#like y’all really have no idea what it’s like to be jewish
lem0nademouth · 5 months
never gonna forget the time my department at college talked about the possibility of taking students to dubai for a summer program and i said that i wouldn’t be able to go on account of the whole being jewish thing and two different professors told me i was being racist by assuming that i, a jew, would be unwelcome or in danger in a middle eastern country because i am jewish.
both of these professors had statements about their personal commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in their syllabi.
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book-tease · 2 years
literally anytime i see dre*m stans attack someone for insulting or even just. criticizing him, they always go “but he gets death threats!! he had the fbi tell him he had a threat on his life!!” bestie that is not a free pass for no one to be allowed to be “mean” to him. he is allowed to be criticized, especially when his list of “mistakes” is fucking long as fuck, and recent as fuck.
he told a joke that was in poor fucking taste and zach made a joke that maybe was a little heat of the moment but y’all are acting like he told him to kill himself. dude just said “maybe he was right to be bullied bc he made a shitty joke that wasn’t his to make and that honestly minimized the harm the poster who he replied to (k*nye) was doing” like your like “this on the same level as death threats” stfu
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dyke-terra · 7 months
Darkest Minds dash simulator
🐢 greenandproud follow
Literally unfollow me if you’re pro “cure”, as if this isn’t just another way to control us. You guys are cowards and playing into the idea that there’s anything wrong with being Psi
⚡️electronicwarrior follow
Posts clearly made by someone who’s never struggled with control over their power in their life. Of course you’re Green. Some of us have accidentally hurt the people in our lives and don’t want to have to worry about doing that ever again.
🐢 greenandproud follow
And of course you’re Yellow. Way to feed into the anti Psi rhetoric that we’re all inherently dangerous. You’re doing PSF apologists a service
🔋 memoryholed follow
The way I know greenandproud hid out with her grandparents and was never in a camp a day in her life.
🩻 forcedamage follow
I mean, she’s not entirely wrong. I at least think we shouldn’t call it a cure.
#and why should whether or not she was in a camp matter? #i was at black rock and i don’t think the people that hid had it that much easier
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🪬 kinclub
Just heard about some cool alternatives to the color categorization system!
Green = Prodigy
Blue = Kin
Yellow = Spark
🔑 lightningstrikestwice follow
okay op I love the energy but if you start calling yourself a kinnie the olds on this site are NOT gonna think blue
#btw what about reds
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➕ superwhounlocked follow
Really not sure how to feel about the surge in popularity in this site with teenagers…
🔋memoryholed follow
“with teenagers” please teens from the rest of the world have been here the entire time. just say you hate psi and leave it at that.
#literally you aren’t subtle
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🧢 freshouttacaledonia follow
Y’all do not in fact have to hand it to the Children’s League.
#i can’t believe i have to say this
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🦚 unforgettableunforgiveable follow
Starting a discord for Thurmond survivors feel free to dm for a link. Like and reblog for visibility!
#thurmond #psi #tw camps #tw thurmond
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🐾 jewish-psicychic follow
Friendly reminder that you never have to disclose your power, what camp you were in/if you were in one, and if any one is asking you to, they’re part of the problem.
🦋bluelikethetardis follow
ok but what if I dont want to get burned by a red or mindcontrolled
🐾 jewish-psicychic follow
Did I fucking stutter.
#what part of you are part of the problem is hard to understand
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🌈 psipositivity follow
- You are valid if you were at a camp!
- You are valid if you were hidden!
- You are valid if you were on the run!
- You are valid if you can control your powers!
- You are valid if you can’t!
No matter how you survived or what abilities you have now, you are so valid and loved!
#psi positivity #camp ment #camp survivor positivity
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The way you can tell most of the new users on this site haven’t graduated middle school lmaooo
🔑 lightningstrikestwice follow
you know i didnt think there were ratios on this site but damn if op did not get ratio’d to death
#also fuck you so much
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🐬aquamarina follow
I’m looking for the people who were in Cabin Seventeen (girls, blue) at Thurmond! We got separated after we got freed.
#psi #camp survivors #thurmond #thurmond ment #cabin 17 Thurmond
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
also for more madmenposting i feel like something ppl miss with michael ginsberg’s character is that the fact he’s jewish cannot be separated from his character arc.
i’ve read a couple of like “character profile, psychologist analyses michael ginsberg” type articles and like. some of them really do not take his backstory into account at all. one even suggests that he wasn’t actually born in a concentration camp because “he just says he was told that but when he says he’s a martian that’s him saying that’s not his actual backstory” no!!!!! him saying he’s a martian is him desperately trying to disconnect himself from an extremely traumatic start to his life!!!!!! do y’all understand what kind of damage being born in a death camp could do to a child????? it doesn’t say how long he spent there or if he has any memories of it, but even if he did it’s likely his brain would have tried to block them out, hence his story about being a martian. he says he feels different from other people so he must be an alien. of course he feels different! it’s extremely unlikely that anyone he interacts with in new york other than other jews would have any idea what his experience was like or how profoundly it affected him!
