#maria walewska
josephponiatowski · 4 months
I don’t have time to draw because of this goddamn school
I go home to come back to school 🥲
My life is literally in school I’m sick of this
Good thing is that soon I’m going to have winter vacation yipeee !!
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Anyways, say hello to Maria Walewska. She’s such a beautiful lady ❤️
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sollannaart · 6 days
Józef Poniatowski’s women.
Part V. The rest of ladies who might have been of some interest to him
Good day everyone and let me share with the rest of information I possess on Prince Poniatowski's love interests. (Though, I have to admit, the ladies from this list were the least likely - from all the mentioned in these series of post - to have some kind of affair with Pepi.
To start I would like by Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the queen of Prussia.
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On the right - unidentified artist, miniature portrait of Prince Poniatowski, 19th century. On the left - portrait of Queen Louise by Giuseppe Grassi, 1802.
Prince Józef had the opportunity to meet the wife of the king Frederick William III at least four times, because the royal couple visited Warsaw - which had become a part of Prussia as a result of the third partition of Poland - three times, in 1798, 1802 and 1805. And in 1802 Poniatowski himself had to go to Berlin, to settle the matter of the inheritance left by his uncle Stanisław August.
According to Juliusz Fałkowski, while at Warsaw Prince Józef "…gave a ball and a dinner in the Copper-Roof palace in their honor [the King and Queen of Prussia - A.S.] and was flirting with the Queen everywhere", for which he received the star of the black eagle, although he rather "expected something else from the beautiful queen." After the departure of the royal couple, "he longed a little for the crowned beauty who had easily won his heart in passing."
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An Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun painting of Queen Louise, c. 1801
The second source that mentions the relationship between these two is the book by Marian Brandys "Kozietulski i inni", which states (without giving sources, unfortunately) that during Pepi's visit to the capital of Prussia "… it was also said that the beautiful Queen Louise fell in love with in a knightly Pole."
However, if you ask my opinion about the likelihood of an affair between Pepi and the Queen of Prussia, I will say that in my opinion he was "flirting" her to make it easier to solve the inheritance problem. As for the fact that she could also be in love with the prince, I have no opinion because my knowledge about Queen Louise is not very great.
The second lady in today's list will be prince Józef's first cousin once removed, Anetka Potocka (née Tyszkiewicz, the daughter of Konstancja Poniatowska and a grand-daughter of prince Kazimierz, the oldest of the Poniatowski siblings).
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On the left - Poniatowski's portrait by Franciszek Paderewski, on the right - Portrait of Anetka Tyszkiewiczówna, Giuseppe Grassi, 1796.
Born in 1779, she was 16 years younger than Pepi, and she remained unmarried for quite a long time, becoming the wife of the Count Aleksander Potocki in 1805. (Marian Brandys, in the biography of Anetka's uncle prince Stanisław, states that some time before 1791 there was an idea to join all the Poniatowski estates marring Stanisław to his niece, but it was eventually abandoned.) The marriage brought them three children, but after 16 years Anetka asked for divorce and then wedded Colonel Stanisław Dunin-Wąsowicz. During the times of the Duchy of Warsaw, she was a frequent guest at the Copper Roof Palace, visited Paris, witnessed Napoleon's sojourns in Warsaw, with all of those events been described later in her memoirs.
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Portrait of Countess Dunin Wąsowicz, Anna née Tyszkiewicz, 1836.
As for her relationship with Prince Józef, it were her own words that made Fałkowski write that "the beautiful prince fell in love with Anetka" although "it was a platonic feeling".
"… Mrs. Aleksandrowa (Anetka Potocka - AS ) herself half-admitted thisin her old age. ''On disait alors que le Prince Joseph avait pour moi un sentiment plus tendre que l'amitié (it was said that Prince Joseph had for me a feeling more tender than friendship),' she would recalled with a dreamy expression on her face."
