#mod M😇
badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
What in the name of-
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I don't even know where to start to complain about this one. So I guess I'll let y'all have a go at it 😂
Ready... set.. GO
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Dimineața. Mă trezesc înaintea ta. Te privesc pentru cateva minute, ești așa drăguț când dormi, îngeraș 😍😇. Te sărut pe buze, buzele super moi de care nu mă mai satur. Plec de lângă tine ușor, cât sa nu te trezesc. Iau cămașa ta pe mine, ma privesc in oglinda si zâmbesc, mi-ai lăsat câteva urme💜. Mă duc in bucătărie, voiam sa ai parte de cel mai bun mic dejun din viața ta. Fac repede niște clătite pufoase, un fresh de portocale, înghețata imi face cu ochiul 🍨, aveam nevoie de ea, imi zic " nici nu știi ce deliciosa va fi masa". Nuttela, niște miere și sunt gata. Mă întorc la tine, si așez farfuria in stânga ta, te sărut incet, apoi din ce in ce mai apăsat până te trezești si îmi muști buzele " frumos mod de a ma trezii, dar imi plăcea mai mult dacă gurița ta aia frumoasă imi sugea pula, care apropo, uite-o cat e de mare ". 😘 Fac ochii mari când ridici pătura si văd. " Promit că ma revanșez". Si te mai sărut. Mirosul clătitelor te înconjoară, si te întorci la ele, intre timp eu ma dezbrac si ma asez pe spate, in toata splendoarea mea. " Ed, daca vrei sa infuleci ceva, va trebuie sa o faci de pe mine, apropie platoul". Iau o linguriță de ciocolata si imi ung sfarcurile, rămâi șocant când vezi ce fac, mai imprasti ciocolata si pe feminitatea mea pe care o adori, pe picioare si pe buze. Inghetata o asez între sâni, care se prelinge tot mai jos. Înghiți in sec, iei o gura de suc, si împingi farfuria cat mai departe, nu mai aveai nevoie de nimic
" Te mănânc toată fetito".
" Asta și vreau😍".
Fără alte cuvinte, te apleci către buzele mele...apoi imi desfaci picioarele, îmi săruți interiorul coapselor si scot un sunet de plăcere. Te apropii de miere, treci doar cu varful limbii, vrei sa ma amăgești, te oprești deasupra buricului, îți inmoi buzele in înghețata rece, ca sa-mi dai un pupic rece pe feminitate, imi dau capul pe spate "Edd ma mănânci sau ce faci? Dacă nu, spune-mi, ies pe stradă asa si primul venit o sa ma înfulece" Rămâi imun la ceea ce-am zis, tu îți continui masa. Mă m-ai amăgești ceva vreme, dar imi place, lingi fiecare părticică de piele. După ce termini si cu sfârcurile, răsuflu ușurată, acum urma sa simt plăcerea maxima. Te apleci cu capul intre picioarele mele, și lingi toata dulceața, lingi cu cea mai mare pofta, lingi ca si cum ar fi ultima ta masă din viața. Te trag de păr, iti voiam limba in mine.. adânc. " iubire, sunt atat de udă încât vreau sa te primesc în mine, te vreau atât de mult". Zâmbești cu clitul intre buze, te ridici deasupra mea, mă săruți si intri tare in mine. Unghiile îți intră in spate, imi înfășor picioarele in jurul tău si ma penetrezi " E atât de binee, cea mai frumoasă dimineața"
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abbyanne-sari-sari · 1 year
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For Anthem's last round of the year! 🎅🎄
Sari-Sari - Holiday Cookies Original mesh, textures, and bento animations, 2-3 li, copy/mod Includes cookie stand and tray, with (M&F) holdable piping bag.
