#like they took the time to add (episode) to each url when it could just as easily have said (book) or (some fuckin short story
mylittleredgirl · 27 days
stumbling back to the safety of the castle (star trek fandom) covered in blood from the front lines (the wiki of any other fandom that doesn't separate on-screen canon from random shit that happened in a novel once)
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hiscyarika · 3 years
What Remains
Word Count: 1.1k
Pairing: Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian and Reader deal with the aftermath of the events on Tython. 
Warning(s): Angst, 🚨 SPOILERS FOR 2x06 🚨
A/N: Here’s a very sad, very angsty thing that I wrote to cope with the latest episode. Again, major spoilers for Ch14!!!
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You haven’t spoken a word since Tython.
There’s barbed wire wrapped around your throat. You couldn’t speak if you wanted to, not unless you wanted to release the violent flood of anger and grief that threatens to break loose with each trembling exhale. There’s a vice around your heart and your chest aches with every beat.
They took your son. And all you could do was watch.
You stand in front of the window. Karga had given everyone a place to stay while you plan the rescue mission. But as you look out at the busy streets of Nevarro, your eyes don’t see the vendors calling out to potential customers. You don’t see the kids running around as they play. No, you see Grogu. You see the strange battle droids flying away with him. You see the fear in his eyes as Moff Gideon holds him captive. Din had briefly explained to you once that the Empire had been experimenting on the little one. It makes your stomach churn to think about what they might be doing to him now.
Your eyes slip closed, and you place a hand on the glass, bracing yourself against it. Your chest throbs as Grogu’s fearful cries ring in your ears, a cacophony that feels all too close and real even though it’s all in your head.
The door creaks and you open your eyes. The crying stops and you’re brought back to reality.
You don’t have to turn around to know who has stepped into your room. His footfalls are familiar to you as the beating of your heart and the breath in your lungs. He stops right inside the door, letting it close quietly behind him. His gaze burns into your back, but still you don’t entertain him with the acknowledgement of his presence. Questions and sentiments swirl in the air between you, but none of them are given a voice. The tension of those words left unsaid is palpable.
Din is the first to break the silence, much to your surprise.
“You should try and get some rest,” he suggests quietly. No one else would have caught the strain in his voice, not when it was so expertly hidden by the vocoder, but it’s rare that something like that gets past you anymore.
“Do you really think I can sleep right now?,” you retort. You do your best to restrain your frustration. It won’t do either of you any good to get angry.
Din sighs, deep and heavy. “I’d be more concerned if you could.”
“What did Cara say?,” you ask, hardly leaving a breath between his words and your question.
He steps closer to you, but still you face the window. Somehow you know that the moment you look at him, safe now from prying eyes and listening ears, the façade you’re fighting so hard to keep standing will crumble. “She’s going to help us spring Mayfeld in any way that she can, but as a Marshal, her hands might be tied,” he explains.
You bite down hard on your bottom lip and nod once. “Okay.”
You can feel how close he is now, heat radiating from his body as he stands behind you. It makes every muscle in your body tense. Then, there’s the gentle pressure of his hands on your shoulders. Tears pool in your eyes at the contact, and you hold your head up high to try and keep them at bay. There’s a metallic taste of blood as you bite down harder on your lip. You can’t do this now. You don’t have time to let the flood of emotions drown you.
“We’ll get him back,” Din murmurs.
You bring your hand up to cover his, halfheartedly lacing your fingers together. Silence falls between the two of you again, and the vice around your heart squeezes as you relive the moment Grogu was taken. If you had just stayed there to guard him while Din helped take care of the stormtroopers, maybe you’d have him in your arms now. Maybe you’d be rocking him and humming to him, and the comforting warmth against your shoulder would be his head as he finally closes his eyes to sleep.
And that is the thought is almost enough to bring you to your knees.
You squeeze Din’s hand as hard as you can manage, still trying desperately to hold the shattered pieces of your resolve together. He shifts then, reaching around you to pull the curtains closed. With the sun fallen just below the horizon, the action leaves the two of you plunged in the safety of darkness. Din lets out a breath, carefully turning you around to face him. You’re pliable in his hands, putting up no fight against the movement. You lower your head, your chin falling to your chest and your forehead meeting the cold beskar cuirass.
But Din cradles your face in his gloved hands, lifting your head so that you look up towards the visor of his helmet. “We will,” he says again, softer, but no less insistent.
“If I had just–”
“No. This…,” he falters for a moment, his voice threatening to give out on him. “This is my fault. I should have seen this coming. I should have had the rifle with me. I should have…” The words become rushed and desperate, and as Din begins to tremble, finally giving in to the weight of his own emotions, so do the tears finally escape you.
You plant your hands firmly on his shoulders, shaking your head and pulling him closer to you. Your thumbs pull at his cowl, brushing against the skin at the juncture of his neck. Din’s next breath comes in a gasp, and without any warning, he pulls the helmet from his head. It falls to the ground with a deafening metallic ring, and then his arms are around you. At first, he’s gentle, hesitant, but then he pulls you as close as he can get you, determined not to let you go.
You can feel the edges of the beskar digging into your skin, but the sting cannot compete with the sharp pain of your failure. Your arms wrap tightly around Din’s neck, and instinctively he buries his face in your shoulder. There’s hardly a sound between the two of you. The tears are hot and silent and unrelenting. Neither of you speak, because there are no words that can stifle or assuage such acute grief.
You both hold each other tight, because with the kid and the ship gone, everything you have left is right there in your arms.
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The Mandalorian Tags: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @adlerorzel-blog @mrsparknuts @deputytrash @lola-wolf @sunkissed-winter
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jovalencia · 2 years
okay because I know you all care a lot and are simply dying to hear my opinion on heartstopper here it is. I’m gonna be a bitch btw be warned
I will preface this by saying I’ve read the comic like four times and I really liked it! it was very cute and I did plan on gatekeeing this show but. whatever I decided I don’t care enough but I can horde the urls of their instagram @‘s and maybe thats enough. if you’re mad at me too bad I already said I’m a bitch so sue me. 
right off the bat. the acting needs work. like seriously every scene made me wanna rip my ears off like why are you taking like that and standing like that and looking at each other like that. it was painful. the dialogue felt so…unnatural so I guess the delivery was on par with that. anyways. 
I know that some changes were necessary to make the comic into a show so I’m not gonna get upset about that, just the changes I didn’t like.
first of all the comic book editing was not very good. like it would have worked if it was consistent but it felt like every now and then they were like “shit this show is based off a comic let’s add some leaves”
now I’m sure this is a Super revolutionary take but WHY did they have that plot line with Imogen there was literally no fucking reason. I hated it and it was a cheap attempt at more drama and it wasn’t even that dramatic it was just bad.
#1 thing I hated about a change that they made in show was how they had Elle out nick to tao because like. maybe I just know my bff Elle better than the writers but like she would literally never do that like. WHY. anyways.
Tao my bff tao. I think I could talk about this for like a thousand words but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. he is me and I am him and normally I wouldn’t excuse or support his type of behavior from a character, and certainly not a man, but he is me and I am him and I Get It. like they dialed every character trait of his up to a fucking hundred and I loved it. they just made him suuuuch a bitch. In a good way. the only thing I didn’t like was when he said he didn’t wanna be friends with Charlie but other than that. okay maybe I like him so much because as we have established I am him and he is me we are best friends but I literally would have acted the exact same way as him in these situations. the only time I’ve ever almost gotten into a fight was when I tried to punch a guy in the face because he said something mean to my friend and yes you needed to know that. he literally threw a ball at somebody and was mean to them bc they were mean to Charlie and him and got in a fight and threw apple juice on somebody. anyways sorry for being a tao apologist but somebody has to do it.
