation :  pansexual
residence :  orion avenue / delphinus heights
occupation :  zoinkies employee
pinterest :  HERE !
they weren’t always irving natives, but no one can seem to recall when the hughes moved in to the big house at the end of the cul-de-sac on orion avenue. there’s probably a rational explanation for this but no one really bothers to find out. what a fun little moment of foreshadowing for xavier’s life. 
xavier was born in irving some time after the mysterious arrival of his parents. an only child, he would be the sole inheritor of the family estate (something they always told him and he was always like lmao what the fuck are u talking about). there’s probably a second home somewhere, maybe two or three, xavier assumes. makes sense because his parents were and are literally never home.
when they were home they were putting pressure on him to live up to some expectation that he wasn’t confident he could ever reach. he played like 5 different sports as a kid and was really good at most of them, but roadblocks would start to get in the way of that later.
he was also a really smart child but left to his own devices too much. grew up too fast and too slow simultaneously. he had a strict curfew, strict diet, manners classes, everything to prepare him for. what? 
xavier was a really smart child, blessed with private tutors and language coaches, a revolving door of adults to latch onto when his parents weren’t around. none of them permanent, and mastery of everything he did was always expected. 
in high school his parents refined their hopes for him. a soccer scholarship, xavier’s least favorite sport but the one with the most promise, the most room for growth and potential to make good on the hughes family name. he was instructed to quit everything else, even told to fall back in school if it was necessary. he repeated a grade. everything was harder then.
truthfully he’s really good a soccer, but he gets horrible anxiety before every match. it wasn’t along before that anxiety started spreading to. basically everything he did. 
lashed out at most people because he didn’t want to appear weak. was not a nice person in high school at all. had more enemies than friends and the friends he did have weren’t the most well liked people around, didn’t have the best reputations. didn’t want anyone to know how anxious he was so he forced himself out of his shell so much it hurt. 
his girlfriend cheated on him senior year with a guy he was unwilling to admit he kind of loved himself. it was the final straw that broke the camel’s back. he’d gotten a scholarship to a small in state school for soccer already and he played a season, literally did so bad. couldn’t even go to class because he was doing so bad. he got a second season chance to redeem himself and kind of shit the bed with that one too. lost his scholarship and his parents made him come home.
now that he’s back he does pretty much whatever he wants, and his parents pretend not to care (they’re never around to notice anyway) as long as he works a steady job. he’s officially really stuck in life with no backup plan for his future. all he knows right now is that he regrets the way he treated. pretty much everyone.
but forgiveness is never easy.
extroverted. introspective. intelligent, philosophizing about the greater meaning of things. anxious, buried under a lot of deflective techniques. relatively keeps to himself. overworked and put out, most of the time, it seems. big fan of bottling things up and collecting these feelings on his shelf. good at small goals, horrible at the big picture stuff. not organized. defensive of and loyal to a close circle. regretful. slothful, lately. passionate, mostly about outer space and pole vaulting. soccer hater. 
people he bullied in school that still hate him and look at him weird when he crosses the street.
someone he was a dick to in school who he’s always fighting with now.
ex soccer team members ... ex track team members .. maybe one of them saw him have a panic attack before a match. keep it a secret between themselves.
people who crash at his house when his parents aren’t home (which is always)
people who think his family is involved in shady illegal shit (they could be, xavier doesn’t know what they’re always doing)
coworkers at zoinkies? he’s notoriously bad at his job because he literally doesn’t try at all but somehow doesnt get fired. pretty privilege probably
people who want to see the good in him idk soft 
hook ups he probably has a few but hes emotionally unavailable. recurring trend in my muses.
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grantairelibere · 4 years
From: [email protected] Date: June 6, 2019 at 02:36 Re: Sighting off-route To: [email protected] 
Hey Léo--
Sorry to email so late, but I had an experience after my shift tonight, and you told me to report all actual sightings so I’m doing that now. I guess it could have waited until the morning or whatever, but I’m rattled and if I don’t write it now I’m gonna wake up and convince myself the whole thing was a dream, I know it wasn’t so here we go.
I finished my tour around 11:30 pm, and it was a nice night so I decided to walk home. I passed by Châtelet-Les Halles, and swung onto a side street (I wish I could tell you the name of it, I was too distracted to check. It’s around there anyway). The main area with the restaurants was loud af, and as soon as I turned off of it, it got quiet. Really, unnaturally quiet, like someone threw a blanket and a pair of headphones over my head. I looked back and everyone was still eating and chattering away like they were before, but I just couldn’t hear them.
I don’t spook easily, so I think, okay, whatever, and carry on walking, and in the shadow of a building there’s a guy leaned up against the wall in full period costume. I’m talking coat, hat, boots, rosette. He even had those big ol sideburns. I’d say mid-1800s, but I’m no expert. I assumed he was a street performer at first, but at this point it was past midnight and the guy was just standing and doing this thousand-yard stare. I guess he caught me looking, because then he turned his eyes on me. 
He had dark hair and glasses, and looked around 25, maybe? Before I had time to do anything, he smiled and said, “My friend will be glad to know you survived.” 
I went “what?” 
The guy said, “I can’t say I wish you were with us, but it is good to see you once more.” He started walking out of the shadows and towards me, but before he stepped out into the lamplight he frowned. “Apologies. I’ve mistaken you for someone else. Have a good evening.” He nodded at me and turned around. 
I didn’t want to lose this dude though, or I’d assume I hallucinated him later on. “Wait,” I said. “What’s your name?”
He paused for a few seconds before answering. “History has forgotten it, so I have as well.” 
Then--and this is the part where you’re going to think I’m mad--he walked right through the brick wall of the building. 
I stood there for a long time. My tours only go to the well-known places, so I’ve never actually seen a ghost before. Pardon the language, but it fucked me right up.
I started hearing noise again, and at first I thought it was the restaurant-goers outside again. But it was coming from the building that the dude walked into. It sounded like voices on the wind, and I tried to make out the words but couldn’t. I didn’t want to get closer to that building, either. Even though I only got nice vibes from the ghost guy, I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that getting closer is a bad move.
Eventually, I realized what the sound was. A melody, sung by a whole chorus of voices. They echoed down the entire street, and made me feel warm but terrified at the same time. Weirder than that, I recognized the melody. My grandma used to sing it to me as a kid. Where she picked it up, I have no idea.
Once I left the side street, all the normal noise of the city came back. So, I just carried on home after that. Nothing else I could do about it. I ended up trying to google ghost sightings near Les Halles, and combing the forums, but absolutely nothing. I’m not surprised, not even the people who make shit up would think of finding a post-revolution era ghost near a mall. I’m sure something else used to be there, but that’s more your area of expertise than mine, so...let me know.
Anyway. I’m working again tomorrow night, so I might head back there to check it out. Keep me posted, if you dig anything up in the meantime.