Sari-Sari - Rudolph’s Nose Our cheapie item again for this year's Anthem Elves! Don't forget to grab it under the event's Xmas tree. 😇✨
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EVENT TIMELINE: Dec 3 - 29 Happy Holidays everyone! ⛄❄️
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chinposan · 2 years
list five things that make you happy then leave this in the inbox of the last ten people that reblogged a post of yours! we’re spreading positivity today <3
Your sope endgame tag on that in the seom post killed me lmao
Okay five great things on top of my (mod M (zetsubousaru) - the sope endgamer) mind:
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Well, BTS. (j-hoooooooooooooooooooooooope!!!!)
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2. The weekly mandatory shitty horror nights with mod Squidd (tensai).
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3. Finally reaching 500+ levels in In the Seom. (Yeah, I know, like 100 years after everybody else!)
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4. My purrfect (albeit sometimes a bit grumpy) roomie. 😽
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5. Did I mention BTS? 😇
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mrb52563 · 2 years
SATURDAY 23-April-2022
TA oo scum SO FU
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
The autistic community in this fandom has repeatedly said that Aziraphale is extremely autistic coded. Maybe we should start listening. Let's go. *SIGHS*
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There's so much I could talk about the critiques I see over this mostly pretty harmless scene, but I'll try to focus on the ableism here:
Aziraphale's playfulness is called "roleplaying" and "dismissive of Crowley's feelings" here. And I must say, as an autistic person, I find it offensive bc this is an extremely autistic coded moment where Aziraphale was unmasking in front of the only person he allows himself to do so and that usually implies he was inviting Crowley to do the same, he was most likely aware of Crowley's anxiety there and making himself vulnerable to him by unmasking, inviting him into his space and vice-versa. (I think calling his special interest, magic, "horrible" is also anti-autistic bias btw)
We never see Aziraphale acting like this with any other character besides Crowley, with whom he does this repeatedly. It's not a new situation. Crowley knows this, and he is used to this kind of behaviour from Aziraphale. And he loves to complain about it btw, and Aziraphale indulges him on that. This is love. This is intimacy.
I know it isn't perfect, I know it lacks verbal communication, but this isn't abusive behaviour in the slightest. Better communication is something they both need to work on after 6k years of having to hide their feelings bc they were being persecuted and abused, the story is telling us this. We have a whole other season for that, the story isn't over.
Now, regarding the second paragraph, the plot made it painfully obvious that the clue was real, so Aziraphale was not going to Edinburgh for fun. He had to go, and Crowley knew it (he never even argued against it), bc of the mystery of Gabriel's situation thay could backfire on them in the future. Who knows what Heaven was doing to their angels (and what they could do to aziracrow!! That's why Crowley had an informant. Didn't Metatron prove this in the end, that the threat was real?). Sure, Aziraphale had fun, bc he was bonding with Crowley through the Bentley and he loves him, so that makes him happy, but that's it. We're allowed to make the most out of a bad situation, guys. It's also a way to deal with stress. Aziraphale and Crowley have different ways of dealing with stress, and both are valid, they're different people, it's normal that they react differently to a crisis.
This scene was a very married moment tbh, filled with comfort with you partner (enough to unmask), an old known and comfortable dance for the both of them, and even an invite to take a step forward in their relationship.
Food for thought: I've been wondering why the fandom likes to say Azi and Crowley are like a "married couple" but some ppl at the same time hate when they in fact act like one?
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And finally, again, this is such an autistic coded moment that I, an autistic person, had the exact same interpretation as Aziraphale. I had never noticed, until I read this take, that Crowley could've meant anything other than "you don't know how to drive" lol. Aziraphale was being himself here. His true confident unmasked self. Bc Crowley allows him that. Bc Crowley makes him feel like he can. He wasn't pretending or intentionally misinterpreting or manipulating anyone. Assuming the absolute worst of him bc he interpreted something in a literal way is anti-autistic bias. Assuming the worst of him bc he doesn't use the same code as you to communicate is ableism. Assuming his decision-making logic is invalid bc of the way he acts when unmasking is both.