which is why i feel like this is one of the actual good examples of the Neurotic Jew stereotype. most of the time when we see this stereotype it’s just mocking jews who are like that, but with michael’s character we see why he’s like that. he’s neurotic because he was born directly into the epicenter of a genocide against his people, because he is deeply aware of how the world feels about him as a jew. he’s likely experienced antisemitism in america as well, given how we see people at sterling cooper talk about jews throughout the show. and though the show doesn’t explicitly mention it, his psychotic break could have been caused by the onset of schizophrenia, which is more common among ashkenazi jews. michael’s story arc, in my mind, shows us just how broken and exhausted so many jews during that time were. some chose assimilation as much as they could, like rachel menken, but some like michael couldn’t escape the trauma of antisemitism (not that any of them really could). so yeah, i hope folks who watch mad men see his story arc as more than just “dude who’s kinda crazy goes actual crazy.”
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jedi-enthusiast · 18 days
Honestly I’m so confused why people are so upset that Israel was included in Eurovision, like…my dude it’s literally a music contest for a bunch of countries---that Israel has already been included in before---not an actual political statement.
It’s literally insane to me, especially with how people were treating the Israeli contestant---protesting her, forcing her to change her song, other contestants saying shit like “talking to her doesn’t mean I support Israel,” etc. etc.
And I feel like that’s a reoccurring thing with all this mainstream pro-Palestine bullshit: y’all don’t actually care about Palestine or want to help anyone, you just want “good person points” socially, but don’t actually care about your impact.
You'll post shit like "stan Hamas" and ignore the fact that they're literally a terrorist organization dedicated to killing Jews, and that they're literally hurting Palestinians too, as well as the fact that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is only ongoing because Hamas keeps breaking the ceasefire and won't give back hostages.
But you'll ignore all of the organizations that actually help Palestine because they're run by Jews/Israelis, or even just supported by Jews and Israelis.
(And how much do you want to bet that the same people who cry- "Hamas is only doing this because of Israel's actions regarding Palestine, so it's justified/reasonable/understandable, etc." -would never say that if it was a group like, say, ISIS that was kidnapping/killing/waging war on Americans because of the US's actions in the Middle East?)
You'll harass random people on college campuses just because they're Jewish, even though they clearly have no fucking say in what a country on the other side of the world does, and barricade yourselves inside a building and be shocked when you're suspended or expelled for property damage/harassment/etc.
But you won't volunteer at any organizations that are dedicated to helping Palestine, or donate money to those organizations, or donate food/clothes/etc., or actually do anything besides whine and cry because you helped destroy a campus building and your college doesn't want you there anymore.
(Hell, 99% of y'all don't even bother volunteering for your own communities, so I know you're sure as hell not volunteering to help anyone else's---again, you just want the "good person points")
Everyone that was so gung-ho about "oh yeah, let's punch Nazis!" a few years ago are now spouting Nazi rhetoric.
Everyone that preached that bigotry is never ok, even if someone from a minority does something bad, are now the same people chanting- "Jews are shit!" -and spreading blood libel.
Everyone that was calling for solidarity between minorities and oppressed groups are now the same people ostracizing Jews because they won't condemn the only country that will actually protect them- (or rather, they'll condemn the Israeli governments actions, but won't stand side-by-side with antisemites or say that Israel should be destroyed).
Everyone that said that it wasn't okay for people to be racist towards poc because some of the BLM protests were getting out of hand/violent are now the same ones going- "oh, it's fine to be antisemitic because these disgusting Jews Zionists aren't agreeing with me on everything."
Everyone that was posting shit about being aware of misinformation and doing your research before posting something are now the ones that have no idea what Zionism actually is, don't even know which river and sea their chant means, has no clue what Israel has actually done to Palestine and is just calling it a "genocide" as a buzzword despite all the evidence stating otherwise, etc.
Like...you guys are really just proving that you don't actually have morals beyond what's socially acceptable.
"Never harass random Muslim/gay/trans/black/etc. people just for a cause or because they did something you didn't like...unless they're Jewish, then you can stalk them on campus and be physically violent towards them."
"Bigotry is never okay, even if someone from a minority does something you don't agree with or something awful...unless they're Jewish, then spread blood libel and call for the "final solution" all you want."
"Not everyone from the US/Republican states/Christian churches/etc. agrees with what their government/state/religious leaders are doing, so it's not fair to blame and ostracize them for it...unless it's Jewish people or Israelis or, G-d forbid, Jewish Israelis, then you can hate them and blame them for everything!"
Like, genuinely, fuck off.
You aren't good people, you aren't "making a difference" or "on the right side of history," you don't give a shit about morality or justice or doing any good for anyone---all you care about is your fucking popularity and the social norm.
So keep your stupid, hateful, misinformed hands off of the I/P conflict---you've proven that y'all clearly can't handle having opinions on it.
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sweettomyhoney · 8 months
𝚁𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚋𝚋𝚢|𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚗 𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚜
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𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: "𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚗 𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢? 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎? "
𝙿𝚜: (𝙸𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚡 𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚗)
𝙿𝚘𝚟: !𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚜 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢!