See ya soon unless I get haunted, Maxime Pontmercy
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r-of-the-z · 4 years
Where the Stars Meet
Every time Aries walked into that room, she saw memories. Shared laughter, tears, hugs, lots of long talks, even more nights of simply holding ice packs on each other...it was their meeting place, their safe space, their home.
"If I don't get my pants off right now I'm going to commit murder!" Gemini already had her pants down to her ankles. 
"Mini?" Capricorn asked as she sat on the bed in the center of the room.
"Obviously." Gemini, Mini, flung her pants at Taurus. "I switched fuckin' hours ago and I've been screaming ever since!"
"Need help?" Virgo offered.
"Only if you're gonna give me your tits!" Mini slumped against the wall.
Virgo sighed. "If I could, I would."
Pisces laid across Capricorn's lap. "You guys done with the dysphoric screaming yet?"
"Never." Virgo and Mini responded in unison, as Mini pulled on Virgo's skirt and Virgo stole her pants.
Cancer flopped facefirst onto the bed. "Man, I'm sick of Léo's shit. Thinks he can boss us around just because he's Zodia's perfect little boy."
"One of these days I'm gonna throw him out a window." Taurus sprawled next to Capricorn. "Ground floor or top floor, I'm still debating."
"Do both." Cancer suggested. "If he doesn't learn from ground floor, he will for the top."
Virgo and Mini, having swapped clothes to be more comfortable, now joined the others on the bed.
Capricorn smiled. Her little siblings all huddled around her, just like old times.
Minus one.
"Eris? You've been awfully quiet?" Libra asked. "Are you okay?"
Aries still stood in the doorway, staring around the old hotel room. "I was just...” She hesitated. “This is Léo's room too."
Scorpio groaned. "I forgot that he knows about this place. I wonder if Zodia wiped it from his memory or something. Or maybe he's here, spying on us."
Aries could still remember when her little brother had been in the room with them. In fact, he would've been standing where she was, leaning on the doorframe, laughing at the other eleven, somehow all fitting onto one small bed. "No...it's just…when was the last time he came here with us?"
"He only came with us the first few months. Then he turned into Zodia's little puppet." Taurus snarled. "Not sure you can say it's his room too."
"But he found it for us, he fixed it up." Aries spoke firmly. "Tory, come on, he even caught that rat that scared you with his bare hands."
"It didn't scare me!" Taurus retorted.
Scorpio snorted. "Yeah it did, dude, you screamed like a little girl."
Aries looked up at the ceiling tiles. A few were a different color. "He fixed the ceiling when it leaked, he repainted the walls, he put a lock on the door. It's his too."
"This doesn't belong to Zodia Jr. and you know it, Eris." Taurus sat up. 
Capricorn sighed. "Speaking of Léo, we need to discuss what he told us tonight."
"You mean his little bluff? He's probably gonna go tell ‘Daddy’ about how we're okay with killing him." Taurus scowled.
"If he was lying." Sagittarius pointed out. "That last little bit of his sounded a little too real to be a lie."
"Yeah, but the U.N? Assassination? Sounds like fiction to me."
"Governments have been hiring assassins for millennia." Pisces responded. "Just because you are only now aware and involved doesn't make it fantasy."
Cancer shrugged. "Yeah, but it could easily be a lie. I mean, why would Léo want Zodia dead? He's a little daddy's boy, with everything he could ever want. He's not..." Cancer trailed off.
"He's not one of us." Scorpio finished. "Zodia loves him. Zodia spoils him, promises him a kingdom, an empire, Léo has no reasoning behind wanting to kill Zodia."
Aries wanted to think of the moments when she had laughed with Léo. She wanted to remind everyone that he had created the concept of being them, even if he was just being used as a puppet now. She wanted to think of the few months when he had been one of them. 
She could only remember the last time he came to the meeting place. How he had scolded her, while she was crying and bleeding, for disobeying Zodia. How he had told her it was her fault she got punished. 
"I'm sorry." She whimpered hoarsely. "I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I guess you're right."
Scorpio frowned. "Look what you did, Taurus, you made Eris sad."
"I did--" he looked at Aries, who was starting to cry. "I'm sorry, Eris. Come sit with us."
Aries sniffled and shuffled over to find a place tucked under Taurus’s arm.
Capricorn stood up, making Pisces fall on the floor. "This situation isn't that simple. Think about it: Léo called the meeting using Zodia's phone. He gave us the details using Zodia's email. Since when does he do that?"
"Kay has a point." Mini stood up too. "Léo doesn't ever call using Zodia's phone. He uses his own. He doesn't even use his business email to contact us, he uses his personal one, and would never use Zodia's."
"Without permission." Virgo added.
"But why? For a bluff? Neither Zodia or Léo is smart enough to cover their heels like that." Aquarius pointed out.
Pisces sat up. "No, they're both pretty clever. Remember, Zodia always used to know where we were and when, even if we left our cell phones somewhere else. Léo too. They aren't stupid."
"But they think we are." Cancer mumbled under his breath.
"Exactly." Capricorn crossed her arms. 
Sagittarius nodded. "Again, this is too well thought out to be a lie meant to catch us in something. Especially since Zodia has been content to let us do as we please for the past year."
"I still don't buy it." Taurus scoffed.
"Nor should you, or any of us." Capricorn placed her hands on her hips. "If it is a trap, it's an awful one to get caught in. If it isn't, we can't wait to find out."
"So what do we do?" Aries asked sheepishly.
Capricorn sighed. "We just play along until something looks wrong."
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trashlord-watson · 2 months
Tumblr media
we love to see it
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pechefarm · 10 months
Buttercup Baby: Ch 10
Pairings: Sam/Male Farmer OC, Sebastian/Female OC, Shane/Female OC
Rating: T for Teen
Word count: 4,497 words
Content Warnings: Alcohol use
Authors Notes: Been having a lot of health issues lately, that's why updates have been so slow!
Morning light streamed in from Sam’s window, landing on the two men cuddled up together on the soft bed shoved up against the wall. Léo was half awake, but completely aware that he was tangled up with Sam. He sighed happily, wanting this moment to last forever.
Of course, it couldn’t. He knew that when Sam woke up, his friend would be incredibly embarrassed. Léo found himself wanting to see that blush, wanting to hear Sam’s flustered voice. It was incredibly cute.
Léo was finally allowing himself to admit that he had feelings for the blond man beside him. But it was so goddamn confusing. Yes, Sam was incredible. He was an amazing friend, and an amazing person in general. But he couldn’t ignore his feelings for Henri.
Buzz buzz
Buzz buzz
Buzz buzz
What was that? Léo untangled himself from Sam who promptly rolled over, still deep asleep. It took a few seconds before Léo realized that it was his phone. Annoyed, Léo reached over and peeked at who it was.
