#meredith clawson
allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Nano Goldfish Keepers, and the Pure Goldfish website, got some attention in Goldfish Keepers recently. Now, let’s see what the Goldfish Keepers group has to say about Nano? There were quite a few comments on the post. Here are some of the best.
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Thank you, Red!
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Ah yes, the bowl myth...
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Purple, I think most care groups aren’t doing enough, but you’re absolutely right on the ‘money’ with the rest of your comment. It does seem rather fishy that someone who stands to financial gain from goldfish abuse would be the biggest supporter of goldfish abuse.
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And here we have Lime Green getting torn down by Light Blue. I think Light Blue is the real MVP of this thread.
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Gotta love that enormous smackdown.
Congratulations, Nano Goldfish Keepers. We hate you, other groups hate you, your pseudoscience is full of holes and supported by anecdotes rather than actual science, and we’re on to Meredith’s money making schemes.
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superlitpodcast · 5 years
Get SuperLit! 
Here’s the complete 2018 playlist of all the episodes of The SuperLit Podcast! 
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ashaw21ahsgov · 4 years
1. “Elizabeth Warren Promises ‘Full Range’ Of Federally-Funded ‘Reproductive Rights’ For Men.”
S: The main subject of this article is that Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to fund “reproductive rights,” and that she wants to provide healthcare for every American.
A: The author of this article is David Krayden who is a weekly newspaper columnist, conservative political pundit and communications expert who was formerly an Air Force public affairs officer and communications manager on Parliament Hill. 
C: This article was posted on September 18, 2019 in Washington, this doesn’t have anything to do with this article because Washington is a democratic state.  
A: David Krayden published this article with The Daily Caller and the audience is republicans. It obviously has bias views and favors conservative views. 
P: This article is subjective because the main stance in this article is that we as American’s shouldn’t fund reproductive rights. He used the word “attacked” a few times to suggest Warren was unnecessarily aggressive in not supporting the Alabama Law that banned abortion. And that she attacked Biden for once supporting the Hyde Amendment. I don’t agree with this because I think she was standing up for what she believes in. 
S: Krayden quoted Warren and her efforts to make reproductive rights a reality in America but he backed everything with conservatives responding to funding of women healthcare. But there is a video linked of Warren’s pledge.
2. “Congress should act to protect choice and reproductive freedom, Elizabeth Warren says.”
S: The main subject of this article is that Warren is calling for Congress to act on reproductive rights for women and is fighting for healthcare for all. 
A: The author of this article is Laura Clawson who is Daily Kos contributing editor since December 2006. Full-time staff since 2011, currently assistant managing editor.
C: This article was posted on May 17, 2019 in Washington DC, this makes sense because just like this article Washington DC is a democratic state. 
A: Laura Clawson published this article with The Daily Kos and the audience is liberals. Her article often praises Warren and uplifts her efforts to have reproductive rights. 
P: This article is subjective because the author added a picture to the article which shows that she wants women’s reproductive rights and supports Warren. She also said that “This Republican Senate won’t, obviously...” which shows that she doesn’t support that. 
S: The authors evidence was mostly quoting Warren but at the end of the article she spoke about President Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell and how that won’t get us closer to women rights if they are in office and holding high control positions.
3. “States moving to reinforce reproductive rights amid the pandemic, new report finds.”
S: The main subject of this article is mainly facts about how different states put effort towards women rights during the pandemic.
A: The author of this article is Meredith Deliso who is a mom and an ABC digital reporter. She has also been seen in Yahoo Canada, ABC NewsOne, Yahoo, Newsday, 1010WINS, Radio.com, abc15 Arizona, and many more. She enjoys writing about education, food and dining, health, and travel.
C: This article was posted on July 8, 2020 in New York. New York is a democratic state and is an important source for political fund-raising for both political parties. 
A: Meredith Deliso published this article with ABC News and the audience is everyone because it’s an informational article.  
P: This article is objective by the way it is written because it just gives facts and isn’t picking a side. There could be arguments made that the pro-choice activists made the spread of corona worse. But they could say that the protests were necessary because it’s a very relevant topic in 2020 and something needs to change. I agree with the second one because it’s always time to get up and stand for what you believe in and women’s reproductive rights needs to become a reality. 
S: The author added a lot of facts and evidence about states and how they differ from each other during the pandemic while either taking steps back or moving forward with women rights. At the end of the article they added the amount of restrictions for abortions were put on certain states.
4. What are the similarities and differences between these three accounts of your issue?
They are all on the topic of women rights but the first two specifically talk about Warren’s efforts to make a change. The first article was a conservative point of view and the reactions about Warren. The second article was a liberal view that praised Warren. The last article was about the efforts of different states during the pandemic. 
