#megaman bird au
veamers · 5 months
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flown the nest
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dilutedbeanibeans · 3 months
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nurse man and bird man :]!!!! they’re both pretty simple concepts and they’re rough ideas for my megaman horror-ish concept!!!
nurse is a pretty chill going guy, he’s polite and is one of the first bots to work in a hospital!!!! he’s a first responder and mostly works as an assistant. his “hair” is made out of the same metal alloy that yellow devil is made out of! it’s used to carry multiple patients at once, but should ALWAYS be kept away from open wounds and blood. he can manipulate it freely. he only wishes the best for humans and is best friends with another human nurse in the hospital he works at!!
bird is a mass produced model and mostly used for a number of things! transportation, surveillance, and more!! this particular bird man though never speaks (communicates through morse) and is polite as well, they communicate through their big gestures and they want to be a real bird and have real feathers! they also have an interest in angels and their beauty
gore + blood under cut
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meat man and angel man
after fusing too many human parts with his metal hair, it started to slowly gradually change into what you see now. meat can still manipulate it freely and also started having certain cravings….
angel became obsessed with being unique, and started picking off the feathers of any white bird they found and sticking them on their wings. they wanted to beautiful and angelic and stand out from their other models
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Borbpuia is real and y’all can’t stop me but yes! This is Harpuia in Legends reborn!! I wanted to make a visual design for each of the guardians for myself (But y’all can interpret them of what ever ya like with the descriptions of the previous post!!)
Out of all the Guardians Harpuia’s changes were the most drastic of them all looking more avian-like. He’s actually kinda still getting used to his new arms and additional feathers. ( He mourns for his swords and Jets, but turns out your wings allows ya to be more aerial dynamics)
While yea he can swap out for Normal hands but the “Wings” are fine (I think of them as Rito arms akdhsjeb)
His civilian design is kinda fun to do-
Might do more designs for the rest of the Characters.
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delightful-69 · 2 years
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Decided to make sprite art of this little doggy in Vent art
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modelxis · 2 years
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decided to make sprite art of that one dog in vent concept art
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magicalpainterrebel · 5 months
So she decided to make to megaman X AU!
I decided to the story about origin!
Origin Of this giant zero
It was a pleasant day in a big city. The sky was a nice blue . Birds where flying and people where driving their cars and walking. But that soon came all to an end….
The ground started to shake and people heard a loud booming sound. When people looked over in the direction of the noise they saw a giant “monster”
What did the monster look like? Well this monster was wearing a red armor plate and helmet. He was wearing what appeared to be white “underwear” like a superhero, he has green orbs on his chest and a long ponytail that was almost the entire size of him.
As he made his way further into the city he began picking up people who where running and began to eat them. He grabbed a bus full of people broke it open and dumped all the people in it in his mouth. He then threw the bus away into some buildings breaking them in the process.
Then he continued to make havoc in the city.
The end....?
Thanks to my good friend. @kaiju-wolfdragon and also @ostrofkey3
Together we will can fix
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: ♥️, 💕, 🥳,📚, 💛,🎨?
♥️What is your favourite thing you've written in a fic?:
Man do I have many favourite lines, but most of them don't work as single sentences D: So I'll put them under the read more!
💕What is your favourite fic you've written?:
Hmm... Most of my fics are self indulgent... Probably Underground, which I posted on Ao3, but the original version where they're not all JoJo characters! Or Heroes of Sword and Shield, which is my Pokemon x BT crossover. Or Heart's Beat, in which Joseph and Kars fight a stand that uses music to fight. Or the one where my OCs confessed to each other. Ugh, I have so many but I don't post any cause they're entirely self indulgent XD
🥳Why did you start writing fanfic?:
Easy! To put my favourite characters in the same story! I came up with a crazy crossover AU at the age of 10 or 11 and never let go of it. Originated with Sonic, Megaman, Megaman X, NiGHTS and Pit, but now it's mainly Sonic, Joseph, Allen and Mu. It was the first fic I ever wrote actually! Not sure if I should ever post it because it was... a trip. But! It had a lot of lore that I still use to this day! It's somehow still one of my main AUs, and the name has stayed as the Dimensional Defenders for all these years!
