#patty walters gif
emilyblame · 3 months
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I Went To Hell And Back
Released: February, 4th (2022)
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binders-and-beanies · 11 months
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As It Is (x)
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Happy 4 year anniversary to The Great Depression by As It Is <3
I found this band not long after the album came out and it changed me in so many ways (for the better) and I love this band and album with my whole heart, they are truly amazing
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newhavenhq · 2 years
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Due to lack of interest and lack of activity, the following roles are reopened, along with their faceclaims. Anyone on this list is free to come back at any time with a new application!
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@kalopsiawasteland​ — Madelyn Cline FC
@samarakingsley​ — Savannah Smith FC
@v1ntageauthentic​ — Patty Walters FC
@falsegcds​ — Ronen Rubinstein FC
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glampire-rockstar · 9 months
JOE ANOA'I - Roman Reigns/Joe Leakee
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GALINA BECKER - Zoie Jordan/Sierra Moore
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JONATHAN GOOD - Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
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RENEE PAQUETTE - Faye Wayland/Renee Young
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COLBY LOPEZ - Seth Rollins/Tyler Black
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SARAH ALESANDRELLI - Kourtney Scott/Danielle Morono
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FERGAL DEVITT - Finn Balor/Jonah Arsene
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VERO RODRIGUEZ - Amy Grayson/Jane Sharp
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DANIEL GILLIES - Gavin Powers/Travis Dawson
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ASHLEY FLIEHR - Charlotte Flair/Ashley Diamond
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IAN SOMERHALDER - Hayden Evans/Brendan Smith
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SARAYA BEVIS - Saraya Calaway/Paige Knight
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JOSEPH MORGAN - Elijah Gonzales/Hunter Prince
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REBECCA QUIN - Becky Lynch/Rebecca Knox
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PAUL WESLEY - Isiah Alister/Zakai Danger
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APRIL MENDEZ - AJ Lee/Mey Zodiac
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I've found the best characters for my AEW/WWE Fan-Fiction stories, I got the main boys from the Vampire Diaries and the Originals, and got the three married wives and a former girlfriend turned friend.
We know that most of the wrestlers here will be faces or heels, but I want them as the baddest bosses while the good guys are gonna be portrayed as sixteen newcomers who's shorter.
I got Jordan "Dan" Sweeto, Kayleigh "Wolfy" Smyth | Wolfychu, Patrick "Patty" Walters, Dorothy "Dottie" Martin, Johnnie Guilbert, Alexandria "Alex" Dorame, James Tyler Hagen, Shannon "Shan" Taylor, Nathan "Nate" Owens, Leda "Monster Bunny" Muir, Damon "Dee" Fizzy, Carson Fanikos, Luke Jeydon Wale, Samantha "Sam" Rochelle, Kyle David Hall, and Meghan Marie Hogan for the OC portrayals cause I like people within the goth/punk/emo/scene style.
I figured that modern day of straight history meets attitude era for their bad influence; my sixteen OCs doesn't care for the rules and are the most rebellious people in WWE.
This takes place from SummerSlam 2012 for the Fallen Angels and their first victory in Night of Champions: Gold Rush; Survivor Series 2012 for the Shield and their first victory in TLC; Royal Rumble 2013 for the Dark Gods and their first victory in Elimination Chamber; WrestleMania 29 for the Resistance and their first victory in Extreme Rules; they're known as the Pack of Lone Wolves.
For each OC stable...their names are the following; the Unholy Circle for the girls, the Genesis for the girls, the Blood Order for the boys, and the Demolition for the boys; they're the Pride of Wild Lions.
Comment down on ring names for my OCs and follow me at Wattpad on GlampireRockstar...sayonara guys!
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LIAFF SPECIAL #4: - DC Extended Universe: Dalle origini alla rinascita con James Gunn e Peter Safran
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Carissimi lettori, ben ritrovati con un nuovo appuntamento con LIAFF SPECIAL, la rubrica dedicata all’approfondimento di personaggi e temi nel mondo dell’intrattenimento. Per questo quarto appuntamento abbiamo pensato di trattare uno dei temi più discussi di questi ultimi mesi, vale a dire la ristrutturazione del DC Universe ad opera di James Gunn e Peter Safran, nominati presidenti della DC Studios lo scorso Ottobre a seguito dei cambiamenti avvenuti dopo la fusione fra Warner Bros e Discovery. In questo speciale ci soffermeremo su quanto accaduto a questo universo cinematografico, partendo dalle origini e arrivando fino alla ristrutturazione e ai nuovi progetti presentati dal duo Gunn-Safran il mese scorso.
