#malmo opera
musicals-in-sweden · 6 months
Trailer for Everybody's talking about Jamie - Malmö Opera, 2023
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huariqueje · 3 months
More than 1,000 Swedish artists have signed an open letter against Israel's participation in the music competition, including famed international acts like Fever Ray and Robyn, and contest veterans such as opera star Malena Ernman — who performed in the song competition in 2009 and is the mother of climate activist Greta Thunberg.
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theurbanhippieswe · 1 month
These colours goes good together. The orange cardigan and beanie are among my favourite pieces. Also favour the denim pants by Fleurs de Bagne. The location for this photo shoot is Malmo Opera. The piazza outside.
Photo: @rahland
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circusfans-italia · 2 months
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CIRKUS BRAZIL JACK LA 125a STAGIONE PARLA ITALIANO Il circo svedese Brazil Jack celebra quest'anno un'importante ricorrenza, una tappa raggiunta da ben pochi complessi internazionali nella storia, quella del 125° anno dalla sua fondazione. Fondazione avvenuta nel 1899 ad opera della famiglia di Carl Rhodin che, appunto nel 1899, decise di fondare un circo e per insegna adottò il proprio nome d'arte, scelto come omaggio all'intrattenitore americano William F. Cody AKA Buffalo Bill, il cui mitico Wild West Show riscosse un enorme successo in Europa negli anni 1887-1893. Da allora l'insegna del circo è rimasta come omaggio all'avo fondatore. Oggi, il circo è diretto dall'amico Trolle Rhodin coadiuvato dalla madre Carmen Lupascu. In questi anni Trolle ha spinto sempre più sulla modernizzazione degli spettacoli che il suo circo andava a presentare e, per celebrare degnamente l'importantissima ricorrenza, per il tour 2024 ha confezionato un programma con artisti internazionali, tra i quali spiccano tanti nostri connazionali.
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Eccovi il programma: - Anna Demeter - cloudswing - Skating Jasters - pattini acrobatici - Wolf Brothers - riprese comiche - Warren Niemen - giochi con i lazo e le fruste - The Jasters - coltelli e balestre - Troupe Diorio's - globo della morte - Warren Niemen - giocoliere in bouncing - Michael Zorzan - diablo Il debutto del tour 2024 del Cirkus Brazil Jack avverrà a Malmo dove il complesso rimarrà dal 29 Marzo aal 7 Aprile. Per conoscere curiosità sulla storia del circo della famiglia Rhodin, per conoscere l'elenco completo delle città che verranno toccate dalla tournée del giubileo, oppure per acquistare il proprio biglietto visitate il sito internet ufficiale del circo raggiungibile CLICCANDO QUA Per raggiungere il gruppo l'Impresario Circense su Facebook cliccate sull'immagine sottostante
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Visita le nostre sezioni ARCHIVIO STORICO TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani
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Hugo Alfvén (1872-1960) : Revelation Cantata, for baritone, bass, chorus, organ & string quartet Op. 31 (1913)
This score also includes harp, celesta and harmonium.
I. Prelude (for solo organ) 00:00-05:05 II. Part I 05:05-17:00 III. Part II 17:00-20:55 IV. Part III 20:55-24:35
Performed by Frederik Zetterström (baritone), Peter Boman (bass), Per-Ove Larsson (organ) and the Malmo Opera Choirs and Members of the orchestra conducted by Arvo Volmer.
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
could you look up the trailer for beauty and the beast musical at the Malmo opera? the sets and costumes are pretty good, and I think it's the best production design ever for beauty and the beast.
I'll try and give it a look.
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veilingofthesun · 3 years
Malmö Opera - World Pride - This is me (The Greatest Showman)
Featuring Oscar Pierreou Lindén, Frida Modén Treichl, a chorus and Malmö Operaorkester.
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Important Buildings to Know from Swedish Architect Sigrud Lewerentz
Enigmatic, mystical, technical; these phrases apply each to Swedish architect Sigurd Lewerentz (1885-1975) and his works.
