#neve kailash
t-lane-writes · 3 months
WIP Snippet Game
I was tagged by @echo-bleu a while ago... and today I finally wrote something I'm pleased with. ;)
The Specters, fragment of Scene #16
“Which yearbooks do you want to see?” she asked in a tone that suggested the less the better.  “Oh, I don’t know.” Emma tried to act nonchalant, but she was terrible at this. “How about from the year five-hundred-thirty-five until five-hundred-forty? Forty-one maybe?”  Head Librarian Jalmari gave her a long look. “Six or, maybe, seven years?” she spelled it out in a way that could be interpreted as disbelieving, or mocking. Either way worked. “Wouldn’t two be enough? Thirty-seven and thirty-eight? Also known as the Apocalypse years?”  Emma gaped at the woman unsure how to respond. She scratched behind her ear and looked for help with Anaher, like she suddenly wasn’t sure.  She didn’t want to find Neve’s mother. In this moment it became painfully clear that Emma Lee used Neve as an excuse to get to those yearbooks, without revealing exactly what she wanted to look at. The years of the Apocalypse, of course. Or the Undine Crisis, as it was called outside of Undine.  “Actually.” Neve spoke, against her better judgment trying to salvage Emma’s ruse. “Thirty-six, seven and eight might be enough. Now that you mentioned it, that would explain a lot. My mother must have died during the Apocalypse, that makes so much sense. And my records--” she spread her hands, “this is why they were lost. But yes, I was born either during the Apocalypse or shortly before it, so, if we could look at thirty-six too, that would be wonderful. Do you think you can help me?”  Madam Jalmari stared at Neve like she got struck by a lightning for a few seconds of awkward silence. Neve could swear she saw in the woman’s eyes fear and disgust. The unpleasant sensation rose in her insides like a bile and with it the desire to run. She was this close to backing away and bolting out of this room, if the librarian kept staring like this, but Madam Jalmari shook herself out of her daze.  “I will be right back,” she announced and left.  The others didn’t seem to notice Jalmari’s look. Anaher moved his hands, but Neve only understood one word, “want”. Emma replied in sign as well, “tell, see”. Neve pushed her discomfort out of her thoughts and elbowed Nersan. She was trying to learn the hand speak, but it was slow-going. When Anaher signed to her, he would slow down, made his gestures easier to distinguish from one-another. With Emma or Nersan it was a flow. A dance almost. She needed Nersan to interpret for her.  “Noel asked what Emma is hoping to find, and she said she’d tell him when she finds it,” he explained in a low voice. “They’re bickering, you know.” Both Anaher and Emma gave Nersan disapproving stares, exactly the same, like they had one mind.
Thank you for reading. :)
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lunamagicablu · 2 years
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Il KAILASH collocato su di un piedistallo di roccia striata, con la sua cupola di neve che scintilla al sole, il Kailash con la sua forma perfetta fonde insieme gli estremi dell'ascetismo spirituale e della ricchezza e bellezza materiale. I tibetani spesso paragonano la sua vetta al tetto a pagoda della reggia di una divinità o al reliquiario di un santo.
Il Kailash, La Preziosa Montagna Innevata, si erge solitario nel punto più elevato della parte occidentale dell'altopiano del Tibet, nella zona dei laghi Manasarovar e Rakas Tal.
La Preziosa Montagna Innevata viene chiamata Kailash almeno dall'epoca in cui sono stati composti gli antichi purana indù, e per gli induisti è la dimora di Shiva che vi risiede insieme alla consorte Parvati. Shiva… è il Kailash stesso, quella cima così bianca, così generosa…
Shiva è un campo di energia, una forza cosmica che, di quando in quando, adombra una creatura o un luogo, lasciando puntualmente le sue tracce nella Storia.
I tibetani ritengono che il Kailash sia il centro di un mandala, o sacro cerchio, che rappresenta lo spazio divino di Demchog, dove possono recarsi per apprendere la potenza e la saggezza che li renderanno liberi dalla schiavitù della sofferenza.
Il pellegrinaggio alla montagna, significa quindi raggiungere il "Centro dell'Universo", il punto cosmico dove ogni cosa ha inizio e fine, la sorgente divina di tutto ciò che esiste e ha significato. I pellegrini sia i laici che i lama compiono lunghi viaggi di settimane o anche di mesi verso la montagna sacra per apprendere la rivelazione che mostrerà loro la via per trascendere le passioni e le illusioni di questo mondo.
The KAILASH placed on a streaked rock pedestal, with its snow dome sparkling in the sun, the Kailash with its perfect shape blends together the extremes of spiritual asceticism and material wealth and beauty. Tibetans often compare its peak to the pagoda roof of a deity's palace or a saint's reliquary.
Kailash, The Precious Snow-capped Mountain, stands alone at the highest point of the western part of the Tibetan plateau, in the area of ​​the Manasarovar and Rakas Tal lakes.
The Precious Snow Mountain has been called Kailash at least since the time when the ancient Hindu puranas were composed, and for Hindus it is the abode of Shiva who resides there with his consort Parvati. Shiva ... it is Kailash himself, that top so white, so generous ...
Shiva is a field of energy, a cosmic force that, from time to time, overshadows a creature or a place, punctually leaving its traces in history.
The Tibetans believe that the Kailash is the center of a mandala, or sacred circle, which represents the divine space of Demchog, where they can go to learn the power and wisdom that will set them free from the bondage of suffering.
The pilgrimage to the mountain therefore means reaching the "Center of the Universe", the cosmic point where everything begins and ends, the divine source of all that exists and has meaning. Pilgrims both laymen and lamas make long journeys of weeks or even months to the sacred mountain to learn the revelation that will show them the way to transcend the passions and illusions of this world.
