#maplestory secret santa
nekooru · 7 months
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its HOLIDAY time!!!! i know its barely november but the stores are selling christmas stuff so that means its HOLIDAY time!!!!!!!
how much interest is there for another maplestory secret santa ? 🫶🥺 it looks like i'll be hosting this year so dm me if u would like more info, or if ur not already part of the maple secret santa discord server and would like to join as either a participant or spectator ! 🥰🥰
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yin-lu-draws · 6 months
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2023 Maplestory Secret Santa gift for @onegroovyrose. I hope you enjoy your gift and thank you to @nekooru for hosting this year! Demon hanging out with his family where nothing bad ever happens to them :)
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tareloin · 6 months
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS @lunichi !!!
i really enjoyed drawing ab and cadena together, especially since i've never drawn either of them before :D
i hope you enjoy your gift and have a good rest of your holiday season! the no-text versions are below the read-more :]
thank you @nekooru for hosting this year's ms secret santa!
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slug-aplenty · 1 year
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was thinking about how there had to be some time in which the heroes prepared to raid the temple of time. time in which they gathered arrows, sharpened weapons...
and wrote letters
once again if u steal this ill eat your spine!
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ni-ien · 2 years
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it is once again that time of year … how would we feel about having another maplestory secret santa 😳
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mirrortouchedsea · 6 months
Snowflakes and Sunsets
A Maplestory secret santa gift for @tareloin ! I hope you enjoy it!!
Adele returns to Ristonia for a day off.
Adele found herself walking the increasingly familiar streets of Ristonia again, cold wind making her shiver. She had been getting stronger as of late in order to fulfill her new role in life. She still felt weaker than she had before being locked up, but it was all slowly coming back to her. 
She hadn’t been paying attention when she ran into someone just outside the city. She began to apologize before looking up and seeing a familiar face looking back at her. He was smiling brightly, as if he had been looking for Adele. Maybe he had. 
The boy took Adele by the wrist and ran back to their treehouse hideout, which had more people walking around it than the last time she was there. He was excitedly talking about what they had to catch up on and what she had missed out on since she had been gone and asking her about her adventures. She smiled softly and replied with interest, summoning a single aether sword and moving it around them in the crowded space of the treehouse, illuminating the various books and maps scattered around. 
Jerome, the boy who had pulled her out of the void some time ago, was in awe at her command of the ethereal weapon and clapped when it finally blinked out of existence. I’m so glad my knight has been getting stronger, he said looking into her eyes. I’m happy to be of use to you, my lord, she responded. Despite the formal titles they used, their relationship was very casual. After Adele had begun to regain her memories and opened up with Jerome a bit, they had spent countless nights talking and discussing her memories, his past, and their plans for the future. 
It was those nights where she realized that there was nobody she’d rather serve than Jerome. He was kind and intelligent and while she worried he might get taken advantage of by people with bad intentions, he had a good head on his shoulders and always listened to her when she had a bad feeling about someone or something. He knew when to take risks and when to stay back, and despite all the trust she had in him, she still worried about their coup-in-planning while she was away. They were starting to finalize plans for Jerome to take back the throne and regain control of Ristonia and restore it to its former glory, a plan that would take many years once the ball was rolling, and Adele’s only job for now was to get stronger. 
But for now, she was back to check in on her charge and take a short break from training to catch up with her friends. It felt…strange for her to use that word to describe anyone. She hadn’t been treated well by her “friends” in the past, especially after they betrayed her when she couldn’t keep going with their new Godking’s rule. Jerome and the others were warm to her, though, and she felt as if she could truly speak her mind and express her desires to them and they would listen. 
Adele was brought back to the present by Jerome asking another question. Have you ever seen snow, he asked, looking behind her. Snow, the word was unfamiliar on her tongue. No, she replied and just as quickly, Jerome ushered her to stand up and go outside. There were small flakes of white falling gently from the sky, Brook and Laddie were catching some of them on their tongues. Adele held out a hand to catch some, but they melted as soon as they touched her skin. For some reason, she felt disappointed that she couldn’t get a good look at the little flakes before they disappeared. She also realized that she had seen snow before on her travels, though something about seeing it in her new home, the orange sky illuminating her friends as they took a much needed break by running around catching snowflakes made her feel warm inside despite the chilly breeze that continued to blow around them. She had nowhere else she’d rather be. 
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onegroovyrose · 1 year
for the art ask meme: 2, 3, 4, 11, and 28
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
For me it’s easiest to draw someone facing the left!! Embarrassingly, if you look at my Chris’s most of them are facing the left BAHA 🫣
3. What ideas come from when you were little
OOOOOOHHHH okay I have been a chronic “seeing my fave cry” enjoyer for a very. Very long time AKBSKA I do think this might’ve started when I was around 11 and zexal was airing and my friend sketched out a crying Chris as a gift. Since then if I can draw a fave crying I absolutely will at some point!! I also LOVE long coats and trenchcoats which I do believe is also. Chris inspired AKSBDAKA
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
AH well you see :)
It’s solely Chris because I SWEAR it always takes at least 4 hours until I can get his face and hair exactly right which is quite rude of him methinks!!
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
YES I absolutely need that Defunctland video up before I can draw a single line - but as a result I’ve recently watched all his videos BAHA I’ll usually then turn on a stream and listen to that while I draw!
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
YEAA!! I have yet to join a zine because of time but I do really really want to join one at some point!! >:D As for events I’ll try to do the Arclight week event every year I can, as well as multiple secret Santa’s! I’ve participated in Professor Layton, Yugioh, Maplestory, and server secret Santa’s in the past :)
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asteralley · 7 months
being so predictable on the maplestory secret santa form (requesting anything related to kinesis)
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maplesecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas!
from @kairosvale to @b0kko
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sylviettes · 5 years
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Maplestory 2 Secret Santa!!! I was the secret santa for Krissmas on NA West! Im so proud of this one!
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dimourgos · 5 years
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Drawing I did for a maplestory 2 secret santa back in december! Hosted by mistreil and arcelle! o/ (all the drawings and participants can be found here)
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nekooru · 7 months
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we have about a week until the secret santa sign-ups open!! 😳 sign-up will last for a week, starting on the 16th and ending on the 23rd :D and a couple days after that, all secret santas will be assigned and u can get started on making ur gift!!!
if you have yet to join the maplestory secret santa discord and would like to participate/spectate, dm me for the invite link 🫶🥰
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freunwol · 6 years
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hey did yall hear about this new fast food place called cadenas its great
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tareloin · 2 years
One Small Bet (PhanAria) [Pt. 3]
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Pt. 1 // Pt. 2
Secret Santa gift for @phan-aria! Please click the read-more for a message c:
Hey Aria!! I hope you like your gift! :D
It was a delight drawing your prompt in a comic style! I'm not too familiarized with either of their personalities but I really hope that I did them and your prompt justice ^^
I also saw some of your posts talking about your version of Phantom, so I decided that I'd draw him in that look rather than his canon appearance c: Hope that's alright!
Again, I hope you like it and I wish you a merry Christmas / happy holidays!!
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graeshue · 6 years
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Evan from Maplestory Part of Secret Santa 2017 Decided to upload a higher quality version compared to the original submission post here 2017 Paint Tool SAI
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spookabe-blog · 6 years
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Top is my Secret Santa gift for MercedesFlux in my Maplestory guild and bottom is my Maplestory guild Leader Joojooplum ♥
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