Holy shit.
He quickly swiped up to answer the phone, and crept out of the room.
"Henri?" Léo said quietly, mouth dry. 
"Léo, oh my God!" Henri said, sounding relieved. "I didn't even know if you'd answer! It's 6am and well…it's me."
"It is you," Léo said softly. He could hardly believe it. He clutched his phone tight as he made his way to the bathroom, tears pricking at his eyes. He closed and locked the door and closed his eyes. Léo hadn’t realized just how much he'd missed Henri's slight accent. How much he'd missed how light and airy his voice was, always sounding happy. Always putting Léo at ease.
"Is it okay that I'm calling?" Henri asked. "If I woke you up…"
"No, it's fine, really!" Léo said quickly. He couldn't let Henri hang up, not now. Yeah it was crazy early, and yeah Léo would love to be in bed right now but this was more important.
"That's great," Henri said, and Léo could almost see the gentle smile that was surely on the other man's face.
"How are you doing?" Léo asked.
"Pretty good. I've landed a role in an upcoming film, but I have to keep the details on the down low," Henri said. "And you? Have you been eating? I know you forget to eat sometimes."
Léo's heart felt warm as he assured Henri he was eating well and doing just fine. The fact that Henri cared enough to ask…wow. A smile plastered itself onto Léo's face. Henri wasn't all that bad, was he? Sure they'd had arguments…but all couples are like that. Right? Sure some of them were big. And sure, the way they’d ended things wasn’t the best but that didn’t make Henri a bad guy. Léo tried to convince himself of this, trying to come up with reasons why talking to his ex at his crush’s house was an okay thing to do.
"Do you have friends? Seeing anyone?" Henri asked casually.
"Seeing anyone? That's none of your business," Léo said, swallowing thickly. 
"I want it to be," Henri said. "I want–oh shit I have to go," he said quickly. Léo could hear a man talking in the background, but couldn't quite make out what was being said 
"Henri?" Léo asked, but the line went dead, leaving him sad and confused. He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, staring at his phone. Should he send a text and make sure Henri was okay? Ending the call like that was really strange.
As if his ex had read his mind, a text from Henri came through.
Hey, sorry about that. Rico was wondering who I was talking to.
Didn’t really want to talk about it with him
He can be sooooo possessive. 
Léo felt sick upon reading the words about Rico. God, did Henri really have to bring him up? Rico was everything Léo wasn’t. Rico was tall and built like a super model, with a face that looked like it was carved from marble. Léo was on the shorter side, stocky, and built more like a linebacker than anything. Sure he often got compliments on his figure, but there was something about Rico that was entrancing. And that something had reeled Henri in, had made him fall in love. Léo couldn’t bring himself to answer the message. He left the bathroom and walked back to Sam’s room. His friend was still out, and Léo sighed. What the hell was he doing? Cuddling with Sam one second and mooning over his ex the next. This was ridiculous. He slid back into bed but didn’t go back to sleep. Instead, he pulled up his messages with Elfie and began to type.
Hey emmyelf, I gotta talk to you about something
It’s not about Seb I stg
Léo stared at his phone in annoyance before realizing that it was still extremely early in the morning and suddenly felt bad. But Elfie was an early riser, she should be up by now. He kept looking at his phone, as though willing it to answer. Finally, he received a reply.
Christ on a cracker you’re clingy. And you better not be lying, cause if this is about that emo fucker I’m never speaking to you again
Léo snorted and rolled his eyes.
It’s NOT. Look, I think I like Sam.
He closed his eyes, and to his great surprise, Elfie responded right away.
Proud of you boo
When you gonna ask him out?
Léo skipped pink entirely and his face went straight to fire engine red. He couldn’t believe what Elfie had just said.
What do you mean finally??? Also, I’m not asking him out It’s complicated.
If Léo was at home he would’ve thrown his phone across the bed, but he didn’t want to accidently smack Sam in the head with a flying phone.
How is it complicated?
Léo bit his lower lip as he read her response. He was going to have to explain. And she was not going to like the answer.
I’m not over Henri 
We’ve been talking a bit
I just
I dunno Elfie, not sure I’m ready.
As expected, Elfie sent two paragraphs lecturing Léo on why he shouldn’t be talking to Henri, why Henri was bad for him, and why he needed to move on to someone better. He understood where she was coming from, but she didn’t seem to understand how hard it was. He and Henri had been together for years. Completely cutting off a connection like that was like cutting off a limb. 
Oh also! Something important! Shane invited me to Pelican Town tonight for karaoke night. So I’ll be there tonight.
Léo blinked at his phone. What the hell? How long had she known about this? But before he could respond, he felt the sheets rustling beside him.
“You up?” Sam said blearily. Léo looked over and felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at Sam’s ruffled hair and partially closed eyes. He looked absolutely adorable, and Léo had to work hard not to giggle and beam at him.
“Yeah, I get up early. Used to a farmer’s schedule,” Léo said. “I hope I wasn’t why you woke up.”
“I don’t think you were,” Sam said, sitting up and stretching. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Slept like a baby,” Léo said.
“So you kept waking up at night crying? That sucks,” Sam said and laughed as Léo punched him lightly on the shoulder.
“I slept great, how’s that?” Léo said.
“Better,” Sam said. “I didn’t bother you at all, did I?”
“No, but you did cling to me like a koala,” Léo said, and Sam choked on air.
“I’m sorry!” Sam squeaked out.
“I wasn’t saying that it was a problem,” Léo said. “It was cute.”
“O-oh,” Sam stuttered, looking bashful. “Well, that’s good.”
“Yeah, 10 out of 10 would sleep with you again,” Léo said. There was a small pause and suddenly Léo looked horrified.
“Sleep NEXT to you!” he said hurriedly, and Sam burst out laughing. “I meant sleep NEXT to you!”
“Well now I know how you really feel,” Sam teased.
“Shut up,” Léo said, and Sam giggled. “I’m tired, okay? Haven’t had my coffee.”
“Well let’s get you some!” Sam said. The two got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Sam needed a bit of help with the coffee machine, which made Léo roll his eyes.
“Your mom really does do everything, doesn’t she?”
“It’s kind of a problem,” Sam said with a sigh. “I got so used to it that I don’t have any kitchen skills at all. I don’t even know how to boil an egg properly.”
“Well, I could teach you to cook if you wanted,” Léo said. “I could come over, or you could come over to my house. I’ll give you an apron and everything.”
“An apron, eh? Do you have a ‘kiss the cook’ one?”
A vision of Sam caging Léo in against his counter while kissing him deeply popped into Léo’s mind, and he quickly brushed it away. He was pretty sure he’d be revisiting that thought later, perhaps tonight. But now was not the time for this!