5. Finally, which source do you identify with most and why?
I identify with the second article the most and share the same ideas explained. As a democratic I believe that women reproductive rights needs to go through congress which is a crucial step towards equality.
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wittypenguin · 5 years
All the President’s Men (1976)
Oh how I yearn for the simpler, halcyon days such as these, where a sitting President can be undone by merely trying to destroy his political opponent’s campaign through pranks and having their national offices bugged by people hired by way of campaign money laundered through a Mexican bank account. These days, it seems to take a crowd of witnesses testifying they saw the President put a bullet in someone’s head in the middle of New York City’s Avenue of the Americas.
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Damn, this is inspirational stuff, and it doesn’t use any of the manner of hyperbole seen in Oliver Stone’s œvre, either. Hell, there’s hardly any music in the thing; you get caught up in the tension because the dialogue is so riveting, despite being delivered in a straight-forward, matter-of-fact way by everyone. Back then, you didn’t have to: people were appalled with corruption and malfeasance in the Oval Office. These days it seems a simple matter-of-course, and has probably happened twice before noon.
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[left to right] Dustin Hoffman, Meredith Baxter, and Robert Redford, in All the President's Men (1976) — — — —
The film is still shown to aspiring students of journalism. This is proof that it’s not a simple thing to get a big story, you have to dig and dig and dig, then get secondary independent confirmation, write and re-write, and then be willing to admit you’ve got nothing and walk away. On the other hand, if you think there’s more to the story, then head to the start of that list and go through the steps again. Then another time. Then another.
The executive editor of the Washington Post hoped that the film would show newspapers “strive very hard for responsibility.” That image seems to have been lost in the minds of the public during the last forty-some years, with the simple pejorative “fake news” becoming a valid way of dismissing factual reporting merely because it is inconvenient to admit the existence of.
Here are a couple of updates regarding people involved in this story.
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On Tuesday, May 31, 2005, in advance of a revelatory Vanity Fair article written by his attorney and spokesman, 91-year-old Mark Felt acknowledged publicly for the first time that he was ‘Deep Throat,’ a fact corroborated by Bob Woodward and The Washington Post. At the time of the Watergate break-in, Mr. Felt was the Deputy Director of the FBI, the second-in-command.
In 1980 he was convicted of having violated the civil rights of people thought to be associated with members of the Weather Underground, by ordering FBI agents to break into their homes and search the premises as part of an attempt to prevent bombings. He was ordered to pay a fine, but was pardoned by President Ronald Reagan during his appeal.
So, not entirely the fine, upstanding whistle-blower we may want to exclusively know him as.
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Ken Clawson: “I have a wife and a family and a dog and a cat.” [left to right] Dustin Hoffman, Penny Fuller, and Robert Redford in All the President's Men (1976) — — — —
Meanwhile, Frank Wills, the security guard who discovered the Watergate break-in and called police to investigate, was fired without explanation a few days later. He was out of work for three years until he played himself (one day's work) in this film. He never had a full-time job again, and died in 2000, at the age of 52.
Were it not for that one person’s actions, the whole thing would never have been exposed. So much for the celebration of the noble hero doing the right thing.
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The 1970s were heady days when journalists were able to reveal truth and shame the people who had no moral compass from office, merely because of the fear of the public outcry. There was an expectation that elected representatives of the nation’s interest would put that before anything else. When that wasn’t being done, and when the attempts to stifle the revelation of those facts were so clearly dangerous, the people as whole said ‘that is enough.’ That was when the elected members of both Congress and the US Senate pushed in a bipartisan way for the President to leave the office.
Oh! for those times again.
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whattabetta · 4 years
Good morning to everyone except meredith clawson
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Obviously Meredith Clawson needs to shut up if she thinks a 10 gallon is “perfect” for a pair of goldfish.
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Meredith Shut the Fuck Up Challenge
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Overstocked tank with no water changes... also no filter in sight. “basically given up and let nature take its course” Why not give up on keeping fish entirely, if she doesn’t even want to put in the minimal effort of taking care of them?
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Hey look everyone, Meredith also has another shitty group now!
I found this on a post where a new member was talking about getting a few cories to go in a 5 gallon with a betta. (The member was advised not to do so by several people, at least.)
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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The other post about this tank was getting a bit long, so we’re including this as a separate one. What is that in the top corner? A Betta fish? Yeah, unfortunately your eyes are not deceiving you. 
I wish I could say I was surprised by this level of negligence, but I’m not. Some time ago she posted this article explaining how Betta can live with Goldfish if you follow her “secret method,” this method was to condemn the Betta to live in a breeder box as small as 0.8g. 
