#maybe I’m overthinking this
ceeceetv · 3 months
Something I’ve been turning over in my mind lately is the fact that Mobius tells Loki “think of it as comforting” in S1E1 re: the TVA knowing his whole life. But then later (or simultaneously?!) in S2E6 ofc he tells Loki that there’s no comfort at the TVA. And it’s basically the exact same version of him from the same moment delivering both lines. Just in response to different questions.
So was he lying to Loki the first time? Being facetious? Or does he think there’s comfort in what the TVA does for everyone except those actually working for the TVA? Comfort even for a variant like Loki? I’m just so interested in the word choice…they went with “comforting” in both scenes. Mobius presents as totally at peace and even happy with the TVA and his place there for the first part of S1, so hearing him admit that there’s no comfort, actually, just makes my head spin with questions. I’m so interested in Mobius’s innermost feelings about his life at the TVA pre-Loki. He was obviously content on some level, albeit lonely…but what’s in the other layers, if anything?
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quibbs126 · 8 months
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Okay but like honestly, who is this?
Yeah I get it’s probably supposed to be a beta version of Caramel Arrow Cookie, but the voice sounds different (I’d say a bit deeper/older), and also timeline wise it doesn’t add up. It’s implied that Caramel Arrow is at least a few years younger than Dark Choco, considering he taught her to wield a bow (especially since in this kingdom, they learn to wield weapons at a young age), and Dark Choco was young himself at this time. More likely she’d be a teenager, or even close to Milk’s age in this flashback. But this lady’s clearly an adult. And even if it was a beta version of Caramel Arrow, wouldn’t they have gone and made her look more like Caramel Arrow, or had her name indicate who she is like what they do with Milk Cookie?
I don’t know, it probably doesn’t matter, but it just popped into my head and it’s weird
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blackbiird-poetry · 1 year
okay okay so I found a poem prompt and it was like “describe a thunderstorm without using the sense of hearing” and I was kinda like “oh that sounds really cool, I wonder what that would be like” but when I tried writing I failed miserably to find the right words so now it’s going in my pile of prompts I wish to do but need to see someone else do before I can write anything
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m0onjellies · 2 years
*casually implies that they’re not friends with everyone else/*
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sovietyurion · 1 year
I really wish we could reconcile, because I feel like we could’ve been good friends. We technically haven’t seen each other in like four months, but I feel like it’s still gonna be a little tense when we meet again
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fakesiriusblack · 2 years
ok so i wish i was born a boy but like transitioning sounds so difficult and i don’t necessarily want to do it except top surgery lmao so like i feel like a bad nonbinary LMAO
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diemondgrimm · 2 years
Weird thing I’ve noticed now that i know it’s derealization/ depersonalization, I put my hat on wrong. I wear one for work and I constantly put it on sideways by accident. Like my brain can’t comprehend once it leaves my vision how to put it on properly anymore.
This happening to anyone else?
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fulcrum-art-fox · 4 months
There’s something so interesting about Akemi releasing the songbird and Takayoshi killing it, and while he doesn’t know of how personally Akemi is projecting onto it, he recognises that the act and then his mother subsequently being a dick about it upset Akemi and offers her two birds to make up for it and the way that like, the basic principle that it suggests that he might be actually kinda an alright guy and not the tyrant Akemi has been dreading, but also, the way he presents her with two birds locked in a cage is so interesting because it could suggest he does guess how personally she was projecting onto that bird and offer her a metaphor back: two birds, both hemmed in by the strings of power and status and expectations and court intrigue and the machinations of his mother. Two birds trapped in a cage together
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everywaythatmatters · 27 days
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The fact that Fitz isn’t even capitalized in Burrich’s dialogue until he’s almost ten years old is just. God. He’s just a little kid and he just wants to be safe and loved and he doesn’t even have a name I can’t do this
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
I think something so wonderful about sunny is that she is such a little girl. The admin that plays sunny does such a good job of giving her a distinct personality but in a way that everyone who was a little girl can identify with. I’ve seen so many people talk about how they acted like sunny did as a kid or would remember specific memories with their dad that they made as a kid that sunny and tubbos dynamic brought back to the surface.