“Um, uh, no,” Léo said, the traitorous fantasy attempting to come back.
“Well you should get one,” Sam said as the coffee began to drip into the carafe. “I like silly shit like that, and I think you’d look good in an apron with something dumb on it.”
They continued chatting for a bit. Jodi came out of her room as soon as she smelled coffee, and began bustling around the kitchen making breakfast. After a bit of whispered encouragement from Léo, Sam asked if she could teach him how to scramble the eggs she was about to make. She was shocked, but agreed. It felt good to watch this bonding moment between Sam and his mom. Cora came out of bed at the scent of sausages, and Jodi smiled at her.
“Vincent! You got up all by yourself!”
“It smells good,” Cora said simply.
After breakfast, Sam mentioned that there was duct tape somewhere that they could use to fix up the blowup bed.
“Oh shit, that’s a good idea,” Léo said, eyes wide. “I need to go check on my crops, but I can help you fix it later.”
“Sure!” Sam said with a grin. Léo left the house, a spring in his step. Being around Sam always had that effect on him. Sam was truly a ray of sunshine. This happiness lasted as he watered his crops and weeded the garden. He casually talked with Robin when she took breaks from working on his renovation. She was very excited about the finished product, and couldn’t wait to show him everything she was doing.
“I could show you now!” she said, eyes bright. “Unless you want it to be a surprise.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise,” Léo said, pulling off his gloves and tucking them into his pocket. “I’m excited to see what you do with the place! You’ve done a lot already! I can’t believe you’ll be done in just a few days!”
“I’m good at what I do,” Robin said proudly, chest puffing out. “And I guarantee you’re going to love it.”
Léo walked back to Sam’s house and took a long shower, getting all the grime off of him. Sam had left for the mountain where he was going to hang out with Sebastian and Abigail. Once he was cleaned up, Léo threw on his favorite orange button-down, and some gray jeans that he always got compliments on. He was going to go to the Saloon tonight to make sure that everything went fine with Elfie. She was known for being a lightweight, and he didn’t want her to do anything she would regret.
Léo spent the rest of his afternoon on the pier, dipping his toes into the water. It was nice to bask in the sun, enjoying the rays of the late spring sun. Soon it would be getting even warmer. He’d probably be spending a lot more time down at the beach once summer was in full swing. He couldn’t believe how long he’d been in Pelican Town already. He hadn’t been sure originally that this would be a long-term situation, but now? Léo felt like this was home, and he knew he’d be staying here for the long run.
As these pleasant thoughts went through his head, he felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out and saw that Sam had sent him a message.
Hey did my mom tell you I’m at the lake with Abbers and Seb?
Léo blinked. That was kind of a weird question.
Yeah, she did, so I’ve been doing my own thing while you hang out. I’m at the beach rn
Léo didn't even have time to put his phone back into his pocket before he felt his phone buzz again.
I wanted you to come hang out too!!! Well, we’re going to hang out at the saloon tonight if you want to join us then?
Oh no.
They were going to the saloon tonight? When Elfie was going to be there? This wasn’t going to go well. Léo swallowed thickly. He needed to let Sam know the situation so that the three of them wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
I was going to go anyway, so sure! Elfie let me know today that Shane invited her for    karaoke night tonight, so she’ll be there too, just FYI
He and Sam sent a few texts back and forth about how Sebastian would react to this, and Sam promised to make sure that Sebastian was ready before seeing her at the saloon. Somehow Léo didn’t think he’d be ready no matter how primed he was for the situation. When the time came, Léo walked down to the saloon and found that Elfie was already there, hand in hand with Shane. Léo waved at the two of them and Elfie rushed over, excited.
“Léo! I’m glad you’re here! This is going to be awesome! We totally have to sing something together!”
“Yeah, sure!” Léo said. He noticed that Elfie was looking past him. He turned his head slightly and saw that Sebastian had entered the saloon.
“Who’re you looking at?” Léo asked, and Elfie glared at him.
“Nobody,” she said.
“Well, it looks like ‘nobody’ is sitting down with two of my friends who I’m supposed to be here with. I’m going to go say hi, okay?” Elfie crossed her arms, and turned around, heading for the stage to look at the list of songs.
“Hey, guys!” Léo said, approaching the table.
“God I’m glad my mom isn’t here,” Abigail said, “You’re wearing your whore outfit again.”
“Excuse me?” Léo said, mock offended. He knew what she meant though, he had unbuttoned his shirt to the navel again. “Are you telling me to cover up?”
“I’m telling you that my dad will eventually notice that my mom is shamelessly flirting with you and will stop selling you stuff,” Abigail said, rolling her eyes.
“There’s a cougar on the prowl!” Sam said, and Léo laughed.
“Well, he’s in luck, the ladies just don’t do it for me,” he said. “So he should be mad at her, not at me.”
“Oh my God!” somebody shouted excitedly. Léo looked over his shoulder and saw Elfie looking at the list of songs with a sparkle in her eye. “Look what they have!” she said, walking over to their and waving the list in his face. Léo noticed Sebastian freeze, the poor guy looking like a deer caught in the headlights as she approached. Honestly, Léo wasn’t surprised. Elfie looked good tonight, clearly dolled up for her date.
“Uhh…Barbie Girl?” Léo said, looking at the list. Elfie sighed dramatically and shook her head.
“Danza Kuduro!” she said. 
“Oh shit!” Léo said with a grin. “I didn’t think they’d have songs in other languages!”
“What’s that song?” Abigail asked, cocking her head.
“It’s a really fun song in both Spanish and Portuguese! Léo we have to sing it!”
“Wait, are you both trilingual?” Sam asked, eyes wide. Sebastian looked up at Elfie, clearly listening but trying to pretend like he wasn’t. She was pointedly not looking at him, and Léo was sure that she was more than aware that Sebastian had taken notice of her.
“No,” Léo said, “We’re both bilingual. Elfie’s mom is from Portugal, so she grew up speaking English and Portuguese. And you guys already know I speak Spanish.”
“Yeah, he’ll sing the Spanish parts, and I’ll sing the Portuguese ones! Oh my gosh yes!”
The two put their names in to sing and waited their turn. Maru went first, nervously singing Suddenly I See, eyes flickering over to Penny every now and then. Clint went after, belting out an incredibly dramatic rendition of I Am A Rock with surprising confidence. And then finally…
“Next up we have Elfie and Léo singing Danza Kuduro!” Mayor Lewis said, and the crowd clapped politely as they took the stage. 
“They don’t know what they’re in for,” Elfie said, with a grin, winking at Léo.
“Well they don’t know I used to be lead singer in a band and that you were the best in your college’s choir,” Léo said.
The upbeat music began to pump from the speakers, and Léo began to sing in his rich voice.