He was one in all Scandinavia’s main 20th-century architects, with a protracted profession arc that British architect Sir Peter Cook dinner sums up as “Classicist, stripped Classicist, window and door deal with producer, enjoyer of cigars, encourager of fellows doing naughty…
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architectnews · 3 years
Sigurd Lewerentz Exhibition: Arkdes Stockholm
Sigurd Lewerentz Exhibition ArkDes Stockholm, Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design, Building Center
Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect Of Death And Life – Arkdes
3 Nov 2020
Sweden’s Most Revered Architect Subject Of Major Exhibition Opening in Stockholm In April 2021
Location: ArkDes Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design, Stockholm, Sweden
• Designed By Caruso St John
• Accompanying Monograph Published Spring 2021
Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect Of Death And Life
3 November 2020 – Sweden’s most revered architect Sigurd Lewerentz, regarded as a giant of 20th century architecture, is the subject of a major exhibition, Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect of Death and Life designed by Caruso St John, opening at ArkDes, Sweden’s national centre for architecture and design in Stockholm, in April 2021.
This will be a significant moment of assessment, the first major monograph exhibition of the work of Lewerentz since the 1980s coinciding with the publication of the first comprehensive biography.
Lewerentz, who was born in Bjärtrå in northern Sweden in 1885 and died in Lund 1975, is an enigmatic figure in the modern history of architecture. He rarely spoke publicly or published, but his influence is acknowledged by a generation of the world’s leading architects.
Colin St. John Wilson, paraphrasing E.M. Forster’s impression of the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy, said it was “as if he stood at a slight angle to the world.”
In the words of Adam Caruso, designer of the exhibition: “Lewerentz’s late projects represent an unprecedented integration of making and thought. Like Matisse, who advised young painters to cut off their tongues and communicate with brush, paint and canvas, Lewerentz was famously laconic. He did not teach and few of his own project descriptions survive. He built.”
The exhibition and the book are the result of four years of research. The majority of the objects in the exhibition are drawn from ArkDes’ own formidable collection, which will be shown alongside hitherto unknown or never previously exhibited objects that have been discovered in travels by the research team across the country.
The exhibition will cover the full range of Lewerentz’s works. Among these are three iconic projects: The Woodland Cemetery in south Stockholm, designed with Gunnar Asplund (1935-40), where many notable Swedish writers, musicians and actors are buried, including Greta Garbo, and his two late masterpieces, St Mark’s Church, in Bjorkhagen, dedicated in 1960; and St Peter’s Church, in Klippan, a town 60 kilometres north of Malmo, completed in 1966.The show will include a range of drawings of these famous buildings but also objects that show how Lewerentz’s collaborations with artists and theologians made buildings that were deeply literate and inventive about Lutheran traditions.
The exhibition will feature a newly commissioned work by the American artist Amie Siegel in the space called Boxen. Known for her layered, meticulously constructed works that trace and perform the undercurrents of systems of value, design and cultural ownership, Siegel works variously with film, video, photography, performance, sound and installation.
ArkDes will produce a landmark new book in connection with the exhibition, which will be the first ever published with full access to Lewerentz’s archive. Designed by award-winning graphic designer Malmsten Hellberg, it will contain 700 pages of drawings, photographs and models, plus excerpts from Lewerentz’s personal archive and library.
In August 2021, a Lewerentz Festival will be arranged in collaboration with partners throughout Sweden, to pay tribute to one of architectural history’s most revered, and most mythologised architects.
Kieran Long, Director of ArkDes and curator of the exhibition, said: “There is no Swedish architect with more influence on contemporary architecture today, or with more passionate advocates across the globe, than Sigurd Lewerentz. Devotees travel from everywhere in the world to see his buildings. There are very few architects in history with Lewerentz’s ability to make buildings that truly ask the biggest questions about what it means to be a modern person. His work powerfully evokes our deepest and most archaic cultural memories. But he was also fascinated by cosmetic and fleeting pleasures: Shopping, dancing, drinking and having dinner. The life of the city fascinated him and his work made a stage for our playful selves as well as our spiritual ones.”
Sigurd Lewerentz Sigurd Lewerentz was born at Sandö in the parish of Bjärtrå in Västernorrland County, Sweden. He was the son of Gustaf Adolf Lewerentz and Hedvig Mathilda Holmgren. He initially trained as a mechanical engineer at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg (1905–8). Later he took up an architectural apprenticeship in Germany.
