#like I said having that bat teleport helps but still XD
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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-->And then I noticed Shadow was whining for a walk, and Alice's Fury was starting to build to dangerous levels, so Victor got sent out to take the dog on a nice long stroll around the countryside, and Alice got sent out to indulge in some zoomies! Leaving poor Smiler back home to handle the farm all alone. XD They did quite well on their own, though -- finished cleaning up all the plates; started the laundry; petted the kittens; harvested all their herbalism stuff and plasma fruit; gave Moory a good thorough brushing (which she enjoyed) and told her a joke (which she didn't); and fed the chickens, gathered the eggs, and cleaned the chicken coop! I mean, it's pretty easy to get around when you're a vampire and have one of the game's best teleports with bat form, but still. Good job, buddy! :D
-->Victor and Alice eventually came back from their adventures in the countryside -- though it took Victor a little while longer than Alice. Mostly because Shadow kept doing that thing that Sims 4 dogs sometimes do on walks, where they just run off in a random direction REALLY FAR AWAY, and then their owner gets stuck waiting for them to come back. (Though at least once Victor turned the tables on Shadow by running far ahead of HER, as you can see in the pictures.) I finally ended up just canceling the walk entirely when Victor got REALLY stuck on the bridge over the river Bagley near their house. Mostly because the poor guy was STINKING, and he couldn't do anything about it until the damn walk was over. Once he was freed, he was able to Scruberoo himself -- and pick up Shadow's poop, because of COURSE she waited until this very moment by the bridge to do her business. *sigh* At least it's good fertilizer!
-->Alice, for her part, came back from her Zoomies in good temper, and after a somber howl to drop the Fury down to pretty much nil, went ahead and had a little dance time before marking her territory and getting in a nap. She woke up and changed back to normal around the time Victor got home, and then went to see if Moory would enjoy her jokes better -- apparently not, judging by that facial expression. This cow does not have much of a sense of humor! *shakehead* Sad.
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s2pdoktopus · 3 years
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Me making ship children again! Featuring the AlaKou and AliMor ships.
I've read fics were Sinbad returned. I honestly didn't quite get the ending. But I think it'll be funny if Sinbad returns and there's the crown prince of Kou and Alibaba's kid calling him "Grandfather" right off the bat. Lol.
And like, he kinda gets why Alibaba's kid is all chill with him considering the whole "I'll treat you as if you were my son" thing he said to Alibaba, but the child of Kougyoku? Yeah, he still doesn't believe the "I forgive you and thanks for the peaceful world" thing Kougyoku said. Even then, he doubts Kougyoku's brothers will let their nephew near him.
While the little Kou prince carries himself around the way Kougyoku does, there is something about his verbal tics that is NOT of Kou at all. (Finding out that Aladdin is the child's father gave him the same shock as finding out that Alibaba is alive.)
Alibaba's child on the other hand is like Morgiana; silent and strict, except when she becomes comfortable enough the sunny personality of her father comes through. It's a total personality flip.
I'm honestly just bored and currently looking around the AlaKou stuff. I think the big family of Ren will be happy to have a tiny addition. XD
So additional thoughts:
Kouha spoils him rotten, he has assigned caretakers but Kouha steals him from them.
Koumei is his teacher. He generally sticks to facts but throws in his opinion from time to time. No way he'll allow his nephew think Kouen was inferior to Sinbad!
Hakuryuu is his teacher in swordsplay. Hakuryuu thinks he's not the best option considering his own weapon of choice being a spear but Kougyoku assures him that he's doing well.
Hakuei teaches him how to properly conduct himself in front of others. Unfortunately, with Aladdin, Judal and Kouha's influences, it's been hard.
Judal is just a big brother figure (he's supposed to be his magic teacher but he doesn't wanna). Sometimes he takes the kid to town and gives the entire palace (especially Ka Koubun) a heart attack for an entire day. (Aladdin is always there to assure Kougyoku of what really happened. Kougyoku will give Judal a scolding later but it doesn't really affect the former Magi)
Kouen is where the young prince will run off to if he doesn't want to do anything. No training, no studying, Nada. And Kouen generally lets him. The former emperor will talk about the history of the world while the prince sits on his lap listening intently, being educated without knowing that he is.
With Kougyoku being the empress and Aladdin helping the people adjust in the new world, both parents aren't always readily available but it's fine. Their family will cover for them. The little prince understands. They will always spare time from their busy schedules to accommodate their child. They make sure that for every festival, they are both present, every special occasion, every country visitations, everytime the Saluja family visits or asks them to visit, the family of Kougyoku, Aladdin and their kid will be together.
Aladdin sometimes takes his child with him on his adventures, during this time he teaches him magic, shows him the world outside Kou while helping people and the like. With his teleportation magic, he "kidnaps" Kougyoku so that they can have a humble family dinner (and maybe even go out as a family later in the day). As long as no one finds out the empress is not in her chambers everything will be fine. The Ren family as well as Aladdin's friends will make sure no one discovers.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
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And though I know since you've awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you She'll go alone, and never speak of this again We depend on you We depend on you…
Amy and Hitoshi:
Awwww… the best Judies~. I also like to call them “The Will and Grace of UA” because Amy and Shinsou are… very much like Will and Grace, very close enough to make playful jabs and insults to each other.
Their love is deep but again, purely platonic and full of loyalty, candor and trust… to the point where it’s slightly gross since these two are almost TOO honest with each other XD There’s a TV Trope called ‘Platonic Life Partners’ and that’s more or less Amy and Shinsou’s friendship.
Amy and Shinsou have been best friends since they were toddlers as Amy notes that their mothers used to bathe them together, much to Shinsou’s immense embarrassment when she brings that up but notes that she doesn’t even remember any of that because they were like 3 at the time. Although he does express in annoyance that Amy used to have a habit of running around his house naked.
