toomuchlight · 2 years
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hug your kids today and everyday. This is my son Maxwell when he was almost 2. Today he turns 22! Happy birthday, Max! ❤️🎉🎈#nofacebook #noinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd_ZFnqLrHc9aIlm_6Jx8pn8IDCeEWQ2fVfa1w0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mainenaturaldesign · 1 month
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ludmillazima · 3 years
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21. nap

“Kerek szám”. Eltelt 3 hét. Kicsit hullámvölgynek érzem ezt a detoxot, de használhatnám a rehab szót is erre a kalamajkára, ami esedékes körülöttem.
Az a baj, hogy nem igazán tudok gondolkodni, mert attól tartok, hogy bármelyik pillanatban lepottyan a jobb fülem. Nagyon fááááááj. :( 
Ugyanis, ma TITOKBAN elmentem csináltatni 2 db új, 1 db renovációjellegű és 1 db kitágított lyukat a 178 cm-es zsiráf testembe. Az utóbbit később megérted, mert így leírva/visszaolvasva nagyon furán hangzik. Ahhoz képest, hogy az első septum-szúrás majdhogynem ment élőben instasztoriban (időközben volt még egy próbálkozás az újraszúrásra, mert én a 20 centis karmaimmal szerettem volna kicserélni az ékszert, nem ment, amire odaértem a szakemberhez, addigra behegedt a nyílás…) tehát, ezt SENKINEK nem mondtam el. Sőt, még azóta sem küldtem a testmódosításaimról fotót a cukorkáimnak. Szóval, készült egy régiúj septum, majd egyszerre kettő helix és kitágította a fülemet a jóember. A jobb fülem tágítása hónapok óta zajlik, de ez már nem megy olyan egyszerűen, mint 10 évvel ezelőtt. 
Visszatérve, egyáltalán nem hatottak nyugtatóan a pc-s szavai, mert azzal “biztatott”, hogy kurvára fog fájni. - Szerintem ő az egyetlen férfi, aki nem hazudott nekem még, és felháborító, hogy meg sem próbálta. Ám, a náci zenéi igazán “megnyugtattak”, ha már a szavai nem is.
Nem tudom, hogy a XILOX-ot lehet-e ilyen fájdalmakra szedni… Ugyanis, volt 2 hónap, amikor a fogammal szenvedtem, hogy a XILOX volt a kedvenc üdítőm. >ILOVEXILOX Kellett nekem megint ez az érezzem, hogy élek fájdalom... Bosszús vagyok, hogy egy bizonyos kor felett - legyen ez a bizonyos kor 25 év - már nem úgy zajlanak a folyamatok a testemben, mint előtte... Emlékszem az első fültágításomra, akkor nem remegtem ennyire, amikor a vastag szívószálat áttépte (ezt szó szerint kell értelmezni) Enterke a fülemen.  Mi az hogy?! Ínyfékpc-t szúrtam önmagamnak 2x.  Jelenleg nagyon kis luxy/fancy baba vagyok ezekkel a különböző méretű!!! taperek-kel és fertőtlenítő spray-k-kel és és és kenőcsökkel. 
Lehet, hogy perceken belül legurul a fenti képen látható almazöld szoknyámon át a fülem a padlóra. Mindent összevetve, a tapasztalataim alapján túl higiénikus lehet a fülemnek ez az eljárás. 2021. június 9. 
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gyerekicsiim · 4 years
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cityscout · 2 years
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#berlin #streetart #streetartberlin #berlinstreetart #nofacebook (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cchv9bguTLS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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untitledrawing · 3 years
shit this is still here.
maybe i should get back to this. 
sorry to see the home grown erotica gone.
that was kind of refreshing.
