#page 5818
pesterloglog · 4 months
Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 5815-5819
GG: Is everything ok?
TG: yeah he just wanted to make sure i dont hate him like yall do which you dont even
GG: I... see.
TG: so im just talking to him a bit to help him not feel bad
TG: sorry
GG: That's ok.
GG: You were saying?
TG: i was gonna say why i finally quit drinkin
TG: i mean if you want to know
GG: Yes.
GG: Actually, once you did stop, it made me finally realize it was a problem for you for a long time.
GG: And I didn't say anything at the time, but it made me wonder if I wasn't doing the right thing before.
GG: By failing to point out you might have a problem? Or just going along with it and participating in lively banter any time you clearly had too much to drink?
GG: Was I just being a bad friend?
TG: nah it wasnt your responsibility to fix my shit
TG: and anyway i think i made it hard for anyone to come at me like it was a real problem
TG: i was always joking around so much and havin a good time like kind of overzealously so
TG: that i probably just made people feel like a shitty wet blanket for even mentioning it
GG: How long do you think it's been a problem?
TG: i dont know its hard to say exactly when i started getting real carried away
TG: just at some point i discovered a load of my moms centurys old booze in the house
TG: and i didnt have much to relate to her by except her books
TG: so i felt like drinking was a way to be more like her
TG: or be closer to her kinda
TG: and there was nobody around except the silly chess people
TG: who in a way just made me feel more alone
TG: cause they reminded me i was only one of two humans left and the other was an ocean away
TG: so little by little
TG: i got out of hand
TG: and one of the only things i had to look forward to was the idea that the game was supposed to be able to bring my mom back
TG: assuming i even decided to help the batterwitch out by playing at all
GG: But it turned out you couldn't bring her back. At least not the way you thought.
GG: So what was it that made you finally decide to give it up?
TG: well
TG: thats pretty much what it was
TG: when i first went to lopan i saw my sprite there
TG: so i got out my bottle of momslime and was all ready for the bestest most poignant reunion ever
TG: and thats when the juggalo struck
TG: and i just knew the witch had fucked me over AGAIN
TG: cause what other hag is insane enough to get juggalos to do her dirty biz nigh exclusively???
TG: and i was so pissed and so distraught about that goddamn clown squandering my sprite
TG: so i got crazy drunk and felt the super sorriest for myself i ever did
TG: but little did i know there would be a lovely silver lining to the debacle
GG: Dear, sweet, precious Fefeta!
TG: :3
TG: she became a great friend
TG: and whats more was she told me not to worry
TG: that my mom would be comin anyway and all i had to do was wait a while
TG: and i believed her cause she knew stuff + was THA BEST
TG: so thats when i decided to clean up my act
TG: i didnt want her to meet a sloppy embarrassing mess of a daughter
TG: even if she did like to drink at some point it was kind of a childish idea that doing so myself would make me closer to her or help us bond or whatever
TG: anyway i think i might of overestimated her drinkin habits
TG: she sure didnt look like no drunk
TG: oh!
TG: jane did i mention
TG: i saw her in a dream today!
GG: No!
TG: shes real young tho
TG: like our age
TG: and she looks so pretty and happy
TG: not like a girl w booze challenges
TG: i think her fav color must be orange just like dirk
TG: she was wearin the same sunny orange nighty deal i caught a glimpse of her in v briefly another time
TG: and oh...
TG: she also called me mom?
GG: Huh?
TG: huh is right
TG: u know im really not sure if shes actually my mom
TG: but i do know were totes genetically related somehow
TG: i just think theres more to it than we know
GG: I guess we'll find out!
GG: Whoa...
GG: The whole place was shaking for a moment there.
TG: wut
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corvianbard · 5 months
The mechanical sage In the turbulent age Writes another page Of history to gage Those in the future stage To break the iron cage.
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karenlacorte · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Littlest Pet Shop Coloring Bundle - New!.