“La mano arriba, cintura sola, da media vuella, danza Kuduro,” Léo began, and the two of them began to move to the beat. The crowd began to cheer as he continued, everyone looking surprised.
“Balançar qué uma loucura, morena vem o meu lado, ninguem vai ficar parado, quero ver mexa Kuduro,” Elfie belted out. Everyone looked shocked at her perfect accent and beautiful voice. The two friends laughed as they sang, and everyone began dancing, truly feeling the beat. Even Demetrius was dancing better than usual, dipping a very surprised yet pleased Robin.
When the song finished, the whole pub burst out into wild cheers and applause.
“You guys were great!” Abigail said, pulling them both into hugs as they returned to the group. Sebastian stood up, looking at Elfie with awe in his eyes. He looked like he was on the verge of speaking when a loud voice came from next to them.
“That’s my girl!” Shane said, clearly tipsy and on the verge of being fully drunk. “You were amazing! And the way you move…damn girl!”
Elfie giggled, stars in her eyes as she looked at Shane. Léo peeked over at Sebastian who had gone rigid. Sam slowly made his way over to his friend, gently rubbing his arm before the two sat down. Sebastian stared at a spot on the table while Sam said something in a quiet tone, eyes soft. Abigail slipped away to join them, but Léo had to stand with Elfie and Shane as he was engaged in conversation with them.
“You can move pretty well too,” Shane said. “Guess that Shakira song was right—let me see you move like you come from Colombia!”
“I guess,” Léo said, glancing over at his friends. “But I practiced a lot too,” he said. “Took dance lessons in school, and was in a band. Gotta have moves to make people want to watch you, you know?”
“You were in a band?” Shane asked, eyes wide. “Dude that’s fuckin’ awesome!”
“Uh yeah, it was a lot of fun. Hey, I’ll be right back, okay?” Léo said, noticing Abigail rubbing circles on Sebastian’s back as the black haired man watched Shane pull Elfie in by the waist. 
“We’ll be at the bar,” Shane said. “This babe deserves a drink after that amazing performance. I’m buying,” he said, looking at Elfie.
“Ooo, what a gentleman,” Elfie purred.
“Gotta buy my gorgeous Amazon something tasty to match her, don’t I?” Shane said. Elfie blushed but looked pleased. Elfie was tall, and was a head taller than the much shorter man before her. She was typically very self-conscious about her height, but clearly, Shane didn’t mind. Léo controlled himself from rolling his eyes and walked over to the table. Sebastian looked up at his approach and sighed.
“I know what you’re going to say,” Sebastian said softly. “I deserve it.”
“Actually, I was going to ask if you were okay,” Léo said with a frown. Sebastian looked surprised, and Léo sighed.
“I know I’ve been hard on you,” he said, “But you’re still my friend and I don’t want you to be upset.” He slid into a chair next to Sebastian, and looked him in the eye. “I need you to know something, okay? This isn’t Elfie at all. I don’t know what the hell she thinks she’s doing, but if I had to guess, she’s putting on a show. Honestly? They both are. Did you see how friendly Shane was to me just now?”
“So?” Sebastian said. “He’s probably just being nice ‘cause you’re Elfie’s friend.”
“That’s not like Shane at all,” Léo said shaking his head. “There’s more to it.”
“Wait…” Abigail said, a look of understanding crossing her face. “Are you saying they’re doing this to piss Seb off?”
I think there’s a very high chance that they’re doing that, at least partially. Elfie is attracted to him, and he seems to like the look of her too, so I think some of it is legit. But the rest? They’re pissed at you Seb, and I think they’re trying to upset you.”
“What the fuck?” Sam said angrily. “That’s awful! What the hell is wrong with them?”
“My feelings exactly,” Léo said with a grimace. “She thinks she can lecture me and then pull this shit? I’m having a long talk with her tomorrow. Maybe tonight if she doesn’t get shit faced on cocktails,” he said, nodding towards the bar. Elfie was pink in the face, two empty shot glasses next to her and some sort of blue drink in her hand that was already halfway gone.
“What do you mean ‘lecture you?’” Abigail asked.
“Oh um. Just…past mistakes,” Léo said, trying to keep his voice even. “She always tells me when she thinks I’m not doing the right thing, when she thinks I’m not being mature or whatever.”
“What a hypocrite,” Abigail said with a hollow laugh.
“Yep,” Léo said. “But I mean…she hasn’t dated anyone in like, eight or nine years. She probably forgot how.”
The table fell into silence. With Sam’s help, Léo had spoken to both Abigail and Sebastian about his twin, and how Elfie had stopped dating after his death.
“She had a really rough few years after my brother died,” Léo said. “Nobody ever stacked up. Elfie didn’t even consider other guys as options. She had her fair share of dudes flirting with her and giving her their numbers. But she would just throw the numbers away, and wouldn’t even acknowledge the flirting. And now she’s opening up and--”
“And I completely smashed her to bits,” Sebastian said, putting his forehead in his hands.
“Sebastian look at me. Look at me,” he said firmly, and Sebastian looked up, a devastated expression on his face.
“You crushed her, I’m not gonna lie to you. But that’s an explanation, not an excuse. Remember how I told you that you can’t treat people like shit and expect them to be okay with it? Well that applies to her too.”
“An’ this one…this one is for that Italian bastard back there!” Elfie shouted out. Léo turned his head and saw Elfie wobbling across the stage, clearly having just snatched the microphone from Mayor Lewis. He sighed as he watched her try and figure out the karaoke machine.
“God she needs to sober up,” Léo grumbled. “Before she ends up doing something she’ll regret.”
“Jesus Christ,” Léo said closing his eyes.
“Oh Mama Mia! He says I love you girl, let me touch you! But mama told me that Italian is a macho!” Elfie sang, pointing at Shane who raised his glass at her.
“Is Shane Italian?” Sam asked looking at the two who were caught up in each other, Elfie singing this ridiculous song while Shane laughed.
“Well, his last name is Giudice, so I think he has family from Italy?”Abigail said, looking thoughtful. 
“After this song, I’m dragging her back to your house,” Léo said with a sigh, looking over at Sam. “She’s smashed, she can’t go back to Zuzu by herself like this.”
“I think Mom will be okay with that,” Sam said. “I mean, she’ll be annoyed for sure, but she’s not going to make her ride the bus by herself like this.”
After the song ended, Léo tried to make his way to the stage, but the saloon had gotten a lot more crowded than earlier. He found himself struggling to get by everyone. When Léo finally got the stage, Elfie was no longer there. 
He peered around but didn’t see her anywhere. And the saloon was strangely a lot quieter than it had been. Shane seemed to have quieted down, and wasn’t saying anything at all. Maybe he’d passed out. Léo’s eyes flickered over to the bar, and weirdly enough, Shane wasn’t there. And Marnie wasn’t at her usual table either.
Wait hold up.
