silverutahraptor · 2 years
workplace welfare
Here’s a little preview of my entry for @narutorarepairweek , Day Seven—Free Day. HashiIzu turning into HashiIzuTobi. The fic will be rated E, but this snippet is Gen ;)
Izuna pushes his ANBU mask up and aside and then jumps up on the desk—without scattering any of the documents of course, he’s good—to grab Hashirama’s collar. “Hokage-sama,” he hisses and brings their faces even closer together to make the other man uncomfortable. “With all due respect: Fuck. You.”
Hashirama, however, returns his gaze calmly, looking directly into Izuna’s eyes regardless of the Sharingan spinning in anger. He raises a hand and wraps it around both of Izuna’s wrists. “Izuna-san,” he says while Izuna wants to scream about stupidly big Senju hands, “Are you perhaps a bit... overworked?”
Izuna snarls and tries to jerk his hands back, but nothing other than Hashirama slightly raising the pressure of his grip happens. “Overworked?” he opts to hiss instead. “Overworked?!”
Then Hashirama leans back all too casually without letting go of his trapped hands, which means Izuna suddenly finds himself precariously balancing on the edge of the desk.
“Fuck you—” Izuna repeats viciously.
Hashirama smiles his stupid gentle smile that makes people do what he wants—and Izuna itching to attack it with a knife to make him stop looking so fucking nice when he’s really the opposite—and tilts his head in mock contrition. “Poor Izuna-san, always running our errands,” he says, voice soothing but with dark amusement slipping in at the edges. “No rest, even between all those missions…” His free hand reaches out to wipe a dried fleck of stray blood off Izuna’s neck.
Then his hand just stays there, resting almost gently around Izuna’s throat, and that’s—
Izuna whips his head around so he can sink his teeth into Hashirama’s wrist in lieu of answering; the angle is off, but there’s the satisfying give of skin beneath his teeth and the grip around his neck slackens.
Hashirama pulls his hand back a little and holds Izuna’s gaze when a wash of chakra heals the bite mark infuriatingly quick. “And no one’s paying you enough attention,” he continues as if nothing happened. He abruptly pulls Izuna’s trapped wrists to the side, making him overbalance—and land directly on the Senju’s lap.
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dumbblossom · 2 years
Konan/Tsume | Nose Kisses
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Tsume: Konan have i ever told you how beautiful you are?
Konan: you tell me everyday Tsume
Tsume: haha, and its true ♡
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zombie-honeymoon · 2 years
Chapters: 1 Rating:  G Warnings: None Relationships: Hidan/Sakura
Hidan is mostly recovered from having the flu, and Sakura stops by to bring him soup and make sure he's taking care of himself and for some much needed snuggles.
For Sicktember 2022 Prompt- Cuddling on the Couch And for @narutorarepairweek Day 7 - Free Day
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Swimming (Not Drowning)
Sharks are apex predators.
That doesn't mean they can't be prey.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Hoshigaki Kisame/Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Shisui Word Count: 6694 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek​
Day 7 - September 24: Free Day | Eternal Dreams
This story is for roguetaro who made the art that inspired this AU, knightnaught who showed it to me, and @woofgang69​ who said the magic words, "Office au fic where Itachi has two work boyfriends whennnn."
Thank you all.
Truly, it takes a village.
Kisame pulls on his tie, loosening it.
He's tempted to take it off entirely and fling it on to his desk in frustration but he can't do that, not at work. It would be unprofessional and he's already on shaky enough ground as it is. To be the newly hired head of marketing would be bad enough, but when the department is such a mess <i>and</i> everyone knows that he's been brought in to fix it... well.
There are a lot of eyes on him, and most of them aren't friendly.
Still, he's not known as a shark for nothing, and he doesn't have patience for people who slack off.
Read the rest on AO3.
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narutorarepairweek · 2 years
We're now less than a month away!
And very, very excited to see what y'all have been working on. If anyone wants to share some snippets or previews, feel free to - and tag us in them so we can share them!
