burnhamandtilly · 6 years
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“She’s just evolved past language, so when she needs to think, she cheats and uses other people’s words.” A Wrinkle In Time (2018), Dir. Ava DuVernay
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borahaes · 6 years
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octobermidnight · 6 years
The Wolves of War
Rating: M for violence and language
Word Count: 2,503
Part 2 of 3
Sorry that it took so long to update. I hope you like part 2 of The Wolves of War.
Previously on teen wolf….
Stiles: (pulls up in his Jeep) You didn't think you would do this without me?
Derek: (stands next to the Jeep) Without us?
Braeden: I brought backup.
Kira: Hi everyone!
Derek: Kate's back.
Kate: Talking about me?
Gerard: Scott isn't going to leave any of his pack members behind. He’ll try to save them all. His pack is strong, but separate them and it leaves them all vulnerable.
Scott: Everyone know their assignments? We are going to win this. Showtime!
Scene 1
Location: Beacon Hills Preserve
The episode starts with Scott running through the woods. He looks behind him and sees a hunter chasing him. He runs faster. Another hunter appears in front of him. He growls and jumps over the hunter and makes his getaway. He hides behind a tree to catch his breath. An arrow comes out of nowhere and nearly hits Scott. He looks up to see Monroe walking towards him.
Monroe: (raising her crossbow) I've been waiting a long time for this.
Scott: It doesn't have to be this way.
Monroe: Yes, it does. (Smirks) Any last words?
Man’s voice: I have a few.
Monroe slowly turns around and sees coach Finstock aiming a gun.
Finstock: I won't hesitate, Bitch!
Theme song.
Monroe: He's dangerous. You should be aiming that at him.
Finstock: McCall? He can't even hurt a fly. Literally. I once watched him try to kill a fly for ten minutes. It was mocking him. It was one of the most pitiful things I ever seen. Actually, I got it on video.
Finstock takes out his phone.
Scott: Coach, now's not the time and besides that was Stiles.
Finstock: It was? I always confused you two.
Scott: How?
Finstock: All you students look the same.
Monroe starts aiming the crossbow back at Scott. Finstock grabs a small rock and hits Monroe in the back of head. She collapses.
Finstock: That's what you get for stealing my parking spot. (Starts walking away) That spot was my last source of happiness.
Scott: (kneels down to check her pulse) She's still alive.
Finstock: (screams) That sucks! Let's go!
Scott: We can't just leave her!
Finstock: You don't have a choice. (Points behind Scott) Look!
Scott turns around and watches as hunters start running towards them shooting arrows at his direction. He and Finstock starts running.
Finstock: Hey, wait up! I'm not as fast as you.
Scott runs back, picks up Finstock and starts running again.
Scene 2
Location: Eichen House
Three deputies are watching Parrish. Parrish is locked in a freezing room and is in the fetal position trying to keep himself from freezing.
Deputy 1: How long has he been in there?
Deputy 2: (looks at his watch) About a hour.
Deputy 3: He should be dead by now.
Sheriff Stilinski walks in.
Stilinski: It takes a whole lot to kill a hellhound.
Deputy 1: A hell-what?
Stilinski: A hellhound.
Deputy 2: I don't care what he is, we are going to kill him.
Stilinski: I'm ordering you to release Parrish.
Deputy 3: Why do you want to save him? He's a monster.
Stilinski: The only monsters I see are the ones who killed innocent people just because they are different. Parrish is a person and the best deputy I got. Now if you aren't going to release him, move out of my way.
Deputy 1: We can't do that.
Stilinski: Stand down deputy! I'm not going to ask again!
Deputy 2: What are you going to do if we don't? It's three vs one.
Deputy 3: And fighting us would be bad for your health. You might break a hip.
Stilinski: A old joke. Very original. Let me counter that with this.
Stilinski headbutts D3 and slams him against the wall. D2 jumps on Stilinski and starts punching him. Stilinski elbows D2 in the face. D1 starts choking Stilinski. Stilinski's face starts turning red. He knees D1 and slams his head against D2. All three deputies are lying on the floor. Stilinski grabs the keys from D1's pocket.
Stilinski: Don't get up boys. You don't want me to kick your ass again.
Deputy 1: You're not going to get away with this.
