#of Lucci in half leopard form
kiame-sama · 11 months
Hey there. I was wondering if you could give your option on what kind of yandere rob Lucci would be? He is one of my favorite creatures and he seems perfect to be a yandere. Hope you are doing well.
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- Lucci is a bully of a yandere. Lucci will not be a soft and gentle yandere who coos and coddles his darling. As far as Lucci is concerned, his darling is his property and he has no intention of letting his property be taken from him. He is not kind and in a way seems cold or cruel in how he speaks to his darling, but if anyone- and I do mean anyone- speaks ill of his dearest, he will fight to the death to defend their honor. Only he is allowed to mock or harass his darling.
- Lucci believes that his darling is his weakness, so he will do everything in his power to keep others from reaching that same conclusion. This does mean he seems like he doesn't care if anything happens to his darling, but he will be by their side in constant if they were to fall ill or become unwell. He will be the one to bring them food and ensure their body is clean if they cannot/refuse to take care of themselves.
- Lucci is an aggressive lover and has a tendency to not care if he is in his half-way or full leopard form while he is going wild on his darling. When Lucci wants intimacy, he gets intimacy. There is no telling him no or trying to fight him off when he truly wants to have is beloved underneath him.
- He will be confused and put on guard if his darling shows him genuine affection or tries to cuddle him in any capacity. Lucci is a killer and- as far as he is aware- a monster. Why on Earth would you actually care about the one who is doing these deplorable things to you?
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larkreadsop · 1 year
Oda is a genius.
I was rereading water 7 for the billionth time or something, and then realised Lucci charadesign put us on the way to CP9 betrayal/manage the suprise effect.
Surprise effect : Hattori LMFAO. For manga readers there wasn't that much, but for anime only people, given he latter had a full conversation with Robin, it helped to keep the secret, given the VA in Japanese of Hattori and Lucci are almost opposite tonalities and all.
Clue : those ridiculous tattoos we don't get to see anymore unless he's in leopard form (aka half naked, not that I'm complaining). When we first get to see dead ""Lucci"" and ""Kaku"", even though Hattori is here, the tattoos are missing so we should have been able to tell it wasn't actually him. And that they're really poor spies, like couldn't you boy just use a pencil or something ? 😭
(won't elaborate on the last sentence, the fact they let a cyborg who is able to spit out fire in possession of paper documents should be enough.)
I love how careful both the anime and manga are when it comes to not giving any real hints on who the CP9 agents are and it's one of the reasons I think the entire reveal is so effective (especially since in recent arcs having 'traitors' is becoming more and more common). In the manga it's obviously not a big deal in terms of voices because there's no audio but I've looked at the original Japanese for those chapters and even when Kaku's talking while wearing the skull mask he's...using a completely different speech pattern instead of his usual 'old man' style so anyone reading wouldn't be able to pick up clues from that (and of course in the anime just having Lucci talk works well enough because we haven't heard his real voice until then).
I remember back when I was liveblogging that arc we had a running joke going about how they're better quick-change specialists than agents because Kaku and Lucci at least change clothes at least four or five times within the space of a few hours so those boys are working overtime and I guess Lucci's tattoos being overlooked was them hoping nobody would look too closely if the mansion was getting attacked.
(Though, again, we also kind of had a running joke about how bad these guys are at their jobs...specifically the 'assassination' part...so maybe I shouldn't even give them the benefit of the doubt here...)
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jinbeistwincocks · 1 year
I want Rob Lucci to turn into his half-leopard form and fuck me until I’m unrecognizable.
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weinmanart · 4 years
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What if... Tiger Zoan Zoro?
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 3 years
Hello I just happened across this after finishing the Enies Lobby arc bc I am now liking most of the CP9. Love ur writing and was wondering if you'd do a headcannons thingy for cp9 being soft while having to take care of a colleague (us) while we recover from sickness, injuries, or whatever? I just wanna see them show some tenderness towards someone they like, whether we be a bestie or a crush or whatever to them :)
Thanks for blessing me with your writing, regardless if you write this or not. Great job! :3
(Thank you for writing Jabra content because holy hell is it rare. Whats with me liking the rarest characters in fandom lmao)
Aww, thank you anon! That's really sweet, and I'm glad you've joined us in the CP9 pit! (Jabra really does need more love, he's such a fascinating and complex character!)