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dumbblossomv2 · 2 years
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My entry for Day 1 of the @narutorarepairweek event!
Prompt: Badass Kunoichi
Relationship: Hatake Kakashi/Konan
Content: flirting while fighting, angst, slight reference to disassociation, konan being a badass, unresolved tension
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silverutahraptor · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Izuna, Senju Hashirama/Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna, Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna Characters: Uchiha Izuna, Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Uchiha Izuna Lives, Threesome - M/M/M, PWP, Fraternal Polyamory, listen two brothers are fucking the same dude at the same time, their dicks TOUCH inside the dude okay, so proceed with caution, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Double Anal Penetration, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Size Difference, Begging, (well the Izuna version which contains a large amounts of insults), Enthusiastic Consent, parts of it may look like dubcon but i ensure you it’s VERY enthusiastic consent okay, Office Sex, Pining, Mutual Pining, (the solution to that may surprise you!), coworkers with benefits, Biting, Naruto RarePair Week 2022, a light seasoning of Inappropriate Mokuton Usage too, My First Smut, anyway. Words: 7568
ANBU Commander Izuna returns from a mission only to… get lovingly bent over the Hokage’s desk?! Wait, what’s the Hokage’s brother—who also happens to be his secret crush—doing here?
For @narutorarepairweek Day Seven, Free Day. HashiIzu that then turns into HashiIzuTobi.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
All I Ever Dreamed
Sai watches.
He's grateful for the opportunity.
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Sai/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Word Count: 1523 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek​
Day 6 - September 23: Happily Ever After/No Happy Ending | Quote Two
This story is for @dumbblossom​, @momo-ceros​, @heyitswrenn​ and @woofgang69​ who introduced me to this ship and encouraged me to write it.
The title comes from this quote by Valerie Lombardo:
"To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed."
Sai watches carefully, noting where and how his lovers touch each other.
Their hands move, gently, carefully, so different from the aggression that they display with each other when sparring.
There it's all brutal ferocity, blows flying thick and fast, speed used to attack relentlessly. It's graceful, yes, in the most elemental way, but Sai can't help but think that they dance so much more fluidly here, in this most private of spaces.
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Life and Death (In the Palm of Your Hand)
History always means something.
It's just a matter of what.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Deidara/Sasori (Past), Deidara/Kankurou (Pre-slash) Word Count: 471 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek​
Day 5 - September 22: Enemies of the State | Fluff Roulette
This story is for @hellotheremaryrose​ who suggested pairing these two characters together.
So I did.
Deidara never expected to survive joining the Akatsuki, much less the fourth shinobi war, but perhaps the goddess of luck smiled down upon him. Or perhaps that was just Kurotsuchi seizing him by the ear and dragging him off to yell at him.
Who knows?
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Enemies of the State
You can be enemies and lovers.
The two labels are not exclusive.
(Or 'B may work for the state but he isn't his brother.')
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Rating: Explicit Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Hoshikgaki Kisame/Killer Bee/Samehada Word Count: 1355 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek
Day 5 - September 22: Enemies of the State | Fluff Roulette
This story is for @rowanishere who suggested the gag and @hidendumbassvillage who came up with Bee's rap response to Kisame's proposition. It's also for @longliveustherecklessandthebrave​, @blightowl​ and @ampthetv​ who helped me work out what Kisame and Samehada's tongue might feel like when they fuse.
Thank you all.
Truly, it takes a village.
The chapter titles come from the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
It was on the moral side, and in my own person, that I learned to recognise the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly be said to be either, it was only because I was radically both.
B tongues the gag in his mouth thoughtfully.
This isn't the first time he's had sex, it's not even the first time he's had sex with Samehada.
But it is the first time he's had sex with Kisame.
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Mulan (Is Not Who You Think She Is)
Not every soldier lives to retire.
But some fortunate souls do.