Stilinski ignores them and unlocks the door. He walks in the room and helps Parrish up. Parrish puts one arm over Stilinski's shoulder. They both stumbled, but they keep walking. Stilinski turns around to face the deputies.
Stilinski: Oh, and by the way, don't bother showing up tomorrow. You're fired. Have a good night.
The deputies groaned. Stilinski and Parrish head towards the exit when they bump into Braeden.
Braeden: Not bad for a old guy.
Stilinski: Braeden, what are you doing here?
Braeden: Scott sent me to assist you with rescuing Parrish. But when I arrived, it seem like you had it covered, so I just stayed back. I'm impressed.
Stilinski: Thank you. I'm going to feel the pain tomorrow.
Braeden: If you don't need me anymore, my services are needed at the hospital.
Stilinski: Parrish and I can rescue agent McCall.
Braeden: Good luck!
Stilinski: You too!
Braeden smiles and leaves.
Parrish: Thanks for rescuing me sheriff.
Stilinski: Don't mention it.
Scene 3
Location: Armory
Lydia and Stiles arrive at the armory. Stiles is holding his bat. Lydia is holding a map of the armory. She puts it on the floor and studies it. Stiles looks around the corner and sees a group of hunters. He rushes back to Lydia.
Stiles: Do you know where Jackson is?
Lydia: Yes. We have to go down that hallway.
Lydia points to the direction where the hunters are.
Stiles: Yeah, that's going to be a problem.
Lydia: Why?
Stiles: (points) That's why.
The hunters appear.
Lydia: Babe, cover your ears.
Stiles covers his ears while Lydia screams. Using her Banshee scream, she focuses the scream into a sound wave and sends the hunters flying.
Lydia: Stiles, go rescue Jackson. I'll take care of them.
Stiles: Are you sure?
Lydia: Yes, now go!
Stiles kisses Lydia and sneak past the injured hunters. He finds the room that Jackson is being held captive. He opens the door and finds Jackson tied up.
Stiles: What's up Jackass, sorry I mean Jackson. I would shake your hand, but you seem tied up at the moment and I don't really want to.
Jackson: Get me out of here!
Stiles: That's rude, I didn't hear a please.
Jackson: Please get me out of here or I'll beat your ass.
Stiles: Yeah, you're not really making me want to help you.
Stiles sits next to Jackson and takes out his phone.
Stiles: So, I saw a bunch of snakes the other day and I took a picture.
Stiles shows the picture to Jackson.
Jackson: Why are you showing me this?
Stiles: Just wondering if this was a family reunion of yours.
Jackson: Screw you Stilinski.
Stiles: No thanks. You're not my type. But Danny on the other hand.
Jackson: What?
Stiles: What? (scratches the back of his head) This got really awkward.
Jackson: Your whole life is awkward.
Stiles: True.
Stiles unties Jackson. They hear a loud crash at the door.
Stiles: LYDIA!!
Scene 4
Location: Beacon Hills Animal Clinic
Kira: Can I ask you a question?
Malia: Does it involve math?
Kira: No.
Malia: Then ask away.
Kira: What's the plan?
Malia: We save Deaton.
Kira: Ok, but who's gonna save us?
10 hunters with guns surround Kira and Malia.
Malia: (shaking her head) I should had gone to France.
Commercial break.
Malia: New plan. RUN!
Kira and Malia start running towards the woods. The hunters chase them. Malia shifts into a coyote while Kira uses her accelerated speed to lose the hunters. They find an abandoned house and hide in there. Malia shifts back.
Kira: I think we lost them.
Malia: Good. Now what?
Kira: We find you new clothes.
Malia: (looks down) Good idea.
Scene 5
Location: Armory
A hunter goes flying through the metal door.
Jackson: Who did that?
Stiles: (smiles) My girlfriend.
Jackson: Who's the unlucky girl?
Lydia walks in.
Stiles: (points to Lydia) Her.
Stiles runs to Lydia and gives her a hug.
Stiles: Are you ok?
Lydia: Yeah. You?
Stiles: Yeah.
Lydia stares at Jackson.
Jackson: Happy to see me?
Lydia: (smiles) I am.
Stiles: You are?
Lydia: Yes. I have something for you.
Lydia slaps Jackson.
