#mihoyo!! you can't keep getting away with it!
hydrachea · 1 month
Thinking about Robin and Sunday's halos.
About how Robin's halo isn't a closed circle, but more like a branch forming a circular shape, where the start and stem don't touch. It's also uneven in shape and splits into three flowers, like it's allowed to grow freely, unobstructed. Something about Robin having left Penacony and having escaped the confines of her cage, being able to flourish. About her being able to let people in, and connect to them.
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Meanwhile Sunday stayed behind to be the head of the Oak family and conform to the strict role that's expected of him, and his halo is a perfectly symmetrical shape that's practically fully closed off. It's sharp, almost more like a crown of thorns than a halo. And it almost doesn't have any openings to let anything, or anyone, in easily. It actively discourages getting close to it.
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And then if you want to get sappy about, which I will - Sunday doesn't let anyone in, with that almost completely sealed, thorny halo of his... But there's an opening in Robin's halo, and so it can fit around Sunday's. Something about him always being able to find solace in her, because there's room for him in her (halo) heart always, by design.
Anyway I'm not normal about them.
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yestrnight · 1 year
slime brainrot anon, back again with another, shorter rot for ya. bc the first one got too long
shrinking yourself to tag along with alhaitham to work! cw for: dubcon, exhibitionism, kink discovery, i do not know how his job works so i just guessed lol
at first, you simply chill in his belt-pouch thing (it's a fanny pack but mihoyo won't admit it), sit on his shoulder or head, or roll around on his desk until you eventually get bored and slide down into his pants.
he tries his best to get you out, but sticky and slippery as you are, you persist, so he eventually resigns himself to his fate. it's going to be a long day when each step of his makes you shift around his cock. at least his belts and sashes cover up the evidence.
in an unfortunate turn of events, alhaitham is forced to walk much more than usual that shift. while he usually sits at his desk, he now has to pace laps around the archives sorting and organizing tomes.
and to make matters worse, you've escalated from simply wrapping yourself around him, to actually moving and teasing him.
the poor scribe is trying his best to keep the shaking of his legs, and the noises that threaten to slip out to a minimum. but after some time, he's stumbling as he walks, using the walls and shelves for support.
eventually, he gets oh so close, having to stop and lean up against a bookshelf, gripping the shelves while he tries in vain not to buck his hips into nothing. and alhaitham bites his lip, breathes in, and out, tries to keep level, but he can't help the quiet, low, breathy moans that slip out, and the way his head tips back and his eyes roll up into his skull.
luckily, the archives are usually quiet. unluckily, one of his superiors has ambled in, looking for a specific file.
and alhaitham can't decide if it's luck or unlucky that you've slowed your pace, but not stopped.
his self control is almost, almost strong enough to keep from breaking. hey, he made it pretty far into the ordeal, you have to give him that.
alhaitham's not exactly the religious type- far from it, but he thanks all of celestia that the unknowing sage is turned away, absorbed in the sound of their own one sided conversation. and that he's able to keep quiet enough when he cums in his pants, only letting out one, hitching intake of breath as he grips the shelves so hard he almost dents them, mouth open in a silent moan, convulsing, nearly collapsing.
for a sage, his superior is pretty stupid. chalking up the scribe's somewhat debauched appearance- his flushed face, labored breath, and slight tremble to fatigue, recommending him a cup of tea and a break before sauntering out.
he does end up taking a break, watching you gurgle happily in slime form while you bounce around his office, and he just doesn't have it in him at the moment to discipline you.
because he's too busy thinking about why in the hell being secretly fucked in front of one of his bosses felt so good.
extras!! cw for: implied dom character (but it's vague enough,) mild objectification, slime cum, aphrodisiac
letting one (or several) of your masters actually be in control for once, by using you as a fleshlight
it's obvious that fucking them brought you some level of enjoyment, but were slimes actually capable of bona fide sexual pleasure?
apparently, they are. and your masters are drinking up your adorable reactions to having your slime gspot? prostate? erogenous zone??? massaged by their cocks.
and apparently, slimes can also cum. if this sweet smelling, viscous material you're gushing counts.
in a moment of poor impulse control (some might claim scientific curiosity), they find out that it tastes as sweet as it smells. and- ah, they'd be regretting that decision if their minds weren't clouded by an almost unbearable desire for more.
their judgement may be a bit skewed right now, but perhaps a few more rounds wouldn't hurt... actually, fuck it. they need more.
it's bound to be a long day, and night, for the both of you.
isn't it always though? hey, at least this time, they might actually be able to keep up with you.
super excited for part two of the series :)
actually feeling really horny for slime reader so i'm gonna satiate myself with this masterpoece in my inbox <3
ahhh haitham being fucked wide open in front of his boss <33 and subby slime reader being used as a pocket pussy for their masters :(( they're so cute fr
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tartarduck · 11 months
words about tot chapter 9
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Gave myself a solid day to stew in my thoughts about ch9 and I just want to say that mihoyo is EVIL for timing it right before the anniversary. I don't know if I can be happy knowing Luke is suffering all alone in every conceivable universe other than his personal story/card timeline.
Point 1: How the chapter explored Luke's feelings of guilt for... Existing I guess?
I've been eagerly awaiting the reveal of Luke's survivor's guilt. The whole [wanting spirits to exist so he can at least apologise, or do SOMETHING, but knowing they don't] is such exquisite angst. I'm very happy they took the effort to write it in (though fortune tellers actually scare me in real life).
