You’re not Alright
These are my OC’s Sabrina and Ashton. Ashton Ivory is a rich guy who is set to inherit his fathers hotel business and Sabrina is a struggling law student.
 If you like them please feel free to send me an ask!
“Hey are you sure, you're okay to come tonight?” Sabrina looked hesitant at her pale boyfriend. He had been running a fever for a major part of the day, but he couldn’t miss the reception of his cousin's wedding. 
He turned to her with a grimace he was awfully pale. His voice was hoarse and tired as he answered her question, “ I need to, you know that. Selene would kill me if I didn’t show up. And you know what she’s like.” Unfortunately she did know.
Selene Ivory was a brat and a flirt who was celebrating her third wedding, despite the fact that she was only 22 years old. And her boyfriend looked horrible. His skin was grey and his arm was wrapped around his bloated belly.  He tried to hide it but he was miserable. He was still dressed in the sweat pants she helped him in after the shower they had taken to get ready for the party. 
His suit lay in the bed as she dressed in her slim silver dress. She looked at the time and sighed when she realized that he had to get ready. It was difficult but they got the suit on him, though he had to gag in the middle. She slipped an arm around his waist to feel good bloated and churning stomach.
The car ride was torture as she drives and he moaned as the uneven road jostled his sensitive belly. They finally arrived at the venue and Ashton felt worse than ever. He wasn’t planning on writing his girlfriend but he felt very sick. If someone touched his stomach he was positive that he would end up with the crackers that Sabrina forced him to eat on the ground.
The two entered the hall and quickly sat down. Sabrina quickly told Ashton that she was going to congratulate Selene. She seemed hesitant, “Are you sure you’re okay?” He saw the worry in her green eyes and clenched his teeth,
“I’m fine.” By the look in her face she wasn’t convinced, but she left to find good irritating cousin. When she was gone he couldn’t help but sigh in relief, he really didn’t want to worry her. But he was feeling worse as time went on.
 “Hey, where were you .” He looked to the side to see Selene, and she did not look happy. He sighed and rubbed his aching belly.
“I was right here the whole time Selene.” The girl looked annoyed, he was air to tell her that he didn’t really care what she thought when a wave of nausea washed over him, he quickly walked out the hall. He quickly walked out and leaned over the grass. He clutched his churning belly and retched unproductively. He heard footsteps begging him and he knew who it was before he looked. “You’re not fine, are you?” Sabrina appeared behind him and he looked at her.
“I didn’t want you to worry.” She shook her tears at him and started to push at his stomach. Within moments he was gassing and retched up bile. He felt his girlfriend resume pushing his stomach as more bile was forced out of his mouth. As god fit ended he feared his girlfriend whisper in his ear, “I’ll always worry about your.” She led him to the car and helped him lay down in the front seat. She spent five minutes stroking his hair before he fell in a light slumber. She pressed a light kiss on his warm forehead. 
She got them home in record time, but even in those few minutes her boyfriend had fallen fast asleep. She tried to wake him up but found that he was sleeping like a baby. She struggled and managed to drag him to their bedroom, but the time she had deposited him onto the bed she was soaked with sweat.
She blew a sweat soaked bang out of her face, and got him out of the suit, she had just put a pair of boxers on him when he jerked awake. “Oh hey.” She said surprise coating her tone. His eyes were filled with panic.
“I feel sick.”
“Ok, tell me what’s wrong. Is it your stomach? Or your head?” Her voice was comforting but it didn’t matter; he could barely hear her over the ringing in his ears and the bright lights in his eyes. He clumsily sat up straight and  he was once again able to hear her voice for a second before the ringing started. “You need to talk to me love. Are you going to be sick?” 
He wanted to tell her that yes he was going to be sick. But the nausea was so horrible he didn’t even think that he would be able to get out a word without the nausea taking over. He was able to muster the strength to push himself off to the side and had a single moment to be relieved that the rest had been taken to dry cleaning before he started to gag.