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eveningspirit · 4 years
I want to say a few words (to myself ;) about The Specters. I have to stop worldbuilding finally and start crafting the story. It’s going to be a plunge, I’m afraid, and into completely unknown waters, because I don’t have a clear goal in mind with regards to this story. I have a few great characters, I have a very interesting setting, but now is the time to find the conflict and the plot.
Oh, I know the conflict, it’s just... I’m not sure how those characters fit into that conflict. I guess I know the large-scale conflict, but what I need is the conflict for those characters. Maybe I simply don’t know who my main protagonist is? There is that ensemble of important characters, but I don’t think I can treat them all equally. Someone has to be the most important.
And yup, I just have to be honest with myself. It’s going to be a woman. I see one of the men as the most important to the storyline, but given how my original stories shape up so far -- it has to be a woman. It is Neve. 
There. I said it. :)
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telaviv-delhi · 4 years
India, Ladakh, Himalája
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Intermezzo, Kailash Bar, Padum:
Bálint odamegy a pulthoz, kitesz kétszáz rúpiát és kér négy feles Monkot. 
A pultos kitölti a piát és elteszi pénzt. 
A következõ körben Namgyal cimbora megy a pulthoz, kitesz egy száz rúpiát és kér négy feles Monkot.
A pultos kitölti a piát és elteszi a pénzt.
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Ha ennyire sivár a környezet, a marad a befeléfordulás, a lelki élet, abból is a melódráma. Itt van például egy francia párocska, exei egymásnak, de valamilyen szadomazochista megfontolásból mégis együtt csavarognak. És lám-lám, mondja kárörömmel a bennem lakó szakadt ká-európai, a jólét sem garancia a boldogságra. Mondtam is a minap Lars von Trier mesternek, hogy az Antikrisztus után csinálhatna egy sokhelyszínes, beteg, pervez utifilmet, melynek címe és témája a neves ukrán politikus, Satre mondása lehetne: a pokol a másik ember.
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- Tete de Boeuf, barátainak csak Böff. Külleme megejtõ keveréke egy kiöregedett, alkoholista rockzenész és a sivatagból sokéves elvonulás után éppen visszatért vándorprófétának, aki kissé meghibbant a meglelt nagy választól, valamint a magányos meditációval értelemszerûen együttjáró recskázástól. Fogkefe hiányában persze a szájhigiénét is elhanyagolta. Ha éppen nem részeg, bánatos szemmel bámulja utitársnõjét, akibe talán szerelmes, esetleg csak azt a tételt bizonyítja, hogy a szerelmet lazán túléli a féltékenység.
- Utitársa, Paola, aki a kulturális önfeladás és az idült sznobéria jellegzetes példájaként indiai névvel és ruházatban vonul Indiában. Étvágygerjesztõen nagyseggû, nagyszemû nõszemély, aki a jelek szerint módfelett élvezi, hogy sikerült meglelnie azt a játszóteret, ahol éppen a nagyseggû, nagyszemû 
nõszemélyek képezik a helyi férfilakosság recskázás közbeni fantáziálás szextárgyügyi fõszereplõjét. Értetlenül szemléli a bíztató mosolyától és ráutaló magatartásától erektáló helyi hímeket: mit akar tõlem ez a sok férfi azokkal a meredezõ izékkel?
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- Rádzsú, negyvenes macho, elsõ bemutatkozáskor általában magányos, családalapításra vágyó férfiként mutatkozik be a szebbik nemnek. Amúgy 2 felnõtt férfi apja, családapa HP 
államban, de a külföldi, a társadalmi elnyomás alól kiszabadult pinalázas csajok képezik a vadászterepét. Önmagát light muszlimnak vallja, mértékletesen, lájtosan, de fogyaszt 
alkoholt. Segítõkészen szereti a külföldieket, persze fõként akkor, ha csajok vagy pénz is elõfordul a környezetben. De amúgy is, itt nyugati haverokkal bírni státuszszimbólum, 
nyugati csajt megkúrni meg hát fasztudja, a beérkezés csendes boldogsága, Kossuth díj, a köztársasági elnök meleg kézfogása, esetleg nyelves puszi Brezsnyev vagy Orbán elvtárssal.
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Óvatosan Rádzsúval, én most szólok, nagy kópé a csávó, hamar lyuksógorságba lehet vele kerülni, aztán baszhatjátok: ragyogó mosoly, nyílt tekintet, segítõkészség, odafigyelés, a túravezetésnek köszönhetõen kisportolt test, szünni nem akaró 24/24 sárm. Ha meg akarjátok védeni a hölgyetek erényét, akkor 
kötözzétek õket a kaloriferhez. Ha nincs kalorifer, zárjátok a pincébe. Ha nincs pince (hehe, nincs), akkor marad a fürdõszobába. Ha nincs fürdõszoba, akkor bizony egykettõre leszopják Rádzsut, oh, tempora, ilyenek a mai csajok, hova jutott ez a világ.
Böff majdnem kitörte Radzsu mester és a kedves exe között szövődött románc miatt a nyakát.