As each other’s childhood best friends, Amy and Shinsou are very close and very much like a brother and sister, with Amy even annoying him often like a sister and Shinsou treating her like a pest because she is but can give her real brotherly advice and affection. And despite driving each other crazy half the time, the pair can be their most authentic selves around each other as Amy can vent about anything to Shinsou, and Shinsou can lean on Amy for emotional support and open up to her about things that bother him.
Humorously, Amy and Shinsou have an extremely unfiltered friendship centered around almost WAY too much honesty, with the two being able to share WAY too much information with one another as Shinsou and Amy have no problems discussing private matters or straight up gross things with one another (ex: Amy can casually talk about her period with Shinsou, and Shinsou tells Amy whenever he has a body issue such as jock itch or BO). 
Everyone calls Shinsou an ‘enabler’ when it comes to Amy, which is not entirely untrue even though he constantly denies it. But Amy’s just as much an enabler as he is and doesn’t bat an eyelash to his habits. At least until he gets into a relationship with Ashlen and Amy vigorously helps him out but tells him to start being a little nicer and cleaner. But that just shows how close they are, how much they’re like brother and sister and nothing more than that, because Amy and Shinsou are living proof that a boy and a girl CAN be just friends. 
Now I’ll start from the beginning…
Amy and Shinsou’s parents were friends with each other, and so when they were born, Amy and Shinsou’s respective mothers liked to set up playdates when they were toddlers. Amy and Shinsou stuck to each other like they were siblings, playing together and causing mischief especially when they were 5 years old. 
According to Shinsou however, he and Amy learned each other’s names when they were both 4 years old in daycare, and he tells Ashlen and Tokoyami that on their first day of daycare, Amy clung to him even though they were children who didn’t entirely understand a lot of things. Shinsou also mentioned that he had to share his things with Amy, and admits that while it annoyed him at the time that Shinsou grew fond of Amy, and started to love her and view her as the sister he never had.
As they grew up together, even at a young age Shinsou was perceptive enough to pick up that Amy was even more immature than he was as he watched her get in trouble many times for accidentally knocking over a cake and eating from it, getting lost at the store or climbing into a claw-machine to take a toy.
Shinsou and Amy went to school together, and were each other’s only friends for all of elementary school and constantly played games together but also got in trouble together that Shinsou claims was “Amy’s fault 90 percent of the time”, even though it was actually 50-50 between the two of them. Amy protected Shinsou from bullies when they were kids, especially when they called him a villain and mocked his quirk, much to Shinsou’s slight embarrassment because while he made sure Amy didn’t get in trouble, he felt bad that Amy always protected him. But he also protected Amy from bullies when they thought she was quirkless and told her that he didn’t care that she was quirkless and still liked her just fine.
At least until Amy learned about her witch heritage and began manifesting her powers, and Shinsou felt a little bit jealous that Amy had cool powers such as telekinesis, teleportation and Concilium. Nonetheless, they still treated each other no different, and in fact, their pranks actually got worse because of Amy’s newfound powers. The two even used their powers mainly for shits and giggles whether it was taking cookies and sweets off the counter, pranking Shinsou’s father or pantsing bullies, including a young Katsuki Bakugo that Amy and Shinsou wouldn’t meet up until later in their teen years.
Unfortunately, when Amy’s parents are killed by witch hunters, Shinsou and his family mourned and grieved them, and although they wanted to take Amy in, Fiona Goode and Myrtle Snow said that they were the ones who needed to take care of Amy instead because it would be too risky for non-witches and warlocks to look after her. Likewise, the pro-heroes didn’t want to allow it because they claimed it would be ‘better’ for Amy to be raised by people ‘like her’, even though they actually feared that the radical witch hunters would kill other innocent people.  
When Amy left Japan for Robichaux, Shinsou broke down hard and cried when he watched her leave as Amy was the only friend he ever had. After her departure, Shinsou became even colder and more aloof to others, and didn’t want to make any other friends. Instead he proceeded to focus on himself to forget about Amy, but couldn’t bring himself to completely forget about her as he missed her terribly.
Meanwhile, at Robichaux, Amy was miserable for the first couple of months because she wanted Shinsou with her because she knew he would be able to comfort her after all the horrible things she had seen. However, her apathetic caretaker Fiona and cruel witch sister Madison told her to forget about him, and even a sympathetic but serious Zoe and Myrtle told her that there’s no point in crying over Shinsou because he’s not there and not coming for her. Hardened, Amy reluctantly let go of Shinsou so she could focus on protecting her coven. But when the bloodshed was over, after 5 years is when Amy decided that it was safe enough for her to go back to Japan just so she could see Shinsou again.
Cordelia gave her permission as she knew that Amy wanted to see her friend again and also wanted to be a hero with the other pro-heroes who rescued her those years ago, but the Supreme told her to be careful and that the hero society won’t deserve her, much to Amy’s confusion.
As Amy returns to Japan after so long, she passes the entrance exams with flying colors and gets into the Hero Course, but after she leaves the school for the first time, she senses Shinsou’s presence and hurriedly makes her way over in hopes of finding him and catches him at the right time when he’s about to exit UA (as he had successfully gotten in as well). When the childhood friends see each other after 5 years, they are both stunned into silence and slowly approach each other, once they realize that they are not figments of each other’s imaginations they quickly share a loving, tearful embrace. Afterwards, Shinsou doesn’t hesitate to take her to his home to greet his parents after so long and she is lovingly welcomed back by his mother and father. Shinsou’s father tells her that there’s always a place for her at their house, but Amy politely declines as she was given her own home (Fiona’s old mansion) by Cordelia. Nonetheless, Amy enjoys a welcoming party from the Shinsou family and she spends the rest of the day with her best friend.