And now onto the related Point 2: Luke's feelings of guilt for literally everything else
I was reading through Luke's birthday greetings, and realised how often he calls himself greedy for literally wanting anything. God damn, SHE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND IT'S NOT GREEDY OF YOU TO WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH HER --
That aside, it comes back to the theme of Luke Pearce's thought process, which in my brain goes a little something like this:
Good thing happens -> I do not deserve this
Bad thing happens -> It is completely my fault and no one else's
Which, might I add, vaguely reminded me of something from a lecture I forgot from my psych undergrad years. I'm worried for you, Luke. Please, Dr Yishmir, refer him to one of your colleagues for mental health.
In his personal 'route', he finally starts to come around with the idea that sometimes bad things... just happen and it's no one's fault (thank you, strategically placed rainbow in iridescent heartbeat). But in the main story? He's been feeling guilty ever since he saw MC after avoiding her for YEARS. There's no Aaron meddling with the two of them, or MC helping him clean his mess of a house to kick-start a card story. This is the man who hid in the attic after sending his confession after a YEAR of dates with MC -- the main story doesn't even give him a chance to start forgiving himself.
Basically, Luke Pearce is a mess in the main story, because everything that makes him un-messy happens by pure chance.
Point 3: Luke's black and white thinking of good and bad
One of the highlights of this chapter for me was Luke's anecdote about him faking a cold so MC would go out with her other friends and forget about him. Now, that's all well and good until he compares himself to the mum with Munchausen's syndrome, who is the closest thing we get to a 'villain' in this chapter. On top of his guilt, this whole I'm either a good or completely bad person mindset is really not doing favours for his mental health.
His anecdote also happens to be an interesting parallel to shape of you, because I remember Luke specifically wished to be forgotten in that card. He wants what's best for MC (because he thinks that he's taking everyone's love from her) but he also wants something for himself. And because he doesn't believe he's able to do both, but also because he isn't able to let go of his 'selfishness' sometimes, he thinks he's an awful person.
And now, to the last to do in my rant agenda.
Point 4: what happens in chapter 12. (Spoilers for CN server, but only about the Luke scene)
1. Ohmygod. He's going to run away. I can't see main story Luke NOT blaming himself for nearly hurting the MC. In whichever timeline, his priority is to keep her safe, and god, if he thinks he's a danger to her, the only way to keep her safe would be by disappearing again.
2. I'm going to read too much into this but MC trying to get Luke to recognise her while she's being pinned to the ground is such delectable angst. He's always worried that she'd forget about him -- whether it was the 8 years or literally just hanging out with other kids at school. But here she is, in a situation where he's essentially forgotten about her. The voice that my brain concocted up for MC was extra desperate in that scene.
Anyway, that's all I had to say about the recent main story developments in ToT. Keep the angst coming, writing staff. What a power move to send this out right before anniversary on BOTH servers. If there's anything I've taken away from this, it's that Luke stans are absolutely unhinged. Twitter circle people, I see you requesting more angst. How can we get even angstier than Luke nearly hurting MC while he's dressed in the outfit that he wears for his proposal card ??
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I read your post defending PM over the whole Vellmori thing, and in it you say that they weren't trying to side with anyone, but I think you're forgetting that they never denounced, or even said anything, about the people that harassed Vellmori. DCinside very openly engaged in a harassment campaign, even openly discussing how they were going to do it on their forum, and yet nothing was ever said about them, meanwhile the fans that were protesting were constantly criticized by KJH and PM. Adding to that, Monggeu has talked about how she was told not to work in a way that wasn't too "PC" on Leviathan. I think it's clear that PM has taken a side.
I know I will not change your mind anonymous stranger, but here's my take.
In KJH's apology, they never address anything in extreme specificity but do highlight the stand they are going to take against cyberbullying and harassment against their employees and affiliated contractors. While DCInside isn't named, neither is the PMUA or GYU which are all responsible for attacks against PM (and to my knowledge the lawsuits weren't even publicly announced by PM but instead by the GYU). I don't think it's particularly shocking that the actions of legal entities are going to face legal repercussions while a loose forum collective only faces abstract pushback. I get how it would be cathartic if PM did focus more on the forum incels, especially if your concern is centered more on the gender war, but tbh it wouldn't surprise me if the PMUA and particularly GYU are considered bigger problems by the company as they were trying to get PM into serious legal trouble on false pretenses over a much longer duration of time.
Beyond that, in a chauvinist society where women are physically attacked for having short hair, trying your best not to rile up anyone by keeping content "less PC" doesn't surprise me, and based on cursory searches seems like standard operating procedure for many Korean companies (beyond just companies in general wanting employee's social medias to not be provocative). Which sucks, I don't love it. But I don't, by way of comparison, think that every American media company that followed the Hayes code was by necessity homophobic, in fact many did their best while staying in compliance. If that's irreconcilable for you so be it, but keep in mind to my knowledge the only company in this sphere who got away with ignoring the gender is MiHoYo, who don't actually live in Korea and are colossal in both size and funding (and I personally doubt was a part of any deeply held opinion on women's rights).
My chief concern remains that PM improves its working conditions; as I said elsewhere treating women equitably in the workplace is praxis when circumstances are as bad as they are. I don't think PM directly condemning antifeminism does them any favors or meaningfully moves the needle beyond endangering them, especially now. And as I hope all the mitigating factors I mentioned in my initial post illustrate, I can't believe PM is fundamentally misogynistic.