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Helyszín a Kailash szálloda elsõ emeleti hátsó lejárója, sûvít a szél, szemerkél a homok. Böff kolléga már talajrészegen, egy üveg Monk rummal a kezében sajnáltatja magát, óriáscsecsemõ a grillsütõben. Kirúgott a bestia, kirúgott!!!! Oh, anyúúúúúú!. Képzeljétek,kinézte magának a legjobb cimborámat, oszt addig sürgölödött a környékén, míg sikerült megkúratnia magát. Sikerült felcsináltatnia magát egy házibulin, aztán nekem kellett abortuszra kísérnem. Anyúúúúúúú!!!!! Ésatöbbi, egyetértõen iszunk, ha már a hozzá hasonló balfasz barmok keresztényi könyörületbõl való agyonverését a törvény tiltja, kötelező posztnatális abortusz minden idióta számára. Ekkor felbukkan Rádzsu, mindenki figyelmes barátja, oszt Böff az új rokont megilletõ lelkesedéssel, karjait felemelve üvölt - háj, Rádzsú, máj friend – majd Böff eltûnik a képbõl, volt-nincs, teleportált. Bután nézünk, biztosan nem az égiek ragadták el, ennyire nem lehet istenbarma, a felszarvazottak védőszentje, Szent József is illendő temetést kapott.... Böff sajnálatosan figyelmen kívül hagyta, hogy a tibeti építményekben mellõzik az olyan polgári csökevények építését, mint pl. korlát, úgyhogy dobott az emeletről egy ötméteres hátraszaltót a betonba, egy ideig istenáldotta csend volt. Köszöni, jól van, itt-ott megrepedve, de túlélte a produkciót. Másnap reggel már a legnagyobb egyetértésben teázgatott Rádzsúval, és bár csak 5m/óra sebességgel sántikálva, de igazi mazochistához méltó lelkesedéssel inkasszálta a bármilyen eseménynek módfelett örvendező falubeliek együttérzését.
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Living together in harmony, community and loving cooperation.
Srinagárban három kézigránát robant, Dzsammuban kijárási tilalom van.
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theolympusrp · 4 years
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OOC: +18
IC: Nome terreno: Kailash Kapoor. Nome mitológico: Kali. Faceclaim: @seeratsaini_ / @aankita.b Nascimento: 15 de junho de 1993. Naturalidade: Nova Déli, India. 
Ser: Sereia. Nível: 03 Dormitório: Vulpecula (Ala 01) - Quarto 02
Twitter: @kali_olp Ocupação: Enfermeira.
Qualidades: Educada, gentil e carinhosa. Defeitos: Inflexível, reservada e debochada.   Plots de interesse: ANGST, FLUFF, ROMANCE, GENERAL, CRACK.
Biografia: Nascida em Nova Déli, na índia, Kailash vem uma família tradicional, na qual fora educada para ser a garota perfeita de sua casa, futuramente esposa. Apesar de ter nascido na cidade, seus pais são uma pequena região banhada pelo oceano índico. Hindus fervorosos, eram verdadeiros adoradores dos deuses. Eles eram a parte mais rica da família, grandes donos de lojas de jóias. Sua relação com a família era de muita proximidade, inclusive ao chegar aos dez anos de idade, começou a entender o motivo de sua mãe e pai sempre viajarem para os mesmos lugares. Sempre aquáticos, sempre banhados pelo oceano ou pelo Ganges.
A grande descoberta de sua vida foi na viagem de férias e o rio Ganges parecia lhe chamar. De imediato, achava que fosse a grande deusa do rio, mas ao adentrar nas águas, a garotinha se assustou completamente. Ela conseguia ver, ouvir, respirar, as pernas haviam virado uma cauda brilhante e bonita, a pele morena parecia brilhar por sob a luz do sol. Kailash quase entrava em pânico, até que viu sua mãe, igualzinha a ela. Ela não estava sozinha. A família se dizia abençoada pela grande deusa Ganga. Para o mundo, eram sereias, para indianos, eram uma benção divina.
Os anos seguintes foram tranquilos, mas com a adolescência chega a puberdade, hormônios, e no caso de Kailash, a descoberta dos poderes. De início, não fora fácil descobrir o que de fato acontecia, já que ela conseguia se transformar em coisas aleatórias, ou pessoas diferentes, mas seu maior problema aconteceu com a chegada de Kali. Kali era sua forma mais violenta, e havia ganhado esse em homenagem a deusa da destruição hindu, pelo poder destrutivo que lhe havia sido concedido. Kali, diferente de Kailash, era extremamente vaidosa, sedutora e era muito ligada às tradições, dançava como ninguém.
Kailash até tentou controlar sua outra persona com remédios para bipolaridade ou para transtornos dissociativos, mas de nada resolvia. tempo foi passando e sua relação com Kali havia se tornado mais amistosa, amigável. Uma era o extremo da outra, mas Kailash quando estava de Kali, sentia-se muito mais poderosa e segura. Os anos seguintes também foram tranquilos, ela estudou, se formou em enfermagem, era muito dedicada no trabalho.
Como indiana proveniente de família tradicional, aos 27 anos era a idade mais que perfeita para casar-se. Em pouco tempo a família arrumou um marido bem de vida e religioso, muitos anos mais velho que ela, e nunca havia o visto, nem conversado com ele. Foi então, que ela pensou em um modo de sair dali, e iria fugir. No dia do casamento, Kailash brigava com Kali, estava dividida entre o compromisso com a família e a necessidade de ser livre. Vestida de noiva, carregada de jóias, ela tomou coragem de fugiu com um amigo que lhe ajudou.
Levando seus pertences, ela chegou a Olympus. Um pouco desconcertada, e perdida por estar uma lugar com uma cultura muito diferente da sua, pelo menos agora tinha um emprego, e não precisava mais casar com um desconhecido. Sabia que iria aprender mais sobre si mesma
1. KALI: A primeira habilidade é de metamorfose. Como sereia, estar em forma humana é necessário para conviver em sociedade, sendo assim, Kailash pode mudar de forma, adquirindo poderes e personalidade de quem se transforma. É daqui saiu Kali, nem tão sereia e nem tão humana, sua forma mais violenta e poderosa, como Kali, a sanguinária. Ela tem todos sentidos mais apurados, pode sentir cheiros de sangue e pontos vitais à longas distâncias, pode sentir batimentos cardíacos em um raio de 2km. Sempre sabe onde acertar, podendo ser fatal o ataque. Caso seja atingida por algum eventual ataque, ela pode se atrapalhar com os sentidos, sendo muitos ao mesmo tempo, pode ficar confusa e sentir dores de cabeça. 