He first opened his own architectural office in Stockholm in 1911 and became associated with the architect Gunnar Asplund (1885–1940). Together they made a winning entry for the Stockholm South (Woodland) Cemetery (Skogskyrkogården) competition of 1914–15. This project was implemented initially by both architects, however, the latter stages were done by Asplund alone. He and Asplund were appointed as the main architects for the Stockholm International Exhibition (1930) but afterwards Lewerentz became disillusioned, Lewerentz turned away from architecture for many years, and from 1940 he ran a factory producing windows and other architectural fittings of his own design.
Sigurd Lewerentz, together with his colleagues Erik Lallerstedt and David Helldén, created between 1933 and 1944 what is regarded of one of the masterpieces of functionalist architecture, Malmö Opera and Music Theatre (Malmö Opera och Musikteater). The foyer is considered of particular beauty, with its open surfaces and beautiful marble staircases and it is adorned with a number of works of art by artists such as Carl Milles and Isaac Grünewald.
He was awarded the Prince Eugen Medal for architecture in 1950. In the last decade of his life he designed two churches, St. Mark’s at Björkhagen in Stockholm (1956) and St. Peter’s at Klippan in Scania (1963–66), that revived his career in architecture.
He continued to work at competition proposals and furniture designs until shortly before his death in Lund, Sweden during 1975.
ArkDes ArkDes, located on the island of Skeppsholmen in central Stockholm, is Sweden’s national centre for architecture and design. It is a museum, a study centre and an arena for debate and discussion about the future of architecture, design and citizenship. It is housed in a beautiful building by Rafael Moneo and more recently ArkDes´ new studio gallery, called Boxen, designed by Dehlin Brattgård Architects.
Kieran Long, Director ArkDes: photo courtesy ArkDes Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design
Kieran Long Kieran Long, the British curator, critic and broadcaster, was appointed Director of ArkDes in April 2017. He was the architecture critic of the London Evening Standard between 2014 and 2014. He subsequently established the department of design, architecture and digital at the V&A in London in 2013/14, of which he was Keeper between 2014 and 2017. His television work includes presenting “Restoration Home’ and ‘The House that £100k Built’ for the BBC.
Sigurd Lewerentz Architects
Previously on e-architect:
11 Jan 2019
ArkDes Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design
photo courtesy of ArkDes ArkDes Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design Stockholm
Address: Exercisplan 4, 111 49 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 520 235 00
Architecture in Sweden
Swedish Architecture Designs – chronological list
Stockholm Architecture News
Stockholm Architecture Tours
Swedish Architecture – Selection
Strängnäs Cathedral Building Renewal, Strängnäs, just west of Stockholm, Sweden Design: AART Architects image courtesy of architects Strängnäs Cathedral Building
Restaurant Tak, Södermalmsallén Architects: Wingårdhs image courtesy of architects Restaurant Tak Stockholm
Geysir Tower, Kista image from architects Geysir Tower Building in Kista
Karolinska Institute Research Center
Novum BioCity Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm
Swedish Architect Offices
Comments / photos for the Sigurd Lewerentz Exhibition at ArkDes Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design page welcome
The post Sigurd Lewerentz Exhibition: Arkdes Stockholm appeared first on e-architect.
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I’m thinking how you would turn the countries of the world into a set of relatively convincing space-opera planets. So far I’m thinking:
1) Planets are named according to said countries’ third largest city, eg. United States Planet = Chicago, UK Planet = Liverpool, Japan Planet = Osaka
2) The five countries with the largest metropolises become completely urban planets. These are the planets Osaka, Bangalore, Shenzhen, Brasilia and Ecatepec. 
3) The five countries with the most northerly capitals become polar planets. They are the planets Hafnarfjordur, Tampere, Stavanger, Narva, and Malmo. 
4) Barring Brazil (covered above), the countries which straddle the equator become lava planets. They include, among others, the planets Masuku, Jamaame, and Bekasi. 
5) The city-state countries (by the way, I’m using the 193 UN-recognized states as reference) are planets which are uninhabitable gas giants, with a native population living in orbit. They are named for their heads of state, and include the planets Espot, Yacob, and of course, Francis. 
That covers the anomaly-planets that you would find in typical sci-fi. The remaining 166 planets all have relatively Earth-like climates. We now face the question of what, exactly, those planets are like, and how varied they are. 
6) Completely landlocked countries become completely terrestrial planets. These include the planets Nukus, Khujand, and Encarnacion (at this point, I stopped naming planets for their third largest cities, and named them after their most northerly or southerly city instead). 
7) Island countries smaller than Ireland become ocean planets, with no land whatsoever. This includes the planets Suva, Ohonua, and Loanengo. 