Thanks for your patience while I cooked up these headcanons! I'm gonna' put them below in a readmore, but I hope you enjoy them!
Rob Lucci: Lucci isn't the sort to fret in public (though he'll definitely be more irritable, which the others will refrain from pointing out if they value their lives). But in private, he rarely leaves your side. His presence is quiet but reassuring as he keeps watch, and you often find him reading a book or sewing an outfit for Hattori. And sometimes (especially if he's fond of you), you'll wake up to find him holding your hand. He's not one to naturally show such affection while you're awake...but if you ask, and you're alone, you might be able to convince him to shift into leopard form if you need something warm and soft. (He'll claim it's solely to help you heal faster, since research suggests that cat purrs have healing properties...that's the only reason he's purring, and don't you dare suggest otherwise!)
Kaku: Kaku gets particularly antsy when he's worried about others, so he'll do all he can to help you feel better while keeping himself busy. If there's anything you need or that the doctors request, he's off in a flash to get it. If you need any sort of physical therapy to recover, he'll be there to lend a hand. He feels like he's got to keep his mind clear and hands busy, so sometimes you have to remind him that you aren't dying and convince him to sit with you a moment. Then he'll keep his hands occupied by holding yours (resting his head on top of yours or in the crook of your shoulder if you're particularly close), quietly admitting how worried he was. But he knows you'll be okay, and he'll be with you every step of the way.
Kalifa: Kalifa is ever practical, reminding you to take your medicine and helping you stick to a schedule so you don't forget to eat or sleep. To some, she seems tougher than the doctors. But they don't see her in private, quietly running her fingers through your hair and along your body to help you stay clean, because she can think of nothing worse than feeling grimy and battered while stuck in a hospital bed. They don't feel her touch upon your brow as she puts a damp cloth to help with any fever you may have. And if any of the medical staff don't take your pain seriously, she will tell them off until you get the treatment you need. She is fierce on your behalf, and soft for you and you alone.
Blueno: Blueno isn't the sort to hover over anyone; he knows you're an adult, you need your space to heal and he's got a job to do. He's practical, but far from heartless. If supplies you need are low, he'll sneak in and acquire whatever you need from even the most well-guarded fortress. If you need a break from your hospital room (and are well enough to do so), he's got a Door out so you can catch some fresh air. Once you've recovered, he'll make you a nice meal and drink of your choice to celebrate, though he'll do so in his own low-key way.
Jabra: When someone he cares for isn't feeling well, Jabra dives into protective wolf mode. This is sometimes even literal, keeping guard around your bed and growling at any unwanted visitors before curling up at the foot of your bed for the night. He gets embarrassed if anyone brings it up afterwards, especially if they call him a puppy or something of the sort...but while you're recovering, he doesn't care what others say, so long as you're safe and sound. If you need extra help once the worst is over, he'll even accompany you (in human or wolf form) to help keep you steady while you get back to your old self.
Kumadori: Once you get Kumadori to stop crying and blaming himself for whatever happened to you, Kumadori is one of the best folks to have by your side while under the weather. He knows a lot about how the body works, so he knows just what you need to feel better. He'll make you soothing tea, guide you through breathing exercises, anything else that could help. Many of his methods are more traditional, but there's a homey touch to them that warms your heart. At night, he'll tell you stories and poems until you're able to sleep...and as you rest, he'll pray to his mother to watch over you and aid your recovery, because he couldn't stand to lose you too.
Fukuro: If you need someone to talk to while recovering, Fukuro's got your back. He'll share the latest gossip and all the going-ons so you're all caught up for whenever you get back. He'll jot down what the medical staff says too, since he figures it'll be hard for you to remember everything when you're not at 100%. He advocates for you, relay messages, anything where he can use his voice to full advantage. But really, he just loves to keep you smiling and entertained, because that's how he knows you'll be alright.