2. The True Water: Adquire um controle interessante por sobre a parte líquida do sangue. Kailash pode acelerar processos de cicatrização, manusear sangue ainda dentro do corpo de alguém, coagular e fazê-lo jorrar, criando uma hemorragia. Esse processo só pode ser feito em uma pessoa por vez, caso precise fazer em mais pessoas, é possível, mas torna-se menos potente, podendo ser um pouco mais demorado os processos de cura. 
3. Sanguinária: Nesse nível, adquire mais poder em relação ao domar o sangue. Pode transformar o sangue em vapor ou pedra e também estourar veias do corpo de uma pessoa ou animal. De uma certa forma o usuário consegue “controlar” seres vivos manipulando o seu sangue. Por ser um processo complexo, só é possível fazer em uma pessoa por vez, caso insista em utilizar a habilidade de maneira desenfreada, seu nariz pode vir a ter um sangramento intenso, causando-lhe grande fadiga e cansaço.
4. Manipulação da Água I: O manuseio mais simples da água lhe permite curar ferimentos leves, médios e graves. Podendo ajudar ainda mais rápido do processo de cicatrização e fechamento de feridas. Por utilizar sua energia ao manipular a água, o uso exacerbado da habilidade, dependendo da gravidade do ferimento, demanda mais energia e lhe deixa extremamente cansada.
5. Manipulação da Água II: O usuário é capaz de manipular plenamente a água, podendo gerá-la a partir do nada e controlar seu fluxo, usando-a como base para diversas formas de utilização, como formar grandes ondas, voar e até mesmo criar construtos. Se torna um poder plural, que manipula a água em todas as suas formas, seja ela sólida, líquida ou gasosa, assim podendo controlar sua temperatura também. A habilidade fica mais forte, quase incontrolável durante noites de lua cheia e em eclipses ela atinge seu auge. Utilizar a habilidade de modo exacerbado pode lhe causar uma grande fadiga em suas mãos, se houver insistência em utilizar quando estiver cansada, pode haver um sangramento intenso em seu nariz.
6. Indução de Dor Psíquica: As Sereias são capazes de induzir quantidade extrema de dor, dor forte o suficiente para manifestar sintomas físicos, tais como tossir sangue e sangramentos nasais. Mesmo estando distante de suas vítimas. Pode utilizar em até três pessoas por cerca de 4 horas, ao passar desse tempo, ela poderá sentir uma forte dor de cabeça e desconfortos, já que utiliza a mente de forma intensa.
7. Controle Climático: Utilizando o vapor d'água e o elevando até o céu, consegue mudar o clima, fazendo uma nuvem preta se formar no local, e transformar o dia ensolarado em chuvoso, criando terríveis tempestades onde estiver. Também é possível fazer uma tempestade de neve, visto que é água congelada.  Ela precisa estar muito concentrada para usar essa habilidade, se ela perder a concentração, pode ser anulada. 
8. Controle da Mente: As Sereias são capazes de entrar na mente dos outros e ler seus pensamentos e acessar suas memórias. Inicialmente elas intensificavam usando sua voz como um guia, mas desde então elas refinaram com o canto. Elas podem fortalecer isso com o contato físico, permitindo-lhes ler a mente inteira de suas vítimas e até mesmo alterar suas memórias. As Sereias podem controlar as mentes de suas vítimas. As vítimas são conscientes desta interação, pois cria uma relação psíquica entre a Sereia e seu servo. Isso lhes permite manter uma presença constante de dentro da mente. Quando os servos se afastam muito são atingidos com Dor Psíquica e sofrem hemorragias até que retornarem. Pessoas com resistência/imunidade psíquica não serão afetados, o uso excessivo da habilidade causa um certo cansaço mental para o usuário.
9. Nevoeiro: A partir de gotículas de água no ar, é capaz de criar um nevoeiro intenso e pesado, em que apenas ela enxergue por entre ele. É um ótimo mecanismo de proteção. É capaz de combinar a toxicidade de algumas criaturas marinhas com as gotículas de água presentes no ar ao seu redor, após isso, pode multiplicar tal elemento e criar um nevoeiro extremamente tóxico, podendo desde enfraquecer, até mesmo matar alguém pelo ar. Para combinar os elementos tóxicos com a névoa é necessário parte de energia de Kali, sendo possível deixá-lo ativo apenas por 10 minutos, após o período a própria sereia pode começar a sentir os efeitos do nevoeiro tóxico. 
10. Sangue Mágico: A essa altura, o manuseio de sangue e magia estão imensamente fortes. Apenas na forma de Kali, devido ao aumento de energia e capacidade de informação do sangue, também pode ser efetivamente usado para a criação de magias. Em particular, até mesmo uma gota de sangue invoca até três criaturas e monstros marinhos para trabalhar ao seu favor. Além disso, se você tem o sangue de algum inimigo, pode se impor uma maldição sobre ele, que só pode ser quebrada quando a sereia desfaz o encantamento. A maldição do mar só pode ser utilizada uma vez por dia, mais que isso o sangue de Kali fica enfraquecido, a deixando mais suscetiva à ataques.
11. Lágrima da Vida: Uma lágrima de sereia adulta, sendo ela de tristeza, alegria ou dor, é capaz de trazer alguém de volta à vida. Para que isso aconteça é preciso que a sereia crie água e misture sua lágrima em algum recipiente. A pessoa a ser revivida deve ter o líquido derramado sobre sua boca ou ferimento e seu corpo não pode estar muito debilitado. A habilidade só pode salvar uma pessoa, podendo ser utilizada apenas uma vez por evento. 