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crystallinestars · 6 days
I saw the banner and it’s kinda relief that Kaveh isn’t pulling up with Haitham, even though the community I’m in is absolutely losing their marbles over this ahahah. Hopefully he will be with Nilou instead, I want them both 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Though OMG I saw one of the voice lines from new Sumeru guy Sethos regarding Haitham and Kaveh and the ship pandering that you’ve mentioned before, it’s so real 🙁 Like it’s along the lines of “Something about those two guys hanging out together, you just can’t look away.” Apparently the original CN line doesn’t even carry the same implication, like it focuses more on the fact that ah, these two famous people are hanging out and it’s eye-catching (?), iirc. For some reason English translator wanted it to look more sus ig. And the fandom is gobbling it up… haizzzz 🙄
I don’t know anymore honestly, when Mihoyo tosses the bait, the fandom will absolutely latch on to that stuff and make sure to rub it in everyone’s faces. “Ah, they are GAY for each other and everyone else who doesn’t feel the same way is WRONG” kind of thing. As far as I’ve seen, the only other ship whose fans get so insistent and up in arms about their ship and the sexuality HCs is a certain pair of Inazuman women (and even for these two idk if Mihoyo has baited as hard as they have for Haitham and Kaveh???). To many fans, close same-sex friendships are no longer viable; they must be kissing and getting hitched next week. And as usual, bisexual people do not exist in Hoyoverse fandom’s eyes. They’ve locked me out of Pride Month 🤣
Also, I was thinking about how pushy the fans could get and I wonder if it’s something that’s exclusive to the English-speaking fandom? IIRC I’ve also seen other nationalities such as the Indonesian fans who say that their part of fandom is not any better 😅 Cos I’m genuinely curious if the CN/JP/KR (or any other nationality) fans get so aggressive about ships, sexuality HCs, etc. I remember another anon mentioned how shipping as activism has become a thing and it seems like it’s really big among American fans in particular (and at this point, probably other anglophone fans).
I don’t even play HSR (cos no space on my device) but I’m just absolutely eating up the AvenStelle and AvenPaz feasts in lieu of what NL crumbs there are for Kaveh because hot DAMN Aventurine is just so fine. 😭 And Stelle, Topaz… they’re soooo pretty (it’s a digression but when I was at the con, many girls dressed as Stelle, and I observed that her fit looks good on pretty much everyone). I find it kinda interesting that even though Aventurine has a popular BL ship and a fandom that also likes to do the “he can’t be anything but gay because of his looks and personality” thing, he also has not just one but two popular NL ships. The tags for both on Twitter are alive and kicking, compared to if you go onto KavehLumi, KaveLou, etc and it’s a very, very small trickle of activity in comparison.
Not quite ready to stop playing yet because I need to build up my new team with Layla, Faruzan, Scara but maybe after I’ve done this, I’ll take a break to cook Kaveh food on AO3 ahahahah.
I think that I lack the ability to write short asks… Hope it is not too painful to read (and sorry for negative vibes 🙁).
Welcome back 🍓 Anon! No worries, I like receiving long asks ^_^ They're not painful to read at all, trust me. Nothing will ever top the pain that is reading academic research papers 😐
In the same vein, I hope my super long responses aren't too much for you. I can't keep them short even if I tried. And don't apologize for negative vibes, I get that sometimes you want to vent your frustrations and thoughts with someone who can relate. I would even say that between the two of us, I'm more negative haha 😅
I legit wanted to celebrate with a bottle of champagne when it was revealed Kaveh wasn't on Haitham's banner. Finally a win. I know the community is having a meltdown, but truth be told, their tears water my crops, clear my skin, and and extend my life by 10 years. 😊 I'm having a good day. If I actually bothered to look at their comments, I'd grab a bag of popcorn and have a field day.
And yes, I also hope he's with Nilou! I always thought they'd be together since they're both bloom-based, but some people speculate he might be with Furina/Sigewinne. Guess we'll see. Kaveh has been gone for over a year, which is so unusual for a 4 star. I though they were withholding him because of the deletion glitch a hacker did using him, but it's been a good while since then...
Regarding English localization... it has been established since a while ago that the English translation for Genshin and HSR leaves much to be desired. There have been multiple instances of mistranslations and butchering of characterization. Rhinedottir, Nahida, and Arlecchino had masculine pronouns in the beginning before the translators realized they messed up. Characters dialogue is often translated to sound more aggressive than it actually is, or subtleties get omitted entirely. It's a mess, basically.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the English localization team for Hoyo is trying to push their own agenda using their translations. Over the past year, I've seen proof that English localizers for anime and Japanese video games push their personal beliefs by butchering the original source material to suit their political standpoints.
The fandom doesn't even need poorly-translated dialogue to gobble up ship crumbs. They twist and misconstrue official media to try and push their ship being canon. Basically make their own crumbs haha.
I would agree with you that the only other same-sex ship that gets as much gatekeeping and toxicity as the Roommate Ship TM is the one with the electro Inazuman ladies. I would also go as far as to say that yes, they also get almost as much pandering, though maybe a tiny bit less? Just a bit. At least both of them can be seen solo or interacting with other characters frequently, and don't have forced moments of interaction for ship bait.
Please don't get me started on same-sex dynamics in Genshin and HSR. It feels like you can ask any shipper of a popular same-sex ship, and they'll tell you that every single character is either gay or lesbian, no in-between. And if they do accept other sexualities, then characters can be anything but straight. NEVER straight (as a saw someone say about Aventurine while using his lightcone art with Ratio as "proof" that he can't possibly be straight, how dare you ship him with a woman).
So yes, according to a significant portion of the fandom, only homosexuality exists, all other sexualities be damned. And yes, characters of the same sex can never be just friends, they're only ever "implied to be a canon gay/lesbian couple". The worst part is that Mihoyo actively encourages their delusions by pandering to the BL and GL sides of the fandom, and the toxic portions of those rub it in everyone else's face, as you said.
It's ok 🍓 Anon, even if they locked you out of Pride Month, you can come celebrate it with me 😊 (I'm straight though, hope that's ok).