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Le origini: la nascita del DC Extended Universe
Il DC Extended Universe nacque nel 2014 (ma tale nome sarebbe stato coniato solo nel 2020, all’indomani della nascita di HBO Max), dopo due tentativi, avvenuti rispettivamente nel 1998, dove ci sarebbe dovuto essere un film su Superman (quello per cui Nicolas Cage fu contattato per interpretare Clark Kent) che poi avrebbe fatto coppia con Batman, impersonato da Michael Keaton, e nel 2011, con una storia che sarebbe partita con il film Green Lantern, uscito nello stesso anno, dove il protagonista Hal Jordan avrebbe fatto coppia con Flash in una scena post-credits, ma fu cancellato a causa dei pochi incassi fatti dalla pellicola con protagonista Ryan Reynolds. Proprio a causa di questo flop la Warner Bros iniziò a lavorare a Man of Steel, un reboot cinematografico incentrato su Superman, diretto da Zack Snyder e con Henry Cavill nel ruolo di Clark Kent, a cui si sarebbero stati agganciati una serie di lungometraggi, con l’intento iniziale di creare una sorta di multiverso narrativo. A questa prima fase appartengono il menzionato Man of Steel, il sequel Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Suicide Squad di David Ayer, Wonder Woman e il sequel Wonder Woman 1984, diretti da Patty Jenkins, il film sulla Justice League (protagonista di una delle più massive campagne mediatiche mai messe in piedi, volta a far uscire l’edizione completa del film, arrivata solo nel 2021, cinque anni dopo l’uscita della prima versione nelle sale cinematografiche), Aquaman di James Wan (primo film con Walter Hamada come presidente dell’allora DC Films), Shazam!, Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn e The Suicide Squad, primo lavoro di James Gunn per il franchise.
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Il caos: la nuova direzione di Warner Bros Discovery
Nell’Aprile 2022 è stata annunciata la fusione fra Warner Bros e Discovery, portando alla nascita di Warner Bros Discovery. La fusione ebbe delle importantissime conseguenze, dettate dal fatto che la nuova amministrazione, capitanata da David Zaslav, aveva espresso disappunto in merito alle strategie adottate dall'amministrazione precedente, e specificamente riguardo al DC Universe, affermò che non vi era una vera e propria strategia, esprimendo l'intenzione di trovare una figura chiave per guidare questo universo narrativo. A questo scopo due mesi più tardi Michael De Luca e Pam Abdy furono nominati presidenti del Warner Bros. Motion Picture Group, avendo anche l’incarico di supervisionare temporaneamente tutti i progetti targati DC. Ad Agosto Zaslav dichiarò che l’intento di Warner Bros Discovery era di concentrarsi sui film per le sale cinematografiche e che valorizzare personaggi come Superman, Batman e Wonder Woman era l’obiettivo principale del franchise DC, una scelta che però segnò l’inizio del caos. Infatti proprio in quel mese il film Batgirl, il cui rilascio era previsto su HBO Max, fu cancellato come parte di una manovra per contenere le ingenti spese fatte dalla precedente amministrazione, una decisione che generò un enorme dissenso, sopratutto sui social media, per non parlare di serie già completate o in produzione cancellate per la stessa ragione, nella fattispecie diverse serie animate, alcune produzioni che vedevano la firma di J.J. Abrams e di recente anche le serie di HBO Max Pennyworth, Titans e Doom Patrol, le quali termineranno il loro percorso con le stagioni attualmente in onda. Ad Ottobre il lungometraggio Black Adam, con protagonista Dwayne Johnson, fu rilasciato nelle sale e il mese successivo, la DC Films divenne DC Studios, con James Gunn e Peter Safran nominati presidenti, ai quali fu affidato il compito di supervisionare ogni progetto legato alla DC, illustrando il loro piano a lungo termine per tale universo. La prima parte di questo piano rappresenta un altro atto del caos, poichè a Dicembre Gunn e Safran annunciarono di essere al lavoro su un nuovo film incentrato su Superman, che però non avrebbe avuto Henry Cavill come protagonista (il quale aveva anche lasciato il cast di The Witcher all'indomani della quarta stagione), notizia che l'attore britannico riferì al suo pubblico attraverso un lungo e toccante post sulla sua pagina Instagram. Sempre nello stesso mese si temeva la cancellazione anche del terzo lungometraggio su Wonder Woman, cosa che a quanto pare non è avvenuta, ma tale film non vedrà il ritorno di Patty Jenkins come regista a causa di divergenze di natura creativa, come anche la cancellazione di Black Adam 2, questione chiarita da Dwayne Johnson, il quale ha tweetato che il film non è in programmazione per gli attuali piani del DC Universe, ma che si stanno esplorando nuove ipotesi per riportare in scena il suo personaggio.