The second thing that leads historians to believe that Pepi could have distinguished this cousin of his from other relatives is the provision in his will, according to which she was to receive, after the death of the prince's sister, Teresa Tyszkiewicz, his favorite palace in Jabłonna near Warsaw. And when this did happen, Anetka ordered a triumphal arch to be built in the park in memory of Prince Józef.
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The palace in Jabłonna, 2019
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The triumphal arch from Jabłonna's park, 2019
And collage of mine is an illustration to the part dedicated to the rest of the women, whose portraits I wasn't able find. And honestly, the evidence that they might have been Prince Józef's love interests is very weak. But, since historians from time to time do mention these ladies' names, I thought them worth being included as well…
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For example, in the prince's testament, together with Henriette de Vauban, Zofia Czosnowska and the above mentioned Anetka Potocka, there was mentioned Elżbieta Merlini, the daughter of Dominique Merlini, an Italian architect, the last main builder of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. But such concern for the architect's daughter may have been explained by a sense of moral debt to her father, which the prince Józef inherited from King Stanisław with the rest of the things.
Then, the list of Pepi's women sometimes complemented by another "Elżbieta" - Cichocka (although her real names were Emilia Karolina - or Katarzyna) née Bachmińska I° voto Szymanowska, II° voto Cichocka, III° voto Abramowiczowa. It is said she even sojourned in Jabłonna before 1810, until being apparently forced by Zofia Czosnowska to leave the place. After that Madame Cichocka went to Vilna, where she married her third husband. However, what IMHO should be taken into account in regards with this lady is that her second husband, Michał Cichocki, was an illegitimate son of Stanisław August, which might have made Prince Józef consider her a relative and thus take care about.
The same can be said about Madame Kicka - Józefa Martyna Rozalia née Szydłowska, who was a sister of Elżbieta Grabowska, another mistress of King Stanisław.
Sometimes the names of women who were friends and companions of Madame de Vauban are also included to the list of prince Józef's love interests. Those are: Anna Krasińska, a relative of general Krasiński and the wife of Mikołaj Oppeln-Bronikowski; Salomea Wielhorska née Dembińska; Anna Trębicka née Czerska, future wife of general Kamieniecki, and Józefa Potocka née Sollohub.
PS. As the regular visitors to the Copper Roof Palace are as well mentioned two ladies of the surname Walewska: Józefina née Lubomirska, the wife of Adam Walewski and the future wife General Witt, and Maria, the wife of Anastazy Walewski. The first of them was known for her kind of loose behavior, so presumably she might have at least flirted with Pepi; the second one is the famous Maria Walewska, but all I know about her makes me think her love for the emperor left no room in her heart for other men.
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Portrait of Maria Walewska by Robert Lefèvre
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dreamconsumer · 4 months
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Portrait of Maria Countess Walewska (1786-1817). By Jean Baptiste Isabey.
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lechatdenuit · 2 years
Napoléon & Maria Walewska / 4 (Son)
Maria, bir gün sevdiği adam ile evlenebilmenin umuduyla yaşıyordu.
Fakat herşeyde olduğu gibi kadınlar konusunda da sıkılgan olan Napoléon (Joséphine istisnadır), Maria'ya olan ilgisini kaybetmişti.
Artık onu eskisi gibi şımartmıyordu, hatta neredeyse sevmiyormuş gibi davranıyordu.
Bu durumu fark eden Maria'nın kocası Kont Kollonel, Alexandre'yi kendi oğlu gibi gösterdi. Alexandre de büyüdüğünde gerçeği değiştirmese de Napoléon'un oğlu olduğunu reddetti.
Fakat, çoğu kişi imparator ile olan benzerliklerini göz önünde bulundurunca onun oğlu olduğunu onaylıyor.
(Alexandre Walewski)
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Napoléon, artık kesin bir karara varmıştı. Avusturyalı prenses Marie Louise ile evlenecekti. Maria Walewska bunu duyduğunda büyük bir kedere boğuldu.