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badaziraphaletakes · 22 days
First of all, HOW DARE THEY
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Now I've definitely found the worst take of all time! 🤣🤣 /hj
This is not from inside the GO fandom but I thought I would post it here just bc it's funny to lighten up the mood a bit after the seriously bad takes :)
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
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I think we must add to our list of problematic insults... Racism and/or stereotypes against the Japanese people.
And after that I'm going to bed for the day
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
We're turning off anonymous asks
Hello everyone, we've been getting a wave of hate this week so unfortunately we'll have to permanently turn off anonymous asks for two reasons:
1. To mitigate the hate messages. One can only take so much of those and replying to even the "polite" hate (i know lol) takes a lot of juice.
2. To stop bad intentioned anons who may submit takes to us meaning to harass someone else through our blog (this is UNACCEPTABLE). We haven't noticed this happening btw, but better safe than sorry.
I must say our anonymity policy stands though, if you wish to remain anonymous when sending an ask to us just say so and we will respect that when answering (we will screenshot your ask if you want it posted on the blog). This blog has thankfully grown a bit so we can't afford the anonymity on our side anymore, this is mostly so we can have some control bc even if our fight is important, we're dealing with sensitive matters.
And finally, I must say we also got a lot of love, gratitude and support from anons in the asks, so THANK YOU SO MUCH. Those people opened their hearts to us and talked about personal things so I suppose that's why the anon tool was useful. To those people, I'm sorry that I have to turn off the anon asks. If you feel comfortable, you can still send us an ask and request anonymity and we will respect that as explained above.
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badaziraphaletakes · 1 month
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Omg yes, thanks for bringing that out. The fact that Aziraphale was already aware of the dangers of Heaven as early as Before The Beginning is SO important for the story imo. It really bothers me that ppl's selective memory tends to forget that scene when analysing s2. It feels like they're cherry picking evidence to build a version of Aziraphale that fits their opinion instead of collecting all the data to try and understand his actions.
If you look closely, Before The Beginning and The Final Fifteen are parallels of each other up to some point: in the former, Crowley is saying that he can make a difference ("if I was the one in charge I'd like it if ppl asked questions", "hey boss this is a really terrible idea", "how much trouble can one get into for just asking a few questions") and Aziraphale is saying it's dangerous. In the latter, their roles are reversed, Aziraphale is saying they can make a difference and Crowley saying it's no use bc they're toxic (and it IS dangerous). It's funny bc Aziraphale is agreeing with angel!Crowley now, and Crowley is agreeing with cherub!Aziraphale now (showing once again that aziracrow are one and the same), but they're probably not seeing it.
Aziraphale never had this never-ending belief in Heaven ppl attribute to him (he probably thought that he should have that belief, even pretended to sometimes, but he didn't, his actions show us that he didn't). If anything, angel!Crowley trusted Heaven much more than Azi ever did, bc he was sure nothing bad would happen to him. BUT I also don't think he was naive for that, bc he was trying to make a positive change on things, and that's NEVER a stupid thing to do. He also didn't believe Heaven was always right just bc it's Heaven (his questions are evidence of that), even if he trusted them. For characters like Aziraphale and Crowley, in a situation like theirs, we must look at what they do, not at what they say.
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Yes, it also bothers me that some ppl think he's always wanted to go back when in s1 we've seen that he was miserable when he was there, and not wanting to go back to Heaven was the reason for him to help stop Armageddon!! It makes no narrative sense. AND he said it in no uncertain terms "I don't want to go back to Heaven." He said it to the Metatron, but he was retelling this conversation to Crowley, so he said that in front of Crowley, with his own mouth. Crowley knows.
As for not loving Crowley as a demon, I absolutely agree with you and it's all part of the last thing you write about and I think it's an absolutely on point badass take, and it's:
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You are SO DAMN RIGHT about this and it grinds my gears. We are supposed to analyse The Final Fifteen using the whole context of the story we got in the previous eleven and a half episodes! We're not meant to re-contextualise the rest of the show bc of The Final Fifteen? That makes no sense in this story?? Especially bc The Final Fifteen is full of biases. Us being heartbroken, the characters being triggered and emotional, the storytelling trying to hide stuff from us, the fact that they were threatened... There are Clues there, I'm sure, but we have to know the whole context of their relationship to understand them.