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?:
First of all, I recommend you, @nibwhipdragon, for good Joseph content because MAN do you write abt stuff I only think abt. For Caejose, I recommend Riette! For Final Fantasy VII AUs, I recommend AimeeLouWrites! Also Battle Tendency But It's in College and is Almost Nothing Like Battle Tendency... is really good! I also recommend anything that's on my Ao3 bookmarks!
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you've learned about writing?:
Good question... A lesson from writing? Maybe to be patient and to let the story unfold. Sometimes you'll get a spark of inspiration, and when that happens you take it on full storm!
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?:
Dude I would LOVE fanart for one of my AUs. Alas! No one sees them D: That or fanart for my OCs...
Thanks for the ask! And since you've stayed till the end, it's time for favourite line time!
Gracefully, Kars soared through the opening like a bird through an open window. Floating as elegantly as a swan, he spoke. "What the fuck JoJo."
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Wait ghosts can't-"
The hedgehog looked down, only to see...
Allen's disembodied head. "Hello."
"Oh, hey Allen!" Sonic grinned.
"You named the heartless Shrimp?!" She almost scolded, ready to call upon her magic.
"Yeah, 'cause he's just a small guy!" The heartless in his arms cooed quietly. "Can I keep him? Please please please?"
"No! Now put it down before you get hurt!"
"Do we all need to get clothes?"
Everyone in the room stared at Sonic. A chorus of "Yep" and "Of course" resounded around the room.
"By the power of the Joestars," His sword emerged in his hand and he lowered into a fighting position. "I ANNOUNCE YOU DIED! Wait a minute..."
There was a pause. Then a snicker. Then Joseph, Kars and Caesar laughed.
"NO!" Caesar shouted through laughs as his voice peaked in the Discord call. "YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!"
Turning back towards the duo, I noticed Joseph shaking. Caesar cradled him like a scared cat, seemingly unsure what to do with him.
This was followed by Allen walking into his classroom that had all the chairs in test positions. Lovely.
"I'm going to get glitter all over the English block," Allen said, playfully deadpan as he attempted to flick glitter off his hands. He continued in the same tone, "I shouldn't have said that next to an open classroom."
Sonic let out a loud laugh. "Joseph should never be allowed glitter. It's just that he has loads of money."
"Zamazenta likes coke." Caesar stated as if it was a normal, day-to-day fact.
Cloud facepalmed. "And that's how the gang were defeated. They rode into a chasm and died."
Zack whined as Cloud reset from the last save point.
His mind was a frenzy, a blur as he panicked and tried to save himself. He couldn't process what was going on. Without thinking, he used his hand to break the plate.
And then he popped back at home.
Cloud, who was building the house, witnessed him appear next to him. "What did you do?"
Chrom scratched his head. "Uh... Pumpkin...?"
Cloud facepalmed.
The Lucifenian looked at him in shock; even if he was part wyvern, the winds would rip his boyfr- friend to shreds!
It was a bright and sunny day. Birds were singing, flowers were- Okay, enough of the happy crap.
So the fae could talk. Check.
"You took me away from my spring, shoved me in a room, and you mean no harm? Bullshit."
And it sweared. Or, rather, he sweared. Check.
"For a time I thought I would be alone all my life. Until I met Sonic."
"Aww~!" Joseph cooed.
"But now, thanks to my immortality, I live in fear of outliving him."
"Aww..." Joseph's smile dropped.
The swanna crowed. Sonic was quick to translate. "She says you're an idiot who challenged a legendary and needed saving!"
"Do I, Angel-Cakes?"
"Call me that again and I will personally send you to hell."
"Sure thing, Angel-Cakes!"
Heartbroken: Many things leave people heartbroken, including when: - Your friend backstabs you - That girl you likes turns you away - You get married to two ancient beings and your heart will explode in a month Joseph sighed. Just the usual.
In the end they forgot that Sonic stole Caesar's flag and he succeeded in his attempts.
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moonlighs-world · 4 months
So she decided to make to megaman X AU!
I decided to the story about origin!
