#mun yells
rising-shellshock · 2 years
Okay, I understand! 😊👌 Thank you for answering my questions I appreciate! I have few more questions for you. Q#1: What are your thoughts on Rottmnt Donnie and Rottmnt Leo? Q#2: What are your favorite Rottmnt characters you admire? Mine are Rottmnt Donnie and Rottmnt Leo! 💘 Q#3: What are your least favorite Rottmnt characters you hate? ~🌺
Well 1 and 2 kinda go hand in hand
My favorite is Donnie, I adore this little shit (/affectionate) with all of my heart. Especially as someone who is also on the spectrum. I didn't think I'd be right about him being Autistic BUT I WAS AND I AM SO HAPPY BECAUSE HE IS SUCH GOOD REPRESENTATION.
Anywho, I just adore how he's got his own way of caring so deeply for his brothers, he's so quick witted and dry, (He is, in fact, the funny one. Closely followed by Leo to be fair.) knows how to get shit done, (meaning he CARRIES the team in the early parts of the series FIGHT ME) knows his shit in general, and so SO much more. I'd be typing paragraphs on paragraphs on him. Just know he's a hard ass with a heart of a softie. Kinda a lot like his shell when you really think of it. Cold and hardshell outwardly, Soft and needs to be handled gently inwardly.
Now for the other brothers let's knock them out a little quicker or we'll be here for a WHILE
Leo has grown so much over the series and movie, and it's no wonder why so much love goes to him. He's quick to think on his feet and he's my favorite Leonardo that I've seen. (Not that the previous iterations were bad! No! I love 2012 Leo for example. But Rise is just much more defined in personality to me. The others had one (some more than others, but they did) just not as straightforward to get as ROTTMNT Leo.)
Raph is just... A sweetheart teddy bear. Sure, I love the hardass the other Raphs are, and it makes sense because among the TEENAGERS someone is gonna be a little more rough around the edges and standoffish, in fact I think it would be weird without one of them being that way. But Raph being the eldest gave my eldest sibling position a LOT to relate to. (I was also internally screaming at the Pizza Puffs episode.) And his care for his brothers to ve tough via the protector is admirable. Lord knows I'd do the same.
And Mikey... Man. How do I even begin with this baby boy? I always adored Mikey (2012 Mikey was my favorite as a kid right behind Raph. Yes, Raph was my favorite as a kid even though he was basically my opposite IDK how.) and Rise Mikey was no exception. He has high empathy, something I relate to FAR too much, and he doesn't want to be coddled, which I can also relate to. He's trying his best and his optimism is NEVER annoying. You really just want to hug him! What a good bean he is! Everyone is!
...Well almost everyone. Yeah I do have a... Pretty hot take.
My least favorite is kinda a tie in their own ways that I've been a bit more vocal about.
That being Splinter and Draxum. I'm sorry but the adult figures and family themes with parents were just... Not handled well to me I'm sorry.
Yeaaaah I know I know, that's the whole point with Splinter is that he grows as the series goes on, but it just was FAR too little for me to be satisfied with. Like the show was cut short, yeah, but even with the series cut short there was REALLY no episode with Splinter growing as a father more than "Oh I fucked up and I *apologize*" LIKE??????
Especially when he has episodes where he takes two steps in the OTHER DIRECTION
Y'know like-
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And this was the first out of the series, before the movie came out, that Donnie actually and seriously cried. Which just. Shows how much. This HURT HIM. WHICH IS ENTIRELY FAIR AND HE DESERVES HIS ANGER.
But that's a topic for my main blog to tackle for another time. For now, I'll just reblog the part one I have after this since I go into more detail there.
But yeah. Splinter and Draxum are my answers for the third question. The teens were handled FAR better than the adults.
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coolauntlilith · 9 months
So I finally watched Sense8. I regret not watching it sooner for a couple reasons. But I'm so glad I finally watched it.
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hanzajesthanza · 3 days
in a live action adaptation of the witcher, the only change i would make would be in lady of the lake, to change the order of entry and color of geralt and his hanza’s horses when they ride up and into castle stygga’s gatehouse:
to have milva ride in first on a white horse, cahir second on a red horse, angoulême third on a black horse, geralt last on a pale horse. (though, keep their actions: bending back her bow, raising his sword, sweeping her sabre)
because ✨symbolism ✨
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quuerbee · 8 months
Just read ch 828 of the novel, and I have. SO many thought about chung mun and chung myung.
In this chapter Chung Mun gives Chung Myung the whole talk about how he can't do everything by himself. As we know, Chung Myung doesn't put this into practice until his second life, as the divine dragon.
Do you think Chung Mun ever blamed himself? In his last moments on that mountain range, do you think he blamed himself, or even the world, for leaving everything to Chung Myung? Do you think that as he laid there, bleeding out, he wished for nothing more than to be strong enough to support the boy he had raised? To stand beside him in his final moments, to comfort him, to tell him that it wasn't his fault?
Chung Mun raised Chung Myung into the man he is. His teachings helping Chung Myung, and in turn Mount Hua, years after he died. But sometimes I wonder what he was thinking about, laying on that blood soaked ground, as he watched his son go against that monster.