Although Shinsou was admittedly bummed out and jealous that Amy made it into the Hero Course and she playfully teases him that she’s ‘always been stronger than him’ but a self-deprecating Shinsou doesn’t deny that and agrees with her. However, he does admit to Amy that it has been hard getting through school because of all the discrimination and Amy comforts him by telling him that she understands since while witches were outed to the world, there’s still discrimination. The two best friends then declare that they’ll overcome that together and become heroes as “The Witch and The Brainwasher”.
During the Sports Festival, Amy was on Shinsou’s team and Amy had no problem with Shinsou using her classmates Ojiro and Aoyama, nor did Amy have a problem with him mind-controlling them. In fact, Amy was his biggest cheerleader, even when he was against Midoriya, whom Amy had a crush on at the time. And Amy was at Shinsou’s side when he was defeated by Midoriya, but while he was grateful for the support he also told Amy to focus on beating her own opponents such as Kaminari, and he had no qualms quietly cheering for her during her fights against Kaminari, Iida and Todoroki, but got worried when she fought against Todoroki. Shinsou then checked up on Amy after she was defeated by Todoroki, because he could tell that Todoroki didn’t beat Amy using his full strength and that Amy was distracted by a new power awakening.
Their friendship is eventually recognized by Amy’s classmates when the Sports Festival ended, and because of their closeness, some of her friends such as Kaminari and Sero accused her of having feelings for Shinsou and vice-versa, which did confuse them for a little bit. Amy denied having any feelings for Shinsou and expressed disgust at the thought because she admits that she doesn’t view Shinsou like that. Shinsou, feeling peer-pressured and uncertain about how he feels about Amy, takes her out to the movies to watch Infinity War and play games at the arcade as a ‘date’. And Amy awkwardly agreed to do so, but when he feels nothing other than light-hearted fun with his friend, he confesses that he only loves her as a best friend and can’t feel any sort of romantic love for her. 
Shinsou: Amy…You and I have known each other forever, we’re best friends right? Well, I’ve realized something ever since you’ve been gone. Every person has someone in their life that they can’t live without. And that person is someone who steals a bounce-house for you on your birthday because you desperately wanted one. Someone who sneaks you out of class when you get food poisoning and goes into the boy’s bathroom to wash the vomit out of your hair. Someone who picks you up and feeds you ice cream when you’re just so miserable you need to drown it in everything that can’t possibly be healthy. Amy Martinez, that person is you. But I don’t love you.  I mean, I do love you but I don’t love-love you like that. I can’t...
Amy: (touched) Hitoshi… I don’t love-love you either, not like that, but I do love you too. I love you platonically Hitoshi Shinsou. and that’s all. Like... seriously that is all.
Shinsou: (smiles) Yeah… me too Ames… okay since this ain’t a date no more and I already paid, let’s just watch Infinity War. As FRIENDS. 
Amy: Friends! Ooh but get me a bunch of snacks! Chocolate! (Shinsou rolls his eyes)
Amy, touched by his words, confesses that she feels the exact same way and says that she absolutely loves him, but cannot romantically love him either. Happy and relieved, the friends proceed to enjoy each other’s company and later prank the people in the movie theater and smugly tell the students of 1-A that they’re just friends.
That being said, their relationship has had its ups and downs because of Amy’s new emotional instability that Shinsou quickly picks up on. Although Amy felt bad for letting him see that she wasn’t all there, she felt comfortable enough around him to open up about her issues because she knew Shinsou would never judge her for anything. And she was proven right, and although Shinsou was initially confused and alarmed by the new changes in his friend, he still kept an eye on Amy and realized that her temper is worse than it used to be, and her reactions are much more intense and inappropriate which he assumes is from trauma.
But because Amy up until this point, had acted like her normal and energetic self around him, he still acknowledges her as the girl from his childhood but who had been changed because of things she had seen. So he doesn’t act any different in spite of the revelation that Amy is prone to mood swings, although he does act more fearful when he senses that she’s going to get angry.
Nonetheless, he was extremely worried when she was taken along with Bakugo, and spent the last three nights tossing and turning, unable to sleep because he was worried that she was going to get hurt. To the point of having a mental breakdown until his father comforts him, telling him that Amy’s a strong girl and that the pro-heroes are going to find her which put him at some ease. And he is beyond relieved when Amy does come back rescued, but is dispirited when he finds out that Amy was rescued by Madison rather than the 1-A students and heroes as she tells him everything. Shinsou realized that Amy was upset that her classmates couldn’t rescue her and despite the fear he felt, he stood by her side and comforted her.
Shortly afterwards, his unwavering patience with her is put to a test after the Overhaul arc where Amy’s newfound realization about the pro-heroes abandonment her drives her to the brink. To the point where Amy opted out her classes Culture Festival event and instead went to the General Studies with Shinsou to help with their haunted house and he was well aware that Amy wasn’t well due to her irritability and the fact that he had caught her disassembling things with her telekinesis fueled by her anger.
Shinsou felt way too scared to say anything, he said nothing to provoke her when they spoke, and merely agreed with everything she was saying and even tried to cheer her up as she was working with him by making the jokes she normally would. To his relief some of the jokes worked but he still sensed her anger, but also sympathized with her and felt some anger too when he learned that had the heroes taken care of her like they planned to do for Eri, that she never would have had to leave Japan and could have stayed and not inadvertently have him suffer losing his best friend.
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He also realized just how embittered and resentful Amy became towards Midoriya, Aizawa and the entirety of UA and that it wasn’t just a mood swing this time since her anger wasn’t wavering. He began to fear that if they weren’t careful that she was going to explode and potentially destroy the school, and so he did his best to cheer her up. Unfortunately, his fears come true during 1-A’s concert as he sees her bubbling with rage over her classmates having a good time without her, and when she runs out he desperately runs after her to follow, but his efforts are futile as Amy angrily flies back to her mansion.