BONUS: Spandam: Sends you a get-well card and flowers. He doesn't visit as often, claims he's busy. But in soft moments, he'll bring Funkfreed by, because his elephant pal always makes him feel better and he hopes it'll help you feel better too.
Nero: Assuring you that you'll be just fine on the outside, *freaking out* on the inside. But he'll do his best to hold it together, for your sake!
Bedlam (CP9 OC): Being a doctor, is likely the one in charge of your care. They're prone to sarcasm in lighter moments ("Oh yeah, that's a terminal case of the sniffles, I give you like, three and a half hours left"), but when you're in the worst throes, they work tirelessly day and night until you're back from the brink. Don't be surprised to find them whirring around you with a full carafe of coffee while they help you out, or to wake and find them asleep in the chair next to your bed.
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Reading One Piece pt 119: Team Rocket Blasting Off Again
Chapter 349
- Fire in the building! Wow, who would expect it, right
- Oh! The shipwrights from before are evacuating but don’t want to leave Iceberg behind! Precious
- Meanwhile Lucci… is in his monster form?
- …ew
- Leopard, huh
- Why did you draw him like that Oda, aren’t leopards presented in art as thin and gracious and other cat stuff. For a moment I thought he was a toad now
- “Logia, zoan, paramecia…” hey, they’re talking about devil’s fruits classes :D I know that stuff :D
- “Zoan is the strongest in close combat”
  *remembers Ace*
  *remembers Aokiji*
  …Are you sure about that
- Zoan is still pretty cool, I mean, Chopper is half human now! And Pell could FLY, how great is that
- Our traitors noticed shipwrights are going up to get Iceberg, so they’re making the whole wing of the building collapse. JUST LEAVE ALREADY
- Now let’s see if this will work out
- Hmmmm, doesn’t look like it
- Feelings
- “I really thought that we were friends!!!” “…Only you thought that.” Lucci, why so bastardly
- Luffy is great as always
- But it doesn’t help him right now, ow
- Zoro is great too, with the same results
- Omg, he literary send them both flying, lol. What is this, Team Rocket
- But hilarity aside, we don’t have Luffy and Zoro now, and Nami, Chopper, Paulie and Iceberg are still in the burning building with 4 assassins next to them. Shit
- Wait, what
- Oh, some time has passed in the story! Not much, but now I’m double worried
- Shipwrights found unconscious Nami. I’m kinda nervous here
- They tied Paulie and Iceberg together and LEFT THEM IN THAT BUILDING TO DIE FROM FLAMES JESUS CHRIST
- (Iceberg’s rat is with them! Did you know that in Odyssey when Odysseus comes back to Itaka, he is greeted by his super old dog who recognizes his master despite Odysseus being in disguise? And then the dog dies right after? Yeah, I’m experiencing that kind of feeling but on smaller scale. That’s some good rat you got, Iceberg)
- “An ordinary citizen shouldn’t defy a large government!”  I have many, many issues with that statement
- But damn, you must admit that if there’s one thing One Piece government is good at, it’s rising sociopaths
- Now CP9 will go to get Franky
This is not good.
rOP 118  rOP 120
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multimuseforme · 4 years
Since I mentioned it last night, here’s the list of quirks I made for most of my muses! Basically for their MHA verses if they ever become a thing! It’s a bit long so I’m putting it behind a cut!
Bolin - Quirk: Earth-Bender, a pretty self explanatory quirk. It allows him to control Earth and stone for both offense and defense. However it's weakness is obvious too, the things he controls can't be artificially made or at least mostly artificial, like Cement. He has evolved his Quirk recently, by focusing very hard he is able to make the Earth he controls heat itself through pressure enough that it turns into Lava, that he can still control. The process is very taxing and can cause lots of collateral damage.
Asura - Quirk: Wrath, Asura is someone who is very prone to anger and that anger is able to make him stronger and stronger. But his body alone can't take all of the stress of his building strength so to vent it, it forms arms made of "Wrath energy". These arms can break and when they do it causes his body to take backlash greater than the energy the arm was made of. He generally fights with 6 arms. He's been coming up with a special technique where he can merge the energy arms with his own to great effect.
