jinx-the-otherkin · 2 months
puppetkin/marionettekin/dollkin is being mad because you were never in gymnastics as a child so you can't do backbends and cartwheels
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justanotherstardrop · 10 months
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this user is a fox
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foxics · 2 years
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𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝕶𝖎𝖓 𝕿𝖊𝖗𝖒 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖆𝖑
second new therian term for a post i made a bit ago! this one is based on the seasons! I would also like to add definitions with the suffix -kin or -kinnic are "kin for fun" or kinnie inclusive, you are all welcome here! ♡
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𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖈 / 𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖓
Seasontheric (see-son-thear-ic)
Seasontherian (see-son-thear-e-an)
a therian who feels connected to all, most, or some animals associated with one or more of the four seasons. may include extinct species.
example: autumn is often associated with foxes, deer, bears, cardinals, squirrels, moose ect.
"I am seasontheric!"
"I am a summer seasontherian!"
𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖈 / 𝕾𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖐𝖎𝖓
Seasonkinnic (see-son-kin-ick)
Seasonkin (see-son-kin)
a nonhuman who is kin or kins all, most, or some nonhumans associated with one or more of the four seasons. May include mythical/fantasy creatures.
example: winter is often associated with Reindeer, polarbears, wolves, barn owls, Penguins, ect.
"I am fall seasonkinnic!"
"I am a seasonkin!"
Seasonhearted (see-son-heart-ed)
an otherhearted person who is connected to all, most, or some nonhumans associated with one of the four seasons. May include mythical creatures.
example: spring is often associated with deer, Rabbits, birds, Frogs, ect.
"I am seasonhearted!"
"My seasonhearttype is summer!"
"I am spring seasonhearted!"
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hope u guys like these!! I hope these lil terms help people out :>! ♡♡ if u have questions feel free to ask!
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lonely-darksun · 3 months
The craving to have fangs and drink blood is consuming me. I want to be an 18th century pretty boy with fangs and a billowy white shirt on the outside like I am on the inside.
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
Maybe the reason that you keep getting messages from people telling you that this is dehumanizing is because it is.
Like this isn’t a “don’t like don’t read” scenario. You’re legitimately hurting real mix race people’s feelings by comparing them to a different species and ranking them.
i'm not ranking people. and i'm not even ranking characters. it's a poll bracket. i didn't say you can't express grievances, i said don't say i'm fetishizing mixed people and saying they're abnormal.
how am i dehumanizing a biracial character? its simply whos your fave representation of a mixed character FICTIONALLY. bispecies characters do count as mixed in their universes.
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feliraeth · 1 month
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[id: two images of pie charts with ten levels in each, labeled "the nonhumanity spectrum tool." the left one is filled out as follows: 9 for nonhumanity, 8 for humanity, 3 for phantom limbs, 4 for instincts, 8 for shifting, 3 for species dysphoria, 10 for species euphoria, 5 for spiritual influence, 8 for neuropsych influence, 10 for pride, 7 for expression, and 5 for fluidity. the second image is a blank copy of the same chart. end id.]
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nyctohyloph0bia · 17 days
Honestly y'all need to chill with the "nonhumaness needs to be involuntary!"
The only reason you're saying that is due to wanting to present 'valid' enough for outsiders. It's not a choice so they won't bully you, like they do furries or other people.
And I hear you cry "but KFF!". KFF aren't nonhuman, they just relate. If someone comes over to me and says "I choose to be nonhuman today, I am nonhuman no matter what other ppl tell me. I genuinely identify as nonhuman." That isn't KFF, that's a nonhuman.
Truly, I'll just go "woah...that's so based". Because truly, what are our differences? We both genuinely identify as nonhuman....and yeah that's about it.
You might say, "they don't experience shifts!" There's nonhumans that don't experience shifts. And there's humans that experience shifts, we call it the "shifter's disease". Basically when a full human researches or is around nonhumans and begins feeling phantoms or feeling nonhuman, despite not being nonhuman. So it isn't exclusive to us.
"They don't have noemata!" There's nonhumans that don't have noemata.
"They don't suffer species dysphoria." Theres nonhumans that don't experience species dysphoria. Also cool transmed rethoric.
"They weren't born with it!" There's nonhumans that become nonhuman later on in life.
"They didn't wish their whole life to be a different species!" And? I can imagine there's some nonhumans that didn't even realize they wanted to be/were a different species.
"It's disrespectful to nonhumans that suffer due to their identity!" Another cool transmed rethoric. It's only disrespectful to you because you're up your own ass and believe that anyone who didn't suffer like you did, that didn't have it as hard as you isn't as valid as yourself. But what you don't realize is by having that belief you are excluding such a large portion of your community.
There's involuntary nonhumans who don't suffer from their identity at all and they're still part of our community.
The line between voluntary and involuntary can get blurry very quickly and hard to describe. But truly, you are no one to say who can use a label that rightfully describes their experiences.
Get real and truly think about why you're so upset at someone having a good faith identity.