I have a theory that they took any potential personality that nick could have had and transferred it into tao. because tao felt so big and real but nick might as well have been a rock. like after the first two episodes I was like. tell me why I should care about this man. and then at the end I was like “okayyyyy so he literally could have been any guy and it wouldn’t have mattered okay” like why did they just decide to make him a brick personified I don’t get it.
Idk what the writers thought they were doing with Darcy but it did not slay. they took her chaotic-ness (I hate that word but that’s the only way I can describe it) and combined it with a complete lack of understanding or respect for boundaries and I was not a fan. I’m gonna be a Darcy apologist tho. I quite frankly I have no complaints about Tara tho I think they did a great job with her
the casting for Harry was some of the best I’ve ever seen it was fantastic. he was soooo English and such an asshole I laughed every time he was on screen I loved it. they made him not only hatable but also annoying and honestly might become a Harry stan in like an ironic way you know exactly what I mean 
okay. was ben… not white in the comic?? if not. WHAT was the reason for making him not white. Okay. Uh. anyways.
oh Charlie my bff Charlie they made him even MORE of a bitch in the show I loved it. that’s why him and tao are besties. again he kinda lacked personality a bit but it was fine. (brief sh and ed mention in the rest of this paragraph btw) However, I know that this point in the comic that Charlie’s mental health wasn’t really that big of a thing but at least in the comic whenever he would say something about not eating it was emphasized. whereas in the show it really was just completely skimmed over. also I can’t remember that if at that point in the comic Charlie had told nick about his self harming but if he had I wish that was in the show.
rapid fire round for characters that were irrelevant to me. hey where the fuck was Oliver btw I loved that lil guy. tragedy of the century. tori was there no complaints about her tbh. Isaac was there as well and he was fine, aled didn’t really do that much in the comic so it’s whatever. Miss singh was great as was that art teacher sorry I can’t remember his name I just don’t care. They took away all of nick’s mom’s personality it’s rough out there for the Nelsons. Taos mom is the best btw I love her.
saved the best for last let’s talk about my best friend Elle. And I mean best friend. I am so happy with what they did with her in the show (aside from the aforementioned outing of nick). They have her so much life and maybe I have my heart shaped glasses on but god I love her so much. I seriously don’t even have any specific thoughts but like. GOD Elle argent is Thee character of all time
and time for the rapid fire round of things that made me raise an eyebrow. Isaac walking in on nick and Charlie almost kissing and it never being resolved or addressed. lol. having Imogen’s dog die although that was pretty funny I did chuckle. sports day. So silly. rugby existing what is rugby. take a shot every time they say “Hi” “hi” and you’ll be so hammered by episode three that you won’t notice that the show isn’t that enjoyable. the school is sooooo ugly if I went there I would be miserable those kids are so strong. this show is so hard to compare to riverdale and it’s concerning considering that riverdale is the cornerstone blueprint etc for all good television. making out in front of a claw machine😐move I want a turn. Nick NOT recommending that he watch but I’m a cheerleader with his mom after he looked up gay movies. not knowing who won the fight between nick and Harry I want to see nick beat his ass. also I’ve seen middle schoolers fight better. 
rapid fire of things that made me want to punch a wall (in a good way!). Harry’s existence he’s so silly fr. commenting on the Elle smells bowling name. hi dani. the British accents which did make the show funnier. the soundtrack was good! I didn’t know or particularly like any of the songs but they fit the vibe. nicks house is so pretty on the outside I love ivy. the your mom jokes. me. 62% gay nick having his Isak valtersen moment. btw this show wants to be skam sooooo bad .Tao’s three story house. so silly. nicks tight ass uniform shirt a boy who plays rugby Would do that. Nick’s ugly ass bedroom decor. he’s here to represent bi boys with no swag. who also dress like elementary schoolers. all THREW of the running through the hallways scenes what if I started crying tears of joy huh then what. Tao’s “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child but if you’re craving human contact that badly you could just say so” noora m okay because I know you all care a lot and are simply dying to hear my opinion on heartstopper here it is. I’m gonna be a bitch btw be warned
I will preface this by saying I’ve read the comic like four times and I really liked it! it was very cute and I did plan on gatekeeing this show but. whatever I decided I don’t care enough but I can horde the urls of their instagram @‘s and maybe thats enough. if you’re mad at me too bad I already said I’m a bitch so sue me. 
right off the bat. the acting needs work. like seriously every scene made me wanna rip my ears off like why are you taking like that and standing like that and looking at each other like that. it was painful. the dialogue felt so…unnatural so I guess the delivery was on par with that. anyways.
I know that some changes were necessary to make the comic into a show so I’m not gonna get upset about that, just the changes I didn’t like.
now I’m sure this is a super revolutionary take but WHY did they have that plot line with Imogen there was literally no fucking reason. I hated it and it was a cheap attempt at more drama and it wasn’t even that dramatic it was just bad.
#1 thing I hated about a change made in show was how they had Elle out nick to tao because like. maybe I just know my bff Elle better than the writers but like she would literally never do that like. WHY. anyways
Tao my bff tao. I think I could talk about this for like a thousand words but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. he is me and I am him and normally I wouldn’t excuse or support his type of behavior from a character, and certainly not a man, but he is me and I am him and I Get It. like they dialed every character trait of his up to a fucking hundred and I loved it. they just made him suuuuch a bitch. In a good way. the only thing I didn’t like was when he said he didn’t wanna be friends with Charlie but other than that. okay maybe I like him so much because as we have established I am him and he is me we are best friends but I literally would have acted the exact same way as him in these situations. the only time I’ve ever almost gotten into a fight was when I tried to punch a guy in the face because he said something mean to my friend and yes you needed to know that. he literally threw a ball at somebody and got in a fight and threw apple juice on somebody. anyways sorry for being a tao apologist but somebody has to do it.
I have a theory that they took any potential personality that nick could have had and transferred it into tao. because tao felt so big and real but nick might as well have been a rock. like after the first two episodes I was like. tell me why I should care about this man. and then at the end I was like “okayyyyy so he literally could have been any guy and it wouldn’t have mattered okay” like why did they just decide to make him a brick personified I don’t get it.
Idk what the writers thought they were doing with Darcy btw but it did not slay. they took her chaotic-ness (I hate that word but that’s the only way I can describe it) and combined it with a complete lack of understanding or respect for boundaries and I was not a fan. I’m gonna be a Darcy apologist tho. I quite frankly I have no complaints about Tara tho I think they did a great job with her
the casting for Harry was some of the best I’ve ever seen it was fantastic. he was soooo English and such an asshole I laughed every time he was on screen I loved it. they made him not only hatable but also annoying and honestly might become a Harry stan in like an ironic way you know exactly what I mean 
okay. was ben not white in the comic. if not. WHAT was the reason for making him not white. Okay. Uh.
oh Charlie my bff Charlie they made him even MORE of a bitch in the show I loved it. that’s why him and tao are besties. again he kinda lacked personality a bit but it was fine. However, I know that this point in the comic that Charlie’s mental health wasn’t really that big of a thing but at least in the comic whenever he would say something about not eating it was emphasized. whereas in the show it really was just completely skimmed over. also I can’t remember that if at that point in the comic Charlie had told nick about his self harming but if he had I wish that was in the show.
rapid fire round for characters that were irrelevant to me. hey where the fuck was Oliver btw I loved that lil guy. tragedy of the century. tori was there no complaints about her tbh. Isaac was there as well and he was fine aled didn’t really do that much in the comic so it’s whatever. Miss singh was great as what that art teacher sorry I can’t remember his name I just don’t care. They took away all of nick’s mom’s personality it’s rough out there for the Nelsons. Taos mom is the best btw I love her.
