#normandy sr
amipink · 11 months
#doodleadayjuly, theme of the day is #starship.
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princeofmadnessuk · 8 months
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Tried to recreate the normandy in starfield
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 1 year
Ship Poll: Round One
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SSV Normandy SR-1[Systems Alliance Space Vehicle Normandy Stealth Reconnaissance-1] from Mass Effect VS. Moby Dick from One Piece
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wrathbites · 1 year
It’s habit to wake up, roll over, and bid good morning to the ship who’s kept them alive another day, another night, through another firefight.
It’s habit to reach out and pat the interior of her hull, a cold shock to his fingers, but a welcome one.
It’s habit to pause at the edge of the bed, wait for the reply.  That “good morning, Jeff” laced with warm amusment.
But the ship is still, grounded where she’d fallen.  But she’s silent, little more than a shell to protect them from the weather and EDI —
EDI’s nowhere to be found.  Lost.
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marinamd29 · 2 years
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acciokaidanalenko · 1 year
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Welcome to the new Normandy, Commander. 💙
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lelibug · 1 year
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - ME 2 - Anasar'iia - Reunion with Tali, Joker & The New Normandy
Mass Effect Legendary Edition - ME 2 - Shep helps saves Veetor and sends him off with Tali. 
She then returns to debrief the Illusive Man and gets the first bit of good news she's had since she same back to life again... She's not only got Joker back, but also a Brand New Normandy SR-2 to go with him. 
On board, she's introduced to EDI by Miranda and Jacob 
Self-Built Gaming Rig: i7-4970K, 16GB RAM, 240GB SSD Boot, 1TB + 3TB HDD Storage, RTX 2080 8GB EVGA Super Black Graphics, 1150 ASUS Z97-A ATX mobo, Windows 10 64-bit, 4K Graphics Gaming, Ultra-spec 
 #4K Video #4K Graphics #commandershepard #femshep #normandy #joker #Normandysr-2 #masseffect #masseffectlegendaryedition #masseffect2 #edi #mirandalawson #jacobtaylor #newgame
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amaraeshepard · 2 years
2185 AD - First entry
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Audio log : Shepard, Amara Essan Normandy SR-2 1:36 AM SGT 
~“I’m not sure how to do this. I have never really just sat down and recorded what I feel, or think. I used to paint but that feels like another life...Yeah another life. 
I was dead. Dead dead. Never coming back dead. 
It hurt. 
My suit was trying to keep me alive, but I was dying, over and over again I died, but my fucking suit kept bringing me back. It was trying to save me, like I always tried to save everyone else. 
Shit, this is going to be harder than I thought. 
I am not sure who, if anyone will ever read this, but if it’s you...I think that it might help explain, well everything. I wanted to explain, but what do I say? I was dead and the monsters behind the darkest moments of my life found what was left of my corpse and brought me back to life? That they are giving me everything I need, a team, resources, even a ship to save Human colonies and stop a race of beings called the Collectors? 
Who would even believe that? 
To be honest I am not even surer I believe it and I saw it with my own eyes. If they count as my eyes. <pained chuckle> I am not even sure they are real. They could be some kind of cybernetic reporting everything I do to The Illusive Man. Creepy bastard probably watches me change. <sigh>
So, I woke up a few days ago. I wasn’t done. Like one of those failed lava cake things we used to get when Nana would bring me on a visit to Earth. I wonder if you remember those... Anyway, everything hurt and people were trying to kill me - again. If I had a credit every time someone tried to kill me I swear I could by a planet to hide away on. I am veering off again. Shit.
Well, people want me dead. Simple. Now Collectors, a race of creepy bug things that work for the Reapers in some way are attacking and collecting whole human colonies. I am going to stop them. I have a crew and I am gathering a few more people to help. Tali said she can’t join us, it makes sense, but I wish she could. Garrus got my back as he always has, but...
He’s not you...and...you’re not here. And I get it. I do. Cerberus is...well - shit. But they are also the only ones doing anything. I will use them to solve this and if I -
<<Recording paused for 1h42m16s>>
If I don’t make it through this... <sniffles> Ilos was everything to me too.“~
<<End Recording>>
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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Ever since she was just a kid, Izzy wanted to go to the stars. Once she got off Earth, she never looked back (in terms of wanting to return to live there again - in verses where she's an N7, obviously she went back for the duration of the training program at the villa).
What she never expected was to one day be the executive officer and later commanding officer of a state-of-the-art prototype stealth frigate like the SSV Normandy. Every time she returns to the docks, she pauses to look at the ship with more than a little awe that this really is her life now after how her life had started as an orphaned street rat.
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Despite her duties as commanding officer, Izzy regularly joins the other engineers in handling maintenance, upgrades, and repairs, including any exterior hull work that requires spacewalks because they can't afford to wait until they reach the next dock to make the repairs.
She knows the Normandy SR-1 inside and out, and it's that reason that she trusts her pilot so much whenever he says he can pull off seemingly impossible flight manoeuvrers, as she knows full well what the ship can physically handle and with the best pilot in the galaxy at the helm, there's very little they can't achieve.
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missgamerin · 10 months
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Mass Effect Scenery | SSV Normandy SR-1 - Interior
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harbinger-archives · 1 year
Normandy SR-2 Crew
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"But I found my family. I found the right thing to do. I found the way home."
Seeing the conclusion has me in tears. The Mass Effect Trilogy is something different and will have a special place in my heart that awakened my childhood love for sci-fi exploration.
