risehq0909 · 1 year
Top 10 bakeries in pune
Top 10 Bakeries in Pune
Pune is a city that is known for its rich history, beautiful weather, and fantastic food. One of the things that makes Pune so special is its bakeries. Pune is home to some of the best bakeries in the country, each with its own unique style and specialty. In this blog, we will take a look at the top 10 bakeries in Pune, along with their USPs.
1] Theobroma:                
Theobroma is a well-known bakery chain in Pune that is famous for its delicious cakes, pastries, and bread. The USP of Theobroma is its focus on using high-quality ingredients in all its products. The bakery also offers a range of healthy options, such as gluten-free cakes and sugar-free desserts.
Le Plaisir is a French-style bakery that is known for its wide variety of bread, cakes, and pastries. It is located on Prabhat road, Pune. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using traditional French techniques and ingredients in its products, resulting in some of the most authentic French pastries in Pune.
Bakers Basket is a popular bakery chain located in Aundh, Pune that is known for its wide range of cakes, pastries, and bread. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients in all its products. Bakers Basket is also known for its customized cakes, which are perfect for birthdays and other special occasions.
4] Aidan:
Aidan Bakers are located in Kondhwa in Pune. Aidan is a boutique bakery that specializes in artisanal bread and pastries. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using natural, organic ingredients in all its products, resulting in some of the healthiest and most delicious bread and pastries in Pune.
5] Santosh Bakery:
Santosh Bakery is a local favorite that is located in Shivaji nagar in Pune and is known for its delicious cakes, pastries, and biscuits. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using traditional Indian flavors and ingredients in its products, resulting in some of the most unique and flavorful baked goods in Pune.
Kayani Bakery is a legendary bakery located in Camp in Pune that has been around since 1955. The bakery is famous for its Shrewsbury biscuits, which are a local delicacy in Pune. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using traditional recipes and techniques that have been passed down for generations.
German Bakery is a well-known bakery in Pune specializing in German-style bread and pastries. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using authentic German ingredients and techniques in its products, resulting in some of the most authentic German pastries in Senapati Bapat road, Pune.
8] Marzorin:
9] Diamond Bakery:
Diamond Bakery is a local bakery located in Fatimha Nagar in Pune that is known for its wide range of biscuits and cakes. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using traditional recipes and techniques that have been passed down for generations, resulting in some of the most authentic baked goods in Pune.
10] New Poona Bakery:
New Poona Bakery is a local favorite in Pune that is known for its delicious cakes, pastries, and bread. The bakery’s USP is its focus on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients in all its products, resulting in some of the most flavorful baked goods in Pune.
In conclusion, Pune is home to some of the best bakeries in the country. Whether you are looking for French-style pastries, authentic German bread, or traditional Indian biscuits, Pune has something for everyone.
There are a few upcoming bakeries that have grown rapidly over the span of just 5 years. A foodie must definitely check them out
Felice Pasticerria, Belge, Cakestory, Magnoliaas, Oramehas. Read more about how to grow in the bakery industry.
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chinchilluhhh · 4 years
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I’ve decided to start a series called #vscotd “very specific craving of the day”.
Sleepless nights have made me realize that searching for photos of my favorite things to eat around the city has become an escape.
So this first post is dedicated to the Mini Palmier, my one true fave from @santambroeus, the coffee bar at the Loews Regency. They are perfect little bites of puff pastry heaven. Just the right amount of sweetness and just enough flakiness.
For 5 years, I worked at Barney’s, and this pasticerria was exactly a block and half away. I would typically get 2 or 3 of these palmiers. 1 for myself and the rest I would give to Felix, one the best humans I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He used to work Security at Barney’s. He always knew what to say to you and always remembered the things you would tell him.
So today, I miss mini palmiers, I miss interacting with humans and I miss Barney’s. 🖤🖤🖤
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qdmnotizie-blog · 5 years
“Balconcini: un panorama di sapori” è il biscotto che unisce tradizione e innovazione
  CINGOLI, 3 dicembre 2018 – Gli studenti del 5º Pasticceria dell’IPSSART “G. Varnelli” lanciano una start up per la vendita di biscotti innovativi, i “Balconcini: un panorama di sapori”. Venerdì scorso, 30 novembre, infatti, è stata convocata una conferenza di presentazione presso la Sala “Verdi” del Palazzo Municipale, alla quale ha partecipato anche l’on. Tullio Patassini.