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La fine: i residui della DC Extended Universe
Il DC Universe così come lo conosciamo è destinato ancora a proseguire con Shazam! Fury of the Gods, in uscita il mese prossimo, ma con The Flash, previsto per quest'estate, avverrà un vero e proprio reset narrativo, che verrà poi esteso anche a Blue Beetle, in uscita nelle sale ad Agosto, e a Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, la cui uscita è prevista per la fine dell'anno, per poi dare via alla nuova fase, Gods and Monsters, annunciata il mese scorso, e che si aprirà nel 2025 con il film Superman: Legacy, incentrata su una versione più giovane del celebre personaggio.
Il futuro: Gods and Monsters e Elseworlds
Come menzionato in precedenza, lo scorso Gennaio James Gunn e Peter Safran hanno annunciato pubblicamente i nuovi progetti inerenti il DC Universe, in un piano che dovrebbe ricoprire dagli otto ai dieci anni, con il rilascio di due film e di due serie per HBO Max all’anno, e con delle regole precise, che prevedono tra le altre cose che un interprete farà il suo personaggio sia al cinema che in TV e che questo non potrà interpretare due personaggi. Il primo capitolo, intitolato Gods and Monsters, si aprirà con Superman: Legacy, previsto per l’11 Luglio 2025 e che vedrà una versione più giovane del personaggio, la cui storia esplorerà il conflitto del protagonista fra natura umana e kryptoniana. Altri progetti collegati a questo capitolo sono The Brave and the Bold, un film su Batman e Robin che vede i due in un rapporto padre-figlio, The Authority, un “ensemble movie” che mescola una serie di antieroi, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, incentrato sulla famosa cugina di Superman e dal tono più hardcore, e Swamp Thing, che esplorerà le origini della famosa creatura, per poi collegarla all’interno del DC Universe. Sul fronte televisivo il duo ha annunciato diverse serie in sviluppo, fra cui la serie animata Creature Commandos, incentrata su un gruppo bizarro di superumani, Waller, serie incentrata sul personaggio interpretato da Viola Davis e che fungerà da continuo a Peacemaker, dato che Gunn non potrà lavorare alla seconda stagione della serie per via di Superman: Legacy, Lanterns, una serie stile True Detective che vedrà protagonista la coppia Hal Jordan-John Stewart (da notare che non è la serie prodotta da Greg Berlanti), Paradise Lost, incentrata sulle amazzoni di Themyscira e che avrà un impronta alla Game of Thrones e Booster Gold, che narra di uno sfigato che viaggia dal futuro fino ai giorni nostri, usando la sua tecnologia come superpotere. Discorso a parte vale per i progetti esterni al DC Universe, che il duo ha già etichettato sotto il brand Elseworlds; fra questi rientrano The Batman di Matt Reeves, il cui sequel è in lavorazione, la miniserie The Penguin, incentrata sul personaggio interpretato da Colin Farrell e Joker: Folie à Deux, sequel del film di Todd Philips, con Joaquin Phoenix nuovamente nei panni di Joker, affiancato da Lady Gaga nel ruolo di Harley Quinn, confermato essere un musical. Insomma gli elementi ci sono tutti perchè il percorso del nuovo DC Universe sia positivo, con la speranza che i cambiamenti apportati negli scorsi mesi siano stati fatti per il meglio, ma ci toccherà aspettare diverso tempo per vederne i frutti.