Sabrina yelped in surprise as he started to get rid of the meagerly lunch he had eaten. She was quickly shook at her surprise when she realized what was happening, she quickly kept sat him and stroked his back, she might have been saying something, but he couldn’t hear her over the wave of nausea that was crashing into him. He whimpered as a camp settled in his lower stomach.
Sabrina put her hand lightly on top of his swollen and bloated belly. She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Is this okay?” Not trusting himself to speak he nodded wordlessly. She rubbed his stomach and he felt it begin to settle slowly. He glanced at his vomit soaked clothes and his nausea had decided to come back slowly, he quickly looked away and buried his face in his girlfriend's shoulder. He soon fell asleep hoping that when he woke up he wouldn’t feel like he was on a rocking boat. The last thing he felt before he faded into oblivion was a soft kiss on his forehead. 
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godsofthecatz · 4 years
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i know yall wont know who the heck these are- but i wanted to post this anyway-
top left oc’s Miyu and Oliver, top right Harvey and Lucy, middle two siblings Leon (left) and Ashton (right), bottom left Marshall and a cat snatcher (from a hat in time) bottom right Daisy and Suzzan
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spacks-tube · 6 years
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my gym partner is a monkey
M͙O̧̯̣̭̱̥͇͔N̥͘K͕̪͇EY̖̟̘̯͈ͅ ͈̫̲̻̖̞M̭͈̦ON͏͔̻Ķ̞̫EY̞̱͓̣̹̦̜ ̸M͏̗̼̙̹̮̤̻O͉̲͙̫͢Ǹ̻̞͉̦͉Ḳ͕̯ͅE̦͓Y̴͚̝
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I’m Always Here
These characters are Sabrina Black an abused college girl who works very hard and who is now studying law and her rich boyfriend who has never worked a day in his life Ashton Ivory, who is getting a business degree to run his father’s business.
Sabrina was thrown forward with another cough as she walked to the bus stand. She quickly covered her face with a scarf as people walking gave her disgusted looks. She knew that she looked like a mess, with her limp platinum blond hair thrown into a messy ponytail, her normally pale skin had a grey tinge to it. All in all, she looked exhausted, and extremely sick. But she couldn’t take an off day, she was desperate for the money, she knew that she couldn’t have gone to work with a fever, but the bills didn’t pay themselves. 
Well actually they did. Her boyfriend Ashton paid all her bills saying that she practically worked for him with all the times she had cleaned up over him. But still every month, dollar bills appeared on his desk from her to repay him. She was thankful that Liam Ivory decided to take his son to one of his numerous hotels too see all of the improvements. He would have known that she was sick the moment he saw her and restrained her to the bed.
As she finally got to the bus stand she saw that to her dismay the bus had already left, she was about to continue on her way when suddenly the mild ache in her stomach transformed to churning, horrible nausea. She groaned and collapsed onto the bench when the coffee she had drank to stay awake churned in her stomach.
Before she knew it she was gagging and leaning over the bench as deep and thick waves of bile passes out of her body. As she retched she felt her stomach clench as she finished throwing up the meagre food she had eaten and started throwing up stomach acid. Her throat and stomach burned as she retched and gagged. As the churning came to an end she coughed up the remaining pale bile.
She took a deep breath and stood up weakly clutching the side rest of the bench as her head started to spin. She started walking to the penthouse that Ashton insisted that she move in. She was only walking for a few minutes when the rain started. It wasn’t just drizzling either, it was that heavy rain that everyone knew would last for hours with no stopping. By the time she reached the penthouse she was a shivering mess. She weakly stepped in and was confused by the smell of food that was coming out of the kitchen, before she could walk in to investigate her boyfriend walked out of the kitchen. “Rina.” he said with a grin, but his smile disappeared as he looked at her again. “Dear god. Did you walk in the rain.” before she could respond he walked up to her and tilted her face up with his finger.
He took in her grey skin, fever flushed cheeks, heavy bags under her eyes, and her mussed hair. “You’re sick.” It wasn’t a question, just a statement.