Origin Of this giant zero
It was a pleasant day in a big city. The sky was a nice blue. Birds where flying and people where driving their cars and walking. But that soon came all to an end....
The ground started to shake and people heard a loud booming sound. When people looked over in the direction of the noise they saw a giant "monster"
What did the monster look like? Well this monster was wearing a red armor plate and helmet. He was wearing what appeared to be white "underwear" like a superhero, he has green orbs on his chest and a long ponytail that was almost the entire size of him.
As he made his way further into the city he began picking up people who where running and began to eat them. He grabbed a bus full of people broke it open and dumped all the people in it in his mouth. He then threw the bus away into some buildings breaking them in the process.
Then he continued to make havoc in the city.
The end....?
This is I made a origin story as she based on this. But thanks to @oscarstudios she's made from my AU
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just-absolutely-super · 8 months
OP au crack
Gutsman couldn't tell Lan and Megaman apart in the beginning
Lan: can you help me with this Gutsman?
Guts: sure thing Hub! Guts
Lan: I am Lan!
Guts: oh sorry
Another instance
Mega: hey Gutsman, can you take a look at this?
Guts: no problem Lan. Guts!
Mega: I am Hub!
Guts: oh sorry, you two look almost the same. Guts!
Mega: there are differences between me and Lan you know
Lan: I use a bandana and Hub doesn't
Mega: Lan's hair looks like a birds nest, and mine does not
Lan: also Hub's hair is longer than mine
Mega: also I am the taller twin
Lan: the hell you are!
Mega: I clearly am little brother
Lan: grrr!
They start wrestling
Guts: now I really can't tell them apart like that! Guts!
This becomes a useful gag during battles
Guts: I need to take care of these guys so I can meet Hub on the 5th floor, guts!
Bad guy: So MegaMan is on the 5th floor huh?
Guts: DOH!
Bad guy: Hahaha! I'll go find MegaMan, the rest of you take care of this oath!
Guts: Sorry Hub...guts... I'll try to be there to back you up as soon as I can!
Little did he know, the guy was coming across Lan instead
Bad guy: MegaMan! I've found you!
Lan turns around with a vein popping out of his forehead. Poor bastard never stood a chance...
Later, Gutsman makes it to Lan
Guts: Oh Hub! I'm glad you were able to beat this guy, guts
Lan: ...Gutsman, I'm Lan. Hub is on the 4th floor
Guts: HUH?! REALLY?!
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flamingredanon · 3 years
Welcome to my little Tumblr blog here, my name is FlamingRedAnon but you can call me Lizzy as well. I'm autistic, go by she/her, am a panromantic ace and my B-Day is May 30th.
My main fandom is The Henry Stickmin Collection currently, but I also enjoy Megaman (especially the X series including Command Mission), Castlevania, Shovel Knight, Mario especially the various RPG series, the Tales of series but especially Symphonia, Vesperia, Abyss and the two Xillias, lots of older animes and I enjoy things like birds, wings, vampires and some musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera.
I can also be found on Instagram, Twitter, Bluesky, and AO3 going by FlamingRedAnon as well, and I currently have a comic blog about my Fantasy AU over at @thscfantasyau and my multi ship blog is @lizzysthscshipsblog and when writing requests open back up they will be found on a side blog for everyone's sanity (aka this will be edited to show said blog when the time comes)
I am not currently taking THSC art requests.
Also proshippers can kindly go elsewhere as you are not welcomed here.
Anyone can take any ideas, AUs or ramblings you see on my blog and make your own stuff with it, I am ok with comic/content dubs as long as credit is given and my ask box is always open.
My art and writing however are off limits to any type of AI.
And here is a list of some (not ship focused) AUs I have, which are written underneath here so the pinned post isn't too long, and apologies in advance for some of the AUs not having names
(WIP at the moment)
Toppat Galeforce AU, a story where Galeforce was a spy in the Toppat Clan during Terrence's reign, but decides to stay with the Toppats and become leader after dethroning Reginald, who had just dethroned Terrence minutes before.