It's like trying to analyse your whole self when you're having a panic attack. It's not an accurate depiction of who you are. Analysing a couple using only one of their fights and erasing all of their good moments bc of it is pretty fucking dishonest to them.
Thanks so much for your take, I really, really loved your last paragraph and be sure I'll use it again to comment on other takes here 😁😁😁
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
I just realized Crowley asks Aziraphale to go off together to leave EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE BOOKSHOP and then literally a few minutes later he tries to grab him on "You can't leave this bookshop"
So how is it Crowley? He can or he cannot? 🤔
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Alternatively he may think that maybe if he isn't important enough, maybe the bookshop is, but it all will turn into a pile of boiling goo anyway so 🤷🏼‍♀️
I think Crowley was having as much trouble as Aziraphale to express his feelings with words here. He was desperate to stop Aziraphale from going to Heaven, he knows it's terrible and dangerous. He tried everything he could.
He tried to stop Aziraphale from leaving him. Ultimately, when he says "you can't leave this bookshop" he means "you can't leave me", bc he can't articulate that (or doesn't let himself do so). There's a whole theme throughout s2 about the bookshop being characterised as Crowley (red exterior like his hair, yellow walls like his eyes, black shelves...). It's all intentional.
Crowley knows how important the bookshop is to Aziraphale, he apparently doesn't realise he's even more important to the angel than that. That Aziraphale is ready to leave the bookshop for him That's why he says "nothing lasts forever". He meant material things, that nothing lasts forever except them, except their feelings. They were talking past each other in this scene, saying different things. Crowley understood that he was saying THEY couldn't last forever.
You're not wrong about Crowley's inconsistency here, but I think that's the reason. They were both overwhelmed. I also think it's important to show that Aziraphale's speech is not the only one with problems, Crowley's has too. But we as a fandom have a terrible habit of only scrutinising Aziraphale's every word to mean things that weren't there in the first place. So thanks for pointing that out :)
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
Critique is worthless if the person you’re critiquing doesn’t see it, though. Some of the people who’s posts you screenshot are autistic or are abuse victims, and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt because of that. Why do you not just engage with these people kindly? A lot of the “bad” takes just seem to 1.) be a projection of someone’s own trauma, or 2.) lack media literacy. I don’t think the first response should be to be hostile when I don’t believe the people you’re “calling out” are aware of why you’re targeting them.
We're not critiquing specific people, we're critiquing attitudes, and the screenshots we post here are just examples of a behaviour we're seeing everywhere (we're never calling out anyone specifically). That's why we hide the handle and that's why ultimately we don't mind if OP never even sees our critique. If one single person sees our post and feels welcome, accepted and not alone in their suffering, it's more than enough. If another one sees it and manages to rethink their language? Wow than we've achieved the main goal of this blog. Everyone can go home.
I'm sorry if you don't think our speech is kind, but we try our best to be that. But we have our limits and comedy and sarcasm are valid weapons to fight bigotry. We'll always try to be polite, but oppressed people shouldn't have to measure their every word not to hurt the feelings of the ones that oppress them. We were the ones hurt in the first place.
Again: "Do not confuse the response of the oppressed with the violence of the oppressor"
The Good Omens fandom has always been a great place for neurodivergent people, trauma victims, women and queers. No wonder, given its characters and themes. We were losing our safe space though, bc of all this hate targeting a large chunk if these people, and we're trying to win it back. Or at least build a new one.
And finally, regarding your two last points:
1) yeah, some people are trauma victims and project, and if you check our records we try our best not to call out projection as a bad thing per se, bc I think projection is valid and can help ppl deal with trauma and personal issues. We critique the ableist and victim blaming language used in the posts. (but again, remember we're human...)
2) regarding the lack of media literacy, I hope the blog helps them on that tbh. Although I must confess that if that's the only problem with a person's take, we won't feature it here (and we never have), as this is not our goal, and that usually comes with time. None of us is born with media literacy.