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ernaniultratrail · 7 years
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Chegou a Nova Coleção da Jaqueta Goose Pro, 3a. edição! Em breve nas melhores lojas Outdoor do Brasil! Maiores informações através do e-mail: [email protected] A jaqueta Goose Pro, 3a. edição, Dupla Face da Kailash é a evolução da Jaqueta Goose Pro II. Foi desenvolvida em parceria com os principais atletas de corrida em montanha e alpinistas de alta montanha do Brasil para ser a sua garantia de abrigo térmico sob o frio rigoroso. Aliada ao uso de um fleece e um anorak, esta jaqueta pode fazer a diferença entre você chegar ao cume de uma montanha ou não. Estruturada em gomos e preenchida com sistema inteligente de pluma de Ganso + sintético de alto desempenho, combinação perfeita para lugares de frio intenso, mantendo o vento e a umidade no seu devido lugar, ou seja, do lado de fora. Além disso, possuí gola alta e bolsos, que reforçam a proteção e ainda destacam visualmente a peça. Este casaco é extremamente leve e compactável. É possível guardá-la compactada tornando-a muito fácil de se transportar, poupando um espaço precioso em sua mala ou mochila. Além de ser dupla face e com novas cores, está mais leve e mais resistente a água. As variadas cores, facilitam o uso urbano, ao combinar mais facilmente suas cores com as roupas do dia a dia. A compra desta roupa para neve e frio intenso é indicada para que pretende fazer seu uso em montanha ou urbano, sendo uma jaqueta ideal para quem pretende viajar para lugares frios. Características: • Gola alta • Dois bolsos • Estrutura em gomos • Zíper YKK • Enchimento inteligente: Pluma + sintético
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t-lane-writes · 2 months
IDEK what this is? Six Sentence Saturday or something?
I just want to post something that didn't come out half-bad (it's a romantic scene -- an almost kiss -- and those are... difficult, lol)
Neve touched his arm. “What are you thinking?” she asked. 
Anaher took a moment before he answered. “It may be like you say.” He nodded. “Danel says Jan-Rei is a-- is a believer.” He needed to take a breath in the middle of the sentence. “Stronger than her. He would never-- do anything to endanger the-- the Specters. Extremists want to eliminate them. Kill them. She couldn’t understand why he would-- why-- why he would side with them. But if they-- That makes sense.” Talking like this was hard. He had so much more to say, but speaking and breathing at the same time, was too slow. Too exhausting. 
Even Neve wanted him to stop. “I know,” she interrupted him once, then one more time. “I know what Danel is thinking. Yes. That makes a lot more sense, for both of them, Troy and Jan-Rei.” She held both his hands now and begged him – without words – not to speak again. 
“I’m alright, Neve,” he told her and took her palms in his, squeezed them reassuringly. “Talking doesn’t make things worse. It’s just annoying. And requires patience. From others.” 
“Like me.” Her eyes shifted away from him, and she bit the inside of her cheek. “I'm not very patient, sorry.” 
He reached to touch her chin and pull her face upward. 
“I’m not upset,” he signed, smiling at her at the same time, making sure she read his expression along with the words. 
She blinked, like she understood something, but not exactly the message he had for her. Something else.  
He was still holding her face, a light touch, barely there. His thumb near her lips. And she watched his face with sharp intensity. The tip of her tongue slid out, as her eyes wandered to his lips and then back up. His thumb traced the drop of moisture, instinctively. She held her breath. 
She was so young! What? Four years older than Troy? She was a woman, though, Anaher felt it with primeval clarity. 
He let his hand fall to his side, breaking the spell, but its effects lingered. He would never see Neve in the same way, and he was afraid what that meant. 
Neve’s heart pounded in her chest almost as if they kissed. 
She found him attractive, she did, but she never went further than admitting that. And now she not only was ready to shout it out to the whole world – she was ready to act on that attraction. 
He was not, though. Of course. Why would he? 
Neve took a few steps to increase the distance between them. She frantically searched for something – anything – that would let her change the subject.  
Not tagging.
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t-lane-writes · 23 days
I'm very pleased with how Neve's conversation with Helena turned out. I believe readers will be sufficiently confused as to wtf Neve is doing and whether she really is going to abandon Anaher (whom she's falling in love with already) and Emma, and follow their nemesis.
Helena spoke like such a smart and progressive person, but she voiced a lot of understatements that Neve interpreted the way she wanted, not the way they were really meant.
I'm such a good writer. :D
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t-lane-writes · 25 days
Back on track. :)
Yesterday I wrote 'about' chapter #48. Some changes may happen there, because it doesn't move the story forward all that much, but I'll only be able to see what else can fit there while doing the next round.
Today I edited scene #49. Corrected Neve's emotions in her confrontation with Helena Reeves. Neve naively believes that she's aware of Helena's manipulations and she's manipulating Helena right back. Well. No, Neve. You're nowhere near Helena's skills in that department. Not to mention all those glasses of wine she had you drink to dinner...
But the history of Neve's mother is now stated clearly and comprehensively, so that thread is sorted out. Still a mystery, though -- where did she come from and how powerful she really was. Or rather -- what does it mean for Neve? Is she as powerful as her mother?
That we shall see...
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t-lane-writes · 5 months
The Characters of The Specters
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Allow me to introduce you to the main characters of The Specters, the story I’m working on now.
Characters make people interested in a story. Readers connect with characters and want to know what happens to them. With those characters they set out on an exciting journey, share hardships and joys.  
For a writer, characters are extensions of themselves. It is difficult to create a character that is fundamentally different from their author. Not impossible, but difficult. Then again, even if we make them extrovert instead of introvert, or a person of faith, while we are atheists, those characters still speak about some of our truths. Perhaps those we hide even before ourselves?
Those characters are a part of me, that’s for sure. I hope someday, some readers will connect with them as well.
Neve Kailash  
Neve is searching for her true identity. Orphaned as a baby, she never knew her parents and she believes, if she found them, it would give her clarity. She wields the power of elements, but her abilities were never officially validated. If not her origin, then perhaps her purpose could be her truth?
At the start of the story, Neve is a small caliber felon. As the story progresses, she becomes a catalyst of change for a few people who choose to help her – for their own, more or less selfish, reasons. Her life changes too. She finds friends, love and a new family she belongs to not because they share genetics, but because they share the same goals and principles.