Galeforce ropes in Dmitri Petrov (and maybe even Misha) as his second and now has to deal with a pissed off Government because of the betrayal and the duo of Reginald and Terrence (think Team Rocket shenanigans)
Vampire Trio AU, formally known as the Vampire AU, stories about the Toppat Coven and the current vampire lord and his lovers, Lord Reginald Copperbottom, Right Handman Galeforce and Henry Stickmin, dealing with balancing peace with the Red Mesa village, Dmitri Petrov and his Vampire Hunters and keeping their fellow vampires safe.
There is a darker bad end of the AU featuring Reginald going by Fallen Reginald, getting revenge on anyone that could be held responsible for the deaths of Henry and Right while trying to find some way to go back in time to try to save them.
A Darkened Left Hand AU or ADLH for short, a darker story about Revenged going wrong for Henry and him getting rewired to becoming a Toppat weapon known as Left Hand Man, the story bouncing between Left and the Toppats, Charles Calvin and his band of comrades known as the Rescue Team who want to save Henry, and the Government who want to stop the Toppats at any cost.
(note that any posts that deal with the weapon Left will also be tagged with the ADLH AU tag while the OC Left will not have such tags)
Timeline Wilford AU, a story of Sir Wilford IV having timeline powers but things going wrong because of trying to force a new choice, leaving him void bound untill a chance meeting with a young man named Henry Stickmin with his own timeline powers lets him be able to go back and forth from the void.
Now Wilford tries his best to teach Henry about what he knows so that Henry avoids making the same mistake that left him void bound, slowly catching up with what he had missed after disappearing and hoping that one day he would be free from his punishment.
Wall Ellie AU, a story about Ellie Rose Petrov, daughter of Dmitri Petrov, who sets up the whole event of Toppat Civil War and has almost the entirety of the Toppats locked up after sabotaging the rocket launch, minus Henry and the Good Gents and technically Reginald and Right.
Henry now has to figure out a way to rescue everyone from the Wall and deal with the frozen rose herself.
(Currently has multiple paths which includes Ellie dying, Dmitri dying in Ellie's place and Henry needing to come up with a plan with just his Good Gents)
Unknown AU name yet, but the story is about a Toppat King Henry with timeline powers, currently being haunted by the ghosts from three past bad timelines, a Jewel Baron Henry who goes by The Baron or JB, Free Man Right Hand Man who goes by Fright, and Revenged Reginald or just Rev.
Ruby Wilford AU, a smaller story about Sir Wilford IV getting his strength from the cursed Romanian Ruby, with Terrence and Reginald accidentally finding out this secret one night and the chaos that happens afterwards.
Henry is Terrence AU, multiple ideas and stories about Henry Stickmin actually being Terrence Suave himself, sometimes because of amnesia or just making a new identity for himself, with his paths either helping the Toppats and atoning for his bad leadership, joining the Government and carving out a new path in life, or getting revenge on the Toppats or even Reginald for being dethroned.
Right Hand Man Green AUs based off of RHMG, darker stories featuring Charles Calvin's failed attempt at trying to run off with evidence about Right being Green, getting turned into a fellow Toppat Killer cyborg called Charlie and the reverb that has with the story, or of Toppat Killer Copper, formally known as Reginald Copperbottom who fell for Galeforce's and Dr. V's trick and was promptly captured without most other Toppat not knowing what happened.
(I may expand on those later and give both stories a happier ending)
Breaking the Cycle AU, an Ending the Cycle AU that features Henry getting tired of all the loops and deciding to take over the mysterious Pocket Watch Clan, with some help from Charles and Right.
After Henry becomes the new Father Time and explains everything to Right and Charles, the three friends work to not just end the timeline cycle, but break it and each creating their own timelines, not knowing that power can corrupt goals and cause even more trouble.
Not quite a complete Adventure Time AU but has a few of the same themes, a story of Terrence Suave slowly losing himself to his timeline powers and becoming Gadget Gabe and of Randy Radman joining the CCC to try to save Terrence from his chaos no matter the cost.
Sword Henry AU, a story about Henry wielding the Biggol Sword and getting revenge on Reginald Copperbottom and the Toppat Elites on behalf of his father, Terrence Suave. Lots of sword fighting ensues.