And finally, this blog is not our first response. We've been dealing with this for months. This was a last resort after things got way out of hand.
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badaziraphaletakes · 1 month
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Thanks for submitting!
I think there are so many problems with this kind of take, but mostly it's the lack of understanding that there was little to no CHOICE involved in what happened to Aziraphale and Crowley in the Final Fifteen. Aziraphale didn't refuse to understand anything, he was trying SO hard, and so was Crowley, and they were both failing to communicate (and that wasn't by choice either, they could NEVER communicate properly in 6k years bc it was literally dangerous for them). The whole point is that they aren't free. They weren't, even after s1.
Aziraphale knows why Crowley hates Heaven and Hell, that's why he wants to change it. Something almost everyone forgets in s2 is the scene where Aziraphale and Crowley go have a "word in private" after Muriel arrives and Crowley says he didn't know how Heaven managed to be in charge all this time, and Aziraphale says they HAVEN'T. Is that the word of an angel who blindly believes in Heaven? Ofc not. Should we take Aziraphale's word when he's under stress and threatened, or when he was talking to his partner, relaxed, in private? Tough choice /s.
(I'd love to know how some ppl in this fandom would judge what someone says when they have a gun pointed at their head. Everyone remembers "you're the bad guys" but conveniently forgets "I don't want to go back to heaven")
And finally, I don't think in the end Aziraphale was broken bc Crowley was refusing to be an angel again. It wasn't about being an angel, it was about being together. He said so. In the end, Aziraphale was sad bc he realised he would be alone.
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
the fact this blog never keeps in anyone's handles makes it quite clear that you don't intend to harass anyone. and generally the discussions aren't really about "UM you misinterpret characterisation" but rather how a lot of ableist language is being used and how seeing the words some ppl are saying are hurting ppl who are affected by that irl. for example all the victim blaming @ aziraphale really hurts to read when you have been affected by that irl lol..
Thank you so much! Hiding the handles is absolutely non-negotiable to us, we mean to call out certain harmful actions, languages and prejudices, not people! None of our posts are supposed to be personal attacks, thanks for recognising that 🩶
We are making an effort not to focus on criticism regarding how one views a characterisation or interprets some scenes, bc that can absolutely vary and we don't hold the final say on that. This kind of discussion often leads nowhere and nobody learns anything. We are however focusing on interpretations that have ableist language (or misogynistic, or victim-blaming etc), especially the kind of veiled hate that is so common in our everyday life. That is not a matter of opinion or interpretation of a character. Awareness needs to be spread regarding this.
We are human though* and this is a very nuanced slippery slope, sometimes it's impossible to address our main focus without talking a bit about other sides of the problem, so we appreciate everyone's patience.
*or are we?
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
Hey ik you guys are getting a lot of hate sent your way through anons but I just want to say that y'all are wonderful.
The first time I saw Aziraphale on TV was the first time I actually was able to see myself, a trans autistic man, represented accurately in a way where he wasn't demonized for making mistakes. He was loved. And appreciated. And good.
And then I got to the fandom. Which was great for like. Two days until I found the Aziraphale hate train and I IMMEDIATELY debated on leaving the fandom over it because of how ruthless it was.
And then I found it was by you guys. And you responded to it. And defended him. You even brought up the fact that he represents a lot of autistic traits and those were the ones that the post was demonizing most.
So I just wanna say, in some small way, you saved my happiness.
You made me feel safe in a place where I would've originally gave up.
So thank you.
From the bottom of my heart.
And I'm sorry that some people can't see the good that you do for others by running this account.
Please make sure to take plenty of care of yourselves now with all the hate coming your way and remember you are loved and appreciated!! Thank you!!
Thank you SO MUCH for the love 🥹. This kind of response makes it all worth it, truly, this warms my heart 🩶🩶🩶
This is what we've been aiming for, saving this small piece of comfort for us all. This is what Good Omens is all about. In Good Omens, people like us are LOVED, as you said. You are loved, anon.