Sunny being a little firecracker and “spoiled” girl while also being incredibly shy and kindhearted and wanting to be friends with everyone. The way she has an idea of what people like (money, fame, respect) and trying to demand that because she wants to be someone important and respected like a leader or princess would but still giving “poor” members diamonds to become rich because she would never want to turn away a potential friend.
It’s genuinely so sweet and beautiful that so many people can relive personal parts of their childhood as a little girl/kid and remember the good times and awkward time and see how they’ve grown as a person just from a Minecraft egg. It’s so fun to watch sunny interact with tubbo and think of how often I would “help” my dad with projects or how I would demand wearing a dress over a skirt because I wanted to look fancy for dinner.
It really just reminds me how we are all people and all experience similar things growing up. No one had the same situation, or the same family or even the same country, but we all had the same emotions and feelings and we can all identify with them by watching a Minecraft egg as silly as it sounds
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myfandomhalf · 2 months
Been thinking of Aventurine a lot and the fact Ratio never uses his name
When Jade was talking to him his name was still Kakavasha and right before that the IPC news mentions a “Egyhazo Aventurine” fraud case and Jade mentioned how he lied to the Intelligentsia Guild so it seems very possible to me that Ratio met him before he was Aventurine and maybe that’s why he only ever refers to him as gambler? Maybe he actually uses his real name but knows he can’t say it on Penacony? Just seemed odd how he NEVER says it, not even when talking to other people about him. The only time we hear Ratio say the word “aventurine” is when he’s talking about the stone to Sunday, but he never says it in reference to the person Aventurine.
I’m probably overthinking this but it just seemed like the dialogue was going out of its way to keep Ratio from saying Aventurine, but when there was no way around it they just had him say gambler
Edit: Should add that I play in English and haven’t looked at the other languages, so maybe it just so happens that he never calls him Aventurine in English even tho he does in other languages? In that case this wouldn’t matter at all but I have no idea
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Okay, this is something that’s been bothering me for a while now, but how do the Ancients suddenly have their normal outfits on during the Story Mode?
Like, Pure Vanilla gets put in the jar, he’s now in his outfit. Hollyberry gets the shield, she’s now in her outfit. Dark Cacao pulls his sword, he’s now in his outfit. How does this keep happening?
I mean okay, I get it if it’s symbolic, like how sometimes Dark Choco is shown in shadow despite not being in it, but I’m pretty sure it’s literal. And it’s not like they’re themselves again, so we’re seeing them in their normal outfits but in reality they change later, Hollyberry is dead proof of that, considering we actually see it happen in real time
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Does the Soul Jam just give them new clothes? Are these outfits just manifestations created by the Soul Jams?
Does that mean that they’re still wearing those other outfits underneath?
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I ramble about: VR-LA’s Character Arc
I feel like I’m just saying loads of the obvious with this but I still wanna say it cause it’s in my head and won’t leave.
Anyway, heads up for mention of: Suicidal Ideation and Tendencies
VR-LA’s story starting from a place of absolute aloneness and even suicidal ideation, but ending with so many families, friends, and homes and a promise made in the maze of life to keep on going… It has me feeling things
He begins with nothing but flimsy phantom feelings from his past and his strengthening relationship with his friends keeping him stable. And, as seen with the Zuggtmoy madness and the despondency well, without them he ends up right back in that spiral. Right back in that trap of wondering it it would better to have not woken up on the ship.