L’iniziativa rientra nel progetto “Apprendere per Riprendere” della Vises Onlus (Volontari per Iniziative di Sviluppo Economico e Sociale), associazione di riferimento di Federmanager, nato per lo sviluppo dei territori colpiti dal sisma del 2016. Il Varnelli è stato selezionato nel progetto insieme al Liceo Scientifico “A. Einstein” di Teramo e all’I.I.S “C. Rosatelli” di Rieti, con l’obbiettivo di coniugare le tradizionali conoscenze acquisite a scuola con le abilità manageriali e tecniche, supportando l’intero processo nella realizzazione dell’impresa, contribuendo così a sviluppare qualità personali e competenze trasversali essenziali per la progettazione di un futuro professionale.
Gli studenti della Classe Vª pasticceria dell’istituto cingolano, affiancati dai prof. Marcello Stefano per la realizzazione del prodotto dolciario, dal prof. Michele Zitti per l’ambito del marketing e dalle consulenti di Vises in qualità di mentori, hanno realizzato tre tipologie di “Balconcini”, il cui nome richiama chiaramente il “Balcone delle Marche”, la vista panoramica della città.  “Sono nati – spiegano gli studenti –  per unire la tradizione ed i sapori delle Marche con il futuro. Noi marchigiani non ci siamo mai fermati, nonostante il terremoto. Abbiamo deciso di promuovere, con questi biscotti, il cece quercia in via di estinzione di Appignano, la farina di farro del Mulino Bravi di Cingoli, che abbiamo preso come modello per la tenacia e per la sua storia, e le lenticchie di Castelluccio di Norcia, borgo duramente colpito dal sisma.” Uno dei proprietari del Mulino, Francesco Bravi, era presente alla conferenza. “Ringrazio – ha precisato – l’Istituto Alberghiero per averci coinvolto in questo progetto e per la sensibilità che avuto verso le imprese del territorio”. I tre biscotti (Balconcini con farro, Balconcini con lenticchie, Balconcini con cece quercia) sono già stati presentati alla fiera “Leguminaria” di Appignano.
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Alla conferenza stampa hanno partecipato la dirigente scolastica prof.ssa Maria Rosella Bitti, la direttrice dell’Ambito territoriale provinciale dell’Ufficio scolastico regionale, prof.ssa Carla Sagretti, la direttrice dei servizi generali ed amministrativi (DSGA) del Varnelli, dott.ssa Marcella Maccioni, la referente dei progetti di Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro, prof.ssa Francesca Accrescimbeni, l’assessore comunale alla cultura, avv. Martina Coppari, il presidente della Confartigianato di Cingoli, dott. Pacifico Berrè, la presidente di Vises, dott.ssa Rita Santarelli, il vicepresidente di Federmanager, dott. Eros Andromaco, il parroco, Don Patrizio Santinelli, e la dott.ssa Carla Epifani, rappresentante della Distilleria Varnelli. Quindi, a sorpresa, è arrivata la breve visita dell’onorevole Tullio Patassini, il quale era impegnato nell’inaugurazione degli stabilimenti Fileni (mettere link). “Porto i saluti – ha dichiarato – del ministro Centinaio. Le Marche sono creatività, capacità di innovare, capacità di fare impresa. Da una esperienza scolastica è nata un idea nuova. Nasce dal lavoro dei ragazzi e dei docenti. La qualità della scuola italiana si vede dalla capacità di ideare e dall’educazione degli studenti. Il Made in Italy è superato, ormai esiste il collegamento stretto tra prodotto e territorio. Siamo orgogliosi di voi. Siate affamati e siate folli della vita, ma affamati della vita,  non del biscotto”. “Ringrazio – ha dichiarato l’assessore comunale alla cultura Martina Coppari – l’onorevole Patassini per la visita. Porto i saluti del Sindaco. L’amministrazione è vicina a queste iniziative, la contaminazione tra scuola e lavoro non può che essere un’opportunità che valorizza il ciclo scolastico. È onore avervi ospitato nella sala consiliare. Noi marchigiani siamo laboriosi e operiamo a testa bassa. Ringrazio la Preside, i professori e la famiglia Bravi.” “È stata una bellissima giornata, – ha proseguito la dott.ssa Santarelli di Vises – questi ragazzi sono una speranza per il futuro del nostro paese. Dopo il sisma 2016, Federmanager ha deciso di devolvere i contribuiti dei manager alla nostra associazione, onlus di riferimento. Abbiamo così deciso di mettere in piedi questo progetto di alternanza scuola-lavoro. Chiedo al Parlamento di non abrogarlo. Gli studenti hanno imparato a lavorare insieme, a riprovare e riprovare una cosa. È venuto fuori un buon prodotto. Hanno sentito manager che si sono spesi per loro per il marketing e la comunicazione. Speriamo di continuare questo tipo di iniziative. Ringrazio l’Istituto e in particolare i professori coinvolti.””Unendomi alle parole di Rita – ha aggiunto il dott. Andromaco di Federmanager – i ragazzi hanno coniugato in un unicum le iniziative della professionalità e della managerialità: abilità nel fare le cose, passione, conoscenza, impegno, entusiasmo, curiosità, capacità di analisi, capacità di fare squadra… Sono orgoglioso che, all’interno del sistema di Federmanager, ci sia Vises, un organismo che ci permette di fare bella figura. Ci avete permesso di dimostrare la nostra disponibilità. Le Soft Skill sono doti necessarie per lo sviluppo della persona e della società. Vi auguro di continuare a dimostrare queste abilità.”