Stiles: (proudly smiles) That's my girl.
Scene 6
Location: Abandoned house
Malia: I'm not wearing that.
Kira: You don't have a choice. It's the only thing we found in this house.
Malia: Then I'll stay naked. It's freeing.
Kira: Put it on.
Malia: I don't wear dresses. Especially pink frilly ones. Why couldn't you just picked up my clothes when I shift?
Kira: I was running for my life. Sorry.
Malia: Fine, give me it.
Kira hands her the dress and Malia puts it on. Kira takes out her phone and takes a picture.
Malia: Do you have to do that?
Kira: Yep.
Malia: Why were there so many hunters?
Kira: I have no idea.
Kira looks out the window and sees a person carrying another person.
Kira: (whispers) Malia, come here.
Malia: What is it?
Kira: Someone's coming. I don't think it's a hunter. But I can't see who it is.
Malia: It’s Scott!
Kira and Malia runs out the door. Scott puts Finstock down and runs to the girls. Scott hugs Kira and Malia.
Scott: (laughs) What are you wearing?
Malia: Shut up! It's all they had in that stupid house.
Scott: Where's Deaton? Is he safe?
Kira: He's still at the clinic. There were too many hunters.
Malia: We are still trying to figure out why.
Scott: Why would they need that many, unless-
Kira: Unlesz what?
Scott: They are looking for Belasko’s Talons!
Malia: But who would know about that?
Scene 7
Location: Beacon Hills Animal Clinic
Deaton is seen tied to a chair. Four hunters are guarding him. Kate walks in.
Kate: Move aside boys. I need to talk to him.
Hunter 1: We don't take orders from you. You might be the boss’s daughter but you're still one of them.
Kate: You're right and you shouldn't pissed me off.
She grabs the hunter by his neck and lifts him up. She snaps his neck and throws his body across the room.
Kate: Anyone else?
The hunters moved out of her way. She grabs a chair, places it in front of Deaton and sits down.
Kate: We need to have a little chat about Belasko’s talons.
Commercial break.
Kate: Where is it?
Deaton: I know nothing.
Kate: Now, now. We both know that's a lie.
Deaton: I'm telling you the truth. I don't know where it is?
Kate: Then you know someone who does. Tell me!
Deaton: I already told you! I don't know where it is or who has it.
Kate: Wrong answer.
She punches him in the face.
Kate: Try again.
Deaton: I don't know.
She punches him again. Deaton’s face becomes bloody.
Deaton: (coughing up blood) I don't know.
Kate: Now you just pissing me off.
Location: Beacon Hills Preserve.
Scott’s phone rings and he answers it.
Scott: Hello?
Kate: Scott, it's been a while.
Scott: Kate, what do you want?
Kate: I think you have something of mine.
Scott: Whatever you think I have, I don't.
Kate: Stop playing games. I know you have the talons and I have something precious to you. Deaton.
Scott: Let him go.
Kate: I'll be happy to, once I get what I want. You have ten minutes or he dies.
Kate ends the call.
Scott: There's a problem. Kate has Deaton.
Malia looks around.
Malia: We have a bigger problem.
Scott, Kira and Finstock look around. A mob of hunters surround them. Monroe steps in front of them.
Monroe: This time there's no escape.
Scene 8
Location: Beacon Heights Police Station
Isaac: I didn't mean to steal that cab.
Cop: Yeah ok kid. You “accidentally” took it.
Isaac: Yes. I’m the victim in all this. The cab driver took me to the wrong place.
Cop: And you took his cab for revenge.
Isaac: I didn't take it. I borrowed it. I'm needed in Beacon Hills.
Cop: Tonight you're staying here.
Isaac: I'm sorry.
Cop: It's too late kid.
Isaac: I mean for this.
Isaac punches the cop and takes his keys. He drags the cop to a cell and locks it. He leaves the station and takes a cop car.
Isaac: (to himself) One night back in the US and I'm already a felon.
He starts driving and passes a donut shop.
Isaac: (to himself) No Isaac, you don't have time for doughnuts. You're already late and the pack needs you. But on the other hand, you know how useless you get when you're hungry. No, Isaac, that's just the hunger talking. Keep driving. But the hunger will stop talking once you eat. Fine, Isaac, you win.