Noel Anaher
Anaher is the Sovernguard Authority who decides to help Neve and officially validate her abilities. She reminds him of himself, when he was younger.
Anaher thinks he’s happy in his life. He has friends, high social status and a teenaged brother under his care, whom he loves very much. Obviously, something is missing, though, because he decides to risk it all, by helping Neve. Consequences are not what he expected — he doesn’t get punished by his superiors. Instead, he learns that his best friend was hiding an important part of her life from him, his brother runs away from home, and then Anaher has to take even bigger risk in order to avoid charges for endangering another teenager – his brother’s best friend.
Struggling with his deteriorating health, Anaher faces the danger. At least his old friends, as well as the new one – Neve – are by his side.
Emma Lee
Emma is Noel Anaher’s best friend. She is also the daughter of a man, who made history ten years ago – but not in a good way. He is seen as a bad person and an enemy of the state. And if everything people say about him is true, Emma should consider him evil as well. That’s why she tries her best to prove that all those tales are false – and she loses herself in that quest.
Anaher worries about her, so she starts to hide her research for him. That’s when Neve comes into the picture and Emma finds that some things from Neve’s – mysterious – past, seem connected with her father.
On her journey Emma has to learn that whoever her father was, does not define her. Her love for him, her fond memories of him, do not make her bad, even if he was bad. Or maybe he wasn’t? But that does not speak about who she is, either. Emma finds her identity alongside Neve – in her relationship with her friends, with the man she loves. And within herself.
Nersan Ziya
Nersan is the man Emma loves. And who loves her above all else. All he wants is her happiness. He wants to be happy with her, but a voice in his head keeps telling him he doesn’t deserve anything good. He’s a liar and a cheater and he is hiding a very important, and shameful, part of his past from everyone around him.  
As Anaher searches for his brother, Emma searches for the truth about her father, and Neve searches for her own truth, they come across Nersan’s secret. It nearly leads to their falling apart, but instead, friends choose to trust each other, because reaching their common goal depends on that trust.
In the end Nersan will realize how much he means to the people around him, and how much they respect him.
Would you feel connected to any of those characters?
As I was writing this post, I realized that they are all a reflection of me, at this exact point in my life. I’m still looking for my identity, separate from my parents – mother mostly. I’m still afraid to express my needs, because I see them as less important than the needs of other people. Is it because I don’t think I deserve good things? That, I don’t know.
But whoever said that writing is therapy, was definitely right
(give me a like on WordPress )
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t-lane-writes · 1 year
Tell us about Specters! Anything new? (if not, tell us anyway, I love to read anything you have to say about it :))
Well, not much new, however I did start writing chapter #30 yesterday. It's a mess, so nothing to share in terms of actual words, but.
But I can provide a short summary. Let's see...
So, Neve had always wanted to find her parents. Her mother, actually, because her father's family kept tabs on her all the while she was raised in an orphanage. Ugh, awful people.
When her last chance at learning anything useful about her Mom fell through, she decided she wouldn't care about it anymore and would instead focus on her future. She found a man she could blackmail into helping her join the rank of the Sovernguard -- an elite force protecting people from sort-of supernatural beings.
Anaher and his friends helped Neve.
Meanwhile one of those friends, Emma, discovered that Neve's past may be connected to her past and she began the investigation, which unearthed things Neve could never have imagined.
Meanwhile Anaher's teenage brother ran from home. The Team soon discovered that he probably hid among the people with whom Nersan, Emma's boyfriend had worked many years ago. And hid it from Emma and Anaher.
Um. Complicated?
Anyway, now the Team is with those people, Anaher tries to convince his brother to come back home, Emma is angry that Nersan was keeping secrets from her and Nersan worries what his former friends are planning, because it doesn't look like anything good.
Everyone forgot about Neve a little here. She's never been one to rely on others too much, though, so she's just calmly doing her thing. She's trying to help her new friends, of course, but she's also looking for answers to her own questions.
And that's where I'm at right now. :) Chapter #30.
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t-lane-writes · 1 year
Here’s another update on my progress on The Specters. :)
Emma’s chapter after her argument with Anaher was a difficult one, and I may have blocked on it a little. She’s chaotic, unpredictable and right now she’s really not in a good place emotionally. She needs guidance and that’s what Anaher was for her for...pfff, many, many years.
I accidentally realized one thing -- the only time he was not near her, since they first met, when she was twelve, was when he went away to take care about his little brother Troy, for about half a year, when she was seventeen. Back then she was really upset about this, she felt he abandoned her, and it caused a huge rift between them for longer than that half-a-year. And here, he’s not paying attention to her and her problems, again because of Troy. Important thing is that she realizes that.
See, Emma is a very self-aware person. There’s her emotions and there is her logical thinking, and they are not aligned. In fact, they often tell her opposite things, and it’s tough being her when she’s caught in between. Anaher and Nersan usually help her navigate that, but at this moment Anaher is focused on his brother and Nersan lost her trust, because of all the secrets he kept from her (which weren’t as serious. it was more a “lie of omission”, than a deliberate, malicious action).
But she came on top, sort of. At least, she made the right decision under the circumstances -- to come back with Anaher to Majid and take Troy with them, because he really needs help. However, that was a logical decision. Her emotions weren’t dealt with at all. They are still in there and she will have to address them at some point.
Then there was Nersan’s chapter -- two, actually -- and those were surprisingly easy. I had a dialogue for one of them written already, so it was about adding some reactions and thoughts. The other one dealt with a situation I thought so much about before, it almost wrote itself.
Nersan stayed in the Extremists camp with the youngsters, Danel and Jan-Rei, because Danel asked him for help. He’s going to keep an eye on them, and together they have Things(tm) to discover.