saved the best for last let’s talk about my best friend Elle. And I mean best friend. I am so happy with what they did with her in the show (aside from the aforementioned outing of nick). They have her so much life and maybe I have my heart shaped glasses on but god I love her so much. I seriously don’t even have any specific thoughts but like. GOD Elle argent is Thee character of all time
and time for the rapid fire round of things that made me raise an eyebrow. Isaac walking in on nick and Charlie almost kissing and it never being resolved or addressed. having Imogen’s dog die although that was pretty funny I did chuckle. sports day. So silly. rugby existing what is rugby. take a shot every time they say “Hi” “hi” and you’ll be so hammered by episode three that you won’t notice that the show isn’t that enjoyable. the school is sooooo ugly if I went there I would be miserable those kids are so strong. this show is so hard to compare to riverdale it’s concerning considering that riverdale is the cornerstone blueprint etc for all good television. making out in front of a claw machine😐move I want a turn. Nick NOT recommending that he watch but I’m a cheerleader with his mom after he looked up gay movies. not knowing who won the fight between nick and Harry I want to see nick beat his ass. anyways I have seen middle schoolers fight better. 
rapid fire of things that made me want to punch a wall (in a good way!). Harry’s existence he’s so silly fr. commenting on the Elle smells bowling name. hi dani. the British accents which did make the show funnier. the soundtrack was good! I didn’t know or particularly like any of the songs but they fit the vibe. nicks house is so pretty on the outside I love ivy. the your mom jokes. me. 62% gay Isak valtersen moment. btw this show wants to be skam sooooo bad .Tao’s three story house. so silly. nicks tight ass uniform shirt a boy who plays rugby Would do that. Nick’s ugly ass bedroom decor. he’s here to represent bi boys with no swag. who also dress like elementary schoolers.all the running through the hallways scenes what if I started crying tears of joy huh then what. Tao’s “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child but if you’re craving human contact that badly you could just say so” noora moment. nick is so much stronger than I could ever be if my mom gave me that fuckin 3rd degree when I came out I would have been pissed.
I’m conclusion I don’t think I would have liked the show if I wasn’t already invested in the comic and Elle and tao would have made a much more interesting main couple I’m sorry it had to be said. I just like them better and I Know you do to.  regret staying up late to watch it.
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Commission for Confidence, 9
Summary: Y/N has been struggling with her self-esteem for years. After incessant pushing from your best friend, Y/N decides to commission an artist to draw her, expecting everything to happen via Internet. However, when your phone is stolen, you try to cancel the commission, but Peter Parker has other ideas. He quickly becomes enraptured by you, and a friendship forms easily. Will it lead to something more? Or will your past fears get in the way?
A/N: Okay, here’s the next chapter! Chapter 10 will be game night, I think, and after that there’ll be another mini-time skip! I do like where this one went. Please let me know what you think!
If you want to be on this taglist or on my permanent one, just shoot me an ask or something! If there’s a strikethrough on your URL, that means it didn’t work, but I’ll do my best to fix it if I can!
Permanent Taglist: @pparkerwrites, @jordyns-library, @natblidaclexa, @peterseuphoria, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @beccaboo929, @softrdj, @icecoldban
CFC Taglist: @scatterbrainedgenius, @wildfirecracker, @pastlives-purplesouls, @maybemona, @hotchocolattee, @heregoestheworld, @willowtree42095, @134340-cm, @this-is-just-for-fanfic-lmao, @poc-gotbang, @sincereleygmg, @toastedpopsicles, @imstupidsblog
Word Count: 4014
Warnings: fluff, Peter cooking, mention of injuries, additional minor cooking-related injuries, some swearing lmao, some crying, being super duper tired, a little bit of Peter’s POV, some negative self-talk near the end
You still had your arms around Peter’s neck as he reached your floor. You expected him to put you down as soon as you reached the top.
It seemed that Peter was full of surprises.
Peter continued to carry you on the way to your door. Right before he gently put you down, he squeezed you tightly and seemed to inhale deeply through his nose. Then, thankfully, your feet touched the floor, and you felt relatively stable.
Peter followed you inside casually and you made a beeline to the fridge. Another yawn graced your face as you pulled out one of the reusable bottles of water you always put in the fridge. As you straightened and groaned at the twinge of pain, Peter appeared right behind you, making you throw the bottle in surprise.
Peter caught it easily and handed it back to you with a chuckle. “Why don’t you go get comfy and I’ll see what I can cook up?”
Too tired to argue, you said, “Luckily for you, I just went grocery shopping.”
He gave you a grin as you shuffled away. Once in your bedroom, you slowly went about changing from your dirty work clothes into a giant sweatshirt you’d gotten from a thrift store and a pair of simple black leggings. You stared at your blob-like form in the mirror, aware that you purposefully made yourself into a blob, before padding back out to the kitchen; the sounds of cooking reached your ears.
“Smells good,” you remarked as you leaned against the counter. “Are you utilizing my garlic and onions?”
“Yep!” Peter chirped as he beamed at you over his shoulder.
“What’s on the menu, chef?” you asked as you finally took a sip of water. The coolness relieved your throat and made your entire body relax ever so slightly.
“Well,” Peter shuffled slightly so you could stand next to him at the stove, “I saw that you had some steak, and some potatoes, so we’re going to have steak and potatoes.”
“What kind of potatoes?” you asked as you saw them already washed and cut, coming to a boil on the stove. Exactly how long had you been changing clothes?
“Not sure yet,” he admitted. “Not just boiled, I know that.”
You hummed slightly and grabbed a fork, poking a potato. “I’ll make some lemon pepper potatoes,” you stated as you turned up the heat.
“But I am supposed to be the one cooking,” Peter pouted at you.
“And you have done a fabulous job so far,” you smiled at him, “but let me help. I hate feeling useless. Besides,” you cut him off as he was about to say something, “my kitchen, my rules. That’s the way it is.”
“Fine,” he pretended to huff. “What do you need, sous chef?”
You chuckled and took a step back from him. “Nothing yet. The potatoes aren’t quite done enough. Would you like to hear my plan?”
“Yes please!” Peter grinned as he placed a steak in the pan with a loud sizzle. He placed the next one and added some butter and rosemary, the scent wafting through the air and comforting your soul.
“Alright, well, when they’re almost done being boiled, I’m going to toss them in some lemon pepper seasoning. I might add some other stuff too, I’m not sure yet. Then, while the steaks are resting, I’ll toss them in the pan and let them crisp up.”
Peter let out a moan as you finished describing it, and your ears burned at the sound. “That sounds amazing,” he admitted, smirking at you.
You chatted absentmindedly as he finally flipped the steaks and you were ready to drain the potatoes. As you picked it up, your wrapped arm throbbed painfully enough that the pot clattered back onto the stove. It splashed near-boiling water all over your hand and foot, making you hiss in pain and jump back.
Of course, you collided with the counter behind you.
“Son of a bitch!” you exclaimed; your breathing was almost frozen in your throat.
“Jesus!” Peter exclaimed at the same time, taking a step towards you. “Shit, Y/N, are you okay? Not a great day for you, huh?” he attempted to lighten the mood.
Your eyes began to mist with tears of frustration, pain, and exhaustion; you were much too tired to keep them in. You put your hand over your mouth as you let out a sob, your eyes squeezing shut and the tears pouring out of your eyes.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck, are you hurt?” Peter asked as he stepped closer to you, rubbing his hands up and down your shoulders and arms. “It’s okay, Y/N, just talk to me. Are you hurt? Please tell me you’re not hurt.”
“I’m, not, hurt,” you basically hiccupped around your tears.
“Oh,” he breathed, halting the rubbing of his hands on your arms. As you continued to sob, unable to stop both the tears and the jumping of your lungs, Peter stepped closer to you. He wrapped his arms around you, tucking you into his chest.
You couldn’t stop the hand that covered your mouth from moving to grip Peter’s soft t-shirt with tight yet shaky fingers. You were just so incredibly exhausted and achy and done with the world, that your body apparently decided that crying would be the best way to deal with your current situation.
One of Peter’s hands rubbed your back as the other squeezed you tighter. After several minutes, you felt your tears come to an end and your breathing relax.