 She quickly turned her gaze to the floor and was about to respond to his words, when she was thrown into a coughing fit. As she ended her sputtering coughs she became aware of a hand on her back, and a voice whispering in her ear, “Just breath Sabrina, and breath.” As the fit came to an end she was quickly aware of the dripping water all over her. She shivered and sniffled and said in shaky words,
“I’m going to take a shower and then I have some homework.” The look on her boyfriend’s face quickly dismissed the thought.
“Absolutely not” Ashton said interrupting her train of thoughts
“Plea-” She tried to plead with him, regardless of how horrible she felt. She knew that she should be in bed, but the stubborn part of herself overruled the part that was desperate for comfort.
“No Sabrina, you are going to shower then you will eat and then lay in bed.” His voice indicated that there was no room for negotiation. She nodded and dragged herself to the bathroom trying to ignore the churning nausea which indicated that in only a few minutes she would be retching. She quickly stripped and stepped in the shower. As she let the warm water run over her she resisted the urge to close her eyes and lose control of her body. As she was about to close her eyes she was suddenly brought back to reality when the churning feeling changed to nausea. She quickly stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her shivering body. She quickly knelt in front of the toilet just in time for a deep retching to overtake her.
She sputtered and gagged as tears fell down her face she frantically tried to hold her hair up to stop the vomit from coating it. As the retching came to a temporary pause she was able to weakly call out for her boyfriend, “Ash can you-”
She wasn’t even able to finish the sentence before she was retching again, suddenly there was a large warm hand on her back rubbing large circles and another hand holding up her hair which was still dripping from her shower. “Calm down Sabrina, I’m pretty sure you’re empty.” His soothing voice said, but it was like the words entered her brain through one ear and passes out through the other.
She kept on gagging and retching regardless of the fact that there was nothing left. “You’re empty sweetheart.” he said softly ”Just breath. You’re okay.” He quickly turned her around so her face was pressed against his chest. The vomit on her face rubbed on his shirt but he couldn’t care less. He stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
Ashton’s heart broke as he heard his girlfriend’s sobbing. She was so sick. He felt horrible for being away while she was sick, but unfortunately she was stubborn, she always was. He bent down so that his mouth was next to her ear and whispered, “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” She didn’t seem to hear his words as she shivered in his arms. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before scooping her up in arms and carrying her to their bed.
He dressed her in a sweat shirt with a pair of sleeping pants, both were his and as soon as he was done he placed his hand on her hot forehead. He inhaled sharply when he felt the heat rolling of her forehead. He looked to see that she was sleeping peacefully. He quickly got a thermometer and placed in her ear. She stirred quietly but he was able to lull her back to sleep with stroking her hair. As the thermometer beeped he looked at the reading and sighed in relief.
Not the best but certainly safer than some other temperatures. He quietly woke her up and was able to coax her to take more medicine and out a cool cloth on her forehead before they both drifted off to sleep.
Ashton blinked wearily to see what had woken him up at, he glanced at the clock which read 03:00am. He looked around in confusion to see what had dragged him from slumber. He was about to close his eyes when he became aware of a hot presence at his side. He looked to see Sabrina tossing and turning and muttering in German.
“Kalt, damit kalt” She muttered, he cursed himself for not learning her first language. He frantically pulled out his phone and opened a translation website, he listened once again and typed the words out.
Cold, so cold. He frowned when he saw the result and reached out to touch her forehead. It was hot. Too hot. He pulled out the thermometer and waited for the result, when he saw it he couldn’t stop the quiet gasp that escaped from his mouth.
He quickly woke her up and helped her into a lukewarm bath. She seemed to not be able to talk English at all and frantically mumbled and whispered in German. He tried to translate what he could, and found that she was mostly delirious because last he checked she was talking about rainbow fairies. About five minutes after she first sat down in the bath she said something else in German, it was clear unlike her delirium mumbles. “Ich werde ohnmächtig.” 
He typed the three words and cursed when he saw the result. Her eyes were already slipping shut, He scooped her out of the bath and dressed her in a tank top and leggings “Stay awake angel.” He carried out of the bathroom and onto the couch. Sabrina looked at him with weary eyes, “Danke, dass du dich um mich gekümmert hast.” He typed it out and smiled at the result.