Eddie Riggs - Quirk: Heavy Metal, Eddie is able to manipulate the world around him through the music he creates through his guitar, Clementine. Such as causing explosions, or blasts of lightning. Of course it comes with a downside, he needs to remember very specific chords to get specific effects. It's a good thing he wasn't born with a lack of musical talent.
Superman - Quirk: Man of Steel, Clark is one of if not the strongest Hero on the planet, at least in his heyday in the 30's and 40's. But even today, having aged very little comparatively, he is able to absorb Solar energy, the more he has stored the stronger he is. Extraneous acts deplete the energy faster than it can be replenished, especially his super moves. Another downside is that a specific chemical element, Krypton can render him powerless if he is exposed to too much of it.
Doomslayer - Quirk: Rip and Tear, one of the least commerically friendly quirks. The Doomslayer's quirk is simple. He gets stronger the more he brutally kills. It is a good thing he is a Hero(Or at least, not a Villain), the amount he gains per kill is quite small, an average non-quirk having human would become 25% stronger after a kill, but it's not a percentage gain it's a flat gain making the gain have diminishing returns. Thankfully he only targets the worst scum, demons in human bodies.
Dante - Quirk: Devil May cry, Dante's quirk is quite the stylish one. Maybe not flashy itself, but it lets him be so. Dante is able to increase either his strength, speed, durability or senses to ridiculous degrees. But only one of those four at a time, he can switch pretty quick though if needed. He can access all of his boosts at once by transforming into a Demon like being he refers to as his "Devil Trigger", in this state he's immensely powerful but the state only lasts five minutes and he needs to wait an hour before accessing it again.
Hercules - Quirk: Herculean, probably the simplest quirk here. It makes Hercules an immense physical powerhouse. The downsides are that compared to other powers it's very easy to drain his strength through outside means, and his own clumsiness and the fact that he's still learning to use his strength can cause quite a few--Problems.
Broly - Quirk: Full Power, Broly's heart acts as a generator of energy. This energy is unlike anything else and has immense destructive properties. It generates passively as he fights, making him stronger and stronger. But intense emotions cause it to generate even faster, to a dangerous degree(Both to him and the area around him). He is able to fire off blasts of this energy as well, but sometimes uncontrollably. He has three "break points" in his energy generation, if he reaches these break points his physical abilities and energy generation skyrocket and his body transforms. He's a danger to everyone and everything, most of all, himself.
Zamasu - Quirk: Divinity, Zamasu is able to manipulate his soul and it's energy, to such a degree he can make blades of soul power to carve those he views as lowly and deserving of eradication. But it's true ultimate power is the ability to split his soul into pieces, using these pieces he can possess others, taking control of them. Not direct control but the possessed will act as if he is also Zamasu. It also enhances certain types of quirks, the change is quite obvious. And when his soul is split, he is functionally immortal. You have to destroy every piece not connected to his body to properly kill him.
Goku Black - Quirk: Super, This was the quirk of the being whose body is now taken over by Zamasu. The user is able to transform, their hair spiking up and giving them physical abilities 50 times greater than before, alongside energy generation. With Zamasu's soul in Goku Black's body, this amplification is well over a hundred times, and changed the colour of what the users hair goes when they activate their quirk. From yellow to pink.
Kenshiro - Quirk: Fist of the North Star, this quirk allows Kenshiro to send shocks of internal energy through his opponent. Normally this would just make a small tap have the same pain as being shot, quite useful. But combined with Kenshiro's martial arts aptitude and knowledge of pressure points, it allows him to affect his opponent in various ways. From in fact healing them, to making their blood pressure rush so high that their upper body explodes. He rarely goes that far, but only because he rarely feels he needs to. Of course if the enemy's body is odd or mutated his ability to hit pressure points is limited, in fact foes with high enough physical strength can hold back even the most dire effects of his quirk.