He’s also under the influence of his former friends, Wendi and Willem, and Wendi is such a bad seed. Ohhh. I like how I wrote her in this chapter and how I wrote Nersan’s reaction to her. The dread, the creeps. Yeah. Sweet (in a “sour” sense).
Emma, Anaher and Neve are back in Majid now and Danel and Jan-Rei’s parents, the Bessarions, demand answers. Why didn’t you bring our children back? Huh? HUH?!?!
Emma and Neve are summonned to their boss’s Agatha Itra’s office, by Aneshka Bessarion, and it’s Neve who explains that Danel is an adult and Jan-Rei is an almost adult. And they are protected by Nersan. Aneshka isn’t exactly satisfied by that answer, but then Emma, in her rude manner, tells her to suck it. Well, Emma will Emma. *shrug*
After that, Emma expects Neve to tell Agatha about her encounter with Leanor Bessarion (the relationship to other Bessarions is distant) and what Leanor had told her. As a result, Emma and Neve get a name of a guy they’d met briefly before, who is a University scholar, and who will not, never, ever help them access the documents at the University, that they want to access. Agatha advises them to not ask. To not even try.
Yeah. Like they will listen.
And that’s where I’m at. It’s a wrap on Chapter #36
@echo-bleu you’re tagged. ;)
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t-lane-writes · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
I was tagged by @aohendo, thank you! :)
My words were: library, list, light, lift, and lyric.
Helena gave them access to the library and the documents therein. She introduced them to the librarian, and also offered to leave her aide, Esmond, with them. Emma refused of course, expecting Esmond to be Helena’s spy rather than help.
Helena nodded and asked the librarian, with exaggerated politleness, to answer all of their questions and help them find whatever they might need. No doubt she also expected the librarian to report to her later.
The harbor wasn’t overly crowded when Anaher got there. Another team was getting ready for their usual daily patrol. Sovia Mernaz, Emma Lee, and Nersan Ziya were deep in pre-launch diagnostics of their vehicle, Piers was changing batteries on the drones and Risa just drove up with the fuel tank. Chatri hadn’t arrived yet.
Emma saw him first and handed her list of diagnostic check-ups to Sovia, who only rolled her eyes and kept to her work.
“I’ll call Agatha,” Emma raged. “They can’t make us do public service every day! We have to earn our living too.”
“Don’t.” Anaher raised his hands. “It’s not up to Agatha, you know.”
Anaher nodded first and then grunted his confirmation, unsure if she could see the gesture. “Can I help?” he asked.
“I believe we can help each other.” The girl smirked, all mysterious and lighthearted. She kept her hands in the pockets of her jacket. Now leaned against the wall, three steps away from him, crossed her legs at the ankles and inclined her head. “You are in a bit of a pickle there, mister.”
“What’s troubling you?” Emma asked, sitting next to him. In the tight confines of their armored vehicle it was a challenge to switch positions, but she made the effort. The others were busy. Nothing urgent was happening at the moment, though, so they could have a chat.
Noel looked up at her and shrugged. Waved his hand in a “Nothing,” gesture, but avoided her gaze and when she kept staring, he self-consciously lifted his hand to fix the bundle of long hair on his nape. Another tell.
“Come on,” Emma said. “Spill it. Is it Troy?” His brother was the usual source of Noel’s worries. Annoying little brother, Emma thought, but tried not to show it too much.
Noel sighed and tensed briefly. Then slowly – and consciously – relaxed his shoulders and chest.
No lyric in this story. :)
I am not tagging anyone. Forgive, me please. :)
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t-lane-writes · 2 years
Changes Tag Game
desperatlytryingtowriteabook said:
I don’t know if anyone ever did it (if so, please tell me!), but I thought it’d be fun to share a few changes (between 5 and 10) that occured between your first ideas for your WIP and what you have for it now, be it a finished piece or still in progress.
This is such a great idea for a tag game! Thank you for tagging me, Tin! :)
Okay, I’ll go with The Specters, because I’m editing it now and, well. The changes between first idea and this thing now are, whoa, too big to sum up, I think. The whole plot, obviously, how the characters first met.
However, I can list the changes that I’m seeing now, between the first and second draft, as I read the latter.
1. Emma’s motivation. It was vague, now it’s precise and clear -- restoring her late father’s good name.
2. Nersan’s backstory, and whole characterization because of it. He used to be so mild, and goody-two-shoes, and his only priority was Emma. Now, I decided that he had lied to Emma when they first met, then he fell in love with her and she with him, and it was too late to tell her that... he had been among those who are to blame for smearing her father’s name. But, in the course of the story, he will have to own up to that lie.
3. Neve’s motivation. She let herself be pulled by the events of the story, this way and that. Now she’s shaping it up. She sees the clues that will help solve the mystery and insists the whole team should follow them.
4. Anaher’s leadership skills and focus. He used to be uncertain, then focused only on his personal goals. Now he listens to Neve and while, at this -- the midpoint of the story, he’s still not yet brave enough to see that he has to leave his cozy life and dive all-in into the danger, because no one else can “save the world”, he is on his way to becoming that person, soon. And I’m on my way to make that transition plausible. ;)
5. Helena, the villain. The biggest change, I think, is that I know what she’s up to. It’s important to know that, lol. Also, she didn’t even exist in my earliest ideas, so there’s that.
There’s a lot more changes, of course, but they all result from the gist of the story -- the characterization.
I’m tagging: @echo-bleu, @hithelleth, @memento-morri-writes, @drippingmoon, @kosmosian-quills, and @aohendo. As always -- no pressure.
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t-lane-writes · 4 months
This is my (new) Intro Post
(updated January 2024) 
Hello Writeblr! 
I’m T.; you may call me Tes. I am a writer, and here are the stories that possess my heart and mind: 
Works In Progress
#1 Crystal Spring Valley 
Adventures of one Priya Samir of clan Karga, as she discovers that things she was told as a child raised in a prominent household, do not reflect reality outside of it. Tenney of Clan Cheriga plays a big role in Priya’s “education”.  