Quinn was turning 24 this October.
You were trying to figure out what to do for your boyfriend’s birthday.
You put together a list of all the things that you needed to do.
Figuring out who to invite was the easiest of course.
Quinn’s brothers,Closest teammates, Parents, and friends from back home.
Coming up with ideas of what to do stumped you.
Quinn is a quiet person with a super competitive spirit.
So finding things that would please him was always hard.
Your boyfriend has a resting face
And when you do get the chance to make him smile, it warms your heart.
With hours of thinking of what you could do to make your boyfriend have the best birthday you had nothing
You were definitely overthinking
You decided to call the people who know him best.
It was time to schedule a FaceTime call with his brothers
“ LUKEYYY BABY!” You said with a laugh.
“ HEY GURRLL” Luke responded.
————— Jack Joins
“Hello Jacquline nice for you join us” you said to Jack with a smile.
“Is it Girl chat time?” Jack laughed
“ Yes I need to figure out what to do for Quinn’s birthday and I want to know if you guys have any ideas” you told them.
“ Well Quinn always loves Top Golf let’s go there” Jack said with a sly grin
“What? So you guys can end up bitching over who the best golfer is? No thanks!” Luke replied
“How about K1 Speed it is fun and you get your competitive itch scratched” Luke continued
“That sound like a good idea”you replied looking up the locations
“Yeah that is a good idea they also have a bar you can get absolutely plastered at and you can throw axes” Jack added
“ Okay thank you boys K1 it is! Love y’all tell you momma Hughesi said hello ” you said bed ending the call
You then jumped on scheduling and book reservations
You rented out the whole K1 Speed including the Open Bar
You got on the phone with Quinn’s favorite Jewish bakery to make his cake
You ordered catering from Quinn’s favorites restaurants
You also hired a Dj to play music as you raced around the track.
You then called the Printers to make and send out invitations
Finally you grabbed Quinn’s birthday gift
It was a brand new set of golf putters he has been looking at
Even tho Quinn was a man of wealth he was a grounded individual
He would spend money on others before him self always
This was your time to return your boyfriends kindness
This 24th birthday was definitely going to be one for the books
The day of the party came around and Quinn had no idea what to expect.
You did lead him on to make him think he was getting a subtle birthday.
You told him that you two would do something small like dinner.
You got in the car and gave Quinn directions to the place.
Every thing was fine till we arrived at the go cart place
“Babe this is not a restaurant did you give me the wrong address” Quinn asked.
“No this is the place” you said getting out the car with a smile.
Quinn followed behind you in to the building
As you to entered you were met with all of Quinn’s friends ready to party
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUINN!” Everyone said in excitement.
“Shots and Go Carts babe! Thank you for this “Quinn said giving you a kiss
“ You are welcome my sweet baby. NOW LETS PARTY !” You replied.
The night went amazingly
Everyone had so much fun and Quinn really enjoyed his birthday
But when everything was said and done all Quinn wanted was you
“ Hey babe?” Quinn whispered in your ear
Do you want to sneak away and do a quick one” Quinn asked
“ I would be a fool not to” you replied
Quinn and you then ended the night tanged up, happy and in love that night
“ Best Birthday ever” Quinn said kissing your forehead goodnight .
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
A Note to Jumblr and my Jewish Followers:
Hey y’all! I see some of you tagging reblogs of my posts responding to antisemitic messages I receive with the tags Jewish Blocklist and Antisemitic/Antisemite Blocklist.
First of all, no shame there! Please feel free to keep doing this and whatever else you need to do to protect your own mental health as well as to your provide tips to our peers and allies about people worth steering clear of!
Second, I do not and will not have a Jewish Blocklist or an Antisemitic/Antisemite Blocklist. I hate blocking people I disagree with. I do try to live by the axiom: “We make peace with enemies, not friends.” And I do think that a lot (not all) of these people will, with the benefit of hindsight, be horrified at how they behaved during this time. Or at least ashamed of expressing such thoughts publicly. Some may be living with legitimate mental conditions like psychosis and mania that can absolutely lead to rigid and conspiracy-based thinking. None of this excuses violence or bigotry or antisemitism. And none of this invalidates your absolute right to block whoever you wish for any reason.
Which brings me to my third point: I don’t want to block people, because I want to track how they behave in the future. That could be four months from now. Six months. A year. Two years. Right now, the fighting between Israel and Palestine is active and brutal. Many antisemites are just using this flair up to justify their pre-existing antisemitic views. I doubt much will change for them. But many people had little to no awareness of the I/P conflict before the 10/7 attack and have been swept up in QAnon-like conspiracy theories. I don’t really expect them to address their hatred or how they allowed themselves to become radicalized extremists while the Hamas propaganda machine is still able to twist every development from the ongoing struggle to grow their support. But active warfare is unlikely to last an extremely long time. Tensions and hatred? Sure. That’s here to stay for a while, but official warfare and bombings from Israel are not likely to continue for years on end without stopping. (Hamas has been continuously bombing Israel for a long time and I expect them to continue even after a peace agreement is reached)
So when Israel’s assault ends, I’m sure the peace agreement reached will fall short of what Palestinians are hoping for and what I as a pro-Palestinian activist am hoping for. And I’m sure Palestinian civilians who endorse Hamas and those who do not endorse terrorism of any kind as well as Israelis and Jews who support Palestinian self determination will all be generally unhappy with whatever temporary solution is reached this time. No true, real progress will occur until everyone fighting over which “side” is “right” shifts their focus to instead cooperatively fight for peace for all.
