#not-yet mshenko ?
valka-arialitan · 1 year
Team SR-1 selfies
I can very well imagine Shepard or other members of the team sending selfies to Joker while waiting for the Normandy to pick them up.
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Tali would 100% be the one to take ''landscape-format'' selfies.
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Last one with the whole team + commander late-to-the-party Shepard, while getting ready for the mission on Virmire.
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Tali would probably give a print of this one to Shepard in ME2.
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clericofshadows · 7 months
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jackwillwrite · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaidan Alenko/Male Shepard Characters: Male Shepard (Mass Effect), Shepard (Mass Effect), Kaidan Alenko, James Vega, Garrus Vakarian Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Head Injury, Concussions, Mass Effect 3, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, POV Shepard (Mass Effect), Injury, medical ACCURACIES, Kissing, shepard is a poet (lie), idk if i can say this is crack treated seriously because it is and it is not, schrodingers crack, that might be the best tag ive ever made, Comedy, (???) maybe?, Bad Things Happen Bingo, shepard is just so extremely down bad Summary:
Shepard stares as that mouth keeps moving, and eventually works his own to form words again. “Kaidan…” His voice is raspy, scrapes at his own nerves, the pain building as language eludes him. But what he’s about to say is necessary, so he furrows his brow and ignores it.
Immediately, Kaidan cuts off to listen. “Yes?”
"You're...the prettiest. Most pretty.”
[Or: Shepard gets a concussion and Kaidan takes care of him.]
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ronan-archives · 5 months
thinking about them now I'm on ME3
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was anyone gonna tell me the Kaidan romance carried to ME3 is so tense yet hopeful early on. It is so obvious they wanna be together again but the air ain't clear yet....
not to mention Shep processing Kaidan getting hurt on Mars like break my heart why don't you
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monowires · 1 year
bro do you guys associate mshenko with me. the autism wants to know
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
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Despite the move, a new Shepard has appeared. This week, he started mumbling into my ear...
Sebastien Shepard Earthborn/Ruthless/Vanguard
Setting: Post-war Citadel, Shepard is humanity's councilor
Sliding gracefully into his seat and grinning from ear to ear, Sébastien passed the latest round of drinks out.  “So, humanity's councilor, two bodyguards and a pilot walk into a bar…”
Coats snatched his, eyes rolling as he sat back in his seat and took a healthy gulp.  “Bloody hell, not this again.”
Kaidan’s sigh wasn’t audible over the music, but it was impossible to miss the wince.  “Really, Shepard?”
Cortez, on the other hand, took it gracefully enough.  Plucking the plastic sword from his drink that held a chunk of pineapple and a too-bright cherry on it, he pulled the fruit free of it with his teeth, leveled his gaze at Sébastien, and finished, “And the bartender said, ‘I should go.’”
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dorklyelectric · 11 months
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bioware didnt let us see a romanced kaidan wear male shep's clothes because they knew he'd be too powerful
source: a bullshit claim with 0 evidence made by me
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swaps55 · 2 years
Hi hi helloooo do you have more of this multiverse AU??? I read your snippet and loved it and I desperately need more! I love your work btw thanks for writing and sharing with us ❤️❤️❤️
I DO. Thank you so much!!!!!!
I've scribbled a fair amount for it, but like I said in the other snippet, I'm struggling mightily with what this story is and how to shape it. I know fundamentally what I want from it, but there are a lot of roadblocks. Right now I have a beginning, a few haphazard scenes with no context, some very vague ideas, and...profit????
One of my big hangups with it is whether or not I should break my golden rule and tell parts of it from Sam's POV, because this is a very different Sam, while still being Sam, if that makes any sense. And a chunk of what I have in mind would work really well from Sam's POV, and lose a little something if I don't use it. BUT. It's so important to me to not use his POV, which leaves me very conflicted.
ANYWAY, the general idea got sparked by a conversation the 'Yang crew has about the multiverse. One of my favorite ST:TNG episodes is Parallels, in which a ton of Enterprises from different multiverses wind up in the same universe - including one in which the Borg are winning, and one in which a Will Riker who failed to save Picard from the Borg gets to see him alive and well in another reality. So I did some what if thinking. What if Sam doesn't get resurrected by Lazarus? What if the reapers are winning? And what if a Sam from another universe - who never met Kaidan because there wasn't a Kaidan for him to meet - magics the Kaidan who never got him back into his universe, in which the reapers haven't made themselves known yet?