As he tried hard to call and text her, Amy reluctantly ignored all of his calls for fear that she would hurt him. As Amy was aware that Shinsou had stuck with her the entire time, but knew she was going to do something foolish and reckless, so she deliberately avoided him so she could spare him from getting hurt or in any sort of trouble.
The next day, she starts spiraling out of control and lashing out by attacking UA, but makes sure to avoid actually hurting the students unless they attack her. Distraught by his friend’s meltdown, Shinsou takes it upon himself to try and talk her down and bring her back to her mansion. Although, he didn’t get out of that incident unscathed as he was slightly wounded by falling debris that he ignored for the sake of getting Amy to come down from her high. In the process he had to brainwash some people as students were told to evacuate and get away, but he had no plans to leave her. In the nick of time, Shinsou finds Amy in the middle of her fight with Midoriya, and inadvertently saves Midoriya from being maimed by Amy’s Sentio Furia, as he calls for her when seeing her about to perform the deed.
Looking up at her sadly, A remorseful Amy ceases the attack and she comes down from the fury over to Shinsou who offered to walk her back home as she angrily told the teachers that she’s quitting the school. Later on in the aftermath of the destruction she caused, Shinsou would even defend Amy from Aizawa, The Big 3 and the staff of UA and doesn’t let them put any blame on her and even makes excuses for her actions by saying that she’s been through enough and that she shouldn’t be judged for what she does.
Shinsou: I know it looks bad but, Amy is not bad, she just grew up in an environment that showed her a lot of bad things, the person who took care of her, turned out to be a bad person. She never wanted that life, she was forced into it and learned to do bad things, but it’s not her fault.
Aizawa: She’s unstable Shinsou. Although I admit, I should have considered what could have happened if she was under Fiona’s care. I regret it, it was my mistake trusting Fiona. But the damage Martinez did is done, and that’s my fault. I knew that witches were powerful, yet I didn’t even think to keep her in check.
Shinsou: Aizawa-sensei, please, she’s part of your class isn’t she? She’s part of our school. She’s one of us, yeah… she might be a witch, but she’s here to be a hero, just like everyone else is here.  
Aizawa: I know you feel close to her, but there’s a lot you still don’t know about witches Shinsou. You don’t know how much they’re capable of, and that only makes them more dangerous and unpredictable.
Nezu: Exceptionally powerful beings. I supposed we overlooked Ms. Martinez’s capability of destruction and took her at face value when she came in with such an upbeat personality. A loss of a potential hero, but perhaps allowing her to quit was the right choice for the sake of all our students and teachers given her mental state.
Shinsou: (clenching his fists) I know she messed up the school, I know she has issues, but you’re… you’re all talking about her like she’s s-some kind of an animal that needs to be kept in a cage…
Cordelia: (doesn’t even announce her presence) And she most certainly is not.
Although Shinsou also affirms that even though Amy did do some seriously bad things and doesn’t deny what she’s done, he argues that they shouldn’t turn her away either. His best efforts are largely ignored though because the staff was more concerned about the damage and upset that she caused, but before Shinsou could say something is when an incensed Cordelia stepped in and shamed all of the teachers and the heroes in the room, while also telling them to pardon all of her punishments. 
But, later on, Amy goes on a hedonistic bender with Madison, which forces Shinsou and several of the 1-A students to go looking for her. They eventually found her, with Amy claiming that she’s going back to New Orleans, but Bakugou and Shinsou manage to convince her to stay. Although Amy is still unwilling to speak with her other classmates, she is taken back home by Shinsou. The following day, as 1-A is discussing their erratic classmate’s situation, Shinsou visits to explain everything about Amy in hopes to clear the air.
Unfortunately, after Amy’s attack on UA her classmates are left shocked, horrified but also greatly saddened by what their friend and classmate had done. To the point of feeling guilty for not stopping her and letting their friendship with her act as a crutch when it came to bringing her down. But when some of them start doubting if Amy was any good to begin, Shinsou doesn’t hesitate to tell them how Amy truly is.
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He tried to extend his perspective of her onto the other students, but many of them began assuming that she’s mentally unfit, only for Shinsou to state that her instability isn’t her fault, and also makes sure to let Amy’s classmates try to understand her. However, they all became much more afraid of her than they were initially as witnessing her attack the school and subdue the teachers and the Big 3 showed them just how destructive she is.
Although classmates such as Kaminari and Todoroki were more willing to give him and Amy the benefit of the doubt due to personally knowing her as well. Tsuyu, Mirio, Iida and Tokoyami commented that she’s more dangerous than they imagined due to her being unstable and yet still in control of her power, much to Shinsou’s annoyance as he angrily rebuffs them and goes off on them when some of them even liken her to a villain in the making. He also calls them out for the double standards that they are projecting onto Amy as well during his tirade.
Kirishima: (with a despondent look) Why does it feel so… wrong?
Shinsou: (to everyone in the dorms) Amy was your friend too. That’s why. She cared about you guys, liked you even. 
Tsuyu: (in a sad, yet dubious tone) She was our friend, and yet it didn’t stop her from attacking our school, our teacher, and our friend Midoriya. A friend wouldn’t do that, and they wouldn’t be so willing to do that either. We all knew that she was a trouble-maker, but I didn’t know she could be so mean. 
Kaminari: Hehe, okay c’mon hold the phone, maybe it’s not what a friend would do but, she must have been having a really bad day or something, I mean she was pretty grumpy before we even got started on the Culture Festival stuff. Amy likes to make jokes like me, but she is not mean, she was just having a bad day, nobody’s really their best on a bad day.