But after the initial wave of anger and disappointment in the terms of the peace treaty are reached, people will go back to not caring at all about the lives of Israelis or Palestinians or Jews or even thinking about it at all on a regular basis.
And when that occurs, I want to revisit these blogs. When the tension is no longer at a constant rolling boil, I want to see how the worst antisemites I’ve encountered reconcile their behavior during this time with their behavior during peacetime. I want to see how the people who told me to kill myself or told me they wished for me and everyone I love to die in the “most painful way possible” feel about Jews when they aren’t hiding behind the idea of activism. I want to see how these people actually support Palestine when Gaza is no longer being bombed. I want to see how the antisemites relationships with the Jewish friends they claim to have recover or do not recover after the things these antisemites have said and done during a time of extreme danger and aggression toward Jews. I want to ask them if they still mean the things they said. I want to ask them if they have regrets. And most importantly I want to ask them how they plan to avoid causing harm to Jewish people and how they plan to learn about Jewish history and culture so that they can avoid antisemitism in the future when the poorly negotiated and doomed-to-fail peace agreement falls through next time. And I cannot do that if I block them.
So instead, if you want to block the people who have been most heinous to me, you will find them under the tag Antisemites To Remember.
I have had to block a few people from those tags when their continued hatred became too intense and continued even after I disengaged, but I have truly aimed to avoid blocking as many people as possible.
Hope this helps. Sending love and solidarity to you all.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
What’s really made me giggle is going through peoples Tumblrs of those who have insulted for playing Hogwarts Legacy and seeing that things they support or enjoy (other games/films & TV/large companies) that once had or currently has transphobes, terfs, antisemitic, homophobic, racist, sexist bigots being part of them…
From characters, to actors, to crew members, to writers, directors, producers ect. Yet they ain’t saying shit about it
But no. You okay Hogwarts Legacy and your the worst person in the world. Even worse then serial killers.
Oh and seeing them spit out support for mental health and how to care for one another, but have told people themselves and supported others in telling people to kill themselves for playing HL….
A known ‘supporter’ of the trans community told my trans friend that they’re not a real trans person because they’re playing the game and purposely used the wrong pronouns…
Yet players of HL are the ones hurting the communities. I’ve not seen one HL player insult, misgender, send death threats to the keyboard warriors (Temper Tantrum Toddlers) But from my own experience, my close friends and innocent people online who are playing this game. It’s the keyboard warriors who have far too much time on their hands and cry if someone dares to have a different opinion to them. The minuet we dare to insult you, you all cry. You all scream that we’re ‘this’ or we’re ‘that’ or ‘that’s a hate crime’….
And it’s so funny when they stop after you ask for real proof or you say you yourself Trans or Jewish or if you’re like me you tell them that you’re part of a family that is Jewish (my partner’s) and that family you’re literally apart of are playing the game themselves and have no issues with it, they go radio silent
With your ‘logic’ anyone who plays Hogwarts Legacy is a bigot, a transphobe, supports Nazi propaganda, antisemitism and so much more. Are you going to say that to a kid that’s under the age of…let’s say 12 for example…who has no idea what’s going on and is innocently playing a game where they can be in their favourite fictional world and be a wizard… are you seriously saying that young kids playing this game deserve to die?
So many of you are hypocrites but y’all can’t even accept that.
And for the last time…
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writergirl3 · 1 year
4 Town Ask Game!
I originally reblogged this from @whumptimebaby but thought creating a separate post would make it show up better on y’all’s feeds.
Here’s the link to the original post! 🧡
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💗Current Favourite Member?
Aaron Z!
💛First Favourite Member?
Aaron T🧡
🎵Favourite 4*Town Song?
U Know What’s Up
😁Favourite Relationship? (Platonic or Romantic)
Jesse and Z (JessZ) platonically
🌹Share a Robaire headcanon
Super niche but okay; they did a production of Hairspray at Ro and Z’s high school and when Robaire got the role of Seaweed, Z was pissed as hell because he had a crush on the girl playing Penny😂
💭What is your favourite memory related to 4*Town?
When I first fell into this fandom; after a really shitty few months of personal struggles, I found so much comfort in 4 Town, I can’t even explain. My mind was suddenly filled with them and not the other difficult stuff I’d been dealing with 🧡
🛍If you could have any 4*Town merch, real or fake, what would you want?
All of their CDs with all of the music!
🎨Share a Jesse headcanon
He’s Jewish and found out through taking one of those cool DNA tests. It means a lot to him because he doesn’t know his biological parents, but found out this fact about his heritage and is determined to honour it 💙
✍️Do you create art? What kind? (Plug it!)