CCC Experiments AU, an AU that features Terrence, Right and Reginald being escaped CCC experiments with different types of chaos powers, joining the Toppat Clan and figuring out things while hiding their abilities so that they aren't found out.
Henry Petrov AU, a story that was originally about Henry being Dmitri's son that was kidnapped as a child and the two reuniting after Special Brovert Ops but then changed to Henry growing up in the Wall and eventually teaming up with the Government (with Dmitri's cautious permission) to find out the person that killed his mother years ago.
Wall Revenged AU (not the exact title) is an AU where Dmitri and the Wall staff save Henry after Betrayed instead of Dr V, offering him, Wilhelm Krieghaus, Sureshot Sherman and Ahnoldt Schwarz a place among the Wall as bounty hunters, as long as they help the Wall take down the Toppats.
With Reginald having betrayed everyone in some way, they all accept, leading to quite the different face off at the Dogobogo Jungle.
Government Reginald AU, a story of Reginald Copperbottom being a Government spy
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galespider · 5 years
REALLY  LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost, don’t reblog!  good luck!
TAGGED BY: @the-fallen-creation!!
TAGGING: Anyone who really wants to do this! I don’t want to force anyone who wants to but maybe @ksilberne, @wamoura, @avwalya, @kha-merc-ffxiv, @red-dawnbringer and others!!
This is really long and a bit complicated x _ x So with that, I will stick with doing my main character.
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FULL NAME: Gale Spider
NICKNAME: None (Maybe Gaelicat??)
AGE: 24
BIRTHDAY: September 15th
ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te, Seeker of the Sun
LANGUAGE(S): Miqo’te tongue, Eorzean
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship
CLASS: Middle
HOMETOWN / AREA: A village located in the Sagolii Desert
PROFESSION: Adventurous healer/wiccan for hire
HAIR: Blue long straight hair that extends towards the lower back.
EYES: Red with slit pupils from Seeker of the Sun traits.
NOSE: Normal size
FACE: Heart shaped, kind of round.
LIPS: Smooth and full. Shines when in the light, only just a little.
COMPLEXION: Smooth, Pale, a little dry on the skin but mostly soft.
HEIGHT: 5′0″
WEIGHT: ??? Unknown
BUILD: Regular hourglass feature.
FEATURES: Slit pupils from Seeker of the Sun and fangs!
ALLERGIES: She might be allergic to dust mites.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Mostly prefers long hair, would occasionally go for short.
USUAL FACE LOOK: Simper smile to those who talk to her in a conversation. Looks innocent at first glance. Just don’t irritate her.
USUAL CLOTHING: Just any dresses that look really cute on her. She would mostly wear a red bindi from her mother and a spider lily hair accessory. Healing attire that also catches her eyes. She’s mostly broad on what she wears. In her casual moments, she would wear something that relates to “upper class” but maintains her casual side.
FEAR(S): Loosing those closest to her. Irrational fears would be bugs. She also fears of being left alone.
ASPIRATION(S): To help those in need of healing and help with those injured either mentally or physically.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Semi-outgoing, always puts a smile to reassure that everything is alright. The one to start conversations.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Could get irritated easily, may have a sailor’s mouth if someone pushes her buttons. She could get impatient.
SOUL TYPE(S): Healer (Soul Crystal?? White Mage)
VICE  HABIT(S): Staying and overworking overnight taking care of the injured
FAITH: The Twelve 
AFTERLIFE?: We will see
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: Does not want to tell
EDUCATION LEVEL: College intelligence but doesn’t show it strongly. 
FATHER: Unknown, alive (Will figure out one day)
MOTHER: Unknown, alive (Will figure out one day)
SIBLINGS: Kira Setsuna
EXTENDED FAMILY: None. Although maybe three more older siblings.
NAME MEANING(S): Gale came from my favorite element, wind. Spider is based off of Spider from Megaman X: Command Mission.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: She has Wiccan blood running through her coming from her mother, who resided in Gridania. She may have Keeper of the Moon traits, but being born in the desert made her a Seeker of the Sun.