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eternalstarlights · 1 month
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My brother’s friend went to Japan and came back. He got some stuff for my brother but also got a Kunikida stand for me. Idk why he did that but I thanked him.
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ofovertime · 23 days
Nanami is the tired dad who wants the best for everyone.
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kylo-wrecked · 3 months
do you have a fancy New York accent?
LOL. yes and no.
but you know what i'd love to take this opportunity to say that, traditionally, a Brooklyn accent is not a Queens accent, and a Queens accent sounds like a Jersey accent.
Brooklyn accents seem to incorporate a's into all mid-vowels and hard r's at end vowels and your mouth sounds full of bagel but every word goes by so fast the person listening may still miss the whole sentence lmao.
My mom has the illest Brooklyn accent, so actually, when she says Florida, it sounds like "Floarder," though the "er" is quite subtle. (Her friend Laura is "Laurer.")
the Brooklyn accent is largely a dead accent now that Brooklyn is gentrified and flushed with wealth. and thanks to globalization, people around the world say, "Y'all" (not v NYC At All imo) and "youse guys" (probably yes?)
my vowels are more spanish. to me, "Miami" is "MEE-ami" and not "MYE-ami." although i intentionally mispronounce things. "ha-la-payne-yo" is always "jallaHpiNNoGh." this is because i'm annoying.
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jfouler · 2 months
a silly oc animatic after 84 years... nature is healing (but jamie's parents sure aren't)
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mima-sama · 1 month
Mima, I know you're hmm... Unalive, but doesn't you suffer from heat with so many layers of fabric (purple full dress under another blue vest, skirt, capelet and cape both oxford-like) that are somewhat heavy and thick? As an... anon who had to wear oxford labcoats and robes some times even the white or light colored ones after an hour ir so are hot enough to drip gallons of sweat.
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"This isn't Tic-tac, anon. You can say "undead". No one here cares."
[Uh, Mima, it's called TikTok]
"I don't care," Mima says, flicking mun right on the forehead. [OUCH!]
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"Anyway, to answer your question, whilst I can feel the temperature a little, it's not as intense for me as it would be for a living person. My clothing doesn't really affect that most of the time. I'm also not wearing a full dress underneath my current outfit, just so you know," she explains, a slightly amused tone coloring her voice. "I've got my undergarments, skirt, undershirt, vest, and capelet/cape-- that's four layers, max. No dress. That's a separate outfit that I can change in and out of at any time using magic."
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"Incidentally, the clothing that I died in is made of ectoplasm, which... technically makes it a part of my body?"
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" Hmm. But why? Is the clothing a ghost, too? Is it-- was it-- alive? HMMMMMMM-- nope, not gonna think 'bout that anymore. That way lies madness."
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 months
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//A friend wanted to see what an older Giovanni would look like if he was allowed to regain mortality and age, and I did mention somewhere in the blog he'd definitely gain weight and get a 'dad bod' of sort. Though the original idea was that he'd resemble his father Antonio and older brother Gregorio, but that ended up not happening when I finally sat down to draw, lmao.
The two outfits are under the assumption Giovanni becomes 50s by the 1770s-1800s.
The specs stay on, though if you insist:
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I can't hide the left eyebrow anymore, his hair got too short/thinned out.
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hellshoard · 3 months
i wanted to slam my head against the wall on trying to figure out the code for the relations page
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About Idia’s Tablet
So you know Idia’s tablet that he uses so he doesn’t have to talk to people?
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This thing? Well I was reading Episode of Heartslabyul again and-
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Like. It seems like a regular-ass tablet that floats around, and there’s nobody there to watch it, it’s implied Ortho’s not around for this scene, the other dorm leaders and the rest of Ignihyde could give LESS out of fuck about it being there. 
And NOWHERE is it mentioned that it’s even ALLOWED to be there. Like the staff haven’t even mentioned this tablet, at all. So like. 
How has this tablet never been stolen or damaged?
Like. Seriously. 
You’re telling me. 
NOBODY has made a swip of this tablet or messed with it when nobody is protecting it. People just let it float around the school and go to classes like it’s nothing special.
I honestly don’t believe it.
You’re telling me a bunch of high school boys will leave this floating tablet, that costs who knows how much and goes everywhere without being supervised and has nothing to protect it besides maybe Idia saying “WTF DUDE”, alone but they’re more than okay with using magic outside of class to beat up people who bumped into them?
Not even the Savanaclaw students, the local dorm with very hot-headed boys-has tried to damage/steal the tablet and Ruggie, who will sell anything he finds to get more money?
Unrealistic. This ain’t the Disney Channel.
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blue-mirrored-ribbon · 9 months
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"What do you mean we have to do the mission without killing anyone?!" "Just give it a try! Life's the most precious thing we have, y'know? Knocking them out should be more than enough."
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messinwitheddie · 7 months
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blossomhcir · 3 months
// sometimes i remember how i got really excited to see that adelaide's fc and her dad's fc were cast for an episode of a show together, only to find out they were playing an estranged married couple and i need to lay down
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lord-overlips · 1 month
Tarantulus? Are you responsible for this? Every slagging time I go to take the trash out I walk in to yet another spider web. I remove said spider web, find no trace of said spider, yet it reappears, like clockwork twice per day! Kindly tell your minions to stop bothering me!
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