#noah as a dad
starsomens · 6 days
year 1
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1-3 months
Have a new baby at home was almost like having a guest in your home. Only your life revolves around them now and you’re constantly worried if they’re okay!
When you had gotten home from the hospital Keaton insisted that he was still sleepy and so stayed asleep meanwhile you and Noah were freaking a bit
“Is he supposed to sleep that much?”
“I mean his is a newborn so I guess it’s normal……is he breathing” *proceeds to put his finger under his nose “okay he is”
Keaton was more a day sleeper rather than at night….big problem. Here you were in your rocking chair trying to get him to sleep at 4:17 am. Your eyes were heavy, your arms felt like rock and you were really just ready to knock out right there. You didn’t tell Noah since he had some things to get done tomorrow
After half hour passed Noah came in rubbing his eyes and took Keaton from you
"Come on babe, it's my turn to watch him,"
"are you sure...*yawwwn* you have that meeting later today, I'll be-"
"Not gonna hear it. Get to bed now missy,"
You were so grateful to have Noah there to help you with as much as he does
Feeding, changing, bathing and night shifts were shared but he always made sure to take on a majority so you could rest more. While he did work still, he worked from home and if he had to take the whole day to help you he did.
The one thing that he did worry about was how small Keaton was. He was just so tiny in comparison to him. He held his entire body in his two hands!
He loved to do skin to skin, especially before going to sleep or while doing work at home. He knew that it was essential for bonding and just overall good for the baby. On top of that he really did enjoy just having Keaton lay on his chest and fall asleep.
When it came to breast-feeding, he was a very big help. He would help to get a good latch or he would help you with the breast pump and remind you about times and switch. Help you moisturize them to keep them from getting dry and cracked
There were nights where he would put Keaton to sleep. While he was in the rocking chair, he was just stared down at him while he stroked the soft hair on his head with his finger.
“ never really thought that I would be a dad…. Once we found out about you, it really did change everything. I swear I’m never going to leave you you need me”
He wants to give him the best life possible and the best dad that he can
3-6 months
So much development! Noah is just taken away by it! Now he's mimicking his faces, and sounds and he will spend HOURS just making faces and sounds or copying him
"babe, babe! Look he's copying me screaming face!" and he'd make his face then turn Keaton around to show you his face
He is convinced Keaton is more advanced than most kids so every time you go to the doctors he's just waiting for them to say they're perfect
the more he grows the more he looks like Noah but with your eyes. You spent 9 months carrying a copy of your husband for him to be his exact copy, but, he did take your attitude and personality
Noah swears that he gave him stank eye when he took the bottle away from feeding and said it looked exactly like you did
"Of course he is! Look at him!"
Noah Love tummy time with Keaton he was just so cute the way he smiled and giggled and tried to hold his head up. And yes He's let his head fall right on the floor and yes Noah has laughed while kissing his head better
Keaton seems to have a thing whenever Noah watches him that he just blows his diaper up almost on purpose. Noah thinks Keaton is entertained by it since he always giggles when he changes his diaper with a stank face.
yes Noah has gotten peed on
Keaton for the most part was a calm baby and seemed to like and be comfortable on schedule and would sleep and eat around the same times unless something happened
Whenever the guys are over he does hover. He hates to be called one and to admit it, but he is a helicopter parent (and it's really cute)
He 10000% takes milestone pictures every month to treasure his growth. Which by the way has cleared a wall in his studio to hand pictures of you guys on it.
Although he loves being hands on he also loves to watch you be a mom. The Keaton looked at you, how loving and soft you looked as a mom. The way your body has changed to create your baby always amazes him.
7-12 months
Keaton was now going through some changes and shifts some were better than others, including you not going to him as often when he cried. Which you hated and honestly Noah would just give in too because in his words it's
"dumb as fuck"
CRAWLING! EVERYWHERE! He underestimated how fast babies can be when they crawl But he loves to lay on the floor and let Keaton just crawl all over him or come and plop his body on his face
By now you're body has healed pretty well but still had some baby weight on you and Noah thinks you still look incredibly sexy
"but Noah look at this,"
"the body that popped out my beautiful son? Yeah I love it, now stop shit talking yourself before to bring Keaton to slobber on you"
Uses his baby as a threat against you by hold him above you and just letting his drool drip down on you (pure evil)
Speaking of drool, he's ben chewing on everything to get to his itchy gums. You noticed he started to grow teeth at around 7 1/2 month when he gave you an open mouth "kiss" you felt something rough and it was teeth! You R A N to Noah
"TEETH!" and you just opened his mouth to show him the small stubs of teeth growing from the front gums. You were just glad you didn't catch it while you were breast feeding, welp, that means he's gonna have to bottle but you pump what you can
Now weening him was a little difficult. Even your pumped milk wasn't enough for him
"I mean, if you refused to give me your boob I'd cry too-" "Noah!"