It sounded like a REALLY fun character study of Sam - what makes him Sam - and what changes about him when you change the major events of his life that shape him? While also being an opportunity to flip the script, and make Kaidan the enigmatic, closed off person that Sam has to figure out. With the underlying very sappy theme, "There was a universe in which Sam didn't have Kaidan, and one where Kaidan didn't have Sam, so the universe fixed it."
I am sure that is way more than what you wanted to know, so as a thanks for putting up with it, here's the snippet you requested:
Karin Chakwas lets out a shaky breath as the biofeeds stabilize and the patient’s breathing returns to normal. She takes a moment to let her own breathing return to normal. She glances over her shoulder at Sam, who still sits in his chair, staring at the hand now lying limp and loose under his.
It’s almost reassuring to know she isn’t the only one having a time of it.  
“Sam Shepard, I told you it was only a matter of time before I regretted the day you showed up in my clinic.”
“You did.” He tears his eyes away and slips his hand free, offering her a wan smile. “For what it’s worth…thank you. Hate to think about what would have happened if I brought him somewhere else.”
She worries her lip. You may still find out if we’re not careful. For years she’s turned a blind eye to the veritable parade of mishaps he’s brought through her clinic without asking why – the less she knows the better – but the ID on the genetic scanner won’t give her the luxury of feigned ignorance.
As it is, the fact she hasn’t already contacted the Alliance is going to put her in an uncomfortable position once they find out. But there are reasons you take leaps of faith, and one of those reasons is sitting in that chair.  
“In for a penny, in for a pound,” she says brightly. “I’ve listed him as a John Doe in the system for now, but it won’t be long before C-Sec starts asking questions.”
“And they won’t like the answers.” He rubs his nose with his hands, then props his chin on his fingertips. “I’ll get Garrus on it to buy us some time.”
A smile curves her lips. “Eventually, you may find Garrus’ limits when it comes to bending the rules.”
“Doubtful. And it sure as hell isn’t going to be today.”
“Sam,” she asks, because she has to. This time, she has to. “There have been no reports of weapons fire on the Presidium today. How—”
He smiles wryly. “How did someone who’s been dead over fifteen years wind up in your clinic with a bullet hole in his gut, ranting about the end of the world?”
“Well. I would have put it more delicately, but…yes.”
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bagog · 7 months
N7 Month, 2023 - Day 8: Crash
It's a little mshenko pre-relationship drabble.
“I can’t believe it. I can’t believe you actually did it.” Kaidan’s tone was ambiguous to Shepard’s ear, and he tried not to imagine either mockery or genuine pathos in it.
“Sometimes I can hardly believe the things I do myself,” Shepard responded, bitter though still in Command. The two marines stood, fully armored but without helmets, on the barren expanse of an alien world—grasslands as far as the eye could see. Before them, at the base of a massive grassy mound, the Mako was lying upside down, one of its wheels still idly spinning as the mass effect field generators tried in vain to right the vehicle.
It wasn’t Shepard’s fault, not really, and he would swear it up and down. After all, it wasn’t the first time the damn thing had flipped on the rough terrain of a distant world. The fact that it always righted itself—at great strain to the field generators—had sort of given everyone the impression that truly crashing the Mako would be impossible.
“And yet, here we are…” Shepard muttered under his breath.
“Hm, Commander?”
“Nothing, Kaidan. Can we… let’s just try one more time, huh?” Shepard began to glow blue.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Wrex?” Kaidan glowed sympathetically, stiffening his posture, apparently expecting not to wait. And, honestly, Wrex had climbed out of the crash and proceeded to track off over the hills to find a quiet place to relieve himself—that had been 30 minutes ago.
“Afraid the two of us aren’t enough to do ourselves, Lieutenant?” Shepard grinned slyly at Alenko, the other man’s mouth twitched just barely into a smile.
“You know what they say about trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results…”
With that, they both tried their best to surround the Mako with a mass lowering field, hoping to give the Mako’s own field generator’s a little help.