He drives up to the shop and orders a box of doughnuts. He reaches for his wallet and realizes it's back at the station.
Isaac: Fuck!
The woman at the drive thru window hands the box to Isaac.
Isaac: Is there a discount for cops?
Woman: No. And you don't look like a cop.
Isaac: Um, I'm off duty.
Woman: Then, why are you driving the cop car?
Isaac: Mind your own business.
He drives off with the doughnuts.
Woman: (screams) You have to pay for those!
Isaac starts eating doughnuts while he's driving.
Isaac: (to himself) I'm definitely going to hell. But I don't care, these doughnuts are heavenly.
Scene 9
Location: Beacon Hills Preserve
Malia: We need to fight. We can't keep running from them. They won't stop.
Scott: But we can't kill them. They are humans.
Malia: Scott, we don't have a choice. It's either us or them. They made their choice when they came after us. Kira, what do you think?
Kira: I'm sorry Scott. But I agree with Malia.
Scott: I hate this but you might be right. Are you ready?
Kira and Malia nod.
Finstock: I have somewhere to be.
Scott and Malia shift. Kira takes out a sword. Electricity surround the sword. Finstock hides behind a tree. Scott, Malia and Kira charge at the hunters.
Scene 10
Location: Beacon Hills Memorial Hallway
Lights are flashing on and off. Hunters are taking over the floors. Melissa walks quietly and quickly to a empty room. She locks the door and turns off the lights. She hears footsteps by the door. A person on the other side of the door jiggles the door for couple seconds and then stops. They walk away. Melissa waits a couple minutes and then looks out the door. Someone covers her mouth and pushes her back into the room.
To be continued...
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madelinecoffee · 6 years
Hurts Like Hell
There is an ache in my heart for all that will never Be the same again for the friends I’ve lost to time And the places that haven’t changed with me 
They say you can’t go home and maybe They’re right, you really can’t go home And find it exactly as it once was
I will never return to my home town and find It with the same feelings and people That it once held because people grow
I know I have but admit that growth I have Lost people who were once my everything I have lost places that were once home
Most days it’s easy to forget the pain of moving on When you’re caught up in all that you’ve gained But today my heart aches for all that I have lost
Today I let the tears fall as I mourn the friendships And places that will never be the same again To those I’ve lost, my heart aches and my soul weeps
Nothing can be as it once was Most days that’s okay But today it hurts like hell  
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diioonysus · 6 years
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name aes: katie
My love, we are chained to each other in a bottomless sea (x)
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gilbertandanne · 7 years
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Inspired by the events surrounding “Romeo and Juliet” in Serendipity  {Chapters Ten & Eleven}
“[...]I know that you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met...inside and out...and if there is anyone in the world who could fix my dented spirit, it’s you.  You make me feel like I could be anyone I wanted to be.”
- Lucas Friar, Chapter Eleven
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amarakaran · 7 years
♫ - you knew I'd do this.
I love you to pieces! Thank you for letting me share my culture with you!
1. Nagada Sang Dhol from Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela
2. Pinga from Bajirao Mastani
3. Dekho Dekho Jaanam from Ishq
4. Aankhon Mein Teri from Om Shanti Om
5. Yeh Ladka Hai Allah from Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham
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katdvs · 7 years
@ouat2011 replied to your post “*waves* Hi, just popping in. I know I’ve barely been around. Things...”
how dare you have a life and leave us?! gah! so offended.
IKR! I am like just the worst!
But hey I’ve got 3 dates this week with 3 different guys!
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threads-of-gold · 7 years
15 for the film ask
I am going to be totally honest here. I cannot stand the Princess Bride. My siblings went through a period of time where they watched it every single day when we were younger and I just got sick of it. 
Also, I kind of just don’t get the appeal. What sets it apart from other love stories or fairy tales?
That being said, I still will quote scenes with my sisters and brother when they start to do it.
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burnhamandtilly · 6 years
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movies i watched in 2018 » A Wrinkle In Time (2018), Dir. Ava DuVernay
“All those who are willing to face the darkness, and bring the best of themselves to the light, for the world. This is where we leave you, to become warriors on Earth.”
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borahaes · 6 years
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3K notes · View notes
octobermidnight · 7 years
The Wolves of War (my version)
Rating: M for violence and language
Word Count: 2,900.