Shinsou: Exactly. You think she meant to hurt anyone? She’s not like that.
Iida: That’s no excuse for putting other students in danger, and she did just that. She let her emotions get to her and she left all of this destruction in her path. Attacked her own classmate, her own teacher and put everyone’s lives at risk, whether she meant it or not. She has no moral restraint…
Shinsou: (clenches his fists) Moral restraint? Is that all you care about? You have no idea what was going on at the time…
Todoroki: Something was troubling her, memories of her past no doubt. I thought something was wrong, but I didn’t even think to ask. I don’t know what was going on, but I’m sure it was painful for her. That anger, I saw it in her eyes, and that kind of anger can blind anyone, but I know Martin-… Amy. She isn’t cruel by nature, I don’t think she intended to truly harm anyone, because she didn’t hurt any of us, except for… Midoriya. But I think there was some restraint on her part, she put us all to sleep rather than harming us even when we tried to get her to stop.
Tokoyami: That’s because Martinez is much more powerful than we took her for. There is some restraint but that’s why she’s so strong. With a power than can expand to such lengths, I can imagine it’s hard to control when her emotions overwhelm her, and yet it seems that she does so willingly, she knows her magic well. Well enough to keep her own restraint on it, and only loses it because she wants to and knows how to manipulate it. She retains a sense of control over her powers even when they spiral out of control, combine that with her lack of regard for others, selfishness and unwillingness to be reasoned with. She’s dangerous, and her losing control of her magic so freely to attack her own allies only makes her even more dangerous to others.
Shinsou: (getting increasingly defensive) So what if she has dangerous powers? That doesn’t mean anything, your quirk is dangerous, Bakugo and Todoroki’s quirks are dangerous, that girl Midoriya saved, her quirk is dangerous, hell… even Midoriya’s own quirk is dangerous, so why is Amy being singled out when your quirks are just as guilty of being dangerous? 
Mirio: Because she used her power against her own friends! Look at what she did to our school, and you weren’t there when she was being so mean to little Eri. Then she hurt our teachers, she hurt my friends, and tried to kill Midoriya, her own friend, and whether she hurt her other classmates or not, she still put them in danger and she hurt people. She didn’t care who she hurt, she did what she wanted, and disturbed a peaceful day at school, only… a villain would do something like that don’t you think?
Shinsou: (loses all of his remaining patience as he chuckles) A villain? You think she’s a villain? (suddenly shouting) What the hell do any of you know?! I know her better than anyone! If you think I’m oblivious or ignoring this I’m not! I get it! She’s made some serious mistakes! I know she has! I know she as a lot of issues, I know exactly just how messed up she is, but she is NOT bad, she is not the monster you’re all making her out to be. She is not a villain! She’s a very emotionally disturbed girl and none of you can get that! Just because she’s not some sad thing crying for out for help from a hero or some goody goody two shoes wannabe hero doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to be helped or treated like a lost cause!
Bakugo: Hey loser! Stop acting like you’re the only one who knows her!
Shinsou: What makes you think you know her?! You don’t know her at all! I understand her better than all of you! (Bakugo seethes with rage but Kirishima stops him from trying to attack)
Midoriya: (finally speaks up) Shinsou! She’s our friend too! You don’t think we’re sad too?! She... has serious issues, I thought she did but I just didn’t see it until later, but you’re not the only one who’s sad, you’re not the only one worried about her, you don’t think we know how it feels knowing a friend is struggling?!
Shinsou: No you don’t know how it feels! You only care about yourselves and a bunch of rando strangers! None of you can possibly understand what it’s like to know that your own family is struggling! None of you!
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Shinsou is very defensive of Amy, especially when people don’t listen to him about her, and will even defend her from friends as he quickly states that they can’t understand her the way he does, but is prone to being hurtful and pointing out others flaws when they start pointing out Amy’s flaws regardless of if he’s friends with them or not. It is most likely because Shinsou knows what it’s like to be outcasted in favor of others, much like Amy has been almost all their lives. Also, because Amy is like family to him, he is very protective of her and gets extremely angry if people start assuming that she’s villainous or a bad person, whether he’s friends with them or not. 
Nonetheless, after this incident Shinsou makes sure to give everyone a certain ‘protocol’ whenever Amy is in a bad mood, and frequently tells them to be mindful of her so she doesn’t get triggered for the sake of seeing her happy and unbothered. Usually he does this ‘for their own good’ but can easily disregard them if they don’t listen to him about her.
Unfortunately, the next day Amy refuses to speak to Shinsou out of guilt for everything she had done and because she was using scrying in the bathtub to spy on the teachers and her classmates which makes her avoid him once she sees how much she’s burdened him and upon seeing what her teachers and classmates really think of her. Not wanting Shinsou to lose everything and the respect others have for him, Amy considers to cut him off of her friendship so he doesn’t have to sacrifice anything else for her. And also at that point she began to genuinely think that Shinsou would be better off without her, so she stops calling and texting him and ignoring all of his calls and texts.
But Shinsou becomes very upset when she doesn’t answer his calls or texts and he goes to her mansion out of worry. Amy avoids him entirely, feeling that she isn’t going to do any good for him and that he should focus on his heroic progress instead of her. Shinsou on the other hand, despite his priorities is still worried about Amy and cares for her enough to look for her. But then Amy tries to get him to leave her alone by texting that she doesn’t want to be his friend anymore. Hurt, Shinsou angrily yells for her to tell him face to face, but an emotional Amy does come to him and tearfully admits that she lied and still wants to be his friend.
