#male shenko
bellamer · 10 months
Mack Shepard: I’m sorry Ashley, but I am far too gay and Kaidan’s ass is too damn fine.
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aidenlydia · 2 months
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A lil comfort sketch..
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thepixelagora · 2 months
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I got to do a commission for the lovely @iberiandoctor and their story, A Hundred Battlefields! It's been a pleasure working with you, thank you so much for commissioning me :3
If you like my work, consider getting me a Kofi | Commissions
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At first Shepard thought Kaidan was checking out the new fish he’d gotten…then he realized the major was distracted by his custom Spectre pin.
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monowires · 1 year
if you're playing mshep & going for endgame shenko, the mass effect trilogy is like one really massive, angsty, painfully slow burn
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sihirbazi · 1 year
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Meet me in outer space We could spend the night, watch the earth come up I've grown tired of that place, won't you come with me? We could start again
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gemsbokk · 29 days
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average ME2/ME3 beginning shenko interaction
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clericofshadows · 9 months
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hail-libertas · 1 year
People who hate kaidan have obviously never romanced him or just never spoke to him because how, how can you hate him??? He’s a sweet bean, and I feel like he’s the most healthiest for Shepard? Particularly male Shepard.
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garrusvakarain · 2 years
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normandy texts 17/?
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bellamer · 1 year
Some things about my Male!Shep, Mackenzie Shepard.
- He's a bit of a hard ass, but seeing your parents and entire colony slaughtered will do that to you.
- It takes a while for him to open up to people, which is why he's always hesitant when people approach him to join his crew. He doesn't like change when it comes to his crew, because he has a system. You don't fuck with his system. It took him forever just to get used to Ashley, Liara, Garrus, Wrex and Tali on the ship in ME1, so when he did finally get used to them and then found himself thrown into a new crew in ME2, with most of his old crew refusing to come back, he immediately clung to Garrus and Tali because he needed at least a fraction of the familiarity he used to have or else he'd lose it.
- The only time he latched onto a new crewmate quickly, was with Grunt.
- Is gay but doesn't talk about it openly, so people just seem to automatically assume that he's straight. The only one who knew for a while was Anderson. No one else found out until waaay later, and when asked why he never said anything, he just shrugged and said "I thought you guys knew." because of how uncomfortable he got whenever a woman clung to him too much or when they had to go to strip clubs where there were only women.
- Developed a crush on Kaidan but never made a move on him because he didn't want to potentially ruin their friendship by confessing.
- Only a few people have the privilege to call him Mack. Joker lost that privilege immediately when he called him "Mack Daddy." The only people who he gives privilege to call him Mack are:
> Anderson. He looks up to him so much, and they have such a father/son relationship that Mack feels more comfortable when Anderson calls him Mack, especially in stressful situations, because it makes him feel grounded when his mind is racing a mile a minute.
> Kaidan,because it was one of the ways he felt he could be intimate with Kaidan without having to confess his feelings. After the spat on Horizon, Kaidan still never lost that privilege but during ME3, it kind of hurt him when Kaidan started referring to him as just "Shepard" again. The relief he felt when they were back into 'Mack' territory lifted an entire weight off of his shoulders, since, like Anderson, it makes him more comfortable when Kaidan calls him Mack, because it makes him feel grounded. He holds Kaidan near and dear to his heart, like Anderson so hearing Kaidan's voice call him a nickname he uses to show how close he is to someone, keeps him steady
> Liara earned this privilege after she helped take down Matriarch Benezia but quickly lost it when he found out that she gave his body to Cerberus and when she became a much darker person. His trust in her diminished, despite her reasons. He'd rather be dead than be stuck as a Cerberus pawn. She regained some of his trust back in ME3 but can only call him "Mack" in private.
> Garrus earned the privilege to call him Mack after he spared the solarian doctor who was harvesting organs. Granted, he ended up dying anyways but Mack thought that it was really noble of him to not give into blind anger, so Garrus earned the right to call him Mack and continued to sp so throughout the series.
> Wrex earned the right to call him Mack when he stood down on Virmire. Like with Garrus, Mack thought that it was really noble of him to stand down and go along with him, even though Saren might have had a key component to curing the genophage.
> Tali earned the right to call him Mack in ME2 after she was exiled from the Flotilla and changed her name to Vas Normandy.
> Jack earned the right to call him Mack because he thought that she had guts and he liked that. Plus, she called him Mack anyways, even when he corrected her to call her Shepard. Plus, she thought it was funny to say "Team Jack and Mack Attack" whenever she tagged along for missions.
> Grunt didn't really do anything to earn the right to call him Mack, he just thought that "Mack" would be easier for him to remember when he emerged from his metal womb.
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aidenlydia · 6 months
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"maybe some things get better with age" I love this scene so much
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thepixelagora · 1 year
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I only recently got back to drawing after a nearly year-long hiatus and felt a little discouraged so I decided to redraw one of my old pieces. I've never done this before but I'd recommend the experience to anyone. I think I came a long way in the last few years.
Kofi | Commissions
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nocturnalvisitor · 1 year
making ship charms of various kinds is my passion :>
get here
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And THEN I realized I never posted this. @estalfaed-archived commissioned me for @urdnotflexthejedibard to do some Mshenko. I wasn’t able to spend much time on it, but you know I’ll always have a soft spot for the boys and biotic booty. Also Boo.
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monowires · 1 year
i have an unhealthy adoration for the idea of shepard being the first to go head over heels in mshenko. and that's not to say kaidan doesn't develop feelings before me3, i just think he's the kind to fall in love slowly.
it's especially funny because (without mods) shepard can only romance women in the first two games, and i headcanon shepard as gay. so there's this extremely idolized and well-known military commander who could pull pretty much anybody he wants. absolutely BITCHLESS for the first few years because he's so horrendously down bad.
liara? ashley? miranda? jack? kelly? diana? nope. n o p e. he only wants kaidan, regulations be damned. it's one of the things that makes the very AGONIZING canonical slow burn very, very worth it.
like if you're playing the way i do, with a shepard that hasn't gotten with anyone at all in the trilogy, it makes the mars scene so much more impactful. and the way he doesn't want to leave kaidan's side—he's only just gotten him back. it makes the initial silence as liara tells him kaidan needs medical attention that much more intense. it makes his "where are you taking him?" on the citadel that much more emotional.
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