Non meno privi di significato sono stati gli interventi della Dirigente Scolastica e della Responsabile Provinciale dell’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale. “Ringrazio la mia carissima amica prof.ssa Bitti – ha esordito la prof. Sagretti – per avermi invitato a stare in mezzo a voi ragazzi oggi. Questo progetto è incontro tra scuola e impresa, rinnovando il solco profondo dell’educazione dei giovani. Il Varnelli lo sta tracciando da tempo. L’alternanza scuola lavoro è l’alleanza tra scuola e impresa. La scuola ha bisogno di alleanze forti per insegnare valori etici, in un territorio ferito. Quando la vita ci colpisce è facile abbattersi, ma bisogna rialzarsi.” “Il mio ringraziamento – ha dichiarato la Dirigente Scolastica – va a tutti coloro che si sono spesi in questo progetto: gli studenti, i professori, Vises e le sue collaboratrici, Federmanager, che ci ha donato un nuovo pulmino per le nostre attività. Da un evento negativo come il terremoto può nascere qualcosa di positivo, di creativo e qualificante per tutto l’Istituto.”
Sul sito http://www.balconcinicingoli.com si possono avere ulteriori dettagli sul prodotto realizzato dagli studenti della Vª Pasticceria Chiara Casoni, Melissa Ceccarelli, Jessica Cipolletta, Emily Compagnucci, Alessandro D’Amico, Sara Fuso, Andrea Gasparrini, Alessia Gaudenzi, Martina Meschini, Elisa Mincilli, Solange Montini, Andrea Rossi, Riccardo Spreca, Benedetta Tobaldi, Giorgia Topini, Riccardo Verdecchia e Chiara Zannotti, coordinati dai prof. Marcello Stefano e Michele Zitti. Sarà possibile acquistare il prodotto dolciario presso alcuni esercenti autorizzati. Abbiamo provato i biscotti e assicuriamo che, oltre ad essere belli esteticamente, sono anche buoni!
  Giacomo Grasselli
CINGOLI / NASCE LA START-UP DEI FUTURI PASTICCERI DEL “VARNELLI” “Balconcini: un panorama di sapori” è il biscotto che unisce tradizione e innovazione   CINGOLI, 3 dicembre 2018…
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shug18 · 3 years
My birthday was sweet we went to the beach with a basket of treats, butter pickles, figs, baguette, salami and prosciutto and some olives! My brother bought me a cake and he was so excited and proud of himself and it was fully a Nutella papas pasticerria concoction and I Love him all the more for it but I couldn’t eat much.
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purplesimmer455 · 6 years
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Paolo: You know, Kaitlyn and Hailey, before your nonna, nonno and I came to Windenburg when I was 12, we used to live in Monte Vista 
Hailey: Oh yeah, I remember you telling us before dad, but go on
Paolo: (smiling) But did I tell you how your nonna ended up owning her own pasticerria(bakery)?
Kaitlyn: No, you never told us that (raises her brows)
Paolo: Well, it was just after her parents passed away, your nonna was 18 and she got a job at the local pasticerria to support herself. She would work there and saved some of her money because she’d always wanted to own her own pasticerria one day. And she had almost saved up enough when burglars broke into her flat and stole the money she had saved up. (Kaitlyn covers her mouth with her hands in shock) 
Kaitlyn: Oh my god
Paolo: So your nonna was obviously very heart broken but she continued to work at the pasticerria and not give up on her dreams. Eventually, she had become well known for her pastries, especially her sfogliatella and biscotti. And boss, Giacomo, gave her a raise and she used that money to open Dolci Lombardi where she met your nonno, who would always use the excuse of buying pastries to see her. They got married and had me and the rest is history 
Hailey: I had no idea nonna owned her own bakery, that’s so sweet 
Paolo: (smiling) Yeah, your nonna loved baking, and she taught me how to cook and bake too. (Semi-joking) How do you think I got your mom to fall in love with me? 