BOOK: Any fiction ranging from witches, warlocks, romantic novels.
MOVIE: Rarely watches any.
5 SONGS: ... I am just gonna link it here http://galespider.tumblr.com/post/149340915708/character-name-music
DEITY: Oschon the Wanderer
HOLIDAY: Loooves Starlight festivities (Christmas)
MONTH: October
SEASON: Autumn
PLACE: Zenith, Gridania, The Peaks
WEATHER: Breezy and calm bright weather
SOUND: Birds chirping early in the morning
SCENT(S): Herbs of all kind, the smell of orchids
TASTE(S): Minty, warm tea
FEEL(S): Soft wool fabric, soft fluffy things
ANIMAL(S): Owls, Small birds
COLORS: Red and Blue. Sometimes Green
TALENTS: Would like to dance one day, good decent measure of voice for singing
BAD AT: Looking out for herself. Keeping to herself, over-helping others to the point that others might be annoyed.
TURN ONS: Would rather not say ;)
TURN OFFS: No thank you.
HOBBIES: Reading, making herbal remedies, doodle, 
TROPES:  Off-into-the-Distance Ending, World of Symbolism, Girl Friday
AESTHETIC TAGS: Dress, fabric, wool, herbs, cabin, candles, fun witch, wiccan, healer, crystals, stones, mushrooms, fantasy critters, spider lilies, autumn, flowers, potions, forest, sunrise
GPOY  QUOTES: (... What?)
MAIN  FC(S): Herself
YOUNGER  FC(S): N/A (I should have drawn more of her little)
VOICE CLAIM(S): Christina Vee,  Kaori Mizuhashi
Anything that involves Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit. Something that makes Gale travel to different places with conflicts, drama, funny moments, and the likes with her friends and her brother.
I am really lazy. But just look at the 5 songs mentioned. x_X Above ^^^
She along with my other characters are from FFXIV. And somehow, FFXIV gave me that amount of ideas to write or think about their backgrounds and how they meet people.
The way I created them in character creation in FFXIV. But Krowell Au Ra was literally ripped off from Ayanami from 07 Ghost.
I can’t really say I would hate them. 
A lot, actually. She and I mostly or practically share the same personality.
She would definitely be disappointed if she sees me procrastinate in life.  But at the same time, she would probably understand that life takes just one step at a time no matter how hectic it may be.
She has interesting interactions with my other characters. http://galespider.tumblr.com/post/177796279983/my-final-fantasy-xiv-characters-gale-spider-from
If it was Gaoithe Sagittus, she would tease him and love him since they are both in a relationship with each other. Krowell, would be sort of difficult since they would both not see eye to eye. But Gale is willingly able to open conversations with him as time goes on, and they finally and slowly get along. Raksha, was extremely difficult since he was a PoW. Due to his unstable mind by being used as a weapon, he acts almost innocent, childish but scared around people who approach him. Gale is able to break his barrier by taking care of him and is able to talk to him, although not with difficult speech.
FFXIV!! That’s all I have to say!!
Quite a while ... But it was really fun to do at the same time! Sorry for my short answers!
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veamers · 9 months
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i FINALLY got these fellas done, my only regret is i could not fit axl's side leg markings on there.