The thing rocked back and forth, even animatedly for a moment, but they couldn’t get it to flip back onto its wheel.s
“Alright,” Shepard sighed, powering down his biotics. “Get Joker on radio, tell him we need him to find a place to land close to our position, then we’ll need a detail out here to get this thing flipped.”
“On it, Commander.” Kaidan walked off a few paces to make the call, and Shepard tried not to listen it. “…yeah. ….completely upside down… …trust me, we’ve tried…”
Shepard kneeled down and felt the grass, or rather, didn’t feel it through his gauntlets, but it seemed like it must be soft. He sat down and watched the clouds drift by overhead—something denser than earth clouds… Before long, he had laid his head back in the grass, stretched out at the base of the hill.
He lost track of time staring up before he noticed Kaidan returning.
“Joker’s ETA is 42 minutes to have us out of here.”
“Might as well take a load off. Have a seat, Alenko.”
Kaidan opened his mouth as if to say something, but then merely shrugged and lowered himself to the grass beside Shepard. They passed a long moment like that.
“Funny, we visit all these planets and I feel like I never just stop to breathe in the… air, or whatever. To take in the sights. It’s beautiful here. Probably no human eyes have ever seen it before.”
Shepard turned his head, examined the lines on Kaidan’s face as he wistfully stared out at the countryside below them.
“Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing we crashed,” Shepard said, his tone thicker with the intimacy of the moment than he had wished. The laugh lines appeared around Kaidan’s eyes and his cheeks dimpled when he smiled wide.
“That’s what I admire about you, Shepard, always seeing the bright side of things.”
“Not always,” Shepard replied softly. He continued to study Kaidan’s face, the way he leaned back on his elbows, the way the alien wind played in his hair. “I just think I’m lucky, that’s all.”
“Well, I’m happy to be out here with you, then.” For a moment Kaidan turned that warm smile on Shepard, and he felt himself beaming in response.
“Likewise, Kaidan.”
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mtreebeardiles · 1 year
Saw that poll again and once more I’m wondering if the results would’ve skewed differently had Dorian been explicitly included as a named option
Maybe it IS a perception thing for any differences between fshenko and mshenko, but even removing that aspect I do feel Dorian is a lot closer to Kaidan than the front runners Cullen and Alistair
Kaidan in the DA ‘verse would be a mage — and a pretty powerful one at that. He’s also someone with a deeply held and fully formed ethics system, not really the sort easily shaken by outside forces even if it means standing his ground against a loved one (I.e., he’s never been another yes-man to Shepard, and will push back against them).
You could argue Cullen has the same strong sense of duty, but comparatively I’m not so sure. He’s been shaken by events in each of the games, and has a tendency to fall in line, more or less, whenever someone with a stronger personality comes along (Cassandra, for one; I’d say Meredith too but honestly my DA2 playthrough is a bit hazy, but I don’t recall him ever challenging her in any real sense). Maybe one day Cullen can aspire to be like Kaidan, but as the games stand he ain’t there yet.
(I didn’t romance Alistair personally so I have less to work with on that front, but Alistair is definitely ruled more by feeling than pragmatism, and Kaidan is pretty pragmatic imo)
Dorian, now… there’s a man with a firm ethics system, who does not give a shit what people think of him, and will always strive to do what he thinks is right — even if it means walking away from a loved one, or choosing a path that diverges from theirs. Obviously Trespasser is no Horizon, but the firmness of his decision rings pretty similarly to me.
So yeah. Maybe the two don’t seem immediately similar on the surface, but I’d argue their core character is a lot more aligned than it is with the other two 🤷🏼‍♂️
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cr-noble-writes · 11 months
AO3 Meme
tagged by @dandenbo <3
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
I almost feel like I should do two separate categories here, because I have way more of everything on my SPN fanfic just based on the fact that it's been around longer and is a bigger fandom. Plus I've written way more fics for it lol. So, I'm putting SPN under a cut because I am not really active in that fandom at this point, but I want to include it because tbf, some of my greatest works of writing were done in it.
Mass Effect:
Most Hits, Kudos, & Bookmarks : All's Fair in Love and Sparring (mshenko, E) It starts off as a sparring match, and they both win in Shepard's cabin. (Porn always gets the most hits in my experience lol)
Hits: 1154 Kudos: 87 Bookmarks: 14
Most Comments:
Couldn't Utter My Love (mShep/trans mShep, M) Jackson Shepard, Commander of the Normandy spends a lot of time with Alex Atruzea, right hand of Aria T'Loak on Omega. Perhaps not my most popular fic, but one that I truly love, and that the people reading it also seem to love!