Part 1 of 3.
I wasn't too impressed with how the finale turned out. They didn't focus  much on the core group or brought back characters that everyone loved. So I decided that I wanted to write my own version of the finale. A lot of the scenes and some lines will be similar to the show's episode, but for the most part, this is my take on what should had happened. I hope you like it.
Scene 1
Location: Lot
Scene starts out the same way the prior episode ended. Deucalion is lying on the ground after he was shot multiple times. The hunters surround Scott, Lydia, Malia and Peter. Monroe orders the hunters to shoot. Scott dodges a bullet and knocks one hunter to the ground. Malia jumps up and kicks another hunter. Lydia is cornered by two hunters. She starts screaming and the two hunters fall down to their knees. She punches them. Peter is dragging Deucalion to safety. More hunters arrive. Scott takes cover behind a column. A hunter surprises him from behind. Scott looks terrified. A jeep hits the hunter and sends him flying. Stiles appears.
Stiles: You didn't think you would do this without me?
Derek appears.
Derek: Without us?
Stiles frowns.
Scott: (smiles) Thank god, you're here.
Theme song.
Stiles gets out of his jeep and takes out a new baseball bat. Derek extends his claws. They join the others in battle. A hunter aims a gun at Malia and Stiles hits him over the head with his bat.
Malia: Thanks Stiles.
Stiles: Anytime.
Scott, Derek and Lydia take down more hunters.
Monroe: Retreat! Retreat!
The hunters and Monroe get into their cars and leaves. The pack gather around Deucalion. Scott kneel down beside him. Scott is heartbroken. Malia takes Scott's hand. Stiles takes an interest in Scott and Malia.
Stiles: (whispers to Lydia) What's going on with them?
Lydia grabs Stiles's hand and walks him to the other side of the lot.
Lydia: It's complicated.
Stiles: Are they dating? What about Kira?
Lydia: She sent him a letter a while back telling him that he shouldn't wait for her. She doesn't know when she'll come back.
Stiles: Another question.
Lydia: Yeah?
Stiles: Why didn't you call me when things were getting this bad?
Lydia: (looks down) I had my reasons. We had our reasons.
Stiles: I'm going to need more than that.
Lydia: (looks at Stiles) I didn't want anything to happen to you. After what happened with the ghost riders, it would kill me if I lost you again.
Stiles grabs Lydia and hugs her tightly. He thens, passionately kisses her.
Stiles: I love you, Lydia. You're everything to me, and I never want to cause you pain. But you can't keep stuff from me to protect me. You wouldn't want me to do that to you. Yeah, I'm not a werewolf, banshee, or whatever the hell Theo is, but I think I have proven myself in battle over and over again.
Lydia: I love you, Stiles. I'm sorry, you're right. Scott or I should had called you. But we can't dwell on the past. We have a war to worry about. It's getting really bad.
Stiles: Let's focus on that.
Lydia and Stiles start walking back to the pack, holding hands. Scott is still kneeling by Deucalion.
Scott: I'm sorry that I couldn't saved you. I failed you.
Deucalion opens his eyes and starts to cough, startling Scott.
Deucalion: Scott, you didn't failed me.
Scott: But you're dying because of me.
Deucalion: No, I'm not.
Scott: What?
Deucalion lifts up his shirt to reveal a bullet proof vest. He stands up.
Deucalion: This isn't my first rodeo with hunters. The reason why hunters used guns and arrows is so they don't have to get close to us to kill us. So I came prepared.
Malia: So, wait. Why didn't you give one to me or Scott?
Deucalion: You didn't ask.
Malia: How are we supposed to ask for something that we didn't know was an option?
Deucalion: You're fighting a war. You have to think of everything. One misstep and you're done.
Scott: Will you help us come up with a new plan?
Deucalion: I'm sorry, I can't. You're on your own. I did all I can.
Derek: What would my mother think of you abandoning us when we need you the most?
Deucalion: Talia would had done the same thing.
Derek: What?
Deucalion: I'm not abandoning you. I'm stepping down. You think you need me when you don't. I will only be hindering you. The true alpha and leader is Scott, not me. (looks at Scott and puts his hand on Scott's shoulder) Scott, you got this. Believe in yourself and your pack. From what I've seen, no pack is stronger than yours. Combine your strengths.