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elliottkeithmusic · 4 years
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Sun running all through the house/ no lights on / just in from forwardfromIGmy walk. #nofacebook #IG, that’s enough https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbzphkJfVI/?igshid=10htujt6llr5n
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fuckusbych3s · 6 years
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Sao xóa facebook? Có chuyện gì hả? Kiếm anh khó quá!!! Sao nhắn tin không trả lời! Như người nổi tiếng vậy! --- Được 4 tháng. Được gì? Đời nhẹ hơn chỉ với một nút bấm. Ngày chỉ gặp vài người, nhắn tin vài bạn. Công việc trong email. Hết giờ mail hết nhận. Cần gấp thì gọi điện. Danh sách cuộc gọi dài hơn nhưng rất gọn và súc tích. Có vẻ cái gì mà tốn tiền thì mọi người cân nhắc kỹ hẳn. Và quan trọng, bạn biết ai nhớ mình. Và quan trọng hơn nữa, bạn biết chính bản thân mình nhớ ai. Nha Trang 2.2018 #nofacebook #nodie #ryle #chessshire (at Bãi Dài Nha Trang)
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seanborgla · 4 years
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#nofacebook #youdontneedfacebook https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCbU0IDUiA/?igshid=uy6ob3cuhqzu
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illdoitnow-blog · 6 years
Punto di partenza: nuove abitudini
Evitiamo di fare ste cavolo di liste, evitiamo anche di sprecare carta con schemi e schemini che tanto finiscono sempre per essere spezzettati in mille pezzi (per paura che qualcuno apra la mia spazzatura e scopra che sono una grande procrastinatrice). Iniziamo con qualcosa di semplice, o qualcosa che non richiede uno sforzo fisico (non sono ancora pronta per diventare una maratoneta come tutte le persone che hanno successo) e che non preveda sveglie alle 5 del mattino (come fanno tutte le persone che hanno successo).
Un addio ai social network per riprendermi indietro quelle ore che butto su Facebook e su Instagram e per dare il via alla mia “raccolta di piccoli passi per diventare una persona migliore”.
Perché abbandonare Facebook e Instagram mi renderà una persona migliore?
1)      Dovendo passare le mie giornate a studiare qualsiasi distrazione mi risucchia in un trip che finisce con me che sto davanti al telefono a scorrere la home e le pagine da studiare che non sono state toccate, intanto fuori si è fatta sera e tocca cucinare e a studiare ci si ripensa domani.
2)      Perché la mattina quando mi sveglio non voglio aprire i social e non voglio farlo nemmeno la sera prima di dormire.
3)      Perché Instagram è solo una grande pubblicità ed è diventato molto noioso
4)      Facebook è la fiera dell’analfabetismo e ogni fake news condivisa da un mio parente mi fa venire ogni volta voglia di commettere un omicidio.
Per creare una nuova abitudine la si deve inserire in una routine ben precisa, in questo caso si tratta di eliminare un’abitudine quindi si deve trovare qualcosa che la sostituisca e che ci dia lo stesso livello di soddisfazione che ricevevano da quella precedente.
Nel caso dei social network il bisogno scatta in quei momenti in cui mi sto rompendo le scatole di fare qualcosa e ho bisogno di una distrazione o i momenti diciamo morti, come quando ci si sveglia la mattina.
Nel caso della distrazione si possono sostituire con un bel libro, articoli di giornale, o un’applicazione simpatica per l’inglese (come memrise) in modo da unire l’utile al dilettevole.
Nel caso dei momenti morti invece bisognerebbe riuscire a capire che sono in realtà molto pieni e che non si dovrebbe cercare di riempire sempre ogni piccolo spazio con qualcosa da vedere, da leggere, da giocare, si può in realtà riuscire a godersi il silenzio della mattina senza per forza portarsi dietro il telefono in bagno, magari si riesce ad imparare qualcosa di più ascoltando sé stessi e lasciando il mondo spento ancora per un po’ sotto il cuscino.
