#on moot dashes
asbestieos · 1 year
neon led electric sign but it points at me and says most loser girlfrrind ever
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bunnakit · 4 months
idk what tatort saarbrücken is but hell yeah fuck it up germany have fun with whatever funky thing you're doing today
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pride month is so so much fun I love being queer (shaking and crying and shaking everyone’s changing their urls and pfps help who are you people)
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I think that Alicent drilled Aemond on courting when he was young. 
She teaches him about love and care and that a husband should not tolerate his wife, he should cherish her. Aemond is perceptive enough to see the way his father waves off his mother’s concern. The sight of her, the only one to defend him after losing his eye is one that will stick with his for the rest of his life. He promises her that when the time comes and she chooses a match for him, he will be a faithful and loving husband as the Gods (and his mother) intends. 
When it happens and you are named his betrothed you’re....unsettled. 
Not because of his eye. Gods no, you think its beautiful and captivating just like the rest of him. What worries you is that your soon-to-be-husband is...robotic. 
He bows his head and kisses your hand upon introduction. Calls you “my lady” accompanies you to court and walks through the garden, but its all too rehearsed and empty. 
Each move of his hand and word from his mouth sounds as if it has been practice several times over with no emotion behind it. There���s no care within them, only precision. You beleive he’s bored of you. A man of his status has no desire for a wife, only bitter obligation. 
But that isn’t right. 
The truth isn’t that Aemond is cruel or cold to you. He’s inexperienced. 
He is the king’s son, but he hides a vicious scar on his face that ladies of the court whisper when they think he cannot hear them. He knows more of swordsmanship and philosophy than he could ever dream to know about women. 
So when you curtsy and call him “lord husband” he goes silent. He doesn’t know how to respond to you, eyes grazing over his face without fear or disgust but instead curiosity. He falls back on the lessons he had with his mother, of how a man should address a woman and where his hand should lay on your waist never too high and never too low so as to not draw foul rumors to your name. 
All he can hope is that some day he may address you properly without feeling like his mouth is full of cotton and his hands will cease to shake. 
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silverstonesainz · 5 months
Lando Norris + “I got you, don’t worry” please 💚
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"lando, i'm gonna fall." your fingers grip onto the wall of the ice rink, knees weak and feet aching as you try to balance your skates on the ice.
but your boyfriend however, he laughs. he skates backwards because he can, because he does it so often it almost makes you hate him. his nose, just the tip of it, is red from the cold. and his cheeks match, though you wonder if it's because of how happy he looks.
"you're not going to fall! it's easy!"
"says you!" you whine, "you play hockey, of course you say it's easy."
lando is still laughing when he skates all the way back to you, discarding the bulky gloves onto the ice and holding his bare hands out towards you. "c'mere."
"i am going to fall." you say through clenched teeth, your left foot nearly sliding out from under you.
"no you won't." his hand finds your waist, and the other rests over one of your hands, "i got you, don't worry."
with much reluctance, you let him pull you away from the wall. your feet don't lift, they just glide along the ice at the direction of your boyfriend, who watches you watch your feet, amused.
"just trust me."
he's skating backwards, you realize. it makes you scowl up at him playfully, "you're such a show off."
lando's laughter echos through the empty room. he pulls you swiftly and you yelp before bumping into his chest. "what can i say? i like to impress the girls i like." his arms wrap around you tight, skates slowing to a stop.
you grin, "the lando norris, hockey star, likes me?"
his hands slips from your back, down to your hands. he brings them up to his lips, pressing a kiss on your knuckles before cupping them in his own. he blows warm air against your skin, soothes the aching cold.
"all the time."
"even when im slipping on my skates?"
he smiles, "especially then."
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fandxmslxt69 · 1 month
being bomBARDED with the drake/kendrick drama is so funny bc its like
i dont go here anymore but hell its saturday night, i have nothing better to do, lets see whats going on
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
(Psst, << >> Merle Dixon lovers, hi ^^ 👋 Imagine him calling you his little pornstar all slow in that husky drawl of his. << >> Okay bye have a good day 👋)
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wackytheorist · 2 months
How to check, go to your blog profile and the paw should be a color
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Mines white :D
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Something I love about Tumblr is how you know people are online. Not though some status thing, but because you see it on your dash. They're at the top, that means they just reblogged something. Maybe they'll like one of your posts. Whatever it is, you feel that they're on the app doing the same thing you're doing. It's really nice and cozy.
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jasmines-greentea · 13 days
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brightorangetea · 8 months
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I love a good high maintenance oni
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gojoest · 5 months
please report & block @/dannyrebib they repost fanart without permission and without credit
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 25 days
Based on your most recent reblog, has anyone tried creating Perkeo? Or given them a viking funeral?
They've been 'cremated' alright
But no not as a death ritual or anything because they don't stay dead long enough for that
To be fair, I wouldn't go as far as to say that no one tried, just that by the time they actually went to do it, there was no body to cremate
I imagine there were a handful of times that they just been "revived by a miracle of the good and merciful God" bc they still had business to finish in that place or would rather not play dead
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llitchilitchi · 2 months
we always talk about how ask culture is dying and people reply with 'asks scary' but then proceed to reblog an ask game without sending an ask for the game, like it's right there, just a number or an emoji, people have anons on, at this point people just don't want to engage anymore
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cursedfortune · 1 month
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this are slow going still but on the mend. i don't really feel confident yet with all the irl stuff going on to give a definitive 'I'm back!' notice because i still feel inconsistent af and exhausted.
i'm trying to answer things my brain has energy/attention for to be productive across my blogs. and i'm going to try and catch up on ooc messages on here and discord, too.
usually if i'm quiet on any front i've made a short heads up post that can be found in the /ooc tag of my blog. even if an update is a week or two or however old, chances are i'm still juggling what i posted about if i haven't given an update to it yet.
i'm stating that less for the old crowd and more for the new one since i've been hella inconsistent.
putting under a read more the less vague details because i'm not about to subject folks to shit on main.
anyways, stay safe and be well. <3
family stuff is still ongoing. some days are worse, so i do more and burn out for a few days or week when it comes to being here and socializing.
i'm also just kind of pacing myself because our old boi cat declined in health and we had to see him off. currently trying to juggling his sister getting used to not having him around. she has mega bad anxiety from trauma she endured in her youth before we got a hold of her. so we're trying to acclimate her which is. a journey.
so with my shit ass insomnia, i'm usually now on night duty with her while i'm trying to catch up on work. things had gradually chilled with being around the clock but now it's back to that so i'm exhausted all over again.
it is a mess at this household so i'm trying to keep a steady pace so i don't burn out on my creative outlet(s) or the social interactions surrounding them because that just leads to isolating to recover and i'm trying to retrain my brain from that route.
alright, that's about it on what i'll say on it all on main, haha. caught between that feeling of feeling rude by withholding context but also not wanting to say much in the first place. sadfghjh brains are silly.
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spiralssyndrome · 4 months
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🌈 Valentine’s Day Present for @kiochisato
🍎 A thank you from us for being so nice and helpful as we got back into editing!
✨ Not F2U! For Kio specifically!
☁️ Navia layouts!! Post 1/3 for presents
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