Godzilla - He's canon
Jotaro Kujo - Quirk: Star Platinum, this quirk allows the user to call upon a manifestation of your fighting spirit. This spirit is Jotaro's main form of offense and defense, while it looks like a separate being, Star Platinum acts on Jotaro's will and wants. In terms of physical strength and speed, Star Platinum is one of the strongest of this subset of quirks called Stands. There's something hidden deep inside Star Platinum's power, but it may need another of similar power to awaken it. The biggest weakness is that Jotaro himself is not any more stronger than a normal human, and can feel a portion of the pain delivered onto his Stand.
Thor - Quirk: God of Thunder, among all the quirks that deal with Lightning and Thunder, Thor's is the strongest in the world. He once called a lightning bolt down that was so strong it caused a quarter mile crater in Norway, which is now a tourist destination. He has the strength of Thunder as well, so even if in an area where he cannot unleash his lightning he is still probably the biggest threat to any villain there. In his younger days he needed a conduit for his lightning and it's raw power. Odin commissioned a piece of gear that would not only be able to direct his lightning, but be able to withstand his physical blows. Even after he learned to control both his lightning and his strength, he still uses Mjolnir to great effect.
Jetstream Sam - Quirk: Jetstream, Sam's is a quirk that requires a secondary item. In his case a sword, his own a very special one that helps him deal with those with tougher skin than most. Sam is able to "charge" his blade with a mysterious red energy. When fully charged, he can use this energy to amplify the cutting power of a single slash a thousand fold. He once cut a tank in half with his quirk, it's that good.
Little Mac - Quirk: Punch-out, this quirk is a strong one with a big drawback. When at least one foot is on the ground, Mac's physical abilities and senses are enhanced to superhuman levels, especially the power of his punches. Which compliments his boxing fighting style very well. But of course the big weakness is if Mac's feet are both off the ground he is as strong as any boxer who trains like him would be. Which is far from enough in the hero world.
Luffy - Quirk: Stretch, this quirk is a mutation type, Luffy's body has the quality of rubber. Which doesn't sound very impressive but Luffy's training and instincts have allowed him to become very strong with his quirk very quickly. He's even evolved it, being able to harden parts of his body to deliver much more powerful blows. The hardening process is like vulcanization with how his body looks after. It does limit his stretching ability but he is able to hit harder and take harder hits. He even has several advanced forms. One is focused on speed and attack power. The other is focused on strength and single blows. The last is the strongest but he hasn't needed to pull it out yet. A big weakness is that he is not immune to piercing weapons like he is blunt force. Cold and heat can also mess him up more than the average person, but if he hardens he gets less vulnerable to heat, but more to cold.
Rob Lucci - Quirk: Spots, this quirk allows Lucci to transform into a massive Leopard-human hybrid, or just a Leopard. The hybrid state increases his strength and durability many times fold and aids in his use of Rokushiki(Martial arts that are like 7 mini-quirks), it also increases his speed, not as much as his other abilities but still noticeably especially with how big he becomes. It also gives him animal senses and instincts. But only a handful of people still alive know about his quirk, as his pre-transformation physical abilities coupled with being a master of Rokushiki are generally more than enough.
Alex Mercer - Quirk: Blacklight, This allows Alex to shift, manipulate and absorb biomass. He gets heavier the more he absorbs, but it makes him harder and harder to dent. But his offense is very nasty as well, as he is able to shift his arms into all sorts of weapons. But the more he gets hit the more biomass he loses. He prefers to get his from eating lots and lots of meat. But the best way, when he's not opposed to it(So against a villain or their minions), is to absorb a living person. By devouring them he not only gets biomass but their skills and abilities. But any quirk he gets only lasts a few days.
Leonardo - Quirk: TMNT, A quirk he shares with his brothers. It gives him the physical appearance and some abilities as a turtle. But given that he's not slow like one he is able to use enhanced strength and incredible defense in tandem with Ninja training from his Adopted father Hayato Yoshi to great effect as a hero in a half shell.