Had Elfie gone home with Shane and Marnie?
“Goddamnit,” Léo growled, heading back over to the table. Sam looked confused at Elfie’s absence.
“I think she went home with Shane,” Léo said. Sebastian choked on his drink, and Léo ignored him in favor of dialing Elfie’s number. He called her twice, leaving a voicemail asking her to call as soon as she could.
“She’s getting the talking to of her life when she calls me back,” Léo grumbled.
“Well, Shane was the one who invited her, so it’s not that weird that she’s going to his place,” Abigail said slowly.
“She could’ve at least said bye,” Léo said. Sebastian’s expression was impossible to read, but Léo had a feeling that there was a storm brewing inside of him.
“We should probably be going,” Sam said. “I promised we’d be back early tonight.”
“Yeah okay,” Léo said with a sigh. They bade Abigail and Sebastian goodbye and began making their way to Sam’s house.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Sam murmured, and Léo nodded slowly. They made their way into the bedroom and fell into bed, the duct tape that was meant to fix the blowup bed forgotten on Sam’s desk. The two passed out almost instantly, curling up against each other in their sleep.
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rogerdvies · 7 years
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léo’s 1k follower celebration. yaay. another celebration !! i just finished the last one omg. first off, it’s absolutely insane that there are 1k of you souls following me?? my mother is most definitely paying you fml instead of buying me friends she could be buying me food so i don’t starve buuut. on a more serious note (yes i’m capable thank you very much), i know that 1k (1,000 holy hell) doesn’t sound like much compared to some blogs, but to me that means that there are 1,000 people out there who think my blog is worth following. worth having on their dash every day. worth putting up with my shitposts for. and that... is really touching to me. it means a lot to me. siriusly. to those of you who i interact with often and those of you who i have never interacted with before, thank you for being on the journey of running this blog with me. from the bottom of my heart -- sincerely -- thank you. omh i’m getting sappy it’s time to move on. 
“so... 1k... léo, congrats and all, that’s great, but what are you going to do for us followers to celebrate it and show how much you appreciate us?” oh, i am so glad you asked. it involves confetti (ominous, right?). confetti? what does that mean? well... confetti, it’s obviously a... wedding ??  
as many of you know (or are very quickly about to learn), gregory goyle is the love of my life. the stars in my sky. the light of my universe. i love headcanons about him, i love aesthetics, i just love him. alright? alright. and i’d like to celebrate my (imaginary) wedding to gregory goyle with all of you followers! and also get to know you a bit better. so how am i sending out invitations to my wedding, you ask? well, through a birthday page, of course! name, birth month and day, and, of course, your guest (favorite harry potter character) are all i need to make the reservations !! so come on over and celebrate this joyous occasion with me !! let’s have fun with this, shall we ??
of course everyone is invited to the wedding, but the list of vips (friends) and special guests (link to blogroll) are below the read more!
must be following our lord and dragon savior
reblog this post (likes don’t count)
send me an ask with: your name + your birthday and month + your favorite harry potter character
also you better send me a congratulations on getting married or else i will be offended this is my wedding after all. jk. i’m kidding. though if you want to have fun with this please do. it’s literally a shitpost celebration but let’s have fun.
if this doesn’t get 20 notes then it never happened.
on your birthday (or during the month of) i will make you one of the following related to the character you sent in: a moodboard, a playlist, a name aesthetic, an edit, a headcanon list, etc.
i will make you an url edit, url moodboard, name aesthetic, solo blog promo, or something of the sort. 
if i get really swamped that month i will do group promos.
either way, you will get a surprise gift sometime during the month of your birthday if i can’t get it to you on the exact day.
PLEASE BE AWARE i know i’ve said this already but  these may not be published on your exact birthday date. something in life might come up and i may not be able to publish it exactly on the day, but i will post one of the above things sometime during your birthday month. as a full-time university student who also works two jobs, i do tend to get very busy.
@unspeaxables. everyone, you have pastor alexis to thank for this wedding. she not only encouraged me to make my 1k follower celebration wedding-themed (because i’m a dork like that), she also helped me plan my wedding with wedding questions and excitement and all-around fun. besides helping me with the wedding preparations, there are some things you should know about alexis. she is a lot of fun. she is great at cheering people up. she’s super sweet. she’s open-minded, and willing to engage in any conversation or talk about any topic. her passion for the harry potter characters is contagious.. i am going to say this lots, but i don’t know what i did to deserve such good friends on tumblr - she’s truly a sweetheart; an angel with a kind soul, and i am grateful to have met her.
alexis also helped me come up with the name for my first son: achilleo. ignore the fact that both gregory and i are male and cannot have children shhh what is logic. 
@hermioneganger. AVA. MY LOVELY AVA. THE AVA WHO RULES MY DRAGON KINGDOM NEXT TO ME. there is so much to say about ava. ava was the first person i spoke to on when i made this tumblr, and she was so kind and welcoming and she’s been beside me ever since as a friend and that was a stroke of luck on my part to meet her so soon and be lucky enough to get along with her. she’s always positive and kind and excited and it always pumps me up for everything too. ava is an honest-to-god blessing, a tumblr angel. she’s always willing to look over my stuff and then get me pumped up and proud of it by being supportive and telling me her honest opinion of it. honestly, i don’t know what i would do without ava’s constant support. well, i do: i probably would never post anything. 
@nviles. julia deserves all the love. honestly. she’s so sweet and precious and such a kind soul -- she’s always brightening my day with these cute little thoughtful messages that she leaves me and these headcanons about character and these beautiful edits and these interesting stories about her life. she’s also, like, super open-minded about new ideas and that’s so cool. and she lets me sneak into the ravenclaw dorm; we have a niffler named nev and a bowtruckle named noot together and they are best friends and she makes sure that i don’t accidentally kill my bowtruckle noot because i’m horrible with plants. she also supports my marriage to gregory goyle. enough said. ♥
@auroremus. @delacouvr. @starrylovegood. @aurrorevans. @rvvenclaws. @siruisblack. @vveirdsisters. @holy-snitch. @howlingremus. @chrlieweasleys. these are my very-special mention blogs. all of these blogs are aesthetically gorgeous and top-notch, but on top of that (and more importantly, to me) all of these bloggers are super sweet and super kind and just phenomenal human beings to interact with. like, let’s go in order.
bruna is hilarious and thoughtful and adorable, claire is a total doll who can always make me smile even if she doesn’t know it, alex can make me laugh at anytime and she also inspires me, joanna is willing to go on wild headcanon rides with me and she definitely pushes me to be more creative and think outside the box and develop my ideas further, rae encourages me to broaden my horizons with amazing book recommendations and this intellectual conversation not just harry-potter based (though she’s afk right now and i miss her), charlie surprises me a lot with random shit and makes me laugh, teresa’s creativity pushes me to develop myself and my own creativity more and also spurs my passion for things i love that i sometimes feel insecure about, nana is super sweet and even though we haven’t spoken much she’s another one of those people who pushes me to actually develop my ideas and put things into action instead of just thinking about them, and sandhya is another one of those bloggers that i haven’t spoken to as much as i would like but from what i have she’s super sweet and supportive and funny and her blog is to die for and was one of the first i followed when i joined. all of these people are just... ahhh. then there’s vaan, the cool dragon uncle who is a total sweetheart and hilarious in the percyprotectionnet chat and so friendly and sweet and who also pushes me to expand my creativity from just “thinking” to actually “doing”. they are just great, and they make my experience with this blog so much more alive and personal and fun.
i started off writing each and every url here... but i soon realized that i follow a lot of amazing souls, and i don’t want to leave a single one of them out. so please, check them all out here !!