Your head suddenly snapped up and you peered over Peter’s shoulder to look at the stove. The steaks were still in the pan, but the heat was off. You relaxed in front of Peter again, your neck rolling down to rest your forehead on his chest.
Peter chuckled and pulled back from you, making you look up at him. “Go lay down on the couch, okay?”
“No, go. I’ll finish up dinner. Go lay down, relax. You need it.”
“Nope,” he popped the ‘p’, “you deserve it. Besides, you’re not allowed to argue with me when you look that adorable. Now go.”
You sighed heavily and nodded. Peter smiled at your acquiescence and you almost jumped in surprise when his lips pressed a kiss to your forehead. You made sure you didn’t look at him as you shuffled away and into the living room.
You carefully lowered yourself to the couch and then into a comfortable position, or at least as comfortable as you could. You turned the TV on and lazily picked an episode of The Golden Girls before sinking into the comfort of your couch.
 Peter finished up dinner and walked into the living room to tell you it was ready, only to see you fast asleep. You were curled into yourself ever so slightly, your eyebrows slightly furrowed. Peter sat on the edge of the couch near your knees, looking down at you with a soft smile. You shifted slightly and let out a little grumble, a grimace coming to your lips.
Reaching out a hand, Peter gently ran his fingers through your hair, pushing the strands away from your face. At his touch, you relaxed, almost seeming to move closer to him, and his heart fluttered in his ribcage. The bandages on your face shot guilt through his chest, sending his fluttering heart back down to the ground.
He felt so bad about your injuries. It was an afternoon patrol day, and he was four blocks away when Karen told him about the robbery in-progress. Peter had swung over immediately, stopping on top of a building across the street to assess the situation.
As soon as he saw you being held by your hair, Peter was swinging down and to the window. You were throwing a gun at a man’s face when he went through the window, and then Peter was so focused on webbing everyone up to stop you from getting hurt that he didn’t get to the ones kicking you until you were already curled on the floor.
Peter’s heart panged again as he recalled you riddled with pieces of glass and clutching your ribs; he hated the look of fear on your face.
As you breathed in deeply, Peter was struck with pride at how brave you had been during the robbery. You obviously worked splendidly under pressure, and it made him admire you more. He hated that you’d gotten hurt, and that you were so torn up because he had been reckless and jumped without a proper plan, but he was happy that you were okay.
And, he admitted to himself, he was glad that he was there with you. Your sleeping form was so cute, and you looked so soft. He wanted nothing more than to crawl onto the couch and settle behind you, holding you close and keeping you safe. Then again, he also wanted to sketch out your gorgeous form…
Peter didn’t know why he was so drawn to you, especially considering that you hadn’t known each other very long, but he was. He didn’t want to stop being drawn to you, in all honesty, because he saw you as such a ray of light, even when you were sleeping.
Still, you had to wake up to eat.
 You were woken up gently, and you opened your eyes to see Peter leaning over you slightly with his hand on your shoulder. His smile warmed your heart and you began to sit up. Your ribs twitched with a bit of pain, causing a wince to cross your face. Peter moved back slightly and smiled again as you stretched, wincing again at the slight pain it caused.
“How long was I out?” you muttered out, rubbing at your eyes.
“Just, like, fifteen minutes, I think?” Peter replied.
“Mm,” you hummed slightly, dropping your arms. “What’s up?”
“Dinner’s ready,” Peter said cheerfully, getting up and reaching out a hand to help you up. You put your hand in his and he gently helped you to your feet. Without letting go of your hand, he led you to your dining room table.
You sat in your usual spot, Peter to your right, and tiredly regarded your plate. You let out another hum as you finally woke up more upon smelling the food.
“This looks great, Peter,” you said sincerely, picking up your utensils and beginning to eat. The first bite of steak had you letting out a moan of happiness; it was truly delicious. “Oh my god, Peter,” you moaned around your food, “this is so good.”
“Thanks,” he chuckled warmly.
You spent the dinner in relative silence, mostly just eating. The food warmed you completely, both in body and soul. While you were eating, though, you were once again aware of how sore your body was and how exhausted you felt.
“Go lay back down,” Peter urged as you finished eating. “I’ll clean up.”
“I can—”
“Remember what I said?” he interrupted gently.
“You’re not allowed to argue with me when you look so cute, now go get some more rest. I’ll only be a few minutes.”
You huffed out your acquiescence and shuffled back to the couch. You sat on it this time, to avoid falling asleep, and scrolled through your phone aimlessly. Your sitting position did not, however, stop your eyes from drooping, nor your mouth from yawning.
“Y/N, I’m done—” Peter cut off as he saw you dozing on the couch again. This time, though, you were only dozing, and your head snapped up to look at him.
“Sorry, Peter, for being so useless tonight,” you yawned.
Peter sat down next to you and pulled your leg into his lap. He absently massaged it through your leggings as he said, “No, you’re not useless, Y/N. You’re never useless. You’re wonderful and always exactly as you need to be, by being you.”
You nearly purred at the sensation of the massage, even as your eyes filled with tears. “Th-thanks, Peter, that means a lot,” you stuttered.
He smiled at you and then looked at the time. The feeling of him pressing into the muscles of your calf was making you even more drowsy.
“Hey, Y/N?” Peter roused you slightly.
“Yes?” you asked, opened your eyes wide to try to wake up.
“Do you want me to stay?” he asked tenderly with shining brown eyes.
“You don’t have to, Peter,” you said, waking up a bit more. “I can handle the rest of the night. It’s all up to you, though.”
Peter sighed heavily through his nose, causing your eyebrows to furrow in concern. He leaned into your couch and sighed again, drawing it out into a groan and squeezing his eyes shut.
“What’s wrong?” you couldn’t help but ask. You pulled your legs underneath you and leaned forward to put a concerned hand on his shoulder.
Peter opened his eyes and you realized how close you were to him. You leaned back a little but kept your hand in place. He gave you a smile, though it wasn’t an overly happy one.
“I don’t wanna leave,” he explained slowly, “but I probably should so that I don’t neglect my duties around the house before game night.” Another sigh escaped his lips.
“Aw,” you cooed, “it’s so sweet of you to be concerned, but I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not concerned,” he said, then hurried to say, “well, I mean, I am concerned, but that’s not why I want to stay.” He then blushed as he said, “I just like spending time with you, Y/N, that’s why I want to stay.”
You felt your blood rushing as your body reacted to his words. In a poor attempt to hide how sheepish you were, you said, “Peter, that’s sweet, but if you gotta go, you gotta go.”
He heaved another sigh, this one obviously meant to be overly dramatic, and pushed himself to his feet. You followed suit even as he shambled to the front door. It was easy to chuckle at his dramatics, and that seemed to be his goal as he grinned at you.
“Peter?” you prompted him as he pulled on his shoes and got ready to go.
“Yes, Y/N?” His brown eyes would be so easy to get lost in…
“Well, I just wanted to say, well, thank you. You were really there for me today, and you didn’t have to, so… thank you. I really appreciate it.” You chuckled quietly before you continued, “I’ve never really had a friend quite like you, Peter. It’s a new experience for me.”
Peter was quiet for a moment as he patted his pockets to be sure he had everything. Then, he turned and beamed at you. “I’m happy to be your friend, and to be your friend the way I am. I’ll always be there for you, Y/N. Let me know if you need anything and I’ll be over before you know it, mmkay?”
You nodded. “Thank you again, Peter.”
“No need to thank me. I’ll see you tomorrow for game night?” he confirmed as he stood in the threshold of the front door.
“Yep!” you chirped happily. “Bye, Peter.”
Steeling yourself a final time, you bounced forward and kissed his cheek before he was completely out of the apartment. You could see his blush as the door shut, and after a few moments, you heard his footsteps walk away.
You locked your door and made sure everything was off before plugging in your phone and curling up on your comfortable couch. Sleep came easily that night.
 The next day, you woke up with aches pulsing all over your body. What had woken you up was a phone call from Edith.