Napoléon artık Walewska ile görüşmüyor, ona güzel mektuplar yazmıyordu. Joséphine'i boşadı ve Avusturya imparatorunun kızı ile evlendi. Henüz 20 yaşındaki bu genç kızdan bir oğlu oldu. Bu ikinci Napoléon'du.
Josephine'den imparatoriçe ünvanını almadı. Ona güzel bir yerde büyük bir ev tuttu.
Walewska ise, imparatorun favori metresi olarak akıllara kazınmıştı artık.
Maria Walewska, görevinde kısmen başarısız olmuştu fakat artık Napoléon'un hayatına en çok etki eden üç kadından biriydi. Ayrıca Napoléon onun sayesinde Varşova Dükalığını kurmuştu. Maria, Fransız imparatorunun aşkıyla yaşamıştı ve onu asla unutmadı. Napoléon Elba adasında sürgündeyken bile onu ziyaret eden tek sevgilisiydi. Fakat Napoléon kişisel kaygılarından dolayı ne eski aşkına, ne de ondan olan oğluna ilgi göstermişti. Aksine hala ilk karısı olan Josephine'in bir tutam saçını saklıyordu. Bu sırada Joséphine 52 yaşında diftiriden dolayı öldü. İkinci eşi Marie Louise, oğlu ikinci Napoléon ile Avusturyalılar tarafından alıkoyuldu. Marie Louise, Sonradan Napoléon'un büyük bir rakibi olan Albert Von Neipperg'in sevgilisi olmuştu. Oğlu ikinci Napoléon ise büyükbabasının yanında depresif, keder dolu bir hayat yaşadı ve henüz 21 yaşındayken öldü.
Napoléon'un eski sevgilisi Maria Walewska ise, Napoléon'un en sadık subaylarından olan Phillip D'Ornano ile evlendi. Napoléon'u hiç unutmasa da Phillip ile uyumlu bir evlilik sürdüler. Phillip'den bir çocuğu oldu fakat, yalnızca üç ay sonra 30'unda iken Maria, genç bir yaşta öldü. Maria'nın vücudu Polonya'daki Kiernozia kilisesinde iken kalbi D'Ornano aile mezarlığına gömüldü.
Maria Walewska oldukça kısa bir hayat yaşadı. Pek çok noktası üzücüdüydü fakat hala onu tanıyan bazı insanlar var. Joséphine kadar olmasa da, Napoléon'un büyük aşkı olarak tarihe geçmişti. Ayrıca, Maria'nın Napoléon'dan olan oğlunun soy ağacından gelen kişiler, Napoléon'un tek direkt varisleri olarak biliniyorlar. İkinci Napoléon'un çok genç bir yaşta ölmesi ve bir varis bırakmaması, Count Alexandre Walewski'yi Napoléon'un şahsi soyunu devam ettiren tek kişi yapıyor. Bunun dışında hala imparatorun kardeşlerinin soyundan gelen Prince Charles Napoléon gibi kişiler var.
Maria Walewska'nın hikayesini anlatmak istedim çünkü masalsı yönüyle beni çok etkilemişti. Tabi ki bazı kısımları oldukça rahatsız edici ve sinir bozucu fakat başta sıradan görünen bir Polonyalı Kontesin tüm Avrupa'nın tanıdığı bir imparator ile olan aşkı gerçekten ilginç ve etkileyici bir hikayeye konu olmuş. Türkçe kaynaklarda, ekşi sözlük dışında Maria Walewska hakkında neredeyse hiçbir şey bulamadım. Sadece İngilizceden Türkçeye çevrilmiş bir sitedeki yazı vardı. Benim bloğum pek okunmasa da yine de en azından bir kaç insanın görebileceği bir yerde kalsın istedim. Belki ileride bu yazıyı başka yerlerde de yayımlarım.....
(Maria Walewska)
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springsteens · 9 months
I have only one expectation of the 2023 Napoleon movie. Please, include Polish characters
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gogmstuff · 2 years
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Countess Walewska, née di Ricci:
Top:  1854 Countess Walewska (Maria Anna di Ricci). From eBay 733X993 @150 326kj,
Second row:  1859 Maria Ricci, Countess Walewska by Louis Edouard Dubufe (private collection). From stringfixer.com-ar-Marie-Anne_Walewska 2656X3643 @150 1.6Mj.