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blogalloh · 1 year
Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Tidak Sholat Fardlu Berjamaah Di Masjid" #Dakwah #Islam
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Kita tahu bahwa Masjis Nabawi adalah masjid yang mulia. Lantas apa keutamaan shalat di Masjid Nabawi dibanding masjid lainnya? Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, لاَ تُشَدُّ الرِّحَالُ إِلاَّ إِلَى ثَلاَثَةِ مَسَاجِدَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ ، وَمَسْجِدِ الرَّسُولِ – صلى الله عليه وسلم – وَمَسْجِدِ الأَقْصَى Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Tidak Sholat Fardlu Berjamaah Di Masjid" “Tidaklah pelana itu diikat –yaitu tidak boleh bersengaja melakukan perjalanan (dalam rangka ibadah ke suatu tempat)- kecuali ke tiga masjid: Masjidil Haram, masjid Rasul –shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- dan masjidil Aqsho” (HR. Bukhari 1189 dan Muslim no. 1397). Hadits ini juga diriwayatkan oleh Abu Sa’id Al Khudriy. Hadits ini secara tegas menunjukkan keutamaan sengaja bersafar ke ketiga masjid di atas. Dan ini berarti selain tiga masjid itu tidak dibolehkan jika sengaja bersafar ke sana dalam rangka ibadah, baik itu ke kuburan wali maupun orang sholih . Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, صَلاَةٌ فِى مَسْجِدِى هَذَا خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ صَلاَةٍ فِيمَا سِوَاهُ إِلاَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ “Shalat di masjidku (Masjid Nabawi) lebih baik dari 1000 shalat di masjid lainnya selain Masjidil Harom.” (HR. Bukhari no. 1190 dan Muslim no. 1394, dari Abu Hurairah) Dalam riwayat lain, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, صَلاَةٌ فِى مَسْجِدِى أَفْضَلُ مِنْ أَلْفِ صَلاَةٍ فِيمَا سِوَاهُ إِلاَّ الْمَسْجِدَ الْحَرَامَ وَصَلاَةٌ فِى الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ أَفْضَلُ مِنْ مِائَةِ أَلْفِ صَلاَةٍ فِيمَا سِوَاهُ “Shalat di masjidku (Masjid Nabawi) lebih utama daripada 1000 shalat di masjid lainnya selain Masjidil Harom. Shalat di Masjidil Harom lebih utama daripada 100.000 shalat di masjid lainnya.” (HR. Ahmad dan Ibnu Majah no. 1406, dari Jabir bin ‘Abdillah. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih. Lihat Shahih At Targhib wa At Tarhib no. 1173) Para ulama berselisih pendapat, apakah yang dimaksud dengan pengecualian dalam hadits di atas. Perbedaan pendapat ini berasal dari perselisihan mereka, manakah tempat yang lebih utama: Madinah ataukah Makkah? Ulama Syafi’iyah dan mayoritas ulama mengatakan bahwa Makkah lebih utama dari Madinah. Sehingga Masjidil Haram lebih utama dari Masjid Madinah. Dan ini berkebalikan dengan pendapat Imam Malik dan pengikutnya. Sehingga menurut ulama Syafi’iyah dan mayoritas ulama, makna hadits di atas adalah: shalat di masjid Nabawi lebih utama dari 1000 shalat di masjid lainnya selain Masjidil Harom karena shalat di Masjidil Harom lebih utama dari shalat di masjid Nabawi. (Lihat Syarh Muslim karya Imam An Nawawi) Semoga terus semangat dalam beramal sholih. — Di kota Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, 3 Rabi’ul Awwal 1435 H Penulis: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal Artikel Rumaysho.Com Ikuti status kami dengan memfollow FB Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal, Fans Page Mengenal Ajaran Islam Lebih Dekat, Twitter @RumayshoCom �� Bagi yang ingin pesan satu paket berisi lima buku karya Ustadz Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal dijual dengan harga Rp.65.000,- untuk pulau Jawa (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim). Di dalam paket tersebut terdapat buku terbaru beliau “Mengenal Bid’ah Lebih Dekat”, juga empat karya lain: Buku Dzikir Pagi Petang Disertai Dzikir Sesudah Shalat dan Sebelum Tidur (tersedia ukuran besar dan kecil), Panduan Amal Shalih di Musim Hujan, dan Mengikuti Ajaran Nabi Bukanlah Teroris. Kirimkan format pemesanan via sms ke no 0852 0017 1222 atau via PIN BB 2AF1727A: Satu paket buku#Nama pemesan#Alamat#no HP. Nanti akan diberitahu biaya dan rekening untuk transfer. Sumber https://rumaysho.com/5818-keutamaan-shalat-di-masjid-nabawi.html بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad,
kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali. Alhamdulillah Alloh Maha Sayang & Maha Menerima Tobat. Aku Jadi Kesayangan Alloh Saat Tobat Dari "Tidak Sholat Fardlu Berjamaah Di Masjid"
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geoffreymoorere · 1 year
Best Shopping Districts in Palm Desert, CA