8) Other island countries become archipelago-planets, hence Invercargill and Iambaro. So, too, do the five countries with the most islands, hence the planets Vancouver, Brisbane, Davao, Liverpool, and Patras. 
9) Countries with coasts become an Earth-like mass of continents, except those within the 20 largest countries, which have a single continent only. The complete list of pangaea planets is: Murmansk, Hilo, Ushuaia, Annaba, Arar, Dongola, Tripoli, Parsabad, and Los Palos. 
10) Countries that are among the ten highest in the world become planets that are extremely mountainous. The terrain of other planets is similar to that of their country counterpart. Extremely Mountainous Planets include Birat, Tarija and Kalam. Interestingly, Shenzhen is an Extremely Mountainous, as well as a Completely Urban Planet. 
11) Countries with names that come after T in the alphabet have day-night cycles so protracted that they have daily extremes of climate. The planets Coro and Lao Cai suffer this fate. Of course, the completely terrestrial planets also have extreme climate variation, owing to their geography. 
12) In contrast, countries with names that come before N in the alphabet become planets with stable climates and a single, planet-wide environment, which is dictated by the environment in the country’s capital. For example, the planet Brasilia is an urban planet with a jungle environment, similar to our Chongqing. The planet Murmansk has a very cold, continental climate. 
13) Countries with names that come after M, but before U, have environments as diverse as that of the Earth. 
14) Countries which have hosted the Olympics since 2000 are Extremely Stormy Planets. This includes the planet Lille. 
15) Barring the urban planets, countries with names that end with a letter after T are prehistoric planets, without technology. Countries that end with an R are industrial-era planets, countries ending with S are medieval/renaissance era planets, and countries ending with T are classical era planets. All others are Star Trek- style socialist utopias, and the countries that end in A are major spaceport hubs. 
In case you were wondering, yes, I can’t sleep, and yes, I have had a lot of caffeine. Before I go though, let’s tour a random sample of five planets we haven’t covered yet, using our patented method: 
-Flensburg is a planet of wet, temperate forests, in which breakaway species from Homo sapiens create magnificent rock art. 
-Sohar is very similar to Earth, but notable for its extreme wealth. Only recently entering its industrial era, the Soharians are notable for their early adoption of solar power, and their preference for nomadic life. 
-The ocean planet Jaffna is remarkable for its twelve rings and pleasant, warm seas.
-The dry plains of Mohales Hoek encircle the planet, producing temperatures that vary between 0-100 degrees celsius. Spacefarers flock to the dry hills to take part in the annual Qachas- Tsa Kholo Rally. 
-Chiang Mai’s eighteen continents are teeming with luxury. Children pet pleasant, fluffy creatures as they play in the planet’s many warm-water rivers. The sky is amber and the three moons look down benevolently. 
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musicals-in-sweden · 1 year
Teaser for Everybody’s talking about Jamie - Opening at Malmö Opera September 1st 2023
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theurbanhippieswe · 1 year
OUTSIDE MALMO OPERA. A good location for a photo shoot. A lot of space.
Photo: @rahland
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herbalzee · 7 years
Get to know me tag!!!
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag
   1. headphones (always!)    2. at least 50 hair ties    3. a full bottle of perfume    4. free pens from like everywhere    5. lots of tissues lmao
Five Things In My Bedroom:
a fish tank! i love my lil fishies
shoe cabinet
a Moriarty (from Sherlock BBC) calendar of him saying “Miss me?”. I love it
a small yellow chair!  
a color-coordinated bookshelf!!!
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life:
learn sign language!
travel all over europe
write my own book
become a therapist
have kids!! and pets!!!
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
hanging with friends!!
listening to music, podcasts and ASMR
watching movies
doing artistic things?? idek what that means but like i love going to operas and theaters and taking aesthetic pictures and being creative, shit like that
talking, ranting, expressing my opinions comfortably, theorizing, brainstorming
Five Things On My To-Do List:
read books
hang with friends
write short stories- or write in general lmao
prepare for uni... i need to seriously do that
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
i am passionate about psychology
i had an obsession with piercings and tattoos when i was younger
i had the yellow belt in karate when i was in practice
im very old school about silly things yet quite liberal about the serious stuff
im basically in love with malmo, sweden
Name?: zaina
Nicknames?: zee
Zodiac?: sagittarius
Sexual Orientation?: straight
Ethnicity?: middle eastern/ north african
Favorite Fruit?: mango!!!!