these are references for my bird au
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tomahawk-swing · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @savagewolffury​  (thanks a lot o/) RULES: repost, don’t reblog~
NICKNAME: Powerup GENDER: Female STAR SIGN: Capricorn HEIGHT: 5'1 SEXUALITY: ??? TIME: 6:37pm BIRTHDAY: January 8th FAVOURITE BAND(s): Asian Kung Fu Generation, Green Day, too many to list FAVOURITE SOLO ARTIST: Jean-Jacques Goldman :’) SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Bizet’s Carmen opera haha LAST MOVIE SEEN: Kuzco MOVIE I WANT TO SEE: Nothing right now LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED: I’m currently watching JJBA WHY DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: I needed a way to show the world how much I love these two characters and RPing sounded like the best way, considering that I have no artistic skills LAST THING I GOOGLED: pokémon go calculator OTHER BLOGS: @flyiingpress​  (Pokémon!AU blog), @powerup-the-revolution​ (my main main), @race-against-the-glock​ (my old main) and a vent sideblog WHY URL: It’s Tomahawkman’s trademark move \o/ FOLLOWERS: 270+ AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: about 6 or 7 LUCKY NUMBER: 18 INSTRUMENT: None WHAT AM I WEARING: A large T-shirt and track pants DREAM JOB: No idea :/ DREAM TRIP: Probably Japan FAVOURITE FOOD: My mom’s lasagna ;w; FAVOURITE SONG RIGHT NOW: It changes like every week ... Right now it’d probably be Harmonized Finale by Unison Square Garden TOP THREE UNIVERSES: Pokémon, Megaman, and ACNL if it counts ?? LAST BOOK I READ: A book of Asimov novels
Tagging : @iiguess​  @em-dualism​  @coolateraldamages​  @birds-of-the-sur​
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Actually since Volnutt has the Disney princess genes, it would really be fucking funny that he has no idea about it. Believes that he’s cursed of having Animals all over him, several incidents happened of farm animals flocking towards him without warning nearly crushing him.
He doesn’t do jobs involving animals because of that, though he doesn’t mind cats being all over him. He loves animals but at a distance because he’s scared of hurting them.
Enter X trying not to die of laughter when Volnutt Explains his “Princess Curse”. Only for him to explain its act more of a blessing that he thinks. And telling him a the backstory where the term Disney princess came from
Damn if those ancient Disney movies weren’t lost and showing it to him. He laments that Volnutt and Roll will never experience it.
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annadesu · 7 years
Steven Universe Podcast - From Fan To Crew - Thomas Sanders, Chris Graham, Maya Petersen, Amber Cragg, and Mario Piedra
Steven Universe Podcast - 9/21/17
Amber - Always knew she wanted to be an artist. Did a bad job with her schoolwork, but kept saying it was ok because she was going to art school, anyway. Luckily is worked out for her!
Maya - Didn't really think about a career in art until after college. She did a published piece in a Megaman tribute book, which was a bit of a surprise to her. But after being selected, she thought maybe she did have more talent than she assumed, and worked hard on getting into the field more.
Amber and Maya - Both members of the fandom early on. They made lots of fanart. Amber felt a "spiritual" connection to the themes of the show. Maya loved the fact that the female characters actually had personality traits, and that being female wasn't considered their personality. They all looked and acted different from each other.
Amber- Was doing a drawing livestream when Rebecca Sugar liked one of her SU posts. She promptly freaked out. Then, she joined a drawing chatroom where Ian and Rebecca were goofing around, and Ian corrected Amber on the way she was drawing Garnet's hair. Amber contacted Ian the next day, saying "I'm the person who drew Garnet's hair wrong, it was fun drawing with you!" and Ian asked her to do a test for a show.
Maya - Saw an open call on twitter in 2015, and did a board test. Waited a while, and was called back. Communicated mostly by e-mail. Much more low-key than Amber!
Maya - Walked into work the first day thinking "don't get fired". Work hard, work fast, work well!
Amber - Was sick her first day or work because of the climate change from Kentucky to California. She came in wearing her SU fan t-shirt.
Impostor syndrome - Happens to a lot of people coming to work in the field. You see this great new job ahead of you, and worry about how you will perform. You assume everyone else around you is much more talented, and together than you are. It took Amber half a year to shake this feeling.
Amber's advise for fans - "Make your own stuff. Make your own stuff, put your name on it, put it online where people can see it. You can draw fanart if you want, you can draw your own stuff if you want. Showcase your ability to write and draw. And if you can only do one of those things, you can partner up with somebody who knows how to do the other thing. Or you could do both of the things, and get better at both of them together. The important thing is, you can't be found if there's nothing of yours to find."
Maya's advice to fans - "You can't wait for inspiration, you just have to do the work. Fail alot, and fail fast. That's how you get to success faster."