Palm Desert is a shopper’s paradise. Shoppers can find carefully-curated local boutiques, luxury shops, top-notch galleries, and unique jewelry stores. Apart from this, you will find stylish and affordable options as well. Enjoy incredible shopping at these shopping districts in Palm Desert, CA. Shopping Districts in Palm Desert The Shops At Palm Desert 72-840 CA-111, Palm Desert, CA - (760) 346-2121 The Shops At Palm Desert has 100 retail and food stores. The selection includes a ten-screen theater, a bookstore, a sporting goods store, and a gym. It offers an excellent shopping experience, and the food court is a great place to stop for a meal.   Besides being a family-friendly mall, The Shops holds concerts and wine tastings. They also have an entertainment strip featuring art shows, crafts, and an open mic stage. Other stores like JC Penny, Barnes and Noble, and Macy’s are in the area too. Families often visit the mall for special events like Christmas and participate in activities like workshops and auditions. Mall hours are from 11 am to 7 pm.  El Paseo District Palm Desert, CA - (877) 735-7273 El Paseo District offers a rich collection of designer brands, local goods, and art galleries known as the Rodeo Drive of the Desert. For fashionistas, you can look forward to El Paseo Fashion Week happening every year, featuring new and top designs.  Take a peek at popular stores like Burberry, Tiffany & Co., Gucci, Sephora, and Apple. Refresh your body and soul with fascinating art exhibits and delicious food choices every first Friday of the month. Store hours are from 8 am to 3 pm. The Shops In San Pablo 44850 San Pablo Ave, Palm Desert - (760) 501-5818 The Shops On San Pablo is worth visiting if you love vintage items. Discover local designer wear, unique gifts, party packages, and a health spa on this side of the desert. The store offers a private shopping experience marked with fun and learning. It is also great for the workshops they provide and the fundraising for local designers. They offer a 3D tour of their store online too. Visit the showroom from 10 am to 3 pm from Tuesdays to Saturdays. Are you considering buying or selling a home in the Palm Springs area? We’d love to help you Please click here for our contact page, and we’ll reach out promptly.  Would you like to see more of GeoffreyMoore.com? Please click here for our blog page. Please click here for our “About Us” page to learn more about my team. Thanks for visiting 
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MFPE: Nov 29 2020 Updates
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biggoonie · 5 years
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written by BRIAN AZZARELLO art by LEE BERMEJO, MICK GRAY and KARL STORY cover by LEE BERMEJO Collected from the five-issue miniseries LEX LUTHOR: MAN OF STEEL by the writer/artist team behind BATMAN: DAMNED, LUTHOR reveals why the genius villain chooses to be the proverbial thorn in the Man of Steel’s side: to save humanity from the untrustworthy alien being. Includes new additional story pages, sketch material and more! ON SALE 06.26.19 $14.99 US | 144 PAGES FC | ISBN: 978-1-4012-5818-4
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pnlco0129 · 2 years
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#Packagingdesign & photography by #TOTALBRANDINGPACKAGE ᴮᵞ MARYJANEFACTORY.COM . Since2011 . #boutiquedesignstudio #maryjanefactory #메리제인팩토리 . -#LOGO ok✔️ -#PRINTS ok✔️ -#PACKAGEDESIGN ok✔️ -#POTOGRAPHY ok✔️ -#NAMING ok✔️ -MOBILE #WEBDESIGN / APPDESIGN ok✔️ -#TOTALBRANDPACKAGE ok✔️ . In addition, everything related to design goes with the best quality!😁 . - Completion of the Brand Specialist course - Got a license card certified for business establishment. . Contact us anytime..📞📞😁 All image operations and banners inside the homepage All-in-one solution, up to detailed page settings, all at once Launch the hybridweb !!!💁 - Image design to suit brand design(including licensing) - Homepage development experts / web publishers / developers - brand design team management Delivering HybridApp Service . . 💁🏼‍♀️ 카톡아이디 : maryjanefactory 💁🏻‍♀️카톡플러스아이디 : 메리제인팩토리 전화📱📞☎️💁🏽‍♀️070-7788-5818 . 구매하러가기 👉👉👉 http://www.maryjanefactory.com/31/?idx=93 (at MJF-P&LCorp) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbJCxj6PaLF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Penn Libraries Schimmel Fiction 5818: Title page https://ift.tt/3KngLAH
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ishanvikaul · 3 years
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deunoposteoficial · 4 years
Resultado da Federal de Hoje | 23/09/2020 | Jogo do bicho 19 Horas 23/09/2020
Resultado do jogo do bicho da Loteria Federal de Hoje, quarta-feira dia 23 de setembro.
Prêmio Resultado Grupo 1º 5975 19 – PAVãO 2º 5243 11 – CAVALO 3º 5818 05 – CACHORRO 4º 7008 02 – ÁGUIA 5º 0519 05 – CACHORRO 6º 4563 16 – LEãO 7º 186 22 – TIGRE
Soma: 29312
Deu No Poste – Federal!