Eventually through a lot of crying and one or two tantrums, he was moved on to bottles, now the issues was drying out your milk or whatever else was left
"If you want my hands are really big so I can just-"
"are you offering to milk me?"
As for talking you guys have been trying to get him to say mama or dada any chance you got, but now it was a secret competition of who he would say first
Noah would basically spam him with the word Dada or Papa while you weren't around, and all lil Keaton would say was "mmmm" "buh. Buh" and blow raspberries
Now he did say his first words and it was when you had to go to a doctors appointment and he was getting fussy
"Say bye-bye to mama bud, she's gotta go"
"awh baby, I' don't want o leave you ether," you said kissing his chubby cheeks "mommy will be back soon okay?" while you hand him over to his dad he starts to whine and pout for you and said
"mama" in his sad voice as he chews at his cubby hand wanting you to stay
"HE SAID MAMA! HE SAID MAMA! Yes baby! I'm mama, that's me baby" you were ecstatic, while Noah was a bit disappointed he was still so proud to hear him say his first word, and at 8 months! You were a bit late to your appointment but hearing your baby say mama was much more important than the doctors.
but one of the biggest surprises was when he walked for the first time, and yes you both cried. It was actually at rehearsals for an upcoming show near home so you went with the guys and of course Keaton had his sound protection you were on the side of the stage holding Keaton up by his hands as you encouraged him to dance as his father sang. As he bounced up and down he was also padding his feet a lot and was just so excited for his daddy who was just out of reach
You start to move with him one foot at a time as he started to walk just a bit faster seeing how much closer he was getting to Noah, Noah turned and he saw you walking with Keaton as he held on to your fingers and crouches down with a big smile on to his knees holding out one of his arms
and just like that he let go of your fingers and stumbled his way to Noah, tripping on the last step but caught by his papa, Noah just picks him up and hides his face in his little shoulder and you know he felt emotional. An entire year went by and he didn't know how it went by so quickly, how much he had grown and how much you both had grown as parents, he comes over to you and kisses your head as Keaton just giggles as you both smoosh him in a kiss
"well, one year down."
「🍼taglist」: @badomensls @darling-millicent-aubrey @lma1986 @sanchez099 @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @flowery-mess @veronicaphoenix @malerieee @calleyx13
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wardingoffevil · 1 year
Noah as a Dad
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📚 Noah has been ready for a family since he was a young kid. He grew up quickly, taking care of his little siblings, so he is beyond excited.
📚 This man will be a dream as a father. Patience, devotion, admiration, support—whoever marries and has his children is going to be living a fairytale.
📚 BIG family!
📚 No one will be as calm and patient during their kids’ births than Noah. Everything’s packed and ready to go weeks/months in advance.
📚 Up at all hours of the day/night helping take care of the baby. No need to worry. He’ll let you sleep in.
📚 Noah is protective of his children, but not suffocating. He gives them freedom but will still know where they are at all times.
📚 Breakfast is always made when you wake up, lunch is packed, dinner just needs heated, and house is clean when you get home—Noah is the dream spouse.
📚 Noah takes the kids to school and picks them up every day. He knows their rehearsals, practices, and fairs by heart. He is the one reminding you when and where they are.
📚 It goes without saying, but Noah is the one reading all the bedtime stories.
📚 Birthday parties are his thing. He enjoys the decorating and picking everything out. It makes him sentimental. As much as he hates dealing with Chelsea, he respects her opinions on decor. Bobby always comes through with the cakes and treats!
📚 Noah is the life skills master. He has the patience and diligence to teach his kids how to talk, walk, count, read, tie their shoes, drive, etc.
📚 Dating is not as scary and awkward for Noah’s children. He’s very accepting, as long as his children are treated with respect. But he doesn’t give second chances if they are hurt.
📚 Noah’s youngest child, his daughter, is a star athlete.