Kaitlyn: (Also joking around) So that explains why your cooking is so good dad 
Hailey and Kaitlyn continue to joke around and talk to Paolo 
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ibyangsanchez · 3 years
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A sweet end to January. Mixed Berry Tart, Baked Ricotta Cake and Baked Ricotta Cake with Nutella by Pasticerria Papa. (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKs5EZ3jdya/?igshid=1nn6jcw6zdw5u
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bangkokianinrome · 6 years
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rubinirossi · 7 years
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Buongiorno! Our stop for a quick breakfast before going back in My Tuscan Kitchen. It is not a croissant from Paris but the textures and layers of this brioche caught my eye at Pasticerria Italia. I could not have no other. Baking for locals, they do not skimp on ingredients: Butter is Better ... Flakey and crispy horns! #rubinirossi #mytuscanlifestyle #mytuscanlifestyle (at Borgo San Lorenzo)
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atravellingfoodie · 7 years
My initial impression of Florence on the day of arrival was that it was a very beige city… same color, different shades wherever one turned in the historical centre.
I hoped that the neighbourhoods on the other side of the Arno, where the Florence food tour took place, would inspire more confidence with vibrant dishes that gave Tuscany it’s reputation for the best produce and food in the country.
The Florence food tour, like the one in Rome, was booked via the Eating Italy website. I received the booking confirmation and directions for the tour within 24 hours of booking.
Unlike the previous food tours however, I noticed that the questionnaire for the Florence food tour did not include any questions about food and drink exclusions. I emailed the company separately to request halaal options for food and drink.
The tour started off from Piazza Nazario Sauro, a meeting place on a corner opposite the very busy Carraia bridge over the river Arno. I had taken a slow walk from my hotel close to the central station, and reached the meeting place within 30 minutes, stopping to admire the view and take in the scenery along the way.
Our Tour group leader Omar Aziz soon had us traversing the quirky residential neighbourhoods, eating and learning as we went.
The tour is offered daily, except Sunday, at 10:00am and usually lasts about 4 hours.
I must confess that I loved this food tour, more than any of the others I took in Italy. From the Budino di Riso to the melt in the mouth cecina and cantuccini to the potato filled pasta, every mouth full was a revelation in flavour and taste.
You can read about my Taste of Testaccio food tour experience in Rome here.
Bar Le Nuvole – Borgo San Frediano, 31
Our first stop was at a small bar where we enjoyed a Machiatone and a traditional rice pudding tart known as Budino di Riso. I had tasted one the previous day and had not been very impressed by the stiff tasteless offering. However, the tart at Le Nuvole was still warm and infused with the flavour of lemon. It was a bright start to the food filled day.
We utilised the small, albeit clean washrooms before moving on to the next stop.
First stop
Machiatone and rice pudding tart
Macelleria Mignani – Borgo San Frediano, 127
We entered the butcher shop or macelleria of Alessandro and Donatella with hearty greetings (recommended by the tour leader Omar) and learned more about the business that has been in the family for two generations. It has moved locations in the forty years or so that it has been in operation but still retains the heart and soul of the small butcher shop operated by Alessandro’s father. Samples of Finocchiona salami (flavoured with fennel) were offered to other participants and I was happy to have a slice of Cecina, a Tuscan chickpea flour pancake.
Omar came ready with his flip file and showed us pictures of cattle taller than a man… the origin of the Bisteca ala Fiorentina. The butcher shop had various cuts of beef as well as offal and other meats and really would be a delight for any home cook to shop at.
Finochionna and Cecina
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The owner
Omar with Bisteca
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L’Angolo Saporito – Via Sant’Onofrio, 7-r
Our next stop was a bakery selling fresh hand made breads and other artisanly produced baked goods including tray bake pizzas, cecina and Cocoli, the crispy dough balls filled with cheese that we tasted.
The owners Alessia and Beppe, use their backgrounds to create a delightful fusion of Neapolitan and Tuscan staples.
Pizza tray bakes
I’ Trippaio di San Frediano – Piazza dei Nerli
Lampredotto sounds like an interesting name doesn’t it? It is the fourth stomach of the cow cooked with parsley, tomato and onion and is used in a classic Tuscan sandwich called Panino con Lampredotto.