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source https://deunoposte.online/resultado-da-federal-de-hoje-23-09-2020-jogo-do-bicho-19-horas/
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karenlacorte · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Littlest Pet Shop Coloring Bundle - New!.
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derschlauchverkauf · 4 years
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35 Grad... Wer jetzt einen Solarschlauch hat kann sich glücklich schätzen, wer noch keinen hat https://www.schlauchverkauf.de/de/index.php?info=5818&page=product&page_action=&mobile=false (hier: Der Schlauchverkauf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDV0mOzFH2l/?igshid=5ygczr4ox7o7
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geoffreymoorere · 1 year
Best Shopping Districts in Palm Desert, CA
Palm Desert is a shopper’s paradise. Shoppers can find carefully-curated local boutiques, luxury shops, top-notch galleries, and unique jewelry stores. Apart from this, you will find stylish and affordable options as well. Enjoy incredible shopping at these shopping districts in Palm Desert, CA. Shopping Districts in Palm Desert The Shops At Palm Desert 72-840 CA-111, Palm Desert, CA - (760) 346-2121 The Shops At Palm Desert has 100 retail and food stores. The selection includes a ten-screen theater, a bookstore, a sporting goods store, and a gym. It offers an excellent shopping experience, and the food court is a great place to stop for a meal.   Besides being a family-friendly mall, The Shops holds concerts and wine tastings. They also have an entertainment strip featuring art shows, crafts, and an open mic stage. Other stores like JC Penny, Barnes and Noble, and Macy’s are in the area too. Families often visit the mall for special events like Christmas and participate in activities like workshops and auditions. Mall hours are from 11 am to 7 pm.  El Paseo District Palm Desert, CA - (877) 735-7273 El Paseo District offers a rich collection of designer brands, local goods, and art galleries known as the Rodeo Drive of the Desert. For fashionistas, you can look forward to El Paseo Fashion Week happening every year, featuring new and top designs.  Take a peek at popular stores like Burberry, Tiffany & Co., Gucci, Sephora, and Apple. Refresh your body and soul with fascinating art exhibits and delicious food choices every first Friday of the month. Store hours are from 8 am to 3 pm. The Shops In San Pablo 44850 San Pablo Ave, Palm Desert - (760) 501-5818 The Shops On San Pablo is worth visiting if you love vintage items. Discover local designer wear, unique gifts, party packages, and a health spa on this side of the desert. The store offers a private shopping experience marked with fun and learning. It is also great for the workshops they provide and the fundraising for local designers. They offer a 3D tour of their store online too. Visit the showroom from 10 am to 3 pm from Tuesdays to Saturdays. Are you considering buying or selling a home in the Palm Springs area? We’d love to help you Please click here for our contact page, and we’ll reach out promptly.  Would you like to see more of GeoffreyMoore.com? Please click here for our blog page. Please click here for our “About Us” page to learn more about my team. Thanks for visiting  Originally published here: https://www.geoffreymoore.com/blog/best-shopping-districts-in-palm-desert-ca.html
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
What Will Francis Bacon Artist Be Like In The Next 22 Years? | Francis Bacon Artist
is acquisition clip in the all-around art market. The restrictions wrought by communicable has affected the bazaar to acclimate in all sorts of adroit ways. Abounding are all-embracing change in means best exemplified by the old adage that aback the activity gets boxy the boxy get going.
One: A All-around Bargain of the 20th Century is a new bargain accident at Christie’s on July 10. Using alive technology Christie’s will authority a relay-style bargain of Impressionist and modern, post-war and abreast art and architecture beyond four time zones.
The aim is to actualize an agreeable belvedere for affairs above works of art to a all-around audience. With $20m-$30m works like Picasso’s Les Femmes d’Alger (Version F), Lichtenstein’s awe-inspiring Nude with Joyous Painting and Ed Ruscha’s Annie all available, this amounts to a added abashing of the band amid agenda and alive sales.
The activity at this first-of-its-kind bargain will booty abode at four of the above hubs of the art world, Hong Kong, Paris, London and New York. There will be four after sessions in anniversary region, starting in Hong Kong. It will alter New York’s 20th Century black bargain originally appointed for June 22.
In this adventurous new topsy-turvey apple Oliver Barker, an agent at Sotheby’s, will booty to the belvedere in London on June 29 to conduct an bargain in New York.
This agenda auction, live-streamed in aerial analogue about the world, will acquiesce bidders participate by buzz or online, in a bargain of abreast art anon followed by the Impressionist and avant-garde art black sale.