Also, as someone who's been in the fandom for years, rest assured, this is not the norm here and is most likely temporary. There is a space for ppl like us here, and it's wonderful and we're trying to make it visible for others who may need it.
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badaziraphaletakes · 2 months
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As someone who enjoys reading and writing off-canon takes of Aziraphale, could you just... you know. Start a discussion about that final 20% mentioned by OP whose name is very clearly not included here?
Maybe something to do with "fan art and fan-fiction are produced by individuals reflecting their own values through the lens of the blorbo and these interpretations ought not be subject to blanket criticism based on your individual interpretation of the blorbo?"
Please and thank you.
I'm not exactly sure what OP's point was in the screenshot there, I have some trouble understanding things online sometimes, BUT, about what you said:
"fan art and fan-fiction are produced by individuals reflecting their own values through the lens of the blorbo and these interpretations ought not be subject to blanket criticism based on your individual interpretation of the blorbo"
I absolutely agree.
I hope by now most of our followers have noticed that we never criticise fanart and fanfic in here. It's never been featured on this blog. What we feature here are prejudiced metas concerning the canon. We call out ableist, misogynistic (etc) takes about the canon characters. Takes that are trying to "explain" what happened in canon to other fans using veiled misogyny, ableism, victim blaming and anti-autistic bias. Those can have harmful repercussions irl, and we feel we must fight against those prejudices.
However fanfic and fanart are not that at all. Fanfic and fanart are not canon by definition, and are so subjective that they can have thousands of interpretations, so we feel it's not our (or anyone's) place to judge.
It's like playing with your Barbie dolls. You can do what you want with them, it's mostly harmless. If someone wants to make Aziraphale the villain in a fic? Go ahead, that falls into headcanon territory, and headcanon is not canon, it's anyone's land. I personally won't read that specific fic, but you can write it. I'm pretty sure I'd write stuff someone wouldn't read too, it's all ok. The problem is when they start to spread this as canon.
Now it must be said, of course some fics can be triggering (like every art out there), but in my 4 year experience in this fandom, 99% of fics are properly tagged, authors usually overtag for safety, so if you see a fic with a theme you don't like, it's easy to avoid it. Even fanart is tagged in the GO fandom, which is not something I see in every fandom out there. And besides, speaking of fanart specifically, it's so subjective bc what you see there may be just a metaphorical interpretation of feelings and not literal. So if you start scrutinising that you end up falling into censorship territory and that's shady.
Because of all that, we try to focus on calling out bad takes regarding the canon facts only.
That being said, in order to do that sometimes we try to analyse the overall situation of the fandom, bc many ppl try to impose fanon as canon in those metas, consciously or not. So while doing that, we may make commentaries on some fanon stuff, including the most common portrayals of the characters in fanwork. But trust that this is not a criticism of the fanworks at all. Again, it's just an attempt to separate the canon from the fanon, and to try to study the situation to see where the bad takes are coming from. In other words, fanon can be one of multiple tools to understand the fandom's mindset, and we make use of it. Is it possible that we may have (or will) missed the tone while addressing that and come across as if we're criticising fanworks? Of course, we're human, but trust that's not where we're coming from, and we appreciate criticism so we can be better :)
But honestly, if someone writes a fic where Aziraphale and Crowley are a toxic homophobic straight couple that ends up cheating on each other with the Metatron and divorcing, I couldn't care less. Have fun with your Barbies (but pls tag your fic lol).
I know this is a theme discussed over and over in fandoms, but I tried to give my two cents here, and believe me, this blog absolutely believes in "headcanon and let headcanon". Our problem is with ppl spreading misinformation about the canon.
Thanks for your ask, it's a very important thing to address! I hope I addressed what you were suggesting, if I missed anything, @indigovigilance , please share your thoughts in the reblogs/comments so we can discuss/clarify things. I have a feeling we're both coming from the same place here though 😁
Mod M 🩶
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