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apocalypticdyke · 3 months
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! bipoc nonhuman
? for bipoc who identify as nonhuman, bipoc who connect to nonhumaness, or bipoc who are nonhuman because of the dehumanization they tend to face
! this is slightly personal but I wanted to share it because I know others experience the same
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creatureheart · 3 months
brain is being mean, I should go to bed
but the doubt of faking what I am is rising again even though I KNOW I'm nonhuman
idk it's a mix of things that always make my mind twist and turn
the hesitance to speak about anything to do with it to my current partner because of how they feel about things
the feeling of not being a spiritual person at all and so feeling like I'm missing out on large bits of being nonhuman, cause while I know they're not necessary, I don't get shifts and my nonhumaness isn't because of a past life, that I know of anyway because of that lack of spiritual things that then make it hard to even think or try to see how things might be in that area of identity
and then that all leads to the not knowing specifics, which is something I have brought up a few times, which then makes me sad because I feel like I can't do much
so many posts about nonhumans, alterhumans, therians, otherkin, etc are very specific and so I feel like I can't interact with them because I don't know what I am. even with questioning certain things, I still feel like I can't say I am those things, or what to even look for, because I then start to think back into trying to tie it into the expected experiences
idk this is a ramble and i should get to bed
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thatdumbdog · 6 months
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Names Lobo!
They/Them. It's/It. He/Him
I'm a 30 year old, 2Spirit, indigenous mixed, level 2 Autistic, Ptsd, wolf from South Texas who has recently fled their home to the state of Minnesota! I've got 2 partners (my wife and my life partner) and 2 cats but im currently waiting for a service dog!
I work with wolves for a living so you'll definitely see some photos of my pack on here! Fursuit making, sewing, crafting, hiking, wood work, bead work, and just about anything I can make is my other passions in life!
I'm more then happy to answer any questions about my culture or how that connects to my nonhumaness!
Please don't interact with me if you are a minor, everyone is welcome to my page but I'd like to keep contact with only adults thank you!
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justanotherstardrop · 10 months
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being surrounded by the system in inner world.. being in a polyfragmented system is odd.. -
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a-dragons-journal · 10 days
Hello! it looks like my post about voluntary nonhumaness got a lot of traction and kickstarted a conversation to be had around the stigma around voluntary identities, majorly 'linking.
And that's really awesome! However, not exactly the only thing I was talking about. And I go more in-depth about what that is on a reblog to that post, which is the take away I wanted people to have but I suppose in my general bafflement over people's obsession with something to be valid it needs to be involuntary, I forgot to mention I meant that I wasn't only talking about 'linking but voluntary therians, fictionkin, otherkin, etc.
I myself am a voluntary therian. I talk more about why that is on my reblog. I do not have the reach to be able to have people see the clarification and it's driving me a little crazy that people had the point go over their heads and using it to say "otherlinking is super valid, the only way to be voluntarily nonhuman! unlike therianthropy which is 100% involuntary!" so, I'm here asking:
Would it be a bother to ask you to reblog it or perhaps give your thoughts on it? I believe we don't have differing opinions on this matter, but it that's the case you're free to decline, for whatever reason.
-Much thanks, @nyctohyloph0bia . 🌺
o7 sorry people are misinterpreting you, thanks for the heads-up on the reblog!
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sobeksewerrat · 5 months
i just learned that apparently my brain literally does not match up with human, nonhuma n animal and NOT EVEN PLANT psychology. (sorry i cannot elaborate.) anyway how are you
Um...living. writing three fnafic articles ocne
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serrph · 3 months
I know not of what I consider my nonhumaness to be. Is it clinical zoanthropy? Biological? I truly don't know. All I know is I'm a canine-weasle-bear.
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nyctohyloph0bia · 2 days
On Voluntary Nonhumanity 2: Electric Bogaloo.
My previous posts about voluntary nonhumaness made a discussion spring up around 'Linking, and sadly due to my own mistakes to getting my point across clearly, everyone thought it was about 'Linking, despite not mentioning it once.
So, here's what I'm gonna say:
Nonhuman 'Linking = Voluntary Nonhumans.
Voluntary Nonhumans ≠ 'Linking.
'Linking is a practice and it's whole new thing, it's not just Therian, Otherkin or Fictionkin "but voluntary" or "lite". Again, as a otherlinker, this can be just a relation, or something you actively work towards to maintain and shape around to what fits your need. Here's a good post talking more about this.
Voluntary nonumanness isn't always 'Linking. It can be something like Voidpunk and Altervexo.
I am that scary, impossible voluntary therianthrope, I explained why this is in my reblog of the post, but I will reiterate:
I don't have a wolf linktype, this is no case of "I feel less valid if I don't label myself as a Therian :(". If I wanted it to be a linktype, it would've been a linktype.
I became a wolf therian, I can't drop it, I can't unbecome a wolf as you can a linktype (which, does NOT make it any less valid). This is who I am, deep, deep inside who I am now.
I cannot explain it in any better way than being "bitten voluntarily by a werewolf to become one". I didn't have to work towards it, more than my own inner conflict "is it right or wrong that I did this?".
And guess what? This isn't exclusive to nonhumaness. You can become Fictionkin too. You can become whoever the hell you want, however you want, because guess what? Not everyone is psychological because of trauma. Not everyone is born with a nonhuman or fictional soul. Not everyone has parallel lives. Or was born bound to another universe. Not everyone is born nonhuman.
Some are magic, some are headspace-made, some are other spiritual and metaphysical means, some don't know if it's voluntary or involuntary, some are just deciding to be one through a cathartic voluntary experience.
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zodiac-blood · 1 year
Pinned post for the sideblog :]
Hi! Im Vegas, though technically a system that goes by several names Vegas is kinda the one most of us are used to being called as a whole.
Main things we post about / Identity / stuff we like
>Therianthropy & Nonhumaness
(For the therianthropy specifically I am a Giant Anteater & Hare therian)
>Reality Shifting
Essentially just a blog for all our "weird identities" and stuff we don't want to post on main with. Speaking of, we tend to interact from @vinguist as it is our main, but we also do art on @vinguistic if you want to check it out.
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