What Will Francis Bacon Artist Be Like In The Next 22 Years? | Francis Bacon Artist – francis bacon artist | Welcome to help my blog, with this occasion I will explain to you about keyword. And from now on, this is the first image:
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Francis Bacon’s tribute to his closest friend is sold for .. | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon, Painting of a Dog 22 (с изображениями) | Фрэнсис .. | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon Artist Stock Pictures, Royalty-free Photos & Images .. | francis bacon artist
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1930s | Francis Bacon – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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A Francis Bacon ‘screaming pope’ painting could fetch $22 million .. | francis bacon artist
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NPG 5818; Francis Bacon – Portrait – National Portrait Gallery – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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A Study For A Portrait Of Francis Bacon II Painting by .. | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon for Sale: Buy Artworks Inspired by Francis Bacon .. | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon (artist) – Wikiwand – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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22) Francis Bacon (artist) | Francis bacon, Bacon, Art – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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Гифка francis bacon сделано на tumblr бекон гиф картинка, скачать .. | francis bacon artist
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Francis bacon Painting by Prod’or | Artmajeur – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon Artist Poster on Behance – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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Paintings | Francis Bacon – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon triptych on show for first time in 22 years .. | francis bacon artist
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Disturbing, raw and graphic – so was Francis Bacon inspired by the .. | francis bacon artist
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Head (22) – Francis Bacon (artist) – Wikipedia, the free .. | francis bacon artist
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The Last Francis Bacon Interview – On Violence, Meat and .. | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon | Insight – PUBLIC DESCRIPTION – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
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This Man Was Shot 0 | francis bacon artist
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Francis Bacon’s portraits of screaming popes and lovers live on .. | francis bacon artist
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ARTISTS: Legacy of a Lost Painting | THE REMODERN REVIEW – francis bacon artist | francis bacon artist
The post What Will Francis Bacon Artist Be Like In The Next 22 Years? | Francis Bacon Artist appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/francis-bacon-s-tribute-to-his-closest-friend-is-sold-for-francis-bacon-artist.jpg
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herokita · 4 years
What do you do when you’re not allowed to go to school or meet up with your friends? Well, Sienna, Adeline and Savannah decided they would use the time to create a song to keep people’s spirits up and raise money for charity at the same time. The girls’ father, Darren, used PeoplePerHour to find vocalist Charlotte Littlehales and graphic designer Eniko Toth to record their song and create an album cover respectively. With the song recorded and the album artwork done, Sienna & The Twinkle Hearts have now released their song and started raising money for NHS Charities Together. We caught up with Darren to find out a little bit more about how it all started. Where did the idea come from? The girls love music. It was around the end of March that they started putting words together, not knowing where it would go. Then after a couple of weeks of adding more and more words, we realised it was quite a nice song. What do you want to achieve with the song? When we realised that we could make a song with some of the words that the girls put together, they really liked the idea of cheering people up with it. And when I mentioned raising money for nurses, they were super excited. Where do your daughters find their musical inspiration from? They love Katy Perry and really like Ed Sheeran’s songs. They’re also big fans of the music from Frozen, Trolls and The Greatest Showman. Who was the main lyricist? Sienna (our eldest daughter) came up with “Stay safe, stay home”. Then bit by bit, the 3 of them kept adding to the song. I helped them a bit with words that could rhyme, but they came up with the rest of the lyrics themselves. Most of it happened when they were on the trampoline, quite literally bouncing ideas off each other. After a few times of doing this, I would then bring a piece of paper and a pen outside to write down what they came up with. Why did you decide to use PeoplePerHour? I’ve used PeoplePerHour before for various bits of work in the past, so decided to see if I could find a singer. I found Charlotte’s offer to record vocals for a track, so listened to her samples and loved her voice. From there, I reached out to her to see if she could help and thankfully she was able to! Once we completed the recording, I found Eniko shortly after to design the album cover. How did you find working with Charlotte and Eniko? Super easy. Their communication was always very quick. Even though Charlotte lives in California, it was a simple process to work with her. Why did you decide to raise money for the NHS? I think the NHS is doing a wonderful job in the UK in very difficult circumstances. With charities, I know a lot of them are struggling at the moment as people are not able to raise money through marathons and other events. Most of the money raised will go to the NHS Charities Together, with the rest going to SASH. If we raise a lot of money, then we may donate to other charities in need too. Are you interested in donating or finding out more about the causes Sienna, Adeline and Savannah are raising money for? Head over to their JustGiving page where you can get involved. If you’ve recently completed a project on PeoplePerHour that you think we’d like to hear about, send us an email to [email protected] and we could feature your story. HEROKITA.com | Digital Talents On Demand Source link
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