“I’m always here for you.” He whispered to her sleeping form.
Kalt, damit kalt - Cold, so cold
Ich werde ohnmächtig - I’m Going to Faint
Danke, dass du dich um mich gekümmert hast - Thank you for taking care of me
I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I don’t speak German and had to use Google translate.
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My OC’s Part 2
1. Sabrina Black- 25- Law Student- Works in a bar- Babysits- Assistant in store\
Sabrina wan an only child who was abused by her mother while her father was never home, she was accepted into college with a scholarship and has several jobs to earn money. She lives with Ashton. She has Long platinum blond hair, pale blue eyes, 5ft 7. She is Quiet, independent, thoughtful.
2. Ashton Ivory- 26-  Business student- Set to inherit his fathers hotel business
Ashton has a loving family and has two siblings, a brother Finn and a sister Marie Rose. He is impatient and arrogant but can be remarkably thoughtful. He is Tall, 6ft, black hair dark brown eyes.
3. Sienna Rowan- 22- Medical student-  Tutor, writes resume’s, library
Sienna grew up in an orphanage and was in the system. By the time she turned 17 she ran away. She has an eidetic memory. She has strawberry blond hair , amber eyes, pale skin, 5ft 6. She is Sarcastic, defensive, stubborn.
4. Finn Ivory- 23- Degree in Criminal Justice-  Wants to be a FBI agent.
Finn is the younger brother of Ashton and Sienna’s future love interest. He is Kind, thoughtful, funny. He is 6ft, blond hair, brown eyes.
5. Logan Matthews- 27- Photographer
Logan comes from a large and very happy family, he loved photography since he was a child. He is kind, funny, and charming. He is tall, and has messy red hair with bright blue eyes.
6. Scott Silvers- 29- Event Planner
Scott is a only child, his mom died when he was three because of a car crash and his father took care of him ever since, he is very self conscious and cares about others opinions. He comes from a rich family and grew up with Ashton. He has honey blonde hair and bronze eyes.
7. Annabelle Cooper nee Johnson- 28- Biochemist
Annabelle grew up in a town where people believed that woman were only pretty figures and after school should play the role of loving wife. Her parents agreed with this and that made life hard for her because of her high IQ and eidetic memory. She is short with shoulder length auburn hair and green eyes. She is socially awkward but is good at acting.
8. Darius Johnson- 29- Actor
Darius started his acting career at the age of 15 and has been successful ever since. He met Annabelle in a café and they got married two years later. He is charming, thoughtful, honest, and smart. He is tall with brown hair and eyes.
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spacks-tube · 6 years
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how do i look?
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My OC’s
TW: Abuse, Neglect, self harm
Name: Valeria Adair
Age: 26
Species: Witch/ Head of coven
Job: Forensic Doctor
Personality: Stubborn, sarcastic, blunt, intelligent.
Appearance: Pale skin, tall 5ft 7, long black wavy hair and dark blue eyes.
Extra: Her mother was the witch in her family and walked out but not before she placed a charm on both of her children so they wouldn’t be able to talk about it. Her father was abusive and she often took punishments for her brother. When she was 15 she tried to kill herself. She met Carter in college.
Name: Carter Parker
Age: 27
Species: Werewolf
Job: Owns a business inherited from his father
Personality: Quiet, honest, persuasive, understanding, hates when someone lies.
Appearance: 5ft 10, tanned skin, blond hair, dark brown eyes.
Extra: Pretty great life until he was bit. Great relationship with parents and sisters.
Name: Ivy Adair
Age: 17
Species: Witch/ Right hand
Job: High schooler ahs a spot in Julliard for the preforming arts.
Personality: She’s practically a carbon copy of Valeria. She’s kind of a loner, blunt, honest.