Third row left:  La comtesse Marie Walewska. Noblesse polonaise. Pologne by Disdéri. From eBay; removed spots & flaws w Pshop 979X1587 @400 389kj.
Third row right:  1860 Marie-Anne Walewska, Duchess Colonna-Walewski holding feather fan(?) by ? (Royal Collection). From their Web site; removed spots & flaws w Pshop 1480X2448 @144 4.4Mp.
Fourth row left:  Comtesse Marie-Anne Walewska wearing a shawl and bonnet by Disdéri. From eBay; removed spots with Photoshop 472X762 @72 628kp.
Fourth row right:  1860 Marie-Anne Walewska, Duchess Colonna-Walewski wearing shawl & bonnet by ? (Royal Collection). From their Web site; removed spots & flaws w Pshop 1467X2399 @144 4.3Mp.
Bottom:  Marianne de Ricci Comtesse Colonna Walewska et ses enfants Charles, Elise, Eugénie From walewski.org/galerie_portraits.htm; removed spots with Photoshop 910X1138 @200 155kj.
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The updated list of nominees so far:
Jean Lannes
Josephine de Beauharnais
Thérésa Tallien
Jean-Andoche Junot
Joseph Fouché
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (Charles XIV of Sweden)
Louis-Francois Lejeune
Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambrinne
Napoleon I
Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet
Jacques de Trobriand
Jean de dieu soult.
François-Étienne-Christophe Kellermann
Louis Davout
Pauline Bonaparte, Duchess of Guastalla
Eugène de Beauharnais
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Antoine-Jean Gros
Jérôme Bonaparte
Andre Masséna
Richard Sharpe (The Sharpe Series)
Tom Pullings (Master and Commander)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Jonathan Strange (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
Captain Jack Aubrey (Aubrey/Maturin books)
Horatio Hornblower (the Hornblower Books)
William Laurence (The Temeraire Series)
Klemens von Metternich
Friedrich Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza
Franz I/II
Archduke Karl
Marie Louise
Wincenty Krasiński
Józef Antoni Poniatowski
Józef Zajączek
Maria Walewska
Alexander I Pavlovich
Alexander Andreevich Durov
Prince Andrei (War and Peace)
Pyotr Bagration
Mikhail Miloradovich
Levin August von Bennigsen
Louise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Gebard von Blücher
Carl von Clausewitz
Frederick William III
Gerhard von Scharnhorst
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
The Netherlands:
Ida St Elme
Wiliam, Prince of Orange
The Papal States:
Pius VII
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gatutor · 1 year
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Greta Garbo-Charles Boyer "Maria Walewska" (Conquest) 1937, de Clarence Brown, Gustav Machaty.
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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       ~ In 1807, Maria Walewska was waiting for the Emperor outside at a place Napoleon was due to change horses before heading to Warsaw. It is said that Maria pushed her way through the crowd and asked France’s Grand Marshal of the Palace, Géraud Duroc, to be led up to Napoleon’s carriage, where she stuttered: “welcome, a thousand times welcome to our land…”. From that meeting followed a long love affair between the two, that led to the birth of their child, Alexander in 1810.Given by Emperor Napoleon to Countess Walewska (1786-1817). Lot 345 in our ‘Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels’ sale on 13 November in Geneva. This historic brooch is set with a 45.79 carat sapphire. The diamond part was later added, probably to replace a ribbon, and maybe done by Cartier at the same time as the fitted case. ~
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loveloki555 · 5 months
Napoleon Bonaparte and Maria Walewska
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josephponiatowski · 3 months
Dzień dobry, big pepi fan here. Guess who has winter vacation? Me!
I deliver you Pepi content!
First the older sketches that I don’t really like but idk what to post so yep:
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The woman in one of those old sketches is Maria Walewska btw.