The English-speaking side of the fandom is definitely extremely toxic. They've become notorious for harassing artists from East Asia over ships, so they've got a bad rep there too.
As far as I've personally seen, the Japanese side is pretty chill. People liberally block and mute stuff and people they don't want to see, but they do it quietly to avoid conflict.
I have a friend in China, and she told me that the toxicity is just as bad there as it is in the West. Chinese fans don't fight over sexuality, but they do fight over BL and NL ships. I can't say anything about Korea since I haven't seen anything from them, but I imagine it might be similar.
I also want to add that I haven't seen any ship wars for the Russian side of fandom, but I might just not be looking in the right places. I'd be pressed to find NL stuff there, though...
Lmao, Aventurine converted so many players to HSR. I was one of them (thought I started before he was drip marketed). That man is simply too gorgeous. And oh my god, you cannot imagine how stoked I was that Avenstelle (and Avenpaz) became so popular! It helps that Aventurine is still a new character, so his ships are very popular at the moment, but for two NL ships to be so abundant? Mihoyo would be fools to shoehorn him with Ratio, like what they did to Kaveh. Lowkey, I hope Avenstelle can be as popular as Chilumi so Mihoyo does more with them in the story (and I can continue seeing fanart of them years later).
Kaveh is a tragic case, but I think that's mostly because he has two things going against him:
1) He's a "tall" man, and as we have all seen, Mihoyo loves to create "tall" characters in same-sex pairs.
2) He's a 4 star. 4 stars are always less popular compared to 5 stars, both in ship combinations and overall popularity (I would know, 90% of my fav male characters are 4 stars. There's so little solo and NL content for them).
Surprisingly, Kaveh has a lot of NL ships (with Faruzan and even Layla too), it's just unfortunate they're not popular. Kinda hard to be popular when Mihoyo gives no food for those ships, and the toxic shippers harass you for shipping him with a girl. Mihoyo isn't even trying.
On the bright side, though there isn't much regular content for Kavehlumi and Kavelou, there are dedicated fans for those pairings that still create things for those ships.
I run a Daily Kavehlumi Twitter account, and though it's not bustling (I'm just not good at garnering a following lol), it's got over 200 posts and I still haven't even gotten through the majority of all Kavehlumi content that exists on Twitter. We'll be hosting a Kavehlumi week in July, and I hope we'll get a few participants to make even more content to celebrate the ship. I'll be taking a break from posting on Tumblr this month to write some things for it.
I'm curious though, what kind of Kaveh food are you hoping to cook? 👀 Is it for a specific ship, or something else?
Anyways, I wish you luck on building your Scara team (Who is the 4th member, btw?), and may you have a good day! 😘
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chocoenvy · 2 years
yo someone just tried to flirt with me while i was playing windtrace
i just said nothing and caught them
they pouted a bit afterwards and called me blind when i couldn't find the other two
and they used your instead of you're
so that was an experience
currently imagining the characters getting pissed because of it
because it made me a little uncomfy
ew :D
I highkey imagine Mihoyo knows about the whole self aware thing happening on your account. Maybe (and please keep in mind this is all fiction and I am not talking about the actual Mihoyo) this was intentional on Mihoyo's part. Because they didn't expect the game to blow up like it did. If it was more small scale, they could do all of this self aware god stuff and get away with minimal damages while still experimenting with their carefully crafted world and characters.
They're glad their game blew up- gives them more budget - but this won't go down cleanly anymore.
Either way, Mihoyo would have to hold back your acolytes from getting them a lawsuit.
Acolytes would probably give them awful wishing luck and then ban them. They'd also give you great artifact luck and a few extra primos and mats (though they can't do much with Mihoyo breathing down their necks to not get their asses exposed.)
And once you come to Teyvat, they'll comfort you openly. Giving you luxuries beyond belief and as much physical and verbal affection you desire. They wouldn't mention the person so as to not scare you off, but they'd be silently proud of themselves for creating the perfect world for you.
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irethepotato · 3 years
YOU WRITE FOR CELESTINE AND KIKI oh my god thank you for feeding us women enjoyers out here i am so glad!! mhy please let me romance them ANYWAYS may i request reader leaving lil cute doodles (like chibis or cute chubby animal stuff?) for kiki and celestine separately in their lunches or something like that cause reader doesn't work in themis and has to wait until break to see them? thank you! have a nice day!
Leaving little doodles for them to find
Warnings: SFW, fluff
Characters: Celestine Taylor, Kiki Bennet, gn!reader
Celestine Taylor x reader, Kiki Bennet x reader
Your welcome, anon! It's a downright crime that Mihoyo made these beautiful women but not give us the option to date them.
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Celestine Taylor
Being the founder of a lawyer firm means that Celestine has to shoulder a lot of responsibilities to keep it running which took up a lot of her time.
The only few times you could actually meet up was when you two got off to work together and when you're driving home and even that she sometimes have to go work early or working overtime
Working in different places didn't help the situation either
You knew that this would happen when you started dating Celestine, but you can't help but still wanting to be close to her at work
You sighed at this thought as you grab her briefcase for her that she left at her office while she got dressed in your shared bedroom
As you grabbed her briefcase, your eyes landed on the post-it notes on the desk, an idea popped into your head
Celestine sighed as she rubbed her neck, a bit tired from reading the case files that had been sent to her.
For some reason, there's been an influx of clients needing her services and because of that, she has been trying to finish reading the last two thick files on her desk before her break
She was looking forward to take a break from work and have lunch with you
She reached for her briefcase to take out a specific paper that she needed to refer to when a yellow post-it note grabbed her attention
'Did I forget something?' she thought to herself as she her manicured fingers pick up the post-it. 'I don't remember making- oh?'