“Y/N, I swear to all the saints and gods, if you come to work today, I’ll fire you on the spot,” Edith said in lieu of a greeting. “Well, I won’t fire you, but I will force you to do what you find to be the most boring work possible: math theory books.”
“Edith,” you chuckled, blinking the sleep from your eyes, “if you had waited another hour, I would’ve called in. My alarm isn’t set to go off for another hour.”
“Oh,” she breathed out, the fire she had built up dying quickly. “Oh. Okay then. Well, how are you feeling? Did you get home okay? Charlie filled me in, since Arthur isn’t coming in and is still asleep. Do you need to talk about it?”
You chuckled under your breath as you managed to heave yourself into a semi-upright position. It shot pain through your midsection, but it quickly left. “I’m okay. They patched me up and gave me painkillers. My friend helped me out last night. I’m mostly just sore right now, and still exhausted.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay,” Edith informed you. “And, well, while what you did wasn’t necessarily wise, it was smart, and I’m proud of you for being brave.”
“Thanks, Edith,” you said as emotion tightened your chest. Edith had been like a mother-figure to you ever since you got the job; hearing her say something like that was very sweet and very necessary.
“Don’t come back into work until Wednesday, okay? And no doing work from home! This is part of your paid time off; it’s about time you start using those days anyway, kid.”
“Thank you, Edith,” you repeated warmly. “I’ll only read for pleasure this weekend and I’ll be sure to relax as best as I am able.”
“Good!” Edith said firmly. After a pause, she continued, “Go back to sleep, okay? Let me know if you need anything and I’ll be right over.”
You chuckled in response. “I will, Edith. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. See you Wednesday.”
“See you Wednesday,” you agreed, hanging up the phone.
You stretched out on the couch again, proud of your choice last night. You knew that if you had slept in your bed, you would be unable to get up without considerable pain. And, well, your couch was incredibly comfortable. Your bed was comfortable too, but not in a way that would make it a good idea for you to sleep there with your aching body.
After another strike of pain ran up and down your spine, you kicked your legs over the edge of the couch. With your body protesting loudly, and some of the protests making it out of your mouth in the form of grunts and groans, you managed to get up, open your curtains, and go to the kitchen.
As you made some toast and tea so you could take some painkillers and head back to sleep, you heard tapping on your window.
You leaned over the breakfast bar and scanned the windows, expecting to see the crows that you had befriended. Instead, you saw Spider-Man sitting on your fire escape and tapping on the window.
With a roll of your eyes, you crossed to that window and opened it. You could tell that Spider-Man was grinning under his mask as you managed to climb out the window and onto the fire escape, despite your body protesting.
“Hello again, Spider-Man,” you greeted him. “You’re here early.”
“Well,” the obviously altered voice began, “I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I was busy last night, so I couldn’t make it,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in a way that was strangely familiar. “How are you feeling?”
You sighed slightly and shrugged a shoulder. “I’m making some breakfast so I can take some painkillers and sleep for a few more hours.”
“What, uh, what are you doing tonight?” he asked sheepishly.
“Why, Spider-Man? Are you going to ask me on a date or something?” you flirted lightly, feeling that it was harmless. Well, if that could even be considered flirting, since you didn’t think you were very good at flirting at all.
“N-no!” he stuttered with his white eyes wide as he looked away. “I was just curious. It’s, uh, just a question. It’s Friday, you know, and I was just—”
“It’s okay,” you interrupted him with a laugh. “I was just teasing. I’m going over to a friend’s place for game night.”
“Is this that same friend as the one you talked to me about?” he asked, his mask shifting in a way that told you he was wiggling his eyebrows.
“Yes,” you replied, crossing your arms over your stomach in a sudden wave of self-consciousness. “I kissed his cheek last night,” you admitted quietly.
“Ooo, spicy!” he chuckled, sounding weird with the voice changer.
“Shut up,” you muttered. “He was really sweet last night, and he was really flirty, I think. It made me feel… special.” You sighed and curled into yourself slightly. “He’s just being nice,” you reasoned. “I don’t think a guy like him would be capable of liking a gal like me romantically… or sexually.”
“Now why would you say that?” Spider-Man demanded angrily, making you jump in surprise. “And furthermore, how would you even know that?”
“I-I, well,” you stuttered, curling in again and looking away from him. “I just have a feeling, okay? And people aren’t really… interested in me… like that. Never have been. I’m just not… attractive and not interesting in a long-lasting way. That’s what all my exes have said, anyway, and… no one’s ever told me otherwise, no one outside of my close friend group. D-don’t get me wrong, I am trying to be better with my self-esteem, but… I’ve kinda given up on relationships. I’m just not made for them.”
Spider-Man let out a rather uncharacteristic growl, making you start again. “Your exes are garbage and I should beat them up for the way they obviously treated you. Those people don’t get to dictate what other people think of you.” Spider-Man suddenly took you by the shoulders. “Listen, Y/N, you are wonderful, okay? What those people said about you is wrong, because you are incredibly attractive and incredibly interesting, okay? Okay?”
You blinked in surprise at his serious tone, and the way his eyes had narrowed as he looked at you. After another moment, you nodded, not completely believing him, but feeling a little bit better about yourself.
“I-I… I’d better get going,” Spider-Man said after a few more heartbeats. “I should let you get back to your breakfast and your painkillers. Have fun tonight.”
“Thanks, Spider-Man,” you smiled gently.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Y/N,” he informed you as you stood up with aching limbs. He shot a web and stared at you for a moment. Then, to your surprise, he stepped forward on the fire escape and there was a strange sensation on your forehead. Spider-Man had pressed a kiss to your forehead through the mask. It was a little strange, but not unwelcome.
“Bye, Spider-Man, stay safe,” you said as a way to hide your sudden shyness.
“You too, Y/N,” Spider-Man said sincerely, tugging on the web he’d shot and swinging away. You watched for another moment as he disappeared around a building.
After cramming your body back through your window, you shut and locked it again. You slowly meandered back to the kitchen and crunched on your toast, deep in thought.
Spider-Man and Peter seemed to enjoy kissing your forehead. You sighed and just chalked it up to the kindness of sweet people. It seemed to be the only reasonable explanation for that sort of affection to be directed at you.
You finished your toast and took a painkiller with a swig of your tea. Settling back onto the couch, you turned the TV on for background noise and set an alarm. You desperately needed a shower before game night, but you also desperately needed more sleep.
As you were falling asleep, you got a text from Peter asking how you were feeling. You tiredly replied with a thumbs up emoji and a triple Z emoji. Your eyes drooped fully shut as you got a winky-kissy emoji from Peter in reply.
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anonymorshu · 4 years
I’m Back!
Yeah, that’s right. I live! Happy New Year!
It seems that Tumblr’s guidelines update a couple years ago annexed all the pornbots, so to my followers that are still here, I have missed you all and will be making some changes for the better that I'll get into later.
Firstly, the reason for my hiatus:
From what feels like since I started using Tumblr, I had tried to check it every night at 11 PM before bed alongside the first two pages each of a couple subreddits I follow. Eventually, I had followed too many blogs to the point that I took a break around July 2018, and slowly tried to recuperate where I left off, going into the 500+ range of Dashboard pages. Eventually, I tried skipping a few hundred pages to try and get closer to the end, but that wasn’t enough. I started setting aside the Reddit pages to get to later so I could put more time into this, and that lead into the series of events that unfolded in this Reddit post I made back in October.
So with that being said, a lot has happened since I made my leave. In particular:
Literally all of Deltarune is amazing. Especially best boy Rouxls Kaard.
Upon release, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate took up a good portion of my time as it would anyone; I main most of the newcomers. Love it to bits, especially playing Terry as of late. I got Piranha Plant later than I would’ve liked; February 3rd. I also beat the World of Light story mode on Hard from start to finish February 20th at 2:19 AM.