Appearance: Thick, wavy brown hair reaches mid-back, grey-blue eyes, and pale face. 5ft 9
Extra: She was left on the door step of an orphanage and was moved around in foster homes a lot, in the end she got irritated and ran away and became a street performer. Valeria found her and adopted her.
Name: Duncan Adair
Age: 25
Species: Witch
Job: In school to become a therapist
Personality: Kind, sweet,. helpful, selfless.
Appearance: He is tall and stands at 5ft 9, tanned skin, black hair, dark blue eyes.
Extra: He was spared from abuse because his sister always shielded him but was horrified when he walked into her room to see blood spilling from her wrists. He decided to become a therapist to help other people.
Name: Lincoln Griffin
Age: 26
Species: Human
Job: Murder-mystery author
Personality: Proud, arrogant, stubborn
Appearance: 5ft 7, tanned skin brown hair and eyes.
Extra: He has a great home life, and is a only child. Found out about Duncan by himself. Doesn’t get along with Valeria because of their similar personalities.
Name: Carson Cross-Johnson
Age: 35
Species: Born Werewolf/Alpha
Job: Owns and runs a restaurant with his sister
Personality: Strict, understanding, good teacher
Appearance: Dark skin, brown hair and eyes
Extra: Normal Life, married to Hendrik
Name: Hendrik Johnson-Cross
Age: 36
Species: Werewolf
Job: Mythology Teacher
Personality: Kind, funny, understanding
Appearance: Orange hair, blue eyes
Name: Jacob Louis
Age: 17
Species: Witch
Job: High schooler
Personality: Funny, kind, sweet, brave.
Appearance: Tall, 5ft 9, blond hair, pale green eyes.
Extra: Parents don’t know he’s a werewolf. Is like Carson’s son.
Name: Hailey Charmant
Age: 16
Species: werewolf hunter
Job: high schooler, works in Carson’s restaurant
Personality: Strict, unforgiving, secret goodness
Appearance: Shoulder length ash blond hair, 5ft 7, amber eyes
Extra: Neglected by parents, very protective of little brother.
Name: Sabrina Black
Age: 23
Job: Law student, babysits, works in store, bar.
Personality: Quiet, independent, thoughtful
Appearance: Long platinum blond hair, pale blue eyes, 5ft 7
Extra: Abused by father and mother
Name: Ashton Ivory
Age: 24
Job: Getting a business degree to run his fathers hotel company.
Personality: Impatient, arrogant, thoughtful
Appearance: Tall, 6ft, black hair dark brown eyes.
a sister and a brother.
Name: Finn Ivory
Job: Getting a degree in criminal justice
Personality: Kind, thoughtful, funny
Appearance: 6ft, blond hair, brown eyes.
Name: Sienna Rowan
Job: Tutor, writes resume’s, library, medical student.
Personality: Sarcastic, defensive, stubborn.
Appearance: Auburn hair dyed rose gold, amber eyes, pale skin, 5ft 6.
Extra: Orphan with no idea of her past, ran away at 17, eidetic memory.
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Panic! At the Disco
These characters are Sabrina Black an abused college girl who works in bars and who is now studying law and her rich boyfriend who has never worked a day in his life Ashton Ivory, who is getting a business degree to run his father’s business.
TW: Abuse and attempted assault
 Sabrina flinched as another drunk, elder man got to close to her. No matter how hard you tried, you could never shake of old habits. She still flinched whenever someone got to close to her or touched her. She had almost had a panic attack when Ashton had first hugged her.
But she had come to love it, the hugs, the kisses, the gentle touches, and the brushing of her hair. But that didn't mean that she forgot. She hated the place that she worked, but she had to earn money for herself and she refused to accept her boyfriend's charity. She worked at a supermarket, babysat, and then this. The bar was no doubt her least favourite job. She was forced to wear a dress that barely went under her underwear and wear her platinum blonde hair down. Apparently her boss thought she would look better with green eyes and she had to hide her natural pale blue eyes with contacts. She quickly picked up the tray with 20 shots of vodka and walked up to a group of 10 about her age who were already extremely drunk. “20 shots of vodka.” She announced as she set the shots down. She heard the boys eyes move to places other than her face and she had to resist the urge to cry and scream.