What greeted her was not a string of words to remind her of any importance, but a small doodle of a cute little bunny holding a little lunchbox, saying "Don't overwork yourself! I'll see you at lunch! Love, y/n."
She'd cooed at the cute sight. You are just too adorable for her
She'll snap a pic of it and texted it to you
'I found this little guy. You wouldn't know how he got here not, would you?'
'Thought to leave you a little something! Lunch at Penny's like usual?'
'I'll be there. ;)'
Smiling to herself, she tucked the little doodle away in her purse for safekeeping and continue with her work with renew energy
She couldn't wait to meet you now.
Kiki Bennet
Although it's still not even the middle of the day, Kiki couldn't wait for the day to finally end.
Lately there's been an influx of clients pouring in the firm's doorstep. As an intern, she has to organise and send the required paperwork to their respective department.
It's been three hours now.
All she wants to do now is go home into your arms and binge watch her favourite tv show.
As she read another email of a client, she grabbed her water bottle that she kept in her bag.
Eyes still on the document, she took a sip when something brushed her fingers.
There was a small post-it note on her bottle. Curious, her delicate fingers picked up the piece of paper.
A little chubby chibi version of you holding a heart that is as big as them in their arms while saying, "Can't wait to see you at lunch! Love you!", greeted her sight.
A giggle escaped her pink lips when she saw your little doodle.
'Aaaaaaah! So cute!', she squealed internally.
Taking a pic, she sent you a text as she put the post-it note in her desk drawer.
'This is soo cute! But I'd rather have the real deal than a chibi.(つ≧▽≦)つ'
'Aww, stop it! You making me blush! At the usual place for lunch later?'
'Yup! See ya later, love you!(。・ω・。)ノ♡'
'Love you too!'
Sending a heart sticker to you, she continues where she left off with determination.
Now she can't wait for the day to end!
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kazuhasbunny · 3 years
oh lord so someone posted a video here about,,,,,, showing childe's dick jiggling when he,,,,,, puts away his bow and im still in shock that mihoyo put so much detail into jiggle physics like that and it won't go away in my head so now all i imagine is him catching you staring there and he just teased u like "oh? do u see something u like?" and "my eyes are up here, you know?" and later he just shows it to u cause u were obviously curious and interested but rather than show it directly through the "boring" way he,,, makes u work for it and shoves his dick in your mouth, asking u if u can tell his size,,,, after releasing, he is still hard and,,,
"oh? that wasn't enough? you still can't figure out how big it is? haha, are you sure you aren't just using this as an excuse or you really can't tell, hmm? fine, i'll play along~"
and so he fucks you, dick long and hard and pressing against your cervix. he'll keep on whispering in your ears, asking you if you can finally give him an accurate number of his size or if he needs to go deeper, ofc he doesn't wait for ur answer and just thrusts harder anyway shdjfkkdk after his first release in u, he'll ask again and give u an ultimatum,,,
"hmmm, now it really does seem like you are taking advantage of this, huh. i'll help you out again, but you have to give me answers,,, or i'll just fuck you stupid. it doesn't matter how full you become, if you don't answer, we don't stop, okay?"
- 🙊
this . yea this . also anon u ... perhaps have a link to it.. do u not ??? haha... hey ... haha lol .. what if ..... hahaha ..... pls childe has such a big fat cock it's canon I CANT DO THIS NO MORE !!! *bites pillow aggresively* cock so big it hits your cervix oooo such a long cock waiting to get sucked on !!! i wanns gag on that dick so bad fuck me childe pls i think about this ask whenever i do his trial pls . down bad i want hik
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
I can only hope the lackluster anniversary rewards chase away some of these people being jackasses about it. I’m gonna keep playing cause I enjoy the game, not because of how much shit they give me. People seriously need to chill and stop acting like entitled twats.
On a semi related note, the new web event is really cute! I love seeing all the stats piled up. Hearing I’ve burned 128 million mora though, yikes lmao.
me too, me too 😔 that's how you know someone's playing for the rewards and not the game. and of course there's nothing wrong with wanting some rewards, but consider how generous mihoyo's been in general. i mean, i know i'd rather get bountiful rewards with every update/patch than a huge heaping of rewards at one certain point in the year.
like, what if i couldn't play during the anniversary? i really almost took a break because of school :( and i'm sure many people relate; mihoyo knows this too, which is why they've--get this--spread out primos through events! that way, if you can't play during a huge patch/event, you still have the opportunity to get primos elsewhere rather than just miss an entire year's worth in one week.
also, same LOL but think there might be a few glitches here and there? they really told me i had only mastered one recipe HAHA (ofc it was sweet madame but like, i ain't get the 40 recipe achievement just for yall to tell me i only mastered one!!!)
- katheryne from liyue
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Hazel I can't keep doing this anymore
I got Diluc some weeks ago but I haven't ascended him because, sir, there's a waiting line. Anyway, he keeps appearing in my dreams.
And I'm a Kaeya main, like– please Diluc, stop doing this to yourself, you can't do this to your brother
The last dream was about him presenting me his family and talking me about how lonely he feels. AND, UH, EXCUSE ME???? THAT'S MANIPULATION
I'm loyal, I'm loyal, I'm loyal, I'm a married woman, please, Diluc gET AWAY
he’s just trying to show you how much of a better choice he is than that Kaeya! -- (like idk if you want to slide him over my way, I’ll happily help keep him busy for you 🙏🙏🙏) - build that boy though, I hope Kaeya gets some good love from Mihoyo, come ooon
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dourpeep · 3 years
(Referencing spoilers & SPOILERS from Albedo's backstory & the new event)
So are you telling me I can't throw Albedo museum/paintings pick up lines now without it being potentially offensive?