Comments: 72
Most Words:
Growing Pains (pre-canon mshep, GA) Alex Shepard hopped a cargo ship with an unknown destination when he was twelve and ended up in the Asari colony of Blackdamp on Asteria. He liked the colony, and when he told Ishara—the Asari who found him in the streets—that he’d rather stay in Blackdamp than be sent to the human colony on the other side of the planet, she adopted him.
Word Count: 13088
Least Words:
Disappointment (pre-canon mShep & Hannah Shepard, T) In which Jackson talks to Hannah about turning down her ICT recommendation.
Word Count: 390
tagging: @waidwn @pastelroyce @commander-krios @nickelkeep @bleuzombie @imbiowaresbitch and @wrathoscribbles if y'all wanna do the thing!
Supernatural (Not counting Season Z because I only wrote two chapters of that)
Most Hits:
Lock Me Up (Destiel, M). Dean and Cas have been together for a few years now, exploring their D/s relationship, mostly trying things that Cas suggests, until Dean finally finds something he really wants to try. Again, porn always gets lots of hits lolol
Hits: 8490
Most Kudos: Watching You (Destiel, E) Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak barely knew each other when they were forced to marry by a legal contract between their respective fathers. That was a month ago, and though they’ve been sharing a bed for that entire time, they have yet to consummate the marriage. But Castiel can’t deny his new husband is sinfully hot, and the more time they spend together, the more he thinks he’s falling for him. But Dean never gives any indication that he might feel the same way. Until one night when he thinks Castiel is asleep.
Kudos: 518
Most Comments:
The Quest for the Demon King's Heart (Destiel, E) In a fantasy land, Dean, the Demon King, goes to a distant guild to take a break from evil, where he meets a young adventurer, Castiel, on a quest to slay the Demon King. For fun, Dean helps and protects the adventurer, and affection grows between them. Then, they arrive at the gates of his castle.
Comments: 178
Most Bookmars:
You Should See Me In A Crown (Destiel, E) Dean Winchester: native of Chelsea, MA, ex-Navy Seal sniper, freelance assassin. Known as The Hunter, he works with a small group of other freelance criminals in the Network, where they can share resources, vet clients, and choose targets with confidence. He never takes a job if the target doesn’t deserve their fate and he draws hard lines at assassinating people in front of their families. And he’s got a massive bone to pick with Alistair Sorokin. Castiel may be an important figure within the Russian mafia, running their gambling and prostitution rackets, but he dislikes the way the Pahkan, the boss, runs the family. Alistair is far too violent and Castiel believes it's bad for business. Though he detests unnecessary bloodshed, it's an easy decision for him to hire The Hunter to help him dispose of Alistair and take over the ruling seat to restore order and eliminate the unnecessary tensions and violence between the Russians, the Irish, and the Italians. Neither man is prepared for the feelings developing between them as they work through the long list of targets.
Bookmarks: 118
Most Words:
Falling Apart (Destiel end-game, T) Sword & Cross Resident Rehabilitation is a last-ditch effort for Dean Winchester to move past the drug and drinking problems he developed to bury his guilt over the fire that killed his brother. Not to mention the wild visions and smoky, sentient shadows that have plagued him his entire life. It's supposed to be the best Savannah has to offer, but one look at the crumbling tile floors and dangling crown mouldings, and Dean has his doubts. Enter Castiel Novak. He’s rude, aloof, and a total dick from the moment they lay eyes on each other but Dean can’t help but feel a mysterious connection to the man. Maybe he really has lost his mind. But when Castiel starts making appearances in Dean’s vivid visions of the past, he knows there is more to their link than meets the eye. Even if Cas keeps telling him otherwise. It seems everyone at Sword & Cross knows what’s going on except for Dean. Trying to conquer his mountain of guilt and doubt and figure out the connection he is certain he shares with Castiel is only made harder by the “accidents” that seem to follow him. Not to mention his attraction to Gadreel. Whatever secret Castiel is trying so hard to keep, Dean knows he has to uncover it.