She heard a drunk voice whisper, “Hey darling. Why don’t we leave this place? I think I can teach you how to have real fun.” She removed his arm from her waist before she started to get a panic attack. “I’m working. Not having fun.” she said as she walked away pretending not to notice the lingering stares as she looked back to the time another drunk man looked at her. Except this man looked at her with hate and repulsion instead of lust.
“Please daddy, please daddy no.” she could remember the fear that coursed through her when she said those words, but he hadn’t cared as he brought the belt down her back.
She inhaled quietly trying to stop the incoming panic attack before it started. 
“Please dad, I’ll do anything, I’ll do anything please don’t hurt me, please.”
“You bitch, be quiet, you are a waste of space and time!”
Just as she was about to drop the tray in her hands a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, she stiffened and was about to flinch when she smelt a whiff of expensive cologne. She sighed in relief when Ashton Ivory buried his head in her shoulder. “Hey Ash, she turned around and gave him a weak smile. He stared at her.
“You look horrible Rina.” She rolled her eyes as she heard his blunt comment.
“Charming Ivory, Thank you so much for those kind words.” He grinned at her but she could see the thinly veiled concern in his eyes.
“Come on Rina, you look pale so you either have a fever or a flashback. I’m going to take a guess and say the second one.” She groaned in annoyance and buried her face into his warm, solid chest.
“How do you always know?” He didn’t respond and just kissed her forehead. From the corner of her eye she could see her manager glaring at her. “I need to go, before my manager makes me stay longer because I was socializing.”
He groaned, “Why do you even still work here? You know I can help you with money.” She glared at him, “I don’t need your charity.”
“It’s not charity! You help me so much. You take care of all of my finances and, tutor me, and clean up after me, my old housekeeper got paid for less.”
“I want to make it on my own Ash. I don’t want to take help. People already think that I’m with you for the money, think about what they would say if I actually start to take your money.”
“Please Rina, even my parents agree. If you won’t take the money then can you at least get a better job? You know that this one isn’t safe at all.”
She turned around and walked to the counter, “I need to work Ashton, now tell me do you want something or not.” When she didn’t hear a response she turned around to see that Ashton was walking to the bathroom. She sighed as she poured another drink. She wanted to take the money so badly, but she still had the fear that one day he would leave her and she would be left with nothing.
She knew it was irrational but she couldn’t help it. As she thought of all of this she didn’t notice one of the men from the group of ten walk up to her. She was suddenly yanked back into reality as she felt an arm slide around her waist . She looked up to see that she was in a storage closet and that no one was around her except for the man in front of her. “Excuse me.” She said quietly as she tried to slip past him. But as she went past him a hand reached out and gripped her wrist. “Please let me go. Please.” She was begging now, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to be left alone for once in her life. She could never escape her demons no matter how hard she tried to.
 “I don’t think so sweetheart, you’ll find that no one has ever rejected me and all those who do still end up with me.” His voice was cold and cruel and Sabrina found herself hyperventilating, she tried to back away but he followed her, he stepped closer and closer to her until his lips brushed her forehead. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her. She squirmed and tried to move but it was pointless, he was much stronger than her. 
Just as he fingered her dress strap someone punched him. Tears obstructed her vision but she could see the black hair and brown eyes of her boyfriend.
 As Ashton punched the guy she sank to the ground clutching her head and found that she wasn’t able to breath. As she sobbed and hyperventilated she saw someone kneel in front of her. “Hey sweetheart. You’re okay. Don’t worry. Calm down.” But she couldn’t calm down. Soon the sobbing changed to retching and gagging as she spat bile on the ground beside her. Ashton cursed as he grabbed her platinum locks with one hand and rubbed her back with the other. 
They stayed that way for almost fifteen minutes before she looked up. “I’m sorry, so sorry I’ll quit this job.” He wrapped his arms around her and shushed her quietly. “Shh, I’ll tell John to bring the car here. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He whispered as he picked her up bridal style.
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