I watched Cowboy Bebop from March 9th to June 13th, 6:55 PM. Bit of a bittersweet ending, but it certainly went out with a bang.
I made a Twitch channel on March 31st. Don’t expect streams anytime soon.
I watched JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind over the course of its run, as did my parents following the previous parts in 2018. They love everything there is to do with JoJo and I couldn’t be happier.
Come June 11th, I got Final Fantasy VII on Switch on sale and completely get now why it’s heralded in such high regard by the gaming community. I’m certainly anticipating the Remake.
Not long after that, my brother picked me up Axiom Verge as part of a BOGOF deal. One of the best games I’ve ever played.
While I wasn’t really interested from the first episode alone and put it off, I picked Code Geass back up and binged it over the course of October to November 4th. Not the best ending, but given all that happened prior, it was for the best. Still gotta see Akito the Exiled, though.
From November 22nd to now, I’ve been really enjoying Re:Zero as well.
In anticipation of Persona 5: Royal’s release, from November 30th to now I’ve been playing Persona 3 FES and loving it. I plan on playing Persona 4 afterward.
This past month or so, I’ve been watching a fair amount of My Hero Academia. Pretty cool. I’m on the second season thus far.
As I never got to truly post about it, back in late May 2018 I broke 100 Subscribers on my YouTube channel, but didn’t wind up finishing work on the special for it until September. That video can be found here:
Heck, just recently I broke 300 Subs, but my next special’s at 500.
But back to the subject of Tumblr:
Despite how many (admittedly unnecessary) r/DDLC and spicy anime art link posts I’ve made in the past, the Tumblr NSFW ban barely affected me, thank goodness. I only got 3 posts taken down under the new guidelines, them being this, this, and this. The first one, not too explicit, the third one, completely understandable. But the second one? It’s a completely clean DDLC comic about Sayori comforting a sad Yuri. It blows my mind that that of all things would get detected and taken down. But I digress since I was able to appeal them all and get them back up safe and sound.
Additionally, I was quite upset when I reblogged all those posts from the @memories​ April Fool’s account due to my lack of getting caught up with Tumblr prior. But I was worried I wouldn’t get the chance to participate come April 2nd, so I had to bite the bullet and reblogged ‘em anyway.
Even now, I couldn’t get caught up if I wanted to since Tumblr’s Dashboard is completely broken. If I click the “Next” button to Page 2 of the Dashboard, it’ll display the second page, but when I go to Page 3 or further, and then click the “Previous” button to go back to Page 2, despite the URL, it takes me to Page 1. Absurd.
And now, what changes I’ll be making:
For my sake, I’m gonna limit how much Reddit and Tumblr I intake so as to prevent another downward spiral. Henceforth, I’m only going to check the first page of each subreddit alone rather than the first two of each, and only the first two pages of my Dashboard when I do my daily check-in before bed.
I’m gonna be removing the “Original Content” tag to my non-reblog posts, and instead, add a “Reblog” tag to my reblogs. This way it’ll be much easier to manage, and it’ll be a much more accurate tag than “Original Content”. Those who don’t want to see my reblogs can filter the tag.
From here on, I may limit how many tags I use on posts, in particular, only putting the franchise/series name(s) only instead of listing every character featured.
I’ll also try to put a heavier focus on my videos, ergo discussing behind-the-scenes things about my videos as mentioned in the update video I made back in November. 2019 was a very slow year for me in terms of channel content, so I’m gonna try and fix that going into 2020.
And that should be everything.
If you have any questions regarding the things mentioned, I may be able to answer them via the askbox. You can even choose to stay anonymous should you so choose.
In closing, I’m sorry if it seems like I left you all in the dark for too long, I hope you understand my reasoning for my absence, and I hope to do better.
Thanks for reading.
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
June Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
Nominated by @wingedcatninja and @mrswhozeewhatsis and @manawhaat
The Song Remains the Same (oneshot) by @sammit-janet 
@wingedcatninja said -  This fic by @sammit-janet is the best case fic I have ever read. It has everything: drama, angst, a witch curse, perfect characterization. Reading it was like being inside an episode of Supernatural. And, without spoiling anything, the ending broke my heart. To quote my own comment when I reblogged it:
“I don’t even know where to start. The story is fantastic. The prose is beautiful. The characterization is on point. The angst is delightfully painful. It’s just overall amazing. Thank you for sharing this awesome piece of art.”
@mrswhozeewhatsis said -  The painful ingenuity of the spell in this case fic is genius. Pure freaking genius! Painful as hell, but genius. Characterization is wonderful, as always, and my heart is a little more broken, but I’m used to that with Sammit!! Brava!!!! *throws roses at you*
@manawhaat said-  WOW! That was fucking awesome! We see witch spells so often and (maybe it’s bc of the genre I’m reading but) they’re always like lust spells of some sort, so it was super refreshing to see this kind of spell. This whole thing was just really well done, super interesting, perfectly in character and the realm of spn. And that last little bit. UGH! SO PERFECT! So Dean! So spot on! So fitting and heartbreaking and such a perfect little add on. I swear, this whole thing legit felt like I watched an episode of the show. This case fic is a perfect example of how I want every fic to read. I want the drama, the suspense, the emotion, the subtleties, the Winchesters as they truly are, this kind of gentle care for detail and attention to creating a realistic feel. I can’t say it enough- this is fucking FANTASTIC!
Nominated by @wingedcatninja
Never Wanna Say Goodbye (oneshot) by @deanwinchesterswitch
This is deliciously painful angst that leaves you with tears in your eyes and a smile on your lips.
Nominated by @risingphoenix761
Salty Stockings (oneshot) by @slytherkins
Cute, hilarious, and just the right amount of crack. Also risque and suggestive. Did I mention this is hilarious? So much good stuff in a short fic, and imagine if anyone suggested Dean take this with him on a hunt!
Nominated by @manawhaat
True or False (oneshot) by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
The way this starts instantly pulls you in. There’s so much pent up shit rattling through Dean and the way it’s reciprocated through Y/n is an amazing build. There’s so much emotion and vulnerability to this entire thing, and it’s done in a way that’s completely believable and realistic for Dean. Fuck. It’s smart and really just opens them both up in such a refreshing way that speaks of Dean’s bravery, even in the face of being raw and exposed to someone else. And the way the tables turn. *screeches and flaps on the floor* Be still my fucking heart! I fucking adore this and the way you approached this fic and premise. There are so many ways it could have gone wrong or lost its power and impact, but you fucking nailed it!
Covet (series) by @waywardjoy
Fucking Christ, this series stressed me the fuck out, but in the best way possible. The cliffhangers, the dark grittiness. The insanity! Fuck, I absolutely love it when stories are written in a way that completely immerse me in it. It’s dark, like, really dark. Fuck. It just hurts. 
The Beginning of The End (oneshot) by @deanwinchesterswitch
OW! There is a secret desperation in this that is absolutely brutal and tears your heart in two. The way Dean is written is eye-opening and really just drags you down into a depth of pain and grief that only a Winchester can feel. I feel like I should say something about the sex being hot, but I can’t. Because to me it’s just so rough, borderline too rough, and so emotional. Which might sound weird, but in this situation and with the way everything is presented that scene is honest as fuck, very believable, and powerful. At some point things become more about the emotional release than they do being sexy, and this is a gorgeous example of that kind of repressed emotion roaring to life in ‘bottle it up forever’ Dean Winchester. This fic hurts so good all the way through and in different ways. That in itself is a feat, so have so many layers in one story. It’s anger and hurt and guilt and worry and all of it is wrapped so delicately together in this fucking stunning piece of art. 