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hillsfms · 1 year
Okay hear me out. I'd love to see a Chrissy Costanza, Ben Barlow, Pete Wentz, Patty Walters, Cody Carson, Maxx Danziger and more pop punk faces around here. Derek and Awsten need friends
I second this, please bring us more of these amazing musicians!
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romanrhodes · 1 year
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father [npc] - Eric Rhodes, 68.  mother [npc] - Pamela Rhodes (nee Sanderson), 43 (deceased).  grandfather, paternal [npc]  - Walter Rhodes, 82 (deceased).  grandmother, paternal [npc] - Bonnie Rhodes (nee Cavanagh), 85 (deceased).  older brother [npc] - Ryan Rhodes, 45. younger sister [0/1] - WANTED CONNECTION.  sister-in-law [1/1] - Reyna Kendall, 39. The former wife of Ryan Rhodes. She works as a waitress at Sunny Side Up Diner, but Roman only knows her as an employee. Roman is unaware of Reyna's connection to Ryan - Reyna and Ryan married and divorced in the five years that Roman went no contact with his father and brother. cousins [2/?]; - Waverly Erickson, 30 (Meghann Fahy). Related through their grandmothers, who were sisters. Being 12 years older, Roman bonded with Waverly mostly through extended family events. He left town when Waverly was 8, but saw her occasionally when he returned home for holidays and special occasions. He learned the details of her life mostly from gossipy family members and the occasional conversation with the woman herself. He has reunited with Waverly since returning to East Haven, and she has offered her services to help at the farm.
childhood & school friends - WANTED CONNECTION new friends; - Andrew Jackson, 36 (Richard Madden). One month after Roman moved back to East Haven in early January, Andrew randomly turned up on Rhodes Farm, a nosey, helpful do-gooder. Roman’s first instinct was to turn him away, but the farm was in such a state and he really needed an extra set of hands, so he reluctantly accepted. Since then, the two have fostered a friendship, and Roman really enjoys Andrew’s company. After seeing Andrew eating sad-looking, store-bought sandwiches, Roman started to provide lunch as a thank you for his hard work. He developed a crush on Andrew, and for a long did he didn't make a move, not knowing if Andrew was interested in men. (See ROMANTIC for more details.) - Chantel Bedford, 40 (Hilarie Burton) Ranch hand at Davis Farm. Roman met Chantel in early March when he visited Davis Farm, and they struck up a conversation about livestock. Roman is wanting to get chickens and ducks for Rhodes Farm in early spring and Chantel offered helpful advice. She later turned up at Rhodes Farm, surprising Roman with a ‘starter package’ for his farm, and even offered to help out in the future. Roman understands Chantel to be a generous and supportive member of East Haven, and she’s helping to restore his faith and trust in building community.  - Haven Sinclair, 37 (Shantel Vansanten). Roman met Haven when they both attended the local grief counselling group. Roman realised Haven lived in Maple Hills and that she didn’t drive to the counselling group, and offered to drive her home and pick her up in future.  old friends - OPEN drinking buddies - OPEN wing-man/wing-woman [0/1] - OPEN friends with garden/kitchen benefits; - Andrew Jackson, 36 (Richard Madden). One month after Roman moved back to East Haven in early January, Andrew randomly turned up on Rhodes Farm, a nosey, helpful do-gooder. Roman’s first instinct was to turn him away, but the farm was in such a state and he really needed an extra set of hands, so he reluctantly accepted. Since then, the two have fostered a friendship, and Roman really enjoys Andrew’s company. After seeing Andrew eating sad-looking, store-bought sandwiches, Roman started to provide lunch as a thank you for his hard work. He developed a crush on Andrew, and for a long did he didn't make a move, not knowing if Andrew was interested in men. (See ROMANTIC for more details.)
friendly rival businesses;  - Stevie Rivers, 33 (Brianne Howey). Owner of Patty’s Cafe.  - Sydney Haywood, 34 (Rebecca Rittenhouse). Owner of The Garden.  - Nancy Thompson, 53 (Winona Ryder). Owner of Nancy’s Bar & Grill.  - Ruby Austin, 32 (Billie Lourd). Head Chef at Nancy’s Bar & Grill.  mentor & mentee; - Charlie Davis, 55 (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Owner of Davis Farm and Davis Sports. 