Shinsou calms her down and listens to her side of the story, and he gets a much clearer understanding of her plight and was extremely horrified when she recounted every single horror she lived through in New Orleans. Afterwards he continued to show great concern for her well-being and visited her at her mansion everyday to check on her while she recovered from her meltdown.
Shinsou: So you watched Misty, Nan, Fiona... all of them... die?
Amy: Yeah… pretty much. Then the rest of the other shit happened, and I come back and realized that none of that shit would have happened if the heroes took me in. But I guess it wasn’t meant to be.
Shinsou: (silent for a while even though he doesn’t hide his disappointment and sympathy) How the fuck did you survive all of that?
Amy: I don’t know. I almost wish I didn’t. Maybe it’d be better, it’s why I told you that ‘I don’t wanna be friends’ bullshit, I’m not any good for you Hitoshi… I’m sorry. I just wanted to protect you from me.
Shinsou: Stop. That’s not necessary. Just talk to me, you know I wouldn’t do that for anyone else, but just talk to me if you feel like you’re going to break again. Okay?  
Amy: (smiles softly) Okay.
Although Amy started to get more irritable and more irrational when Shinsou had to go train with Aizawa, since she was still mad at him. Despite this and another argument later, Amy and Shinsou reached an understanding as she apologized because she knew Shinsou wasn’t at fault for anything and he forgives him.
As he visited her often, Mallory and Madison told him to give her space and he reluctantly did so when it became apparent that there were times when even he couldn’t do anything to make her feel better. Dejected but accepting of this, Shinsou’s concern for Amy remained but he also made sure to live his own life. Although he did still play his part and do his best to cheer her up whenever she looked depressed and was elevated whenever she showed a willingness to have fun with him during her isolation.
However, in the original timeline when Amy has to return to Robichaux to help her coven due to the rising threat of the Anti-Christ Michael Langdon, Shinsou is once again crestfallen to have to see his friend leave as he tearfully comments that he lost her again. Fortunately, he was able to see her again thanks to Cordelia’s spell keeping him and the rest of 1-A and Aizawa asleep under Misty’s Louisiana Swamp mud when Michael destroys the Earth and they are allowed to emerge and reunite briefly with Amy and the witches. Shinsou would then put his life on the line to save Amy from the Anti-Christ as when Michael begins his attack, Shinsou quickly urges Amy to go help Mallory and briefly fights with Michael.
Sadly, Michael easily overpowers him and breaks his hand when he tries to punch him, and when Michael attempts to follow Amy, Shinsou uses his capture weapon in a desperate attempt to get him away from her, willing to die so Amy can live and save the world. Unfortunately, this move allows Michael to pull Shinsou closer to him, allowing him to grab his neck and snap it, killing him and destroying his soul, which horrifies Amy as she screams and wails for him. 
Although Amy was overwhelmed upon feeling Shinsou’s soul disappear, along with the rest of her classmates who fought against Michael to help the witches, it was Shinsou’s death and her friends’ death that motivated her to hurry and rush to help Mallory with the Tempus Infinitum spell.
Thankfully, Cordelia’s sacrifice allows Mallory’s power to awaken and Amy doesn’t hesitate to follow her and give her power to her so they can both go back in time to prevent the Anti-Christ from rising. As Amy and Mallory return to 5 years in the past, she is disturbed by all the memories that come flooding back to her, but remains focused on the task at hand as she and Mallory are allowed to redeem the Anti-Christ and prevent the apocalypse in the new and current timeline.
Amy was aware that she could technically change all of what happened, but agreed with Mallory that they shouldn’t change the entirety of the future and only change some of the worse aspects that impacted the witches as Amy reluctantly agrees. Although, when Amy reunited with Shinsou oncemore, the second meeting (that Shinsou wasn’t aware of) was even more tearful as Amy clung to him and cried outloud for him.
 As all of the events that happened in the original timeline play out, Amy finds herself once again isolated in her mansion as she realized that she hadn’t completely changed from the original timeline because of how the events still played out exactly the same. Fortunately in this current timeline Amy is still being cared for by Mallory, Madison and Shinsou and then she would meet her new best friend Ashlen on the internet, who became a source of comfort for Amy. However, Shinsou was somewhat distrustful of her new internet friend, as he became even more protective of Amy and grew wary of anyone else who got close to her because he didn’t want her to get hurt again. Despite that, he trusted Amy’s judgment as she happily kept chatting with her new friend.
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When Amy eventually decided to return to UA, Shinsou was ecstatic as the two of them shared an affectionate, tearful hug, especially since Amy had returned during the War arc.
Amy then would take him and 1-A to New Orleans as an apology and as a means to help her friends recover from the events of the War arc.
Although upon being attacked by witch hunters in New Orleans Shinsou was crestfallen when he had to watch Amy get killed by the witch hunters who succeeded in impaling her and was inconsolable when he believed her to be dead. Fortunately Misty and Cordelia were able to find her body in the ocean and revived her as the two friends tearfully hug. Afterwards Shinsou would accompany Amy, Madison and Midoriya to the Murder House and free the trapped souls with Amy constantly protecting Shinsou and vice-versa. And after her mission with Midoriya, Shinsou decided to do something nice for her. Remembering Amy express her regrets for not being able to perform at the Culture Festival, he gets them a spot during a festival in New Orleans where he and Amy performed and sang ‘True Colors’ together and Amy happily thanked him afterwards and called him her ‘very best friend’.
While it might not always be healthy, Shinsou almost always forgives Amy for anything she does no matter how amoral or messed up it may be, and that includes murder, manipulation and deception or even going on a rampage throughout his school.