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reapersynth · 2 years
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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021) — dev. bioware
The Normandy Sr-1
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valka-arialitan · 1 year
Team SR-1 selfies
I can very well imagine Shepard or other members of the team sending selfies to Joker while waiting for the Normandy to pick them up.
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Tali would 100% be the one to take ''landscape-format'' selfies.
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Last one with the whole team + commander late-to-the-party Shepard, while getting ready for the mission on Virmire.
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Tali would probably give a print of this one to Shepard in ME2.
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inuhodo · 11 months
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-You know what it's like to think you're alone and find out you're not? -I do. -You don't have to agree so fast, you fucker.
its mental illness awareness week on the normandy sr-2 and the crew is about to be very aware
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dovahbeeotch · 5 months
12:09- XO. LAWSON: Good afternoon. As all of you know, it’s the winter holiday season on earth. I would like to invite @all to the starboard deck for a cultural exchange at 14:00 for anyone interested in learning about human winter traditions.
- Candy canes are NOT weapons. ALSO they are a privilege, not a right.
- Mistletoe (the greenery hanging from the roof) is NOT edible.
- Mess Sergeant Gardner is dressing up as Santa Clause; if you see a man with a white beard and red clothing DO NOT OPEN FIRE.
- Menorahs are NOT edible.
- Hot chocolate is HOT. Human skin is sensitive. For the love of god, just be responsible.
Happy Holidays. See you there.
12:10- FLT. MOREAU: seriously
12:10- LT. TAYLOR: how stupid do you think we are?
12:10- CHF. ZORAH: yayyy happy holidays! merry christmas, happy hanukkah, joyous kwanzaa, feliz navidad, gung hay fat choy!!! am i saying those right??
12:10- GO. VAKARIAN: someone did research last night
12:10- LC. SHEPARD: goddamn it, did grunt eat another menorah?
12:11- SPEC. JACK: im pretty sure mistletoe is edible. i mean it’s a plant, right?
12:11– SPEC. MASSANI: good goddamn point
12:11- SPEC. GRUNT: will there be food other than the roof salad
12:11- LC. SHEPARD: i would like to point out— candy canes absolutely are weapons. i dropped a guy with one once.
12:11- XO. LAWSON: Not helping, Shepard.
12:11- SPEC. GRUNT: noodles please
12:11- SPEC. KRIOS: Impressive, Commander.
12:11– SPEC. GRUNT: please teach me battlemaster
12:12– LC. SHEPARD: gladly. just suck on the tip until it’s pointy then ram it in the jugular. should work for humans, turians, drell, quarians, batarians, hanar (probably?) and vorcha. it’s messy as hell but satisfying.
12:12- XO. LAWSON: That’s it. You’ve all lost your candy cane privileges.
12:12– DR. SOLUS: Wise decision. Shepard and Grunt safety hazards.
12:12- CHF. ZORAH: seriously??? You can’t punish all of us for shepard’s bloodlust
12:12- SPEC. GOTO: so let me get this straight, miri. you trust us with your life in a firefight, but not with candy canes during a Christmas party?
12:13- XO. LAWSON: a HOLIDAY party. and yes, that is correct.
12:13- LC. SHEPARD: i mean… it sorta seems fair. i trust vakarian on my six with an SR… but with a taser? absolutely not.
12:13- GO. VAKARIAN: i think LCs been shot in the head one too many times
12:13- LC. SHEPARD: not the point, numb nuts
12:13- SPEC. SAMARA: If Commander Shepard can safely operate a live firearm, she should be able to responsibly handle a sharp sucrose stick.
12:13- SPEC. GOTO: you’d think
12:13- LC. SHEPARD: i don’t know if i can. i just get this overwhelming urge to stab.
12:13- DR. CHAKWAS: Pushing your psych eval forward, LC.
12:13- GO. VAKARIAN: called it!
12:14- SPEC. MASSANI: so this party… do we get turkey dinner if we show?
12:14- SPEC. JACK: what the fuck is a turkey
12:14- XO. LAWSON: Dinner will be at 18:00, given Gardner has finished up. No turkey, just rations.
12:14- GO. VAKARIAN: Why the hell does Gardner look like that? [image.attachment_sergeant_santa_clause]
12:14- LC. SHEPARD: huh. looks like he was born for the role.
12:14- CHF. ZORAH: this seems… offensive. why did he stuff his pants and belly?
12:15- FLT. MOREAU: compensation, zorah
12:15- CHF. ZORAH: ohhhh
12:15– FLT. MOREAU: it’s not a real holiday party without booze @XO
12:15- XO. LAWSON: the LAST thing this crew needs is alcohol
12:15- LC. SHEPARD: [image.attachment_secret_candy_canes] jokes on you @XO i bought myself some on the citadel. knew you’d pull this crap.
12:15- XO. LAWSON: fine
12:15- LC. SHEPARD: this too [image.attachment_4.5L_bottle_vodka]
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swaps55 · 3 months
I just finished my latest play through of me3, and
When they are on earth, making the run for the beam to the citadel and the squad gets hurt and Sheprad calls the Normandy for evac, I'm just
Shepard takes a few extra steps just to tell their love interest that they loves them
and it reminded me so much of Fugue, when the SR-1 was getting torn to pieces by the collector ship and Shepard took those few extra steps towards Kaidan, and then he died
Anyway I'm going to go cry about it again
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It's fine. We're all fine. Nothing to see here, situation normal.
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