Thrall - Quirk: Shaman, this quirk is half mutation. Thrall's body is massive and muscular, but mostly green and like an Orc. But the true nature of his quirk well, has to do with nature. Thrall is able to communicate with the elements. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and sometimes even Spirit. Through communicating with them he can not only get a lay of the land, but he can also control these elements if they allow him to. This has many and varied uses. More than can be listed here. But the elements don't always listen and if Thrall's emotional state becomes that bad, he may lose connection with them temporarily. The Doomhammer is a great conduit but was not made to be so, it was passed down to him by a Villain who before his last breath wanted something he made to finally do some right.
Domon Kasshu - Quirk: King of Hearts, this quirk allows Domon to turn his hot-bloodedness into power. He is able to generate enough power to even fire a blast of energy. But if he's downtrodden his quirk is obviously much less effecctive.
Simon Jiha - Quirk: FIGHT THE POWER, this allows Simon to weaponize his willpower in various ways, with near infinite growth. This power has near infinite potential. Some have even theorized that if he's able to generate continually for long enough that he'll be able to alter reality itself.
Hellboy - Quirk: Red right hand, It is a mutation quirk making him much stronger and durable than the normal human or even the normal hero. This quirk has gotten Hellboy some discrimination for how he looks. But he still works his hero work and helps whoever needs it. His right hand especially is good at opening the way. It has given him some bad dreams...
Invincible - Quirk: Invincible, a pretty standard quirk. The combination of flight and super strength/durability lets Invincible be a standard but incredibly effective hero. While his senses are heightened, they aren't anywhere near super and in fact, sounds that are too loud can incapacitate him or at the very least mess up his balance if he's not prepared.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Bandai Namco has released the Gamescom 2018 trailer and screenshots for open-world One Piece game One Piece: World Seeker.
Here is an overview of the trailer, via Bandai Namco:
The trailer opens with our hero Luffy, in handcuffs, being brought in front of a mysterious character sat upon a throne, high above the clouds of Prison Island on a floating fortress. But what does this character have in-store for Luffy? And more importantly, why does Luffy look so happy to be captured?
Also revealed in the trailer are three new characters Luffy will come up against.
The first, Borsalino (Kizaru), is an admiral in the marines, he is one of the strongest enemies for Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew. He possess the Glint-Glint Fruit (Pika Pika No Mi), which allows him to control and manipulate light at will and can even transform himself into light, giving him the power of teleportation. He is the faithful servant of the Marine headquarters and will happily fight Luffy whenever the opportunity arises. Another enemy Luffy will come up against is Admiral Issho (Fujitora). Despite being blind, he is a force to be reckoned with. Despite the mystery surrounding the exact nature of his power, he seems to have the power to control gravity, being able to subdue prisoners or even redirecting a meteoroid. Fujitora is different from the other admirals, for him what’s truly important is the security and safety of the citizens of Prison Island.         Last but not least Rob Lucci is a member of the CP-0, the intelligence organisation directly controlled by the world government. He ate the Cat-Cat Fruit which allows him to transform into beast form, half-human; half-leopard. As more characters arrive in Jail Island, the mystery of why all these people are here only deepens, with rumours that Lucci himself is the warden of Prison Island itself.
One Piece: World Seeker is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018. In Japan, it will only be released for PlayStation 4.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
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spottedsoftpaws · 4 years
File: Rob Lucci
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((commissioned work :) please don’t use it!))
(( AU VERSES - In all Au verses like in his original verse, he will be an orphan, not knowing of his family before he was picked up. ))
((Yes I will keep some things from before they came out way too late! like height, I will keep what I had as headcanon. More information will be added over time :) but now more under the read more ^^))
NAME: Rob Lucci RACE: Human SEX: male HEIGHT: 1,95m WEIGHT: 104kg EYES: amber HAIR: black, wavy, long SKIN: light tanned BUILD: slender, muscular DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Five cannon ball scars on his back, which looks like the Government symbol. He has as well a tattoo of a crossed-out square on each upper arm. Weirdly shaped Eyebrows and beard.