📚 All of Noah’s kids’ are exceptionally good at chess. They have a vast vocabulary. They are all extremely intelligent but never arrogant about it.
📚 Noah’s middle child is the wild one. It’s his son. He enjoys no rules and living a carefree life.
📚 Noah cries at all of his kids’ graduations and weddings. Or any significantly huge event for them.
📚 Yes, Noah gets empty nest syndrome, and it affects him for a while. He will come out of it on his own eventually.
This will most likely be the last one I do. I haven’t had motivation to do any others and I don’t think people are interested in them anymore now that LITG is on a hiatus. It was fun while it lasted! 🖤
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tending-the-hearth · 9 days
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*stares at jack darby and miko nakadai and raf esquivel and charlie watson and noah diaz and kris diaz*
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ccircusclwn · 6 months
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What would you do if your daughter told you she was going to participate in the very show that ruined your life??? probably die honestly
BONUS::: Noah breaks the news to Alejandro
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n04hfiction · 1 month
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Girl Dad Huskerdust HCs
Content/Warnings (If applicable) : fem!implied reader, profanity, daughter!reader goes to the age ranges of a young toddler to a teenager, brief mentions of alcohol + profanity
Proofread? : ✅
A/n : I think it’s a serious problem that I have parental HCs for nearly every Hellaverse character. I need to be stopped. (Or don’t, I don’t care)
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Honestly, depending on your age, the “stricter” father definitely flip-flops here and there
For instance, when you are a young child, Angel is the “stricter” father, even if you don’t have the concept to understand what that entirely means, he’s the one who baby-proofs every thing while Husk kinda lets you run wild
But as you grow and get into your teen years, Angel becomes a lot more laid back, while Husk tends to be more picky about what he allows you to do
Mainly because Husk never imagined himself as a father, so in the beginning, he is sorta unsure, so for him, anything goes, but as you start to age he gets a grip and with that, comes strictness
When you are a younger child, Angel is 100% dressing you until you decide to do that on your own (part of him hopes you’ll let him dress you forever). He’s very protective of you when you’re a toddler/younger child, Hell isn’t always a safe place, everything even slightly unsafe or tempting is gated or baby-proofed
As you age, like I said, Ange is much more lenient. He’s ready to watch you rock the world! Wanna go out to a party? For sure! Be home by 2, go nuts! Have a crush? Great! Your old man will help ya out! Wanna get drunk as fuck? Fine, just do it in the house!
Honestly, Husk is a bit of a confusing father, to say the least. He’s lowkey freaked out by the idea of toddlers and younger children, so when you’re in your first few years he lets Angel take the lead, he kinda watched and observes his behaviors.
Which leads Husk to being more cautious of a parent as an adult (Learned from his hubby, that’s for sure). Even though him and Angel are far from over, he’s still very cautious about the idea of love, so he’s very sketchy about your relationships with boys (or girls! He doesn’t judge!)
When events like your first day of school, first boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, first heartbreak, homecoming, prom, etc - You may think Angel is the one to get emotional, but it’s actually Husk - Angel is just as excited as you are, getting you dolled up and whipping out his camera to take pictures, but deep down, Husk is honestly sad that his baby girl is growing up - Especially cause he was too tense in the beginning to really enjoy your younger years
Seriously though, Husk is happy you’re a bit older, he feels like he’s able to have more of a connection with you. He likes it when you come to the bar and just sit there and talk, even if you’re only drinking a juice box.
Husk still doesn’t know how to talk with a teenager all that well, but he’ll ask you how school is, and how you’re friends are, he wants to show that he takes a genuine interest in the other aspects of your life.
Angel on the other hand is very eager to walk with you through your teenage years, he’s the dad that all of your friends think is cool as fuck, but you think he’s crazy embarrassing. He’s the kind of dad to also be friends with your friends. He’ll come in your room during sleepovers and do your friends makeup, skincare, nails, ect
Despite the fact that Angel does pretty much let you run wild once you get older, he’s very strict on safety, in every aspect. - He doesn’t want you to get fucked over like he did, and he doesn’t want that to destroy you, he really does try his best to guide you on a different path, any path that isn’t the one he fell down
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noahsbsf · 5 months
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Noah and his parents at pride!!
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madomens · 6 months
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dad noah 😭😭
( @spicywhenspeaking )
i died making this thank you😩😩
(all found on Pinterest)
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
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Total Drama Future Au designs 6 and 7!