Genre: Fantasy, but without magic or dragons. It has three races of humans, though.  Tag line: A Princess tires to escape the Rebels, but realizes they aren’t wrong, so she joins them and becomes their leader.  Stage: Draft No. 3. Still undergoing a lot of changes, ha… But also smoothing out the kinks, so I can say it’s advanced.  Planned word-count: Probably about 120 k. Maybe more.  WIP INTRO: Crystal Spring Valley [on wordpress] 
#2 The Specters 
Neve Kailash wants to know who she really is. What her past is, and how she could shape her future. Together with Noel Anaher, Emma Lee and Nersan Ziya, three friends who brave to help her, they stumble across a much bigger adventure. They fight wind, water and fire, but also people whose prejudice and bigotry put the whole world at risk. 
Genre: A cross between science-fiction and fantasy. People do elements’ (earth, water, wind and fire) magic, but there is a scientific in-world explanation for their powers.  Tag line: Three Friends meet a Stranger whose demands send them on an expedition that changes their understanding of the world.  Stage: Second draft in progress  Planned word-count: About 80 k? But knowing me, it will turn out longer. WIP INTRO: The Specters [on wordpress]  The Characters of The Specters 
#4 Ananke 
Engineer Conor Jasper and his boss Coordinator Stella Zahira have a difficult decision to make. Lives of half-a-million people traveling on a starship Ananke depend on it. Unfortunately, they put too much trust in Cora, the artificial intelligence system. 
Genre: Science-fiction. Like, hard science-fiction. Perhaps I didn’t get an astrophysics degree to write it, but I try to sound like I did.   Tag line: When two rivals are faced with an inevitable disaster, they overcome their animosities to prove human minds can beat destiny.  Stage: Rewriting to make it shorter  Word-count: 40 k, but I want to make it less than 20 k.  WIP INTRO: Ananke 
#5 Black Wings 
Kenaed had survived a tragedy ten years ago. Frankly, the whole settlement of Angerona, nearly three thousand people, had survived it. People are damaged in various ways (mental trauma, disabilities, grief), but they are about to face even bigger threat. Are they ready? 
Genre: science-fiction. Sociopolitical.  Tag line: Humans’ efforts to terraform a planet are thwarted when some decide to save intelligent indigenous life.  Stage: Draft One  Planned word-count: over 100 k. WIP INTRO: Black Wings   The World of Black Wings [on wordpress] 
#6 Duke and the B Brothers 
Folami Bolaji Brussard has no choice, but to join her brothers’ pirate spaceship crew. Dominic Mitchell, the pilot of said ship, will turn her world upside down. 
Genre: science-fiction. Sociopolitical.  Tag line: Space Pirates join the race to find a treasure. They end up flipping the world order on its head.  Stage: Characterization is ready, as is detailed plotline.  Planned word-count: between 60 k and 100 k.  WIP INTRO: Duke and the B Brothers [on wordpress] 
Other stories, not on backburner anymore, but still accessible, and one that’s only an idea at this point: 
#3 Sentira, #7 The Ribbon, #8 Choices and Chances 
#9 The Mars Idea 
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t-lane-writes · 1 year
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(please, visit my pro-blog and give me a like or something ;) The Specters)
The Specters
I’m very happy to say that I have completed the first draft of The Specters. The first ideas for this novel date from, I think, 2017. Then I changed the characters that were supposed to play the main roles. Then the plot took a completely different shape and I thought one of the main characters was supposed to sacrifice themselves at the end. But at the same time I didn’t know almost anything about politics, social relations and the backstory of the world. There were So. Many. Mysteries. Like… Nobody knows how that works. Nobody knows why this happened. Children in the fog.
Now. Now I know a lot more and thanks to that the characters are a lot more aware of their surroundings. And, well, the sacrifice is not needed anymore, what makes me very happy, because I don’t like when main characters are killed. There are so many other (better) ways to show the unexpected and the tragic.
Okay, but what is The Specters about? Here’s a synopsis.
Noel Anaher, Emma Lee, and Nersan Ziya are members of the Sovern Guard. It’s an elite group of people with the ability to sense a very dangerous entity, called the Specters. They protect “regulars” – people who do not have that power. When Neve Kailash, a small-caliber felon, blackmails Anaher into helping her search for her mother, they all have to leave their comfort zones far behind. Emma Lee has an ulterior motive to help Neve – this search can help her find answers to her father’s disappearance ten years ago. While they are away, though, Anaher’s brother goes missing, along with a son of their boss. Now they are in trouble – the boss even threatens to arrest Anaher. After some negotiations the Trio, along with Neve, go out to search for the two teenagers and during the rescue mission, a thing from Ziya’s past comes to light. People he used to know are searching for a way to rid the world of the threat of the Specters once and for all. However, what they want to do may also endanger every living being. Personal goals cause rifts between friends and for a moment they go their separate ways, pursuing what each of them thinks is the right thing to do. When it is obvious that their Enemy is ready to take action, they are reminded of what really matters. Not before a mass casualty event, though, and Anaher getting critically injured. While the political authorities want to take revenge for the damage the Enemy caused, the friends – now all four of them united in one goal –believe that the answer is in pursuing their initial search for Neve’s heritage and the explanation of Emma Lee’s father’s disappearance. Far in the uncharted territories they discover a place where Emma’s father stayed right before he vanished. But their Enemy finds that place too, and there, a final confrontation takes place, during which Emma risks her life. She finds unexpected truth about the nature of the Specters and a possibility to learn things about their world that no one ever imagined. And even though the Team defeats the Enemy, Emma finds herself missing the new connection with the Specters she was allowed to experience for a brief moment. 
I’m so excited to explore this world further, to find more hidden truths that I haven’t discovered yet. I put in on a shelf now, though, for a few months. I will write other stories, while this one rests before the next draft.
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