Word Count: 49204
Least Words:
Pants (Castiel/OFC, No rating) An almost drabble I wrote for someone during as a request during a follower celebration.
Word Count: 194
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clericofshadows · 10 months
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Regis Shepard and Kaidan Alenko - Casino Infiltration
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
From fics I’ll (probably) never finish
Damnit brain.  Stop it.  @tkwritesdumbassassins​ my brain really needs to stop this.  Like now. 
*sigh* FFO gets finished first.  You hear that brain? *shakes fist*
We don’t even have a title yet…. Mass Effect WIP banner by @radio-chatter​
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Untitled Buddie Space Opera/Mass Effect AU
Fandom: 911…. Original Mass Effect Trilogy 
Pairing: Buddie, prior Evan Buckley/Abby Clark, prior Eddie Diaz/Shannon Diaz
Tags/warnings: first draft. Space opera.  mash up of Mass Effect MShenko and Buddie.  Buck is Commander Evan “Buck” Buckley, first human Spectre.  Eddie is an alliance marine, one of the few surviving L2 biotics (aka space mage).  Buck supposedly died 2 years ago in the wreck of the Normandy after being attacked by an unknown ship thought to belong to the Collectors but he was revived by the shadow organization Cerberus and given the means to go after the new threat to the Milky Way…. 
what happens when your brain wants to pair the two longest, slow burn romances of two different fandoms and says ‘what if we put one in the other?’ And you get this.  MShenko is a long, 3 game burn with a payoff that made me cry the first time I played ME3.  Buddie is at, what, 5 seasons and counting assuming it ever makes canon?
Yeah I like my slow burns….  
I admit the thought of Eddie being a biotic (yay biotic booty!) is maybe also what got stuck in my brain.  
So have some Buddie-divorce era mixed in a blender with that whole Mass Effect 2 Horizon MShenko divorce-era and you get this.  
This is first draft.  Who knows if I’ll ever get around to writing the rest of this 600k epic. 
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“Eddie!” He calls before he can stop himself.
It is Eddie because the man comes to a halt before slowly turning.  All Buck can think is that Eddie looks unbearably good, his armor polished to a high shine, no dings or dents in it even though he’d been released from one of the Collector’s special coffin-like collection pods.  He’s still had the same ever-present scruff on his cheeks and his hair has a ruffled appearance like it’d been finger combed after sleep and just a bit longer than regulation standards. The two bars on his shoulders and around the collar denoted that he’s been promoted since Buck last saw him—Captain.  He’s Captain Diaz now—not lieutenant.  
Buck still outranks him he notes in the back of his brain with satisfaction.  That is, if Buck still was considered part of the Alliance and hadn’t been declared dead more than two years ago. 
You kept the rank you died in, right?
Eddie’s brown eyes search for whoever called his name and when they land on Buck there’s no mistaking the way he straightens and his spine stiffens as he comes to attention.  There’s a pallor to his face like he’d seen a ghost and he doesn’t look away as Buck lopes towards him, frozen to the spot and not running away. 
“Eddie,” Buck calls his name, softer this time.  His hands itch to reach for Eddie and confirm that he’s in one piece.  Bobby’s message hadn’t mentioned who the Alliance officer was that had been sent to bring the antiaircraft guns back online—probably because he knew if he’d mentioned it was Eddie that Buck would have torn the entire galaxy apart to save him and the colonists be damned. 
Bobby’s reticence to tell him where Eddie was had stung but now Buck suspected there was a reason he hadn’t been able to get in touch with Eddie. If Eddie had been assigned to Horizon then it made sense if he’d be out of comms range given the remoteness of the colony.  
The puzzle pieces were starting to assemble in his brain and he was starting to come up with a picture that wasn’t pleasant to think about. 
Horizon was the perfect target.  Human colony this far out without significant defenses and Buck suddenly suspected that the knowledge about the AA guns being inoperable wasn’t exactly a secret. 
Bobby had sent Eddie here to witness a Collector raid.  Buck was sure of it. 
Eddie who had a son—a son who only had one remaining parent. 
Buck’s anger at Bobby was sudden and vicious.  How dare he put Eddie at risk! 