Noah and Owen are both 38 in this AU
After the Ridonculous Race, Noah was DONE with the drama, so he and Owen agreed to marry and settle down.
Noah became a librarian, Owen became a Sports Announcer.
On April 1st, 2013, Ripper was born. He was a trouble child, and he got on their nerves sometimes, but they loved him regardless.
Noah and Owen also stayed in contact with many of their friends from Total Drama.
Noah quite enjoys his (mostly) quiet life, with his husband and son as company.
Owen always tries his best to spice Noah's life up in creative ways. After all, there's nobody else he'd rather be married to! He also won't tolerate any sort of insult or backhanded compliment towards his family. (Alejandro learned that the hard way)
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nocofamilyau · 6 months
damn.. noah total drama as a dad is basically a whole genre on this site at this point
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starsomens · 25 days
We LOVE dad Noah here!
How about ummm, oh! A quick lil bubble of Noah going with reader and Eden to get her ears pierced? I know my parents took me as a baby maybe like 8-9 months? Ik some people have feelings about it but I personally am happy there did!
Anyway thank you start love you❤️❤️
A/N: omg so cute!! I know my mom had my ears pierced when I was around 6 to 7 months or so. Maybe a little bit younger, but my dad was definitely very upset I was crying when it happened.😭😭
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Noah was holding Eden in his lap and bouncing his knee. The month old, simply just enjoying being held by her father. Noah was internally freaking out about her ears being pierced. Of course you’re both OK with her. Having earrings and logically speaking doing it now will be better for her since she won’t remember the pain. Either way it was a quick pinch and should be over in just 10 minutes.
However, on the way over to the establishment started to freak out a little bit. Knowing that the piercing would make her cry. So no he was giving options about waiting until next week or trying to find a place that numb her ear and pierce it instead.
But you were reassuring him that she would be fine and she wouldn’t even remember it after five minutes. So now you had a pouty husband to try and comfort while he was waiting in the chair as the employee was readying the needle and earrings. Of course Noah being who he was for his princess got her only the nicest and highest quality earing and piercer. Making sure to look into reviews on how they are with kids.
"Alright are we ready?" the young girl asked. Her bright smile such a contrast to her piercings and tattoos. She was just lovely to speak with as she explained the process "Alright dad, we're going to try and pierce her ears nice and quick. So I'll need to you to hold her head and make sure she doesn't move,"
Noah take the deep breath while he faces his large hand on Eden small head. Her face still not knowing what is to come and knows how was jumping out of his chest. The piercer mark a single dot on each of her loans sure that they both look even before she grabbed the needle gun. Aligning the tip of the needle on her earlobe, she says,
“ oh right, we’re gonna try to make this really fast really quick so once I’m done with this year, I’m moving right to the second one,” she reiterates she had said before “ ready? 1…..2…..3,”
And in the blink of an eye, the gun clicks as appears through her ear. It takes a second for Eden to react actually, trying to understand what had just happened as her lips starts to pout. Her little nose sniffling as a wine, and a cry starts to escape her lips. Noah’s heart broke hearing her starts to cry.
On top of that he was the one holding her head in place so that she wouldn’t move and all he wanted to do was to comfort her. And at the same time he’s never felt more rage towards someone who essentially he was paying to do this
The piercer quickly moves to the other side and pierces her ear quickly. “ Okay she’s all done, no more. I’m sorry princess” she gives an apologetic look to Noah and Eden we all know it does is turn Eden into him and comfort her. He had his signature mug shot face very upset. His baby was uncomfortable and hurting.
No one stand up from the sea, and he walks around the room, bouncing her to try and calm her down. His large hand no longer holding your head in place, but caressing the soft hair on her head as his lips kiss her forehead.
“I’m so sorry baby. I know Mommy so mean for letting the lady do that” he whispers to her and all you could do was go at him as he blamed you partially for it. Luckily you both know was Eden’s main source of calm and comfort. Now you moved to the front desk to pay for the service, eden has calmed down and her crush were reduced to small sniffles as she sucked on her finger to also calm her down.
While your card was being charged, you take a look at her earring and you were very happy with the service. She did great in Eden seem to be dealing with him much better than you had anticipated. On the other hand was still very upset.