Although Shinsou is not entirely lenient on Amy, as he can tell her when he thinks she is wrong about something and tries to balance out her craziness by acting as the logical and rational one. Despite this however, because Shinsou is terrified of her temper and her power, he often finds himself buckling under pressure and instead opts to hold his tongue if it means not upsetting Amy. Even apologizing for little reasons when he senses that Amy is in a bad mood or whenever she raises her voice. And because Amy sometimes doesn’t always realize just how overbearing she’s being, she was oblivious to the power imbalance between the two of them, with Amy having most of the power and Shinsou being the one bending over backwards for her.
Eventually Shinsou does secretly admit to himself and later to Kaminari that it can be really emotionally taxing on him to take care of Amy whenever she’s upset because he’s terrified of her either lashing out, having another meltdown, hurting someone or hurting herself. That being said, Shinsou has also had panic attacks whenever he thinks about Amy’s rage and freezes up in fear whenever she gets angry because of her capability for destruction. He pretends that it doesn’t bother him, but because of his friendship with her and unwillingness to admit that his friend scares him, he bottles it up and continues to make excuses for her.
Amy eventually realizes this in the second year when Ashlen enters the picture and she sees what kind of emotional struggles he goes through whenever she got upset and saw how it affected Ashlen too. Feeling even more guilty, Amy apologizes to both of them, and plans to make amends to Shinsou by being a better friend to him, and this shows when Shinsou has his own emotional meltdowns (albeit much more downplayed compared to Amy’s) and Amy gladly looks after him and helps him feel better.
Overall, their friendship is very strong, albeit with some slight co-dependence on their parts as Shinsou and Amy both suffer their own breakdowns at the mere thought of losing each other or no longer being friends, which is why he got pissed at her for lying that she didn’t want to be friends and she broke down immediately even if it was just a lie.
Later on, their relationship remains as loving and close, especially when they add Ashlen into their friend-group as the two take it upon themselves to be their best selves for her, although they’re still not above acting like trouble-makers even with Ashlen around and playfully joking around with her. Nonetheless, they’re a dynamic duo who love each other and will do anything for the other.
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And though I know, since you've awakened her again She depends on you, she depends on you She'll go alone and never speak of you again We depend on you, I’ll depend on you...
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Souls of Glass Chapter 2
And here’s chapter two :3 I have up to 17 chapters already typed up for this story so if you’re impatient you can go to my DeviantArt page and read it all there XD 
Lost is my bb
Undervirus belongs to @jeyawue
Previous Chapter!   https://sansfangirl4life.tumblr.com/post/176426451983/souls-of-glass-chapter-1
Chapter 2
Lost stared at the young child's face in front of him. Frisk....it...it's....
"I think yer creepin' her out there, buddy." Xans patted his back and snapped him out of his daze. He sneered at the albino as Xans walked over. "How was yer day at school?"
"It was great! But uh....whos' this? A friend of yours?" Frisk took a few good looks before her eyes widened a bi. "Oh wait, is this our new guest?"
"Oh, Lost here?" Xans threw his arm over Lost's shoulder, ignoring the angry look he was receiving. "Certainly! In fact ya could say we're best~ buds!"
"Get.......off of me!" Lost spun around and punched him in the chest, sending him flying onto the floor. "Ugh..."
"Uhm, Lost right?"  Lost turned his eyes to Frisk and she could tell even at a glance how haunted he appeared. "Where are you from? Valphys gave me a small rundown but...is it true? That you're not from the 'game'?"
"Yes." Lost couldn't bring himself to look at the child in front of him, even as she walked closer. "I'm sorry for, ah, appearing like this."
"It's not your fault!" Frisk smiled. "From what it sounds like, you just...ended up here. Do you know how?" Lost frowned and crossed his arms.
Do....do I? He closed his eyes, trying to recall exactly what had happened. "I...think I was teleporting to my brother's house.....when something...happened." He tried to focus and he felt himself shiver slightly. "Something....dragged me into the Void." Lost shook his head and opened his eyes. "I can't remember the rest...I just woke up here."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Frisk chuckled. "I apologize if Xans made you uncomfortable at all. He's just....rough around the edges."
That's the mildest thing I would use to describe him. Lost thought. Wait...no. I wouldn't use that at all.
"But he means well deep down."
"....Very deep down it seems." Frisk giggled and Lost couldn't stop the small smile gracing his lips. "Heh."
"Hee hee, so you can smile." Lost looked away and scratched as his cheek, embarrassed. "Well, feel free to make yourself at home, Lost! I think we have an extra bed in the closet."
"Thank you Frisk." The girl smiled and took Lost's hand, but he flinched when she touched his oddly warm skin. "S-Sorry, I-"
"No, it's ok!" Frisk said with an easy smile. "Umm...Valphys told me about your, uhh...past." Lost flinched and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry. For what happened to your...sister." Lost adjusted the sweater around his neck, moving it to cover his mouth.
"....She would like you." He said softly. Frisk took his hand again, and this time he didn't flinch away.
"Umm, I don't want to seem rude, but people may get the wrong idea if a teenager is walking around town with a little girl's sweater wrapped around them like that." Lost shrugged and Frisk huffed. "I'll make you a scarf with the same pattern! Does that help?" Lost looked at her and nodded softly. "Alright then! Why not walk around a little outside? I'll call for you when supper's ready, ok?"
"Alright. Thank you Frisk." She smiled and walked over to Xans, who was still laying on the floor. Lost went outside and Xans opened one eye.
"You're fine Xans." she chuckled. "He really hit you good though."
"He hits hard for a rather scrawny looking guy." Xans mumbled, crossing his arms and chewing on his cheek. "Aww c'mon Frisk. No hugs?" Frisk laughed and plopped on top of Xans, hugging him. "Glad ya had a good day kiddo. I'm gonna take a shower." Xans sat up and moved Frisk over, then headed towards the bathroom.