Favorite Season?: winter
Favorite Flower?: after a quick flower research, i found the soft pink spray roses and the blue hydrangea the most appealing to me
Favorite Scent?: vanilla! cocoa! banana-scented stuff (or generally fruit-scented stuff). old books!!! 
Favorite Animal?: bees!! or just any domesticated animals honestly (that can be kept at homes or farms)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: tea
Cat or dog?: dogs
Dream Trip?: a boat travelling all around western europe!!!
Number of Followers?: i dont really care about this stuff
What do I post about?: any posts containing message worth-spreading, funny content or aesthetically-pleasing stuff..
Do I get asks on a regular basis?: nope! so famous that i had to close my ask box 
Favorite Band?: twentyone pilots, little mix, imagine dragons, coldplay, hey violet, abba (almost forgot them omg)
Aesthetic?: cinematography, animals and nature, books and libraries, literally anything vintage, multicultures, feminism and femininity. i cant think of other stuff but im majorly into art
Fictional Character I’d Date?: john bender from the breakfast club!!!!
Hogwarts House?: ravenclaw
Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close at my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
Relationship status: single
Favorite color: purple, blue, green
Lipstick or Chapstick: lipstick!!
Last song I listened to: hard times by paramore
Last movie I watched: The Boss Baby
Top three TV shows:
(btw these three tv shows are the only shows ive ever watched and actually finished lmao)
BBC Sherlock
Yuri! on ice
Top three characters:
These are the ones that came to mind first, not top favorites
Sherlock (Sherlock BBC)
Todd Anderson (Dead poets society)
Savannah Karlsen (Girl, interrupted)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people :^)
a - age: 17 
b - biggest fear: my actual biggest fear is too personal so im gonna say my second biggest fear: not achieving anything valuable in my life  
c - current time: 3 am lmao 
d - drink you last had: a peach detox lmao 
e - every day starts with: checking phone  f - favorite song: of all time or currently? ive never had an all time favorite but right now my favorite song is hard times by paramore (mainly the chorus bc its awesome) 
g - ghosts, are they real: only the ones in our heads 
h - hometown: a.d. 
i - in love with: psychology 
j - jealous of: productive people 
k - killed someone: ... 
l - last time you cried: literally yesterday..  m - middle name: dont have one  
n - number of siblings: eins (one) 
o - one wish: to be satisfied with who i am and what i have p - person you last called/texted: im talking to my friend on the phone right now as im doing this.. shes the one who so kindly guided me to these fun questions q - questions you’re always asked: “why are you so quiet?” “what major are you getting into and at which university?”  
r - reasons to smile: youre very much well and alive!!
s - song last sang: i was having a fetus 1d songs marathon at like 2 am the other day so... definitely the entire up all night album
t - time you woke up: these days.. 12 pm, bc im tired and its my holiday 
u - underwear color: ohhhh boi v - vacation destination: anywhere cold filled with warm people 
w - worst habit: procrastination 
x - x-rays you’ve had: the most recent one i remember is a chest x ray y - your favorite food: pasta 
z - zodiac sign: sagittarius
post a screenshot of my lock screen, home screen, and last song played
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RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
bbc sherlock
yuri! on ice
The first character you loved:
ohhh, first was sherlock! then john almost 0.001 secs later
im pretty sure it was elizabeth. shes the cutest and i relate to her the most
probably Minako Okukawa, because shes so charming and funny
The character you never expected to love so much:
mrs hudson!!!!
louise!!! shes so smart and gorgeous and the least involved in the drama
yurio!!! i used to dislike him lmao but now hes my son
The character you relate to most:
molly hooper
like i said above, elizabeth!