Deucalion starts walking away.
Scott: Deucalion!
Deucalion turns around.
Scott: Stay safe.
Deucalion: (smiles and nods) You too. Good luck!
Deucalion leaves. Lydia and Stiles return. Stiles winks at Scott and pulls him in closer for a hug.
Peter: This love fest has been fun, but I'm out of here. Let me know when you have a plan.
Peter walks away.
Stiles: What was Peter doing here?
Scott: He is going to help us.
Stiles: You must be desperate to ask for his help.
Scott: Yeah, we kinda are.
Derek: Scott, we need to talk.
Scott: What is it?
Derek: Kate's back too.
Lydia: That bitch is back?
Derek: And she's after Scott.
Stiles: What else is new? She's always after Scott.
Derek: Yeah, but this time she has yellow wolfsbane.
Scene 2
Location: Armory
Gerard is walking back and forth waiting on news that's Scott is dead. Monroe rushes in.
Gerard: (grinning) Is he finally dead?
Monroe: Unfortunately no.
Gerard: NO??!! How hard is it to kill an alpha?
Monroe: I don't know. You tell me. You haven't been able to kill him yet either.
Gerard: You watch your tone with me, girl.
Monroe: Sorry. It won't happen again. Two guys appeared in a Jeep that we weren't expecting. One was really skinny and had a baseball bat, and the other had a beard and was built.
Gerard: A jeep? Sounds like that annoying kid Stiles.
Monroe: Stiles? Sheriff Stilinski's son?
Gerard: Yes. And I have to assume the other guy is Derek. Kate told me she ran into him earlier.
Kate walks in.
Kate: Talking about me? (looks at Monroe) What's she doing here?
Monroe: It's none of your damn business. You're one of them. I should just kill you now.
Kate: Oh honey, you can try, but I'll slash your throat before you pull the trigger.
Kate extends her claws and Monroe takes out her gun.
Gerard: ENOUGH!!
Kate and Monroe look at Gerard.
Gerald: Monroe tell me that the hunters are in place.
Monroe: It's all taken care of. We have hunters everywhere. Scott and his pack won't know what hit them.
Gerard: (smiles) Good.
They discuss their plan. A person unseen to them is watching and then leaves.
Scene 3
Location: Lot
Lydia: What do we do next?
Scott: We need to find the others.
A woman's voice: That's going to be a problem.
Everyone turns around.
Scott: (smiles) Braeden.
Braeden: Hi.
Commercial break.
Scott: It's so great to see you. Are you here to help?
Braeden: Yeah, and I brought back up.
A girl start walking towards them.
Lydia: No, it can't be.
Scott: Kira!
Kira: Hi everyone. I'm here. Obviously you know I'm here, I'm standing right in front of you. You can see me with your own eyes. Two eyes. (Everyone stares amusingly at her) I'm rambling again. I'm sorry. I'm going to shut up now.
Scott runs to her, picks her up and gives her the biggest hug.
Scott: I missed you so much.
Kira: I missed you too.
Scott: Please tell me you're staying.
Kira: Uh..
Malia: My turn now.
Scott puts Kira down and Malia hugs her. Then Lydia and Stiles.
Braeden looks around.
Braeden: Where's Isaac?
Derek: I thought he was with you.
Braeden: He was supposed to meet us here.
Scene 4
Location: Beacon Heights (night)
A cab pulls up to a high school. A man gets out of the cab and looks around his surroundings. He's extremely confused.
Isaac: This doesn't look like Beacon Hills.
Cab driver: It's Beacon Heights.
Isaac: I said Beacon Hills not heights. Beacon Heights sounds like the name of a town in a badly made spin-off of pretty little liars.
Two girls walk by.
Girl 1: You watch pretty little liars?
Girl: What a loser!
Isaac: Hey! Pretty little liars is my guilty pleasure, ok? I'm not going to be shame for it.
Girl 1: That show sucks!
Isaac: I'm not denying that. And you know what?
Girl 2: What?
Isaac: You suck too. Yeah, I said it.
The two girls give him the finger and walk away.
Cab driver: Very classy. Now pay up.
Isaac: But you didn't take me to the right place.