Nooo, unless writing counts? My masterlist is here…
👀 Do you have any unpopular opinions? What are they?
That the T/Z dynamic is…kinda overrated…
*runs and hides*
🕊Share a Tae headcanon
He’s an only child! Joining 4 Town was a big deal and he had to get used to the idea of being close to a group of people, but 4 Town are his brothers and nothing will change that 💕
💅If you were in charge of making a Turning Red spinoff about 4*Town, what would you do?
Behind the scenes about them with individual interviews! Plus some footage of them meeting fans (Mei and co.) BECAUSE IT’S WHAT WE DESERVE. Like a bonus scene where they asked for help with the ritual…
🎧What are some songs that remind you of 4*Town?
Baby One More Time reminds me so much of Z it’s ridiculous.
🧢Share an Aaron T headcanon
He’s half Brazilian, half Sicilian! It explains a lot about his personality honestly😂
🤠Which member do you think you'd get along with the best?
Probably…Jesse? As a friend! But Z romantically *coughs*
🧜‍♀️If 4*Town were to release another album, what concept would you want it to be?
Self love/body positivity!
🏀Share an Aaron Z headcanon
He’s a twin! He has a twin sister named Arielle and she’s very vibrant and extroverted. Although he loves her, living in her shadow has made him as shy as he is.
😐Which member is your nemisis (affectionate)?
T, in the best possible way! I’m such a neat freak and I know that all that would go out the window after 5 mins with him…
🩰What is something you love about the 4*Townie community?
Our passion for 4 Town! It’s pretty special 🥰
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Oh about the thing of a world where Jewish people aren’t told about what Hadrian did to Israel hence the modern Jewish diaspora
While they aren’t taught that in general schools, hmm feel like this is a sitcom joke
Jewish child: Mom why I have to deal with my annoying cousins again? What this holiday about
Mom: It’s about when people try to wipeout our tribes and we survived!
JC: Wait wasn’t that the last holiday we got together?
M: There a lot more ,but I can avoid next the family get together without your grandma guilt tripping me
Actually if I remember correctly the night in museum sequel had a pre Moses pharaoh couple in it and they mention they thought their Jewish slaves were fine.
But Ben Stiller (a Jewish man) character pointed out to them that it actually sucked for his ancestors and their former slaves made holidays reminding how bad it was.
And the hoteps-waaaaait
Oh…the Tutankhamen phenomenon, actually I saw a National Geographic magazine irrc at Walmart. And I sent it to my friend that the irony of how the Egyptian erased Tut names from records and pretend he never existed. But now millions of people had, have, and will say his name
But the Egypt phenomenon, I think people don’t really know Tut is an extremely recent find. Like only a century old. He was important to the Egyptology because he tomb wasn’t constantly looted and body barely meddled
But then we learned the truth about why he wasn’t touched. The cult of aten, the priests of Ra, why he was never brought up in previews pharaoh list. Only for most Egyptians having a vague idea that there was this heretical pharaoh prior to Rameses
But something got me wondering about people idea of Egypt…wait y’all think the Egyptians couldn’t get as corrupted as the Roman’s or Chinese? King tut is a prime example how corrupted they could be with how they exploited and treated him after death
Actually you can go to tut tomb in origins dlc and there some words on a tablet they translate to “May he be remembered!”….the tragedy it’s wasn’t his direct civilization that made sure he is remembered today. It was though who came after long after ancient Egypt died
Oh tangent, but I’m getting terrified with how so many people have a 10 year old comprehension on non white civilianizations
Also yes a lot of the slave trading African kingdoms are gone….buuuut everyone knows their descendants are running around.
Also for me, I like to sneak around without telling my identity. So I know how much horse shit most SJWs are. And while this harder, I can easily sneak into Internet forums or chat groups of native Africans and realize the tricks and exploitation. Of course not all, but I got a bitch snap of reality how they basically CRINGE when a black American comes their way
Tbf the black Americans they loathe are usually the same ones I loathe too
Also you mention the passive aggression, here the thing, if they try the con artists shit, I will hint at me going beyond the surfaced levels.
And if they don’t stop, I unleash my knowledge of the Dahomey on them.
Also which African countries asked for slave reparations?
Fuck them
No seriously fuck them on Satan cock
It was YOUR ancestors that sold my ancestors for guns. MCU Wakanda, pan Africa bs, Obama bombing the living fuck out of your ass. The Congo shit, ALL OF THIS STARTED FROM YOU!
I would rather marry a direct descendant of Robert Lee or President Davis at a confederate theme wedding than give one penny to these activists asking for refunds
Jewish child: Mom why I have to deal with my annoying cousins again? What this holiday about Mom: It’s about when people try to wipeout our tribes and we survived! JC: Wait wasn’t that the last holiday we got together? M: There a lot more ,but I can avoid next the family get together without your grandma guilt tripping me
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Really one of the best ways for everyone to keep track, Jews and Gentiles alike.