Now seriously, I think that this quest should be part of the main story, because it reveals a pretty big part of Albedo's past,, I still haven't played second day (here it's already ready, I think!) but we will see what more Mihoyo throws at us.
Also, in his japanese voice, the part after revealing he was a homunculus when he said that thing about dragonspine being cold and inhospitable, it was in such a sad voice?!?! I was like please don't cryyyy Bedooo
Also, do u think he likes Dragonspine because Durin is here and he can observe the remains of Rhinnedottir's experiments?? Or (if we take the sad route) he feels some sort of empathy because he also was casted away by his mother (his snowing voiceline is so sad oml) and he views himself as flawed (that lady isn't getting into my good books rn ngl) ??
Ah I made myself sad. I want to cuddle Bedo and give him sweets and happiness :'((
Ehem, sorry for rambling ehe ♡ it's just,, Albedo 🥺
Best wishes, ♡♡
I don't think he'd find it offensive, Albedo would very likely be amused by museum/painting pickup lines. Or question them, depending on his awareness regarding pickup lines.
Ah! Don't worry about it not being part of the main story. Since it'll follow that of 1.2's event, it'll serve as a second unlockable character story for Albedo once the event ends for those who missed the event.
BUT YES I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SECOND DAY >> only a few more hoursssss
lemme in
And with that, he really did sound so sad--my heart,,,
I do definitely think that he purposely secludes himself on Dragonspine, though it also goes with the whole idea that he's entirely aware that one day he could become corrupted like Durin + that no matter what he does, that it will be something that cannot be helped.
It's probably also why he accepts that the others might fear him and doubt his innocence, it's why he doesn't object to Rosaria keeping an eye on him, and it's absolutely why he gives us, the traveler, many opportunities to leave Dragonspine (and him) because of how dangerous he perceives himself to be. No matter what, for him, the safety of everyone and Mond comes first.
dIHEOFIHE this makes me want to go on a whole rant about how Albedo may be a homunculus but also how that does not warrant the idea that he's inhuman aaaaaaaa
no one look at me I need to touch grass OTL
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ac-liveblogs · 3 years
1. It's sad to me how the experimental gameplay design of kokomi does more for her characterisation than the actual story. True, her scaling sucks, meaning she's the worst 5 star in the entire game, but I always read her kit as ludonarrative resonance. As a strategist, she doesn't rely on luck (can't crit). She focuses on healing (sustain and supply), but also tries to do damage so that she can slowly but surely progress. Basically, next time MHY throws two 200% hp Maguus at us, Kokomi may
2. Either that, or they got way too ambitious with the story, and it didn't vibe with what they could work out in the gameplay, so they had to cut out a tonne of stuff and throw it in at the end. I'd almost suggest they were working backwards from the trailer, thinking about hype moments first and connecting them second!
It reminds me of some of FGO's early lore-related superniche gimmick characters that were uh. Borderline unusable for the most part. (Sanson. Boudica. Siegfried.)
She isn't that bad on her own though. Kokomi is a perfectly fine healer, and she's basically a character you'd put in a stall team that you want to keep alive as long as possible so you can take your time safely chipping away at a boss's health, but Genshin's meta rejects that sort of slow gameplay on principle.
Spiral wants you to clear the floor as fast as possible and most challenge quests are timed too, so optimal team comps are built around Big Numbers, Fast. The "take your time!" approach is already dead in the water. Kokomi is fine for standard gameplay. Healers don't need to do a lot of damage; they're healers, that's not their job! But Genshin players prioritise consistent damage output and energy recharge so much that anything that isn't that reads as useless.
It reminds me of when there was all that whining about Zhongli not being good because his numbers weren't big enough, never mind that he was the single best defensive tank in the game, very useful for consistent crowd control and his shield was ridiculously useful - his numbers Weren't Big Enough, he Took Too Long and the main boss killing strategy was already Mona/Bennett/Sucrose + [insert DPS here] to kill a boss in less than 10 seconds. I never thought he needed a buff! He was already great at the job he was designed for - keeping me alive! A defensive tank doesn't need Big Numbers!
Genshin's already shot its own meta in the foot. If gameplay keeps up the way its going, every character is either going to need to be Big Numbers or facilitating Big Numbers or otherwise be considered Bad, so a lot of characters are going to get really samey really fast.
The other issue is... the healers we already have are good. Barbara is free and she can fully heal your party with a semi-decent build pretty regularly. MHY can't really... make healers much better than they already are...
(also inazuma is mihoyo becoming icarus; we can only dread what sumeru will bring.)
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zhongliologist · 3 years
Hello! There's something I'm still confused about genshin lore. Are visions, the stone, just permits that people display so that they won't get in trouble when they use their elemtal power (meaning that they can still use their power even without the stone)? Or the stone grants them their power (without it they can't create elemental)? I hope my question makes sense, thank you!
Hmmm tbh, info abt visions are incomplete,,, as far as I have read in the wiki, it seems that it requires that the vision holder must show/display the vision on themselves for it to work, not sure why but that's the wiki says (I could also infer that that is the case when Diluc left his Vision and carried his father's Delusion when he went on a soul searching journey after his father died. He can't use his Vision if it's not in his person.)
...and yes it does grant them elemental power. Though the vision could sometimes die out, or when someone dies, the vision also dies, and can be inherited or claimed by someone else. It doesn't always have to be new. (Like in Ningguang's case).
I also think you can't easily rid of yourself of your vision. Keqing tried to throw it away but seems like it keeps coming back to her. Ningguang as well who tried to sell it but probably resonated with her instead)
You can read more in the wiki! Also you can scour reddit, the Mihoyo community posts and the comments section in wiki for some theories!
I hope I was able to answer your question!!