We stopped by Simone’s food truck to see him work his magic on the cooked tripe, skilfully chopping and adding salsa verde, parsley, capers, extra virgin olive oil and chili oil before piling it onto a crispy bread roll. It was not halaal so I did not partake of this delicacy, but quite enjoyed watching it being made and enjoyed by the others.
Pasticceria Buonamici – Via dell’Orto, 12
I have always loved the crispy Italian cookies sold and marketed as ‘Biscotti’ and was excited to see a Master baker at work making the cookies that are actually known as Cantucci.
The baking masterclass is held in the kitchens of the Pasticerria Buonamici, a family owned business operating since 1949. It is now under the stewardship of the third generation of the same family. Before we entered the kitchen we were handed disposable hair covers and overalls to wear in order to maintain the hygiene standards in the kitchen.
It was almost hypnotic watching Roberto, the recently retired owner, make the almond cantucci from scratch using freshest ingredients. Nothing beats the taste of slightly warm cantuccini laden with fruits and nuts baked earlier that morning.
Roberto and Rosella
Alimentari Sandro and Ivana – Via Dei Serragli, 39
This cheese and cured meats shop had the most inviting aroma. However, it is very small and not really suitable for large crowds. The group sampled some cured meats which I could not eat, as well as some wedges of Pecorino and Parmigiana Reggiano.
Fiaschetteria Fantappié – Via Dei Serragli, 47
A few shops down from Sandro and Ivana’s grocery store is the wine shop specialising in Chianti from Tuscany. This wine has DOP status (Protected Designation of Origin) and is available on tap for refill of your own bottle.
The owner Luca explained the origin of the Black Rooster (Gallo Nero) on Tuscan wine bottles and offered the group glasses of his excellent wines. I enjoyed a refreshing fruit juice with the beautifully crafted Bruschetta pomedoro.
Trattoria I’Raddi – Via D’Ardiglione, 47
Lunch was served at a neighbourhood trattoria in the Santo Spirito neighbourhood. Unless you know it’s there, you are unlikely to find it down an unassuming lane.
This was a popular lunch venue and it was bustling when we arrived. We were seated with a view of the kitchen, while learning about the sport of Florentine football. Apparently Calcio Storico (historical football) as it is called is an early form of football without any rules except that players may not attack the one the one with the ball. Four teams from the different quarters of the city still meet annually to compete in Piazza Santa Croce.
The first dish was a hearty Tuscan bread and tomato soup called Pappa col Pomedoro. It was surprisingly light and tasty. The other members of the group had a peppery beef stew called Peposa alla Fornacina. I had potato stuffed tortelli that defies description. It was presented simply with a sage butter dressing but the flavour and texture blew me away and it was my favourite dish of the tour.
Gelateria della Passera – Via Toscanella, 15/red
The food tour came to it’s conclusion at the best gelato joint in town. Although I had tasted a great deal of delicious food, there was still place for gelato, always place for gelato! My choices of a scoop each of raspberry and lemon were perfect to end the meal. Other flavours include Peach, Pink grapefruit, Banana, Pistachio and Almond.
They do gluten free waffle cones as well so that no one is left out.
This food tour was an introduction to an authentic Italian residential neighbourhood where locals meet for lunch and dinner or a quick sandwich at a food truck.
Be prepared to never look at a sandwich in the same way again.
There is a lot of walking so wear comfortable shoes and always carry an umbrella and your bottle of water.
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Florence – The Other Side of Florence Food Tour My initial impression of Florence on the day of arrival was that it was a very beige city...
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italycustomized · 7 years
Pasticceria Gualtieri- 100% Vegan
Pasticceria Gualtieri- 100% Vegan
Gualtieri Via Senese 18r Firenze Telephone: 055 221771 www.pasticceriagualtieri.it 
Riccardo Gualtieri 
Riccardo Gualtieri is the owner of fourth generation pastry shop that began in the charming and affluent district of Porta Romana in 1933. Today his daughter Ginevra also takes part in the managing and directing of the store.
In 1933 Pasticerria Gualtieri became well known to locals for its ‘Iri…
View On WordPress
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thevprofile · 7 years
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[ Sweet inspiration for Happy Friday! ]💃 🍰🎂 #pasticerria #cakes #desserts #pastries
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ibyangsanchez · 5 years
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Ricotta Cheesecake by Pasticerria Papa. Found in a cafe in Circular Quay. _ #sydneyfoodies #foodies #ricotta #ricottacheesecake #pasticerriapapa #sydney #australia #sydneycafes #foodpics #foodshots (at Quay and Co) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvoVo8tlZ4o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=syvel7le1q6b
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