And this is a quick sketch I’ve made today, I hope you enjoy :)
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Messy hair & mustache Pepi best mix!
+ Napoleon quick sketch for these crazy napo fans who reacted to my earlier shitpost video (dayum like really how did it got so many attention thank you all ❤️❤️)
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He has this silly goober villain energy in my opinion
That is all. Do widzenia my dearest people of tumblr. I wish you good night/good day, depends on which timezone you are.
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aquila1769 · 1 year
Napoleone e Maria Walewska
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suburbanbeatnik · 3 years
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Here’s all the authentic and semi-authentic portraits I could find of Marie Walewska, Napoleon’s Polish mistress. The first four are definitely her; I could find artists, cites and years for all of them. The last four are, IMO, in varying flavors of dubious, but I included them since they’re found everywhere on the internet. This is for you, @sollannaart! (Also tagging @tairin) 
This post came about because I found out that a few people have confused Marie Walewska with her Italian daughter-in-law Maria-Anna di Ricci, who slept with Napoleon III half a century later. I’m surprised that the two could be confused, given one was a Polish blonde in high-waisted dresses and the other was an Italian brunette in crinolines, but apparently more than one person has made this mistake. (There are even folks who’ve confused Marie Walewska with Marie Louise, which... does not seem like a mistake either lady would be happy about.)
--Portrait of Marie Walewska by François Gérard, c. 1812
--Another portrait of Marie Walewska by François Gérard, c. 1812
--Portrait of Marie Walewska by Robert Lefevre, c. 1808
--Miniature of Marie Walewska by Marie-Victoire Jaquotot, c. 1811
--Miniature of Marie Walewska by Isabey (allegedly) before 1817
--This alleged image of Marie Walewska is found on the UK edition of the Christine Sutherland bio, but I can't find an artist name
--Miniature by Isabey supposed to be Marie Walewska-- it's even on the family website-- but why are her eyes brown? Her eyes were blue.
--A blurry photo of an anonymous painting supposed to be of Marie Walewska on Polish wikipedia. Submitted here for completists
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lechatdenuit · 2 years
Napoléon & Maria Walewska / 3
Napoléon ve Maria'nın ilişkisi kesinlikle olabilecek en kötü şekilde başlamıştı. Fakat Napoléon'un yaptığı bu korkunç şeye rağmen, Maria zamanla ona gerçekten aşık oldu. Bu kötü başlangıca rağmen ilişkileri oldukça romantik bir şekilde ilerliyordu. Maria Napoléon'u yaptığı herşeye rağmen affetti ve kendisini onun için feda etti.
Maria, artık ülkesi için değil, sadece Napoléon'un sevgisi için yaşıyordu.
Napoléon da onu çok seviyordu. Hayatında ilk defa bir kadının onu prestiji, şöhreti, maddiyatı veya gücü için değil, gerçekten kendisi olduğu için sevdiğini hissediyordu. Maria'nın fedakar ve sevgi dolu kişiliği onu derinden etkilemişti. İlk defa bu denli masumiyet dolu bir kadınla ilişki yaşıyordu.
Napoléon şüphesiz sevilmesi zor bir karakterdi. Özellikle kadınlara karşı acımasızdı. Fakat Maria, belki saflığından, belki fedakarlığından bu vahşi adamı tüm kalbiyle sevmiş ve onu bazı konularda değiştirebilmek için elinden geleni yapmıştı.
Napoléon ona birbirinden güzel hediyeler gönderiyor, onu bir zamanlar Joséphin'e yaptığı gibi aşk mektuplarına boğuyordu.
Napoléon ile neredeyse tüm kıta Avrupasını dolaştılar. Maria, bu adamın diğer metreslerinden farklıydı. Çok daha ayrı bir yeri vardı. Hatta Napoléon gittiği yerlerde onu Polonyalı karısı olarak tanıtıyordu. Tabi ki bunlar bizim biricik keyf-i hatunumuz olan Joséphin'in kulağına çoktan gitmişti.