Actually if I remember correctly the night in museum sequel had a pre Moses pharaoh couple in it and they mention they thought their Jewish slaves were fine. But Ben Stiller (a Jewish man) character pointed out to them that it actually sucked for his ancestors and their former slaves made holidays reminding how bad it was.
I don't remember if I've seen the 2nd one or not, Ben and Owen get together and fart out a movie whenever they feel like hanging out for a month or so same way Adam Sandler does it, which is fun since they get to give lots of people work the same too, it's a good formula.
Nice that he tossed that bit in with the Pharaoh
But then we learned the truth about why he wasn’t touched. The cult of aten, the priests of Ra, why he was never brought up in previews pharaoh list. Only for most Egyptians having a vague idea that there was this heretical pharaoh prior to Rameses
There's a lot of stuff going round from that time, Akhenaten and all that and people theorizing connections between the cult of Aten and the Israelite's, since monotheism and all.
Hyksos is the people of the 15th dynasty of Egypt, but they were northern Egypt at the Nile Delta, 16th and 17th dynasties were going at the same time.
Theory runs with Joseph having established the area after his whole thing, not sure if the timelines work too well or not haven't read a whole lot on it, yet.
Also yes a lot of the slave trading African kingdoms are gone….buuuut everyone knows their descendants are running around.
That made me look for something and find something else I'll need to read in a little bit.
Why slave descendants want the Benin Bronzes to stay in US
TL:DR; I'm guessing is.
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Also which African countries asked for slave reparations? Fuck them
That was part of the question, looking at benin, states bordering benin might have a claim but they should make it against benin.
Also these areas
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But might be more the Afro Iranians, Afro Palestenians, and any other of those groups that may exist in MENA as a result of being sold into slavery that will want to collect from those
It was YOUR ancestors that sold my ancestors for guns. MCU Wakanda, pan Africa bs, Obama bombing the living fuck out of your ass. The Congo shit, ALL OF THIS STARTED FROM YOU! I would rather marry a direct descendant of Robert Lee or President Davis at a confederate theme wedding than give one penny to these activists asking for refunds
Harsh, fair, and funny.
Congo will get theirs from Belgium, they kinda deserve it after what Leopold did, think they've gotten some already.
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josiebelladonna · 8 months
i’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks now.
i think i’m going to take 2024 off from here. i think it’ll just be on main (i.e., my art blog nuagederose as well as feverinfeveroutfic and my healing blog theghostandthehealer will all remain active): i throw it out there every now and again (read: whenever tumblr introduces a garbage new feature), but i really think i’m going to commit to it.
i hate the overall attitude on here now, people on here acting like they’re better than everyone who doesn’t have a tumblr, you and your precious ~mutuals~. i remember the rampant irony about it all around here in 2013-2015, but everyone is so deadly serious now and it honestly sucks, like… give me something fun, anything, PLEASE. y’all are KILLING ME. and… you know. i’m not jewish. but the antisemitism around here is honestly flooring to me—it’s kind of what i get for lurking around jumblr, but it’s interesting to see what we non-jews don’t: it makes you go, “oh. OH. really? well, i’ll be damned, i’ll take your word for it, unknown friend.” in my opinion, after reading about israel and palestine some 6 or 7 times, you can’t be like “happy hanukkah” and then turn around and say you want to see israel destroyed, like… no. say “it’s complex and nuanced” all you want, it not only doesn’t make it any more true, but… if you ask me, it actually isn’t. i don’t want to be around a place filled with people who talk out of both sides of their mouths, be it about the jews, the palestinians, ukraine, animals, art, or really… anything. the takes on here honestly suck, like there’s no substance to any discussion and i can’t tell you the last time i saw a take that really made me think. and worse? none of it would be half as bad if no one prided themselves in this. why do you think we’re failing as a society (aside from everything around us failing as well)? i’m surrounded by idiots—mean idiots, too, like so many of you are almost bullies about it—and you guys are doing bupkis to save yourselves.
i can’t go through any tag anymore without seeing stranger things (which i kind of hate now), our flag means death (which i LOVE, but i’ll see it in a tag about autumn and i’m like why), good omens (which i don’t get the appeal of), or supernatural (which… i’m sorry. i have never understood the appeal of this show—whereas i adore sherlock and doctor who, so rest your sphincters, ghosts of superwholock). the only tags that don’t have those four are the lower tier thrash tags, any tags about food or baking, and pokemon if you can believe that: seriously, not even the cartoon tags are safe. the thrash tags are quieter than a graveyard, i have no idea what to do with food porn, and fuuuuck, it’s been a while, pokemon, should we catch up? it’s exhausting.
kinktober this year killed kinktober for me. congrats, nickybloodhead, i hope you’re satisfied with yourself as everyone has inexplicably kissed your ass and disregarded someone who’s actually kinky and made her feel so terrible about herself that she deleted her collection and wrote a horror story instead. i hope you’re happy, you now have blood on your hands.
my weight loss is bringing forth some really intense feelings (look no further than goretober; i made those drawings right as i was starting to lose), and i’ve said this before, too: i know i’m not welcome here or on ao3, anyway. i know no one likes me. i’ll just finish my wips and go, and you won’t ever have to see me again.
i have no idea what 2024 holds, anyway—and i’m a little wary of leap years now, especially after the last three have been particularly brutal. 2020, the infamous year of disease, fire, riots, and a boring white girl who clowned me and pretty much killed my career; 2016 was one loss after another and the never-ending election cycle hyped to the moon that did not end well; and 2012 was just a lonely year for me. 2024 could be the year that finally takes me out for all i know.
so… i think it’s just best to be away from the main channel and stay down low for the year. i’ll still be on instagram (badmotorartist) and *gasp* threads (badmotorartist as well), and like i said, the side blogs will be active still.