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toughknit · 7 years
11 questions
tagged by the most lovely alyssandre @lieslibrary !
i get to answer 11 questions, then the people i tag get to answer the 11 new questions i will have written for them.
1 if i could meet anyone who would it be: to be honest i saved this question for last because i didnt know what to answer asdjghkdsahg i would like to meet uhhhhhh j*d* l*w cause im in love with him
2 describe your dream life: i would live wherever the weather doesnt get over 22 degrees; i would have a big dog or two (bernese mountain dogs (bouvier bernois in french, i dont know if the translation is exact), or a chowchow; just a biiig fluffy dog with whom i can cuddle with) and i dont know what type of house i want to live into just yet but i know i want it to be very mid century modern, full of plants and art… i would live with my lover of course and he is an extrovert so i dont have to talk at the many fancy parties he brings me to (cause he’s rich and shit). i wouldnt have to work and i would spend all my days reading and collecting art and talking to my parrots in my garden. i have blemish free skin and i am a little bit taller than i am now, i only dress in white, i write poetry and fiction… i just want to do everything. also i have no more anxiety and i can eat whatever i want without feeling guilty (and i would be a vegetarian)… i could go on but this is long enough
3 describe your dream house: i dont know. i just want plenty of room to dance and big windows to see the sunset, a king sized bed, white walls everywhere, a garden full of plants and vegetables, wooden floors, the house wouldnt be new it would be old so i can hear it crack during winter. no neighboors. maybe a pool
4 a teacher that left an impression on me + why: my english teacher in secondary 3 (when i was 14-15), because he was the first teacher i ever had that was conscious about the world and its issues. he was just so funny as well. i also liked most of my teachers last year, for example my french and english teachers i liked them a lot.
5 where would i like to go on vacation: maybe new york again, just to get it right this time. i would like to go to scotland, france, greece. i have never been no where further than new york in my life and im still scared to leave the house for more than a week so i’m not sure yet anyway
6 am i a chocolate or vanilla person: i loooove chocolate flavoured things and chocolate itself, but i like vanilla scented stuff a lot too… guess it depends lol
7 how would i name my children: i keep a list for my sims so this isnt too difficult: for a girl, Cécilia, Camilla, maybe Ada. and for a boy, Léo
8 my favorite song: Enemy by Angel Olsen; the lyrics speak to me very much and the guitar is so calming. i listen to this song when i’m happy (to sing along) or sad to cry with it
9 am i an ice cream or popsicle person: ice cream for sure!!! vanilla ice cream by the way ;~)
10 my favorite season + why: autumn because it’s rainy, the colors are beautiful, it’s cold outside and i can wear chunky sweaters again, it’s almost christmas
11 i’m allowed 3 wishes: i would like to save the world and social justice and all of that but i’m going for wishes for myself today; alright first of all that my family (father, mother and brother) would be happy in life because they all aren’t and nobody progresses to their better self and it also increases my depression daskgjsdgh secondly that my cat could live for a very long and happy life because i cant imagine the heartbreak i would feel if he died. and thirdly, to love and to be loved cosmically by one person in my life and this person would stay forever with me and make me happy and i would make them happy yikes thats my corny ass pisces mars sorry :/
hope u learned a bit about me lol; my 11 questions for all my mutuals who decide to do it, but @lesreveries @miijita @yuanxiaos in particular are:
what is your favorite song to sing along to, 
your dream job + why
a book or film you could read/watch 10 times in a row without getting tired of it + why
 if you were an animal what would you (like to) be + why
 if you believe we are conducted by the stars, moon and planets in life + why, 
favourite time of the day between midday/evening/night + why,
 your favourite piece of clothing you own or would like to own + why,
 the handcream u use cause i want recommandations,
 a superpower u would like to have + why, 
favourite pieces of art (installation, painting, event, song, anything) + why
and your favorite meme asdkjgakdsjg
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ualscout · 5 years
Captain’s Log: Roundabout the Block
We were told at the beginning that this project was a favorite project. I mean, telling a secret? Talking about ourselves? Seems like fun. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, and we know ourselves the most and best. 
… Thing is, I had no idea what secret to tell. I have a pretty interesting backstory. I’m a foreigner, I was raised in a cult and had to leave, I have an autistic little brother, I work with kids and the wilds or Midwest America, but a secret… 
I started compiling a list. Most of them looped back to “I’m desperately alone in this country and I don’t know to handle” or “I miss my friends at home” or “I wish the people I loved were closer” or “I’m stressed out” but… everyone’s gonna do something like that, right? We’re all stressed. We’re all tired. Most of us (foreign at least) are coping with being away from home. Naw, if I tell a secret, it’s gotta be something funny, something humanizing. This isn’t a chance to open up to the class, this is a chance to show how stupid I can be. This would not only be a Stupid Thing I Did, but a insight into who I am: A Joke. A Jest. A meme. 
I started designing how I wanted to present myself first. Even if I didn’t have a story yet, I had a main character. I spent a lot of time on it… it just never seemed to look like something I wanted to portray myself as. I tried to adhere to the goal of making a simple character, and I think I did okay with that. The body was easy to draw, but fluid and dynamic. 
At some point, I realized a secret I could tell. I almost got struck by lightning in my youth. It had lasting effects on my psyche later on. I realized if I set it to a song called “Roundabout” by Yes, it would show how it affected me the best. I have terrible fears of loud unexpected noise and being out in storms, and all that was impacted in one split second. A second I didn’t know was coming. “Roundabout” captured this feeling almost perfectly.
I designed the other character first, my dog. Then, while I was visiting home, I took sketches of where it happened and figured out where the characters would go. I kept the foreground open to allow for more movement and put more tall stuff in the back to make it more filled, but how far back it was staggered in distance. I had a lot of fun drawing my dog, Brooklyn. I’m not very good at drawing creatures, so finding a style was a challenge. I was kind of inspired by the body style of My Little Pony characters, but didn’t realize this until later on…
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“Roundabout” happens in key parts. There’s three riffs, then a drop where the lightning would happen. Each step to that lightning, I aimed for recreating that memory for the viewer. Slowly, the background comes back to life. The clouds roll into the sky to the music. The rain drops slightly, but never really starts heavily, creating a fake sense of calm. Everything is focused on making sure the audience is waiting for something to happen, building tension alongside the song. 