Napoléon imparatoriçesine kendisinin hayatındaki tek değerli kadın olduğunu söylese de kurnaz Joséphine olanları çoktan anlamış ve Varşova'ya gelebilmek için kocasına mektup yazmıştı. Fakat Napoléon Polonya başkentinin biricik karısı için fazla soğuk olduğunu savunarak bunu reddetmişti. Joséphine ise yeni rakibi hakkındaki herşeyi açıkça takip ediyordu.
Bu sırada Maria Napoléon'dan hamile kaldı. İmparator, sevgilisinin en iyi şartlarda bakılması için onu Paris'e yolladı. Fakat Maria düşük yaptı. Bu yıkıcı olaydan sonra, neşesinin biraz olsun yerine gelebilmesi için Napoléon'a Avusturya'da eşlik etti.
Bu süre içinde Napoléon artık büyük aşkı Joséphine'den boşanmaya karar vermişti. Ona bir varis doğurabilecek, soylu bir kadın arıyordu.
Maria'nın kocası ve arkadaşları bu durumu ögrenince, onun imparatoriçe olabilme şansını hayal ettiler. Kim bilir, belki Napoléon Polonya'yı bırakın özgür kılmayı, İmparatoriçesinin memleketi olarak maddi desteğe bile boğabilirdi.
Maria de biraz olsun ümitlenmiş ve Napoléon'un karısı olmanın hayallerini kurmaya başlamıştı.
Avusturya'dayken Maria yine hamile kalmıştı. Bu sefer oğlu Alexandre doğmuştu.
Maria artık imparatorun sadece en sevdiği metresi değil, ikinci çocuğunun annesiydi. Bu çocuğu imparatoriçe Joséphine de şahsi olarak görmüştü. Joséphine, artık Napoléon ile olan ilişkilerinde Maria'nın varlığını tamamıyla kabullenmişti.
Maria ise Joséphin'e düşmanlık beslemiyor, aksine saygı duyuyordu. Fakat bu onu Napoléon'u sevmekten ve kıskanmaktan alıkoymuyordu.
Onun en büyük hayali umutsuz olsa da, bir gün Napoléon ile evlenebilmekti.
Fakat Napoléon hiç de Maria ile evlenmek istermiş gibi görünmüyordu.
Joséphine ile ona delicesine aşık olduğu için evlenmişti. Fakat bir imparator olarak bir dahaki evliliği, soylu ve politik koşullarca uygun olmalıydı. Maria gibi bir kontesle değil, eğer olabilirse bir prenses ile evlenmek istiyordu.
Bunun için Rus Çarı Aleksander'a danışmış, uygunsa çarın neredeyse çocuk yaşta olan kız kardeşi ile evlenmek istediğini belirtmişti. Fakat çar oldukça inatçıydı. Napoléon'a kısa bir süreliğine büyük bir sempati duymakla beraber, ona kardeşini vermemeye kararlıydı. Annesine danışacağını söylemiş, sonra annesi de bu duruma karşı gelince konu kapanmıştı.
Fakat Çar bunu Napoléon'a söylemeye kalmadan, Napoléon Avusturyalı imparatorun kızı olan prenses Marie Louise ile düğün hazırlıklarına başlamıştı bile.
Peki ya Walewska?
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sollannaart · 3 years
Józef Poniatowski’s depiction in movies
Part II. In the films about Napoleon-Walewska
1. This most known Polish movie on the topic is, of course, “Marysia i Napoleon” (“Maria and Napoleon”).
And prince Józef was played there by Zdzisław Maklakiewicz:
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And do not let this black-and-white image confuse you, this movie, though made in 1966, was colorful! But the DVD with it I have is of such a poor quality (a screenshot from it can be seen, for example, in this post) that I prefer to look for better photos from Internet whenever possible.