If you’re familiar with Betta care, you’re already cringing. 
This is nowhere near enough space for a Betta! Although for a while the absolute bare minimum recommended for a Betta was 2.5g it’s becoming increasingly common to advise no less than 5g tanks. I don’t have a link to include for the 2.5g recommendation because I haven’t found a respectable source that still advises such a small space. 
I’ll admit Meredith’s article does a good job of outlining why Goldfish and Betta aren’t compatible, though. Let’s take a look at some quotes from the article, shall we? 
“See, if the goldfish grows to be its full size, betta could end up being snack.This is because a goldfish eats any fish it can fit in its mouth.”
The other thing is the goldfish swimming around in with the betta can stress out the betta fish [...] It’s like trying to mix oil and water.
So why do we see the unfortunate snack Betta swimming freely with these Goldfish? Well, the current version of the article has been heavily edited to reflect Meredith’s change of heart... which, shockingly, benefits her and endangers the fish. 
At least in the new version of article she recommends at least 2g for a Betta... small victories, I guess? Although the inside of a Goldfish mouth is less than 2g, so I don’t know if it really counts. 
She also condones keeping Goldfish in 78F - 82F long-term, and disregards the importance of proper pH. There’s really no overlap in the care requirements of Betta and Goldfish, so in order to justify this poor behavior she’s got to pretend those requirements don’t matter in the first place.
Goldfish are temperate fish, which means they thrive in a wide range of temperatures and benefit from seasonal variation in temperatures. Although Goldfish can survive at high, tropical temperatures, it will have a negative impact on their ability to uptake oxygen from their environment (especially in a tank with no water circulation), as well as increase their metabolism and waste production. It’s also likely that a tropical tank will drastically shorten the lifespan of these Goldfish, if living in a stagnant puddle of their own waste doesn’t kill them first.
According to her site, this tank has hard water, which is great for the Goldfish and snails living in it, but not so great for the Betta. Even on her own site, Meredith talks about using driftwood and Indian almond leaf to replicate the natural blackwater conditions for a Betta... these lower the pH and hardness of the tank water, and in Meredith’s own words, “helps protect against bad bacteria and fin rot”. Not only is she deliberately and knowingly keeping this Betta in a tank where he will not thrive, she is doing so while actively advising (almost) proper care for a lone Betta on her site. It’s likely that living in unnatural conditions will shorten the Betta’s lifespan as well...
...unless this happens first.
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This image has been circulated through the internet enough that, unfortunately, I don’t have a source. 
I’m sure this completely avoidable disaster has helped persuade many novice keepers away from trying to cohabit these incompatible species, but unfortunately the impending death of your fish isn’t much of a deterrent when you only care about internet clout and not the wellbeing of lives under your care. 
As a side note, you may be surprised by the lack of comments on the article pointing out how wrong this is. You see, Meredith is allergic to criticism. Tragic, really. When she first introduced this shit show in the Pure Goldfish Community Facebook group she was met with a lot of backlash, from sensible fishkeepers, and wound up closing the comments on the post. The comments on her articles are moderated, she only allows the most glowing reviews through.
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Now Meredith is stealing memes from other groups to laugh about animal abuse! Well, one thing���s for certain - she definitely knows a hell of a lot about torturing fish!
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
Unfortunately a new video has been uploaded on the Nano Goldfish channel.
We previously reblogged a post about the original video, the last we checked it had upwards of 200 dislikes and climbing compared to less than 30 likes.
Being a sore loser Meredith has disabled views of likes vs. dislikes in addition to moderating comments so dissent and education can’t get through.
We implore you all to dislike the video and report for animal cruelty. The more the video is disliked the less likely it is to be recommended to other viewers.
As of the writing of this post it appears you can still comment under the “Discussion” tab of the channel... so feel free to go there to voice your thoughts on these videos.
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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This group needs to be burned to the ground.
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Meredith condoning negligent fishkeeping, what else is new?
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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There’s a lot to unpack here...
I feel bad that OP wound up in this group, they’re in genuine need of assistance and won’t find it here. We’ve only included the post and image to give the rest of the comments context.
The amount of people describing this as “do able” is horrific, but not unexpected of this group. Although it’s nice to see people recommending an upgrade, a 10g for 3 Common Goldfish is hardly a goal... also, nice job recommending an upgrade because it will be easier to maintain and not... y’know, actually for the benefit of this fish...
Let’s all take a minute to appreciate the “This tank is severely overstocked, add some snails” take. 
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allianceagainstnano · 4 years
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Sorry Red, you’re in the wrong group if you have a modicum of care for fish.
EDIT: Poor Red already got axed!
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