“Babe why are you still pouting? She’s just fine”
“ Because look at her face, her nose is all red and look at her cheeks. Her eyes are red and watery still” no it was very emotional when it came to his precious little princess. He couldn’t blame him since he felt the same way. But you knew that the pain for this was temporary and she wouldn’t remember it at all by the next day. Just like when you had taken her to the doctor to get her shot after she was born.
While you walk to the car hand-in-hand, no scene to forgive you a bit more as Eden returns to her normal self. As he put her into the car seat, he takes a look at her earrings and tilts his head a bit.
“Look at my princess. Did daddy get you was pretty earrings?” he uses his baby voice with her. “Looking so beautiful, just like Mama”
He then turned to you planted a kiss on your nose. As he closes the door, he opens the passenger door for you to get into
“Oh? I thought it was my fault for letting the mean, lady pierce her ears,” you pouted at him as he crossed your arms, reiterating his own words back to him
“ maybe it wasn’t completely your fault you were right she did calm down after a while. And I guess…. You’re right she won’t remember it later on in life.”
You take a hold of his jaw gently and shake his head slightly “AWWHH look at my man admitting that he’s wrong,”
“Wrong? No, I did not say I was wrong. I still think that piercer was a bitch for making her cry,”
“Noah that’s her job, Eden was going to cry either way!” You giggle as you climb into the car
“Yeah yeah, I won’t leave a bad review” he chuckled closing the door
“Noah don’t you dare!” your muffled voice, comes from inside the car as he rounds the front and gets into the driver seat. He completely ignores what you say turns to Eden and put his hand into her car seat and tickles her little belly
“Now who wants ice cream?!” Wanting to reward her for being such a brave girl
“ oh yeah, that’s right just change the subject,” crossing your arms
“ keep that attitude up and I’ll make sure to use my ice cream for something else” he smirks at you as he turns on the car and scans your body from top to bottom
“…..fine I want my usual order and you better know it or you won’t be using your ice cream for anything” she knew what you were talking about you hear Eden giggle in the back of the car
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @lust-for-sacher @thescarlettvvitch @cind6547 @itsmrsfuentes @lma1986 @darling-millicent-aubrey @daylightlvrs @artificialbreezy @alittleblackmagic @cookiesupplier @sprokat @rafeyybabey
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ianthoni · 8 months
This is exactly why he's the "dad " of Smosh. He doesn't think Smosh belongs to any person but it's a whole with all the crew in it. He doesn't see them as workers he saw them as funny talented and intelligent friends of his and try to make them all part of Smosh and shine individually. I love this man so much. Long live Ian Hecox! The Smosh dad💖
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
Noah: Just because I let you get away with stealing the Jeep doesn't mean Stiles will...
Eli: I've come to find out that they like to solve their issues by screaming...
Noah: Yeah. Parents are yelling at their kids sometimes when their kids won't listen, Eli.
Eli: Your thinking about the wrong type of screaming. They do this kind with Dad. Alone.
Noah: ... I don't want to know anything else. Ever. Again.
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ccircusclwn · 5 months
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iii had an idea today 4 my alenoah dads au: an au inside of an au!
-> where the mudaliar-burromuerto siblings (mk and nick, who is not my oc but a design for mk's canonical brother that i posted on my blog a couple days ago ithink) accidentally find themselves back in the year in which total drama: world tour was being filmed!! and realise their dorky loveydovey gay dads were at each other's necks almost two decades ago
-> i probably will makee aa fic out of this if i get 1) the motivation and 2) the time to do it:-)
-> ii dont care about canon, alenoah in the present are almost in their 40s and worldtour was filmed way before 2010.....
-> i was thinking of adding some of the reboot characters into the mix as well but idk, mkulia'd be nice but i honestly can't see her being related to any of the cast members, maybe emma or priya for moral support? i'll figure smt out
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4rtificialfolio · 2 months
Girl Dad folio who gets her a little bike vest to match him so she can be like “dada”. Takes her on daddy daughter dates where they go fishing together; she has her own mini camping chair, a matching hat and a toy fishing rod and he sends you pics of him with his “mini me” telling you how much she loves her “fishies”. Lets her do “make-overs” where she raids your makeup bag and makes “dada look pretty” and he’d be so proud to show everyone his new style. Girl dad folio who sees her at the side of the stage, wearing big pink ear defenders, smiling and clapping for him. He buys her a custom little toy drum kit that’s the same colour as his so she can “play” just like her dada
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manhwamuneca · 1 month
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Sweet wholesome family... hehe
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