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bluexiao · 3 years
Abyss is strange. I mean, like people go: "wow this is really hard!" And then mihoyo looks at that and goes: Did you mean: "Make Abyss Harder"? Like no?? I barely manged to get 9 stars on chamber 11 this time! (Literally I got it by ONE (1) second. Like, I saw that counter go to 7:00.) I've only ever cleared floor 12 twice (with like a whole 3 stars), and believe me, I did NOT want a magu kenki there making it harder... It took me like 9 months (and many deaths) to get that abyss achievement! Anyway! Best of luck for your future abyss runs! Also I would recommend using a hydro catylst to fight the pyro hypostasis, because as much as I love him, Xingqiu can't help too much when the thing is bouncing around. May everyone's abyss go well, and if you want any character recommendations for the floors from my slight amount of knowledge, I'll be in the corner dying to maguu kenki.
tbh a suggestion to mhy: if you’re gonna make abyss harder atleast make it worth it by adding more primos💀 and pls i got 7 stars on floor 11 bc the pyro hypostasis is my natural enemy i barely even managed to defeat it on time bc it keeps running away jxjsjsjs and i used xiao, ayaka, diona & barbara there (mona refuses to come home). thank you for this though!! i always see u in my notifs and i’m grateful you also sent an ask<33
goodluck to everyone with their abyss runs!! may the luck archons be with you!!
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jayflrt · 2 years
HELP btw if u see a paragraph u wrote in my responses..... it's bc i have the Worst memory ever and copy and paste what you say so i can respond to it 😭😭😭 (i noticed i left one in my last ask PLS)
it's 3 credit hours a class! so i am pretty close, yeah, i think i'm going in to whichever school i accept as a second semester sophomore.
oh god walking to school is impossible for me </3 like my current school is 5 min away by car but i'd have to walk on a busy road that crosses the whole city and eventually feeds into interstate and highway stuff, and there's no sidewalk. me when i would Die p
you were their first customer omg so true. but now you have better emojis... so... speaking of emojis i need to download the new update bc i keep seeing these mf Boxes everywhere and i feel like im missing out
all of my work is online, yeah!! just my one "high school" class in person, but it's AP. it's how i get my cardio in too... walkin up the stairs to class... walkin down them. that's it. nothing else. my mom drives me to campus because i absolutely hate driving
omg i have not used the $100 for the top up crystals yet BUT it is very tempting especially with the bonus :'') i just wish the top up shop reset the bonus thing every banner or two ,, i feel like mihoyo would make so much more money doing so right ??? i just hope i get kazuha 🥰
i only did it for the bonus,, i need my guaranteed kazu and got my guaranteed ganyu (qiqi rlly loves me. she comes home at like. 20 pity consistently)
level up ur yanfei!!! she's so good. i just got a lost prayer for her and i need to work on getting her 80/90 so she can hit big boy numbers
literally ALL of my chars except ganyu and xiao are lowkey awful because i've farmed for them the most, since they're my two dps. like my keqing is phys and i've been meaning to make her electro but she's worse than my phys kaeya rn 😭😭😭bc of artifact luck
oh god my first stuff on tumblr on this blog is SO tempting to delete but it's also like a nice lil time capsule of my growth so i dont wanna get rid of it, yk?
and ao3 definitely has gone downhill, especially now that there's kpop there? i feel like its prime was when everyone wrote for books or tv shows and broke au compliance and just went wild and had sm fun
nctblr dreamies solo stans smh... i say being ot7 dream stan and listening to/watching them more than 127 and wayv....
jaemin is a good choice!!!! his glitch mode teasers had me going INSANE lich rally he looks so pretty in brown hair it's my favorite on him
yeah i get attached to my chars too, especially since i like using my own life to inspire their motivations sometimes? like a fic im writing for my sideblog rn, the reader goes to the same beach house every year and has watched the town be gentrified and become touristy and lowkey hates going bc it's the same old same old and not as fun when you get older and want independence, which is how i feel a lot of the time when my family goes. like the beach is beautiful but there is only So Much u can do at the beach.
a lot of my anons are from 2020-2021 and deleted tumblr ,,, like a lot of the long fic enjoyers are gone since i feel like a lot of people only read long fics from people they already follow or ones that have smut, so i can't rlly grow from them? since yk. minor. not writing smut. and my following is mostly inactive/deleted the app or something
i'm hoping my pjo series gets love :( i posted my masterlist for it and it's got like 20 notes, but a few people reblogged it saying they were excited which was nice.