STAFF.  (employees at Sunny Side Up diner) 
manager [1/1] - Luciana 'Lucy' Medina, 34 (Melissa Barrera). chefs/cooks - OPEN servers & pot washers; - Verity Wagner, 26 (Madelyn Cline). Part-time server @ Sunny Side Up diner. 
ROMANTIC.  situationship/dating [1/1] - Andrew Jackson, 36 (Richard Madden). One month after Roman moved back to East Haven in early January, Andrew randomly turned up on Rhodes Farm, a nosey, helpful do-gooder. Roman’s first instinct was to turn him away, but the farm was in such a state and he really needed an extra set of hands, so he reluctantly accepted. Since then, the two have fostered a friendship, and Roman really enjoys Andrew’s company. After seeing Andrew eating sad-looking, store-bought sandwiches, Roman started to provide lunch as a thank you for his hard work. He developed a crush on Andrew, and for a long did he didn't make a move, not knowing if Andrew was interested in men. During the Spring Celebration (early April 2023), Andrew told him he was gay, Roman confessed his crush, and they kissed. He wanted to ask Andrew out properly, but due to personal reasons, he held off on asking him out on a date. In mid-May, they have been on their first date. first love & first same-sex experience [0/1]- WANTED CONNECTION high school girlfriend - OPEN flirtationship/s - OPEN one night stand/s - OPEN friend/s with benefits - OPEN exes on good terms - OPEN dating app match/es - OPEN
former friends turned enemies - OPEN rival chef/s - OPEN mutual jealousy - OPEN  frenemies - OPEN exes on bad terms - OPEN negative influence - OPEN
neighbours on good terms; - Haven Sinclair, 37 (Shantel Vansanten). Roman met Haven when they both attended the local grief counselling group. Roman realised Haven lived in Maple Hills and that she didn’t drive to the counselling group, and offered to drive her home and pick her up in future.  - Andrew Jackson, 36 (Richard Madden). One month after Roman moved back to East Haven in early January, Andrew randomly turned up on Rhodes Farm, a nosey, helpful do-gooder. Roman’s first instinct was to turn him away, but the farm was in such a state and he really needed an extra set of hands, so he reluctantly accepted. Since then, the two have fostered a friendship, and Roman really enjoys Andrew’s company. After seeing Andrew eating sad-looking, store-bought sandwiches, Roman started to provide lunch as a thank you for his hard work. He developed a crush on Andrew, and for a long did he didn't make a move, not knowing if Andrew was interested in men. (See ROMANTIC for more details.)
neighbours on bad terms - OPEN have mutual friends - OPEN friends of a sibling - OPEN
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merpymac · 2 years
So, funny lil love story. May or May not be completely just bat-shit.. but I feel as though maybe not? Especially now that I've looked into things.
Found out this guy I liked a lot isn't really from the UK.
But from here in the US. We use to talk a lot, thought he was dead. Turns out he might not be... I have a lead.
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My name is Erin Brewer. I'm 25 years old, I'm from Newton Falls Ohio. And I'm looking for an old friend of mine. We use to date long distance. I mean no disrespect if he's already found someone, but would like to know if he's okay. P.S – He looked like Patty Walters, and he was Bisexually Fabulous. (It's been a long couple years)
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averageaiden · 3 years
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cameronhvrley · 3 years
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emilyblame · 3 months
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i don't know if i've been worse / i don't know if i can change / but right now i don't think / i don't think that i'm okay
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As It Is ft. Cody Carson (x)
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So tell me that you're all right cause I'm not okay, I left the best of me in 2003
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ash96clifford · 4 years
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“Nobody joins a band because it’s a good idea. Or covers their bodies with tattoos and piercings because it’s the right thing to do. So I don’t understand why any band in our position would censor themselves or filter themselves creatively in that same sense. Like we’re all here doing something that we care about, and if we’re denying ourselves what we believe is our best art, or what’s going to fulfill us the most, we’re not ultimately honoring why we started the band in the first place.”
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crappymeall · 4 years
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The hurt, the hope - As it is
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