Cab driver: Yes I did.
He show Isaac the receipt he signed earlier.
Isaac: So, can I get a ride to Beacon Hills?
Cab driver: I'm not driving to a town that's a day away.
Isaac: What? I'm supposed to be there tonight.
Cab driver: There's no way you'll make it. Now pay up and go.
Isaac: Fine.
He looks at the price and his eyes bulged.
Isaac: Oh my god!
Cab driver: What is it?
Isaac points and looks in horror at the trunk. The cab driver gets out of the cab and heads to the trunk. Isaac quickly walks to the driver's side and gets in. He takes off in the cab with the driver running after him yelling. Isaac looks back.
Isaac: (shouts) Sorry! I'll bring back your cab eventually.
Isaac doesn't pay attention and crashes the cab into a hydrant.
Isaac: My life sucks.
Scene 5
Location: Lot
Braeden: We can't wait for Isaac. We need to start going over strategies immediately.
Scott: We need to find a place. We can't stay here. The hunters might come back.
Braeden: I was at the armory and I overheard Gerard's plan. They have hunters all over the place. It's not safe anywhere.
Scott: Then where do we go?
Chris shows up.
Chris: I might know a place.
Commercial break.
Scene 6
Location: Argent’s house from season 1
Chris leads the group to a bunker full of hunter supplies underneath his old house.
Scott: Does anyone else know about this place?
Chris: Just me. I built it myself.
Scott: You built this by yourself?
Chris: I was bored. Needed something to do.
Stiles: You need to be bored more often. This place is awesome!
In the bunker, there are bookcases full of hunter books, a wall full of weapons, multiple tv screens on the opposite wall, a high tech computer and a desk. Everyone looks impressed.
Stiles checks out the tv screens.
Stiles: Does your computer work?
Chris: Yes.
Stiles: Good. I can hacked into the security cameras all over the town.
Derek: Did you learned that in your FBI training?
Stiles: I learned it from one of my classmates. That's how I saved your sorry ass.
Derek: You didn't saved my sorry ass. I saved your sorry ass.
Stiles: That's not how I remembered it.
Stiles's flashback
Stiles and Derek are seen running from two hunters. Derek trips over a small pebble. Derek starts crying.
Derek: (sobbing) Just go on without me.
Stiles: (posing like a superhero) Not on my watch!
Stiles picks up Derek and starts running.
Derek: My hero!
End flashback.
Derek: That's not what happened.
Stiles: I'm sorry Derek. It happened exactly like that.
Derek: This is how it really went down.
Derek's flashback
Stiles and Derek are seen running from a group of hunters. They get cornered. Derek starts fighting the hunters and getting the upper hand while Stiles just cries. Derek knocks out the last hunter.
Stiles: Derek, you're my hero.
Derek: I know. I'm everybody's hero.
Stiles hugs Derek.
End flashback.
Stiles: I didn't hug you. (Looks at rest of the pack) I didn't hug him. (Looks at Derek) And I didn't called you a hero. Isaac is more of a hero than you.
Derek: Yeah, sure.
They start mocking each other.
Scott: We need to focus. Stiles, you need to hack into the security cameras. Check the hospital first.
Stiles: Right on it.
Static fills the screens.
Scott: What's going on?
Stiles: I don't know.
Gerard appears on the screens. Everyone steps back.
Gerard: Aww! Look at this family reunion. You should thank me for bringing you back together.
Scott: Let's meet in person so we can personally thank you.
Gerard: All in due time, my friend, all in due time.
Scott: What do you want Gerard?
Gerard: A little bit impatient are you?
Scott: You're not one for small talk. Get on with it.
Gerard: Were you expecting visitors from London?
Stiles: Who's from London?
Gerard shows footage of Jackson.
Lydia: Jackson!
Stiles: You can keep him.
Gerard: How's your mother doing Scott?
Scott: You leave her alone.
Gerard: We have hunters everywhere.
Gerard shows footage of Parrish trapped in a cell in Eichen house guarded by 3 deputies, footage of agent McCall in jail, footage of hunters storming the hospital, and footage of hunters at the school.
Gerard: You can't save them all.
Scott: You won't win.
Gerard: I already did.
Stiles turns off the screens.
Kira: What do we do now?
Scott: We fight!