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Pepi with Henriette de Vauban (played by Ewa Berger-Jankowska)
Strangely, but this movie is also available on YouTube (and even in the quality better than on my DVD), but… with only Russian audiotrack (good for you, @tairin) and… with some scenes cut (( And among them, unfortunately, is the one with prince Józef - where ladies ask him to persuade Walewska to give in to Napoleon.
2. Next item in this list will be an episode of the joint French-Polish TV-series “Napoléon et l’Europe”. The episode under the name “Marie Walewska”. (A friend of mine, who was lucky enough to watch this series on TV, told me that she remembered that prince Józef’s death was also shown there, but judging the information in the Internet Poniatowski appeared there only in one episode.) And he was played by Daniel Olbrychski:
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And yes, this tv-series made in 1991 was of course colorful. But because it’s neither in my collection and nor can be found in the Internet the only thing I am able to show you are these photos from the Polish National Film Archive.
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Daniel Olbrychski with Jean-François Stévenin (Napoleon)
And if you, by lucky chance, know where can this tv-series be bought or watched - please-please-please, let me know! (Even if it is on VHS, not DVD)
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Daniel Olbrychski with Joanna Szczepkowska (Marie Walewska)
And speaking of Olbrychski - “Napoléon et l’Europe” wasn’t the first time he “played” Poniatowski. Because in 1980 in Kraków, as part of the "Krakow Day", the "entry of Prince Józef Poniatowski to Krakow in 1809" was recreated. And in this show prince Józef was portrayed by Daniel Olbrychski.
3. Prince Poniatowski also appears in such a Hollywood classics as “Conquest” (also known as „Marie Walewska”).
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C. Henry Gordon as prince Józef
And though the actor’s make-up has some flows (like side whiskers’ absence etc), and during the whole movie he utters only a couple of sentences, I was still very glad to see him here.
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A screenshot from the movie. Poniatowski - on the left, in the middle - Maria Walewska (Greta Garbo).
And if you’d like to watch the movie, it can be found, for example, here on YouTube.
What else is left? Unfortunately, dear friends, the rest of the images will be just actors photos, without any make-up etc. So you’ll have to turn on your fantasy to imagine how they might have looked like playing prince Józef ))
4. In 1914 there was produced a joint Polish-French silent movie called “Bóg Wojny” („The God of War”, also known as „Pani Walewska”). Józef Ponitowski was played there by Bronisław Oranowski:
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Bronisław Oranowski
5. 6 years later, in 1920 in Germany, the love story between the Emperor of the Frenchmen and a Polish countess was filmed again, under the title “Gräfin Walewska” (“The countess Walewska”). Prince Poniatowski was portrayed there by Leopold von Ledebur:
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Leopold von Ledebur
Unfortunately, neither first nor second silent movies survived till our times…
6. And the last item of this list will be a British TV-series of 1974, devoted to Napoleon’s women - “Napoleon and Love”. In the episode “Maria Walewska” prince Poniatowski was played by Vladek (Władysław) Sheybal.
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Vladek Sheybal
I haven’t seen this movie either, so if you know where can it be watched - please let me know!
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gogmstuff · 2 years
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More Countess Walewska, née di Ricci (top to bottom) -
Comtesse Walewska, épouse du Prince Walewski-Colonna by Disdéri. From eBay; removed spots & flaws w Pshop 475X780 @72 604kp.
Marianna Walewska née Ricci by ? (Comte Charles-André Colonna Walewski property). From colonnawalewski.ch/311/#; removed large spot in background w Pshop & fit to screen 953X1300 @72 229kj.
Photosculpture de France la comtesse Walewska by ? (Comte Charles-André Colonna Walewski property). From colonnawalewski.ch/103/ 954X1041 @72 184kj.
Comtesse Marie-Anne Walewska by L. Crémière & Cie. From eBay 684X1157 @400 260kj.
Quadrille des patineurs lors d’un bal donné au ministère d’Etat par le comte Colonna Walewski by Gustave Janet (Comte Charles-André Colonna Walewski property). From colonnawalewski.ch/patineurs/# 1895X1400 @72 1Mj,
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