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starlightomatic · 2 years
I realize the ask I'm about to send is going to be controversial, but I'd really appreciate it if it could be treated in good faith. In the notes of your post about cultural christianity, you compare the need for the term to trans people needing the term "cis". But isn't it more analogous to "male/female socialization" in terms of forcibly associating people with an identity that others have tried to force on them since birth but which they intensely reject? If you can understand why a trans person wouldn't want to be associated with their agab even though you aren't actually calling them that gender, shouldn't you equally understand why someone wouldn't want to be associated with a religion they deconverted from or never even held but people tried to make them hold?
Yeah, I see what you’re saying
The thing is that in the US, Jews (and Muslims, and Hindus, and many other groups of people) are marginalized in part due to not being part of the dominant religious culture
So when I say something like “it’s frustrating that Jewish children have to choose between culturally important holiday celebrations and their studies, and their [insert term here] teachers don’t understand the issue” I need… something to put into that term
I need a term for people whose holiday calendar revolves around Thanksgiving-Christmas-Easter, whose understanding of ethics and philosophy is filtered through Christian understandings, whose idea of religion (whether or not they participate) is Christianity
Bc this is a culture in the US! Not just a religion. In fact, coming from a not very religious area of the country I think most participants in this culture were either not religious at all or identified as Christian but didn’t go to church.
I dunno, it’s like, if you went to Israel and suddenly experienced living in Jewish hegemony but you were not allowed to use the word Jewish to describe it. Or you went to a Muslim country but couldn’t use the word Muslim. What am I supposed to call it? It just feels like being gaslit into thinking it doesn’t exist. Maybe y’all need to come up with a word 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s not comparable to trans women because trans women experience misogyny. And more to the point… they are women.
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ohwellokcomputer · 8 months
why do some of y’all even bother making your OCs <insert minority ethnicity/nationality> if you’re not gonna bother to do like. any research on that ethnicity’s culture. can I PLEASE stop seeing indigenous american OCs that were clearly written by someone who skimmed the wikipedia page for Navajo Nation or whatever. and on that same note when y’all make OCs that are a different race from you maybe try not to reduce them to their stereotypes? you can draw your jewish OCs with a small nose its really okay we will still be able to tell they’re jewish if you’ve done your job as a writer/artist. but I guess most ppl just prefer the idea of a diverse story without bothering to expand their minority characters beyond stereotypes or even do like. basic research about what their life may have been like lol.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
im having literally so much holiday brainrot so. do you have any headcanons your brainrot has provided when it comes to stranger things?
(can you tell i just went through the holiday tags on ao3)
omg same. happy holidays anon!!
ok, so i’m actually a HUGE fan of the jewish eddie munson headcanon. genuinely one of my favorite things i’ve seen recently of him and wayne celebrating chanukah together <3 AGH i love it
i also love the idea of like, everyone gathers at the byers-hopper household for the holidays. like joyce’s house is always warm and inviting they can’t help but all gather at her house for the holidays. (they do all of the traditional stuff with El too, since she’s never really had a normal life, so.) i’m super fond of the jewish byers headcanons too, but they released that christmas comic a few years ago so </3 but the jewish byers are real to ME.
murray i feel would either make the trip down to hawkins and bring the alcohol or he would call joyce and joyce would have him on speaker so the kids can all wish him a happy holiday. alternatively, he comes down to help joyce with the christmas dinner because dammit, that man can cook. he’s amazing in the kitchen. he and jonathan and joyce are the cooks (hopper and robin and steve offer to help, but hopper can’t cook much of anything that doesn’t have to be microwaved. robins an excellent cook, but is shooed out of the kitchen—she’ll come back later though to wash dishes. and joyce is still upset with steve for the demo-dog in her fridge and is immediately banished from the kitchen. eddie’s allowed to help though, when he’s not talking to will.)
the wheelers are a very Traditional Christmas, as we’ve seen, but again, i think both mike and nancy would sneak away to the byers later in the day. i think lucas would have a special gift or two that he saved up all year to give to max, and he’d want it to be special so he’d go over as soon as he was able to to give it to her.
dustin gets erica the newest dnd book (not totally sure how dnd works but y’all know those books they have? idk) and they immediately get to work on a campaign, a small one shot that they’re gonna force everyone to play. eddie helps, but only if he gets to DM.
robin brings them the traditions of hippie christmas, which is mostly storytelling and eggnog, but her mother insisted on bringing the byers a traditional “hippie” gift, so she brings whatever her mother made for them.