Born This Way (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
HAPPY PRIDE MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!! This fuckin’ fic! Wow. This is the definition of the spn family. There’s so much love and support wrapped up in this story, in this fucking dream. I rarely get like, actually emotional reading fics (because I’m a heartless bitch) but this has me sitting here clutching my chest with my eyes closed just full body squeeing and smiling and my gut is clenching with all the emotion. There is something to be said of the spn family being allies. This song, this setting, this family, and the moment you’ve created here is so important and such a special thing! AND, as if the fic itself wasn’t enough to make me burst into happy tears, the tweets at the bottom sure the fuck were! Honestly, everything about this is so spot on and believable and just fucking pure and good.
Castiel Imagine (drabble) by @webcricket
Holy hell, that Cas fic was not only incredibly fucking sensual and well done but it was just so full of amazing language. Fantastic! I feel like a lot of writers who try to beef up their language tend to use words that feel out of place, but your consistency and the way you weave them together made me slow down to savor every line and that was such a beautiful thing.
Nominated by @sorenmarie87
Life for Rent (series) by @winchest09
The series has just started but I can’t wait to see where it goes.  I love a good mobster!au and the set up so far has me wondering what’s going to happen next. 
What Research? (oneshot) by @becs-bunker 
What do I say about this other than I loved it?  I mean Sam has been busy and the reader just wants some attention from him. Of course, they accomplish what they set out to do and it’s worth the read.  
Born This Way by @evansrogerskitten 
This was a fantastic fic. The reader has the casts approval and support, and the way they came out was fantastic. I almost cried, no lie. Ash’s fics are always fantastic but this hit me in an unsuspected way. 
Once Upon A Dream (oneshot) by @welldonebeca
I haven’t honestly seen that many Human!Gabe fics let alone Alpha!Gabe at that.  The story is so sweet.
Fallen Productions (series) by @welldonebeca  
I always admire authors who can write A/B/O but this mini series works its way through the original Team Free Will in a different way.  
He Is (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
This whole series is super sweet. Each chapter shows just what Dean means to you, and Jen nails it in each of them.
Make You Feel My Love (series) by @sofreddie 
This was such a sweet A/B/O series.  I love that Dean and the reader took their time, I mean Dean eased her through her earlier heats but I think it was sweet that it was just smut off the bat.  
Nominated by @iflostreturntosteverogers
Almond Milk Lies (series) by @fictionalabyss  
Mel is a fantastic writer 💕
Nominated by @shy-violet-soul 
The Girl Next Door (series) by @luci-in-trenchcoats 
An engaging AU, this writer keeps you hooked with well-paced timing & plot. Portrayal of characters is consistent with the show, which other fics struggle with when not in the SPN world. The story line is believable and genuine, and I enjoy the banter between the 2 main pairing-folks. Bravo!
Sunsets by @crispychrissy 
Damn. This work is so beautifully painful, or painfully beautiful, it’s hard to find words. I don’t want to comment on a favorite part to avoid giving away the plot. But this writer has captured a lesser-written character powerfully and consistently, and hooks you in with strong imagery and pacing. Hold on to your heartstrings for this one. 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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gamebazu · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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noithatotoaz · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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thanhtuandoan89 · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Investigating Visitors Upticks
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/investigating-traffic-upticks/
Investigating Visitors Upticks
Tumblr media
On this week’s episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Studying Crew Supervisor — dives into the method of addressing and capitalizing on site visitors spikes, together with decide the place site visitors is coming from and what to do with the elevated consideration. Take pleasure in! 
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Click on on the whiteboard picture above to open a excessive decision model in a brand new tab!
Video Transcription
Hello. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I’ll be speaking via the journey that you just embark upon once you discover a sudden change in site visitors to a specific web page in your web site. In our case, this was a sudden and constant enhance, which can on the face of it look nice.
You could understand that that is precisely what you and your shoppers have been striving for. However as we all know, site visitors funneling into your web site is not the top of the story. You are additionally going to need that site visitors to transform. But in addition, when one thing like this occurs, there could be different classes you could be taught and doubtlessly apply to different pages and areas of your web site.
I am Jo. I am the Studying Crew Supervisor right here at Moz. We create all of the course materials that you’re going to see on the Moz Academy. That is the place you’ll be able to advance your search engine optimization schooling and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We additionally write the documentation for use the Moz instruments, and that is the place our story begins.
What’s driving the spike? 
Over the summer time, we observed a reasonably drastic enhance in guests to a specific MozBar assist web page. We needed to transcend attempting to know why we’re getting that site visitors and switch this into a chance to help our firm objectives. 
So once you see one thing like this occur, your first query would possibly moderately be: Why? Why are we getting this site visitors? What has modified? What has brought about this? And likewise, what will we already know from the metrics we’re accumulating? 
What do we all know?
On the Moz Studying Crew, we observe top-level metrics month-to-month, together with distinctive guests. We additionally accumulate customer sentiment via the “Feedback” button on the web page. And we additionally accumulate reporting each month in our Moz Pro marketing campaign, utilizing Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as helpful analysis instruments in our toolkit.
So to start with, we had a dig into the month-to-month metrics on a extra granular stage. We appeared on the cadence of the site visitors in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a constant pattern over time. 
Now earlier than you could be completely assured within the high quality of your Google Analytics information, you might need to clear up and filter that information. You may be taught all about this within the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you thru our search engine optimization methodology, which lets you strategy search engine optimization strategically. That is made up of 5 sections: analysis, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits within the fifth part of the methodology, which is iterate. Inside that, we break it down into consciousness metrics, on-site exercise, and the all necessary conversions. The teachings within the search engine optimization Necessities Certification take you thru this in rather more element, and you may obtain the search engine optimization report card once you buy this course.
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So again to what we noticed in Google Analytics, we observed an upward pattern that additionally mirrored the sample adopted by our earlier site visitors traits. We noticed these scallop shapes, which properly line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You could be used to seeing a special form relying in your business. 
We additionally checked out referral information in Google Analytics and in contrast this to what we noticed earlier than the spike. We additionally checked out how site visitors was coming into and exiting that web page via Google Analytics, and we had a dig round in Google Developments to see if we might establish any associated subjects taking off. I am monitoring the assistance part of the moz.com area in my Moz Professional marketing campaign, and I’ve this related to Google Analytics. This pulls within the general visits and touchdown pages. That is the information that you’re going to see within the acquisition part of Google Analytics. 
So whereas my staff is concentrated totally on one space of moz.com, this provides me an concept of the place this web page sits as a share of search site visitors in relation to different touchdown pages. 
Now that is the place all of it begins to return collectively. Underneath the rankings tab in my Moz Professional marketing campaign, I can now see the touchdown web page information cross-referenced with my tracked key phrases and their rankings. So I also can see search quantity and estimated visits for every tracked key phrase. We additionally entered the MozBar URL into Key phrase Explorer to assessment the rating key phrases for that URL, after which added these key phrases to my current marketing campaign to trace them over time.
We all know that search engine optimization and search engine optimization reporting is iterative. So by constructing out your tracked key phrases on this method, it will make it easier to to fill within the blanks as to which key phrases are sending site visitors to your web site. 
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We additionally noticed some attention-grabbing information from the “Visitor Satisfaction” button. That is the thumbs up or thumbs down possibility you could choose on this web page and customarily signifies if the content material was useful or not.
We noticed that there have been much more folks responding that this content material was certainly useful. So this isn’t solely optimistic for my staff and I, nevertheless it’s additionally informative. It gave us a very good concept that the content material on this web page was usually matching the intent of the guests. So we checked out all of this collectively, and we drew some conclusions.
It did not seem to be this customer site visitors was coming from one explicit supply or marketing campaign that we might moderately attribute this to. It appeared prefer it was reflecting our earlier site visitors traits, simply much more of it. So it is most likely fairly necessary now to elucidate a bit extra in regards to the web page that we’re investigating.
The web page is about MozBar. It is an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it will even be remiss of me to not point out the truth that we’ve got had an enormous shift this yr by way of adjustments to our lives and companies resulting from COVID-19, which has had an enormous influence on how folks spend their time, how companies are run, and plenty of, many different areas of our lives.