BIRTHPLACE: Grandline (Guanhao) AGE:  28 (before timeskip) // 30 (after timeskip) BIRTH DATE: June 2 (Gemini) Blood Group: XF CURRENT RESIDENCE: Whereabouts unknown FAMILY: Mother – Rob Alessandra (passed away) // Father (unknown)
AFFILATED: CP9 // GALLEY-LA // Revos JOB: Assasin // Shipwright // Double Agent
WEAPON: (he himself is the weapon) FIGHTING STYLE: close combat
POWERS AND ABILITIES: Rokushi - Geppo – Allows the user to actually jump off the air itself. Allowing them to stay in the air for much longer then usual.
- Tekkai – Hardens the users muscles to the level of iron, in order to nullify damage taken from attacks. The user has to stand still for this, it can as well be broken by strong enough forces.
- Shigan – A close-quarter combat technique, where the user pushes their finger into a certain target a t a very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound. - Variations: Shigan Oren (rapid fire version)/ Tobu Shigan Bachi (sharp compressed air bullets)/ Shigan Madara (both hands and half Leopard form)
- Rankyaku – Is a kicking technique, where the user kicks at a very high speed and strength level. Sending out an sharp compressed air blade, which can slice objects and humans. - Variation: Rankyaku Hyobi – In half Leopard form, shaped in a swirl, like a high speed spiraling wind that can suck in nearby standing targets. Rankyaku Gaicho – In Half leopard form, using his hands instead of the legs and forms a Rankyaku in shape of a bird.
- Soru – A vanishing speed form, where the user has to kick the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. It is used to avoid attacks or get near the enemy to attack him. - Variation: Kamisori – Combination of Geppo and Soru, where he runs in zigzag motion in midair.
- Kami-e – Using this, the users body goes limp in order to avoid any attacks. He looks like a floating piece of paper then. - Variation: Seimei Kikan: Kami-e Bushin – Using this, his leopard form gets smaller, better said thinner and faster.
- Rokuogan – The user places both his fists right in front of the target and launches a devastating shock wave in a forward direction. The vbburst is a reminiscence to that released by an Impact or Reject Dial. (Variation: Rokushiki Ogi: Rokuogan)
Devil Fruit // Neko-Neko no Mi (Model: Leopard) – Allows the user to transform into a leopard hybrid and a full leopard at will, making the user a leopard human. The user has more physical strength in their hybrid and full leopard forms. As a carnivorous Zoan, they are more predatory and bloodthirsty than others by nature and better adapted for combat. 
sadistic / cold / collected / 
He comes off as a cold and collected person, who almost never displays any emotions. Getting him to a surprised face is rather hard, you will see him way faster with a smirk on his lips. So fast that it might even annoy you because it shows that he sees himself over you or has way to much fun with you right now.
You can say he is a little sadist since he loves to inflict physical as well as emotional pain on others. This side of him gets even stronger when he is in his full beast form. He will taunt you, demoralize you and hurt you if you show even the smallest weakness in front of him.
Wanting to see his soft side? This will take a good long while, if he doesn’t see you as worth of it he won’t show it. For him, it is simply a weakness that he is not giving so easily to others. As much of a sadist, he is if you behave he won’t inflict more pain on you. Go on his nerves as his prisoner and he doesn’t mind kicking you where it hurts. What might surprise others, is that he sends Hattori Away at the start of a fight or in dangerous situations. It will be pretty rare to see him without his little feathered friend.
HOBBIES: fighting, training, reading, (teasing mutts…) LIKES: fighting, Bourbon DISLIKES: being insulted, called a kid, weakness, ruining a good plan GOALS: stopping the government from creating more CP agents FEARS: -
THEME SONG LIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d33uKj28nZI&list=PL34qw8cTQymw8v2TFqzE0prFHATaFmP1s&index=2&t=0s
COLOR THEME: black, white, dark red, yellow SCENT THEME: blood, bourbon FOOD THEME: Athenian Leg of Lamb ANIMAL THEME: Leopard (Sri Langan Leopard) ELEMENTAL ATTRIBUTE: Wind QUOTE: This is dark justice! // I didn’t received a command to this. IRL NATIONALITY: Italy VOICE CLAIM: Tomokazu Seki
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