my jay fic on my sideblog is like 5k,, which given, isn't that long (i'm awful at doing more than 10k. i fall apart and get rlly lazy LMAOO) and has around 170 i think? and my blog there has less than 100 so it's rlly nice to get the love i used to get when i first started seoulbinz
also how does one 👉👈become mutuals with you... perhaps i love you
HAHAH i noticed the paragraph i wrote and was going to ask but i assumed you were copy and pasting it for reference 🤧 i have to use two devices for long asks so i can read it on one device and then reply on the other LMAOAO it's usually me reading off my laptop and typing on my phone :'') good luck with your college admissions tho !! it's definitely a scary season omg i remember going through it + watching all my friends go through it. watching my friend turn down harvard was very humbling LMAOAOA  
oh my gosh right??? 😰 i must be out of shape because i'm panting when i get to school HAHAH it's like a 30 minute walk and quite a bit of it is uphill so i dread it so much <//3 it's enough having to attend .. 🤮 class. now i have to get my cardio in while doing so 👎 it's just annoying because my classes from 9 am to 2 pm are virtual synchronous and then my 2-4 is in person so i have to make a run for school somewhere between that 🏃‍♂️ do you take the bus then?? :o i did that all the time in high school but was notorious for missing it like 3-4 times a week so i would end up taking an uber 💀 also HAHAH omg the emojis don't show up on my macbook so i can relate to your struggles when i'm using my laptop :'') 
i would do it for the bonus too ITS SUCH A GOOD DEAL but im hesitant because that bonus is only a one-time thing (until it resets) but they've only reset the top-up once 😭 PLSS I WANT QIQI WHERES MY QIQI actually i wanted qiqi since i started playing genshin bc my friend enqi's nickname is qiqi and i just wanted to mess with her LOLL
yanfei is an absolute tank i love her 😌 she hit a 70k without food buffs the other day and i was geeking over her <33 im not trying to actively beat my purveyor of punishment record but i would Like to see some improvement 🥲 HAHAH i understand omg i farmed the most for yanfei, keqing, ganyu, xiao, jean, and xiangling so everyone else is lacking 🤧 even zhongli who's on my main team LOL 
ooh i understand that !! it's really nice documenting how much you've written and how your writing's developed and progressed 💗 and yes ao3 was definitely at its prime years back HAHAH i loved the anime community so much there <33 
omg same LOLL i got into dream first so i think that's why i lean towards them more ?? i love them all but i can just never get tired of dream 🥰 and i'm surprised that jaemin's been my ult for so long tbh HAHAH before him it was yoongi so tbh i guess the loyalty stuck after i became an nctzen 💖 and same!!! i honestly cant choose which hairstyle of his is my fav but he's so gorgeous with the light brown hair ☹️💓
omg honestly i kind of hate the beach HAHAH it's probably bc im just afraid of open ocean/sea so i can appreciate the beach from a distance but i dont like going in the water <//3 how much do you guys go to the beach tho ?? :o but i can relate with using real life experiences i feel like i draw a Lot of experience from things that have happened in my life 💕
omg yeahhh there is a stronger emphasis on smut when it comes to long fics. i don't mind it as long as the story is good but obviously im an adult so i'm speaking from a different perspective HAHAH but im sure your pjo series will !! 💖 bc first of all !! pjo !!!! 🤩 i'm glad you're liking writing on your sideblog tho !! what made you decide to write on there instead of your main? :o also omg i feel like i reach higher word counts when i set my expectations low LMFAO like for my fic teaser i estimated that i'd write around 7-8k and it wound up being 16k💔 also i actually dont have many mutuals HAHAH tbh i don't feel like it's necessary for me to have mutuals when i can talk to everyone either way,, but yk the whole recent events with the plagiarism and ppl lying about their identity and other messes has made my trust issues spike :p but thank you for the love !! im honored 🥺
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
I totally agree with everything Katheryne and Anon just said in the last ask about the Inazuma quest (it was so unsatisfying? Like, the ending was epic or whatever, but just like, everything felt kinda empty?), and I feel like it really disappointing?
It left so much open/to be desired, for the characters especially. We got a pretty large cast of characters, and they all seem really cool and interesting, but we barely saw much of them. It was mostly rushing around and doing errands.
Also, parts of the story felt like they went nowhere to me? Or just got abandoned? Maybe some of it will be cleared up eventually but, eh...
Examples I can think of: -Traveler got Swordfish II, then they basically forgot about that as soon as the Teppei stuff happened -The resistance didn't really get a proper conclusion? We saw them storm the city, Kazuha did that thing (I hope they give him a character quest to get into that, like, tf) and then after everything went down we saw some of them in that cutscene, but not really anything that felt like closure (if there's something in world quests I wouldn't know, haven't done much there yet)
Also on a semi related not, I'm pretty sure someone (Yae I think) said something about Scara being stronger than Signora since he's No. 6 of the Harbingers and she's 8, which kinda implied Childe, No. 11, being the weakest? I'm not entirely sure I got that right tho so don't quote me on that
i agree!! you summed up the main points way better than i ever could HAHA but yes, it was just so unsatisfactory and there were so many plot holes :(( i kept thinking they'd be chekhov'ed but no, no they were not.
and no, scaramouche being stronger than signora is just a coincidence! the numbering system of the harbingers had been explained quite a while ago:
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do keep in mind that though the wiki is run by fans, the mods fact-check everything and make sure not to post rumored information, so this is fairly trustworthy. i am not entirely sure why yae would say that scaramouche is more powerful because he's 6th :(( that's directly contradicts previous info given, but then again, we all know that the inazuma story seems... rushed HAHA so we can't rule out the wording being a mistake.
and as a childe main, i don't think our bloodthirsty ginger boy is the weakest at all! his character story explicitly says this:
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and consider his background:
spoilers for childe's story
he fell into the abyss when he was 14, learned how to fight from skirk, a swordswoman who has presumably been in the abyss dealing with monsters for ages, and received knowledge of the foul legacy transformation.
just that alone is Very Very powerful, but let's not forget that he has both a vision AND a delusion! we were never given the story for how he got his vision (where most characters have a vision story, he has a delusion story) but we can most definitely assume that the gods saw and appreciated him. hydro vision, electro delusion, AND power of the abyss? this dude is POWERFUL.
also, he's not afraid of chaos. there's a saying in china used to describe someone like that, 唯恐天下不乱, roughly translated as '[someone] whose only fear is that the world isn't chaotic', and that's childe to a T. this dude is not afraid to die, which means he's got nothing to lose, and those kinds of ppl are actually the scariest. he's fighting with everything he's got because he LOVES it like, geeeez this dude is a walking death flag.
i'm real sorry for taking the point of the post away. the point is that the inazuma story didn't seem well-planned, but if mihoyo ends up explaining that later, we can all be pleasantly surprised!
- katheryne from liyue
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