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So after we checked out information for that web page, along with all the opposite reporting metrics, we took a step again and we thought, “Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?” Due to these two issues, nothing else actually standing out as a flag to point a single occasion and this international change, we began to lean in the direction of this being a part of a rise in demand at no cost instruments.
MozBar is a free extension that sits on the prime of your Chrome browser, and it shows hyperlink metrics on your pages that you just go to on the net. It is also acquired another helpful options, like the power to spotlight various kinds of hyperlinks, so it will probably present you inside or exterior hyperlinks on a web page, and to examine your on-page parts, and so forth. So with all of this data we collected, we’re now circling round understanding what brought about this.
What will we do with the site visitors?
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The trick for us wasn’t simply to determine why this was taking place or why it occurred, however to show this into some sort of optimistic motion. So what we determined to do was to check driving site visitors immediately from these pages or this explicit web page to our key Moz initiatives. So this might be our personalised, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a fast edit for my staff. We might add these in there pretty rapidly to check this out. We already know that this web page is doing a standup job of serving to folks to know use MozBar, so let’s examine if they’re fascinated with our different search engine optimization instruments. We added size to this web page to assist folks establish what to do subsequent as soon as they’ve given MozBar a go.
And what we came upon was that we’re certainly seeing folks taking us up on this provide, and they’re clicking via to have a chat with our wonderful Onboarding Crew and likewise to take a look at the Moz Professional 30-day free trial. So with this comparatively small quantity of effort from my staff we have now began to gather information on customer conduct that may higher inform future choices and future tasks.
Thanks a lot for becoming a member of me right this moment. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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drummcarpentry · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
lakelandseo · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
epackingvietnam · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
#túi_giấy_epacking_việt_nam #túi_giấy_epacking #in_túi_giấy_giá_rẻ #in_túi_giấy #epackingvietnam #tuigiayepacking
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bfxenon · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
nutrifami · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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xaydungtruonggia · 3 years
Investigating Traffic Upticks
Posted by jocameron
In this week's episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic is coming from and what to do with the increased attention. Enjoy! 
Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high resolution version in a new tab!
Video Transcription
Hi. Welcome to Whiteboard Friday. I'm going to be talking through the journey that you embark upon when you notice a sudden change in traffic to a particular page on your site. In our case, this was a sudden and consistent increase, which may on the face of it look great.
You may perceive that this is exactly what you and your clients have been striving for. But as we know, traffic funneling into your site isn't the end of the story. You're also going to want that traffic to convert. But also, when something like this happens, there can be other lessons that you can learn and potentially apply to other pages and areas of your site.
I'm Jo. I'm the Learning Team Manager here at Moz. We create all the course material that you'll see on the Moz Academy. This is where you can advance your SEO education and earn your SEO Essentials Certification. We also write the documentation for how to use the Moz tools, and this is where our story begins.
What's driving the spike? 
Over the summer, we noticed a fairly drastic increase in visitors to a particular MozBar help page. We wanted to go beyond trying to understand why we're getting that traffic and turn this into an opportunity to support our company goals. 
So when you see something like this happen, your first question might reasonably be: Why? Why are we getting this traffic? What has changed? What has caused this? And also, what do we already know from the metrics we're collecting? 
What do we know?
On the Moz Learning Team, we track top-level metrics monthly, including unique visitors. We also collect visitor sentiment through the "Feedback" button on the page. And we also collect reporting every month in our Moz Pro campaign, using Keyword Explorer and Link Explorer as handy research tools in our toolkit.
So first of all, we had a dig into the monthly metrics on a more granular level. We looked at the cadence of the traffic in Google Analytics to see if this was a sudden spike or a consistent trend over time. 
Now before you can be totally confident in the quality of your Google Analytics data, you may want to clear up and filter that data. You can learn all about this in the SEO Essentials Certification. With this course, we take you through our SEO methodology, which helps you to approach SEO strategically. This is made up of five sections: research, audit, optimize, amplify, and iterate. Reporting sits in the fifth section of the methodology, which is iterate. Within that, we break it down into awareness metrics, on-site activity, and the all important conversions. The lessons in the SEO Essentials Certification take you through this in much more detail, and you can download the SEO report card when you purchase this course.
So back to what we saw in Google Analytics, we noticed an upward trend that also reflected the pattern followed by our previous traffic trends. We saw these scallop shapes, which nicely line up with the weekdays and the weekends. You may be used to seeing a different shape depending on your industry. 
We also looked at referral data in Google Analytics and compared this to what we saw before the spike. We also looked at how traffic was entering and exiting that page through Google Analytics, and we had a dig around in Google Trends to see if we could identify any related topics taking off. I'm tracking the help section of the moz.com domain in my Moz Pro campaign, and I have this connected to Google Analytics. This pulls in the overall visits and landing pages. This is the data that you'll see in the acquisition section of Google Analytics. 
So while my team is focused primarily on one area of moz.com, this gives me an idea of where this page sits as a percentage of search traffic in relation to other landing pages. 
Now this is where it all starts to come together. Under the rankings tab in my Moz Pro campaign, I can now see the landing page data cross-referenced with my tracked keywords and their rankings. So I can also see search volume and estimated visits for each tracked keyword. We also entered the MozBar URL into Keyword Explorer to review the ranking keywords for that URL, and then added these keywords to my existing campaign to track them over time.
We know that SEO and SEO reporting is iterative. So by building out your tracked keywords in this way, this will help you to fill in the blanks as to which keywords are sending traffic to your site. 
We also saw some interesting data from the "Visitor Satisfaction" button. This is the thumbs up or thumbs down option that you can select on this page and generally indicates if the content was helpful or not.
We saw that there were a lot more people responding that this content was indeed helpful. So this is not only positive for my team and I, but it's also informative. It gave us a really good idea that the content on this page was generally matching the intent of the visitors. So we looked at all of this together, and we drew some conclusions.
It didn't seem like this visitor traffic was coming from one particular source or campaign that we could reasonably attribute this to. It looked like it was reflecting our previous traffic trends, just a lot more of it. So it's probably quite important now to explain a bit more about the page that we are investigating.
The page is about MozBar. It's an overview of how to use our free Chrome extension. Now it would also be remiss of me not to mention the fact that we have had a massive shift this year in terms of changes to our lives and businesses due to COVID-19, which has had a massive impact on how people spend their time, how businesses are run, and many, many other areas of our lives.
So after we looked at data for that page, in addition to all the other reporting metrics, we took a step back and we thought, "Well, what is this page about, and how has this shift impacted demand for these types of tools?" Because of these two things, nothing else really standing out as a flag to indicate a single event and this global change, we started to lean towards this being part of an increase in demand for free tools.
MozBar is a free extension that sits at the top of your Chrome browser, and it displays link metrics for your pages that you visit on the web. It's also got some other handy features, like the ability to highlight different types of links, so it can show you internal or external links on a page, and to check your on-page elements, and so on. So with all of this information we collected, we're now circling around understanding what caused this.
What do we do with the traffic?

The trick for us wasn't just to figure out why this was happening or why it happened, but to turn this into some kind of positive action. So what we decided to do was to test driving traffic directly from these pages or this particular page to our key Moz initiatives. So this would be our personalized, one-to-one walkthroughs of the Moz Pro tool and the Moz Pro free trial.
This was a quick edit for my team. We could add those in there fairly quickly to test this out. We already know that this page is doing a standup job of helping people to understand how to use MozBar, so let's see if they are interested in our other SEO tools. We added length to this page to help people identify what to do next once they've given MozBar a go.
And what we found out was that we are indeed seeing people taking us up on this offer, and they are clicking through to have a chat with our excellent Onboarding Team and also to check out the Moz Pro 30-day free trial. So with this relatively small amount of effort from my team we've now started to collect data on visitor behavior that can better inform future decisions and future projects.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this helps.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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