#looks very 1920s
nipuni · 3 months
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We went back to 1920 this time at Casa Palazuelo in Madrid to celebrate the 150th anniversary of renowned architect Antonio Palacios! We had a wonderful day exploring his work, had lunch at a historical venue, walked around the city, and had some torrijas. Everyone surprised me with candles on one and wished me an early happy birthday, it was so sweet 🥺❤️
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mastersoftheair · 4 months
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part of anthony boyle's interview with WWD - Women's Wear Daily
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starleska · 6 months
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all right everyone, question time:
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pigdemonart · 2 years
Hi!! I've been following you for a while, and I really love your art! I wanna ask you a question about the 1920s comics tho. They seem to have an almost blurry look to them, which really nails the aesthetic, and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing how you did it? 👉👈
Thanks so much!!! ;-; I whipped up a quick little tutorial to explain my super easy method. I hope the way I worded it makes sense!
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Put it all together and you get funky little old timey drawings. Very simple! 🐷
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fullcolorfright · 6 months
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Sherlock Holmes (1922)
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ultfreakme · 8 months
Nonkul looks practically unrecognizable whenever I see him outside of anything non-IFYLITA. The power of Jom's bowl cut is immeasurable.
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exoexid · 1 year
take a shot every time eunji live slug reacts to jihyun and jaewon
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Just out of random curiosity, feel free to ignore this if you want, what are some of the random few 1920s dresses you like?
This Lanvin robe de style:
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(robes de style in general- those dresses, usually for evening, that had very full skirts. sometimes even over little abbreviated panniers, which is lightly hilarious for the 1920s, I think)
this late 20s Worth evening gown:
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(those chiffon gores are a really interesting design element. I used this one on a moodboard for a hypothetical 1920s Romeo and Juliet production I costume-designed in college)
I am forced to concede that opera coats are pretty cool, like this blue velvet one sold on 1stDibs some years back:
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they also had some pretty cool shoes. these are by Ignazio Pluchino, from 1925:
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And I don't totally hate all Deco jewelry. I'm especially partial to this filigree style of ring:
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("Hey, Marzi, doesn't that kind of look like the ring that a dear antique dealer friend gave you, which you accidentally left on the sink in an airport bathroom in 2018?")
([muffled sob])
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Apparently, it wasn't just Giygas or Master Belch that left Threed plagued by the supernatural, as this flyer for the Threed Sunset Hotel from EarthBound's official Japanese guidebook (it's like the one that came with American copies but Japanese!) implies that it already had a reputation of being haunted! Really trying to get on Ghost Hunters, aren't ya Threed?
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faintingnurses · 2 years
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wendy hcs 4 2day!
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jabberwockprince · 6 months
the only thing that's keeping me from unleashing all 90 nonsensical thought trains in my brain about re1999 lore is the fact that im ruled by this very strict mindset of "if youre gonna do something, do it properly/thoroughly/organized or don't do it at all" which means i get to filter all this nonsense for my writing blog so its neat and cohesive
but it also means that until those posts are finished, im just gonna be seething and violently vibrating bc the information is just in my brain waiting to be released into the wild
#SCREAMS anyway the thoughts are the following#the fact that vertin's spinning wheel which she uses to summon arcanists trascends time and space#because if we're going by times of exhibition. pavia shouldve been the first one to be saved (1990's) but canonically it was regulus#which explains why pavia talks about his mother as if she were alive. because vertin PULLS people regardless of time space continuum#that (and a whole different argument) explains that exhibition dates arent dates of births. theyre the year/era they were taken from#because both matilda and pavia are listed as exhibited in the 1990's#theres 11 years of difference between them. if exhibition date = DOB then it would be impossible#aside from the fact that pavia wouldve had to live up to 2015 AT A MINIMUM to be 25 IF he was born in exactly 1990#but theres characters who have more than one exhibition dates. such as satsuki or regulus (only in global iirc?)#so perhaps its the time they were acknowledged as arcanists by whatever government was established at the time?#regulus makes sense since “mid 20th century” encompasses 1930-1960. which correlate to the prologue. 1st and 2nd chapters of the main story#satsukis is harder to explain. since the times listed are just 1910s and 1920s. but it perhaps relates to her story? since she is trying#very hard to leave her past life as a thief behind#people also complain about sweetheart being 17 because 'she doesnt look 17' and since shes based on marilyn monroe she 'must be older'#sweetheart was exhibited in the 1930's. marilyn monroe was born in 1926. more proof that sweetheart was 17 at the time she was summoned#AND that exhibition dates ARENT DOB
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biskysposts · 8 months
Welp, she made her point
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You found a 'Radio' buried on the beach!
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Inspect 'Radio'?
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[ Yes ] ◀◀
Obtained! Note Status effect! Sandy hands (-1 comfort)
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Read 'Note'?
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[ Yes ] ◀◀
" Fixed 1920th (??) Westinghouse radio on 12/06/304
the problem was that there was a blockage in the cords that transmitted the received signals to the speakers, easily fixed with only an hour or two of work (mostly troubleshooting booooring ://)
but yeah, when i got it working again it turned on to a really nice station, called Shonan Beach FM or something. nice music taste.
The Jester seemed interested in the tech too, so reminder to show it my other current projects. knowing him though he'll end up electrocuting us at least once (you know me too well :3)
signed Sireye. "
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cowardlycowboys · 1 year
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fluffypotatey · 1 month
hey anon, honestly i feel your rant but like, i am not a good headspace to really give concise thoughts to it
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subsequentibis · 1 year
HELLO while we are talking underbelly I would Dearly Enjoy to hear about diana just in general since I am simply Fond of Her... what is she up to these days? how is she doing?
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THANKS FOR ASKING! this made me finally settle on a redesign for her. she's still an oracle type figure capable of seeing the future, but now she hangs around pool halls and uses her foresight to give her an edge in all kinds of games of skill and chance alike. she likes to take bets, safe in the reassurance that she mostly knows the outcomes, but every once in a while the spirit of the thing takes her and she'll leave it completely up to chance. i've been playing with the idea of luck being a form of currency in the underbelly, with people able to trade and sell the very concept of good fortune, and she'd definitely be a top dealer in it. not only can she tell you the best outcomes of an event, she can tip the odds in your favor if you make it worth her while.
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