steve and robin wear matching outfits at the byers house (to which eddie and nancy do NOT go crazy over. nancy will get drunk later and be all over robin. eddie will be completely sober and be all over steve.) and have a little gift for everyone, thanks to extra hours at family video. they also supply the christmas movies, which everyone will be gathered around the tv watching like, It’s a Wonderful Life (steve and robin re-enact) and Miracle on 34th Street, Charlie Brown Christmas and (it’s my headcanons i get to pick the movies) The Muppets Christmas Carol, which does NOT have everyone in tears by the very end. (including hopper, who swears up and down that he’s not crying, his eyes are just watery.)
i think they’d do a similar thing for new years too, tbh. all gather around the tv to watch the ball drop in times square, just because it’s nice and cozy and they can all be together, bc that’s what it’s all about. they’ve been through hell for the last couple of years, and all they really care about is being together and safe and able to see another year come and go, and that they’re all here.
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docholligay · 2 years
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1) I like the idea that what could be termed as ghosts are actually mushi. I have an outsize interest in the paranormal, while also simultaneously not really being sure that I believe in ghosts most of the time. It’s fine, I’m Jewish, this feels totally organic to me. But I do believe that weird shit sometimes happens, and I’m not sure what the cause is. It being something quasi-alive is really interesting to me.
2) This is actually a complicating factor. If we say that they can pretend to be human, then they aren’t ~far away from the tip of the finger~ unless you’re literally only saying they can make the shape of a human. If they can full on PRETEND to be human, then they are right up there with humanity. Even given, say, a body, a parrot could not pretend to be human. Or a pig. Both intelligent animals. So if a mushi can pass for human in the day to day, they might as well be on a par with humanity.
3) You’re a mushi, aren’t you?
PLease please do not spoil anything for me in your excitement. I   don’t want to know anything! I don’t even want to know if something is a   cultural difference, or if you can’t wait for me to get to a part. If I   wonder about something, please don’t say stuff like “Just wait til...”   You know what is great for all that? The discord! Which apparently has its own mushishi channel now, which must mean y’all are excited for it!  
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cleverthylacine · 2 years
wow! an actual cultural Christian atheist!
I don’t like the term “culturally Christian” when it’s used to refer to people who reject religion generally (or specifically Christianity) who can legitimately complain that they have left Christianity because they were abused by it, they do not like the way Christian hegemony abuses people generally, and other good reasons. I think there are better ways we can address people who are stuck in ideas like “belief = religion, therefore you are not a member of a religion unless you ‘believe’ in it” or  “actually it is much harder to get holidays off when they don’t happen at the same time as Christian holidays”.  I generally don’t have much trouble explaining those concepts to people who are willing to listen, and I don’t bother with the others.
But yesterday I mutually blocked a former follower (illuminator-of-eternal-warfare) because they had such a severe and patronising reaction to being told that “Judeo-Christian” is a bad word, “Abrahamic” isn’t really much better when discussing what people actually believe and practise, and that Messianic Jews aren’t Jews.
This person, whom you may or may not wish to add to your block list, informed me that all “pagan” religions practised human sacrifice and a “might makes right” approach and implied that all pagans are Nazis because apparently native people in the Americas, Australia, Asia and Africa who are targeted for conversion are all believers in social Darwinism and human sacrifice, too, and also apparently, they have never met any pagans or Satanists other than members of white supremacist Odinist groups, LaVeyan Satanists (social Darwinism) and Nazi Satanists.
They also told me my distant ancestors would have stoned me to death for my idolatry toward...
The fictional character whom I admittedly like a lot and in some continuities even admire to a degree, but do not actually believe is real in this universe where we are all living. 
They’ve confused Muslim ideas about not making art of people with Jewish laws against worshipping beings that aren’t G-d and somehow they think that this applies to a fictional robot.
All because of what they learned in Catholic school.
Man, I don’t even, but they were mad that I told them that Jews DO NOT consider Christians and Muslims as people who they are responsible for and that Christian interpretations of the Torah, even liberal ones, are divorced from the rest of Jewish law and culture and were never meant to be imposed on everyone whether they’re Jewish or not.  Because they think Christianity is the source of all teachings about kindness and the sanctity of life among gentiles, and do not want to hear about the Reconquista and why we have Kol Nidre, or the Native Americans “boarding schools” in Canada and the US, or that the only non-colonised cultures in most of Asia are themselves colonial powers that rejected missionaries, or how white Christians justified slavery using the Bible.
I guess I’m telling you this in case you want to, you know, pre-emptively block them, but given that none of y’all got into this argument with me, I’m guessing you already have.
I don’t normally post drama and this isn’t a call out because I don’t want to engage with this person.  Just.
WOW.  I didn’t know people like this who thought of white European Christianity as the civilising factor throughout the world, and were unaware of hegemonic Christianity’s harms and refused to believe in them, still existed among atheists.  Sure, I knew that’s what Christofascist conservatives believe, but.
MAN.  My daily allowance of vitamins W, T, and F has been exceeded for the next two weeks.
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