The fact that Eddie was an accomplished marine and had a list of commendations almost as long as Buck’s arm didn’t matter.  Eddie had been his second in command and being put at risk like this…
Bobby had no idea how much danger he’d placed Eddie in and Buck’s blood boiled in fury. 
Never mind that Bobby had been the one to send Buck the intel about Horizon that had sent HIM here…
“Eddie,” he called again, jogging to catch up. Lucy and Ravi hung back but following on his heels. 
Eddie’s gaze sharpened and he frowned as he looked at Buck’s team behind him, immediately noticing the insignia on their uniforms and drawing his sidearm but he didn’t raise it.  Instead, he started to glow a faint blue as he activated his biotics and took a defensive stance, ready to react.  Violently if need be. 
Shit. Buck waved Lucy and Ravi to stand down and walked the last ten paces to Eddie with his hands held up in peace.  In a one-on-one fight he knew he could probably take Eddie unless he started throwing around his biotics and then the math tilted the other way given how high Eddie spiked as an L2.  Buck had no intention, however, of fighting Eddie with or without biotics. “Eds—it’s me.”
“I’d heard rumors but I knew they had to be wrong,” Eddie growled, his voice rough from disuse and mistrust. “The Evan Buckley I knew would never have joined up with Cerberus.”
“It really is me,” Buck tried again. “Eds—“
“Don’t call me that.  Not while wearing his face, clone.”
“I’m not a clone!” Buck protested, doing his best to look innocent. 
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monowires · 1 year
yeah i don’t have an explanation
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theoriginalladya · 7 months
20 Fanfic Questions
I was tagged by @bioticbooty. Thank you, friend!
Tagging @mtreebeardiles @tiny-banana-time @shadoedseptmbr and @wrathoscribbles and anyone else who wants to participate.
How many works do you have on AO3?
153 stories across 40 series
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Mass Effect. Some Dragon Age in the past and some crossover worlds with ME (World of Darkness, WWII, etc.). Potentially Baldur's Gate 3 in future if the muses start talking.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ever Constant - My Dragon Age epic fic. FemCousland/Nathaniel Howe, pre-Blight through Dragon Age: Origins. (103)
Dribbles & Drabs - a collection of writing prompts for various pairings, mostly Mass Effect related, mostly Caleb Shepard but also includes Michael Shepard, Kristofer Shepard, Tessa Shepard, Abbots (Abby Williams/Major Coats) and a few others. (102)
Found Family - A Collection of Drabbles - specific writing prompts from the Dribbles & Drabs collection related to Caleb Shepard/Kaidan Alenko and their kids. (92)
Destiny's Road - married Shep/Shep AU pairing set in ME1, first of the three game related stories. (83)
Destiny's Fate - divorced ShepShep AU pairing set in ME3, third of three game related stories. (64)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, yes! I love to hear from readers!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably either Bury Me In Willow , Give Me Peace, or Never Alone.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Difficult to say, but Shepard in Sherwood is a pretty fun, positive one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have two or three times, unsolicited comments from people who believe their opinion matters more than how I want to tell my story.
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
It depends. I have in past, I do on occasion these days, but it's very rare because I'm just not that comfortable writing it. I tend to stress a lot more when writing smut, too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Several, actually. Most of mine are crossovers with historical time periods rather than fandoms (though there are a couple) ME/World of Darkness, ME/WWII, ME/ME Andromeda, a couple of ME/Celtic Ireland, and a new ME/American Revolution idea. I have a couple ideas for ME/DAO crossovers, but have yet to start them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A couple small, old ones.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Translated, no. Podcasted, yes.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes. In 2022, @happychica and I began writing Caleb Shepard in her Modern ME series, The Town of Norman in the story, As Luck Would Have It
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
mshenko and femshenko. Okay, who am I kidding, anyone and Kaidan - Alenkoats (with Coats), Reylenko (with Reyes Vidal), Parasenko (with Gianna Parasini). Another very high fave of mine (because of Caleb and Kaidan) is Abboats - Abby Williams/Major Coats.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would love to bring all the hundreds of ideas I have drabbled on (but not shared), or started but haven't gotten back to, but it probably won't happen. For now, I just take it a day at a time and hope the muses will keep inspiring me so I can get more done.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Just about everything else. I have moments where I sort of go 'zen' and can get good things going, but it isn't consistent for me, and I wish it was. Still, I'm constantly working on them, so I hope I have at least improved them somewhat over the years and will continue to do so.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done, to a point, with fics, but not usually more than an expression here or there. If I do, it's usually French because I have the most experience with it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is like asking me to pick which of my children is my favorite!!!