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Rating: General Audiences Fandom: Naruto, Mulan (1998) Relationship: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna/Uchiha Madara Word Count: 699 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek
Day 4 - September 21: Fairytale retelling | Whump Wheel
The direct sequel to Mulan, the story I wrote as part of Founders Fairy Tales, this story is for @kurakura0-0​ and @dominaaurum​, both of whom encouraged me to write it and helped me to plot it.
I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for it!
Kagami chews on his lip as he laboriously wields his brush.
It's a little bit big for him, father said so, but he'd begged and begged until he'd gotten one from father's own desk. He's determined to be worthy of it and so he bends his head over the paper, copying out his own name for the eighth time this morning.
It's not easy to be the son of an imperial scholar, a man everyone says is learned and wise.
Father sits in judgement over their village, makes notes of the taxes, tells people what to do, and is always sending letters off to the capital. Uncle Itama says that his father even met the emperor once.
That's so amazing!
Kagami can't imagine what that would have been like!
But maybe, one day, if he is good, he will also become an imperial scholar and meet the emperor.
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Fathers (and Sons)
Being a parent can be tricky.
And it's not any easier when you used to kill people for a living.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Senju Butsuma/Uchiha Tajima Word Count: 2178 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek​
Day 1 - Sunday 18: Badass Kunoichi | Loss, grief, and death
This story is for @kurakura0-0​ with whom I wrote the previous story in this series, as well as @junsui4089​ who posted this artwork of these two characters.
Butsuma sips at the sake in his dish, relishing the burn of the alcohol down his throat.
Never in his entire life could he have thought he would be doing this.
Living at peace with their ancestral enemies?
A dream, a fantasy.
But, somehow, it is a dream that has come true.
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Flowers From the Heart
Sometimes you can't speak in words.
Unfortunately, metaphor is subject to interpretation.
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Hidan/Yamanaka Ino Word Count: 308 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek​
Day 1 - Sunday 18: Badass Kunoichi | Loss, grief, and death
This story is for @woofgang69​ who suggested pairing these two characters together.
So I did.
Hidan leans over the countertop and Ino nearly slaps him.
This asshole has been ordering flowers every week for six god damn months.
And it's always to a different woman.
What a dick.
Still she can't say any of that, so she gives him her most false smile. "What can I do for you today, sir?" She simpers, chanting curses in her head.
"Oh, I'd like a new bouquet today, something simple." His smile is smarmy and she hates it. "How about you put together something that you'd make for yourself?"
Oh, well then.
She'll take him at his word.
Read the rest on AO3.
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phlebaswrites · 2 years
Suns and Stars (Are the Same Thing)
Every star is a sun to its own world.
But what happens when you have a binary system?
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Ōtsutsuki Indra/Ōtsutsuki Ashura, Kanna/Taizō Word Count: 4407 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek​
Day 3 - September 20: Song fic | Quote One
“The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it, if only we’re brave enough to be it.” - Amanda Gorman
This story is for @longliveustherecklessandthebrave​ who said, “I’m more of an Ashura simp than an Indra simp but I see the appeal of Indra.”
Which made me reply, “I like both of them! But I also like it best when they get along.”
Which made me think - what if they really get along?
From that idea, this story was born.
It’s also for @kurakura0-0​ and @shinigami-mine​ for cheerleading as well as @greencuttingmat​, @dominaaurum​, and @dawen​ for specific ideas that made their way into the story!
Thank you all.
Truly, it takes a village.
"Ashura-sama! Ashura-sama!"
Ashura flinches at the sound of his name being said with such respect, almost veneration. Even as he turns around to face the speaker, one of Chichiue's disciples, he feels the almost irresistible urge to run away. The man is going to be bringing him a problem, he can already tell, and he doesn't want to hear it.
He doesn't want the responsibility of telling people what to do, he's never wanted it!
He doesn't even know what to say!
This entire situation is terrible.
Read the rest on AO3.
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