Things are gonna be more fun around here for sure now! I'd better get cooking! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lost sat outside, looking up at the evening sky. Nice to see some views never change... He thought as wind blew gently through his hair. He looked around at the flowers blooming nearby and walked over to them, touching the soft petals. So colorful...Hope would have a field day with these. He chuckled. He felt a chill suddenly and turned around, holding his scythe out. "I know you're there.....what do you want?"
"Heh....nothing seems to escape you." A small doll floated in front of him and he growled. "It seems you recognize me too, hmm?"
"That's right. Luckily for you, I'm not your Chara."
"Doesn't mean I can't sense the LV you have."
"Same for you....or do you think everyone is blind to it?" Lost looked away and put his scythe away. "LV 25...ouch. Not even I can get that high. How many did you kill to rack up that?"
"Shut up..." Lost's fist clenched, blood dripping onto the soft, green grass below. "You know nothing..."
"Tsk, face it. You're just a murderer-"
"Same as you then." He looked at the doll and his red eye glowed gently. "How many times have you killed, hmm? How many times have you drawn a knife against others?"
"Why you-"
"We're not different in that we have killed...but why did you kill?" Lost sighed and turned back to the house. He felt something sharp against his neck and looked down, seeing a knife.
"I'm warning you now....if you touch Frisk in any way...hurt her even by accident...." He felt it move closer and he scowled. "I will make you regret being alive."
".....I already do." Lost whispered and he felt the knife move away a little. "You're too late for that Chara." He pushed the knife away as Frisk poked her head out the door.
"Supper time! I hope you're hungry Lost!"
"Famished." He smiled and walked inside, taking his slippers off at the door. "It smells really good."
"It's meat and potato stew!" Frisk beamed. "Everyone else is at the table, except Xans."
"I'm going to wash my hands and I'll be right there." Lost began to walk towards the bathroom and Frisk ran after him.
"W-Wait a moment! That's the one-" Lost opened the door and stood completely straight, eyes wide. Xans stood before him, looking into a mirror as the water warmed up. Lost's red and blue eyes grew as he realized that all he was seeing was pure, alabaster white skin. Xans turned his way and winked at him, moving his hips slightly.
"Like what ya see?" Xans smirked. "I don't mind the company ya know~...." Lost stood still as a statue as Frisk covered her eyes. "Heh, speechless then? I get that a lo-"
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lost's sudden shout had Xans flinching as a towel was suddenly thrown in his face by magic. "COVER YOURSELF! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!"
"Yer the one that didn't kn-ow! Hey!" A bar of soap hit his chest and he fumbled back a bit. "Quit throwing shit!"
"YOU'RE SO...SO....GAAAHHHH!!!!!" Lost slammed the door hard as Xans cackled behind it. Frisk peeked at Lost, who's face had turned as red as a cherry.
"I...I tried to...warn you...." Lost simply buried his face behind his scarf and walked to the kitchen.
"You don't have to help me clean up you know Lost. Sans and Vapyrus said they would." Frisk loaded the sink as Lost cleaned the dishes. His sleeves had been rolled up, revealing long, strong pale arms with a few dark marks here and there.
"It's alright. I suppose I just....need something to do." He continued to clean as Frisk walked over with a dry towel, drying off the dishes. "And...thank you."
"For what?"
"For letting me stay." Frisk laughed and Lost raised a pale brow at the little girl.
"Of course you're allowed to stay." Frisk smiled. "I know everyone may be a little anxious, considering how you appeared, but...to me...you're family now." Lost smiled at her.
"You remind me of another little girl." He said and winked at her. "You two would get along really well."
"Really? What she like?" Frisk pulled a chair up and sat down as she listened to Lost talk, drying the dishes as they came along. Xans watched the two chat for awhile, arms crossed.
I dunno why...but there's just something...not right here. He thought. He watched as Lost smiled and ruffled Frisk's hair, causing her to bat his hands away. Ugh....whatever. He began to heads towards the door when he felt eyes on him.
"Where are you going? It's late." Lost called out as him and Frisk dried their hands.
"Out wh-"
"Out." Xans repeated and left. Frisk sighed and looked at the door.
"Does he....always do that?" Lost asked.
"He has been lately." Frisk frowned. "I don't know what he does at night but....I worry about him. He's human now so he can get hurt easily." Lost nodded and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, ignoring the burning feeling on his back as Chara glared at him.  "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." He reassured her with a warm smile and she hopped off the chair took his hand and led him to the living room. A large bed lay in the center covered haphazardly in sheets. "Uhh..."
"I told Vundyne and Vapyrus to make the bed up for you but...looks like they got into another tug of war." Lost chuckled and he fixed the sheets and pillow up slightly. "I'm sorry you have to sleep on this, but Xans claimed the couch." Lost shrugged and took his hoodie off, hanging it on a coat rack and curling up under the covers.
"It's alright Frisk. It isn't bad." He assured her.
"Ok...umm, good night!" Lost watched as she shut the light off and headed to her room. He sighed and shook his head.
If this is a dream, I know I'm not waking anytime soon. He thought. It's been a long day... He felt his eyes close and he let out a long sigh. A really.....long day....
Xans stood under a lonely street light, glancing up and down the dark sidewalk. No one around this time a night, hmm? He thought and shrugged. Ah, well-
"Now where's a rather handsome stranger like you headed off to, hmm?" He turned and grinned as a woman with dyed, black hair with purple streaks walked up to him. She was thin, her chest and butt large and Xans licked his lips a bit. "You look rather hungry too...I can't just leave you like that."
"Heh, then why not treat me, eh?" The woman handed her hand out and he smirked. "Nah....I'll pay ya after."
"Hmm, then you may need to keep a tab." Xans laughed as he gripped the woman's hand as she led him down the dark sidewalk.
"Countin' on it...."
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