(Okay, so I only have one kid - but I have TONS of stories!!!)
For now I will say anything with Caleb Shepard. He has been such a wonderful learning experience for me and continues to be, and I love how his world has been turning out - past, present and future. Can't wait to share it all!
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tealenko · 2 years
mShenko appreciation post...
So... I usually (ejem... better said always, if I'm being honest XD) choose femShep in Mass Effect.
Long story short, I like to play characters in my own gender... Kinda helps a lot with the immersion, despite the fact that I look nothing like my main Shep. And, in the wise words of my brother: "If I'm gonna have to stare at an ass for hours of gameplay, I prefer it to be a woman's ass" (Nothing against men ass' on my part though... I mean, I'm a Kaidan stan 😳😳😳 but I'm week when it comes to females curves ehehehehehe sue me XD)
Anyways... Butt thing aside, I always play femShep. And the same femShep, Mio Shepard. Because I got the fanfic writer disease back when I was like 13 years old and I haven't found the cure yet, so... All I play, write and draw (because I didn't have enough obsessions already lol) related to the main ME trilogy is about my main shep and Kaidan.
I swear I'm about to make my point, stay with me for a little longer XD
Thing is, with the launch of MELE, I decided to see the mShenko romance for the first time (yep, first time... I imagine you can already tell, but I'm that kind of person that once she likes a game, she plays it a 1000 times but always in the exact same way and making the same choices in every single run).
So here we are, a year later, and here's the post about it 😅😅😅
As I told you before, I tend to focus on fShenko. I love the Shenko fandom as a whole, but from what I've seen and from the people I follow, fShenko is in need of more help, support and content than mShenko (I may be wrong here... but the moment your femshep likes dudes people tends to scream at you why you shouldn't be with Kaidan and my mission in life is to always be there to reply that idgaf about how many aliens they think I should bang XD)
Said all that, mShenko.
It's fucking awesome.
Like... Truly amazing.
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(sorry... I had to XD)
I may be biased here, because Kaidan's arc with his sexuality is very similar to my own, but, the whole "At the end of the day, I'd love you no matter what gender you were" is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life.
I was also very surprised by the amount of differences there were between both romances... Both of them top tier. And, against all my expectations, I can comfortably say that they are equally good. So if you love Kaidan and you've only seen one side, I really recommend you to check the other (learn from my mistakes ehehehehe although I think I've enjoyed mShenko 10 times more than I would have before making a few discoveries about myself... so I'm kinda happy it took me so long. Now it feels more special to me <;3)
fShenko has all the young, pure~ish, forbidden, cute and heart-racing vibes in ME1 *chef's kiss* and then (after a bit of angst) you have the mature, long-lasting, I'd die for you romance that we all deserve.
mShenko, on the other hand, is more Kaidan focused in my opinion, which I truly like, and his realization of what is love (🎵) and what Shepard really means for him, which I find extremely cute and beautiful.
And I'll admit, I'm the first to complain about Bioware (perks of being a forever resident of the shenko vortex) but I have to congratulate them on the way they wrote mShenko in ME3.
I really thought it would be ultra cringy and forced, because that kind of evolution is not the easiest to write, but I was sooooooo wrong and I'm sooooooo glad that I was. So yay~ to Bioware on this one!
So, yup... I wanted to do a quick post and here we are now, an hour later ehehehehehe 😅😅
Anyways, and to wrap this up, just sharing an opinion (or ten) here... I was just thinking about it today and I felt like writing a post about it (there's always room for more Kaidan appreciation posts <3).
If you ever wanna talk with me about our beautiful canadian marshmallow pm me, tag me, etc. If you respectfully disagree, feel free to tell me how you feel about all of this in a comment. And if you disrespectfully disagree (I don't think that's a term that exists but I'm gonna use it anyways XD) feel free to ignore me and go on with your life, it's not that difficult.
That's all, I think...
Hope you have a lovely day/night.
Imma go to bed and read some fanfics before I fall asleep.
bye bye!!
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