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toomuchlight · 2 years
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hug your kids today and everyday. This is my son Maxwell when he was almost 2. Today he turns 22! Happy birthday, Max! ❤️May you have a long and happy life 🎉🎈#nofacebook #noinstagram — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/URtq2ZG
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kittehgrey · 6 years
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My cute little cuddle baby keeping me company 😻 #NoFacebook #WaitingForFacebookToGiveMeMyPageBack
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On the Hawthorn/Gainesville bike trail today. Payne’s Prairie and then brunch. A great way to end the holiday season. #gainesville #paynesprairie #dahon #curveslbike #spazhouse #spazhousenorthamericantour #foldingbike #classicbike #travel #nofacebook #algorithm #facialrecognition #followforfollowback #steampunk #barrymore (at Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B69D00Ih1VU/?igshid=1sscupuml7pnp
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digcommworld · 5 years
The Great Wall of China
Picture a world with no Instagram, no YouTube, not Snapchat, and no Facebook. Now I bet you’re thinking this place wouldn’t exist, it must be an imaginary thing, well, you’re wrong. This is China. It’s similar to when you were in High school, and you wanted to play Cool Maths Games on the computer, so you typed it in and it was blocked, except you knew a way around this by hotspotting off your phone. Unfortunately, you simply cannot do that in China. What we consider a part of your everyday lives, is something people who are just as, if not more technologically advanced than us, cannot do. 
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Now it may seem illogical to some that these sites are banned, however, the Chinese government claim to have good reasoning. In 2009, Urumqi riots in Xinjiang were the main reason for Facebook banning. The Chinese believed that the activists who were causing the riots were using Facebook as their main source for communication. As a result of this Facebook was then banned immediately after this.
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Now you could understand that to reduce any more attack on their country they, unfortunately, have to ban these communication sites. However, the reason for YouTube to be banned is because there were too many videos published that were slandering the government. As a result of this, instead of Youtube, the Chinese get Youku. This site is the same as Youtube, however, it is still monitored by the government and any videos that criticise them are removed.
Despite all of this, there are still ways to access these sites within China. Users have to use a VPN, which is a Virtual Private network, which essentially hides the IP address and location and allows you to choose a server from anywhere in the world. Interestingly enough, China still contributes up to $5 billion for Facebook despite it being banned. According to a report by Pivotal Research,   “Nearly 10 percent of Facebook's global revenue... comes from China”, which is insane to think that there’s a total ban on this website, yet they’re still a main contributor to Facebook's revenue.
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I’m just glad that I only had to use a VPN in high school and not for my everyday life, otherwise, I’d go crazy, being constantly watched for every online search I do, I’d be living in constant fear, I mean, more constant fear, you know being a University student with a crippling hex debt is already scary enough. 
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#facebookpage #facebook #juallikefacebook #facebooklive #facebookmarketing #likeusonfacebook #facebookads #temafacebook #facebookstatus #followusonfacebook #findusonfacebook #followmeonfacebook #facebookpost #findmeonfacebook #instafacebook #facebooklikes #nofacebook #paginafacebook #siguenosenfacebook #fuckfacebook #facebookpictures #onfacebook #facebookme #facebookgroup #facebookmessenger #addmeonfacebook #facebookmemories #facebooking #facebookfamous #facebookshop https://www.instagram.com/killerart/p/Bw4xiQ_hFXy/?igshid=y4yq2uh9o9xk
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francescaboscaiolo · 5 years
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L'article 13 a été voté, entériné, validé en UE : je constate tous les jours que la plupart des réseaux sociaux deviennent translucides. Vides. Pinterest demande de créer un compte pro, Instagram aussi. Facebook et Twitter : champs de bataille. WhatsApp : pas installée. Ouf. Je commence le nettoyage : je vais me déconnecter puis désinstaller la plupart des applications. J'espère pouvoir garder Lite, Instagram et Youtube jusqu'au vide abyssal. Pour communiquer, apprendre et partager des connaissances qui ne concernent pas la littérature. Good Night and Good Luck 😎🤘 📷 : @pinterest . Credit to owner. #article13 #euvote #endorsed #apply #nofacebook #notwitter #nowhatsapp #nomorepinterest #nomoreinstagram #nomoreyoutube #vivazapata #nihilist #nihil #goodbyehumans #goodbyeenemies #goodbyefriends #loveagainstworld #gaia #apocalypse #necessary #newworld #happyness #zen #love #faith #universe #spirituality #lightningpower #lightning #light #lightworker (à Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9FREwB2CQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rfwqo25ubb1k
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