Commercial break.
Scene 7
Location: Armory
Monroe: How can we ambush them now if they know that we have hunters waiting for them?
Gerard: You already tried to ambush them, how did that go?
Monroe: Not well.
Gerard: You need to stop questioning my plans. I know what I'm doing. This time my plan will work.
Monroe: What's the new plan?
Gerard: Scott is not going to leave any of his pack members behind. He will try to save them all. His pack is strong together, but separate them and it leaves them all vulnerable. An alpha is not as strong without a pack. When he send his members to save the others, then we'll attack. I want you to go to the school. That's where Scott will be. Take this.
Gerard hands Monroe a bullet.
Monroe: What's this?
Kate: A bullet, dumbass.
Gerard: Yellow wolfsbane is in the bullet. It should be more than enough to kill an alpha.
Kate: Why are you giving her the wolfsbane? I should be the one to use it on Scott.
Gerard: I trust her more than you.
Monroe: I won't let you down.
Gerard: You better not. There won't be another chance.
Scene 8
Location: Bunker
Malia and Stiles are on the phone.
Malia: (On phone with Peter) We'll meet you at the school as soon as we can. Watch out for the hunters and the Anuk-ite. Stay safe.
Stiles: (On phone with his dad) Parrish is being held in a cell in Eichen house by three of your deputies. Be careful dad.
Malia and Stiles end their calls and return to the group.
Stiles: I need more information on this Anuk-ite. What is it?
Scott: It's a creature that spreads fear and paranoia. When it was two halves, anyone who went near it, experience tremendous amount of fear. But now that the two halves are one, it uses your fear against you and then when you look at it, it turns you to stone.
Stiles: How do we defeat it?
Scott: I don't know yet. But I have a theory. If we can destroy it or at least trap it again, the townspeople will stop hunting us.
Stiles: Good in theory but..
Scott: What?
Stiles: What happens if you're wrong? What if they don't stop hunting us?
Scott: I don't know. I have to believe that the only reason why they want us dead is because of the Anuk-ite. I have to believe that there's still good in them and they just scared of the unknown.
Stiles: I'm assuming you have a plan.
Scott: Don't I always?
Scott starts telling everyone the plan.
Scene 9
Location: High school
Peter enters the front doors. He sees multiple statues in the hallway. He walks up to a statue and realizes it was a hunter. He walks to another statue and hears a voice behind him.
Talia: You are a big disgrace to this family. You don't deserve to call yourself a Hale.
Peter: (whimpering) I'm sorry Talia.
Peter turns around and sees the Anuk-ite. The Anuk-ite eyes glows and turns Peter to stone. The Anuk-ite turns it's head sideways and looks at Peter.
Scene 10
Location: Bunker
Everyone is gathered in a circle.
Scott: Everyone knows their assignments?
Everyone nods. Scott smiles.
Scott: Before we go…
Stiles: No speeches. Anything you say is going to sound like a goodbye speech. I don't think any of us can handle that.
Scott: Fine. No speech. We'll going to win this.
Stiles and Lydia start to leave. Stiles turns around and winks at Scott. Then Derek and Braeden leave. Then Chris followed by Malia and Kira. Scott starts leaving and looks back at the bunker.
Scott: Showtime!
To be continue...
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‘cause we were just kids when we fell in love
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daydreamingandchill · 7 years
ouat2011 ha respondido a tu publicación “So I know I have been really inactive this days, and there’s a reason,...”
I was just thinking about you!! Have fun in Peru!
KATIEEEEEEEEE!!!! GIRL I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I just read the last chapters of 21, so prepare for a big essay, because I have so many things to say lol. Thank you so much! I got home last night, and it was really amazing. <3
Love you girl. 😘
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amarakaran · 7 years
3 facts: 1. You're funny af. 2. You're like the only mutual I have who loves Bollywood 3. Your love for B99 is the reason why I'm about to lose a lot of time trying to catch up.
Thank you so much Katie! And you NEED to catch up with b99! Hurry up!
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katdvs · 7 years
@ouat2011 replied to your post: All this Roswell on my dash and no @adampascalfan...
ya welcome!
TBH its pretty lost on me, but my friend Beth loves it...I think I watched like parts of the final season randomly on sci-fi back in college between classes.
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