Amber - "If you have an obsession with something... like a show, or a book, or an AU of some other thing you don't even like anymore, but you love the AU... If you feel this passion for something, and you're embarrassed by it? Don't be! Use that as a reason to make whatever you want. If there's a fire inside you, do something with it. Don't be embarrassed. Embrace that, and use it to propel yourself forward. I spent 2.5, 3 years drawing just Homestuck fanart, and drawing Steven Universe fanart. Look how much time I spent drawing this stuff, but look how much better I got. Draw for love!"
"Save the Light" is the first console game for GrumpyFace Studio. Both Chris and Mario tend to spend more time on their phones and tablets now, and haven't been able to play as much console games as they did when they were younger. Both were big on cartoons and nintendo growing up. They were shown the SU pilot before the show was given the greelight, and they said they wanted to work on a game for it because they knew it was going to be something special. They also got to see episodes before they aired while working on the game, so they were fans right from the start. They not only admire the show, but the people working on it. They love lore driven shows like SU.
Working with the crew has been easy, since they also love video games. They understand references to older games, and how games work in general. It makes everything much easier.
GrumpyFace was not told about the "Save the Light" arcade Easter egg in "Arcade Mania". They could not believe it, and they immediately called them when they saw it.
The crewniverse is a guiding hand for the games. They will tell them when they get something correct, and they tell them when they would do something differently with the characters.
In the first game, they tried an 8-bit style, but Rebecca suggested something cleaner. Rebecca also has a good sense of color. Steven Sugar has the master map of Beach City, and he knows where everything is located.
Making a 3D game is a lot harder than a 2D game. Mixing them both together is also very hard. No production is ever "easy", you always learn something from it. The game developers did not expect Squaridot to be as popular as she has been. They had made a bet that atleast one person would draw fanart of her on the day she appeared. That day, however, there was a LOT more than one piece of fanart. A lot of fans of the show are great artists.
Thomas Sanders is a huge SU fan. Touring the studio was a very eye opening experience for him, since he didn't know that much about animation production to begin with. There's a lot of little things going on that people don't know about. Since his online fans knew Thomas liked cartoons, many of them suggested SU to him. He saw some fanart, and watched it casually at first. After the heavy drama in "Maximum Capacity", Thomas was amazed that a cartoon "went there". It was so refreshing to him. SU broke a lot of barriers, and takes a lot of strides, and still does.
With his vines, Thomas tries to appeal to kids and adults and be relatable. McKenzie Atwood got in contact with Thomas because of her video editing for the show. She introduced Thomas to the crew, and they were able to get together and make some vines.
All the voice actors are very nice people, and are very good friends with each other. 
Deedee is such a "mom". Thomas had mentioned to her that he was nervous about driving a rental car in LA. After doing a singing collab with Deedee, she put a note on his backpack that said "Drive safely, let me know when you get back to Florida, Love, Bird Mom". He keeps the note in his suitcase. Thomas feels very influenced by SU in his life. He is able to go deeper into his own storytelling because of how he has seen everyone reacting to SU's brand of storytelling. 
Thomas is curious about the fate of Lars, and how Sadie fits into his story arc. He's also very curious about Pearl, since we don't know as much about her as the other gems. We still haven't seen White Diamond, either.
Thomas loves how everything in the show can be discussed further. Fusions, the music used, hints from earlier episodes that you didn't even realize were hints at the time... He loves it all.
NEXT PODCAST: Leading The Way - Rebecca and Steven Sugar
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omegayumi · 7 years
1-who’s the oldest character of yours that you still use?My oldest character probably is my persona Draoru, she a dragon alien thin. The other one is my megaman star force oc Rose Pulse
3-Has creating a character ever made you realize something about yourself?
Many of my oc are kind of thoughts of my self i think 30% , but the one who share how i am and i see the world is Omega.
10-Is there a character that explores your interest or fetishes (orrrr is that just all of your characters)?
To be honest i never have a special interest or fetishes , but there is a oc that have a special au, his name is Jessy and the au is how me and bf made fun of the nsfw (is a entire shit post). Now the original Jessy is way more different.
17-Which character is the easiest to draw/write?Igni (he a sphere shape bird thin)All the sergals ocs (well sergals are the most easiest thin to draw)Condor Reaper Tiger eye
Side note: I’m a not a good writer
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