The first part is sketching up the place it happened. I’m in animation, so I’m expected to be able to draw. When you want to show someone what something looks like but you don’t have a picture, you draw it, either physically or with word pictures. I designed the background, then did frame by frame to show how it came into existence. Then, once it does and the building note suddenly ends, it pops into color and becomes more real and tangible to the audience. Then, the color is lost when the clouds come in, showing the situation isn’t as it always is. It only changes when the sun gets blocked out, ‘cause it’s gotta be a little bit of a logical reason. It’s emotional and practical, okay? I wanted to do more with the color shift in the clouds, but whatever, it was a bit too late to change it when I thought of it /shrug. 
Next, the rain has to come in on the notes. I only animated one raindrop and it took me legit hours. I didn’t do heavy rain because it would lead the audience to the conclusion that it was rain/water related too soon. I wanted it to be implied, but not given away. Once the characters enter the scene, the audience should let the raindrops move to the back of their mind. I also didn’t do heavy rain because it was Too Hard To Animate. I tried, it sucked. 
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Then, the characters enter the frame. Finally, a more tangible focus. Brooklyn enters the frame first, kind of ushering in my character. The two are supposed to be opposites in movement. Brooklyn is energetic and spirited, Scout is tired and lethargic. She barely moves at all. The moment seems so meaningless and non-dramatic, the key moment seems to be when Brooklyn shits, which of course got laughs… I didn’t mean for it to, but it did so, uh… Anyways, it’s just more juxtaposition between the music and the action, all while happening with instead of entirely against it. The moment is so mundane, when my character had to step back to get Brooklyn and the lightning strikes where she just stood, it should take the audience a moment to think over “wait what the FUCK just happened” because not only did the visual tone change (with a filter) but the musical tone finally gives the drop the audience has been waiting for. The foreshadowing of the music is shown best right before, like the first bit is only adding up 1/4th of the build, but really drags it along to make it heavier. Then the lead up before the drop is a warning, a “wait, whatever’s happening is about to happen” that’s more heavily juxtaposed with the same mundane movement as before- there’s no change in the movement, a tonal inconsistency. 
In conclusion...
I swear to god, not one animation software would work on my iPad. I learned maybe three different softwares and had to keep switching between them. I’d animate something for hours then realize I couldn’t use it. It sucked! It was terrible! I did way more work than was shown. Work that will never see the light of day. I don’t want to go too much into detail but it SUCKED. 
I also did way too much action in the segment with Brooklyn. I colored and lined almost 50 frames but only used 25. I cut out a whole action in which he chases a squirrel around a tree, that was so much time lost…
… in all, I tried my best to keep it away from writing and more visual storytelling. I think I did an okay job. I tried to cut it down instead of monologging endlessly, even if I did overload myself with work still, but not as much as I could have. I also got laughs! I was funny! And I was also right about the majority of secrets. A lot of them weren’t necessarily dark, but they were more serious. The fact that I managed to get a big reaction and laughs after the audience watched so much serious material was a shock to me, it breaks the main rule of comedy. 
(And I’m not sure if Léo was mocking me when he asked if we could watch it again…)
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hallucigeniale · 7 years
Like an e-mail chain but not really
Undirectly tagged by @uncharted-delight
My last:
Drink: water
Phone call: dad
Text message: phone: unknown; tumblr: @uncharted-delight
Song you listened to: Garette’s Revenge - XXXTentacion (song below)
Time you cried: yesterday
Have I ever:
Dated someone on twice: yup
Kissed someone and regretted it: no
Been cheated on: normally no
Lost someone special: yes
Been depressed: yup
Gotten drunk and thrown up: no 
Three favorite colors: black, grey, purple
In the last year you have:
Made new friends: yeeeeay
Fallen out of love: uuh not totally 
Laughed until you cried: so much <3
Found out someone was talking about you: no
Meet someone who changed you: yes
Found out who your friends are: yes
Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: like 90%
Do you have any pets: my step mother have a dog and a cat, but i’m not sure she’ll stay with my dad, does it count? x)
Do you want to change your name: no 
What did you do for your last birthday: I celebrated our 32 years with my best friend (15 + 17) in a room in a church, that was fun (we crashed the crucifix)
What time did you wake up: nearly 10
What were you doing at midnight last night: watching videos on YouTube
Name something you cannot wait for: that my best friend can walk again
When was the last time you saw your mom: 2 hours ago
What are you listening to right now: some french youtuber’s conference (Wankil, Guzz et Porto, Hugo Délire, Gydias)
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes
Something that is getting on your nerves: noise. during. chewing.
Most visited website: between youtube and facebook 
Hair color: brown
Long or short hair: too much long (can’t wait to cut all that shit) 
Do you have a crush on someone: too much people T^T
What do you like about yourself: my humor, my general culture and my eyes (so basic)
Piercings: nop
Blood type: is it important? oh...
Nickname: Hallucigéniale, Halluci’, Zo’, Zozo, Zozobergine
Relationship status: single
Zodiac sign: double libra ~
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite Tv show: Doctor Who
Tattoos: nop
Right or left handed: right handed
Surgery: yes
Sport: waking up in the morning
Vacation: went to France two weeks ago and came back yesterday
Trainers, sneakers or tennis shoes: sneakers
More general:
Eating: i wishi’m hungry but it’s midnight
Drinking: iced tea 
Im about to: sleep
Waiting for: see friends
Want: to be happy
Get married: NO
Career: can I do what I want and earn money? Like, i’m pianist ^^’
Which is better:
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Lips or eyes: eyes
Shorter or taller: taller (i’m short hehe)
Older or younger: older
Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach is so important
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: depend with who
Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger: not really
Drank hard liquor: yup
Lost glasses or contact lenses: yes glasses
Turned someone down: yes 
Sex on the first date: nop
Broken someones heart: unfortunately yes
Had your heart broken: unfortunately yes
Been arrested: no
Cried when someone died: yes
Fallen for a friend: unfortunately yes
Do you believe in:
Yourself: i’m trying to
Miracles: not sure
Love at the first sight: no sure, but you can feel if something will happen (friendship or love or anything else)
Santa Claus: not anymore
Kiss on the first date: yes
Angels: yes
Current best friends name: Juliette and Léo
Eye color: I say brown, people say “OMG LIKE GREEN, YELLOW, BROWN, BLUE WOAAAW”
Favorite movie: TOO. MUCH.
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