ohh definitely yuri
The character you’d slap
john because sherlock suffered sooo much for him and opened his heart only to be abandoned because john is a naive idiot who still cant tell sherlock’s NOT a sociopath
SO MANY bc almost all of them did shitty things.. but the ones id slap right on sight are Alistair and the Steiner dude
ohmygod no, theyre all pure!! probably yurio bc that kid needs to love himself (but id immediately hug him right after)
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
sherlock & john (one answer), mrs hudson, WIGGINS
holly, rachel, and fay (elizabeth and jude too)
the obvious trio: yuri, victor and yurio
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
mary lmao
alistair. i was a little suspicious of him but i liked him at the beginning bc he was cute and innocent. i HATE him now obviously
i love them all.. theres not a single one i dislike
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
ahahah mycroft
 uh georgia
christopher and JJ (but now i love them both so much)
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todayclassical · 7 years
April 03 in Music History
1569 Birth of composer Giovanni Battista Massarengo.
1617 Birth of composer Antimo Liberati.
1639 Birth of Italian composer Alessandro Stradella in Montefestino. 
1649 Birth of composer Joseph-François Salomon. 
1682 Birth of composer Johann Valentin Rathgeber.
1751 Birth of composer Jean-Baptiste Lamoyne.
1757 Birth of composer Ferenc Verseghy.
1781 W. A. Mozart makes his adult first public appearance in Vienna for the Tonkünstler-Societät. 1786 FP of Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 24 in c, K. 491, at the Burgtheater in Vienna.
1825 Birth of composer Adolf Rzepko.
1832 First duo performance of pianist Franz Liszt and Frederic Chopin, in Paris.  
1836 Birth of American composer Rigdon McCoy McIntosh.
1850 Birth of Italian tenor Giovanni De Negri in Alessandria, Italy.
1859 Birth of American opera composer Reginald DeKoven in Middletown, CT. 
1868 Death of Swedish composer Franz Berwald. 
1871 FP in US of Wagner’s ópera Lohengrin in NYC.
1874 Birth of composer Eduardo Sanchez de Fuentes.
1888 Birth of German soprano Tilly De Garmo in Dresden. 
1888 Birth of English music critic and writer Sir Neville Cardus. 1889 Birth of Rumanian violinist and composer Grigoras Dinicu in Bucharest. 1895 Birth of Italian-American composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco in Florence. 
1897 Death of German composer Johannes Brahms.
1901 Death of British impresario Richard D'Oyly Carte at age 56, in London.  1902 Birth of composer Siguringi Eirikur Hjorleifsson.
1909 Birth of soprano Coba Wackers in Wuppertal. 
1911 FP of Jean Sibelius Fourth Symphony, composer conducting.
1913 Birth of composer George Barati.
1917 Birth of composer Tibor Andrasovan.
1918 Birth of composer Louis Applebaum.
1918 Birth of composer Enrique Iturriaga.
1918 Birth of Swedish conductor Sixten Ehrling, in Malmo.
1921 Death of American mezzo-soprano Annie Louise Cary.  1923 Birth of tenor Umberto Borso in La Spezia. 
1923 FP of Albert Roussel’s ballet Le Festin de l'araignée ‘The Spider’s Feast’, in Paris.
1924 Birth of tenor Murray Dickey.
1924 Birth of American bass Barr Peterson in Mason City, Iowa. 
1925 FP of Gustav Holst’s opera At the Boar’s Head in Manchester.
1926 FP in US America of Sibelius’ Symphony No. 7. Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski conducting.
1928 Birth of Swedish soprano Kerstin Meyer. 1931 FP of Paul Hindemith’s Concert Music. Boston Symphony, commissioned for the orchestra’s 50th anniversary.
1948 Birth of American pianist Garrick Ohlsson in Bronxville, NY.  1950 Death of German composer Kurt Weil at age 50.  1953 Birth of Russian pianist Mikhail Rudy. 1971 Debut of Israeli violinist Pinchas Zukerman in New York City.  1972 Death of American composer, pianist and arranger Ferde Grofe in Santa Monica, CA.  1986 Death of British tenor Peter Pears.  1998 FP of Tan Dun’s Concerto for Six Players. Bang On A Can All-Stars, in Durham, NC.
1999 Death of British composer Lionel Bart. 2004 FP of Samuel Adler´s Piano Concerto No. 3. Roger Creel, Community Orchestra of Weston, conducted by Samuel Adler. Rivers Music School, Weston, MA.
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veilingofthesun · 3 years
Helen Sjöholm singing 'Du måste finnas' from Kristina från Duvemåla at Malmö Operas 75th anniverary gala.
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giofer73 · 7 years
#NowPlaying Adagio for Strings, Op. 11 de Samuel Barber, Thomas Bowes, Joseph Swensen, Malmo Opera Orchestra Cuando quieres 5 minuticos mas, y quieres que la magia de la noche no termine...
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