Later, his isolation through his wish and utter dedication finding his old crew puts a slight wedge that relationship. His drive to find his past nearly breaks his present, and he ends up having to reconstruct both his bonds with them (though minorly) and his old crew. It’s the thing that leads him to try and leave his past in the past, and focus on what he has now. He tells Dani that when he dies it’ll be on this ship, that he isn’t going anywhere. He picks this life over the old one. That connection to his family and home that has kept him going, now stronger… but not yet healthy, not yet healed. The stubborn refusal to leave his past comminuted to be put to rest through season 4 now he’s learned how unhealthy it was to dwell on it. Killing Endellion, proclaiming to his old crew that the old him is gone, being willing to give up the ship to Dani. Being willing to give up and leave behind the home he once pledged to die on. All of that showing how his outlook has progressed from the Then, to the Now, setting up the lead in to the Later he comes to look forward to in season 5.
But at this point, VR-LA’s pledge to die on the ship is still standing, until all of sudden that declaration is thrown into question by his promise to Maxim. An unexpected moment, maybe considered quietly in the back of his mind for awhile, but now coming to a head at the wake up call that is Maxim’s constant refutes to VR-LA risking his life. Maybe it wasn’t fully true at the time, maybe it was part desperate ploy to win him over and part the first realisation that the future he had always thought inevitable didn’t have to be. Whatever it was, that first promise set him on the path to looking not just back, not just around, but forward.
An episode later, VR-LA is lost in the not so metaphorical maze of life. He knows his past and how he feels about it, he knows his present and all the new bonds he’s formed in this second life. But the question of what comes next looms before him, despite his gripes with what happened before, this is the major decision he faces. And it isn’t the death on the ship he always thought would come, the death he once considered accepting while adrift, but rather… life. What he finds and chooses at the end of the maze is a long life, well lived. The exact opposite of everything he thought he had always been moving toward.
I was not expecting to find a story about coming to heal from suicidal ideation in my silly autism robit but oh boy… oh fucking hell is it there.
AND THEN, how he literally ends the series with a proclamation that no longer is he going to “die on this ship” or “wonder if it would be better to not wake up”, but that he’s taking dying of old age a challenge. How he refuses anything less than that. How despite his new dangerous position, despite stepping up and not back, he is not looking for anything less than that future he found at the end of the maze.
VR-LA starts too focused on the past, moves on to trying to focus on his present, then eventually the future. And if that progression wasn’t good enough, by the end he manages to have them all. His memories and old crew, the crew of the Per Aspera and a life of adventure, his increasingly pivotal role as magister and his aim to grow old.
Like, when I first heard the silly “Hello! I am VR-LA :D” and “Will you be our captain?” robot, I was not expecting a story about overcoming suicidal tendencies and growing to accept and combine all aspects of yourself. Like, fucking hell WHY IS HE LIKE THIS HSJDBDKDBDKFB
It’s such a well done arc for an improv show, and yeah there’s the little awkward unclear points but overall it’s so fulfilling and complete, while leaving further room to settle and heal. Right from season one he proclaims it’s the fight against entropy that makes life worth living, and the the whole show he fights that fight with himself. He goes from someone willing, and perhaps even on some level wanting, to die, to someone actively fighting for the opposite. He goes from empty of will to live and memory to, in his own words, “overflowing”.
Anyway, I love this silly robot, he makes me feel too many things, and I can’t wait to see what new stories come to pass next campaign.
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kadextra · 1 month
still the scariest thing about q!bad right now is we never know when the character could blackout and go horror mode like with missa and bobinho ;;
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strawberrypinky · 2 months
basically a shower thought BUT:
When Gortash speaks to Durge about the Temple of Bhaal, he says he does not know where it is located. However, the Temple of Bhaal is basically right next to the same boat which takes the player & party to the Morphic Pool of the Elder Brain.
Does Gortash teleport to the Morphic Pool of the Elder Brain? Are there multiple entrances from which he can access it? Because if not & he takes the same old boat Tav/Durge take to reach it —
How did he miss the Temple of Bhaal?? It is literally next door???
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bootleg-cal-weathers · 3 months
hold up i just realized how abnormally large strips tail fin is
look, it’s way over his head/roof thing
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now look at irl superbirds
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only a little bit over the roof
in conclusion, strips tail fin is fucking huge
thank you for coming to my ted talk😽
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